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Sharon, Bill took me to the CVS Minute clinic yesterday after our 1/2 price burgers. I always wait too long before I go, so he just drove me there. Perhaps a few more days and I will start to feel better.


One more thing I thought of. Being in the casino's with all of the smoke we were walking through. I won about $175. Two other ladies one especially won over $700. They were there to win, but they came with a lot of extra to put in the machines.


Another very hot and humid day here today. It must have been nice to be outside in the water today. I never made it home again for lunch.


Enjoy the rest of the day,




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I hope you got some meds and they help you feel better real quick! Good for Bill taking you there, you sound like Bill always too much work to do to take care of yourself.


Thats great that you actually won money in LV, we usually win but end up putting it back in again before we give up and leave. I was wondering if they allowed smoking in the casino's since they don't in most of them here. The one we stopped at in northern WI did allow it and it made my eyes water and it was hard to breathe, seemed everyone was smoking!


I did the zumba on the beach, then the water aerobics, then went and picked up my GD and took her swimming. We were in the inside pool most of the time but did go out to the outdoor pool for a little while. Then I told her we would get some ice cream on the way home so we stopped at Culvers. She wanted a cheeseburger so I got her that and I got a 2 scoop sundae. After she finished her burger she said she was still hungry and wanted another one. So I bought her another cheeseburger. When she got done with that one I was also done with my sundae, so I told her lets go home. She said Oh no I want some ice cream now like you had. I told her no she could only have one scoop in a cup so she added m&m's and Reeses pieces on top. She is only 9 years old and she said I'm a big eater, boy was she right! Next time, if there is a next time, I will only let her have one hamburger. She was also asking if she could stay overnight again, but I told her I had stuff to do tomorrow.


The guy that was babysitting her last Friday has been a tenant there ever since she was born and has played with her from day one. He has bought her toys and a bike and made her the beneficiary of his will, although he really has nothing. So he wouldn't ever hurt her, but she knows how to pull his strings and likes to get him excited since he is a little slow.


Very nice to be in air conditioning, don't know how people stand the heat that don't have it.

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Sharon, it will take a few days for all of the med's to kick in as I let it get a real hold on me before Bill said I just taking you to the clinic now. Yes, I do wait too long.


Yesterday and even today it a great time to be in a pool. I would think that the beaches and the local pools are jammed packed now with this heat. I heard the weekend will cool down a lot. Yes, remember the days before we had air conditioning? We just had fans and you are right, how did we ever survive, but we all did.


Wow, your GD is a big eater. I never finish anything I order and usually only eat 1/2 of it and then take it home for leftovers. Yes, the casino there are smoking and you always have to walk through the smoke filled parts. Around here if we go to Michigan the casino there is also smoking. Here like you, all non smoking. One being Illinois is a non smoking state.


I am just trying to stay cool and I hope our air in my business does not go out on us. This is a old building and things are always breaking down. Back to bocce tonight. Our team is not doing as well as last year as they lost while we were away. Oh well, as long as everyone enjoys and has a good time. Some get all worked up when they loose, but, come on it is only a game.




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You are going to have a hot time tonight playing bocce, seems not to cool off much even later. But I heard too the weekend will be better. Guess I'll have to cut grass on Sat or Sun.


We will go tomorrow and stop to look around in Galena for a while, maybe have lunch if we find a good place. Then check into the hotel and see what all they have to offer. I know they have a restaurant, pool and hot tub. We will probably have dinner there since we have the $30 food credit. I don't know if I mentioned it or not but I also got a Groupon for a 2 1/2 boat ride on the Mississippi for Friday at 11 am. Now also heard it might rain on Friday, but we'll see, you can go inside in the river boat instead of sitting on the deck.


I was talking to some gals at the water aerobics, the Tues/Thurs class is held in the outside pool at a gated community with many really ritzy homes inside. One gal was saying she used to live on Lake Geneva but sold her home and built inside this community. She said her Real Estate taxes were $27,000.00 per year and when the new people bought it (lawyers) the taxes went up to $30,000. Can you even imagine???? These gals are a little out of my league but they are all friendly and nice.


Staying inside the rest of the afternoon, nice and cool in here.

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Sharon they would be out of our league as well. Taxes like that would kill us. I think I remember you were telling me that you had bought this trip awhile back. So you are leaving tomorrow and returning on Saturday? With this weather this is a perfect time to get away and do some river cruising. We had thought last year about taking either a Mississippi or an Illinois River cruise.


Perhaps tonight all of our team members will show up and we will not have to play ourselves. With the temps the way they are, most will be staying inside where it is cool, rather than being outside watching the games.


With the temps the way they are, I would think that most lawns are browning or you just have to keep watering a lot. Either way it is a good idea to wait until it will be cooler over the weekend to do the cutting.


So have a nice get away and enjoy the river cruise. Stay cool.




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Got back around 7pm last night, had a really nice time. Stopped in Galena for lunch before heading to The Hotel Julien in Dubuque. The hotel was built in the 1800's and had lots of wood and marble. The rooms were nice and clean also. We used our food credit for breakfast at the Caroline restaurant in the hotel, so we only had to pay the tax of $1.40. The first night we went to the casino, won and lost, won and lost. The second day we took the boat ride on the Spirit of Dubuque. Rather plain vessel reminded me of the one in Memphis. We had paid $28 for the two of us through Groupon and sat with some people who just walked up and bought tickets and paid $72 each. So we had a good deal! We also paid an additional $6 each for lunch. Unfortunately we were the last table called to the lunch buffet and they had ran out of marble rye and wheat bread leaving only rather hard hamburger buns to make a sandwich out of. I let them know we were not happy about them running out of supplies when they should have known how many were going to be eating lunch on board. After that we went back to Galena and rode the trolley. The driver was quite a character had us all laughing while he drove around and told us the history of the different houses and areas. Then we drove to Chestnut Mt and rode the chair lift that had a fantastic view of the Mississippi river. After that we headed home.


Today did some laundry and cut the grass, back to normal again, with only memories. It sure went fast but then again it was only one night and a couple of days.

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Sharon, it sounds like you did a lot for just a few days gone. I would say you got a real good deal on the river boat cruise. Based on the other people just walking up and paying full price. Too bad they ran out of food. That should not happen especially when they keep you sitting there waiting to be served.


They kept calling for rain the past few nights. But all of the rain went way north of us, and I would think that your area got it as well. We did not get any much need rain here at all. The insects have been bad while I have been outside trying to keep up with the weeding. That is mostly what I did yesterday. Going out for a while and coming back in to cool off.


Next weekend we are going to Michigan for just an overnight trip. Bill is running in a race and I am walking. Right now we are leaving on Friday and staying over night and depending on how things go there will depend if we come right back the next day or stay another night.


I guess it is supposed to cool off this week. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, and I am glad you were able to get away for a few days to enjoy yourselves. Dubuque is a nice area for doing things.




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We are not getting much rain at all, Saturday night we got a few drops that equalled 2/10 of an inch. Tonight about 30 miles away they have gotten almost 3 in, but we have again only gotten a few drops. Guess it depends on where the rain cloud goes over. We went up to Brooklyn, WI today for Bill's great granddaughters 1st birthday, they were starting to get some rain when we left but we drove out of it in only a few miles. Seems to be all around us, just not here.


That is so great that your Bill has recovered from his medical problems a while back and is able to run in the race, I would be like you and walk. I think it does just as much good and is easier on your joints.


I'm having lunch with a gal I worked with about 20 years ago. She lives not far from me and we ran into each other a couple of days ago. It was a 2 person office and we always got along good together, so should be fun.


We have much cooler temps now, can shut off the ac and open windows. I opened one last night and let the cool air blow in on me in bed, felt really good, maybe will do the same tonight.


We have really bad mosquitoes also, but still prefer them to the ticks we had a while back. At least you can see or feel the mosquitoes as soon as they land on you.


Back to work for you tomorrow, hope you have a good week, at least you have something to look forward to at the end of the week.

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Sharon, we have not really talked about everything yet for this coming weekend, but I still would like to leave early so we can get a jump on the traffic. Our air conditioning went out at the store on Friday. I came home to get one of our fans. Then I closed the office and everyone left at 4:30. I should have left much earlier and it was way too hot there. They came and fixed it at 3 but it got so hot there it was not cooling down very fast.


I thought for sure looking at the weather that you would have gotten the rain. Like you, we have not gotten anything for the last 3 nights. We do need some rain as everything is getting really brown around here. I guess we could get some today or tomorrow. Even though they said it was cooling off it still got to almost 90 yesterday. The humidity was lower but the temps were still up there.


That was nice that you were able to get out for a ride yesterday, and even dodge the rain as well. I did see that some areas way up north did get a lot of rain and damage from the storms. Nice that you were able to meet your friend that you used to work with. Are you going out to lunch today?


Yes, back to another work week and new challenges. Enjoy your day today.




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Our grass is getting brown around the edges of the driveway, and it seems to be slowing down growing. We really need some rain, my rain barrel is almost empty and I use that the water the flowers and tomatoes.


Had lunch with today with the gal I used to work with. We had a good time, lots of conversation. She has a a quick wit and very funny. She is on oxygen and had to take a tank along with her, also has neuropathy in her feet and kind of hobbles along. Wouldn't be able to do much else than go to places to eat with her as she is not able to walk very far. She said she never expected to end up like this!


The rest of the week I will have some type of exercise every day. If I would only eat right I might actually lose a few pounds.


Bet it was hot at work if the ac went out, glad you got it fixed. I know what you mean about the weather, they kept saying it was going to get cooler when the cold front moved through, but it didn't happen here either. I guess we will be sorry we wished it to be cooler when we get back into January!


Watching the Dome on tv tonight, seems like they are just kind of draggin it out, not much happens each week. Wonder how long many episodes they will have of it before it is over?

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Sharon, I think about things just like you said about getting old and loosing your health. It seems that once things hit you everything just falls right down the lane. How very sad it is to watch people get old and sick. It is really tough to grow old. It would be nice if our country took better care of our seniors, but the sad part, they do not.


I feel that way about me not eating properly. At least you have lost weight. I just feel fat and I cannot get rid of anything except my cloths. You do so much to workout and with my work schedule, I am just going crazy and I cannot find enough time for myself. I mean real down time.


The weather has dropped as far as humidity. I will not really complain too much as you said, before we know it January will be here and we will be praying for this heat. Our summer goes by much too quickly. It also seems like these programs come and go. They are coming up with so many different shows and some just to not hold any interest for me at all.


I finally got a DVD player where I can record shows that I miss and even play movies. As there is not enough on that I am really interested in.




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It is very hard to work and fit in some exercise, if I was working everyday I certainly would be too tired to do the things that I am able to do now. At least you are getting in some walking and hopefully that is helping to relieve the stress you get from work. This weekend I'm sure you will have a nice time and fit in some exercise also.


We have a recorder from Direct tv so we record shows that we want to see and aren't home, or that two good shows come on at the same time and we can only watch one. I also have a player for movies and a Wii, but when we go our new flat screen tv I had the guys from Best Buy hook everything up and now it is so complicated that we never are able to watch movies or use the Wii. I'm thinking about putting a tv downstairs by my Bowflex (that I hardly use) and having the Wii installed on that one.


It was nice and cool for the first part of Zumba this morning and then the sun popped out. For water aerobics afterwards the sun would come out for a bit and then go behind the clouds so the water was actually warmer than the air.


I really haven't lost much weight, not I like I should be losing, but some of my clothes fit better.

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Sharon, I do not know how good or bad my weight loss will be after walking the 5K, but at least it is a move in a positive direction. With the walking we are doing during the week, perhaps this will start to jumpstart things. I am figuring we may make an entire weekend out of this trip. After Saturday we may head further south in Amish country past South Bend in the Middleburry area.


Nice winds off of the lake keeping things very pleasant around here today. Last night around 1, it was raining pretty good for awhile. I do not think we got enough to really do anything, but something is better than none.


I know when you told me how much you have lost, that is better than just maintaining. As you said, your cloths are fitting much better.


We have had Comcast for a long time, so I threatened to leave if I did not get something better. So they sent me the DVD where I can play and record whether, I am here or not. It also came with HDTV so since we have a new TV and it is HD everything looks and hopefully will work much better than what I had. I agree with all of the hook ups and all of the wiring, it is very hard to figure things these days.


Enjoy the nice weather and the rest of the day.




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That would be a nice weekend trip, I've wanted to go to Shipshawana. I think there might even be an upcoming bus trip. Seems to me I read something about that not long ago. When I go once, it makes me want to go somewhere again, doesn't get it out of my system like it does Bill. He is just happy to go everyday to work and keep in the same routine.


Yes, its very nice here today too, I really like it when the humidity is gone and the temps are in the 70's. I need to trip all the evergreens in front of the house. I usually do it by hand with nippers or what ever they are called. But I think I might buy an electric hedge trimmer tomorrow at Home Depot and use that, it sure would be a lot easier and faster.


We have a rodeo in town this weekend, we will probably go on Saturday night. They have had it for the last couple of years, but usually during the afternoon. Don't know why they moved it to 7:30 pm. We were thinking of taking Bill's granddaughter, but she would probably want to stay overnight again, and I really, really don't like getting up at 5:30 in the morning. I also want to go to church so I don't know what I would do with her, Bill would most likely still be sleeping. Guess its easier just not to let her know its in town.


Got to get busy, have a nice day and keep making plans for the weekend, I always like to look forward to the trip for awhile before we go.

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Sharon, yes it is real nice to have something to look forward to. I would think that if your group was going to Shipsawana they would be going to the theater at the Blue Gate. We did book to go there on Saturday after we are all finished with the run/walk and the events going on in town. I did look at the Blue Gate schedule for this weekend. The play that we saw over the winter was called Half Stitched, and it is ending on Saturday. The next performance does not start until the following week.


I did pull up other activities that will be going on in the town and the area. So we will have to see how all goes. This is real nice weather, with no humidity and very low pleasant temps. It is also nice to give the air conditioning a needed rest. I love the smell and the feel of the cool breezes blowing from the outside into the inside.


I think it is best to not say anything to the GD, As that would be way too early to be getting up the next day. Also everything would fall on your shoulders. I remember that you have the rodeo every year in your town. Events are always changing, so who knows why they changed the time.


The jerk is in today and he has everyone going crazy around here. Let one nut case start stirring the pot, and everyone follows along the same path.


Enjoy the beautiful weather as well. Bocce for us tonight.




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Well looks like our Friday night is dancing is not going to happen again, GD needs to have a place to stay Friday night. Don't know why her mom won't arrange for a babysitter. She works every Friday night at a local bar as a waitress & bartender for the fish fry. This will be the last time we change our plans, she is just going to have to find someone else! OK I feel better now. I went up and got my oil changed and went ahead and bought rodeo tickets for me and Bill and GD, might as well take her Friday night as long as we are going to have her.


We had the zumba on the beach this morning but not the water aerobics because for some reason the electric was out and we couldn't use the pool without the filters going. So I went to Home Depot and bought an elec hedge trimmer, will find out tomorrow how easy it is to use as it is supposed to even be a little cooler tomorrow.


I can't remember which company had the trip to shipshewana, just remembered that I read about it somewhere. I've never heard of Blue Gate, must be a theater? Too bad they don't have a new play starting while you are there. Great you are getting your weekend all lined up, might as well have some fun while you are there.


How did you do with Bocce last night? I love this kind of weather also, bet the hot stuff comes back though next week. Have to get some things done outside while its still comfortable enough to do it.

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Sharon, we won last night, so that is a good thing. It was also a perfect night to be outside as there were no bugs and the wind died down and it was very comfortable. As long as you start setting some definite ground rules, I was afraid after the last time when her mother or father did not want her, that the mom would use you as an easy backup. Even though you did not want to take her on Saturday night, it will work out OK to take her on Friday and perhaps you can enjoy the rest of the weekend. She could turn this into as using you whenever she wants to if you do not give her some guidelines where she just cannot call you whenever she wants to dump the poor little girl off.


Yes, another very nice day today. Perhaps next week will get hot again. But let's enjoy what we have just now and savor all that we can while it lasts.


I hope I can get away early on Friday, as I know Bill will want to be on the road as early as possible. Like you said, we might as well enjoy the entire weekend and make it an entire weekend. You can go to look this place up. It is called the Blue Gate Restaurant and within the restaurant there is the theater upstairs where all of the performances are put on.


If there is a bus trip from your area to the Shipshewana area, I guarantee they will go to a play at that theater. They will also do a package with dinner with the play. As that is what most people do before of after a play. They will most likely do an overnight as well, once again, most people do that very same thing.


A few things that I did not tell you yet. Bill installed or had a security outside surveillance system put in our house today. So we have 4 cameras mounted outside of our house where all 4 corners of our property is total covered with color images and a live feed. I can even access it all form my phone and my tablet as well as a monitor inside of the house.


We talked about selling our house and putting it on the market for the spring. So listing it either at the end of January or February. Things are changing around here and we do not want to get into a situation where we would be stuck here. So first we have to prepare, and get everything ready to sell. Then form now until then, like in the next 9 months, find another place. It is a buyers market and not really a sellers market.


So we may have and easy time or a slow time in selling the house. Either way we will have to get ready, so when the time does arrive, we will be in a good position to leave. I do not even want to think what this will be like.


Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day.




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I think thats great you got the surveilance system. We have one set of friends that has that also. I would like to get it on our use house also, you never know when something will happen. You have that goofy neighbor too. I don't blame you for wanting to move. It is a job to get ready to sell, but with Bill home most of the time he should be able to get it done. We are always looking too, we want to be in Wisconsin, not IL. The way the politicians are going, Il will be the second state to file bankrupsy. Will you look for a house still close to your work?


Sounds like good weather, after tomorrow night, for your trip.


Yes we are not ready to completely give up our Friday night visiting and dancing. She is going to have to hire a babbysitter to stay with GD. Gd told Bill that her mother still hadn't registered her for school. I hope she doesn't decide to keep her home and "school" her herself!


Ok, hope you leave early as planned, have a good time.

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Sharon, it was really great and is even great to just go into my phone or my tablet as see the live feed, even in color. Even at night, things are still real clear. A few times yesterday I want on, and I saw Bill going out of our side door and he was as clear as watching him on a TV show. It is too bad that we have people who do not respect other's. You have had that guy who was giving you problems on your boarder line.


It is supposed to be a real nice weekend. A real welcome cool down. Ideally it would be nice if I could leave work at 4 and be on the road shortly afterwards. I packed this morning so we should be OK if Bill puts everything into the car, so when I get home we can hit the road. We loose an hour in Michigan and I think the same in Indiana as well. We have to be there by 7 pm tonight to get our packets. If not then we have to get up extra early and pick them up in the morning before the run/walk and that starts at 9/8 our time.


I agree, you guys have a life and she is just going to have to respect you and your own way of life and living, without her taking advantage of you both. If she does not enroll her in school that is shameful. They said rain later on this afternoon. But when I checked last night, it does not look like we are going to get much of anything to really do any real good for the grass and flowers.


It is all a big toss up with the jerk here since Wednesday. So perhaps he will not come in today or who knows. He is famous for going golfing or sitting in his brand new in ground pool.


Enjoy the weekend and have a good time tonight at the rodeo.




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We had 1/2 in of rain on Friday early evening. Then it cleared up for the rodeo. The arena was a big mud pit and when a cowboy would get bucked off they got covered on mud. The GD is really to hyper too hyper for her to enjoy much of anything. She has trouble sitting still for any length of time. Hate to say it but she can drive you nuts eith her constant movements. It is such a relief to drop her off on Saturday.


We heard from some of our dancing friends thst the dance place, which has been for sale for quite a while, was rented for a year, with option to buy by 4 guys. They take over Aug 1st. So we will see if they leave it country.


Actually cold here tonight, more of the same tomorrow, should be good running/walking weathe for you two.

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Sharon, I got out and left on Friday 1/2 hour later then I had planned. All went OK, as the only difference was we did not pick up our packets on Friday as we just did not have enough time to get there with the hour time difference. It was OK, as we just got up early on Saturday to get there to get our packets and walk around and use the facilities before the run/walk.


It was perfect weather for being outside and at first I wore jeans and I felt like a geek. So I changed into short pants and I felt much better. I did the 5K walk in 53:00. Bill did his run in 36:00. This was the first time he has actually run in a long while. He has been swimming laps in the pool everyday and he felt that helped him with the cardiovascular part of his exercise. He now wants to do some more 5K's to help him along. As he has a goal to do the 2014 Boston Marathon, that would be his 5th over all for Boston. He plans to start doing the actual marathon training just after the Chicago Marathon in October.


I blame the mother for the GD being like that. Hopefully this will not turn into a weekly thing where she thinks that she can dump her off whenever she pleases. When we left on Friday they were calling for storms in your area. We thought we might run into them passing over the lake. We did not.


On Saturday morning it looked like it was going to rain during the race, but it did not. After the race the local college is open to anyone wanting to freshen up or even take a shower. Bill did take a shower and change his cloths. I just changed my cloths as I am not comfortable taking a shower in a strange place.


We took our time and drove cross country right into the Amish country and direct to our hotel. We arrived 3 hours before the actual check in and that was OK that they did not have the room ready. So we drove into Shipsawana and did some shopping. It was nice and sunny there, so once we parked Bill left the sunroof open. We were in a shop and looked outside and it was pouring. He went back to the car to close the sunroof.


We had the Amish food lunch/dinner around 3 and then went back to the hotel where we change into swim suites and went to the pool/spa for awhile. It started raining more in the afternoon and then cleared up and got cool. We left early this morning and it was nice and sunny. Once we started getting back into the Chicago area, it was clouding up and it rained most of the way back as well as rain here once we got back home.


I bought some flats of flowers from a road stand for $5 for each flat. Bought road side veggies as well. In Shipsawana, I bought a couple of those banners you put in front of your house stuck in holders that you put in the ground. I even bought the holders as the one's I actually have, the wind is always blowing them off. These one's have a setup where they cannot blow off.


There is an Amish family where I always buy wrought iron hanging plant holders with hooks where you can hang the baskets. Something like $12. Then a few more things like their breads and cheese. So all in all it was a nice time away and a much needed break.


I hope that you were able to enjoy yourselves the rest of the weekend. I am sure that your dance group will be keeping an eye on those new owners/renters to see if they really change things or improve things or just leave everything the same.




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It sounds like you had a very nice trip, good time for the walk also! That is quite a goal for Bill to do the Boston Marathon, but if he has done it before he should be even better now that he has lost weight.


Kind of have a sore throat today, the GD had a cough while she was here, hope I'm not getting that. I have too many things to do to not feel well!


I saw a trip on Travelzoo that was a really good price, I signed up for it and now am having serious second thoughts. I have already made the deposit and its not until March of 2014. It is to Croatia, we have never even been to Europe and know nothing about the EU form of money or anything else. Its supposed to be fully guided. The price was including airfare from NY, but the travel agent from Gate 1, got us on flights from Ohare so the price went up. I'm wondering what in the world I was thinking! I did take the travel insurance, that far away you never know. I should have just booked us on a cruise instead, more familiar and cheaper!


I bought electric hedge trimmers last week and then it rained so I couldn't try them out, think I will today while its a still a little cooler outside.

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Sharon, Bill gave me very good advice on hedge trimmers a few years ago. He said many people burn them up because they never maintain them. You have to spray WD-40 on the cutters at the start and mid way into the cutting to keep them lubed up properly. I do the bushes around here as well.


I know Bill got me into the minute clinic as I would have waited too long. A sore throat could be many things. Do not wait too long and have it turn into something worse. You booked for a good reason, so don't second guess yourself. You have the insurance, so if something does come up the only thing you will not get back is the cost of the insurance.


Bill also signed us up for a cruise from Hawaii to Vancouver in April 2015. So a real time off, but enough time to plan and get ready. He also bought the insurance and has only put down a deposit thus far. I know that we do not get a good deal with the exchange with the EU. So more than likely you will loose money cashing US for EU. Best to use credit cards and it will not be as bad.


I had the jerk texting me at 6 this morning and then he called me at 7. Bill was upset as this jerk thinks he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants. He had me cancel his flight this morning as he drove to STL instead. He is playing father and GF or the year. As he has his one daughter and her husband and now their second child living with him waiting for their house to be ready in Indy. They sold their house in Kansas City and moved in with him for the time being.


His other 2 kids who work at the business moved out as they cannot stand living with him. They are a boy and girl. He has 3 altogether. He is all about control, and they are fed up with him controlling them, so they each have their own places. This daughter is just using him and they do not have to pay anything, so I guess they can put up with him for a short period of time and sponge off of the jerk.


I do not think that we got the rain here like you did. We only got rain yesterday, and I guess we will get more on Wednesday. Bill has me registered with him as he will be doing a few more 5K's and I will do the walks. Four more from now until September on Saturday mornings around this area.


Enjoy the beautiful weather.




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I did the zumba and the water aerobics, but now I am coughing, so I guess I am getting a cold. Might have to miss the water aerobics tomorrow, we'll see.


I got the evergreens trimmed yesterday, all but one. My arms got tired so I left one big one. Much better though using the elec trimmer than doing it manually. I had to rake up all the trimmings and by then I was really tired.


Going to cut some grass today, its been kind of sprinkling just a little this morning but not enough to get the grass wet. Am waiting for a bit, just took some cough medicine and an aspirin and will wait till they kick in before I go out.


Both you and Bill should get into good shape with the running and walking you have signed up to do. Thats nice you can kind of do it together.


At least the jerk will be gone for a little bit, since he's driving to STL. Give you a little peace and quiet hopefully while he's gone.

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Sharon, another little secret I was taught, put down an old sheet around the bushes and that will catch all or most of the trimmings. Then all you have to do is wrap it up and dump it into a can or bag. I know my arms are sometimes buzzing from holding the trimmer for any period of time.


It was raining good around 11 and now it has stopped. But it looks like it is getting ready to rain once again. Getting a cold now can linger on for awhile. I still have some left from when I was really sick.


I am just going along for the ride, not literally, but Bill did all of the bookings and paying for all of these walks that I am doing. He will run and I will walk. They will be spaced out every 2 weeks, 4 total, I think form August to September. I think 2 in August and 2 in September.


He bought some goroup on's a few weeks ago, 3 total. One was for today, but it got canceled. It is called Rocket Man, where you have a jet pack strapped on you and you jet off over the water. He is doing that now, next Tuesdy at North Ave Beach. On Sunday he is jumping out of a perfectly good air plane, sky diving out of Michigan City, IN. The third is kayaking along the lake front sometime over the summer. With all of the weight he has lost, this has allowed him to do these things that he has wanted to do for may years, but could not due to all of the weight he was carrying. This stuff is not for me, as he is lucky he can get me into a regular air plane. I do not like heights.


The jerk was riding alongside his SIL as he was going to STL to buy a new dog. I do not know why they went all that way to buy a dog, but he did. So he drove right back after dropping the jerk off and the jerk will fly back on Thursday. That is how he was able to texting me so early yesterday. Six AM is too early to be doing that stuff, as I do have a life as well. Although he thinks everything revolves around him and only him.




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