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Sharon, I always have leftovers whenever we go out to eat. I was surprised when I got home from lunch that Bill did not eat the leftovers from Sunday night. Last night we went out for our 1/2 price burgers. The place that gives you the % off for your B-Day is doing fantastic business. You can only have 1 B-Day and of course the other people have to pay the regular price. With drinks and the amount of business, they seem to be doing fine.


Around 5 yesterday, it started thundering and then shortly after the rain came down for about 20 minutes. Then the sun came back out with the humidity. We need a lot more rain for it to really do anything for all of the brown, lawns around here.


Both of us have a lot of color from being out in the sun on Sunday. With the sun reflecting from the water, that also did something as well. A little sun is OK, and it was a perfect day for being outdoors. Now this weekend, we are going to Oshkosh for the weekend. I plan to leave work early on Friday. My aunt lives there and she comes and stays with us at least once a year. So we decided to go and visit with her. Even though she would want us to stay with her, we are getting a hotel for the weekend. I feel much better in our own place rather than being in someone else's place.




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I remember when your aunt comes to visit, we always like to get a hotel room too, gives you and the other person a break from visiting and you can rest easier during the night.


I did the zumba on the beach but didn't go to the swimming, it was only 62 degrees and the wind was picking up so thought I'd just come home. Still have my cough and don't want to get sick again.


I was looking for zinc lids for canning dill pickles, my sister had mentioned she was looking for some last week when I talked on the phone with her. So when we went to the antique flea market on Sunday I did find some. But they wanted $2 a piece for the lids and if you bought them on the jar, which was like a lite turquoise the price was $49 each. So today after zumba I stopped at Bills house and we went down into the basement and found quite a few of them. Now I have to find jar rubbers and then I'll be all set to make pickles. If I find anymore at his house I'll give them to my sister to use.


We never got any rain yesterday, but it is nice today.

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Sharon, it sounds like you are all set to make pickles. It was good that you found all of the jars in the basement. You did not know they were there? I heard today the water temp is warmer than the air temp. Something like 75 degrees. It was a smart move to just come home after the class especially if you are not completely recovered yet. This weather is more like September weather, rather than mid August. It is nice to give the air conditioning a rest.


Were you able to view any of the meteor showers the past few nights? It only rained about 20 minutes yesterday and then it cleared up and the rest of the evening was perfect. Something Bill rarely does, he came outside and sat with me while I was in the hot tub, last night. So I stayed in much longer than I normally do with him sitting with me.


How has your sister been doing? Hopefully we will not get into too much traffic both leaving on Friday and returning on Sunday. With us heading north I feel we will run into a lot of traffic no matter what time I leave. I am going to shoot to leave around 3. With all of the extra stuff the jerk puts me through, and especially on my own time. I hope there is not much road work either. Are you aware of any major construction going into Wisconsin, since you go that way a lot? You probably take country roads rather than the major route we will be taking.


There is one place we normally stop when in that area, the Brat Stop and I think it is one of the Racine exits. The key will be traffic and construction. So I do not know how long to plan for. I would think at least 3 1/2 to 4 hours. In all of the years she has been living there, I have never been to see her and she has always invited us to come. The famous air show was a few weeks ago and that is one time to stay clear of that area during that period. Although I am sure Bill would enjoy the show.


Enjoy the beautiful weather.




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I knew I had the jars but I didn't know I had some of the lids left. They are hard to find and only the zinc lids will work for the dill pickles like my mom made.


Nice Bill came out and sat in the hot tub with you, we didn't go to the resort this past Sunday, the last two that we did go there were so many kids that it wasn't even enjoyable. Hoping that when the kids all get back in school it will make a big difference.


I spoke with my sister last week and she was saying that her legs are so terribly weak. I told her to go out and walk for about 5 minutes and come back and do that several times before adding a few more minutes each time. But she says she can't walk or her back hurts. So I don't know what she is going to do, but if she justs sits there she will make herself an invalid. She has lost over 25 pounds and says she just isn't hungry and nothing tastes good to her. She is down to 119 pounds now. The dr did give her a prescription for physical therapy maybe that will help.


I know they started Monday on resurfacing Rt 14 to the State Line, but you probably don't come up that way. Maybe there is a web site that has the construction listed. Bet your aunt will be happy to see you!

Edited by timeormoney
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Sharon, that would have been great if Bill actually got into the hot tub with me, but he did not. He just sat outside with me on a chair next to the tub. That was better than him not being out there at all, and that is usually the case. I am out there all alone.


We play bocce tonight and we are in sole second place now. That would be the best we could do this year, as the first place team is so far ahead and there are only something like 4 games left to play for this season. Remember last year we were either in first or second most of the season and then lost it on the playoffs.


Another nice and cool day here today. All morning it looked like rain. Now it has cleared up and the sun is out bright. I will have to try to go online and check for traffic. I did not even think of that. My aunt is really looking forward to us coming to visit. She wants to do so much, but we told her we are coming to see her, not for her to be doing things for us.


Yes, I would think with the kids returning to school shortly. All of the palaces where they have been crowded due to them being out of school with return be to the normal, that you are used to. It is going to be a real mess with all of the closing in Chicago and all of the unhappy parents with those closing.


So when are you planning to do all of the pickles and preserving them all inside of the jars? Enjoy another beautiful day.




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So do you win anything for being in second place? Thats still pretty good!


Should have cut the grass today again, but didn't get around to it. I was watching an ebay auction that I had bid on and it looked like I had it and 2 seconds to go someone bid .50 more.


Bill made a pot roast in the slow cooker and we had it for dinner last night and we will have it again tonight. I have been using the toaster oven to heat up garlic bread to go with it. It is very fast, much faster than trying to heat up the oven, so I am glad I bought it.


Cool here again this morning, the sand was pretty cold at first too for zumba. I didn't go swimming afterwards, the leader will be back next week and its supposed to warm up so I will go then. There is only 2 more weeks left of using the outside pool, then we are having a pot luck and will go back to the other schedule of indoor pool.


Yes I saw where in the early summer the teachers were marching trying to get a raise, then they finally got it and they closed a lot of school and let them go. Guess it didn't work out so good for them, but seems like the get paid an awfully lot, at least some of them, especially the administrators over $100,000 a year with great benefits and pensions.

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Sharon, just like last year, where we were in first or second right up until the playoff and lost it all. So last night we went form second place to fourth place, just by loosing only by 1 point. So now with only 3 games left to play, we had better pull it all together and win the rest. Yes, prize money is for 1,2, and 3 and then last place where everyone gets their money back. So we will just have to wait and see.


I would say you did good buying that toaster oven to cook. Much better than heating the house up. Pot roast is a good dish to cook especially when Bill cooks it for you, even better.


It got into the upper 40's here the past few nights. Like you said, next week it will be back up there once again. Back to closing the house up and having the air conditioning once again. It will be good once the kids are all back to school to have things not so crowded and you both, can enjoy the pool and spa the way you are used to.




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Heard it will be back in the upper 80's next week so enjoy this weather while we can! I didn't cut grass yesterday but think I will do some of it today. It hasn't grown a whole lot just looks a little scraggly.


Bill came home yesterday with a stomach ache, I think the stress of everything going on at work is making him sick. All I could get him to eat for dinner was some tomato soup. I told him he can't afford to lose anymore weight. He was feeling better this morning so hope he stays feeling good. He also told me when he came home that his granddaughter said we need to babysit her again on Friday night (tonight) because her other grandpa is sick. I told him to tell her no we are not doing it again, not this week or any other. She is just too much to deal with for both of us. I told him to tell her dad to step up and take care of her.


Hope you get to leave early today, and enjoy your visit

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Sharon, your Bill and I have something in common, our stress at both our places of work. I hope he is feeing better today. I am planning to just tell the jerk when he does get here that I have to leave early. Originally I was thinking at 3, but now I would like to leave at 2. I do way too much around here and even so much on my own time not to be treated better and letting me leave when I want.


It is or will be a bit warmer today, but just like you said, next week will be more of what we are used to around here. I am sure that after not cutting the grass in a week, and with this beautiful weather we have been having. You are not looking forward to cutting the grass again. But then again, better to get it finished now while the weather is still cool rather than wait until next week when it will be hot and humid once again.


I hope your Bill is able to tell his GD to find another means to take care of her child. I kind of figured that she would continue to push her off on you guys whenever she wants to. If she was not so much trouble, it would be a different story. After all, she does not consider that you both have your own lives and she should not just dump on you the way she is. Also it is kind of sad that both parents are not better to their own child, and shear more responsibility.


This hotel we are staying at in Oshkosh is right on the border of the local airport. Now I can see what Bill was talking about a few weeks ago when they had their big air show, about the hotel being more than triple from what we are paying now. It seems like everyone takes advantage on special events to boost their prices.


I have no idea on what route Bill will be taking later on. We have a GPS and that seems to have different directions than what we may take on our own. I just hope we do not run into too much road construction or traffic. I hope you and Bill have an enjoyable weekend and that you are able to get out tonight and enjoy yourselves. Hopefully his GD will not give him too much trouble and you can enjoy the weekend. I'll get back either on Sunday or Monday. Enjoy,




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Bill's GD is the one that needs babysitting, her mother never calls or comes over to ask us to take care of her, she just sends the GD over to tell Bill that she needs to spend the night with us. See, even worse! Thats why I told Bill to tell his son to step up and take care of her. Bill's son just broke up with his girlfriend that he had the past two years, who also didn't want any part of his daughter, didn't even have custody of her kids, so he should be free now to do the right thing.


Yes, hope you get to leave in another hour, will beat some of the Friday traffic.

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Sharon, I get it now. That makes it even more to your point, as the mother will not even bother with having the courtesies to come to talk to Bill in person. It is clearly, she is just using you both and just pushing the GD off and not taking responsibility herself. Of course, if Bill has any kind of open relationship with his son, he should tell him to step up and accept more responsibilities.


I was not able to leave work until 3:45 on Friday and we were on the road at 4. It took us about 41/2 hours to arrive there and the traffic was very heavy and many delays. The road construction, the few places we did encounter, came to a complete stand still.


On the way home we took I 294 all the way home once we changed form 94 as we wanted to avoid the Air and Water show in downtown Chicago on Sunday. We decided to stop and get something to eat at The Brat Stop in Kenosha. All in all it was a good weekend there and I had a very nice visit with my Aunt, as she was surprised that we drove up, just to see her. She always comes and stays with us at least once per year, sometimes twice. So the trip home as far as driving was a little over 3 hours. We stopped for about 45 minutes for something to eat and that helped to break things up a bit as there was stopped coming home in the construction. But nothing like the trip going there.


I hope you had a good weekend and all went good for you both.




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We had a good weekend, went dancing/visiting on Friday, Saturday a trip to Menards and dinner at chilis, and Sunday the pool, which was nice and quiet for most of the time. Today been digging around the flower bed in the center of the circle driveway, got very hot and sweaty! On Friday a guy stopped by with some driveway sealer, but he had an actual flyer with his name, address and phone number on it and had a reasonable price so I called Bill, we discussed it and decided to have him go ahead and seal the driveway. It looks really good, in fact he stopped by again today and asked how my husband like it. Also said if I had any friends would appreciate a referral.


Bill just got home, more later

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Sharon, I am glad to hear that your weekend went very well. On Saturday when we went to the pool, at first we had it all to ourselves. Then kids started coming in and a mother with a kid in a dipper. So with that, it was time to leave.


We got kind of spoiled with the cooler temps that we have had last week. Now we are getting the kind of temps that we are supposed to have. The jerk called my last night to have me cancel his flight to STL today, as he is staying around here this week. He did not come in today, but he is always sneaky and never tells me when he will come in or what time.


I am actually getting used to not cooking and eating out. When I get home form work, the last thing I want to do is cook. Also I or we, me and my friend, have not been walking in the past 3 weeks. She sold her house and has moved in with her daughter waiting for her town home to be finished. She bought new construction and I did not think that was such a good idea with the price that she paid for a brand new place. But, what do I know.


We did not seal our driveway last year, so this year in the next few weeks, we will have to have our's sealed as well. Also paint the blocks on the foundation of our house so everything looks nice and fresh.


This Saturday I have my next walk and Bill will run the 5K. They were spaced out every two weeks, but then they canceled the last one.




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Had to go help Bill bring in all his stuff yesterday so had to get off without finishing. He always brings home so much mail and papers.


Too bad about the kids coming in the pool for you, I know at our pool also the little kids are supposed to wear swim diapers but you never know for sure if they are or not. The little older ones just pee in the pool anyway I think.


We had zumba on the beach and we all were supposed to wear our swim suit so we could do it in the water. Everyone wore their suit, but only me and 2 other gals decided to go in the lake, the other 4 stayed on the sand. The breeze was cool coming across the water at first but then you got used to it and it was fine. Then went to the water aerobics afterwards. She gives us such a great workout its like being on the Biggest Loser, she keeps saying "come on, come on, you can do it" and all kinds of encouraging things. Had the chicken wrap with several of the gals afterwards and just sat and enjoyed the day for about an hour.


I had a Kohl's cash certificate for $10 but it was supposed to be used by 8/18. I stopped in today and asked if I could still use it and they said, sure no problem and updated it for another week. But I went ahead and found a couple of tops and used it so I wouldn't forget it again.


I like to eat out also, we had left overs last night and will have left overs again tonight and then Wed I'll have to make something for dinner, but Thursday we will eat at the Fireside so that will be good.


Bill told his son that we have a standing date with our friends on Friday night and we will not be babysitting anymore. We'll see if he tells his daughters mom that and what will happen then. I said she has a mom and a dad, it should not be our problem every week.


Okay, enough better get busy, hope jerk doesn't come in too much and bother you!

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Sharon, the jerk came in a few hours ago, but he will not be in tomorrow or the next. Mr big shot will be golfing and entertaining in his big expensive pool. I had those very same certificates for Kohl's and I used them a few weeks ago. They are such a great place and they are always accommodating you at any time. I did the same thing and they did as what they did for you to me as well.


I'll bet that the GD's mother will not be happy with you as she seems like that kind of person. But I am sure you will not loose any sleep over it at all. Those parents should start acting like parents and take responsibility for their own daughter.


Bill had the realtor come to our house this morning to take pictures of the outside of our house and property. He figures that this is the best time to showcase the outside due to all of the green flowers, grass and everything in full bloom. It will not look the same when we actually do put it on the market in February, as all will be cold and gray.


I was not happy when he told me. But the more we talked I guess I realize that we have to do this. Since I have our house just the way I like it. Now we will attempt to sell it and then I will have to do it all over at some other place. This is way too much for me to get into just now, and I do not want to think of all of the trouble putting a house on the market to sell. You went through it a few years ago with your other house.


We picked up some precooked brats at the Brat Stop on Sunday. So tonight, I will be cooking those on the grill. Wednesday we eat at the club when we play bocce. Thursday we get pop's beef and I am going to get back to walking this Thursday. I don't know if I had said anything to you before. Bill took me to a running store out this way to get fitted for the proper walking shoes for me. Since I will need good shoes for the walking that I will be doing over the next few months. I also got sandals that I can put my orthodoxies.


Another hot day today as this is what we should have been getting instead of the cooler temps that we have had. I am not complaining, as I loved the cooler temps. Lucky you were able to get the grass cut last week. So hopefully you will not have to cut it again for another week, with not much moisture.


It was good that we took a different way home on Sunday so we could avoid all of the Air and Water Show traffic. It was also a nice break to stop and get something to eat on the way home as well. Have you ever been to that place that I said we stopped at or heard of it? I have heard many good things about the Fireside as a great place to eat.


Today was a perfect day to be in the water. It was kind of breezy this morning. I can't believe one week form Friday, we will be leaving to go to Saugatuck, MI for the holiday weekend. I cannot believe how fast this month has slipped away.




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I've never been to the Brat Stop, do you know what town its in? WI has so many brat places and on Fridays fish frys. Those two things are strictly WI! What kind of shoes did you get for walking? I usually just use my regular tennis shoes but getting some real walking shoes and getting them fitted would probably make a big difference. Another gal and I went for about a one hour walk after our water aerobics this morning. So pretty much had it for the rest of the day. We will go and visit with the girls tonight though and I"ll probably be us to dancing a few with them.


I had forgotten about you going to sell your house. Are you thinking of staying in the same area or moving further away? What about your job, looking for something close enough that you can continue working? Seems like houses are selling quicker these days then when I had mine up for sale. You had better be prepared in case it sells really quick.


Bill's son is coming down for Labor day so that usually means a meal at the Mexican restaurant. Its really good, don't know why we don't go there when he's not around. I think we will take him to the broasted chicken restaurant one night too, he would really like it.


Well good luck with your game tonight and enjoy your dinner both tonight and tomorrow night. I am making BLTs tonight and I stopped and got some fresh sweet corn so that sounds pretty tasty to me.

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Sharon, The Brat Stop is just off the expressway I 94, and it is the first Kenosha exit when going to WI. There are 3 exits for Kenosha, and that is the first one to get off. Sundays seems to be one of their biggest days for giving stuff away and having raffles.


My shoes are Saucony's. I have not worn them yet, so I am hoping I can wear them on Thursday when we go walking. I do not think it is good to do a walk like I will be doing on Saturday without wearing them first.


We are planning to put it on the market in February for the spring market. There are many things to consider. We live in Cook County and taxes are very high. Moving to IN would be an option however that state taxes you pension. So we need to find out how much they tax you and weigh the pros and cons of what would be the best deal.


We could stay in Illinois, but we will have to start looking around as that process will take a long while. So good to have a plan and use this time to build on that plan. Like you said, we may sell fast or we may not. Either way we will have to have some kind of idea. Something I am not looking forward to at all. Who knows what this jerk will do about this place. He is moving his STL business to Tennessee. He could move this business as well, who knows what the jerk will do. I don't think he even knows or just is not saying anything.


Bill sat outside with me once again last night, while I went into the hot tub. There was a slight breeze and it was not a bad night for being outside. I guess it will cool off a bit over the weekend. It will be good for you both to visit will Bill's son when he comes down next week.


Like I was saying, I cannot believe Labor Day weekend is in 1 week. Where has this summer has gone




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Yes good idea to try the shoes out before the 5K, but I know they are going to feel good since you had them fitted. I had ordered some moccasins from a company called Sharkstore, they were a good price, right around $29, I got them the other day and was very disappointed. The stitching on the top inside of the left shoe was real thick, with the leather also bent over. I'm sure if I tried to wear them I would have a sore rubbed on my foot in about 5 steps. So I contacted them, got a return address and authorization number to return them. They also said I should send them back with a request for signature, well just got back from the post office and it cost me $10.34 to mail them back. So now that makes the shoes $39 and at that price I could have ordered them from Minnetonka directly. I think they had to be "seconds" as Minnetonka has been making moccasins for decades and I'm sure they wouldn't sell something like that.


How did you do with Bocce last night? Your beef sandwiches tonight and our buffet at the Fireside. I couldn't sleep last night and Bill said he couldn't either so hopefully we will be awake enough to enjoy the meal and the show. I hate it when I have a night like that, and Tinker got me up 2 times to go outside, 2am and 3am.


We had zumba inside today, first time all summer. Also had swimming inside but only 3 people came because it was raining so we just did what we wanted to do for about an hour. So glad it is raining, we really, really need it.


We don't either one get a pension so it doesn't matter where we live in that respect. Funny some states do and some states don't, also some states don't have a state income tax, I know Fl and Tx don't, probably a few others too. It would be nice to know what the jerk has planned for the company wouldn't it, it would help you to make some plans.

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Sharon, just like last year, we are taking a big down ward collapse. Last year we were in second right up until the end and lost it and ended in 5th. Now two weeks in a row we have lost and now I don't know where we are now, with only 2 games left to play. It was the dead last place team who beat us last night 16-1. They just creamed us and there was no team member that could do anything right last night.


I know I paid a good price for those shoes. I would be upset with what you had ordered, especially when they are making you pay to return them. That does not seem right at all.


This weekend on Saturday is up in the air now. Funny thing, neither of us slept well last night either. He woke up with his eyes almost swell shut. I think it is called contact dermatitis. He must have picked up something in the yard when he was working there. I just picked up some RX for him and both of his eyes are almost completely shut form the swelling.


A little cooler today and it has been raining here all day. We do need the rain, like you said. So a good day to be inside working out. This jerk is so unpredictable, who knows what he will do. It would be so much easier if I know what direction he was headed so we could make better plans.


There will be many factors to look into over the next few months. Perhaps with lower taxes by getting out of Cook County will balance things out somehow. Stay dry and enjoy the rest of today.




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We got our Real Estate assessment for next year yesterday, it says it went down 3%, but the thing that will determine if the taxes actually go down is the multiplier they use. It is so complicated so you can't understand it planned that way so that they can get all the money they can from you even when the value of your house is going down, the taxes go up. So it will be interesting to see when we get the actual bill what it is, less money (doubtful) or more.


Too bad about Bill, I know when I am cutting grass if the grass or weeds get against my skin I have to stop and come in and wash it off, it itches me.


Like you say, bocce is only a game and you've had fun so what the heck, at least no one was doing any good so they can't blame anyone else. There is always next year, ha ha


The dinner was great last night as always we overate! We had for dessert, pineapple mango sorbet with a small slice of carrot cake. I could only eat a few bites of it had eaten so much from the buffet. I really only ate a couple of things, but a lot of them. Their sweet potato souffle, and a noodle dish with shrimp and scallops and some kind of sauce. Both those are terrific, then I had a small slice of filet mignon and a piece of deep fried cod. They serve you a salad and bring warm slices of bread before you go up to the buffet. The two kinds of bread last night was walnut and dill. They were both really good. The play was very funny also, so it was a good time. The rain had stopped so it was good driving also. It's about an hour away, all country roads not much traffic.


Bill is having his barn painted, its a big old wooden one so it is costing $3800 to do it. They are supposed to start today, but will have to power wash it first as the paint on it is peeling in many places.


This weekend Lake Lawn Resort is having Venetian Night on Saturday. They are having island type food outside for dinner and then at 8:30 the lighted boat parade on the lake. It will be the first time for Delavan Lake to have a Venetian night, its always only been Lake Geneva. Lake Geneva had theirs last weekend. I'm thinking about getting reservations for it, sounds like something fun and the weather is supposed to be good.


Okay, well enjoy your day looks to be a really nice one.

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Sharon, this is going to be a great weekend right up until Tuesday of next week. So great to be outside enjoying everything, and it sounds like you will going to the island doings with the parade of boats. So enjoy and have all the fun you can.


Those barns are so huge that price sounds right on for doing it and doing it right. After completion it should look great and it should last for many years to come.


You are smart to come inside and wash up when you get stuff on you. He normally does the same as well, but this time her did not and look at what it has done to him. He really looks bad with all of the swelling in both of his eyes and yesterday they were almost closed shut form all of the swelling. So at this point we will have to wait and see what he is like tomorrow to determine if we will go to the walk/run.


I was thinking you would be ordering off the menu. But with a play it would take much longer to eat rather than just having a buffet. So it sounds like all went very well and you had more than enough to eat. I can never eat much while eating at a buffet. I can only eat 1/2 of anything I order when we go out. Then Bill eats the leftovers the next day.


They always get us on taxes. Always going up and values going down. We have a lot of weighting to do before putting our house on the market. Many play the games and have a great time. Then there are some who get all worked up if they loose. It would be nice to finish respectable in the finial 2 games left to play. But if not, like you say, always next year. OH well,




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Well it was a great weekend. We went dancing and visiting Friday night. On Saturdat we went to Lake Lawn for dinner by the lake, it was a buffet also. There was rum runners pork roast and teriaky chicken as the main things. For dessert was a fruit salad salad, macadamia/white chocolate chip cookies, and pineapple upside down cake. So added a couple more pounds onto my belly! One of our dancing couple friends came also. After the dinner we got our lawm chairs out of the trunk and set them up right by the sidewalk that runs along the waters edge and watched the lighted boats go by. The only had about 15 decorated, but it was only the first time they ever had it. Probably next year there will be more.


Today we put up another fence section for the grape vines and Bill got the shower controls installed in the bathroom we are putting in in the basement. Then aroun 5:30 we went to the pool and we were the only ones there for almost an hiur. Then a nice couple came. He is a detective and his wife a nurse with Mercy hospital. He had a whole Indian village tatooed on his back. Surprising, was very friendly and outgoing. We talked with then for about 1/2 hr in the pool.

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Sharon, it sounds like you had a great weekend. I was just laughing, as I would have thrown out my diet as well with what was on the menu for the buffet. It all looked very good to me. Our grill almost caught on fire with the drip pan being all corroded. So we went out to eat as well on Sunday. Bill is calling today to see if he can get a new pan or we will have to buy a new one. It seems like they only make certain things to last and then you have to buy something new.


Weather wise the heat is back for a while. This is perfect times to be in the pool. I can't believe that the labor day weekend is here already. Where did the summer go. So I am planning to leave work early on Friday so we do not get tied up in the traffic. I certainly do not want to have what happened a few weeks ago when we when to WI.


I am just laying low this week getting ready to leave on Friday for a hopefully nice weekend. What are your plans for the weekend?




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Did you get to go to the run/walk thing? Was wondering how Bill was doing with his eyes being swelled up. Where are you going on this coming weekend?

Bill's son is coming again and also his daughter from Ohio. She is doing some major life changes. She is the one that is now going with her previous Brother in law after her sister died. He lives in WI so she has quit her job, which is a good thing because she was working way,way too many hours for the last several years. She finally got a divorce from her cheating spouse, after about 7 years and she has put her house up for sale and moving, I think to WI to look for a job around Madison. She called and left a message asking if she could stay her if needed. Of course we have the spare bedroom but I don't think she will, I think she will stay at one of her sisters. She is the one that said she was staying here before and cleaned for a week and she didn't even come over. So we will see what the weekend brings. We have tickets to see the Oakridge Boys at the fair on Friday night. And Wednesday night the girls want to go to the fair instead of just meeting at the little bar we always go to so we are planning on doing that also.


I just read what I posted yesterday from my tablet, seems I am always hitting some wrong letters when I use the tablet.


Yes its going to be hot all week, so that will be good for our last week of water aerobics outside. We will have a week off and then have the class inside for the fall and winter. I'm trying to decide what to take for our pot luck after the class on Thursday. It can't be anything that needs to be kept cold because we aren't having it until the class is over so it will be in the hot car or in a cooler in the car. Maybe just a relish tray would work pretty good, don't know yet.

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Sharon, I did not think that Bill would do the run on Saturday, but he did. His swelling has just about all gone down. He still has some itching and he is using creams to help that out. Surprisingly enough we both did better in our respective time from the last one we each did.


This Friday until Monday we are doing our Saugatuck, MI thing that we do twice a year now. By staying at the Boat and Breakfast place I have told you about. So I am planning to leave work early on Friday to see if we can get a jump on the traffic. I do not want to have what happened a few weeks ago when we went to WI. I have already told the jerk and he is not even planning to come in a Friday.


That is a great group to be seeing. The fair should be real crowded with a head line group performing like that. So your weekend should be filled with fun things to do as well. Enjoy your last water aerobic outside. In a few months you will be thinking of how nice it was being outdoors for the summer.


I just read that the farmers almanac is predicting a very cold and snowy winter for us this year. I guess we will just have to wait and see on that one.


Wow, that is some move that Bill's Daughter is doing. But if she can sell her house and move to WI , that should be a good thing for her. After what she did to you the last time, it is probably a safe bet that she will not stay with you this time either. There is no use in getting everything ready for her if she is not even going to show up.




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