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Good for both of you beating your previous times, maybe next time you will do even better. How did your shoes feel?


We did our zumba in the water again this morning and then went to water aerobics. We got a chicken wrap for lunch which is about all they make a the pool and then spent the rest of the day at the pool. The water was great and it was a very hot day so it was a great place to be.


We gave the water aerobics inside tomorrow and then plan on going out to the outside pool. Don't know why I never stayed after before, just always came home.


Going to the fair tomorrow night think its going to be good weather.

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Sharon, the shoes were great. I never knew how having the proper fitting shoes with custom orthodoxies can really improve on how your body feels on a daily basis. Just being a little off on alignment can really mess up your entire body structure.


Aren't you having the pot luck on Thursday after your class? Savor these days of being outside on the beach or outside in the pool. This is perfect weather to be outside beating the heat.


Your fair is starting already? This will be a great weekend for the fair and almost perfect weather as well. In one of the suburbs close to here, they have this huge craft fair every year on Labor Day weekend. I think it starts on Thursday and runs all the way until Monday. Crafter's come from all over the country to exhibit at the fair.


Depending on how we are feeling on Monday, we may drive directly to the fair on our way home on Monday for a few hours. We usually hit the road early on Monday and zip right home. Now the key will be to get out of work early enough to hit the road on Friday to avoid any possible traffic jams. With all of the crap that I am putting up with all of these adults who act like children, I deserve to leave early.


Tonight is our last official bocce game and then we have 1 makeup game form a previously rain out. So 2 more games and the season is finished for another year. We went from second place to sixth place by our big loss last week. Oh well, it is only a game.


Enjoy the rest of today and stay cool,




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How did you do last night at bocce? Move up any in the standings or isn't that possible at this stage. It was a nice night to be out side anyway.


After the inside water aerobics me and another gal went down to the outside pool and stayed for the rest of the day until 3:30. I had a strawberry margarita and she had a bloody mary and that was all we had for lunch. Felt a little wozzy for a while because of not having eaten since toast for breakfast very early. Then got home just in time to change clothes to go to the fair. Bill came home early so we could meet up with the other gals. It was a nice evening to be at the fair also, we got some food and walked around until about 9:30.


Today we had the zumba in the water at 8:15 and then the water aerobics at 10. There is no class for either one next week and then when it starts up again the week after they will both in inside. We had a nice assortment of food for the pot luck after the class, also the gal's house was really pretty. Looked like a model home, no newspapers, magazines or mail anywhere in sight. Can't believe people actually live like that, ha ha. Over half of them were talking about when they are leaving for the winter. Some go for 4 months others a month less or more. Some rent places while most of them own another house in Florida. It would be nice to go away during the coldest part of the winter. One of the gals brought her old friend to the last 2 water aerobics classes. She was so nice, I really liked her. They were both originally from Germany but have been here since there were 18. She was telling us that she worked as head housekeeper, sec, whatever, for a very rich man that had donated money to the Aquarium and has his name on something at Millennium park. I told her that some friends had just went to the aquarium and were surprised to see it cost around $69 per adult. She said she could get free tickets did I want any so I could go. So I told her that would be terrific and she is going to send me some. The only thing she asked was that I made sure to use them, which won't be a problem.


Well, most of the week I have been in the pool, should have been doing more of it during the summer instead of rushing home all the time. I have gotten very tan even with 45 sunscreen on. At least I haven't burned, just tanned. Hope you get away early tomorrow so you don't run into the awful traffic jams. Have a great time.

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Sharon, we are definitely taking a downward move in the wrong direction now. We lost once again last night and only 1 more game to play. The first place team lost as well, so there might be a tie for first as the second place won. We may end in the middle now. Oh well, at least we have had some fun.


I will be happy tomorrow if we can leave at 2. With the hour time difference and an average trip of 1 1/2 to 2 hours of travel. It was a nice night last night. Although very humid, it was cool enough and without the intense heat that we have had. You had a good night for the fair as well.


I agree, that you should have been taking more advantage of being outside in the pool more than coming right home. I know a lot of ladies are tan from being out on the golf course during the day over here. Many have places in Florida hear as well. I would say about 40% of the members have those places. Yes, it is nice to get away for the winter. We are planning to go on a sail boat ride on Lake Michigan either Saturday or Sunday. Then just do some shopping or touring and eating at some of the local restaurants in the area.


I know that I have had the same issues when I go a long time without eating. It is not good to do that and it is easier said than done sometimes as the very same thing has happened to me as well. The summer really went by fast. There should be nicer days ahead. But September will certainly brings cooler temps sometime during the month. The plan is to go for as long as possible without turning on the heat.


They have a good wine tasting and I also saw a theater in town. I have known about it before, but I have never gone to any performances. Perhaps this time we will. They have a local mini bus that comes and picks you up and drops you off in the town for only .50. Parking is hard to find and if you do find a lot they charge you. So for this amount, one cannot go wrong and we have our car parked the entire time and we ride this bus for the time we are there.


I am getting my hair and nails done after work today. So no walking once again, only last week.


Enjoy the weekend, rest and have fun with you weekend as well.




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Hows it looking to get away early? Sounds like you will have a great time on your mini vacation to MI. Hopefully you will get to see a show this time and the sailboat ride will be fun too. I think the weather is going to cooperate this year.


We haven't heard from anyone, and we will be going to the fair again tonight. Bill of course went to work, I told him to come home when ever he was ready to go and I'd be ready also.


Just doing some housework and sheet changing today, I haven't had to cut the grass now in two weeks. It's looking a little scraggly in places but not enough to cut it. If we get some rain it will probably start growing again.


Talk to you when you get back.

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Sharon, I have a call into the jerk to tell him I want to leave early. I am shooting for 3, so we shall see. I heard on the weather last night that today they are calling for storms later this afternoon. They said mainly north. Our concern is to leave so we do not get caught up in the storms heading up there moving across the lake.


Bill said the sail boat ride would be $150 for an afternoon and $175 for a sunset sail. I think we will be spending enough money this weekend without doing that as well. So we decided to do other things and not spend the money for that activity. He also looked into fishing and for a 1/2 day charter they wanted $550 for that. So he definitely thought that was too steep.


Bill is watering all the plants and grass today. So everything survives our time away. He has been watering everyday and people around here have been coming to him telling him how nice the grass looks. Everyone else is like you said brown, and all burnt up. The only thing that will bring that back is a good soaking with real rainfall.


Hopefully the weather will corporate for you going to the fair later on . Also, Bill getting home from work so you can get going as well. I am somewhat all packed and Bill is doing whatever he can do around the house today so when I also get home we can hit the road.


Have a great weekend and enjoy the fair later on and the rest of this weekend. We will hook up next week on Monday when we return.




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We got 3 inches of rain on Friday, late afternoon. We were on our way to the fair and when we got there we waited in the car for about 20 min for it to stop raining. Then the sun came back out and the rest of the night was fine. We really needed the rain but there was also some very gusty winds and many people that had trees ended up sawing and raking up what got blown over. Lots of branches down in town. We only have one tree in front of the house and then of course all the ones in the tree line but we don't have to do anything with them. The one in front of the house just last a few leaves, no branches. We went Sat to lunch with Bill's son but nothing else for the rest of the day. Today I went to church and then we went for breakfast but now just sitting again. We never heard from his other daughter from Ohio, but the one in town came with her DH to lunch on Sat.


No plans for tomorrow either, hate to say it but its kind of boring, thats why I'm on the computer. Too hot outside to do much, will be cooler tomorrow so maybe I'll just cut the grass. I have no classes all week with anything, but will have to go pay the Real Estate taxes, they are due on the 5th I think.


Golf yes too expensive, but I think you should have done the boat ride, but maybe next time you can find a coupon or something to reduce the rate. Remember I found the one for the Mississippi boat ride for $12 each from Groupon while people who just paid when they got there paid around $70 each.


Hope your ride home is uneventful and you don't get stuck in traffic!

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Sharon, I do not know how much rain that we got here. We did hear about the storm and all of the damage and high winds. The storm was trailing us once we got up there. We did not get on the road until 4 pm once again. It was not too bad as it took 2 hours. We just got into a place to eat when the storm hit there. It was not as bad as you had it. I am thinking that your area got much more damage and rain than our area did. I do know that there was a power loss and I have no idea on how long that was.


We left early this morning and stopped to write down some listings of places for sale on the way back in Southwest Michigan, like around St Joseph, MI. On the expressway, we kept moving along, although we went through a few constructions zones. It was not bad at all. We were going to the huge craft fair, but decided not to as I wanted to get back home and get everything put away and get things organized. We spent a lot of money over the weekend anyway.


I agree that group on is a great way for discounts. We saw a little motor boat rental that we may rent the next time. The other activity was for Lake Michigan fishing and that was to charter a boat, $550 was way too much to spend on that.


The weather was perfect all weekend, and today is much warmer than they were originally saying it was going to be. It is around 80 here today. We went on a tour on Saturday and to a winery. Then rented a kayak and went down a river there. Sunday, did more shopping and then all of us at the B&B had a cookout out on the upper deck of the boat.


It does not look like there was any damage around here as all looks OK. So I am just going to finish cleaning and putting things away and try to relax some. Seems hard to believe that you are board. But some holiday weekend can be just that.


I am sure that if I turn on a radio later on, that I will hear of all of the backups coming back form Wisconsin and Michigan and Indiana. With nice weather such as what we have, everyone will wait until the last possible moment to leave and come back home.


Enjoy the rest of today,




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What a great time it sounds like you had, lots of fun things! We did absolutely nothing. Bill watched golf and I played games on the computer. So glad the weekend is over.


Going to pay the taxes today and then cut grass when I come back, otherwise, nothing new.


My modem stopped working yesterday so I couldn't even use my computer. I called AT&T today and we tried a few things like reinserting cords and it did start to work again. I did have trouble with it a while back but its been good so don't know what happened to it. At least its back working now.


It is a nice day, cooler and I like that.

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Sharon, I also had trouble with my modem at home as it was over heating. They only last so long so I just bought a new 1, 2 years ago and all has been working OK. Amassing how we depend on things and when they do not work how our lives change.


When we did get home and after I finished cleaning, I laid down for a while as I was tired form the weekend and the short drive. Our usual place was closed for the 1/2 price burgers, so we found another place not too far away. I think Bill feels safe with me not cooking as well and he enjoys eating out also.


Well you had a nice quiet weekend and ours was a bit more active. The nice quiet one's are nice as well. For rest and just piece and quiet and just getting things done.


Our taxes are due in two week yet. We can never get away form taxes. A nice day to be outside working or just relaxing. A much needed change for the intense heat that we had. It really cooled off there especially being right on the water.


Wednesday is our last bocce game for the season. We are in 7th place now, and we could move up a few depending on how we play for the last game. There may be playoffs the next week, depending on what happens tomorrow.


Enjoy the rest of today.




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Got the taxes paid and the grass cut, today working on making dill pickles. I had the jars, had some zinc lids and found some more at Bills house. Bought the jar rubbers on ebay. So had everything this morning except dill so had to go to the farm stand and buy a couple of bunches. Now to start sterilizing the jars and lids and making the brine. At least its cooler today, so far.


Tomorrow going to walk the lake path with a friend from zumba, haven't had any classes this week in water aerobics or zumba so it will be good to get out and do something.

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Sharon, it sounds like you are all set to start making pickles and preserving as well. There were a bunch of you-pick-em places in Michigan. They said the peach crop was damaged last year and they are waiting for this years crop for peaches.


Our bocce season is completely over now. Our banquet is in 3 weeks also on Wednesday. We started out winning last night and then lost. So who knows what place we will end now. We went form 5th place to maybe a double digit now. I will have to wait and see where the standings are placed.


It is a beautiful day today, even last night it was a very pleasant night to be outside. Turned off the air conditioning as well for a rest. But I will have to turn it back on tomorrow as I heard humidity will return for the weekend. Feels good just now. I am also waiting to here form my friend to see if she is walking with me tonight. You should have a good morning for walking tomorrow with your friend before it gets too hot. It was a good summer and where did it all go, all of a sudden?


Enjoy the rest of the day,




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Got 7 jars of dill pickles made, should of had 2 or 3 more little cucumbers but just made do, wasn't going back up to the farm stand again. The whole house smells like vinegar and dill.


So your bocce is done, what starts up next at the club? You will have a nice dinner for the ending and awards even if you didn't win or come in 2nd.


We just leave our air on, if it gets cooler it doesn't run, hasn't run too much today, but probably will over the weekend again.

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Sharon, I did go walking last night with my friend. Also feels good with my new walking shoes. This Saturday we have our next 5K and it is right here in Lansing.


As of Wednesday, we went into the game being in seventh place. So with that loss we will end more than likely 9 or 10 I would imagine. Oh well, after all it is just a game and I think the most important thing is that everyone has fun . Now the next activity that extends into the fall, and winter is bean bags. We do not get involved in that as we go away sometime and with winter we just do not do that activity.


It seems like there is always just one more thing to do whenever doing a project. You should have enough pickles to last thorough the winter. You house must smell very clean with the smell of the vinegar and dill.


I like the fresh air blowing in. Bill does all of that stuff anyway. If it did get too hot then I would turn it on as I am not very good in the heat. I heard that the beaches were all closed yesterday due to the high winds and bad conditions on the shoreline at the lake with rip currents. I also heard that next week the temps will return into the 90's.


Have fun walking along the lake path today,




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How long did you walk last night? It is getting dark earlier I've noticed. Before it was almost 9pm, so the days are getting shorter. We walked from about 9:15 to 11:45. Fun to look at all the houses and see their landscaping and also to see the lake. They were having a regatta and there were many sail boats out. Mary, the gal I walked with thought that there might be a sailboat race later today.


Haven't done much since I got back, we will go dancing/visiting tonight. Its one of the gals birthday. She doesn't come often but said her and hubby were coming tonight. There will be more line dancing when more of the gals come.


There was a nice breeze coming off the lake but when we got back to the car we could tell it was in the upper 80's. Supposed to be hotter tomorrow. I used to really like it hot but this year have changed and like it more in the upper 70's without humidity.


Do good on your walk/run this weekend!

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Sharon, we walked for a little over an hour and did 2 miles. The path is marked and paved. Wow, you really had a good walk yourself today. Also nice to have scenery and water and houses to look at. When you are doing that, the time passes quickly.


I could also feel the humidity when I came home form work for lunch this afternoon. Tomorrow we will have to get there early for picking up our packets. Since this the place, that Bill has gotten a 2 for 1 with membership, that I have never used. We will change there and shower afterwards. The walk/run starts at 9 so we can get there around 8:15.


Always fun when you have a group and other's who will dance with you. Having a B-Day party should hold the excitement as well. Have fun tonight and the rest of the weekend. I agree with you about the heat. I cannot take the hot stuff any more either. Temps in the 70's is welcome. Yes, I have noticed the light getting shorter. All signs of winter approaching down the road.




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How did the run/walk go today? It got pretty hot this afternoon, good thing it was in the morning.


They were working on the highway this morning and the traffic was backed up in front if our driveway, made it hard to get out and back in. We went to several places today to check prices on a vanity/top/faucet and toliet. The best price turned out to be Menards. So we paid for them but have to get Bill's son to help us get them home the beginning of next week. We got a white vanity, 48 inches long and a white marble top, all one piece with the sink molded in it.


Tomorrow is the parade for Cornfest, after which they give away free roasted ears of corn. Then later we have tickets to the circus in town.


My exercise classes start up again next week but I hit my knee when I almost fell and now it hurts to bend it. Trying to keep it from bending it too much so it will get better.

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Sharon, the humidity was very high yesterday. It was not too long when I could really feel it. They kind of pulled a fast one with the walkers. The course was advertised as a 5K and they had a loop. After the first loop they sent all of the walkers to the finish line. So the walkers only did 1 1/2 miles. So our next one is in 2 weeks and the finial one is 2 weeks after that, on a runway at O'Hare.


The first part of October we are going to a retired airline convention in Denver. Bill has never been involved with any of that stuff since he retired back in 2007. Depending on if they will use him this year for the Chicago Marathon will depend if we return a day early or just stay another day. He was driving an official vehicle on the course. But with all of the added security he may not be doing that this year.


We know fall is here with all of the corn festivals around. Leaves are falling each and everyday. So it sounds like you have a good day planned for today. I know that Menards has the good prices. However we found that you have to pay attention of some of the stuff as we have had parts missing or some minor damage once we got it home. Our big bathroom project was at the beginning of this year.


I am sorry to hear you hurt your knee. Have you been icing it? Hopefully it will not affect your getting back to your exercising once your classes start back this week. Enjoy the rest of the weekend,




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The parade was good yesterday, quite long. Probably because it is the only one going on this time of year. They even had the Jesse White tumblers, they were very good too.


Then we went to the circus, and if you didn't know better you would have thought you were in Mexico. Our town has a high Mexican population and there must have been many from other towns also. It was very obvious when the boy scouts lead the Pledge of Allegiance, only a few of us knew it. Wouldn't you think that if they wanted to be here and become citizens that they would at least try to learn the language and a few of the major things; like pledge and anthem! I try not to be prejudiced but I think they should try to assimilate. Okay off my soapbox.



My knee was feeling better then I tried to go downstairs when Bill and his son came back from picking up the vanity and top. It really hurt to bend it that much. I am going to water aerobics tomorrow, think the water will be good for it. I will just have to be careful about bending it too much. I am hoping that by Thursday it will feel good enough to go to zumba.


So today did a few loads of laundry but taking it easy, really hot outside anyway for the next couple of days. Then looks like we'll be back in the 70's. That will feel good.

Edited by timeormoney
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Sharon, I hope you did not tear anything in your knee. It sounds like you really did a number on it for it to be hurting like it is. Best to take it easy and watch it for a while longer. Yes it is real hot here and like you said, for the next couple of days more. Did you get any rain over the weekend? I heard that close to the Wisconsin boarder yesterday there was rain. We have not gotten a drop around here.


Wow, having the Jesse White tumblers, that must have been some parade. It sounds like everything went very well for you over the weekend. At least the weather was nice for all of those activities. I totally agree with you. If people cannot respect our customs here, then what is the point.


So when are you going to put all of the new stuff into your bathroom? I know that once we picked things up, we do not wait too long to get the project done, as I get impatient to see the finished result. All in all everything should be real nice for you and it is important to keep things up to date. I know we did an awful lot to our bathroom project. However we have modernized our house, and the bathroom was a picture of something form the 1950's, so it really needed to be totally updated.


Stay cool,




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Sharon, I was thinking about you the other day when I was at our local hardware store. There on a display by the checkout counter was jarred pickles. I thought that was funny especially, when you just preserved a bunch of them. Especially, of all places to find pickles, in a hardware store.


It sure was hot yesterday. I heard that over the next few days it should be cooling off some. I guess that over the weekend it could go into the 40's at night. How was your knee in the water and did it help any? Yesterday, was a great day to be in the water. I even heard that the lakefront temp in the water was 77 degrees yesterday.


Bill bought another group-on for paragliding at a place about 45 minutes south of here. So we may do that on Saturday if he can book something. Or should I say he will do that and I will just go along to take pictures. I swear, I do not know what he is doing all of these crazy things all of a sudden. He tells me it is because of all of his weight loss.


Lots of watering for the flowers with this intense heat. Bill waters in the morning and I do it again in the evening. Do you have anything exciting planned for the weekend, other than the usual dancing on Friday? I never got a lunch again yesterday, as things were just too crazy around here. I know I should always take a lunch, but easier said than done.


We are supposed to get rain today, and the cool front will start late this afternoon moving in from your direction. Around here it is still supposed to be in the 90's once again. Have a great day,




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The water did help my knee yesterday, its more of a nagging ache now, but at least I can bend it. Today I went to another exercise class. The gal that leads the water aerobics is the pastors wife at a church near to the resort. She was telling us that another 12 week session was starting last Monday in the gym of their church. I couldn't go Monday because of my knee but tried it today. There are about 50 ladies there, quite a few I recognized that had been going to zumba. It is quite a workout. I think they hit every muscle in my body. I like it though, I think better than the zumba.


Today I am making concord grape jelly. I am taking a break and have to go back at it in a minute.


Too bad you are so darn busy you can't eat. You should just say screw it all and take you lunch!


Yes your Bill is living dangerously lately. Wonder if I lost a lot like he did if I would get some incentive to do the scary things he is? I don't think I could lose that much weight, I'd still be chicken to do them.


No plans for the weekend yet, going to dance and talk with the girls tonight. Last week the bartender/owner sent us home with two sandwiches of pork from a pig roast they had. So we are taking him some brownies tonight, its one of his favorites, kind of thanking him for the free sandwiches. He does nice things like that all the time.


Well, better get back to the jelly....


Oh yes, we haven't opened up the vanity or top yet, maybe do that on the weekend since its supposed to be cool. I think the front all ready went through here since its only in the upper 70's, not the 90's that they were talking about. It was also raining a little bit ago.

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It only rained fir a little bit yesterday, then the sun came out and it really warmed up. Today cooler but still very nice out. I was going to make more jelly but had to get some more lids and sugar. So after I got those things at the store de ided instead to cut the grass and do jelly tomorrow.



Going to the "Fittnes for Life" class again tomorrow, think I'll go ahead and pay. Two of the gals from zumba are going to try it also.


This was our last time for doing zumba on the beach, next week we go back inside the field house.

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Sharon, I guess if there are 50 other ladies in the class, it sounds like it is a good program with that number of participants attending. Especially if it is working all of your muscle groups. You will look back next week and beyond and wish for the beach workouts once you are back inside. Where did the summer go. it always seems like things go away so quickly.


I know the other day when you got the rain we never got anything, the only thing I noticed was the temp drop form the 90's into the 80's in about an hour.


This is the perfect time of the year to be doing the things you are doing like pickling and now the jelly. You will have lots to enjoy over the winter and beyond.


We are leaving shortly as Bill is going to try hang gliding at a place about an hour south of us, just past Kankakee, IL. Enjoy the weekend.




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How did the hang gliding go? It is a very nice day to be outside. We met Bill's 2 daughters and one son for dinner last night then we took the one daughter with us dancing. She mostly watched but seemed to have a good time. Then she stayed overnight and we took her to breakfast before dropping her back off at her sisters house. So far a busy weekend.


Maybe we'll get started on the vanity, but Bill is pretty tired, we got up pretty early because his daughter is an early riser.


No plans for tonight, might stay home and tv it.

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