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Sharon, it was a great day to be outside yesterday. Today rain, but much needed rain. It was about 45 miles south of us, and it did not take too long to get there. It was the next exit past the last Kankakee exit off of I-57. He went up once and came down kind of fast as they lost the wind. Someone else goes up with him. So he was waiting to go back up once again and something broke on the line that pulls you up and they went to fix it and never came back.


So we had ticks already bought for a annua, fish fry at our club and that started at 4:30 and we looked at the time and it was already 3:30 there, so we just left to get back here on time. So they owe him to go once again some other Saturday or Sunday. We got back for the fish fry and it was also outside and still very nice for being outside.


This daughter of Bill's. Is this the one form Ohio who is moving back here? The one who did not stay with you before as well? It sounds like you al had a good time being out. How is the bathroom stuff going or was Bill too tired to do anything? It should all look real nice once all complete. Before we did our bathroom it was something right out of the 1950's, so we really needed to update it or we would never get anything when it comes time to sell.




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Glad he didn't get hurt coming down fast. He still w ants to do it again? Musr have enjoyed it! Good you got back in time for dinner, it was a nice day.

Bill is working on the barhroom now, I a.m not helping him, just irritated with him today.


We will probably go to the resort later, not sure.


Yes it was that daughter. She moved up around Madison and came downfir her sisters bday. I was surprised she stayed overnight here with us. She is very happy and upbeat, ready for all the changes starting in her life.


Rain here today also, seems to have stopped for the moment.

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Sharon, he does want to go back as he was not up in the air all that long for the price he paid. They were planning to go up again, but something broke on the line they were using and they went to fix it and said they would be back in 30 minutes. We waited 50 minutes and looked at the time and we just left.


How did Bill do on the bathroom? It sounds like you did not have a good day yesterday. Did you make it to the resort? With the rain it would have been nice to go into the spa or pool. Hopefully there was not many kids around either. So with Bill's daughter being much closer now, you may see more of her. It is good that things are working out for her.


We did not do much on Sunday. I went and picked up some steaks and grilled them in the rain. Back to the bump and grind here again for another week.




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We did go to the resort and there wasn't hardly anyone else there. Only one man was in the pool when I was, but there was a family that was arguing sitting at one of the table poolside and they were very loud and obnoxious. The gal finally had enough and marched out with the hubby and 3 kids following. Was glad to see them go!


Yes I was in a bad mood, because I want him to get some financial things taken care of and he keeps dragging his feet. This concerns me and I can't figure out why he isn't taking care of it. I don't know how much he got done in the basement, I didn't go look today either.


Dancing with the stars is back on again tonight, will be something different to watch on Mondays. Then the last episode of The Dome, which they have been dragging out for the last several weeks.


I went to the Fitness for Life class again today, will be going Mon, Wed and Friday, maybe. Two of the other gals from zumba came also. It is a very thorough class for toning. We do weights and floor exercises and by the time you are done every muscle in your body has been hit. Tomorrow plan on going to water aerobics. Wednesday I have a skin dr appmnt and she will probably find some spot here or there to zap and I won't be able to go in the water for a couple of weeks.


Nice out today, but supposed to warm up a bit tomorrow.

Edited by timeormoney
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Sharon, I don't blame you for getting upset. He needs to get that stuff taken care of. Best to be ahead of things now, rather than wait until something happens and then it is too late. I supposed I put things off longer than I really should. Bill seems to stay on top of those things for me. Especially when we saw on how things go when we were taking care of his Dad.


I have been at places like you were describing about the resort, where people think that they are the only one's around and they do not consider other's who are there as well, and they had been disturbing you. They probably stayed too long and it was good that they finally left when they did.


Bill had the house blocks alongside our house painted a week ago and today he had the driveways sealed coated. He only has to do the basement floor now as our basement is unfinished. So he bought some epoxy, and one of these days he will do the basement floor so it will look a bit more presentable. Before we know it, February will be here and that is when we plan to put the house on the market. We have got to start looking around to get some ideas. I hate the thought of it all.


I just got a DVD player and recorder as I threaten to cancel the service. I could never watch any of my shows as I had nothing to record anything that I like. I was going to ask you what you thought of the new lineup with DWTS.


Best to stay on top of your skin as those things can pop up. They make you stay out of the water for 2 weeks? I guess the chlorine can irritates the skin until it heals up properly.


It has been real nice with the cooler temps. I like to open the windows and let the breeze in.




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What service do you have? Did they give you the recorder? We have direct tv and they gave us a recorder. We use it all the time to record stuff when we are gone and when two good shows are on and we only can watch one at a time. The Dome just kind of quit tonight, not a good ending that tied everything up. Felt it was a waste to watch it all those weeks.



There were some really good dancers already on DWTS. One couple got 9's already!


Another terrible shooting at the Navy yard, whats wrong with people!


Bill is sitting here sleeping so I guess we better head to bed.

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Sharon, we have had Comcast for a number of years. I was going to cancel and then they came up with giving me the recorder/player DVD. I could not record before and now I can, so I do not miss any viewing.


So has Bill made any progress on the bathroom? Bill had our driveways seal coated yesterday. So the cars had to stay off of it. He had the guys over every yesterday morning. So with the sun and temps it dried and I was able to pull my car into the garage after 7 last night coming back from our burgers. Tonight is a toss up on what I will have for diner and tomorrow we will go to the club. I try only to cook 2 maybe 3 time per week.


I know what you mean about all of the hype they put on for these shows, only to end in a huge disappointments like you experienced last night. They get us all hanging on, only to let us down with ending like that one last night.


I am almost afraid to turn on the TV anymore, with all of these shootings and people acting crazy. Were is it safe for any of us anymore. Warming up some more today with lots of sunshine. I guess rain for the next couple of days after today. We really need the rain.




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I checked the basement bathroom today, he has all the water pipes and drains ready so we can put the vanity in and then connect them. We still need to buy a toilet, Menards wouldn't match the price at Lowes so we said forget it then. Then said it wasn't the same model, but it sure seemed like it was to us.

We will also have to get some type of light fixture, today I looked up at the light and its just a light bulb screwed in, no cover over it. Nice and bright like that but not very nice looking.


Had a good day at the water aerobics, but very crowded, hopefully the "snowbirds" will be leaving for Florida or Arizona and those of us who stay here will have more room.


I like to only cook a couple of nights a week also, sometimes we just have the frozen Healthy Choice dinners, some are pretty darn good. Then we add some garlic bread and sliced tomatoes or a vegetable and thats an easy dinner. Since Bill has lost weight, he gets full very fast and doesn't really want a big dinner anymore.


We had our driveway seal coated a few weeks ago and now with the road being resurfaced they have cut off the edge by the road. Hope they put it back and it still looks good. Really getting tired of this road construction, you have to add about 15 min to the time it takes to get anywhere to allow for the flaggers who stop you.


Got pretty chilly here this morning, only around 36 degrees. Now warmed up some and tomorrow more even, but with rain.

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Sharon, it sounds like Bill has done all of the hard work, and now you both just have to line things up and install them. I know those porcelain toilets, when you are tightening up the screws you have to be careful not to tighten them too much as they will crack. That is what happened to us when we just did the replacement of fixtures a few years ago, before we did this complete tear out.


That must be nice to just have a plan when you will leave for warmer climates and then return when the weather is warmer. We have a lot who do the very same around here as well. Most go to Florida. We have talked about that, getting another place where it is warm during the winter. Now is the time to buy, not sell. It sounds like you have a lot who go away with those crowded numbers you have just now. That also says that there must be some very good classes to generate those high number of participants.


Bill was going to put in an extra bathroom in our basement. But once we decided that we are moving. There is not much sense to put more money into this place, when more than likely we will have to make improvement once we find a new place. Having just 1 bathroom these days is not good at all.


We also have to figure out when we can power wash our house and garage form all of the dirt construction that went on in front of our house for the past 2 years. So with the bottom of the house all painted, getting the siding power washed will brighten things up and get all of the construction dirt off.


So your Bill has lost weight as well. Doesn't that make you think on how easy they both can loose the weight and here we are struggling to either maintain or loose anything. I am not happy at all with my weight. It has been cooling off here as well. I think your area has been much cooler that here. This is the time of year when we could get almost any kind of temps all in a range of highs and lows.




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I don't know where that is, but Antioch is about 45 minutes east of us. Many years ago there was a George Diamonds restaurant in Antioch and we would go there for steak, it was very good! Too bad it closed 20 years ago or more.


Was just heading out the driveway this morning for zumba when I thought I better check my phone, have been waiting for a message from Bill's daughter about an appmnt to get my hair cut, I asked her last Friday to let me know when she could do it. No message from her, but a message from the Zumba leader saying her daughter was sick and she didn't have a sub so there was no class, and would I let the other gals know. Well it was about 10 min to 9 and the class starts a 9:15, so I did get a hold of one gal and she was going to call another gal, but some of the others I don't have a phone no. for. She should have called the Rec department and had them do it not leave it up to me!


It is warm here today, like you say the weather goes up and down, up and down! We had thunder and rain early this morning so its too wet to do any mowing. I had a taste for chocolate so I made a pan of walnut brownies for lunch. Ha ha I didn't eat them all, plenty left but there were good. No wonder I can't lose any weight even though I am exercised more than ever.


As I mentioned before, I really need a trim for my hair, but haven't heard from Bill's daughter, would like to go some place else since its been a week since I asked her ...and she can't be that busy that she couldn't squeeze me in. But afraid if I go somewhere else now she will be mad. Not going to ask her again, will just go somewhere else to begin with. Guess I'll wait a few more days and then decide what to do if I don't hear from her.


Better get busy, have a nice day

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Sharon, it is lucky that you did check your phone before you left. I remember a time last year when they did not have your number and you went for a class that got canceled. We really got the rain late yesterday afternoon and then again in the evening. Today most of the morning it was raining very hard as well. But now the clouds cleared away and it has gotten hot, just like they said it would.


I put aside the walking last week so I could get my hair and nails done. I am sure that once you book another appointment, then she will get in touch with you, as that is how things seem to go. I had a dental cleaning this morning.


We have another 5K run/walk this Saturday morning. It will be in the next town just north of us. Then we will do the O'Hare one on the runway the last Sunday of the month. We will have to get up early for that one as it will be a drive to go up north. The one you saw was at Midway, and I did not know about that one.


I have a soft spot for chocolate as well. Funny you ate them and don't really eat them, but I know I cannot stay form those temptations either. go figure


Wow, you are a good distance away from Antioch. It must be closer to the lake.




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Wow I didn't realize that I hadn't been on here for several days. It was a busy weekend, got some grass cut did some swimming and .....booked a cruise. The cruises were going for a really good price. Unfortunately the air fare and hotels weren't. I booked a cruise on NCL out of New Orleans the first part of December. Then I found out that NO was having some big basketball game and the hotels were pretty full already. I got a room for a couple of nights at the Drury. We had stayed there the one other time we went out of NO. They have free breakfast and snacks and drinks free also in the evening. Still haven't found a good price on a hotel near Ohare with free parking for the night before we fly.


Have been doing the Fit for Life classes, really good toning classes, I can really feel all the muscles being worked. It should make a difference.


This week on Thursday, Bill is going to the eye dr to find out about having a cataract removed and on Friday we are going to Warren, WI for the cranberry festival. We are taking the Van Galder bus out of Janesville so I don't have to drive. Its a long way up there and seems even longer when you are tired coming home. So its just better to take the bus and be able to sleep on the way home. Looks like the weather will be nice and warm, last couple of times we went it was freezing.


Got my hair cut at Great Clips, got tired of waiting for an appmnt from Bill's daughter. Then we saw them at the pool on Sunday and she said she never got my text message about when I could come in. Something must have gliched I guess.


Nice day today, going to finish up the mowing

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Sharon, wow you have been busy. A cruise planned already for December, that's great. Then a bus trip to WI. So where is the cruise going? What about that hotel you booked the last time you were leaving form O'Hare? Didn't that have the parking included while you were away?


I know we have stayed at Drury Hotels before. They are great hotels to stay at. So it is good that you have the one already booked. How long is the cruise as well and will you be gone for the holidays? What are you going to be doing on the bus trip on Friday? I agree, best to let them do the driving especially if Bill will be recovering form the surgery form the day before.


That is great that your new fit for life class have been doing so good for you. Even working all of the muscle groups as well. I figured once you got your hair cut, Bill's daughter would be saying something. It seems like that is the way it always goes. But at least you got it cut when you wanted to do it.


On Saturday it was a great 5K walk. Bill came in third place for his 5K race. He also went on Sunday out to Woodfield and picked up our packets for the O'Hare race/walk on this Sunday, as there is no race day packet pickup. I went out with my friends on Sunday to Frankfort, IL, for a tea. We also went out Saturday afternoon and started looking at houses for sale. Just went looking form the outside and in a few different areas. We have a long way to go yet. We found a place called the Light House Restaurant, located on Cedar Lake, IN.


It is a beautiful day to be outside today. It will be nice for a few days more this week. I think Thursday it will be in the 80's.




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Bill will only be finding out a date for the cataract surgery on Thursday, probably be some time the following week. No way could we go on a bus trip if he had the surgery the day before. He had the other eye done a couple of years sgo and it was covered for the first day after and then we had to put drops in it several times a day for a while. We figure by Dec he will be doing great with it.


The cruise goes to the western carribean, I like the eastern better but it will be nice going out of NO. Just getting away for the week cruise will be nice. When we add the night before the flight and the 2days in NO before the cruise, we will be gone 10 days. The pet sitter will have to take Tink for a walk a couple times.


We will spend Thanksgiving night at the hotel, but that is the only holiday that will be involved. I found the Holiday Inn Express that had the parking and shuttle, we have stayed there before, its clean and convient. Not a real good price but I'll keep looking for a better price. At least I have something if I can't find anything better.


Thats great Bill came in 3rd! How did you do, improve on your time? That should be fun on the runway, bet they get a big crowd wanting to do it. Good also he could pick up the packets before so you don't have to get them the day of the rave.

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Sharon, there is no race day packet pickup the day of. There were actually 4 places to pick up this week. But, the one at Woodfield worked the best for him as the others were downtown during the week and he did not want to go downtown during the week.


OK, that make more sense now, as I just misunderstood about when he was doing the surgery on his eye. It would not be good for you both having just having it done the day before you are leaving on a trip. Well if you can find a better deal on the hotel before you leave, then you are covered. If not at least you have something and parking as well.


We found a parking garage for inside parking and they also have outside parking down Mannheim Road and a shuttle bus takes you to the terminal. Just a fraction of what the other garages are charging. Also saves a lot of limo's as well.So that is what we have been dong the past few trips that we have taken.


I agree, that the Eastern has better stops. But at least you found a good cruise to take and someplace different rather than Florida. NO sounds like a fun place to depart from. You will not have much time to get ready as it will be here before you know it.


For the walk this past Saturday, I may have shaved off a minute and we waited around to see if I had gotten anything. But the cutoff looked to be around 50 minutes and I did it in 52 minutes. That was 3.1 miles of walking. Now, last night on the news, I saw rain for Sunday morning, and if that is the case, it will not be a fun time at all. Security will not let anyone on the runway unless you are already registered. So we also have paid extra to park right where the event is being held. Otherwise they have free shuttles taking people from a lot about 20 minutes away.


Another nice day today. The jerk will be here all week. So things have been nuts and so has he. Everything goes to his kids and they are taking money out of here, like it is water.




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What is the name of the parking garage you use? We usually have to come down the night before since we live so far away from the airport. That means we have to get a room in addition to parking. Our flight this time leaves at 8am so we will have to get up early even with being so close at the hotel.


I saw a deal today through Sweet Jack that was a Wyndham hotel in NO, 3 days 2 nights for $139. But when I read the reviews decided to keep the Drury, we kind of know what to expect there.


Beautiful day here today, had the water aerobics, it is really crowded, hard to get a spot where you can wave your arms and kick your legs without hitting someone. I overheard some of the gals that have been coming longer complaining about it. We had some new gals today that were staying at the hotel so they won't be back, and then hopefully some will lose interest and drop out.


Too bad your boss is there, I know he always caused more work for you!


Good time on your walk, sometimes its just about impossible to get going any faster, your time was pretty good if you ask me, and just to have missed by a couple of minutes, you should be proud.


They are still working on the road, looks like they will be here another couple weeks at least. They only have one layer of asphalt on and they are working on about 10 miles. Hope they get done by winter!


Maybe you will get home in time to go for a walk, its really nice outside.

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Sharon, I wish I could say that I would go for a walk when I get home. But instead, I will drink a glass of wine and go into the hot tub. After what I have put up with this jerk the past few days, I need that more. We were just talking last week about that and me not being able to loose any weight. It is because of the wine. Even though I only have 1 sometimes 2, it all adds up. Stress does things to you.


The name of the garage is called AviStar Airport Parking. You can go to http://www.AviStarparking.com to look it up. We usually make a reservation and also book and even pay for in advance to get a discount and also look for offered discounts.


You are probably the same distance that we are from the airport. We are at one end and you are at the other. We are right on the Indiana boarder, and you are close to Wisconsin. However, we would probable do the very same thing as you, as Bill can't stand to get up so early in the morning to catch an early fight that we have to drive to. So he has been booking them later on, when we leave in October for Denver our flight is at noon or 12:30.


I agree with you about the water aerobics. The instructor should have everyone spaced out so no one is hitting anyone. I would be upset too, if I have been going to the class for a while, suddenly to have it over run where you cannot enjoy the workout. Someone should say something to the leader.


It was a nice day today and even better at night with fresh air for sleeping.




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I don't think the wine is all that bad for you or for weight loss. I have read that somewhere seversl times, so enjoy. That hot tub sounds soooo relaxing, we don't have one but Bill likes the one at the resort.


I don't like getting up that early either for a flight, nor does Bill. This time it was the only one I could find, but we won't like getting up to get to the airport by 6 am. That means we will be tired early in the day and won't be able to do too much the first day. I have been on the Jewels roll call, not too many people on ir. Looks like about twenty only.


The thing about the water aerobics is we are already spread out over the entire pool. There is that many coming. The pool is large but not as large as the outside pool we were using at the other resort all summer. We don't use the outdoor pool at this resort.


Got the fittness class tomirrow morning. Did I tell you that I stopped at Great Clips on Friday and got my hair cut? It is super short, don't hardly have to comb it or worry it will get messed up by the wind.

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Sharon, that makes me feel much better, as I thought the wine was doing me in. I have to come up with something better, as I just feel fat all of the time. If we had to leave early, we would stay at a hotel at the airport also, just to keep form leaving our house so early. You have to go for the flight that works best for you. As long as the hotel gives you the parking while you are gone, that is a good thing.


So this is a different pool that you do your water aerobics from where you go to the resort? With all of those ladies, that tells me it is a great class, other wise there would not be as many participants that you have.


Yes, you did tell me about getting your hair cut. I just did not know it was at Great Clips. So it sounds like you are happy with what they did. I just never thought much about Great Clips as being any good. But with what you have said I will keep that in mind for myself. Although I have a good place here where I go to get my nails and hair.


Bill has a heal spur and will need surgery to release the tendon in October. He went to the Dr yesterday to get cleared for the surgery. They also gave him the new senior flu shot and phenomena shot as well. So he was kind of sick last night and did not sleep all that well all night.


I have heard nothing but good things about NCL. So the ship you are going on is the Jewel? It has been a long time since you have been on a cruise and this one sounds like a good cruise and also a perfect time to get away. Have you ever sailed on NCL before?


Another nice day today. We have our bocce banquet tonight. Enjoy the day,




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The pool is the resort pool we always go to on the weekend, but the water aerobic class all summer was held at a larger pool at a different resort. I'm sure some of the ladies will drop out, they always seem to be gung ho to begin and then quit coming. At least I hope they do, ha ha


Bill had his eye appmnt today and they decided to do a laser treatment on the one eye that he can only see half out of. Last Oct he had that small stroke and its like a shade is pulled down half way. He can see out of the bottom, but if he looks at you he can only see from about your nose down. So they did something to it, but not to make it so he could see all the way, only so he could see better the bottom half. Now he doesn't feel very good. Hope he is better by Friday. We had no idea the dr would do anything except examine him and schedule the cataract surgery. Which he did do too, its on the 14th of Oct.


We need to get the flu also, we ususally get it every year and now like you say they have a senior shot, just for us oldsters!


Too bad about your Bill's heel spur, isn't funny once you start doing something you like, something always turns up that need to be fixed or rested.


Great Clips doesn't do anything fancy, but you can walk right in and get your hair cut without an appmnt. Some of the beauticians are better than others so you just get lucky if the one you get is good. I pretty much like mine, shorter than ever but still ok.


NCL is the only ship we have ever went on, look at all the cruises listed at the bottom of my page. I had forgotten we went on the Jewel before, can't quite remember what its like but I know its not one of those huge ones. We like the ones that carry around 2000 people not the mega ships.


Have fun at your banquet tonight!

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Sharon, I can't remember if I had told you that we went in on the bocce this year as co-chairman's. The one that was running it before had asked us if we wanted to co-chair this season with them. Bill did most of the work all year and he was actually the treasure. So he was in charge of handing out the money for prizes and ordering and paying for the banquet and drinks last night. We had about 100 who attended.


Well only you can hope that you water aerobic class thins out some to give those who are serious in doing the exercises more room to do the exercises.


I do remember when Bill had the stroke, but I had no idea that this part was affected him the way you have described. Hopefully all will be OK tomorrow so you can go on the bus trip. Since they are doing the driving, it might be OK. Perhaps he can wear sunglass in case his eye is sensitive to the light now. I would hate to hear that you cannot go because he is not feeling right.


You are right about things. Here Bill has lost all of the weight and he feels good to be doing things once again that his weight has prevented him form doing. I think he has gone to extremes with jumping out of airplanes and Para gliding. So now your Bill is having his eye surgery on October the 14th and my Bill his having his foot/heal surgery on the 16th.


I felt kind of stupid after I had asked the question yesterday about NCL as I did look down afterwards and saw that you only have done NCL. It is good that you have had a good experiences with them and that you are getting things taken car of now so you both can enjoy the cruise. We have stuck with RCCL brands. Going on RCCL once, Celebrity a few times and Azarama once. All are a part of RCCL. We like Celebrity the best. Bill actually booked a Hawaii cruise for us sometime ago, that does not depart until April 2015. Too far off for me to be getting excited just now.


Bill was sick during the night Tuesday form having the 2 shots. Just a reaction and his arm was hurting and he went to bed real early as well. I don't think he was feeling 100% yesterday, but he put on a good show at the banquet.




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I had forgotten about you being the co-chairmans, but you did mention it to me. Bill probably did a much better job as treasurer since he kept it separate not like the other person did. That was quite a turnout, did your team win any money this year?


We did go to the Cranberry fest, there were literally thousand of people there. They said they thought some many were there for opening day because the weather was supposed to be good on Friday and rain late on Saturday. We bought several things, cranberry wine was one of the things. Also cranberry cookies and some cranberry cheddar cheese. I had a cranberry ice cream cone and Bill had a cranberry creme puff. We walked till we couldn't hardly anymore, and only got around the outside of the fest. They said it was around 3 miles of vendors and farmer market and antiquers. There were several VanGalder busses there so our driver put Honolulu on the front so we could tell it apart from the others. He said he knew no other buss would have that lit up on the front, ha ha.


Yesterday went to lunch with Bills daughter, the one moving here from Ohio. She really needs to get a job, she said she can't stand not being busy and wanted to go to his farm house and wash his kitchen floor. Where did that idea come from???? So we gave her the key and let her knock herself out. She also wanted to help him with the books, but he already has a bookkeeper and thought she would drive him crazy!


Been working on putting the faucet and stuff on the new cabinet, finally got it together and put it in the bathroom, it looks pretty good. Bill is still down there finishing up and we will probably go to the resort so he can get in the hot tub to relax. Last week the water was hot but there were no bubbles. Hopefully they got it fixed by now.


Yes, both of our Bills will be laid up that week in October, but we are counting on Bill's eye being all well by the time the cruise is. We cannot go on RCC because Bill smokes and they don't allow smoking on the balcony. I told him pretty soon we won't be able to go on any cruise line because they are all banning it and I don't blame them. Luckily NCL still allows smoking on the balcony so all will be good this time at least.


Hope your Sunday was nice,

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