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Sharon, good point about taking notes. Yes, agreed when anger sets in it can be all for not. Thank you for a very good suggestion.


Yes, I do understand about your forever fit class. I think it is a good idea to have the class broke down the way it is. I guess the big thing is making sure you are in the right part of the class for what type of energy level you are best geared for.


Bill is taking over the counter stuff for aches and cold/cough. I cannot find more at any drug store as so many people are getting sick with the flu. He sees his internist next week. If he does not get any better, he will ask him for a Z-Pack. Hopefully when you go back to the Dr in 2 weeks, things will be taking good effect for your Bill.


It is extremely cold for the next few days. The wind is supposed to be picking up as well. If it continues to stay like this, the kids will remain out of school.




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I hope you don't catch what your hubby has. Seems like many people have the flu. Bill's granddaughter has been sick off and on for a lmost a month. Then she gives it to others and pretty soon everyone is sick. We have told everyone not to come near our house if they are sick.


The schools in town are closed again tomorrow. We. Would stay home but Bill got a tooth ache and when I called the dentist the only time they had open was 8:10 tomorrow morning. He really hates to get up that early but I told him he could go back to bed when we get home.


I didn't know you had made lifetime at WW, good for you, now you just have to get back to it so you don't have to pay.


No meeting the girls tonight, everyone decided ots too cold.

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Sharon, just like you were worried about getting sick and passing it off to Bill. It looks like I am getting sick as well now. It is kind of hard to occupy the same place and not get the germs.


It is another cold day and another day with the kids out of school. Plus, I heard that snow will be moving into the area tonight. Perhaps the kids will be off tomorrow as well.


So I understand that your group does not want to go out and meet with this extreme cold. Hopefully the dentists will be able to take care of Bill this morning.


Stay warm,




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We had to get up at 6:30 this morning to get to the dentist at 8:10. They took an xray and said he had to go to an oral surgeon. They made an appmnt for him at 10:30, in Lake Geneva. The oral surgeon took out two teeth. One was cracked and one was decayed under the crown, thats the one that really hurt. They put some sutures in the socket of that one. We took the portable oxygen concentrator but they had oxygen too so he switched to theirs. I took him in the wheel chair and the main problem with that us trying to open doors and getting the chair inside. So I just went in first and asked if I could get someone to open the door when I got him up to it. They were real nice and helped me. He finally is getting something to eat, tapioca and yogurt. Supposed to be cold and soft today. On the way home it was snowing like crazy and terribly windy so the snow was almost like a white out. Thank goodness it was daylight.


Wondering if the schools are going to be closed again tomorrow. I just went out and picked Tinker up from the snow and I don't think we can get out, quite a large drift in front of the garage door. I hate this weather.


Take some cold eeze and Emergen-C thats what I have done a couple of times and it kinda wards off a cold.

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Sharon, that was very early to have got up yesterday. Bill had a lot of dental work done as well. How is he doing today?


Yesterday was very windy and a lot of blowing and drifting. Today it was kind of hard to say how much we did get as some spots had nothing, due to the high winds blowing it away. Other areas had drifts. I guess over the next week it will be warming up a lot from where it is now.


I thought I heard yesterday that the public schools were going back today. Although it seems to be cold still. So I do not know exactly if the kids are in school today or not.


I know that a lot of the over the counter stuff is cleared off the shelves at the drug stores. As so many people are sick and are buying up everything. Certainly I mix some things into my tea in the morning and in the evening. Also getting into a nice hot bath at night feels good as well.


Stay warm and I hope Bill is doing much better.




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What kind of things do you put in our tea? Which brings me to another question, do you drink coffee? I heard that the flu is over half over so that is good.


Bill did not feel good at all today, his face was swollen and he had a headache. After some pain meds he started to feel a little better. He was thinking he shouldn't have had it done but he really didn't have a choice sice it had already started hurting. He will probably feel a little better each day, at least his mouth will.


I did not go to exercise class, I think I'm getting lazy and would rather stay in bed! We got our driveway plowed out around 1 pm then I went out and shoveled the front sidewalk. Its only thd one from the driveway to the front door, there are no regular sidewalks out here.


Hopefully the wind stops blowing so much tomorrow, the roads keep getting iced over and its too cold for the salt to work.


Have a nice weekend!

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Sharon, I have been putting Theraflu into my tea. I do not drink coffee, just tea. So I have a daytime dose and a nighttime dose and that really helps me to sleep. Today we are supposed to be headed into the teen's for the first time in a week. Tomorrow it is going into the 20's.


Even though Bill is in some discomfort, like you said he really needed to have the work done. So hopefully over time he will be feeling much better. There is nothing worse than being in pain from a dental problem.


Today I went shopping with a lade that I take out once per month. We do some shopping and then go for lunch. She is all alone and really has no one else.


It was good to stay inside until the driveway was cleared. The wind has really dropped the temps with the wind chill. So hopefully the wind will die down. Stay warm and enjoy the weekend.




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That's nice you taks the gal out for shopping and lunch, I'm sure she really appreciates it. When you don't have anyone its really hard.


We really didn't do anything today, I did some laundry Bill slept until after noon. I will go to church and get out of the house for a bit tomorrow.

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Sharon, I am doing the same thing today. I hope the temps will increase and continue to get warmer. I guess we have snow moving in this afternoon.


Nothing else planned for today. Just getting ready for another work week. How is Bill feeling now?


Enjoy and have a good rest of the weekend,




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Well it felt a little better today hope it keeps on getting warmer. Even was a little melting going on.


Bill has decided its not where the tooth was that is so sore its the places he got the numbing shots. He is taking the pain pills still, along with all of his other pills.


I am going to exercise class tomorrow morning, we are not supposed to get much snow.

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Sharon, yes agreed, there seems not to have fallen much snow around here this morning. It did start to snow late yesterday afternoon. I thought I heard that we may get some more snow sometime today. I guess we will have to just wait and see. The temp went to 32 yesterday. It is in the mid 20's now. So maybe we will get back to the 30's once again today.


I am sorry to hear that Bill is still in discomfort. Hopefully the pain medication will help him out. I am really congested and we both are going to the Dr on Wednesday morning. So perhaps I can get a Z-Pack.


Have a good workout today. Stay warm,




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Tomorrow is dr day for all of us! I have a skin dr appmnt after exercise class tomorrow moing, just a check up. Bill is going back to the oral surgeon at 3:15. He is not getting any better so called the dr this am. They called in a prescription for more pain pills and a different antibiotic, and want to see him. He really doesn't need to deal with th I s pain now. Hopefully he can get it under control soon. Hope the both of you get some good meds tomorrow also.


on the bright side the weekend weather sounds pretty good.

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Sharon, I should say so today was Dr day for all of us. Our appointments were this morning I got a Z-Pack. For Bill this was a scheduled visit for him and he is getting better so nothing for him just now. But the Dr said that many were coming in with flu symptoms as many are sick all over the place. Bill goes every 3 months for check-ups.


Yes agreed, this is too long for Bill to still be in so much discomfort. So I hope they were able to do something for him this afternoon to relieve the discomfort he is going through now.


I did see that about it getting warmer like into the 40's. I don't know how long we will be at that temp. But even a day is better than nothing at all.




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With your antibiotic you should start feeling better! Bill does not have any infection but the dr gave him imoxicillian, 12 more pain pills, a medicated mouth wash and some little packets of salve to dab in his mouth after the mouth wash. He still had about 3 antibiotic pills from the dr but I told him last night I didn't think he should take 2 different antibiotics. But today the oral surgeon said he could because they are for different things. Then we are supposed to go back next week again. I had only one spot for the skin dr to zap this time, I go back in 4 months again for a checkup.


I went to talk with the gals tonight, we were the only ones there so was like a private party. Tom the owner says its just been too cold for people to come out.


Was a busy day glad to be home and ready to go to bed.

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Sharon, I don't think I have ever heard of medicated mouthwash before. So hopefully with the new med's, he will start to feel better soon. I go to the skin Dr about every 6 months. It is very important to have the regular checkups so nothing gets out of control. I am glad that yesterday is all over as it is stressful going downtown to the Dr. Many sick people all around.


It was good that you were able to get out last night for a visit with your friends. The temps have been warming up each day and by the weekend it is supposed to be in the 40's. Maybe some of this snow will melt away. Still not even close to what we had last winter.


Enjoy and have a good rest of today, and stay warm.




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I know there are so many sick people out walking around its hard to stay away from them. We are almost paranoid trying to keep well. Last night a gal came that just comes once in a while to talk and dance. She sat on the stool next to me.She sounded like her nose and head were all stuffed up, of course she said she thought she had an allergy as that had been going on for a while. She sounded like she had a cold to me. I tried to sit as far away as I could and still be on my chair. I washed my hands good when I got home.


Bill was feeling a little better today and seemed a little "sharper" thinking.


It was up to 29 this afternoon, yay!

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Sharon, I agree that there is a lot of people walking around sick. The problem is us keeping away from them so we do not sick ourselves. I also read that washing your hand will reduce your chances by 50% from catching the flu.


I am glad to hear that Bill is feeling much better. Hopefully with the warmer temps he will recover and get back to normal.


Today is not supposed to be as warm as yesterday. But by tomorrow is supposed to be in the 40's. Enjoy and stay warm.




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For some reasom I kept thinking today was Saturday. I did not go to exercise this am, thought maybe Bill's daughter was coming over but she text that she was not feeling well and probably shouldn't come. I think that was a good thing, she can always come next week when she is well.


Bill was not feeling all that great today, mouth hurt again.


Had a scare today, the specialty pharmacy called and said since we had gotten Bill part D insurance, they would have to run the cost of the new drug through medicare and because of that we could no longer get the meds for $25. It would now cost $8090.00 per month. I told the guy that we would cancel the ins we had just gotten, so that we could go back to the $25 charge. Hopefully it is taken care of!


Got any plans for fun thus weekend?

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Sharon, that sounds crazy. If Bill has part D, why would it cost so much. Maybe they bill Medicare that cost but you should not pay that amount. I see commercials all over the place with discounts for prescriptions. That just does not make any sense at all.


I can see you or us getting messed up with the correct day of the week for the past 2 weeks with the holidays. But now that we are back on track, you should be the same. How could you mess up the days now?


I just got back from having a pedi. We went out to eat last night and the place was packed. We had to wait for about 10-15 minutes before we were seated. We will never go back to that place again on a Friday night. Plus they had 2 guys performing, so another reason why it was so crowded.


I am just cleaning around here today. Tomorrow, Bill will be watching the big game in the afternoon. So really no plans. I had a coupon for last night, and I still have a few more. So perhaps later on we will use another one and go to someplace different later on this afternoon.


Enjoy and have a good weekend. Temps headed into the 40's for today.




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Well our problem has not been taken care of. When I tried to cancel the Humana part D insurance was told that could not be cancelled untul Oct 15, If we cant cancel we will lose the deal for the new drug and it will have to go through the insurance who as of now do not cover it. Just started crying, we only have had that ins for 16 days and now have messed up everything. I will try and call the specialty pharmacy co on Monday and see what they can do to help us.


When you went out to dinner what were the 2 guys doing, you said they were performing, I'm guessing singing? I really miss going out to eat, we did it quite often. But now unless its with his kids its just too much trouble for Bill.


Warmer today but windy so didn't feel much better. Bill's daughter is coming over tomorrow, not the sick one, the beautician. She is going to give him a trim and maybe cut my sides. I comb my sides back and they are getting a little too long to stay back.

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Sharon, this sounds like something from a nightmare. This is totally crazy to go to part D and have them going from charging you $25 to over $8000. Who in their right mind can justify charging that price? Obviously you cannot afford to pay that. I would not leave any stone unturned. I would write to ABC 7 and let them know. They have segments on saving money, and I have seen them resolve similar situations. I would do both local and national with David Muir.


I will say prayers and I really feel for you. I would be in tears as well and this would really put me into major depression. What is the purpose in having insurance and part D if they are going to do that to you. This is not right and you cannot let them get away with this garbage. Something is definitely not right here. That kind of pricing is for someone who does not have an insurance. Even before he got the insurance they were giving you a break and only charging $25. Nuts, nuts....


OK we have gone to this place many times before, but never at night. Always in the afternoon. So we have never been there before where we had to wait and never there when they had the entertainment. They were 2 older men, 1 man was blind. We watched them get set up and sit down to eat. They both played the guitar and sang. But they were just getting started when we were walking out.


So how did all work out with your hair and Bill's getting his trimmed as well? Enjoy and have a good rest of today. I do not know what we will do today. Maybe go out to brunch after I get back from church. I know Bill will be watching the games today.




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Boy I could not get my brain to shut off last night so barely slept at all. The problem is we are dealing with medicare and they always "follow the rules". I have not given up though.


The haircuts went good. She trimmed up Bill really nice and did his eyebrows also. Strange how long his eyebrows get! She did a nice job on my sides too. Kind of feathered them back and blended them to the layered back. Her husband and daughter, who is Bill's granddaughter came also. His grndd is going to school to be an oral hygentist. We were all watching the game and of course rooting for the Packers. Looked like they were going to win the first half.


Beautiful day today!

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Sharon, I was thinking about this all yesterday. I thought that you should talk to the Dr and tell him what has happened. Perhaps he could write the prescription in your name so you can still get the medication. This situation is kind of a life and death situation. I also understand that this drug is experimental and that is why medicare is not covering it. So what options do you have, and what is the point in having insurance if they are not going to cover you?


I felt like I was going to pass out in church yesterday. So when I came home I laid down for a few hours. Once I got up around 4, I cooked steaks on the grill.


Yes, yesterday was filled with sunshine, today as well. Some snow melted away and perhaps more today. I guess we could get some dusting tomorrow sometime.


Well, good luck and I hope something positive comes your way soon.




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I bet that was kind of scary, feeling like that in church. What do you think caused it? Maybe low blood pressure or blood sugar.


That drug was approved by the government in Oct, as of now no insurance company covers it. I could not get it in my name because there has so be shown a need and that it is being used for the purpose intended, no off label things. I have a couple of things to try to get out if the insurance yet so hopefully something will work. Thanks for the recomendations you gave me.


Bill seemed to be breathing much better today hope it keeps up.

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Sharon, I hope you can find a way for something positive to happen. Good luck.


I am glad to hear that Bill is feeling better. Hopefully that will continue and to be the norm for him for a long time to come.


I think that I may have been dehydrated from not drinking enough fluids. A person can get dehydrated just as much in the winter as in the summer. So when I got home I just laid down and slept for a few hours before dinner.


Last night at weigh-in I lost 2 lbs. So being sick does pay off sometimes. We are taking a cruise in Aprip and I need to loose more so I can fit into my cloths.


Let's hope the temps continue to be above freezing for a while longer.




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