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Yes Bill is doing better, he is only using the rescue inhaler about half as much as he was. The bad thing is we were supposed to get another bottle of meds delivered today and tgey didn't come. I will have to call tomorrow and find out what happened. Hope it is just a day late and not cancelled!


It is easy to get dehydrated if you are not careful and it can happen pretty

quick. But good job losing that much. What is your goal weight? I am still holding at 142, some mornings 143, but I am happy it stays right about there. I would like to be 10 pounds less and really have more clothes that fit, like you. But I am not putting in a whole lot of effort right now. I didn't hardly sleep last night again. Don't know why I keep thinking about the insurance, can't do anything about it at night. Also Tinker has decided to go out about every 2 to 2 1/2 hrs all night long. I tell you its worse than having a baby to get up with.


The county trucks have been out this afternoon spreading salt on the roads in advance of what is supposed to be coming tonight.

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Hello again . I am glad your husband is feeling better I am trying to lose weight for a cruise also. I never remember to drink water never feel thirsty. Just hungry. Usually cruise Royal but thinking of trying Norwegian A little afraid of trying Carnival by myself.

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Sharon, I am glad to hear that Bill is feeling much better. I also can understand why you have not been sleeping too well at night. With Tinker and the stress of perhaps not being able to get any more prescriptions, that would put me over the edge as well.


You and I are just about the exact weight. I would like to loose 15 pounds before the cruise. But I would settle for 10 lbs. You are exercising, and I have not been. I started back last night. As I have a Total Gym.


As you have said about the trucks being out spreading salt. I did not see any trucks, but I did see all of the salt around. Bill had to drive me to work yesterday. My car would not start in the morning. I left the seat heater plugged in in all night. As Bill bought me 1 for Xmas.




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Hello again . I am glad your husband is feeling better I am trying to lose weight for a cruise also. I never remember to drink water never feel thirsty. Just hungry. Usually cruise Royal but thinking of trying Norwegian A little afraid of trying Carnival by myself.


Welcome back. It has been awhile since you last posted here. Yes, I was told that a person can get dehydrated in the winter just as much as in the summer.


So we are cruising on Celebrity, we have cruised with them in the past. Then only RCCI and Azarama. I think the last time you posted, you were getting ready for a cruise. So how was it, and when do you plan to cruise again?




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Welcome back. It has been awhile since you last posted here. Yes, I was told that a person can get dehydrated in the winter just as much as in the summer.


So we are cruising on Celebrity, we have cruised with them in the past. Then only RCCI and Azarama. I think the last time you posted, you were getting ready for a cruise. So how was it, and when do you plan to cruise again?




Thanks for remembering me. I was on the Brilliance loved it. I have to pay more because I am single. Hate that.:( Has anyone taking the Silver Sneakers class? So glad my Health care pays for it. Still have a awful lot of weight to lose back to low carb I guess. :rolleyes:
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Well we are at least getting the prescription for $25 for one more month. Was told it went through and it would be here tomorrow morning. Then we will wait and see what happens next month. Will sleep a little better tonight, except for Tinker.

We have seat heaters in our cars but they shut off when the car is turned off, thank goodness because I probably would leave mine on too.


Oppalopa I remenber you too, glad you stopped in again, you are welcome anytime! We have went on NCL exclusively, we enjoy the casualness. We never know when we will be hungry and with NCL you can eat whenever. The last cruise we took we were somewhat dissapointed in the food. Not quite up to what we had on other cruises. Not as many choices and not as good quality. We ate more in the buffet then the dinning room. However if we were to cruise again we would have no problem booking NCL again. I have heard that some cruise lines have single rooms and rates, not sure which ones, maybe you could google it. My sisters ins pays for exercise classes with the benefit of Silver Sneakers, or were you referring to on the cruise.

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Sharon, that is good news about still getting the discount for 1 more month. If you would have known this then you surely would not have gotten the part D. This is totally crazy.


So if I remember correctly your name is Karen and you live in Clearwater. So being in Flordia, it should be rather easy for you to get on a cruise ship. We have a friend who is single and he finds cruises that do not have that heavy suplement. But I am sure you are already aware of this.


So did Sharon answer your question about Silver Sneakers or is it somethig different?


Enjoy and have a great day. It has been kind of dureay around here the past few days.




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The prescription did get delivered this morning, whew what a relief, at least for another month.


It was very dreary here today too but the sun is supposed to come out tomorrow, as the song goes.


Going to the exercise class tomorrow, blew off both zumba and water aerobics this morning. So easy to turn off the alarm and stay in bed.


Yes I would think too that living in Florida would give you good access to the cruise ships and some last minute deals.


Not much else new here today.

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Sharon, when you bought your car, your's came with heated seats. Mine did not and we bought after market seat warmer. It pluggs into the lighter. So the main reason I left it on and it does not shut off like your's.


Good that Bill's med's arrived. Hopefully you will be able to work something out for long term.


I have to get back to exercising with the total gym. I need to loose a lot more before the cruise.


Today was the third day in a row that it has been gloomy and overcast. Enjoy and have a good weekend.




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One of Bills daughters came today with his son in law. I had bought the casters, (rollers ) a couple of weeks ago for him to put on our dining room chairs. He had done two chairs a few weeks ago, so he finished up all but one today. That last one gave him some trouble and the casters didn't go in right. He has to but another set to finish it. They were always so heavy it was hard to move them. Now since he cut off some and put on the rollers tgey are easy to move.


We had a couple hours of sunshine but it was windy and cold. Tomorrow is supposed to be better but sounds like some snow tomorrow night.


I got to exercise class this morning so felt better about missing classes the last couple of days. Wish we had a cruise in our future but don't think that is going to happen anymore. Glad you have one to look forward to.


No plans for the weekend, except going over to the farm to do the mail.

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Sharon, I remember you were saying about putting rollers on the chairs. I am glad to hear that the project is almost finished. We went to the club last night for dinner. It was closed the first 2 weeks of January. So this was the first time this year.


Yes, I did hear on the news last night that this very fast moving storm is coming down from Canada tomorrow. This 1 is supposed to be heavy and wet, unlike the other's we have had where they were very dry.


Shortly I am going for my pedi. I don't know what is planned for the rest of the weekend. Enjoy,




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Karen, I do not know if you had seen the story on the CC website. It was about 15 new things to be looking for in 2015. One of them, they had listed all of the cruise lines that would be selling more single cabins without the suplement. If you did not see it, perhaps you can go back and look it up.




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Last night Tinker started having trouble standing up, I would get up and move her a little, she would lay quiet for a while then would yelp. This went on all night. This morning I used a sling around her belly and took her outside. She could move her legs but could not stand up by herself. I think she must have had a stroke or something. We took her to the vet this morning she was yelping even more like she was now in pain. The vet said because of her age and problems it would be best to put her to sleep.I I couldn't stop crying. The vet will cremate her and make a foot print plaque. I will go back next week and pick up her ashes.


Had her so long really hard to believe she is gone.

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Sharon, I am so very sorry to hear the bad news about Tinker. Always so hard to loose a good friend. My prayers will be with you for recovery. Friday night and yesterday must have been real hard for you. Plus I am sure you did not sleep very well either.


Yesterday I had a pedi and then later on I just went shopping. I went to Target and just got carried away, until I saw the time, and left and came home. I was acting like I had all of the time in the world.


It has been raining more than sonowing here as the temps are 34 now. So everything is wet. I do not know how long it will be raining, and changing over to snow. I guess later on this afternoon the temps will drop and then it will change over to all snow.


Once aganin I am so sorry for your loss.




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Thank you Kathy and Karen, both Bill and I kind of take turns crying when we think of Tinker. I have, for so many years, had to wait for Tink to go outside or come back in with me. Also the first thing I did when I came home was to call her to go outside. Until she got where it was so hard for her to walk she was like my shadow. Will take a long time to get used to losing her. I took a zanac last night and I did sleep. It was an old prescription from 2008 but did the trick.

One of Bill's daughters called this afternoon to tell me how sorry she was about Tink and another of his daughters and her husband came over to give us a hug. That was nice of them.


Kathy I get to go shopping/looking so seldom anymore that I can get carried away too and time gets away pretty fast. Did you buy anything?


We had some snow overnight but just a dusting. When I went to church I followed tracks on the road, when I came home the road was pretty much clear. Awfully windy here though.


Karen I heard there was some cooler weather down by you too.


Hope work is going ok for you Kathy.

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Sharon, it will be a long while trying to get used to not having your best friend not around anymore. I hope both you and Bill will find some piece. Very sad to loose someone who has been so close.


Yes, we got a dusting around here as well. It is very crusty and slick. But nothing to the amount to clear away. Perhaps if the sun comes out it will melt it away. But I understand we have more coming in this afternoon. Mostly yesterday, it was coming down in the form of rain. Then it got cooler and the temps dropped to where it changed to snow. Nothing like the east coast is going to get today.


My main mission was to buy new boots before they were all gone. My old one's were just too tight. So I was able to buy a nice pair of boots so I do not fall on my butt and possibly break something.


It was nice that you had family who cared enought to call or just stop by to comfort you both. Once again, I am so very sorry.




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We had slick roads again th I s morning so didn't go to any ex classes. By noon roads were clear so we went and picked up Tinker's ashes. Included was a heart shaped paw print made of something like plaster. It has her name printed in it. They also had a couple of printed sheets of paper. One was about the care and reverance that was taken for our loved one during creamation, the other was the story of the Rainbow Bridge that pets pass over when they die. I don't know if you have ever heard of it but the story goes how they are restored to health and play all day with other pets, until they see you crossing the bridge and run to meet you. Its quite a beautiful story, I've condensed it but you get the idea.


Good thing you got some new boots I think we still have some winter left to come. Then we'll have the spring rains before we finally get some nice warm sunny days. Ah, we can dream.


Are you back to goal yet ar WW? One of the gals I meet on Wed night records peoples weight at the WW meeting she goes to before she comes. She had two bracelets on last week, one tracked sleep the other her steps. Have you seen them? I still wear my original fit bit that I have had, lost and found many times.

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Sharon, it was the same around here yesterday, until the sun came out and cleared everything down to the bare pavement. Today another day in the 30's with lots of sun. I guess it is supposed to be mild all week. Then next week the bottom drops out and gets real cold once again. It was kind of crazy when I bought the boots and I did not wear them the very first day, and it was slick outside. They were making fun of me at work.


On Monday at weigh-in I gained .4. So I need to be consistent in just loosing, and not loosing 1 week and gaining the next week. I think I was drinking too much wine. I still have my orginal Fit-bit as well. I know what you are saying, as the newer one's down load all info into your phone much easier.


It was our anniversary yesterday. We went out to eat last night once I got home from work. We have been together for 10 years and married 8 years. It was also the anniversary of Bill's father's birthday, who has been gone for four years now.


It sounds like to me, the place that took care of Tinker was a first class place. I have heard about the paw prints before but nothing about the stories you had told me. Everything sounded first class to me. Very nice.




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Happy Anniversary! Nice you went out to celebrate. So Bill's dad died on your anniversary? It doesn't seem like it could be that long already, I remember when it happened. We have been talking" for a long time haven't we.


I went to see the girls tonight, didn't dance at all tonight just talked. One of the gals brought a sympathy card to me and Bill for Tinker, I thought that was very nice.


I kind of do what you did with the boots, buy something new then save it for a while. Crazy isn't it.


I go up a pound or two then down about the same, luckily so far its went back down. I have had a thing lately for peanut butter cookies. Have made several batches of them and have too many every day.

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Sharon, we decided to get married on Bill's Dad's birthday. But he died 4 days short of his 83rd birthday. So Bill always says he was 83 when he died. Yes, we have been on here a very long time keeping this thread alive.


I am surprised you went out last night with the freezing rain. But maybe it was not bad your way when you were out. I saw it all froze last night before I went to bed. So this morning I go out to go to work, and sure enough I was not wearing my boots. So I came back inside to put them on. I buy them for this and I am not even wearing them. Makes a lot of sense, dosn't it.


But I agree, that you have very close and thoughtful friends to think enough of you and Bill to give you a symphoty card for Tinker. It was good that you were able to get out, and even though you did not dance. At least you had time to talk and get caught up.


Enjoy and have a good rest of today,




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I do the same when I buy sneakers. :) Finally losing a few pound low carbing and calorie watching, At least I got past day 3 the worse day for me it should be easier for me now. I am so crabby when hungry.


Karen, I remember you tellin us about your diet. I totally agree about being crabby when you are hungrey. For me combine that with a day at my crazy work and it is a perfect mix.




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Luckily we did not have any freezing rain last night, or I wouldn't have went, nothing at all, just cold. Today when I went to water aerobics it was flurrying a little bit but that stopped pretty quickly too. Today again very windy, even though it was 34 it felt very cold.


I don't even have to be hungry to be crabby, ha ha. Sometimes I just get that way. I'm almost thinking it has something to do with one of my prescriptions. Seems I read about a side effect that could make you feel like that. At least I'd like to think its not just be being crabby.


Good thing you started wearing your boots, now it will be easier to wear them that you have gotten started.


Bill's daughter and son in law are coming back again on Sat to finish that last chair, I don't know if I am supposed to get a set of wheels or if they are bringing a set. Hope they let me know before Saturday.


Did you ever have the "talk" with your boss?


Karen now you have the three days in, I think you are over the hump and it will get easier for you. And you have a good incentive, a cruise! Good luck.

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