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Sharon, I forgot to mention, that sometimes I am inspired by how you find such great deals when shopping. Well I had the same experience when shopping for boots. I actually got 2 pairs, 1 high and 1 low. I had a coupon and with the mark downs, I practly got them for nothing. I like the low one's when it is just slippery, and the high one's when there is a muserable amount of snow.


I agree about yeaterday, it was very windy and it made it feel much colder. Now I am hearing that the south will get the major amount of snow on Sundauy. Then I guess it will get very cold next week.


Karen, you may have told us when your next cruise is, but when is it? Did you see that article about more lines adding cabins just for single cruiser's and dropping the suplement?


I agree Sharon, about certain med's making you crabby. I actually have 2 methods. The first could be med's like you say, for me the second would be the jerk. He has not gotten back to me yet. We have talked on the phone but not in person. He is still in FL. However, I did ask him is he wanted me to find another job, as I could easiely do that. Of course he said no, but he was thinking I might.




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Good job on the boots purchase! It makes you feel pretty good when you get a deal. Today I went to Kohls to pay my monthly bill and found a $60 dress for $12. Wasn't looking for a dress but couldn't pass it up. Its a white short sleeve dress with panels of lace like material down the front and back. I looked for a short sleeve sweater maybe in coral color to wear with it but couldn't find any. There is a dinner in May I am going to and think it would be perfect for that.


Heard there is a winter storm warning going to start at 8 pm tomorrow night. They are saying we could get 2 to 4 inches. Hope its more the 2 inches.


Got a beautiful card from our pet sitter that had a dog with angel wings on the front, also one from a couple of our dancing friends.


Yes you do have a double reason to be crabby dealing with your boss.I guess I have to add Bill, he needs a hearing aid and after repeating everything I say 3 times I get crabby too. He told me the other night that he forgot to get that bell that he had mentioned a few weeks ago. This is the bell he was going to ring when he wanted me to get him something. I told him do not bring that bell home or you will be wearing it, I am not a maid that can be summoned by ringing it!


Enjoy your weekend,


Karen hows the diet going?

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The dress sounds great. Do either of you knit or crotchet? It would be pretty easy to make a wrap for that dress. Regarding the bell I wouldn't like that either unless someone was severly bedridden. I love the lazer lace that they have now. Karen

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I can knit and crochet only a very little. Maybe like a pot holder or edging on a pillow case. Too bad but not enough to make a little cap sleeve sweater. Maybe I will be able to find one as more summer clothes come out in the stores.


Bill's daughter and son in law came this morning, he put the wheels on the last dining room chair and put up a dual shower / sprayer fixture in the shower. Thought Bill could sit down on the shower chair, spray himself, soap up and spray again without having to stand up so long.

Then they were meeting a couple of his sons and their wives in Lake Geneva to see the snow sculptures. I would have liked to gone with them but they didn't ask me. Maybe if we don't get all the snow they are predicting I can go tomorrow and see them.


What are you up to today Kathy?

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Sharon, if you are getting 2-4" of snow, then consider yourself very lucky. I would say that we have 8" thus far and they are telling us around 13" before it is all over. I am waiting for my SIL who has a truck, 4X drive. He will pick me up in 1/2 hour so I can go to church. Otherwise I will not be able to get my car out of the garage. We will be going to the auto show this year as I want to buy some kind of 4X wheel drive. Two wheel drive just does not cut it around here anymore.


That is so nice that you have such caring friends and a good pet sitter who will miss very much not takeing care of Tinker anymore.


I think I can remember that Bill's Dad got one of those bells as well. If I remember corectly, it did not last too long either. Almost reminds me of those shows where they have the long fabric where they pull down for the butler or maid to respond. Ha, ha.


Karen, I do not do either, I just look for the best deals to shop for. But it seem that Sharon, tops us all on finding the best deals.


I would say that that project of putting the wheels on those chairs was a huge undertaking. It is lucky that you had them to come over and do all that they had done for you both. Should be much easier moving the dinning room chairs now and for Bill to sit down in the shower as well.


Well stay warm and let's hope for the best. We have been lucky thus far. Today is the best day thus far for my new high top boots. Yesterday I went out shopping and had to go to 2 different places to shop as they were too crowded with all of the people buying stuff for this storm and of course the Super Bowl.




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Guess that 2 to 4 inches was a few days ago when they thought the whole system was going south of us. We probably have about what you have, a little hard to tell because we have a 4ft drift in front of the front door and the garage. The rest of the driveway is solid deep snow almost over the tops of my tall boots. No way could we get the car out and with the hurricane like winds I don't think the roads are very good if they are even open. I haven't seen a plow go by for several hours. I could not go to church this morning either. Our guy will not come to plow until this wind and snow stops.


I unfroze a bag of shrimp and opened a jar of cocktails sauce and we have been snacking on them, very tasty. I like to see the commercials during the game and they have been showing some beautiful pictures of the Grand Canyon.

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Sharon, yesterday afternoon Bill went out and cleared all of the snow from our garage down the alley and to the street. He needed to get more gas. Then he did not go outside until this morning. He was out there clearing it all away for some 4 hours. Wiith all of the blowing and drifting yesterda, it looked like he did not even do it at all. They had said today we got 20" of snowfall here. Way over what had been forcast.


I called the powers to be last night and then I called or emailed everyone else to say we were taking a snow day today. Bill had called his Dr last night and told him he would not be making it in this morning for his scheduled appointment. Bill went outside around 9 and did not finish until noon.


So I imagine the plow guy came for you sometime this morning. Yes I was watching the commericals as well. I was not interested in the game, just the cool commercials.


I hope the rest of your day will be better than the start.




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Our guy came around 1pm yesterday, said he had been plowing all morning. We didn't go anywhere even though the driveway was opened up. Today didn't go to watwr aerobics, its always so crowded and it was flurrying a little. Could come up with quite a few excuses, ha ha. This afternoon we went over and did some bookwork. Around 3 it started snowing again. By the time we got everything wrapped up the car and roads were covered with snow. Glad to get home before it got too bad.


I am going to exercise tomorrow morning if the roads arent too bad, once you stop going its hard to start up again.


Still missing Tink, catch myself looking in the closet where she always used to lay when I go in the bedroom.

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Sharon, yes it was snowing here yesterday and it was coming down for awhile. However it did not amount to anything. Now it is snowing here once again, so with what we got yesterday and more today, Bill will most likely have to go out and clear it away this aftertnoon. Then tomorrow it is calling for real cold for 1 day.


It was nice staying home on Monday but I would not have been able to go anywhere anyway. Around here they have not plowed the alleys or public parking lots yet. Of course we did our own alley, as that is the only way I would have been able to get out. I want to buy something with all wheel drive. My car is too low to the ground and does not handel heavy snow or areas that have not been cleared away.


It was good that your guy came and plowed you out. At first the plows wrere not happy the first part of winter until this Sunday, where they have been going non stop with all of this snow all at once.


Once you are so very close to a good friend and then they are gone from your life, it takes time to heal and not feel that they are still around. Peace




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They have been showing some side streets and alleys on tv, most have not been plowed it seems. Looks like many people were getting stuck and no wonder. I don't even know if a 4 wheel drive could get through it. I have a Chevy Impala, it has traction control that kicks in automatically or you can turn it off if you want. My next car will be a small SUV. I think it would be easier for Bill to get in and out of since it would be higher up. Bill's car is a Buick, i drive one for a day or two then the other one. His has the traction control also. What kind are you thinking of getting?


It was one of the gals birthday tonight so Tom the owner made a pot of bbq pulled chicken. He had fresh buns to put it on and had made turkey sandwiches also. I think we all ate the chicken so he gave what was left to other customers who were there. The gal whos bday it was brought chocolate cupcakes and carrot cake slices. The roads are pretty good but the wind today blew the snow across the roads making them kind of bad in some places. We did not get anymore snow today.

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Sharon, I am also possibly looking at getting a small SUV. My car sits way low to the ground, Grand Am. So we will go to the Auto Show next week and spend a little more time looking around than we usually do. We take the train down and it lets us off right there. All we have to do is take the elevator to the top and we are right at the entrance. You cannot get any closer than that.


Yes, I have said this before that the owner of the place you go to is very good to you all. I guess it pays to be regular customers.


Yesterday it started snowing around 9 and ended around 3. So we did get measurable snowfall, around 3". Today just bone cold and then tomorrow the warm-up starts.


Stay warm,




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You'll have to let me know if you find a good car at the show. That sounds just perfect getting there, no driving and delivered right to the show. Those concept cars they show on the news are really cool too.


I went to zumba this morning and she had a good class. Got really sweaty! She has joined the Y and in addition to teaching the zumba classes is doing classes there. She has lost some weight and is more energetic.


Really cold today but I'd rather have cold than snow.

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Sharon, good point about having it cold versus the snow. Yes, it was very cold yesterday, but now over the next few days a warm-up insight.


They are starting to offer Auto Show discounts around here now. So we may go tomorrow and look around. It has to have either all wheel dirve or 4X.


I forgot to tell that this is the second time I have gone to WW on a Wednesday, and both times I have lost weight. On Wednesday I lost 2 lbs. Perhaps it was the workout with shoveling or just not drinking wine that did it. It must feel good for you to be back to a workout schedule once again.


Anything happening with getting the durg at a much more reasonable price?




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Congratulations on the loss! Are you back to goal now? I'm still right where I was. But I wouldn't mind being about 7 or 8 pounds less. I had a measurement from abiut a year ago. I have went down 3 1/2 inches around my hips and a couple around my waist.


There are probably quite a few SUV's that have that feature, hooefully you find one you really like.


I am supposed to call the specialty pharmacy on Feb 13 if they don't call me first. We are wondering too whats going to happen for the next bottle of pills.


It is one of our friends birthday party at the dance place tonight. I would love to go but don't feel right leaving Bill all night. You know I don't mind the extra helping I do for him what I miss is never going out to eat or to the dance place anymore. Thats the hardest thing for me.


There is a chili cookoff tomorrow in the next town. There is going to be 12 different restaurants giving samples. Then you vote on which one you like best. We went last year but don't think we will get there this year, just so hard with a wheelchair

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Sharon, I am still not at goal just yet. By me going to a differant place from where I used to go, they have changed my goals. Yes, I agree that it must be hard not going out with Bill anymore. But if he does not mind then you still should go out with the group you have been used to going out with. We went to the club last night for dinner and I needed a martini so I had a couple and there goes my whight loss.


The jerk really pushed all of the wrong buttons the other day with me. He started yelling at me so I just hung up on him and I have not taken any of his calles since. He was yelling so loud the person sitting next to me could hear him. I am not going to have him do that to me anymore. He either talks to me normal and with respect, or I will just keep hanging up on him.


I remember you having the chilly cook off from last year. I guess it could be in the 40's today and tomorrow.






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Were you ok with the goal change at WW? We had one ww meeting in town but slowly everyone stopped going so they discontinued it all together. I dont think I would go back anyway, the first time I went it worked but not the last time.


I think as long as I keep exercising thats enough at least for now.


You are doing the right thing, hanging up on your boss when he yells at you. You do deserve more respect and he has no right to treat you that way. I dont think you ruined your diet, was probably good to get a little relaxed.


We didnt go to the chili thing. First I think it would have been too hsrd for Bill and second, two of Bill's daughters came over for about an hour this afternoon. They were asking about Easter. One said we should go to a close restaurant for the buffet. But Bill could not do a buffet. Then they said we coyld have it at the ones house like we've had Christmas and Thanksgiving. But she is the one that suggested the buffet so I think she doesn't want all the work and I don't blame her. So was thinking I should probably have it here because our house is much bigger and Easter is on Bill's birthday this year. But not sure if I want all the work either.


Most of the snow melted off the driveway today so that is good. Hope we don't get freezing rain tonight.

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Sharon, at first I was very upset with the change in my goal. However it is more than I had previously. So I figured I needed to loose more, so I am happy with it now.


OK, are you ready for this? I bought a 2015 Chevy Trex yesterday. We went back and forth and finally made the deal. This model has only been out on the street some 2 weeks now. It is AWD and a small SUV. So I went from a Grand AM to this. I decided to leease this, and it is a 3 year lease. It is fully loaded and I paid the same amount $26,000 as I paid for my GA 12 years ago,


Yes, there was a lot of melting yesterday. So I hope it continues today as well. But I thought I heard freezing rain coming in like you said later on today. As far as Easter goes, it will put a lot of work for you. So I don't know if you want that either. Hosting stuff is so much work and most often you do not get the help that you need.




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Congratulations on the new car! What color did you get? Now you will probably want it to snow so you can see how the car does, ha ha.


I guess Bill's daughter was wrong, she said Easter was on Bill's birthday but it isn't. His birthday is April 1st and Easter is April 5th. It would be alot of work but it would be easier for Bill not to have to go anywhere. I'm still thinking about it though.


Better get a powerball ticket, its really up there in $'s since no one won Saturday.

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Sharon, thanks for reminding me about the powerball. I was thinking about getting one last week and forgot. We cannot win if we do not play. I don't know what you do, but around here we buy from both states since we are on the border.


I bought the same color as the previous car, silver. After the last storm I figured that all SUV's would be all gone, but this place had more than enough inventory. This model has only been on the streets for some 2 weeks.


Well either way you are still going to have to do so much work and no one will probably help you either. But a good point about not taking him out. But you do go out anyway at various points.


I guess we are headed into very cold temps starting Wednesday night. Stay warm,




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Thats a good color. I have a light tan color and would get that color again too.


We don't really go anywhere anymore except to the farm to do bookwork. We used to go out to eat but its pretty hard for him to get from the car and inside without getting out of breath. Now we order for carryout and I bring it home.


Had a phone call on the recorder when we got home today from one of Bill's daughters. She had applied at one of the local resorts last fall and got a call for an interview on Wednesday. She wanted to know if it was alright if she got the job for her to move into the farm. In fact she could help with the bookwork. Well that will not work at all to have her there all the time and we do not need her to help with bookwork. Bill has an apartment open and I told him to tell her she can move in there. She is a grown woman and has been mooching off people for over a year. If she was at the farm I would not want to go over there all the time "to her house" and if renters see a car there they would be coming in to pay their rent and Bill's son is in and out several times a day. Her and her daughter stayed there last summer and took over the refrigerator and moved in all kinds of furniture from goodwill that is still there. She seems bound and determined to get into that house. Can you tell I am pretty aggrevated about this? Of course it doesn't help that she is Bill's favorite either.

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Sharon, I do not blame you one bit for being upset. I remember last year when she just moved in on the sneak and her daughter as well. When you got rid of them when the daughter got a job in another place. I remember how she used you and how upset you were at that time. So I do not blame you for keeping her out. So are you telling me that you would allow her to rent one of the vacant appartments?


So I got my new vechele sitcker for the windshield. They scrapped the old one off and I went to the village hall to register my new vechele and to get a new sticker. Then the front bracket to mount the plate came in as they did not have one when we bought it on Saturday I guess a lot of vecheles come in without a front bracket as some states do not have front plates. So they washed it again and gave it back to me as a new delivery.


Good luck, I'll say some prayers.




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Yes I wouldn't mind in the least if she moved into one of the apartments in town. Then if her dsughter comes back sometime she can stay there as well. She called again today and left another message, Bill tried callingher back but only got ver voice mail. I hope she calls him back instead of going to the interview tomorrow and coming over. Think it would be easier for him to tell her that on the phone than in person. Thank goodness he agrees with me this time!


Sounds like you are getting your car all legal. And now all clean again.Are you still going to the auto show?


I went to water aerobics this morning, had a good workout. Lots of jumping and kicking and using noodles for resistance. The water was a good temp too. Is Bill still swimming, like he was?

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Sharon, that is good, that Bill is solid with you on this one. I remember that last year he was kind of middle of the road and letting her do whatever she wants. Let's hope she does not just move in like she did the last time.


We have already bought our tickets about a month ago for the auto show. So yes, well will still go on Saturday afternoon. This is the actual opening to the public, as Friday is private for all of the high rollers in the auto industry.


I think I have told you this in the past, that every year we get 2 for the price of 1 membership in the fitness center. Yet in the 3 or 4 yerst that we have had the membership I have only gone a few times. I do not like going at night as I do not have any energy after work.


So we just renewed at the end of January. Bill has not started back swimming yet. He says he is going to start up once again, but not just yet. The last time he swam was May 4th. As he had back surgery on May 5th. He has developed tennis elbow and the mussel had detached from the bone. He has gotten shots in the elbow, but that only lasts for about 3 to 4 months. He plans to go to have out patient surgery sometime in June. Getting the shots are only a tempory fix.


I know at the pool, that Bill has gone to. He said that I think on Thursday they add cold water. So for sometime on that day the water is a bit cooler until the temp stabilizes. So when you say the water temp was just right, I would imagine that if it is not then they must do the same at your place as well.




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Still have not heard from "daughter". Hope she doesn't just move in like you mentioned, it would be just like her to do that. Of course that is assuming that she gets the job.


Too bad about the Little League team being stripped of the title isn't it. Not the kids fault but the people that manage the team.


Going to go see the girls tonight, and its going to be cold both tonight and all weekend.


Have you noticed that the days are getting longer, it is still light at 5pm now.

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Sharon yes, I have noticed that now staying light just a little bit longer. Now all we have to contend with is this cold and more snow.


As you well know, I think that she has it in her mind that she is entitled to do whatever she wants, and I would not put it past her to just move right in without even asking. You certainly do not need that kind of stress.


So how was your evening out with your friends last night? I don't think it got all that cold last night until early this morning.


The jerk has not learned his lession, as I almost came very close to hanging up on him once again. It is all about him, and I am not putting up with any of his crap anymore.




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