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No word from the daughter yet, can't understand why she doesn't even let us know if she got the job or not.


Is your new car one that runs on gas and electric? Saw one in the newspaper that did both. Also saw on tv some really expensive cars that are at the auto show.


Had a nice time talking with the girls. We were two short last night. They ride together and one had carpal tunnel surgery do the other didn't come either.


I don't think the jerk is capable of change. I think you are right though about hanging up on him. If he is yelling nothing good can come out of it. I saw there are some new t shirts for the little league. Are you selling them at your store? The ones that say STILL on the front.

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Sharon, we don't know yet. We took all of our supply down at the beginning of the week once we heard the news. People were coming in and wanted to buy them and write cheaters on them. We did not want, that type of crap out there. So they are having a huge ralley today or tomorrow I saw. So we shall see. The jerk is going to learn or he will be talking to himself as I will hang up every time.


I did see those cars as well, and a friend of our's has one. This model does not. It is 4 cillandar and it has a turbo boost. I am very aware of where I park now. As perple just do not respect anyone's property these days.


Well even though you were 2 short, at least you were able to get out as it was just down right cold. Tomorrow as well. We had a $25 card given to us from the dealer for eating out. So we went to a local restrauant and had a nice meal. So for $25, you had to spend $50. So the bill was $55 and we only paid $30.


That daughter sounds rude. She is only concerned about herself. I think she did not get the job and is ashamed to tell you. Either way it is all about her and no one else. You know that better than anyone.




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I used to buy those dinner deals too. Usually for half price but sometimes through restsurants dot com an even better deal. Tonight we ordered a pizza and I went to pick it up. Had to stop at Walmart first for milk and saw all the people, men mostly buying cards and flowers. I got Bill a card a while ago but I know he didn't get me one because he can't get to the store.


The daughter finally called. She said she doesn't know if she got the job or not. They had other people to interview. Bill told her about the apartment he had open. She said she might either rent or buy a house in an area not far from the farm around the lake. So that sounds good. She might not take the job anyway since it pays several dollars less an hour than her current one.


Tried to order the medicine today. Seems we will not get the $25 a month deal anymore. They ran it through our insurance and said the cost would be 2380 a month. The Ofev rep, thats the name of the medicine will call me on Monday to see if we would qualify for any other program. They mentioned one but you had to have an income of less than $30,000 a year. So forget that one! I was reading in the ins book that the max out of pocket amount for 2015 is 4700. Then there is catistropic coverage where we would pay about 5%. So maybe even without any other plan we would be ok. I guess time will tell.


Ok well, enjoy the car show looks like fun.

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Sharon, I woke up this morning with almost white out conditions. Thus far we have about an " of snow and the wind is blowing very strong. I heard that the wind chill could be -25 today.


Well that is a huge weight on your shoulders with not knowing what is going to happen with Bill's medication. That is a huge amount to pay for having insurance. Actually that price they want to charge you is insane.


I woould not trust that daughter. She acts and speaks with fork tounge. But hopefully she will not consider getting the job, or better yet, they will not want her.


So we will take the train down. It seems that most years it is cold like this. We will not be standing on any platforms very long in this weather. We will wait until the train arrives.


Stay warm and enjoy the weekend.




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How was the show, we have seen some of it on tv, looks like you would get a lot of walking in. It was almost a white out here too and terribly windy. I only went out to get the he mail and the newspaper. Different daughter of Bill's stopped over after work, she is the beautician, and brought us a Valentine card, me a minature red rose plant and Bill a box of turtles candy.


I made a Valentine dinner tonight. I had some Omaha Steaks in the freezer so cooked them on the George Foreman grill, made baked potatoes and a salad. Think I will have a glass of Moscato wine now.

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Sharon, we left on the train around noon and came back on the 4:45 train. My fit bit said 7500 steps just for the show. We stopped and had lunch at the Hyatt, and we met a lady, the bartender who said she did 22,000 steps one day during the Super Bowl. The most I have ever done was 15,000. My goal is 5,000, and I usually go over that.


Yes, it was very cold and windy. Fortunately we did not stand on the platforms too very long. Today it is cold as well. In the past we have gone on Sunday. I was glad we went on Saturday and early. It was starting to get real crowded when we left.


I looked at the Encore, and I am glad I got the Trex. Even though it is the exact body style, the interior is different and I like the one I got much better.


Enjoy the rest of today, and stay warm and cozy.




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Seems I usually get around 5000 to 7000 but on the weekends only around 3 or 4000. I saw all the kids hanging on the cars and thought the people who are showng them probably were gritting their teeth.


I went to church this morning, didn't seem as cold as yesterday I think because it's not so windy.


Have the drug rep calling tomorrow so I can't go to exercise class, not sure what time he will be calling and don't want to miss the call.


Presidents day tomorrow, thinking there won't be any mail delivery.


Did you say what color car you bought or did I miss it.

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Sharon, it is silver, the same color as my last vechele. We were watching the show on TV as well. But I do not think it was actually live. They tape it live, but it looked like it was around the opening at 9. We left at 5 and it was extremely crowded, and from what we were seeing on TV it did not look as crowded as when we were there.


I know what you mean about waiting for someone to call you. If you go out then they are calling you and you miss the call. But if you are wating around for the call, they will call you much later. I hope they give you good news about what you will be paying.


Even though it is going to be record cold this week. I saw yesterday, that the garden and flower show is scheduled for March 14-22. So that seems like a ways off yet, spring is just around the corner.


Yes, today is a Federal Holiday, no mail delivery and all banks are closed. But just a regular day for us.


Stay warm,




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I waited all day for that phone call and finally called them at 3:30 this afternoon. Was told that the place they wanted to contact for assistance was closed today because of presidents day. So he said they would call me tomorrow, yes again I will have to skip exercise so I don't missed the call. I don't really think we will qualify for assistance unless its just available for everyone.


Been cleaning out some closets but end up putting most everything back in just a little neater. So hard to get rid of things! I found 3 brand new pair of Levis with tags still on for Bill, but they are the wrong size. If I knew how to sell them on ebay I would. Those jeans are around $35 a pair.


Going to get some panckis (sp) tomorrow. Have you ever had them? Very good kind of like a bismark.

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Sharon, remember me saying that to you yesterday about waiting around. You should have figured in the holiday, I didn't. The temps here are in the teens and snowing lightly.


Happy Fat Tuesday. I forgot to tell you that we are going to the club tonight for a huge Fat Tuesday Celebration. I decided to go to WW last night. In the past I have not had much success on Monday's. So I lost .4 and we talked about sometimes loosing weight is not always about just loosing weight. You can loose fatty tissue, as I noticed these pants I have that a brand new are much looser now. So a point well taken.


I still think that you are getting screwed on the new drug if they make you pay that crazy amount. I see that Walgreens is advertising Part D discounts on medications.


Karen brings up a very good point here. Expand all of your options.


I have never heard of that. What exactly are they?


Another day in the trenches.




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Okay another day of waiting in vane. Was told they would call at 10am this morning. I waited until 2pm and called the. Was told now that the as gency they wanted to cpntact is on the East coast and were closed becsuse of the westher. Was told they would call me tomorrow. So again I will miss my class and who knows if the weather will have improved enough ft or them to be open like I said we won't qualify anyway. Evidently have go be turned down by this agency before we can go on to the next one.


Bill has part D insurance and they are paying their 80%, of $8,000, leaving us the 20% or $2000. There is no way we can changed pharmacies as this drug is only dispensed through specialty pharmacies.


They are like a bismarck that is sliced in half then filled with all different things. I got some today that were filled with custard and others filled with strawberries. Both had confectionary sugar on top. Maybe they will have them tonight at your Fat Tuesday party. Did you wear your beads?


Yes sometimes your measurements change and your weight doesn't. It feels good to have your clothes a little looser.


Thanks Karen for the suggestion but they kind of have us dependent on them, there really is no other choice.

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Sharon, it just does not make any sense at all. If you would have known this, you could have just stayed with paying the $25 for the drug. Makes you feel like you got royally screwed all over. I am so sorry and hopefully soon you can find something positive. If I was you, after what you have gone through the past few days, I would just call them this morning and not wait around again.


Well they said they had sold all of the 400 tickets. But I did not see that many there. I think a lot stayed home due to the extreme cold weather. Still they had a good crowd, and we were back home before 10. Yes, they did have all of those pasteries there and I had many beads around my neck. Had a nice time, something we do not usually do in the week.


So it is good to loose some of the body mass and thus making the cloths fit much better. It all makes sense and it is also helpful to stick around after weigh-in and have a group discussion, where we can pick up some of these good points.


Stay warm, relief is in sight.




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Sounds like a good time last night. And, good for you doing so well for so long at WW. Glad you are once again closing in on your goal. It isn't easy as we all well know.


Finally got a call around 1pm today but no decision on help. Instead they asked what our gross income was for last year, said they needed it to fill out a form. Also said they would submit this form and let us know Friday. So I will again miss my exercise class and whats worse is they won't ship the meds like they said they would. He said maybe Monday, Bill will have enough for one more week so I hope they get done whatever needs to get done!


I met with the girls tonight, we all made it even though it is cold out. My car said it was -2 on the way home. I see the schools in town will be closed tomorrow because of the -30 predicted. Really think since we are half passed the middle of Feb that it should start to get better weather!

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Sharon, I feel so bad for you with all of this running around with this new med. Things should not be so difficult. Paying $2000 for meds is crazy, especially if part D is paying 80%. This is unheard of. How can anyone expect anyone to pay this. Perhaps you shlould contact the Dr and tell him what is going on. There may be an alternative med. Dr's are often out of the loop.


I did see last night all of the school closings or delayed 2 hours. Right now here it is -2 and that is not factoring in the wind chill. If we are 1/2 through Febuary, I stil do not see any light at the end of the tunnel. You know what they say about March, so it could go either way. Still nothing like what is going on in Boston.


I have buncco tomorrow night. Then on Saturday my #1 daughter and GD are going up to Gurnee Mills for a day of shopping and we are staying up iin that area over night as well. So a weekend of activities.


Stay warm, and I will pray for a good resolution for you with this crazy situation you are in.




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Well see thats the thing, there sre only two drugs, both were approved the same time last November. The drug Bill is taking requires 1 pill twice a d a y. The other drug requires 3 pills 3 times a day and is similiar in cost. Maybe tomorrow we will get some answers. Hope so.


As you know I really like bunco its a lot of fun.You should have a good time, and a good time shopping with your daughter and GD.II have am going to meet my GD on Saturday too. She is flying up from Texas to give a presentation on the stuff she is selling. Its a supplement that seems to do anything and everything and cause weight loss. It will be good to see her, last time was in June when we went down there for her youngest sons first birthday, our great grandson.


I didn't think it felt as cold today as yesterday, it wasn't near as windy. Hope it warms up some soon!

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Sharon, they said it broke long standing records for last night. Then I heard that it is going above freezing for tomorrow and back down again. We went to Gurnee Mills last year around this time as well.


So has this Daughter given you any of this stuff to try to see how it would work for you? If she is coming all the way from Texas, she must be getting compensated good to be coming here for a presentation.


We have been together for a very long time. All of my friends date back to high school. So it starts at 7 and I usually get home well after midnight. The only tme I ever stay out that late.


I still think you are getting the shaft with that medication. Hopefully some good will come out of the finial outcome.


I keep forgetting to ask you about your sister. How is she doing, and does she have anyone to check up on her?


Stay warm, the end is in sight, I just cannot see it.




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No I haven't tried any of the stuff, seems kind of expensive and there are several things involved. Sounds like you take a pill before you get out of bed, then about an hour later you take some powder and mix it with maybe almond milk, then you put a patch on and wear it for the day. You do this everyday. Its supposed to be an eight week program but no one seems to stop taking it. I'm wondering what happens when you do stop.


My sister is doing good, her son and daughter in law live with her. They all split the household costs.I talk to her at least once a week. Seems all doesn't work well all the time but she can't afford to live by herself nor would she want to. Her policy has always been the more the merrier.


Just like I thought we got denied by the agency that was supposed to help with the copay. But we had to be denied by them to go on to the next agency. Now we have to send in a copy of our 2013 inc taxes and insurances cards. This will take a couple more weeks. Since we have been dealing with this now for a couple of weeks Bill only has one more week of meds left. So there is another agency that works with the drug mfg who will send us 2 weeks of meds free to carry him over. I told the drug rep I have been dealing with that since our max out of pocket is $4700, then 5% we could just pay it to keep getting the drug. He said he was trying to prevent us from having to do that.


Two of Bills daughters came over tonight and brought fish dinners for all of us. They staued for a few hours and visited. The one is the one that is trying to get the local job, she still has not heard anything even though she has called. She wants more money than what they want yo pay so we'll see how that works.


You will have to tell me what all you bought on your shopping trip.

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Sharon, this shopping trip is mainly for the GD. Depending on what is out there will depend on what I will buy. Maybe something for Hawaii.


Well I hope that all will work out for you with this new drug. At least they are working with you to assure that Bill does not go without med's until this all resolved.


I got home last night at 1 and I will leave today at 11. Bill is driving me to my daughter's house so my new vechele will not be sitting out in the cold.


It is good that your sister is not alone. She needs someone arounf to keep an eye on her and keep er safe. Temps into above freezing today and then back into the deepp freeze once again.


Enjoy and have a good weekend.




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Had a good time with my granddaughter today, met her and her cousin for lunch then went to the cousins house until time for the meeting. Had a nice amount of time to get caught up. At the meeting my GD was the only thin one there. Everyone else was really heavy which I don't think was a very good showing of the product. In addition to alot of other things its supposed to help you lose weight. I did not get any of it.


It felt a lot better outside today, but short lived as the cold is coming back.


Did one of your friends take you home after the bunco party? Its nerve racking when you get a new car and don't want anything to happen to it. Seems there are lots of potential instances to scratch or dent your car.


My car is so covered with salt I can't hardly tell what color it is. Its been too cold to get it washed.

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Sharon, I always drive myself to buncco and I pick up another lady in our town who is handycaped. All of the ladies live about 20-30 minutes away from my house.


I was not going to drive to the mall or leave my vechile at my daughter's house either. So that is why Bill drove me. With the week we had last week weather wise, it was looking salt covered as well. So Bill took it and got it washed. This is another bargin, as the dealer said that whenever we want it washed just bring it on by.


So it was good that you were able to visit with Bill's daughter and GD. I guess that is why people go to those persentations to loose weight. If everyone was slim that would be good if everyone was taking the product for a while. But if it is the first time, then I would expect a lot of heavy people attending.


The sun is shinning now, but as you said, cold moving back into the area.




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I must have wrote thaa wrong, it was my granddaughter thatt was up from Texas and gave the presentation. It was good to see her again. We had been to their house last June.


Now we have another problem with getting Bill's medication. Got a letter from Humana, our ins company saying they will no longer cover Bill's new medication. So I just don't know anymore what to do.


Went to exercise class today, first time in a week. I really felt it. We were jumping imaginary jump ropes. Quite a workout.


watched the awards show last night. We don't know hardly any of the new actors but like to see the dresses the gals wear. Thought the song Lady Gaga sang was beautiful and the song Tim Mcgraw sang that Glen Campbell wrote was so sad.

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Sharon, maybe this is good news now as they are saying not covering the drug. So now you should be able to go back to the place and show them insurance is not covering, so that should get you to the special $25 rate once again. I sure hope this will work out for you. I will say more prayers.


It must have felt good to be back to you normal exercise. It is funny how you stop doing something for a short time and you start back once again and it feels like you have been away much longer.


I heard that by the end of the month this could go down as the coldest Febuary in history since they have been keeping track of records for over 150 years. I know that once I am chilled it is so hard to get warm again.




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You know we were thinking the same thing, no ins might be a good thing, not sure yet. They did say the dr could write a letter to them and state there is no other medicine available and that he needs it and they would recosider it, but no guarantee they would cover it anyway. So we will see what happens thanks for the prayers.


Yes since I was off the exercise all week and went Monday I am sore today. I plan on going tomorrow so maybe will work out the soreness.


I heard that too about February and that March would be colder than normal too. We had snow flurries this morning and supposed to get some more tomorrow night.


How did it go at WW last night?

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Sharon, I have just had too much going on after work this week, so I did not go on Monday. When I do not go on Monday I go on Wednesday. So lately I have more sucess on Wednesday versus Monday's, as far as weight loss.


Well let's hope that you can get something positive soon for the med's. As this process can be very time consuming and you do not have all that time.


We also had light snow falling yesterday afternoon. I also heard last night that tonight and into tomorrow we could get1-3" of snowfall. So I do not know who will be getting the 1 or who will be getting the 3.


I know exactly what you mean about getting out of the routine and then jumping back into it once again, and how some mussels that have not gotten used will be hurting the very next day.


Stay warm and dry.




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