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Had a call from FedEx at dinner time tonight. They said they would deliver the pkg, which id the meds, tomorrow before 10:30 am tomorrow. So we will have a two week supply before we start this whole thing over again.


Even though it has been lightly snowing all afternoon I went and met the girls. Two of them secided not to come because of the weather so there was just 3 of us. The owner deep fried some sliced potatoes and put garlic salt and cajun seasoning on them. They were very good for a snack.


Wed would work better for me too as I usually eat more on the wekend than during the week.

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Sharon, it seems like the Wednesday is much better, I lost 1.6 at weigh-in last night.


It started snowing yesterday afternoon and by the time it ended this afternoon we got 6", but real light and fluffy. So it was perfect timing getting the AWD Suv. My old car would not have handeled very well in this weather.


That is good news that you got a supply to tide you over until they are finished reviewing the case. Let's hope they rule favorable for you. I don't see how they could rule otherwise. Good luck.


It was good that you were able to get out last night, even though the weather was not good. That owner does take care of you all, and I can see why you continue to go there. With this weather is is hard to keep the car clean.


Stay warm,




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We did not get tge meds todsy as promised, got a xall instead from FedEx saying they had a wrong address and could not deliver it. They had our correct street number but they had us in Lake Geneva, WI. When I had spoke to the gall where the meds were coming from on Tuesday, she had said Lake Geneva and I told her that was wrong we did not live in WI and gave her the correct town in Il. She evidently did not change the info I gave her.So FedEx is now going to try to deliver it tomorrow. The way things have been going I'm not sure that will happen until I have the package in my hand!


Also called the gal in charge of getting us help for the cost of the drug. She was supposed to send out a form for us to fill out last Friday. She said because they are located in Kentucky and had bad weather the form did not get mailed until Tuesday, two days ago! I am readdy to pull my hair out, no one does their job anymore.


On to some other topic, good for you at WW, that's quite a good loss. Seems I've been eating everything lately, maybe the stress.


My car has so much salt on it, it looks white. We only got about 2 inches of snow, didn't even have our driveway plowed. But supposed to get more snow on Sunday and Tuesday. Hope they are wrong.

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Sharon, I agree that over the past few weeks you have not had much luck in deliveries. She said they had bad weather, come on. What do they think that most of the country is having. I am sure they are not having anything worse than what we have been getting. So we ended with a little over 1/2 foot of snow. Real light stuff. Bill said he would come to take the SUV to get it washed sometime today. They gave us a card to come in for free washes whenever we want.


You certainly have waisted a lot of time hanging around for phone calls or deliveries. But don't be pulling your hair out. Yes, agreed that stress plays a major part in what you eat. I know this better than anyone with alll of the crap I have to deal with on a regular basis. But turn the tables on them and put things in their laps and not yours.


I did see that the next chance for snow is Saturday night and Sunday. Then more next week. Right now we are the third snowiest Febuary on record. So depending on what we get Saturday will depend if we move up higher. We may have the record as being the coldest Febuary on record. I think right now we are in second place.


Have a good rest of today,




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Finally got the two weeks worth of pills delivered today, So buys us a little time before I start in again. Bill has a dr appmnt on Monday. Kind of worried what we might hear.


I was thinking of getting my car washed this weekend but then heard it could rain on Tuesday so guess I'll wait.


Yes we've broke a couple of records for cold too. In fact cold again tonight. Nothing we can do about it though.

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Sharon, since tomorrow is March and then 1 week from tomorrow we set the clocks ahead, we shall see how the rest of the month goes. But we will be in second for coldest Febuary, and third for the snowiest Febuary.


Stay on top of things as 2 weeks will fly by. I hope the Dr on Monday can help or someplace else. With the insurance not paying anything you should be able to go back to the place and get the med's for $25 again. Nothing has changed, as no one is paying for the med's.


So Bill had bought on Group-on awhile ago tickets for The Price Is Right. So this afternoon we are going to the Holiday Star Plazza, to attend the tapping of the show, The Price Is Right.


The way I look at it, every day you can go without having all of the salt on the car is just 1 more day of a clean car. I know with all of the salt, it is real easy to bruse against the car and get all of the salt on your cloths.


Stay warm and enjoy the weekend.




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Bill watches the Price is Right and I do too sometimes. Maybe you or Bill will get called up to give a bid. You will have to find out when it is going to air. That should be fun!


Two of Bill's daughters came over again today. He really like to have them come for a visit. I don't think the one is going to get that local job. They are still running the ad for the position she applied for.


You're right I get salt on me if I get against the car, hopefully I'll get it washed soon.

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Sharon, we got home last night just before it started snowing, around 6:30. We left before noon and the show was supposed to start at 2 but they were running late. I have not watched TPIR since Bob Barker was the host. So I did not know much about this, as Bill bought the ticket on Groupon a long time ago. We heard that some people were paying over $100 pp. Bill only paid $36 pp.


So this host was a guy from the food channel called Marc Willinams, and I have never heard of him. This was a live stage show that travels around the country. The real live taping is done with the regular host, Drew Carey, and that is in Hollywood. So we have never been to a live stage show or any live show before. You sign up for those shows and they are free, but you have to get there for the performance.


So the way they pick you is everyone is given a card to fill out and you drop it in a basket and they draw the names randomely. About 20 were drawn and the show ran for 1 1/2 hours. Many people dressed up in crazy outfits and some where acting real crazy when choosen. We went to eat at Outback afterwards, as we had a $50 gift card.


With this weather it is going to be hard to keep the vechels clean. I don't know how much snow we got as they were saying from 2-3". Bill has not gone outside yet to clear it away, as it is still snowing now.


Well I hope Bill gets good results tomorrow at the Dr, and I hope it will not take too long to render a favorable decision on the med's.




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I found a web site that was saying they think they have a drug that will reverse pulmonary fibrosis. I printed it out and took it to the appmnt today. He was going to look into it but its a long shot. At least its in the Us, Colorado in fact. So many are in other countries. Dr is also setting up a breathing test to see if more oxygen would help when he is up walking around.


We finally got the form to fill out for assistance with the drug. It was supposed to be mailed Feb 20, it obviously wasn't mailed then, coming only from Kentucky.


So you didn't get called up to bid, too bad. Did they have some good prizes. I was thinking it was going to be Drew Cary, didn't know they had a "travelling"show.


Supposed to get some bad weather tonight and tomorrow morning. Maybe it will be the last of it this time.

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Sharon, that is wishful thinking as far as the weather. I would think that we will be hearing of all kinds of accidents with what is coming in now. It is crusty and only a dusting of snow. The rain that is falling and freezing as soon as it hits the ground.


I did not know either about the traveling show. I thought it was like Wheel Of Fortuntine, where they travel all around the country. But the actual show is only in Hollywood. I was very afraid that my name was going to be called. Very interesting stuff that was being brought to guess the real or actual price.


I hope you can get something very soon with the new med's. With this other drug, a lot of time they take so long to be approved for regular usage. But either way I hope things turn around for you. As far as the form, that lady was sitting on it, using the excuse that they had bad weather, like she is the only one. What about the rest of the country?


Be safe and careful when driving today.




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Was going to go to water aerobics this morning but looked outside and changed my mind. This time we got about 3 to 4 inches of heavy wet snow. We had the driveway plowed this morning and then it started raining. Just looked outside at the driveway, it is all shiny, don't know if its wet or icy.


Got an email from the gal that does the Forever Fit ex class and water aerobics. Her husband is the pastor at the church were the ex class is held. She said he got a call to go to Tennessee and they talked about it and decided to answer the call. She will be here and teach the class until April after Easter. There are two other gals that help teach the ex class but she is the one that knows what is good for the body and how the exercises should be done. I don't know if they will continue or not. The resort where the water areobics is held is looking for some one to take her place.


Two days of really cold weather coming again, stay warm!

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Sharon, when I was watching the news last night, I did see where your area had got the most of the snow. Here we only got a very light dusting and then the freezing rain. So it was extremely slippery in the driveway on sidewalks. But once the temps rose above freezing it all cleared away. I did see where we are going to have a couple of days in the teens and then it is going up until it hits 50. The main thing we have to get rid of all of this snow first. With all of this snow, the cold from all of it is creating its own weather system.


Well that is good for them to be larving here and going down south. But I am sure the resort will go out and find someone else qualified to teach another class. It will be an adjust period for you to get used to a new instructor. I forgot to tell you that on Monday I went to weigh-in and I have lost another 1.6. Things are really starting to be heading in the rigth direction.


Stay warm as well.




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Congratulations! you are doing so good. Are you following any special diet or eating the way WW says to eat? I have gained 2 pounds and normally wouldn't think too much about it but don't want to go up any more. It can get out of hand pretty quick if you are not careful.


I called dish at Bill's house to cancel to service since we never are there enough to watch TV. It was really difficult to get them to cancel it. They were offering $450 in credits if we would stay with them amomg other things. I just kept saying no, no, no. We had paid up to April first so I told them to cancel it then. They insisted I had to calll back again on April 1st to cancel. I told them I did not want to call back again, what did I need to do to not have to call back. They said they could cancel it right now so I said ok do that and send our refund back for the rest of the month we already paid. They said they would and within minutes the service was cancelled. I didn't they were even going to let me cancel for a while. Guess they don't like to lose customers.

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Sharon, I have been staying afterwards from weigh-in and attending the meetings. I have been going along with their recomemdations on eating properly. Otherwise, I have been working out in our basement on the Total Gym. I know what you mean about things getting out of control. But for you, your exercise has been thrown off with the bad weather and missing some classes due to waiting around for deliveries and delayed phone calls.


I have used the very same thing to get our bill lowered. Just threaten to cancel. However in this case, you were not using it and why pay if no one is going to be using the servece.


I think today is the last day for awhile with the deep freeze. After this it is supposed to be warmijng up and even into the 50's. We need to get rid of all of this snow on the ground.




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I was down one pound so that made me feel good this morning. Was afraid it would just keep going up! I did get in a little over 10,000 steps yesterday. Had a good water aerobics class today too. Maybe romorrow will be down another tenth or do.


Awfully cold today, nice sunshine but cold. Waiting for the warm up. Do you vote for the Chicago mayor? I'm thinking Emanuel might not get re elected.


Got the form filled out by the dr and sent it on its way, hopefully we'll hear something one way or the other soon.


Saw they are having the Human Race again, I think thats the one your Bill ran in last year. I signed up for a walk the end of April. Had to sign up early and pay to get a t-shirt and lunch. Should be nice weather by then!

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Sharon, I agree that it was very cold yesterday and today as well, just now. Very windy around here and cold. The warm-up cannot come soon enough for me.


I do not remember that race you are talking about. Bill did the Boston Matahton and before that he did Cary Grove in March, and the warm your heart at McCormick Place, the 1/4 marathon leaving from Soldier Field in April. So those are the one's I remember him doing before the Boston Marathon.


Congrats on loosing. I think we are both on the high road for good weight lose. Let's hope this trend will continue for the both of us.


I also hope that you will get good news from the place that is giving you this new medication. I cannot see why they would refuse you getting you the discount, since the insurance is not covering it at all.




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Sharon, I agree that a lot of the snow will be gone but not all of it here either. But a real melt down with the temps in the 50's for most of this week.


I was gone all day yesterday, out with my bunco friends shopping and eating. We do different things like this a few times per year.


Like you we are in the suburbs and not in Chicago. We are in cook county, the same county that Chicago is in, but the mayor race for Chicago does not affect us at all. So no voting for us.


So for today going to church and than over to my daughter's house for awhile. Otherwise nothing else planned. Enjoy and have a good rest of the weekend.




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I went to church this morning. This afternoon one of Bill's daughter along with her husband and two grown daughters came over for a visit. One daughter teaches mentally disabled kids and the other daughter is going to school to be a dental hygentist. After they left we drove up to Lake Geneva to the wine store. They have a wine that I like but can't find anywhere else. Its called Bacro. It only has about 8% alcohol so you don't rally get tipy no matter how much you drink. I bought 3 bottles so I could take one for Easter to his daughters house.


It was a nice Sunday drive.


That always sounds like a fun time when you get together with your friends. I really don't have a best friend anymore and I miss that.


Well hopefully we heard something early this week in regards to the meds Bill needs.

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Sharon, I will say prayers that you do hear something this week for the med's. This has been a very long process and it has taken too long. It is almost like dealing with the government, where they say they are always right no matter how wrong they can be.


Today is Bill's birthday. You know you are senoirs when you look for places that offer discounts on your birthday. Last night we went to our favorate place to eat, where they offer the % off your bill according to your age. All the other places offer 50%. So tomorrow we go to the club and the rest of the week there are a few other places that offer 50%. So a week of not doing too much cooking.


Yes, it is important to have close friends. Sometimes the closer they are the more thay can hurt you at times. That is how a few of them are in the bunco group. Very self centered. I have been taken in by a lot of ladies from our club. They have been very nice to include me in even though I am not apart of their groups or leagues.


I have not heard of that wine, but it sounds great, like you said very low % for drinking. Michigan has a nice selection. When we go there I buy maybe a case, so it will last for a long while.


I guess the temps will be in the 50's for most of this week. I know it is too soon, but maybe we are over the hump with the bad and extreme weather.




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That will be good to have a whole week of "birthday" dinners. And you get the benefit too! I remember you going to that one that gave you the & off for your birthday, makes it not so bad to have to add another year.


I got so mad at Bill tonight, everytime its time to eat he isn't hungry. Fir lunch he just wanted a half of sandwich. Tonight I made scalloped potatoes, pork tender loin and spinach. First thing he said when I told him dinner was ready was I'm not very hungry. I told him after this to tell me first and we can just skip dinner altogether.


Now just got a message from his daughter that his son is coming down on Saturday and wants to take us out to eat, along with all the rest of the "kids". It is Bill's birthday April 1 st and the son wants to get it in before Easter when he comes back again.


The gal from the hospital called to set up a breathing test to see if more oxygen would help, but I had went up to get my oil changed. So instead of setting up an appmnt he told her to call back when I was here. Don't know why he couldn't set it up!




When I got my oil changed they told me one sway bar was broke, which I knew already because I think they did it when they put my car on the lift about a year ago. But now the other one is almost broke and he said if it broke altogether it could puncture a tire. So now I have to set up an appmt for that. Approx $175.00.


Always something!

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Sharon, I agree that there is always something. But if you do not get that fixed, you could loose control of the car, so for that, it is important that you get it fixed.


Yes, the very same thing has happened to me as well. I was fixing dinner and when I was almost done, Bill said to me as well, he was not hungry. So I said the same thing to him as you did to your Bill.


As far as going for the breathing test. Maybe he did not want to make it, as he was not sure of your schedule. My Bill would either not answer the phone and they just leave messages, or he would do the very same thing.


It started last night rolling in and this morning it is very foggy. I guess the temps could get into the 50's once again and then back down to the 30's.


Well even though it is a few weeks off. It still would be nice to go out over this weekend and celebrate Bill's birthday.






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I finally got a hold of the gal for the breathiig test. Set it up for tomorrow morning so will again miss exercise class. Also set up to get my car fixed tomorrow afternoon. Next I have to call and set up tye reverse osmosis guy to come and change the filters and bring water softner salt.


Funny to hear you had the same things going on with your Bill, whats with these guys anyway.


I was going to water aerobics this morning but it was so foggy I could not see anything so stayed home. It pretty much stayed that way all day. But the temprrature was good.


I finally lost that other pound that I had gained, would be nice to lose 5 more too but don't know if that will happen.


Saw the Get Moving group is getting organized again. This summer they are going to have several walks that will add up to all the way around Lake Geneva. That should be good, I've done it before with that friend I used to have. I think it took us 5 different times to get all the way around.

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Sharon, that is good that the group will be getting together to do walks again. But I remember that one group was walking so fast it was like a competion. I would think that you would want to walk at an easy pace and not to be racing?


So I hope today you will hear something positive for Bill today. Hopefully they can do something for him that will give him more oxigen.


It was very foggy around here yesterday as well. But the sun came out shinning bright and the fog burned away around noon. It was getting real foggy last night again, but nothing was around this morning.


Congrats on loosing another pound. With all of this eating out this week, I hope I will not be in trouble with my weight loss.


Enjoy and have a good day today.




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We did get some pretty good news. The gal pluged Bill into a regular canister oxygen tank and took him for a walk down the hospital corridor. She found that be increasing the oxygen to 6 liters, up from the 4 he is currently using, that his oxygen only dropped into the upper 80's . Better than we thought and I have not seen him walk as much as she had him do for months. I think they are going to put him in a pulmonary rehab session for a while and see if he can get stronger and breathe better.



Also found out we can get some more of his meds for 2 months, but can only get 15 days worth at a time before ordering more and there is no charge. So we should be able to get an answer about the assistance before he runs out of meds.


Very nice out today

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