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Sharon, yes it was very nice yesterday and for the past few days. A lot of the snow has gone away. But there are still places that have some piles around. Perhaps if the temps continue to stay in the 50's, the rest of the snow will vanish as well.


That is good that you had a good day yesterday with Bill. So if they put him in this rehab, does that mean that he will be in a place and you will be home alone? It sounds like they are making sure he will not be running out of the medication, and are continuing to work to get him the med's long term.


Tomorrow if any of us have superstition with 13. I am going to get together in the evening with family for some kind of demstration with stuff that they are marketing. Otherwise just a weekend of getting things around the house.


Enjoy this day,




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No the rehab would be for an hour or hour and a half on Mondays and Thursdays. I hope they get it started pretty quick because I think it would really help him.


I went to zumba this morning, the gal who leads it has joined the Y and has been taking classes there in addition to the classes she teaches and has lost at least 20 pounds. She is really looking good and has so much more energy. We were all sweating and that hasn't happened for quite a while.


what are your relative selling, wonder if its what my granggaughter sells. Its called Thrive by le vel. She and her hubby just got back from a big party in Las Vegas put on by the company. You had to have so much sales to qualify and then the company paid for evetyrhing. They unveiled another product to add to the line. It is a subliminal, under the tongue type thing. Its all supposed to make you feel good, be happy, lose weight, give you energy and everthing else. Its quite expensive seems to me. I think I've told you about it before, sorry to repezt myself.


Been thinking about getting one of those walk in tubs, need to look into pricing. We are wondering if they are as long as a regular tub so that it would go in the same place. Probably would have to have new tile put in also.


Another nice day coming up, love it!

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Well that is good that he can do rehab as an outpatient instead ofo staying there. Both for you and him as well. So all you will be doing is waiting and watching for the hour.


So for tonight it is my niece and that is the daughter of my sister. So there will be my sister and her kids and mine as well. I do not know what her company is called, and yes, I do remember you teling me about that stuff that your granddaughter sells. It sounds like high end stuff. This niece sells stuff like this new item called a selfie stick. It is exactly like that, a sitck that you put your cell phone and extend it out to get a further away selfie. She sells other stuff as well and I will tell you more once I find out the rest. But her stuff is not high end stuff, as most if not all is made in China.


OK, for the walk in tub we had considered and if you want to consider getting one expect to pay around $8,000. This is the major draw back on them. I like things warm and steamy. With them you cannot fill the tub up like I do. You have to get into the tub and then close the door and wait for the tub to fill up, due to the fact that you cannot open the door as rthe water would flow out. The same holds true when letting the water out.


It all looks good on TV but I really wounder if people conside this. That is why I went with the spa type tub with the jets in it. I have a total of 8 jets and I fill up the tub first and turn on the jets before I get into it. Also it comes with a heater so to keep the water tempeture warm as if you are in it for awhile, without the heater the water temp would not stay warm without the heater. Just a few things to consider before you make a decision.




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Those are some good points about the tub. Hadn't really thought about sitting there and waiting for the tub to fill up and drain out.


We got two more weeks of meds delivered today so can take it easy for a while.


I am going to a home show in town tomorrow. Its not a very big one but should be interesting.


Got our taxes mailed to the accountant today so one more thing we can check off.


Most of our snow is gone just the snow in the fence lines and shadows remain. Looks like another nice day tomorrow.

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Sharon, that was the major reason why we did not purchase a walk-in tub. We were considering one, but that major draw back for me was getting into an empty tub and sitting there and waiting for it to fill up. I have never sat in an empty tub and waited for it to fill up my entire life. Also they are not the same size as a regular tub so some kind of instulation would need to be done to finish the job off. So for everything you would be looking at roughly around $11,000 for completion.


I did not go to the demonstration last night as I did not really feel like going and my sister canceled. The name of the product she sells is 31.


So that is good that they are sending you the medication until this all gets resolved. Hopefully soon something will rendure in your favor.


Good that you were able to get all of your tax stuff all filed. Our's was filed on 3/5. Another nice day in the 60's. All of our snow is gone except the north side of our house where the sun does not shine much.


I was gone all day today taking that lady I go out with about once per month. We go shopping and eating lunch.




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Yes think we will not do that tub, just too many things against it.


Bills son came today so we all 12 of us went out to eat and he picked up the chec. We went to a different restaurant than we usually do when we all go out. Its a place we always liked so recommended it for tonight then held our breath they would all like it. They all did and want to go back again. Bill did good walking in but ran out of breath coming out. He had to sit down on a bench and use his rescue inhaler. Of course everyone starts to panic, his son is a doctor so he kept reminding him to breath in through his nose and out through his mouth. When Bill gets out of breath he tends to just gasp through his mouth which is a natural tendency. His son also brought an oxygen mask for him to use instead of the canula. He will try it next time and see if its better.


I went back to Kohls todsy to buy a bridal shower gift while I still had a 30% off discount. They were registered there so I picked something on the list so they will like it.


Havent heard of 31, will check it out on line.

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Sharon, the major draw back for the walk-in tub for us was waiting inside to fill up. So we bought a spa tub and it has 8 jets and a built in heater as well. So I fill it up and once the jets are activated the heater is activated as well. Since the outside tub is closed down for the winter. This is my favorate part of my evening, getting into the tub.


Wow, that is a large group. But nice to be going out for dinner. Lucky Bill's son was there to watch out for him. Did they drive you or did you drive yourself? Hopefully sometime this week you can get his breathing all set up and hear something back from what they are going to do for the med's.


I thought I heard that today another day in the 60's and tomorrow it is supposed to make it to 70, and then the rest of te week back into the 40's.


Enjoy and have a good rest of the weekend.




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I drove us to the restaurant it is just on the other side of town. It was couple of his daughters, a son, acouple of son in laws, a couple of grandchildren and assorted friends they brought with. Its usually the same group more or less.


I was at the store picking up prescription for Bill this afternoon, the guy ahead of me in line was using oxygen. I asked him how many liters he was on, I told him it was the same as Bill. But he was using an actual tank not a portable concentrator. He asked why Bill was on oxygen and I told him. He said he had the same thing and asked the drs name he was going too, it was the same one. I told him Bill was in the car and he asked if he could come and talk with him.. So he came out and they had a nice conversation. He said he also uses the 50 ft tubing at home with the concentrator but said even if you are at 5 liters by the time it gets to tge canula its about only 2 or so liters. He gave Bill his phone number and said anytime he wanted to talk to give him a call.


what a beautiful day, took a while to warm up but this afternoon finally made it to 70.

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Sharon, what are the chances of running into someone who was using the same thing and the same Dr. This guy sounded like he really knew what he was talking about. That makes total sense. The longer the line the less oxygen going into Bill. So I would think that he would have to increase the volume so when it reaches him he will have the correct flow of oxygen.


Yes, it was very nice yesterday. They said the next time we will see 70's around here will be toards the end of April. Today it is only 36 around here now. It is also very windy as well.


Yesterday after work a bunch of ladies from the club invited me to go out with them. It was for dinner and vendor's who were showing their products. Like Pamered Chef, cosmetic places, lotions, and make-up products. So it was a good evening out. Something I rarely ever do. I was picked up at 5:45 and returned home at 9:30.


It was good that you have family that you can go out with and enjoy each other's company. Stay warm,




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I hope they are wrong about not seeing 70's before the end of April! It was so nice yesterday. I almost went out and cut down some of the old flowers from last year. Only thing was I didn't feel so good. Came down with a cold yesterday morning. So worried that I will give it to Bill and he'll end up in the hospital.


I went up and got 2 carry out orders of corned beef and cabbage from the local Rotary club

for dinner. It was very good but a little light on the cabbage.


We had a guy from the oxygen co come out this afternoon. He exchanged concentratores. He gave us one that goes up to 10 liters, the old one only went to 5 liters. He also showed me again how to fill the cylinder oxygen containers. I had forgotten since we never use them and its been montgs since we first got them. We have 4 big ones in case tye elec goes out and 2 small ones that can be caried to go places.


That sounds like a fun time yesterday with the gals, nice they asked you to go with.

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Sharon, so last weekend when I took that lady shopping and eating, we stopped at this Irish place and I bought corned beef and cabbage. So I cook that yesterday and we ate here and afterwards we went to the club for a few dirinks.


Yes, yesterday was very windy and cold. I don't think it ever made it out of the 30's. Today the sun is shining bright, and I think the temps will be in the 40's. I guess we shall have to wait and see if they are wrong or right about it getting back into the 70's again. Things are kind of dry, but I guess that is good until all of the ice melts so the rivers do not get ice dams.


So are you all checked out on how to fill the cansters now? Did the guy make it easier and better to opperate for Bill? I hope this does good for him and soon they will rule in your favor about the med's. I will continue to say prayers that all works in your favor.


With this weather going to such highs and then to such lows. Perfect weahter to get sick. Best to take the best care of yourself so you do not get sick.




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My cold is progressing, now I'm coughing too. Didn't go to see the girls not feeling up to it and got an email from one of them that they were both sick too. Two of them ride together since they come from the same town. So the other two probably went anyway.


Yes I now know how to put the thing on the top of the oxygen cylinder and how to refill them too. I wanted Bill to use one of them today but he wanted to keep using his portable one. The cylinder would go up and past the 6 liters he needs while the portable only goes to 4. I will keep on at him and once he sees how much better it makes him feel I think he will want to use it.


I think I will get a piece of corned beef and some cabbage to make next week. Don't have it very often but it was really good. I usually boil it and add potatoes and carrots. The dinners we got from the Rotary Club was baked.


Did you have green beer? I don't like beer but would have had a glass of wine.

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Sharon I do not like beer either, but he added green food coloring into my dirnk to make it look green.


Last year I went to the CVS Minute Clinic and I was getting better right away. Do not wait and go, it is fast and very easy. I sent one of my employees last week and they started to improve right away. Why suffer and continue to get worse?


Yes, change is hard, but if you can only make him see the improvement of using the big oxygen that will improve his breathing, then like you say, he should use that one all of the time while at home. Men like to do things the hard way.


Enjoy and let's think about spring.




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What kind of medicine did you get, I think antibiotics don't work if its just a cold.


One of Bill's daughters is supposed to come tomorrow so I text her and let her know I had a cold so she could decide if she still wants to come


I see gas has started to go up again. We got the car filled up yesterday at $2.29 and today it is $2.39.


Not much else new today

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Sharon, I got a Z-Pack, as I had a real bad cold as you, and I started go get better right away. Going to the minute clinic is nothing like going to a emergency room.


Yes, it does go up every year at this time but still much less than last year where it was in the $300 range. Here it is $2.24 in IN. No one gases in IL who are close to the border.


I heard that today could get to 60 around here, and then back down to the 30's or 40's. Enjoy and have a good day today. Start to improve and get better health wise.




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We don't have any of those clinics anywhere around here it would be either the dr or the er room so I will just keep taking my cough syrup, lozenges and Emergen C. Seems my nose has quit running but moved into my chest and coughing. So far Bill is still ok, fingers crossed he stays that way.


His daughter did not come today which was just as well. Heard we might get some snow this weekend.

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Sharon, I am surprised that you do not have any CVS around you. I thought they were all around just like Walgreens.


I was up very early this morning babysitting my daughter's 3 boys. It does not happen too often, perhaps 1 per month. But once it does they really wear me out. Her husband gets home around 10 and then he has them.


Tonight we are heading up north, far north city to join a group of our friends who invited us for a get together and watching the NCAA Tourments. We don't go for the tournment but mostly just to gather and get together.


I heard the same for snow, but now I do not think we will be getting a lot. I think the main is going south of us.


Have a good weekend, I hope you get better.




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We only have one drug store and that is Walgreens. We have a Walmart with a drug store in it. For fast food we have a McDonalds and a Taco Bell. Thats it, rest are little stores and restaurants. Just kind of a small town, that is why I go to other towns to grocery shop. We do not have a regular grocery store.


Bill's kids decided to make it easier for the ones travelling to have Easter on Saturday instead of Easter Sunday. That is fine with us because then I can go to church on Sunday.


I went for a walk this afternoon, it was a little colder t b an I thought. I had a hooded sweatshirt on and put the hood up. Going the wind was in my face and colder, coming back it was behind me and felt warmer.


Just had a weather update on TV, still talking about accumulating snow.

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Sharon, so you only have a Walgreen's in your town, and there is no CVS close by in another town? The CVS we go to is in another town in IN.


Yes, I had heard that as well as far as the weather goes. From everything I was looking at, it looks like we all are going to get at least 1" of snow and other areas could get 3" or more. Then on Wednesday they are saying it is going to 63. Once again, this is perfect weather for getting sick. I hope you will get better and not worse.


So last night we went up north in the city to visit with friends of Bill's coaching staff he used to coach with. Also we saw their new home. We got tied up in major traffic going home, so we did not get home until 10. Today I have to go to Kohls and use this $30 gift certificate as it expires today. I am not letting that go.


Otherwise not much else planned. I may go and watch the GS play basketball after church and then to Khols. Enjoy the day, and let's pray that we do not get a lot of snow tomorrow.




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My cold is getting better, still have a cough but its pretty loose snd doesn't give me a headache when I cough anymore.


We got a dusting of snow this afternoon already, enough to cover up the grass. It will help to get thst 60 degree temp in the middle of the week even if it doesn't last. I have yellow crocus blooming and tulips sprouting up.


Did you watch the basketball games, we are not fans. We watched Dancing with the stars again. Several need to get off already, quite a few never heard of, surprised br Rumor Willis being so good already.


If we don't get too much snow will try to go to exercise class its the week of classes this month, Next sesion starts April 6th


Too bad you got stuck in traffic on the way home wonder if there is always that much traffic or if something was going on.

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Sharon, I am glad to hear that you are getting better. Hopefully you will continue to improve, as this type of weather is perfect for people getting sick.


I woke up this morning to a dusting of snow. But is has continued to snow and it is really sticking now. I guess it is stopping by noon, and temps reaching 35. But just now it is only 29.


So if you got snow yesterday afternoon, you are probably getting a bit more than us. So if it is too bad for you this morning, then you might not make it to the exercise class.


I have no interest in basketball. But everyone else was watching the games. Bill thought it would be faster taking LSD rather than the Kennedy. We were only 1 1/2 miles from LSD but there was something going on at a place called the Arogon Ball Room. So the traffic was for everyone finding parking and getting all backed up.


When is Bill going to start the thearpy for his breathing? Hopefully soon you will be hearing something possitive for the med's.


Be safe today.




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We got more snow overnight around 4 inchs or so. Had our guy come to plow as it was the heavy wet stuff.


I didn't go to exercise was stilling coming down pretty good. Will go to zumba tomorrow. No water aerobics classes this week.


Bill said his throat felt a little scratchy this afternoon, hope its not the start of a cold, thought it had been long enough he wouldn't get it.


I talked to the gal in Kentucy today. I don't know whats up with her. I had sent all our paperwork in to her on March 5, talked to her on the 11th and she told me she didn't have our info yet would probably get in tomorrow which would have been the 12th and call me. Of course she didn't call and when I called her today to remind her of that she again pulled that same thing, would get our info tomorrow and call me Wed. I told her I couldn't understand how I could mail a letter in their self addressed envelope to her on the 5th of Match and she couldn't have it by the 23rd of March. She said tgey were having trouble with the mail. I told her we could o ly get the medicine for Bill two more times X o we were running out of time and needed see ome answers, all she said was she would call me Wed. Even if she has it she still has to send it on to the other agency to make the decision if they will help us. I can't get too huffy with her or she cou lo d just not do anything however thats about what shes doing now.


Haven't heard anything more about the bresthing therapy classe either,

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Sharon, that lady in Kentucky sounds like a government employee. She is just giving you the run around. How about going back to the place that extended you the med's the last time. Perhaps if you tell them what is going on, they can extend you some more med's until this gets resolved. I can tell how upset you are over this. People just don't care, at least the lady.


Yes, we got about the same here. It was coming down heavy and wet also. It all stopped around 1 pm here. Now all cleared away and if the rains come tonight into tomorrow, all should be gone away. Especially if it hits 63 like they are saying.


I am so sorry to hear of all of your troubles. This is messing up your schedule big time. I went to weigh-in last noght and I have lost 1.6 pounds. I am starting to feel how my cloths are fitting much better.




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We got the next two week supply of Bill's medicine today. We will be able to get one more two week supply then be back to having a problem again.


Congratulations, you continue to do so good losing weight. I bet your clothes are getting pretty loose. Its a very good feeling.


I did get to zumba this morning and it seemed like a long class, kinda out of shape already by missing a little over a week of classes.


The club that has the bunco has an evening scheduled for May 7th. Marked the calendar to go, its alot of fun.

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Sharon, that is good that you will be able to get another month supply of med's to carry Bill over until they make a decision. Hopefully soon you will be hearing something possitive so you can put this behind you. I am sure you are at wits end with all of the hoops they are making you go through.


It rained around here early this morning, and most of the snow is all gone. The temps are supposed to go into the upper 50's today. So perhaps by this evening all of the snow will be gone. Then I heard on Friday we have more snow and temps in the 20's. This is perfect weather to get sick. How are you doing and feeling?


It is good that you are getting back to your exercising. It is feeling good for me to be consistantly be loosing. I hope it will continue. As with our upcoming curise I need to continue this streak.


I am glad to hear that you can participate in bunco in your area. Friday I am going to another friends place for our monthly bunco. I leave at 6:30 and return home well after midnight. I only stay up this late on bunco night's. Otherwise I am in bed just after the news.




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