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Dang ladies you are both having more than your share! I saw Sharon post on FB and was concerned about Bill.


Hi Kathy, I hope you getting your energy back, I read back a few posts. Just no fun. Also sorry you still have to put up with the irritating boss, that makes going to work really tough.


Sharon, oh my gosh what a scary thing to home to, the poor guy. Infections can really mess with your mind. I lost my mom last November, she had Alzheimer's but got a lot of bladder infections, she ended up in the hospital twice in one month and it was always a battle because she was so out of it.

Good to hear you are seeing some improvement.

You should cry BTW you have a lot on your plate.


I don't come to CC very often we have a cruise planned for September so I check out the roll call it's really a slow moving one.


Still fighting the weight battle, I think I will for the rest of my life.


Watching, NBA final with Jim, you know I have to cheer for the Warriors since they are the home team.

Hang in there kids, I will try to check in a little more, I miss these boards and you guys.

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Good to see you here, yes Kathy and I have both had a lot to deal with lately. So it helps to have someone to tell it to and talk to about whats going on. We have been "talking" for quite some time and someday maybe we will actually get to meet in person. Lucky you getting to go on another cruise, we always enjoyed cruising, but think those days are over for us. Glad we did it when we could.


Bill was so very tired today they let him stay in bed all day. Don't know if that was the best thing to do but not my choice. They were trying to get artery blood to see the measure of oxygen and carbon dioxide. One guy came in and tried twice didn't get it. Soon a gal came in tried, didn't get it. Then another gal came in, didn't get it either. This is very painful as the go down deep into the wrist. I said I thought that was enough, they should stop trying, geesh!

Bill's dr son came down from Wausau, checked out what they were doing for him and wasn't happy either about the "tries" for artery blood. He said he could do it if they would let him, but I told him no don't ask they probably wouldn't want him to. He said he thought they should be doing Pulmonary therapy, like patting him on the back to loosen up the phlem to help him get rid of it too. We'll have to see about that tomorrow. The Pulmonary doctor never came in all day, so that did not make us happy either.


Well Kathy hope you are rested up and back at work and dealing with the jerk the best way you can. Any results yet on the test? Did you get the game in last night?

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Dang ladies you are both having more than your share! I saw Sharon post on FB and was concerned about Bill.


Hi Kathy, I hope you getting your energy back, I read back a few posts. Just no fun. Also sorry you still have to put up with the irritating boss, that makes going to work really tough.


Sharon, oh my gosh what a scary thing to home to, the poor guy. Infections can really mess with your mind. I lost my mom last November, she had Alzheimer's but got a lot of bladder infections, she ended up in the hospital twice in one month and it was always a battle because she was so out of it.

Good to hear you are seeing some improvement.

You should cry BTW you have a lot on your plate.


I don't come to CC very often we have a cruise planned for September so I check out the roll call it's really a slow moving one.


Still fighting the weight battle, I think I will for the rest of my life.


Watching, NBA final with Jim, you know I have to cheer for the Warriors since they are the home team.

Hang in there kids, I will try to check in a little more, I miss these boards and you guys.


Dianne, I was thinking of you and how we have not heard from you in awhile when we were your way back in April, when we stopped over for a rest on our way to Hawaii. We only stayed 1 day, and stayed close to the airport. We took a Celebrity cruise from Hawaii to Vancouver. Then we took a shuttle to Seattle and then flew back home to Chicago.


I am sorry to hear about your Mom. I knew how very close you were to her and how much you were going there to care for her.


So you are going on a cruise in a few months. Where are you cruising from and to?




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Good to see you here, yes Kathy and I have both had a lot to deal with lately. So it helps to have someone to tell it to and talk to about whats going on. We have been "talking" for quite some time and someday maybe we will actually get to meet in person. Lucky you getting to go on another cruise, we always enjoyed cruising, but think those days are over for us. Glad we did it when we could.


Bill was so very tired today they let him stay in bed all day. Don't know if that was the best thing to do but not my choice. They were trying to get artery blood to see the measure of oxygen and carbon dioxide. One guy came in and tried twice didn't get it. Soon a gal came in tried, didn't get it. Then another gal came in, didn't get it either. This is very painful as the go down deep into the wrist. I said I thought that was enough, they should stop trying, geesh!

Bill's dr son came down from Wausau, checked out what they were doing for him and wasn't happy either about the "tries" for artery blood. He said he could do it if they would let him, but I told him no don't ask they probably wouldn't want him to. He said he thought they should be doing Pulmonary therapy, like patting him on the back to loosen up the phlegm to help him get rid of it too. We'll have to see about that tomorrow. The Pulmonary doctor never came in all day, so that did not make us happy either.


Well Kathy hope you are rested up and back at work and dealing with the jerk the best way you can. Any results yet on the test? Did you get the game in last night?


Sharon, I am so sorry to hear about all of the things not going well for Bill in the hospital. With what you are saying, I would be very upset and would be telling them as well. I agree, how many time are they going to keep trying to draw blood? There must be someone who can draw blood properly.


I know if he was so tired then they should let him rest. But then again, the longer he stays in bed the greater the chances are of him developing a phenomena.


For me just now, I do not have to worry about my Bill when he is in the hospital. If they are not doing things properly, he makes sure he lets them know.


Sharon, the jerk and I have had our words with each other. I have come very close to just walking out on him. But, great news. I just heard a short time ago that all is OK from the biopsy. So now I am good to go for 1 more year, rather than go back in 6 months. So at least I got some good news and that has relieved much stress.


I will continue to pray for Bill and that someone will be doing some good for him soon and that he gets better and will come home soon. Take good care of yourself as well.




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I thank goodness, wonderful news for you Kathy. I know it is stressful waiting for test results.


Today the hospital told us Bill would either have to go home with help from home care people several times a week ir to a nursing/ rehabilitation place. There is just such a place connected to the hospital ranked very high in the state. So we decided to put him there for a week to get him stronger and then bring him home. It was a pretty bad day as they asked him if he wanted to sign a DNR form, which he said he did and even asked what funeral home he preferred. I am a wreck I can barely deal with this all. His son and daughter and granddaughter csme again this afternoon and agreed it was the best solution for now since I could not take care of him at home with him so weak. I'm sure several of the other kids will come over the weekend and that should help him feel better I hope. Tonight he wanted me to stay with him but of course I couldn't stay all night. I stayed till 9pm.


Hang in there with your boss, remember he needs you!

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Sharon, I know how very hard this is on you. We went through the very same thing with my mother and Bill's father. Hospitals and nursing homes just go through the various steps. Once it becomes a reality for us, it really jolts and sets us back some. Although, if this nursing home rehab facility is ranked so high, then they should be able to do some good for him. The key is having Bill do what they want him to do. I know my Bill's father gave them a very hard time, and Bill had to really convince him that this was the only way to do what they said to do, so he could get out of there.


I know staying in a hospital all night is not a good thing. You do not sleep and it is nothing like your own place. Although I am sure you are not sleeping very well at home either. The one thing that bothers me, is how quickly the hospital moves people out of the hospital and either into your own home or into a nursing home. We took turns in being with his father. Bill would go during the day, and I would go during the night. You are all alone, but it sounds like his kids will be going there as well.


I am so sorry and I will continue to pray for you both and will offer a mass to Bill when I go to church tomorrow. It may not seem like much, but we have to believe in something, and the power of positive thinking.




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Thank you Kathy for the prayers. Like you said trying to convince him to do the walk or sit up when he is so very tired is hard. Also Bill's oxygen has been lower even in bed laying down so when he does try to do anything it drops even lower and he feels light headed and winded. Today I got there about 9am and he was still sleeoing. Just kept saying that was all he wanted to do.Around 11 his son and 2 daughters came. The nurse came in and adjusted his bed so he was sitting up a little. He stsrted listening to everyone talking and got more woke up. Then another daughter came and another son with his girlfriend. So he had lots of company. After they left I ordered him dinner and he got out of bed and sat in a chair to eat. First time he has done that all week. So I felt a little better leaving him tonight than I have.


I got home in time to get the grass cut in the front. It had rained this morning and rained when I got done but it was really getting long so glad I got some done.

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Sharon, I am glad that Bill is getting up and at least sitting in the chair. Now they have to get him to walk around the hall at least once. So with his family around him with you, that should perk him up some. When will he go to the nursing home/rehab?


I am surprised that you were able to get home to do grass cutting. I know around here we never really got the storm until early this morning. So they are saying that later this afternoon, like after 4 and into the evening, more rain. Then a much greater chance tomorrow.


My aunt from Oshkosh came here late yesterday afternoon. She comes to visit here once a year. We also go and see her after the air show, as it is way too busy and expensive to go there during the air show. She may go home tomorrow or may stay until Tuesday, as it may be too bad for her to drive back if it storming.


Later this afternoon we will go to one of my nice's houses for a gathering of our family to see my aunt.


I hope you have a good day today and that Bill will continue to improve and get his strength back to an acceptable level. I guess the key is getting him adequate oxygen.




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Yes I remember your aunt visiting you, its nice she cam come and drive by herself. Also nice. You all can get together with other relatives while she is here.


Bill was moved into the care center attached to the hospital on Friday. I was pleasantly surprised when I got there today to see how good he looked. They had cleaned him up and combed his hair and he felt better too. I helped him walk to the bathroom and sit in a chair for awhile. One of Bills daughters brought his 92 years old sister to visit. When she got back home she called me and reamed me out for not calling her. I told her I never called anyone I was only thinking about Bill. Bills son is the one that spread the word. I really didn't appreciate that, its been a rough week. Grrrr


I got home around 6 again so had some time to cut grass again. Most was dry but some I had to leave to dry out.

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Sharon, that was not very nice of her to treat you that way. You have been through so much, I would think that she would have more compassion for you. If she should have been mad at someone, then Bill's son for not bring her into the loop.


We really did not get much rain yesterday. But more rain is forecast for later on this afternoon. My aunt was supposed to leave this morning, but with the heavy rain we got this morning, and she would be driving into heavy rain all the way home, she decided to stay until tomorrow, when it is supposed to be much better. It normally takes her about 5 hours.


I did not realize that the nursing/rehab place was connected to the hospital. So that is very convenient to just move him next door. I am glad that he is looking better, and I hope he continues to improve and to get better, so he can join you once again at home soon. Most important, is to get rid of the infection.




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Good thing your aunt did not leave, its been raining hard off and on all day and they say it could keep up till midnight.


Yes this is his sister that sent me the nasty note a while back too. I was cutting the grass and kept thinking about her phone call so when I came in I called her back and told her. This is not about you, its about Bill and that is who I was thinking about and only him! So I felt better after I was able to put my 2 cents in back.


Today Bill was still good and the physical therapist came in and had him walk a little again. He can't go too far because they don't have a real long oxygen hose. To the bathroom and back is about it. But he also got up to eat dinner, sat in the chair. It is much easier to eat sitting up than laying or even sitting up in bed. Hopefully he will keep improving, he still really wants to come home on Friday. I haven't done any exercise classes or walks, thinking I should do them while he is in there where someone can watch him, once he gets home I probably won't be able to leave him alone for long.


Your boss leaving you alone the last couple of days?


Was thinking about your Koy pond, are your fish still in it or is it flooded so they can swim away?

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Sharon, I am glad to hear that Bill's is still doing well. I hope he will continue to improve. Hopefully they can get his oxygen regulated so he can breath better. I would think that they would give him a portable canister so he can walk longer and further.


Good for you telling his sister off. Like you said, at least you gave her your 2 cents. Hopefully she will not respond back with a note to you. Some people just can't let things go and always have to have the last word. To rise above those people, you sometimes have to consider the source and just rise above them.


My aunt left this morning. It was good that she stayed as it would have been bad driving through those storms yesterday. Our pond is a natural pond and they would never float out, as the water just rises above the banks and just runs off into the alley. The fish stay inside the pond. I cannot remember ever getting so much rain and so much frequency


The jerk is just that, a jerk. Yes, he does get me extremely at times and I feel like exploding. Other times I just walk away from him and tell him to talk to the hand as I am not hearing him.




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Good for you, that's the way to handle the jerk!


Yes we got a lot of rain too, no flooding lots of fields to soak it all up in. Looks like maybe more tomorrow though, or else it will go south of us. Bill's granddaughter is getting married outside on Saturday so they are all keeping their fingers crossed for sun.


Bill was not so good today. He had jaw and face pain. They were watching him closely because that can be a sign of a heart attack. They had given him his pills again with out any food in his stomach so I ordered toast for him, but his jaw hurt so bad he couldn't even bite it. So about lunch time I ordered chicken noodle soup for him. He could eat that and the pain was getting better. I left after he ate and came back about 4:30, his pain was gone but still didn't feel very good. Only got out of bed to go to the bathroom, so not any progress today.


We had a deck and ramp built over at the farm and it was a very bad job. Everyone keeps asking when they are coming back to finish it. Well the guy called and left a message he was leaving the bill in the mail box. I called him and told him we were not happy with it at all. It is quite high with only one railing on the outside, none inside and the pitch is too much. I had told him it was going to be used for a wheelchair with me pushing it so it had to be very gradual. He thought we should be glad he built it so fast because carpenters are really busy this time of year. I told him we would pay him and get someone else to finish it. Today his cousin who had built the deck at our house called and said he would finish it for us. The other guy is his cousin. so we will see if he can at least put up an inside railing before someone falls and sues us. Don't think at this point he can change the pitch. Think we will have to get a chair lift from the sidewalk to the deck, that is if Bill gets able to go back over there.

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Sharon, I am so sorry to hear that Bill is not doing very well. At least he is in a place where they can keep an eye on things and treat him properly. Perhaps that infection is still lingering on and causing these problems.


I thought that the carpenter was good and now he has not done it properly, and you have to get someone else to finish. It just goes to show that looks are deceiving and you cannot trust anyone.


I have no idea if we will be playing tonight or not. Conditions around here are very damp and it has been raining lightly all day. Bill is leaving tomorrow for a tour of the Brooks Headquarters in Seattle. They told him that he can bring me along, so I have decided to go as well. So we are leaving tomorrow morning and returning on Sunday. I was on the fence on this one. But with all of the crap around here, I have decided to go. Brooks is paying for everything and this is for Coaches.


So I will continue to say prayers for you both, and I hope all goes well. I will be bringing my computer, but I have no idea if I will be able to get connected as we are staying at the U of Seattle.




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That is a good idea for you to go along, might as well keep him company and enjoy yourself too.


Bill has not improved, they told us today that they felt he had entered the end of life phase. This was very hard to hear. They also said that if he shows no improvement medicare will not pay for his care and he will have to either pay the charges, or go home and get health care workers and/or hospice. I don't think I can go through this again but don't know what choice I have. I was there today from 10am to 8pm and he still did not want me to leave. I feel guilty leaving him, but need a little break to try to keep it together.


Sorry to always tell you these things but I cannot tell anyone else so it really does help to have you!

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Sharon, don't ever give it a second thought as I totally understand. I am so sorry to hear about that news that no one ever wants to hear. All you can do is pray and hope for the best. That is a bunch of crap about telling you that stuff. Perhaps you can talk to his son who is a Dr and ask him what he recommends.


I just thought I would give you a shout out before we leave shortly. I always hate getting up so early, but this is the only way for us. I will continue to pray for Bill and you as well. This is not an easy road that you are on just now.


I do not know if I will be able to use my computer there or not. So If I can then I will get on. If not, then I will touch base with you upon our return on Sunday.


All my best,




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Had a little better news today, saw his pulmonary dr. He said he didn't see any change in his lungs since the last chest x-ray. So didn't see any signs of pneumonia. He wants to be part of the meeting tomorrow when we all discuss what care Bill is going to continue to get. I felt so bad last night, couldn't sleep thinking about what that gal told us. Then today when I went in the occupational therapist had shaved him, and dressed him and had him sitting up in a chair. He looked just like always! He was up all day today sitting in a chair. He finally got back into bed around 4pm when I left. I had so many things I had to get done today and I was sure they would help him with dinner and then he would probably sleep. I got home at 8pm and am going to get something to eat now.


Enjoy your trip, if I don't hear from you I'll know you don't have any access.


Oh yes, my sister called last night she is also in the hospital. Had trouble breathing, turns out she had fluid in her lungs. Just talked to her again too and she is feeling better and thinks they will let her go home tomorrow.

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Sharon, I do have internet access in the room. This a typical college dorm room. Except this room is for two and it has its own bathroom. So there are 2 bunk style single beds in the room. We get dinner and the rest is on our own. We have a dress up dinner and presentation for the Coaches tonight. Tomorrow we are all on our own, so tomorrow may be the better day to do something. It gets real cool at night. There is electric heat in the room but no AC, as there is no real need for one.



I hope your meeting goes well for you today. I know those people can not have the best bedside manners. They do not consider how you feel and your own personal feelings. They just see their job and do not consider other's personal feelings. I am sure he is getting the best care there. If the decision is made to send him home and have home care, the nurses can only do certain things, and if they feel he needs further care, then they recommend send him to the hospital. So with that being said, why would they send him home? Those people do not have the best bedside manners.



I will continue to pray for you both. Remember to take the best care for yourself as well. It is very important to take good care for you as well. A care giver has to care for themselves.



This was a nice needed break for me. Originally I had no desire in coming. But Bill talked me into it. All of the other coaches or most of them have their wives with them. We toured the Brooks HQ last night and it was very interesting. This area around here is very green with technology. They transport us around in luxury coach busses.



I hope all goes well for you, be safe and take good care.





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I'm so glad you went Kathy, I remember you went another time too and had a great time touring different places. Seems they make it pretty interesting for you and nice for Bill since the other spouses are there too.


Bills Dr son came and his daughter that owns two assisted living businesses. The decision was that since he was not improving only maintaining that he could continue that at home as Medicare would not cover it any longer. The option was to stay and self pay $211 per day going up on July 1st about $20 or so more a day. Or, go home get home health care or hospice to help. His daughter recommended hospice, saying we could stop anytime and get the other care people. So I guess that is what we are going to do. They will supply the hospital bed and the commode he could use instead of a toilet. Also Bill's son in law works part time for a company that installs chair lifts, they also sell chairs that assist people to stand up and lay flat also. So we will see how this all works out. The day set to bring him home is next Wednesday.

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Sharon, I am so sorry to here that the decision was made to start Hospice care for Bill. I thought that maybe his daughter would take him to her assisted living. I know this must have been a difficult decision for you to make. But it must have been easier having his son and daughter with you. I know we have 1 of those chairs that you were talking about. Medicare pays for only the electrical part of the chair, so about 50%. If I remember correctly the basic chair was $400 and Medicare paid about $200. Bill's Dad only used it for 6 months, but he really liked it and really helped him get up and down.



When we were here May 1, we did not really see anything while we were here. We were tired from the cruise and the 4 hour bus trip from Vancouver. We arrived at our hotel around 3 pm and came back home leaving the airport at 11:30 pm on May 2, arriving home around 4:30 am on the May 3. This time, things are much more relaxed. We had a nice event last night right under the Space Needle, where they had a nice dinner and honoring all of the coaches.



It is much cooler here. Gets cool at night where you need a jacket. In the day there is lots of sunshine, and you can walk around in short sleeves and some wear jackets.



I am continuing to say prayers for you both. Enjoy the weekend if that is possible. Take good care of yourself.





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That is an option, his daughters assisted living home. She did offer but we wanted to see if he would improve being at home. He is just so very tired, only wants to sleep and is never hungry. Today he only had part of a small cinnamon roll, a couple of chicken strips I brought him from Burger King and a glass of V8. He fell asleep about tpm so finally I left at 7. No sense for me to sit there when he is sleeping. Today he had a very sore knee, couldnt even hardly stand on it. Hopefully it is very temporary or will be very difficult to come home if he cant walk.


That sounds like a nice evening by the space needle, never been there but would like to some day. Enjoy everything they have scheduled for you, every day away is a day away from the jerk.

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Sharon, isn't that the truth about the jerk. I really needed being away from that place. A very much needed break. We were the only 2 people that got on the plane yesterday. Bill forgot to realize that they are in full swing in the cruise season there, and there were 3 cruise ships in port and the US open was going on just south of there.


So Bill comes home on Wednesday. Is anyone going to help you bring him home? It is also very important that he has fluids in him and giving him water is very important. I am wondering if they are not telling you everything. Perhaps something happened to him when you were not there. It is very strange that his knee is hurting so much and as far as you know what was the cause of that. If there is a bruise, then that is your answer.


I am kind of tired today from the weekend of activities. I heard that your area is getting hit with the storm first today, and then us tonight.


Be safe and well.




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Wow there was a lot going on there, you were lucky to get on the plane. I figured you were traveling yesterday.


We hit a snag about bringing him home on Wed. The hospice people want to provide the meds. He is on that very expensive drug that we have been approved for until Dec. They are wondering if Bill goes on hospice if the pharma company will discontinue giving him the drug. He is not going to stop the drug so if thats the case we won't go with hospice. Also they want to use their oxygen company not the one we are using. So those two points might be a deal breaker. We might have to go with some home health care provider instead and not have all the rules. Since nothing can be verified quick enough we decided to let Bill stay in the care center until at least Friday.


Sunday he was really tired, even though he was sitting in a chair he couldn't stay awake while his kids all came to see him for Fathers Day. Today a complete turn around. Sat in the chair from the time I got there at 10am till I left at 7pm. Was awake, talking to me and eating his lunch and dinner. I needed a good day as much as him. Makes me feel so much better to leave him. He is alert enough to know that nothing happened to his knee but probably keeping it too still in bed for too long at a time.


We had some rain and wind go through around 11am this morning and that was it. Was trying to watch tv tonight but all they kept reporting on was the weather. Guess some places got hit pretty bad again. Hope its not in your area.

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Hello again I am sorry you all are going through all this. I was going to say something but did not want to appear bossy. I would not go with hospice. We actually have 2 hospice agency's in our area they are known for being heavy on the pain medicine which can hasten someone. Especially someone with heart and lung problems. I really think you will do much better with a good RN home health care. They will make up a healthcare plan for his care. I was a CNA for several. One that had hospice besides. I worked for visiting Angels. What ever you decide we are all praying for you.

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Sharon, for us as well. Like you said, they kept showing all of the warning, but all of the weather went south and east of us. We were getting the high winds, but no rain at all. Today temps in the 70's and lots of sunshine.


I agree it is all about money, and you should not give anything up for someone else to provide less for him. You learned a lesson before about that expensive med. Hopefully a few more days will give you more time to make a better decision. What about his daughter's assisted living place?


That is also very good news on how he responded and was much more responsive yesterday, and being awake and alert to you. Hopefully that trend will continue. We all have good days and not so good days. I know that I have been really dragging the past few days due to the traveling and activities for the 4 days.


I will continue to pray for Bill and you as well. Good advice Karen.




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