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Thanks Karen please jump in anytime. I think you are right. Told them today we would not be going with them. They said they couldn't get the expensive medicine, which was no surprise but also because they wanted to supply everything agreed it wouldn't work. Now have to find a plan B.


Bill was doing good again today almost back to the way he was. Gives me hope that this will work at home.


Kathy glad you were not in the storms path. Those tornados did so much damage, can't imagine trying to clean all that up and getting your life back together.


I decided to go to zumba this morning. First time I have done anything in the way of exercise since Bill went in the hospital. Figured it would be a good time to go, he was better and someone was taking care of him. It felt good, been sitting too much. But lost 5 pounds somehow.

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Sharon, stress can put the pounds on and also take the pounds off as well. I am glad to hear that Bill is improving and getting his strength back. Let's hope this trend continues. That is also good that you are starting to do things for yourself. It is very important to take care of yourself.


Yes, there was much damage from those storms. I guess that late tonight and into tomorrow, they said this next round of storms could be following the same path.


So now the day to bring Bill home is on Friday? Will you have anyone helping you to get him home? Let's hope he will do well at home and that you will be able to leave him alone for a while, if not then you can get a home care nurse to be with him. That may be the best and safest route to go.




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The senior services gal contacted a medical supply company and they are delivering a hospital bed tomorrow. Maybe some other things too not sure. Bill was a little more tired today but still talking good and able to walk to the bathroom with the walker.


A beautiful day today, after Bill had lunch he layed down for a nap si I came home and picked two big bowls of cherries from our 2 trees. I picked the ripest reddest one but the trees are still loaded. I put them in the fridge downstairs and hoping to be able to make some jelly once Bill gets home and I have more time at home.


All this rain really makes the grass grow fast!

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Sharon, so sorry I didn't make it back. My son in Law had cancer surgery yesterday, it went well but has been a tough couple of weeks.

Not as tough as yours though....honey I'm so sorry you and your family are going through this. Hospice sounds so final but I have a 95 year old Uncle that has been on it for 2 years, he's not ready to go..


I so hope Bill makes a turn around soon <3


No time right now I'll be back tomorrow.


Kathy enjoy your trip :-)

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Sharon, so today they are delivering a hospital bed to your house. Then tomorrow Bill will be coming home as well. It might make him feel much better being at home. Is anyone going to help you bring him home tomorrow? How far is it from your house to the care facility?


We did not get any rain yesterday at all during the day. It only started reining here very early this morning and I guess more this afternoon. You are right with all of this rain everything is growing quickly. Also very humid. That is good that you have trees that have cherries on them for you to pick. I'll bet the birds are picking them as well.


Have a good day today, and I hope Bill continues to improve.




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Sharon, so sorry I didn't make it back. My son in Law had cancer surgery yesterday, it went well but has been a tough couple of weeks.

Not as tough as yours though....honey I'm so sorry you and your family are going through this. Hospice sounds so final but I have a 95 year old Uncle that has been on it for 2 years, he's not ready to go..


I so hope Bill makes a turn around soon <3


No time right now I'll be back tomorrow.


Kathy enjoy your trip :-)


Dianne, I am so sorry to hear about your son-in-law. I hope he makes a full recovery. It sounds like you have had a rough go of things as well.




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Yes Dianne glad all went well for your son in law and he recovers quickly. Does he need anymore treatments? Hope your daughter is doing well also.


Hospice decided since they could not get the expensive medicine Bill was on they would not be able to help us. We had senior services help with getting the hospital bed (however they forgot to bring the motor to run it) and a portable commode. They were going to charge $20 for a bottom fitted sheet, a twin extra long. I stopped at Kohls and found top, fitted bottom and pillow case priced at $44.99 but on sale for $18.99. I bought two sets and had a coupon for $10.00 so it turned out to be very reasonable.


Today Bill was very very tired again, didn't eat, wasn't hungry and had diarrhea. His son and girlfriend came tonight, I asked him if he could help me get him home tomorrow but he said he by had a big job to get done so he couldn't. Guess I'll have to try to get it done by myself. Eveyone always says let me know if you need anything but I don't think they really mean it.

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Sharon, I thought it was your decision not to have the Hospice, not theirs? They are making it look like they are making the decisions and not yours. So when are they coming back to provide the motor and commode? What did they think you would do without the motor to move the bed into proper positions.


There is a commercial on TV that kind of goes the same way as your are saying here. When someone is moving, all the people they are calling has an excuse not to help out. It is too bad that you do not have someone who can help you today. With all of his kids, you would think that there would be at least 1 that would help you out.


We all have good days and bad days. I hope by bringing him home he will improve and do better. He needs fluids and something to eat to get his energy back. I hope all goes well for you today, and that you will not be tied up waiting for them to return with the needed stuff for the bed. It was a good move getting the sheets at Kohl's rather than buying it from them.


I know with all of the things that have been happing I felt not appropriate to talk about weight. But I went yesterday afternoon on my lunch to weigh-in and I gained 1 pound. I guess the 2 chocolate martini's I had on Saturday when my sister and cousin came over and stayed overnight did me in.


I will pray that all goes well for you today and that Bill will be good coming home now.




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Sharon, they didn't bring the motor:eek: WTH!


I hate that people can be that insincere, just let me know what I can do....then I'll let you know if I can! It seems they feel if they just make the statement that's enough. I wish you had some help you can count on, it has to be tough doing so much alone.

I hope Bill is relaxing in his bed (with a motor) and starting to feel stronger.


Kathy how have you been? I'm impressed you have stuck it out at your job, you must have the patience of a saint.

So what did you do on your vacation?


Just got great news on my son-in-law his pathology report came back cancer free!

Smiles are coming back.:)

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They brought the motor and a tray table, which wasn't covered by medicare but is good to have. I got him home about 2:30, he had his days mixed up and thought he was coming home tomorrow. He can walk a little so we were able to get him in the door and into the wheel chair. Hard to get him to eat but he did a little. I had went past a store in the next town that has a little of everything, they had a sign out saying pulled pork sandwiches ready at 11:00 am. So I bought one. It was made, not of pork shoulder but of ham and topped with Sweet Baby Ray BBQ sauce. It was so good that after I picked up Bill we drove back up there and bought another one.


Kathy that chocolate martini was totally worth a few pounds! Would like ine right now. Please don't feel you can't add anything to our talks, I think I kind of monopolize the conversation lately.


Bill's grandson got married today up in Madison, WI and all the "kids" went to that, except the one son. So we can understand why no one was available.


Dianne glad your adding to our posts too. I see you on Fb but Kathy doesn't. Now that your hysband has retired you will have time to play. It does take a little "getting used to" however when they are around all the time.

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Sharon, they didn't bring the motor:eek: WTH!


I hate that people can be that insincere, just let me know what I can do....then I'll let you know if I can! It seems they feel if they just make the statement that's enough. I wish you had some help you can count on, it has to be tough doing so much alone.

I hope Bill is relaxing in his bed (with a motor) and starting to feel stronger.


Kathy how have you been? I'm impressed you have stuck it out at your job, you must have the patience of a saint.

So what did you do on your vacation?


Just got great news on my son-in-law his pathology report came back cancer free!

Smiles are coming back.:)


Dianne, we just got back from Seattle. Bill had a Brooks Running Coaches weekend there. We saw the Brooks HQ. We went to the Space Needle. It was a very different experience for me as we stayed in the college dorm on the U Of Washington. They transported us all around in luxury coaches. The dorm was only 3 blocks from the waterfront, se we went down there as well. Yes, I have been at that place for 33 years, and the jerk treats me not very well. I cannot tell you on how many time I have felt like telling him where to put this job.


I am very happy to hear about your Son-in-Law being cancer free. Let's hope he stays that way. He is too young to be going through that.




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Sharon, for them forgetting to bring the motor and commode, they should have given you that try for nothing as they screwed up. Do not ever think you are taking up on this site. I enjoy hearing on what is going on with you and I can only give you support and prayers.


We have the valleys and high roads in life. Falling off and enjoying the moment is just what we need to have happen once in awhile. That martini was so good though.


How is Bill doing now that he is back home? Are you looking at a home care nurse of caregiver to be with him so you can go out and not worry about anything happening to him?




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Since its the weekend have not gotten anything set up. Guess on Monday someone from home health care will call or come over.I was talking with the gal from the other oxygen company and the husband of one of the gals that works with her had been on the same expensive meds that Bill is on. He stopped taking it for some reason, but also had a urinary tract infection and is now on hospice. Seems like the same as Bill except he is still on the med.


Our first day went good. I was able to get the grass cut again and Bill had 1 son and 3 daughters visit at different times. They all went to a mexican restaurant for dinner and brought us back a dinner to share. The dinners are so big we can't eat one by ourselves.


It was a beautiful day today.

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Sharon yes, it was a beautiful day yesterday and today as well. Nice not to have the AC going and having the outside air come into the house. I guess tonight we could get some more rain.


I am glad to hear that Bill is doing well being back home. It must make you feel good not having to be going back and forth to the care facility, and getting back to your regular schedule.


I know whenever we go out, I always only eat 1/2 of what I order. They just give too much to eat at one sitting.


Well I hope that Bill continues to improve and that being back in his own surroundings will make him feel much better.




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We had a few rain showers throughout the day but was still able to get some things done outside. We have one tree in the front close to the house, as it has grown the branches started to get lower and lower. Lately it was hitting people on the head as they walked up the sidewalk. Bill's son came over with his chain saw and girlfriend. He cut down the branches both in the front and some in the back by my straw bales garden. His girlfriend pitched rightin and helped pick up all the branches. It really lets the sun com in the window now.


Supposed to have a nurse come out tomorrow and a physical therapist on Tuesday.

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Sharon, it started raining around here yesterday evening and it is raining now. So more rain today and tomorrow. We went and bought some more bags of mulch yesterday. We need to get more weed barriers and put that down to control the weeds. They are all over the place.


So today the nurse is coming over to start or to explain your options. Then the therapists is coming tomorrow to start a plan to help Bill out.


It is good that his family can come over and help you out with doing things like cutting the tree. It sounded like the tree really grew and it would have been too much for you to do.


How has Bill been doing in the hospital bed at home and how is he been coming along?




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More rain and sun, rain and sun today again.


The nurse came, took his "vitals" and set up to come again Friday and then once a week. She was very nice, she thought we were doing good, that I was so calm, ha ha she should just know how I feel inside. When I walked her out she said that he was a lot better than she had been told he was. They had thought her services would only be needed for a few weeks, but she filled out a form and didn't date it, so it is open ended. So I guess that sounds good.


He is doing good in the bed, it is in the front room, the first night I slept on the couch but didn't sleep very good so since everything went ok I am sleeping in the bedroom in the bed.


The weeds here are taking over also. Some of the stickers are about 3 feet tall. I do a little at a time but there are so many and so many places to do that probably won't get them all done by fall!


We have been seeing a straggely looking long haired calico cat around, a few rabbits and tonight a small raccoon was eating the droppings at the bird feeder. Bill has been watching a humming bird at the feeder just outside the window too. Wonder how they all are getting along in the woods and fields. Must be a hard life. I put out a little cat food every once in a while, wanted to keep the cat here to get the chipmunks under control, but not sure just what has been eating the food.

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Sharon, I know yesterday we got rain in the morning and again in the late afternoon. Today the sun is shining. I guess we could get a stray shower later on this afternoon.


Isn't that the truth about the weeds. I have the very same problem here. Except you have far much more area to cover than we do. But the weeds are out of control and I cannot keep up with it all either.


So that is good that the nurse is coming and she is happy with the way Bill is doing. So today the therapist is coming, and I am sure you will find out how many times they will be coming as well. I know we called and filled out a lot of paperwork on Bill's dad to get approved for a caregiver. As he could not be left alone for any extended period of time. That was before we put him in assisted living. Are you thinking about seeing if they will approve a caregiver so you can get out and do things so not to be worrying about him?


Hard to believe that tomorrow is July already. June went down as the wettest month in the history of keeping records on total rainfall. I know that I have not had to take out the hose once to water anything.


We have had a few of those cats that we had to relocate as they could eat our very expensive fish that we have in our yard.




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After we see who all is going to come out, contacted by senior services, we will know more about what we need to do. I cannot go anywhere and leave him alone. He can barely walk to the wheelchair and that is if I help him up. The physical therapist was very nice, watched his oxygen level while having him do anything. So we were very pleased with her. She put down she would come once a week for three weeks and re-evaluate then.


I pitted a great big bowl of cherries. Cooked them and strained the juice. It is now ready to make jelly out of. It took forever to pit them as my pitted only has six spots. I still have two more bowls in the fridge down stairs.


Stay cats by you would have easy hunting with your pond.


Maybe you will get your bocce game in tomorrow night and have everyone attend.

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Gosh time just seems to fly by, still real busy helping my daughter with my Granddaughter. My SIL is doing pretty good, catheter comes out tomorrow, Granddaughter is a dancer and her studio has Nationals in Los Angeles next week. So she and her Mom are heading there Sunday, I will help out with SIL till he doesn't need it.


Sharon, I hope you can get some relief once in awhile, it's a lot of stress being the only caregiver. Hopefully you will know more about the services Friday.


Kathy Seattle is one of my favorite cities even with rain. It sounds like you had an adventure there staying in the Dorms. We are heading up by train the 12th, have a sleeper car:)


Sharon, I hope Bill gains some energy and you see a rally soon, get one of the kids to help at the yard. There is just too much for you right now.



Sorry its short gotta run, Thinking of you two stay safe!

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Sharon, we went downtown this morning for a check-up with our internists. He is retiring in 2 months so we have to pick a new one to take care of us now. We took the train down and we were back home around 11:30. So I had lunch and came back to work. Of course the jerk wants to know all of my business.


It is much cooler today and will be very cold tonight. So we have the very last game and who know who will show up for the game. We can do not wrong as we have not won 1 yet and are now in second to last place.


I know what you mean about having to wait to see all of your options first and then decide from there. The most important thing, that he is getting good care and that he will do better being at home. All you can do is hope and pray.




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Gosh time just seems to fly by, still real busy helping my daughter with my Granddaughter. My SIL is doing pretty good, catheter comes out tomorrow, Granddaughter is a dancer and her studio has Nationals in Los Angeles next week. So she and her Mom are heading there Sunday, I will help out with SIL till he doesn't need it.


Sharon, I hope you can get some relief once in awhile, it's a lot of stress being the only caregiver. Hopefully you will know more about the services Friday.


Kathy Seattle is one of my favorite cities even with rain. It sounds like you had an adventure there staying in the Dorms. We are heading up by train the 12th, have a sleeper car:)


Sharon, I hope Bill gains some energy and you see a rally soon, get one of the kids to help at the yard. There is just too much for you right now.



Sorry its short gotta run, Thinking of you two stay safe!


Dianne, everyone is always saying how much it rains in Seattle. But the 2 times we have been there, they have nicer weather than we have in Chicago. So much to see and do, we will have to go back again sometime.


So is you daughter one of those dance mom's we hear about on TV? I hope all will continue to improve with your SIL and his road to recovery is swift.




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Dianne I bet your SIL will be glad to get that out but might have a few days of discomfort afterwards. Good luck to your granddaughter and her dancing.


Kathy too bad about the ranking in bocce, but I think you do it more for fun than the others. Its hard to change doctors hope you get a reference from the current doctor as to who he recommends.


Bill's son and girlfriend came and stayed with him for a couple of hours while I ran up to get a prescription and to the farm to get the bills to bring home to pay. Makes it hard to get things done when I can't leave home.


Sounds like Seattle would be a nice place to visit, I would go to the top of the space needle and have dinner. Then I would stop and visit Della, Punky I think we called her.


Been really nice weather, I love it in the 70's.

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Sharon, yes I do remember Punky, good memory. It is good that Bill has his family coming to visit and to give you a break so you can go out and get things accomplished.


I know there are people around here that are complaining about the cooler weather. But I will not complain. It is nice to give the AC a rest and the alternative is hot and humid weather. I like this cooler weather.


You are right about bocce, we play the game for the friendship and to have a nice night out. But we have lost once again, so not 1 win just yet. We are in every game and even lead the game, but loose at the end and every game we have lost by 1 or 2 points.


The Dr gave us 6 referrals, but we want to pull up pictures of each of the Dr's and then try to make a good decision on the next Dr. He gave us 4 men and 2 women Dr's.


I hope that each and every day that Bill will improve and slowly get his strength back and will be doing much better at home.




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Good day yesterday, bad day today. Bill was so tired he didn't get out of b ed until 3:30.pm

onl then because two of his daughters were coming over after 5pm. I told him I would call and tell them not to come but he said no. Then when they came a son in law and another daughter came and he barely said a word to them. Too many people stayed too long. He is back in bed sleeping once again. He is having trouble sitting. His butt is hurting. We were using a blow up pad then changed to a lambs wool pillow but now nothing seems to help. Will ask the nurse tomorrow what she suggests.


My granddaughter just put that her son would be 2yrs old tomorrow, I didn't check my calendar and didn't get a card sent to him. Will have to get one next time I can get out at two he won't really know the difference.

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