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My sister brought her stuff and moved in today. So far it seems as though I have to entertain her, its very tiring. Hopefully once she is here a day or two it will be better. For lunch I told her what I had for sandwiches and told her she would have to make her own. She cannot walk very far without tiring and has a terrible deep cough. She called the doctor to see about getting some more medicine, hasn't heard back from him yet. She is using a neubulisor and inhaler and her voice comes and goes so it is hard to talk to her.


We are bracing for the 6 to 10 inches of snow that is supposed to start around midnight tonight. I have called the plow guy and said, probably see you Tuesday morning. I hope we don't get that much so I can go to zumba, will be needing some exercise by then.


Hope your day is going good, this extra day we get in February!



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Sharon, so your sister did not waist any time in moving into your place. You will have to do your own thing and just let her do her own thing. But I think that it will be quite a while before she is able to find a place of her own.


So are you getting hit with snow this morning. Around here it is damp but not a single drop of any snow at all. So I hope it continues that way. We went tot he wake of the man who died last week clearing the snow from the last storm. We waited over 2 hours waiting in line. Bill was upset as he said just to sign the book and leave as she would not remember all who came anyway.


So that was what took up our evening yesterday. Today Bill dropped off my vehicle for scheduled maintenance. So I am without a vehicle just now. Bill got a ride home from the dealer.


As far as shoes for you that will work. I know when I go they do an analysis on me to fit me with the proper shoe. So perhaps you should try doing that and see if that makes any difference at all.


Bill got a part in the next play called "The Graduate". He found out this morning.




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I just knew he would get a part since he did so good in the last one. When do they start rehearsing?


We got some snow first overnight, but not much. So I decided to go ahead to zumba. I started driving and it was sprinkling. I put the wipers on and it immediately turned to ice. I had to pull over and scrape the windshield to see. There was ice all over the roads. On the way home it was better the salt had started working and it started snowing. It snowed for several hours so I had the plow guy come.


That guy must have had a lot of friends and relatives, sad.


How are you getting to and from work, is Bill taking you until your car gets done? When I took my car in for an oil change they told me I needed brake calipers on the back, I still haven't figured out how they determined that just doing an oil change. I did not have it done.


They weather people are now saying tomorrow night more snow but should hit you again instead of us.



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Hello everyone I am so excited. I am going on the Norwegian Star for a seven day cruise. Just signed up because there is no single supplement . As you all know I am not to active but I did lose 10 pounds on my last cruise. I hope there are art or art and craft classes. I am bringing my sketch pad and my Knitting. This will be my first 7 day cruise and my first on Norwegian. :D

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Sharon, that seems to be the case. You got a lot of snow yesterday and we only got a very light dusting. The sun is out bright and it all melted away. However tomorrow we are expecting measurable snow in our area. One day you get hit and the next day we are getting hit.


Yes, that guy dropped dead clearing snow away 1 week ago. He had a huge sign business around here and was very popular.


So Bill took me to work and then he took the vehicle and dropped it off. They drove him home and it was ready after 3 hours. So they came and picked him up. He drove to my work and I took him home and came back to work. The jerk was in yesterday, and his daughter drove him to South Bend this morning and he went back to FL. I hope he stays there now. I agree how would they know you had bad breaks doing an oil change?


Bill goes this Sunday for the rehearsal schedule. So he will find out then all who was selected and what days he will have to be present. This will be a much smaller cast, and this will be the last performance of this season. The next season starts up in the fall.


In a couple of weeks we will be setting our clocks ahead.




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Hello everyone I am so excited. I am going on the Norwegian Star for a seven day cruise. Just signed up because there is no single supplement . As you all know I am not to active but I did lose 10 pounds on my last cruise. I hope there are art or art and craft classes. I am bringing my sketch pad and my Knitting. This will be my first 7 day cruise and my first on Norwegian. :D


Good for you Karen. I know you have been talking about it for sometime. I am also glad that you did not have to pay a single supplement. Where does the cruise go to and when are you leaving?




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Well my schedule is all messed up, I don't really even have a schedule anymore. First of all, my sister has a terrible cold and a terrible cough. She had gotten medicine for it when she got back from Florida but still has it, the medicine is gone. I told her to call and get back into the dr as she sounds like its pneumonia so deep in her chest. Also I can't hear her talk most of the time and have to ask her to repeat everything which I am sure is just as annoying to her as to me. Her voice comes and goes and when its here its very high pitch. I took her to the mall yesterday and every little bit she had to sit down. I asked her why, short of breath or achy legs she said her back and ribs hurt. So now I don't think we can really go anywhere, I have to drop her off at the door and park the car then go get the car and pick her up at the door where ever we go. Going to take some getting used to!


Karen I didn't know that Norweigan didn't have a single supplement. I think I too will book a cruise. That is the line that Bill and I always took when we went.


Kathy too bad the jerk popped in for a while but good news that he is gone once again! Got up this morning and snow, I thought we were supposed to miss it this time. Looks to be about an inch or so but enough to make the roads pretty messy. I had just gotten a car wash last week and now my car is all covered in salt again.


Bill is going to be a star! Glad he found something to occupy his time and that he enjoys. Maybe you will have to get a small part too so you can go to rehearsals with him, ha ha.


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They usually all have single supplements. Gateway, Epic and Breakaway don't if you book that little studio room. It is 92 sq feet,but nice they say. There is a web sit I just learned about called cruise plum that list all cruises without a supplement but they are usually the real expensive cruises like celebrity Chrystal and Azamara. Way out of my league.:D Sorry to hear about your sister it does sound bad. I am really looking forward to this cruise on Sunday.

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Sharon, yes we have been goofing around that a star is born. Bill does take me to rehearsals and I meet everyone so I am not a complete stranger. Also I get to see the behind the scenes making it all come together.


We lucked out once again, as we only got a dusting and it is all gone from the hard surfaces. I know they were talking about our area getting 3" but it did not happen.


Your sister sounds bad. You had better stay clear of her so you do not catch whatever she has. But she should do something soon as you had said she may already have a phenomena.


I would think that since your sister is living with you, that your schedule or not having one will be all messed up. You will just have to stick with doing your own thing and leave her to do her own as well. Or you will not get anything accomplished at all.




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They usually all have single supplements. Gateway, Epic and Breakaway don't if you book that little studio room. It is 92 sq feet,but nice they say. There is a web sit I just learned about called cruise plum that list all cruises without a supplement but they are usually the real expensive cruises like celebrity Chrystal and Azamara. Way out of my league.:D Sorry to hear about your sister it does sound bad. I am really looking forward to this cruise on Sunday.


So Karen you are leaving this Sunday for a 7 day cruise. Where are you cruising to.




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Well she went to the dr today and he said he had already given her alot of antibiotics and doesn't want to give her anymore, so just try to wait it out! Also he said she is just weak from all of her medical procedures and she doesn't eat.


Karen have a great time, you will have to let us know how it goes, if there are other single people you mingle with or just go it alone. I would like to go on a cruise again but don't want to share a room with someone I don't know or have to pay that single supplement.


Was surprised to get up this morning and see the snow again. We only got about an inch but I thought it was going to miss us.


Going to a zumbathon on Saturday for a young girl who was in a bad car accident. They didn't expect her to live but she did. Then they didn't expect her to talk or walk but she did. She had a bad head injury and they had to remove part of her brain to relieve the swelling. She is coming along but sounds like she might only have the mental capacity of a 10 year old and she has to be in her late teens or early 20's. The keep updating everyone on facebook about her.



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Sharon, we lucked out once again and only got a dusting. The main storm went south of us and we missed it again. Just on the grass and the hard surfaces are all clear.


So your sister is just going to have to lay low and not be doing anything until everything starts to kick in for her. It sounds like she is just worn out and needs to just rest.


That is a sad story about that girl. So by Saturday the temps should be very good to travel to that session.


Bill starts rehearsals on Sunday. But he has a small part on this next one and the schedule for him will not be as long as this last 1. Really the only really big schedule will be the week before and of course the week of the performances.


March is a big month for the family with birthdays. My daughter is today, and Bill's is next week. His son in a few weeks and my son is the week after Bill's. So next week we will take advantage of the discounts. That 1 place we go to gives you the % of your age off the bill. The club gives you 1/2 off and another place around here gives you 1/2 of as well.




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Will be good to go to all those places for dinner and get the discounts. Make the birthday celebration last as long as possible. I have quite a few birthdays to buy cards for in March also. I buy them at the dollar store, they are so expensive if you buy them at regular stores.


I went to talk with the grief counselor today, cried alot, talked alot. Also told him about my sister. He gave me a phone number for her to call to talk with someone at Family Alliance, who might be able to help her find a place to live and take some of the pressure off me. I gave her the information when I got home but she really didn't seem interested which concerns me.


Supposed to get a little snow and then rain tonight and early tomorrow, but with a little warmer weather hopefully the roads will be ok. I am riding with a gal and her daughter, the zumbathon is all the way in Janesville, Wisconsin. We will go to dinner afterwards, maybe to Olive Garden.


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Sharon, my daughter said that is what old people do. So I guess that is the category that we have been placed in for finding discounts for eating out.


I agree that your sister may not want to find a place of her own, and that is why her son told her to find another place. You offer her an alternative and she does not seem interested. So perhaps you should talk to her about that.


So you have an afternoon and dinner planned for today. That is good that you found someone else to go with, so you do not have to go it all alone. Enjoy and have a great time.


For me just laying low today. Something I rarely do. We did not get anything at all as far as snow or freezing rain goes.




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Funny about that's what old people do. We went to a local church's fish fry yesterday. It started at 4:30 and we got there at 4:15. They had everyone sit in the church pews and then called so many at a time. We were sitting a ways back and noticed that most everyone there had white or gray hair. I guess most younger people are still working at that time. It was very good and there were tables along the back wall of the dining area loaded with various deserts. We will probably go back next week too.


I picked up my friend Mary and went to tge zumbathon. Her daughter met us there. They had 10 or 12 leaders that did different routines. It was held inside on tennis courts. It was very hard on the knees since your feet did not slide at all. It went from 3 to 4:30, we stayed till about 4:15. My knee and Mary's daughter's knee hurt and Mary's finger hurt since she had dislocated a week sgo. We went to Olive Garden afterwards for dinner.


I'm going to church tomorrow but my sister decided not to go since she is afraid she will start coughing and can't sing with her voice.


Should be a good weather week coming up, if the weather peopke are right!



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Sharon, I did hear that the temps this week would be in the 60's. We shall see.


Wow that sounds like a real workout for the zumba. Especially with a dislocated finger. Is she ever going to get it taken care of?


Bill goes today for his first rehearsal and will find out the rest of the schedule. It looks like a more organized schedule than his last 1.


With your sister being the way she is, it sounds like best to do things with yourself and leave her out with her health problems.


Enjoy and have a good day.




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Her finger was looked at by a dr, he said not broken just dislocated and pulled it back into where it was supposed to be. However, it has been several weeks and she is till having trouble with it. Not as big a problem as sore knees I don't think. Mine is better today so I went for a long walk.


My sister didn't go to church with me and when I got home she wanted to go for a ride, I told her I had already driven quite a ways this morning. So then she said lets go get something to eat, I said we had plenty of stuff in the fridge to eat, that she should save her money because we would probably go to the fish fry again next week and there are two corned beef and cabbage dinners coming up. I told her I was going for a walk and she said, I can't walk so I said then you go for a ride. Instead she went to Walmart and looked around for a while. It has been a long boring day today!


It wasn't as warm as I thought it was supposed to get, and it is quite windy too so makes it feel colder. Well we will see what tomorrow brings.


Good the play rehearsals are more organized, will be easier for all concerned.


Someone took my picture at the zumbathon and put it on facebook, I actually look kind of silly with my one leg in the air. I was following some routine but in a still frame it looks goofy!



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Sharon, I agree about the weather yesterday with the wind it did feel much colder. Today it rained around here in the morning and now it is overcast. I heard that tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 60's.


So now you are a celebrity on facebook with being feathered for the Zumba event you went to over the weekend.


Bill was hired today by the Lansing Police as a crossing guard. So he only has to work 2 hours a day. One hour in the morning and 1 hour in the afternoon. Off all holidays and spring break and of course the summer. So they had an opening and he decided to go for it. He starts tomorrow already.


Well your sister is just going to have to learn to do things on her own. As you have things planned and she does not always want to do them when you do.




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I think your Bill likes to keep busy, he is always looking for things to do, good for him. I would not like that job as I don't have patience for kids thst much?


I had my 7th treatment for psoriasis today, I think it might be helping a little. They say it takes quite a few treatments.


It really felt like spring is on the way today. After my appointment we went and bought tickets to the local corned beef and cabbage dinner on Sunday the 13th. If you buy tickets shead of time they are a couple dollars cheaper. There is also another corned beef and cabbage dinner on the 15th. My stock guy gave me a free ticket for that one. I'll have to pick up another ticket for my sister. After eating corned beef 2 times I won't need it maybe till next year again.



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Sharon, he does stay busy. He looked so official going to work this morning. The funny thing is he does not like kids either. But he put on a pretty good act this morning as I drove over to his corner to see what he looked like. It is not all that bad as he only works 2 hours a day. I in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. Something different with Bill is getting up so early. I get up at 7 and now he does as well. I think normally he does not get up until 10 am.


Nice warm temps today but very windy around here. Then I heard a lot of rain coming our way tomorrow afternoon.


So starting tonight we will go to the club to get 1/2 off his bill. Then tomorrow we go to that place that gives you the % of your age off the bill. That is the best deal around. So anytime I do not have to cook is good for me. I'll have to check around and see if anyone is offering corned beef and cabbage. It sounds like you have it all together with your places over this weekend.


I would think that you will go through those treatments and hopefully soon you should be seeing some good results. I am sure your Dr would not have recommended these treatments if she knew they would not work.




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That's funny, hope the kids listen to him, it will make his job easier. I'm guessing he is by a grade school.


Oh what a beautiful day today. We opened the doors and windows at zumba today, This afternoon I dug up a rock I had been mowing around for a couple of years. Also picked up branches and corn cobs the deer have drug in so that when its time to start cutting grass I'll be ready.


So its Bill's birthday now, I was just wondering I think we talked about yours and going out to eat but I don't think I said Happy Birthday to you. So there now I feel better!


I had a 20% off card, a $5.00 off card and a $10.00 off rewards card from Kohls. I looked around quite a while for something to buy since two of the discounts expire tomorrow. Finall settled on a pair of pink flowered capris. The were on sale for $27.00, then with all the discounts they were $8.10. They have so much winter stuff on sale they don't have much room for new stuff. I really don't need anything but you know when you have all the discounts you have to buy something.


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Sharon, you are still good, as mine is on 4/21. Bill's is actually today. So we got 1/2 off last night at the club and today we will get the % of his age off the bill tonight. Then there is 1 more place that we can get 1/2 off, maybe we'll go there on Saturday.


I heard last night that this is the warmest March this early since 2000. So today is supposed to be in the upper 60's. It has been very nice the past few days. If this weather keeps up then time to start getting the lawn care ready and up and running.


Yes, he is at a elementary school form K-6. So those kids are not too bad. It is the older one's you have to watch out for.


I agree that Kohl's is a good deal and I get the discounts in the mail. It would be very hard not to find a good deal at Kohl's. Are you OK with your Kohl's in not closing?


Enjoy the beautiful weather while it lasts.




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The Kohls here is like the only place to shop so they have a good customer base, and with given 10,20 and 30% off and then the all the other discounts they just keep everyone coming back time after time.


I noticed today that I have yellow crocus's blooming and the tulips and daffodils are peeking their leaves up too. Hope they don't get covered with snow again. It has been really nice so far all week. I have been able to go for a walk everyday. I have hit 10,000 steps for the last 3 days.


I was starting to get the tax stuff together today and saw that several 1099's I need were actually sent to Bill's farms address instead of here to the house. Now his daughter must have known she should have sent them to me, but she didn't. I don't know what she is thinking, she can't use them to file the Trust's taxes. I was able to get copies of 2 of them but the third one wants a copy of my financial power of attorney before they will issue a duplicate. I found the form but not the signature page. I'm not sure if my attorney had it or what. It's going to be such a mess trying to sort everything out for 8 months of the year for him. His daughter text me that she had an appointment to get the Trusts taxes done in Madison and did I want to go with. I'm not sure that is a good idea, first off could I be civil to her and would she be to me, second maybe I shouldn't even associate with "them". However I would like to see what they are trying to claim. I didn't answer her back but have a call in to my attorney to see what his thoughts are. Ugh! I hate this. The stress is back big time.


Well just got back from Wed night gals meeting, did a little line dancing and a lot of visiting. My sister came along again also. She watches while we dance and tries to visit a little too.


I woke up thinking today was Thursday for some reason, so now I will be doing Thursday again tomorrow, ha ha.



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Sharon, you can do Thursday today, because it actually is Thursday. Around here I can see some things starting to pop up but nothing has actually bloomed like your area has.


Well if I was you, I would let your attorney handle everything. I would not be baited to fall into her or their traps. You certainly do not need any stress that it will cause you, and it will.


Well that is good that you went out last night and had a good time. I am surprised that your sister has been going with you. As long as she is enjoying herself and you also have a companion so you are not traveling all alone.


We both are in total agreement that you cannot find better deals and discounts like Kohl's offers you all of the time.


Bill has rehearsal tonight. So at least he is not going 3 days a week like before. Although he has a very small part compared to the last play. He just wanted to stay in the grove somewhat.




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Oh yes, my sister wants to go whenever I go anywhere. She has been going with to my dr appointments too. She is still coughing too.


Well with the cross walk guarding and play rehersals, Bill should be keeping pretty busy. How is your work going, must not be as much stress as when your boss is around. Have you been able to get outside a little to enjoy the nice weather? Have you gotten your taxes done yet? I am still sorting everything, foubd another 1099 that "they" got and didn't forward to me, Bill's SS form.


The zumba gals, me included have been going for breakfast after class. The place we go has a breakfast parfait that is served in a glass. It is layered with strawberry yogurt, granola, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and raspberries, then another whole layer of the same thing. It is pretty and yummy. Of course first we have eggs or whatever and have the parfait for dessert. Ha ha



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