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Sharon, this whole thing with your sister keeps getting better and better. Yes, she can bring her own license plate. But I would not put it past her not to do anything with it and it will remain in your name. If something happens they can still obtain all of your information through the VIN. That is a bad idea having her drive to O'Hare. You should just tell her to have him take a bus and then you can pick him up.

So you are going to the flower show on a Tuesday? That day we are leaving to go to LAS, as Bill has a board meeting with his retiree group from United.

So the reason it took so long. I had originally had a guy who had done some work for my place of work. So he would set up a date and then call us telling us something came up. This went on for a month. So Bill started looking around and found this place who came out yesterday and installed it. With a lot of help from Bill. Like he drained it and helped the guy move it along so they had it all complete in 2 hours.

So the wheel barrel was delivered on Monday. We kept all that we wanted.Then that lady friend that I go shopping with every other week came over last night and took some for herself as well. So now we have bottles that we will never drink or use. As these bottles look like they have been passed around awhile. So Bill figured we would put them in a basket and shrink wrapped them and give it away sometime.

Wow that was really some story that you have told. Very luck you were with her, otherwise it would have been a different story. Extremely windy her today. We had our taxes filed and we got our money back 2 weeks ago.



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Glad you got your water heater installed finally. They have really went up in price from a few years ago.


Talked with my sister today and asked her why her son made the flight on that one day, March 21, when I had specifically told her that was the only day all month I had something planned. She said she knew but didn't tell him. She said, but his flight doesn't get in until 4 something, I said I won't be home till probably after 8 or later. She created this mess now she can deal with it. I will make a bill of sale for the car, call my insurance company to take off coverage of the car and make sure the right license plate is on it before she drives it anywhere.


Had a really good zumba class this morning, the leader gave us a great workout! Afterwards was talking with one of the gals at breakfast, telling her how pretty her house is, looks like a model home, everything color coordinated and clean and neat, while mine is pretty cluttered. She said she has heard that people that have had a traumatic event in their life have a hard time letting go of anything. I think that might be the case with me since I have never let the house go like this before. Also I still have everything of Bill's because to let it go would mean he was really gone and I can't deal with that yet. Just so hard to move on!


So the wind finally stopped thank goodness, but it is very cold outside. I just got back from visiting with the girls. Of course there was food tonight, pork chops and homemade corn/blackbean/tomato salsa and chips. Everyone there, about 15 got to eat for free again. Next week is one of the gals birthday, don't know what he will fix for that, he suggested dessert, but she said she would bring dessert, so will have to see next week.


Where are you staying in LV, should be a nice trip for you both.


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Sharon, at weigh-in this week I lost .2. so gain a little and loose a little.


So we are staying at the Palace Station Casino & Hotel. Because this is where the convention will be at in September. They pay for everything. I mean the airline retirees board.

Keep in mind with your sister. Even though you will drop your insurance and taken off your plates. Unless she puts in for a new registration to transfer title. If something happens they will show her registration to a different vehicle, and through your VIN # they can still trace everything back to you. Be careful. Everything sounds totally messed up.

Those winds yesterday were really bad. We did not have any damage. But some power lines got knocked down and some tree limbs came falling down. How about you. Did you have any damage in your area?

It is nice that the owner takes such good care of you all. I thought his place was sold. So is this the new owner or hasn't it totally closed yet?

Everything happens in time and things will come around in its due time. You can not rush things along and when the time is right, it will happen or not happen. Time is in your hands.

I will go with Bill tonight and we will get something to eat before it all starts tonight. Yes, due to the fact that my installer was delaying things. Bill took things into his own hands and got the job cheaper and saved us $80. They had it all wrapped up in 2 hours.



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I have to weigh in tomorrow and I don't think I'm going to hit the 5# yet again this week!

The Wednesday night place has not been sold, still the same owners. Haven't even heard of anything brewing about it either, so that is good.


That was also good that Bill got someone to do the installation and save you some $$.


There was terrible wind here also, but no damage thank goodness. Today no wind at all and still in the 40's. I see up around Lake Geneva there was almost measureable snow. Glad it stayed north!


A nice vacation and all paid for is a good thing, can't be beat. And I bet it will be nice and warm there. Have a good time!


I made up a bill of sale and will sign it, date it, and have her do the same thing. It has the make, model and vin number on the paper. Hopefully that will protect me.


Should be kinda fun tonight for you also, get to see what all the rehearsals have accomplished. And a nice dinner out is always fun too.


Just as I thought, I gave the accountant my tax papers on Tuesday and today I got another K-1 form. I put it in an envelope and mailed it right away to him. I don't think he has had a chance to work on my taxes yet anyway.



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Sharon, I think this is the first year when we got our taxes in early and we got our refund 2 weeks ago. The electronic filing is very fast.


We had a nice dinner just 2 block away from the rehearsal place. It is only Bill and the lady who plays the piano who are in charge there for now. As the rest of the production staff and the director are involved in another play down the street for the next 2 weekends.


So they are only doing vocals just now. But I am glad I did not try out, as they all are singing, and I am not all that good. So it was good that I had a chance to see the talent. We stayed until it was all over at 10:30. Bill was the only man there. So he wanted to make sure everyone got out safe.

Yes those winds were very strong. Very cold here this morning and I heard in a couple of days we could get measurable snowfall.

Good that your Wednesday night place did not sell yet. That owner is very good to you all.

Good luck today at weigh-in.



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You're lucky to not only have gotten your taxes done but a refund too! I am wonderiig how much i will have to pay.



Yesterday afternoon my furnace quit working, would run but no heat. Got down to 59 by this morning. Had a company come out, he did get it going but also showed me pictures of inside the furnace. It is all rusted and cracked in some places. He said there was the danger of carbon monoxide coming into the house. Reconended strongly to replace it and the air conditioner which is connected to it. Also because they will have to turn the furnace a different way the water heater will have to be moved oved and since it is also the same age as the other two suggested to replace it also. He will send me a quote with the prices for variou scenarios. I will get a coupl of other quotes also before I decide. So I guess its a good thing I'm not going to spend a couple of thousand dollars on the trip I was going to take with my sister!


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Sharon, every year I increase what I put into paying the taxes. So we increase the refund we are getting back.

We have been thinking about getting a home warrantee for the very same reason you are having the trouble with you system. Our's is also right on the line of getting new one's. We did not have to replace the water heater. But it was at the time. Rather than wait until it breaks down and our backs are up against the wall we changed it when we did.

The play last night was 1 of the best we have ever seen. It was fast paced and really held our interest. It had about 25 kids, along with mostly adults, and that in itself brings in many crowds. It will run this weekend and next weekend. It was called Joseph and the amazing dream coat. A lot of people from Bill's play are in this one. We had good seats and we were able to leave right away and we were home just after 10. There was no chance in falling asleep on this one.

Very cold at night and it will only be in the 20's today and even next week. I heard that snow is forecast for Monday.

I am leaving shortly to get my nails done.



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I think that might be what one of my friends has, a home warrantee. Think its too late now for these items I need.


I have heard of that play, and I would imagine it would be very interesting to watch. Also since it has kids all the parents and grandparents have to come and watch them.


I almost weakened and got a dog today. I went to a home show and they had a rescue group there called Tiny Paws. They had about a dozen dogs and one 6 month old German Shepherd mix was so sweet. I guess luckily for me someone had already filled out forms to adopt her.


Bracing for my sister's arrival tomorrow afternoon. Praying the week goes well.


I saw today tgat a couple of pieces came off under the eaves of my pole barn due to thst wind. I was able to find them but getting them put back up will be a problem.



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I think one of my friends has a home warrantee. But its too late for the items I need replacing now.


Just had a long post and hit the wrong button and lost it. Grrrr


We were trying to do hula hoops in our zumba class last week and none of us could keep them going. Found out it was because they were the lite weight plastic ones. Need the weighted ones, so I found one at Walmart today. Will take it to zumba Monday if we don't get snowed in!


They are saying the snow will start tomorrow night, go all day Monday and into Tuesday morning. My plow guy said he is ready.


I have heard of that play bet it was interesting. And since it has kids the parents and grandparents all have to come and watch them.


I am bracing for my sisters arrival tomorrow afternoon. Will pray in church tomorrow for patience.


Almost got a puppie today. Went to a home show and a rescue group called Tiny Paws was there we with about a dozen dogs. One of them was a 6 month old German Shepherd mix dog and it was so sweet. Luckily for me someone had already filled out adoption papers for it.



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Sharon, can't you call Bill's son to help you out with putting them back up? It seems that he was there for you in the past.

I will say prayers and a lot of them, that all goes well for you during your sister's visit. Good luck!

I would think that there is nothing official on your system, why you could not look into a home warrantee. It would not cost anything to try. You would not tell them that you need a complete system, and you can cancel some time afterwards. If you did sign up, then wait awhile and then file a claim. It would certainly save you a lot of money.

I have considered getting 1 as well. But they are a lot of work and with us going away like we do, that would be a problem. Dogs need a lot of attention. Cats take care of themselves.

Yes, you are right. The play was sold out that night and for the other 2 plays this weekend. Next weekend is the last weekend of the play. It looks like they did real good with attendance. There are a lot of performers from Bill's play in that 1.

I heard snow tonight into tomorrow. I hope we do not get a lot. But at least we are not getting what some parts of the country are getting. I also heard that this will be the largest snow of the season.

Did you remember to spring ahead today. If it was not for Bill I certainly would have forgotten.



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I didn't call Bill's son for the furnace because last time he charged me $120. Even though he is friendly he doesn't want to help me too much. I will have to call a handyman to do some things and pay him.


They are still predicting alot of snow but here it is 8:30pm and so far see so good.


My sister got here about 6, I tool her out to dinner and we are watching TV but she keeps falling asleep. I have told her to go to bed but she says she will wake up too early if she does. So I am going to let her be. She also has a cold, nose running and coughing. Hope I don't catch it!


Earlier this afternoon I had to go over to my pet sitters house and let 3 dogs out. So I played with them awhile and got my "dog" fix, now content not to have one of my own for a while.

Thanks for the prayers, I prayed hard in church too


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Sharon, I heard that your area will get most of the snow. Around here it started snowing around 11:30 and it is still snowing. Thus far we only have gotten 1/2 inch of snow. But is supposed to continue to snow all day. So we shall see. Other parts of the country are getting slammed with snow. Better them than us.

Well if he is charging you to fix things now, best to just call a handyman like you said.

All you can do now is to hope and pray that the time goes by quickly and that she does not cause you any problems.

Winter is not finished just yet. So be safe and drive safely.





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I did not go to zumba this morning because it was snowing pretty good but then it stopped and started to melt so I could have made it. We had a littke more snow around 6pm but no accumulation.


Things are going okay, we went to Meiers and walked around to get out of the house a while. I made a nice dinner and then just TV ing.


Tomorrow going uptown for tge Rotsry's corned beef, Wed night going to see the girls, one of them has a birthday so owner is making tacos.



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Sharon, only 1/2" of snow yesterday and all hard surfaces were all cleared away. Today a total different story. Woke up this morning to about 4" of snow and it is still coming down real hard. Bill drove me to work as not to have my vehicle sitting out in the snow all day. Roads around here are real bad and I heard on the news there are a lot of accidents.

So both of us are getting the snow today. I do not know if this weather will keep you inside or not. Tomorrow should be a clear day to go out with your friends. First major snow storm of the season and many are either driving too fast or they all just forget how to drive in the snow.

Bill said if it continues he will not be going to rehearsal tonight. He said he will wait until it stops to clear it all away.

Be safe and stay warm.



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We lucked out again, only a dusting overnight and roads clear although the wind has been pretty cold today.


I went to zumba no problem driving there, had a good class.


When I got home we went down to the Drivers Lic place and transfered the plates and titles. The tax had to be paid by check or money order, my sister doesn't have a checking account so she gave me the $40 and I wrote the check. Then the rest of the fees added up to $120 but she didn't have that much so I gave her the $40 back so she would have enough. I asked her how she thought she was going to get all the way back to Florida with no money, she said she gets her Social Security money the 3rd Wed of the month so she will get it tomorrow. Geeee!


Went to a corned beef and cabbage dinner tonight, not worth the money, the cabbage wasn't cooked enough and the corned beef was like lunch meat.


Nerves are wearing thin, I cannot hear her talking alot of the time and she coughs all the time, a deep phlegm cough that almost gags me. The week cannot go fast enough.


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Sharon, good luck on getting your money back. Some things never change. She was coughing like that the last time she was here.

Well good for you as far as the weather goes. We got smacked good. We got every inch of 10". By Friday it will be close to 50.

Yes, many places will be offering corned beef and cabbage. Too bad it was not to your liking. I know a place around here where the corned beef is real good but very expensive. We may go out on Friday and have some.

Stay warm,



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Guess this time you got the snow instead of me. But you are right it should all be gone soon again. Tired of this really cold weather we have been having.


We did a test drive over to the airport today so my sister had some idea as to how to get there and back. Then stopped at the mall and walked from one end to the other, she did pretty well, but when we got to the food court she sat and I went on down to the other end of the mall. Then tonight went to see the girls and we had both chicken and beef to make our own tacos. Then the birthday gal served us marble cake.


I would like to get some good corned beef and cabbage, maybe before St Patrick's Day is over will find some. I could make some but holding off on that for now.

Stay warm,


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Sharon, yes we did get the majority of snow this time. But today close to 40 and tomorrow close to 50. I hope that this will be the last of it for this season.

So is your sister picking up her son from the airport once he arrives. Hopefully she will drive there and back without any problems.

That was good that you were able to get out and meet with the other gals last night and had a good time eating the taco's as well. They always provide a good spread every week.

So is it Tuesday when your sister goes back to Fla., with the car that you gave her?

I did pick up corned beef last night. We shall see how good or not so good it is on Friday.



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So you will make your own corned beef and cabbage on Friday. We are going to go to the church a few towns over for fish on Friday. Was kinda thinking we should try for corned beef again but the church puts on a really good meal during lent.


Hopefully my sister gets back in time to go tomorrow night She is to meet her son at the storage unit tomorrow morning, he will help her go through the unit and decide what to keep and what to toss. Will be nice to be alone for a while, not used to someone always here.


Felt a little better outside today


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Sharon, yes I went to the store a few days ago and bought the corned beef and cabbage. I have it in the crock pot and all Bill has to do is to turn it on for me later on this afternoon.

It is not a very nice day today. Overcast with drizzle all day. But at least it is not snow.

So is it today you are at the flower and garden show? It should be a nice day all alone and piece of mind. Hopefully your sister will not get herself into trouble with the car you gave her. So she should take what she really needs out of that storage space and then close it. I am sure the value that she is paying will exceed the value of the contents inside.

Happy St., Patrick's Day to you. Stay dry,



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Hope your dinner was delicious! I bought a piece of corned beef today but Walmart was completely out of cabbage so will have to get that somewhere else. I might wait until my sister is gone to make it though.


She met her son down by the storage unit and has the car loaded up but said they didn't get through all the boxes. She wants him to go through them but I don't think that will work since he doesn't know what she wants to save out of them. But I'm just not saying anything.


We went for fish at the church tonight, very good again. Then went to the dance place. They were having a benefit for some people who's apartment burned down last week so it was very crowded and noisy. My "couple" friends were there and it was nice to see and talk with them. There were so many people no one could dance. They handed out samples of Irish Whiskey wish was way too strong to drink and jello shots that tasked like vicks vapo rub, so didn't drink that either.


So just got home and going to bed, not much traffic which was good but a lite mist falling.


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Sharon, what time did your sister pick up her son? So are they going to empty the storage place?

I agree it was cold and damp yesterday and light mist. Today not much better either.

Wow that dance place was very crowded. It was all for a very good cause helping out the couple who had their apartment burned down. I guess if you drank that stuff you would not be driving home. Both are very strong. I had a Chocolate Martini last night. There goes WW for this week.

I actually bought 2 slabs of corned beef. One was $10 and the other $9. So I put one in the slow cooker and it all was very tasty. I will cook the second 1 in a few weeks. Good idea to wait for your sister to go back home before cooking your corned beef. Is she still going back on the 21st?

We are leaving for LAS on Tuesday. Bill has a retired airlines board meeting there. He is VP. So they are paying for everything. We fly for free as well. A benefit from working for an airline. We will be back either on Thursday or Friday.



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She met her son at the storage unit, he lives close by to it, and she got some stuff but not all of the things she wanted. I guess the unit is on the second floor and the elevator was not working so they, well her son, had to carry everything down to the car. She can't do stairs or walk very far without having a coughing fit and getting out of breath. Her son told her he would go back and get the rest of the stuff and somehow get it to her in Florida. I know she has some of my mom's antiques glasses and sewing machine, I don't want it but would hate for her to leave it in the unit and at some point it get auctioned off.


We went to an auto junk yard today to see about getting the center hub cap for the buick, the guy found some, only charged her $5 a piece but when we got home they weren't the right ones. I drove down and we really should have taken the buick down to make sure what kind it needed. We will go back Monday and see if they have anymore, but I don't think they do. Would just make the car look better.


So nice you can take that trip next Tuesday and have it all paid for too. A very nice benefit from working there. I'm sure the weather will be much nicer and maybe you can get in a show or two. Not sure if Celine Dion is still there but she would be good to see.


I will be on my way to Navy pier on Tuesday to the flower show, looking forward to that.


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Sharon, so it is the son that lives here who is driving back with her and then getting a flight back here. Are they leaving on the 21st?

Today a bit more sun and temps could go into the 50's. Over the weekend it was just cold and damp. I guess rain tomorrow.

So that lady friend of mine that I go out shopping with every other week is in the hospital. So I will go and see her this afternoon while Bill is gone. Last night we went to a friends of our's place who just opened a few days ago for dinner.

So right now we are leaving on Tuesday and either returning Thursday night or Friday morning . It all depends on how the flights look. Perhaps if you take the car back there you will be able to find the right one's.



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No, one of the two sons from Florida is flying up Tuesday and driving her back down there Wednesdsy. She has the two sons that live here, that didn't want her to live with them and the two in Florida.


I hope you get a flight together to Las Vegas and back.


We took the car and went to the junk yard today, they didn't have the right ones, but gave us the money back for the wrong ones. I looked on ebay and they have quite a few sellers with the right ones so she can order them if she wants to.


What happened to your friend that put her in the hospital? Nice you are visiting her.


How did you like the food at your friends restaurant?



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