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My fitbit finally broke, actually the part that connected to the charger. So I went up to BestBuy in Lake Geneva....big mistake. It is Winterfest and even though I went in the back way it took almost an hour to get through town. People everywhere and traffic! I finally got there and bought a new and improved fitbit. Then while looking around the store I saw the new Apple ipad tablets. I have always had androids so this is new to me. The young kid waiting on me got several things set up and then told me what to do to finish it at home.


It finally started snowing here so now the ground is covered again. I will have to see in the morning if I can get to church or not.


How did the install go today?

Do you have plans for the Suoer Bowl?


Punci sounds like you are pretty motivated to lose, keep up tge good work! I saw on Facebook you and Joe have done alot of traveling since retireing, sometimes its hard to eat right away from home but its so fun and enjoyable to go new places.



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Sharon, I got 1 better than you. I was missing my fit-bit for about at least 1 week. It turns out, I never took it off my slacks. Washed them and even put them in the dryer. So I broke mine and have also bought the new version. Congrats on buying a new apple. Too bad that you ran into so much traffic to get there.


For us it started snowing around here at 8 pm, and it is still snowing. So they were saying 3" but we will just have to wait and see. Bill does not go out to clear it if it is still snowing.


We do not like noisy crowds or even crowds. So our plans is just to say put and watch the game right here in the comfort of our own home.


So the medicine cabinet was installed on Friday morning. It only took them less than an hour to do both, install the medicine cabinet and to replace the sink. It looks really great and I am finally glad to get it put back up and to have real light in there once again. This is a quality cabinet, and all I have to do is to not break this 1.


Enjoy and have a great day today.





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Lots of snow and still coming down, yuck! Haven't went out and shoveled yet either.


Got the tablet pretty well set up, but the fitbit does not want to sync with my computer. I did a "chat" with fitbit and the gal I chatted with couldn't figure out how to fix it so she sent me and email with a case number and said someone would call me. Wonder how long that will be. Also it says go to the web site but when you put in the address no such thing comes up????

Why does it always have to be so hard to get these things to work!!


Of course didn't go to church this morning, and not going anywhere else today or probably tomorrow either. Thinking about starting a puzzle I bought a while back, or else trying to find more stuff to get rid of. Haven't decided yet which to do.


Glad you got the bathroom all fixed up again!


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Sharon, yes it is still snowing here as well. But it looks like it is letting up some. So maybe Bill will be able to go out shortly and clear it all away. I agree, why go out if you do not have to. Best to just stay inside and watch it all play out. I am sure the police will be out in force tonight pulling over impaired drivers. For us we do not like crowds and loud noises. Plus with the weather it is best to stay off the roads and let them do their job in clearing the roads.


Most likely you will not get a call back until Monday. With it being Sunday and all. I also agree about having trouble with electronics and getting them all set up and snicked.


I am spending the afternoon cooking a roast. I am also using wine to add it into the cooking of the roast. I normally do not go to such lengths to cook a meal like this.


Enjoy the rest of today. Be safe and stay warm.



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I am so exhausted. I have spent the last three days cleaning like a crazy person. Our suite has three rooms, plus a bathroom. I got through our bedroom, our sitting room, the bathroom and about half of our dressing room, plus totally gunned out two closets in our upstairs hallway and one cabinet I our main bathroom. My next big project is to clean my vanity, which is a major project which I can't do until the garbage is emptied.


I have one cupboard where I out all of the shampoo, conditioners, etc., that I pick up from my travels, plus all of the amenity kits that I get when we fly. I gave away a bunch of amenity kits to family and packed up all the rest to take to a women's shelter. It feel really good to have it all nice and clean.


Last night I got less than 5 hours sleep so I am going to go take a nap now.

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I am so exhausted. I have spent the last three days cleaning like a crazy person. Our suite has three rooms, plus a bathroom. I got through our bedroom, our sitting room, the bathroom and about half of our dressing room, plus totally gunned out two closets in our upstairs hallway and one cabinet I our main bathroom. My next big project is to clean my vanity, which is a major project which I can't do until the garbage is emptied.


I have one cupboard where I out all of the shampoo, conditioners, etc., that I pick up from my travels, plus all of the amenity kits that I get when we fly. I gave away a bunch of amenity kits to family and packed up all the rest to take to a women's shelter. It feel really good to have it all nice and clean.


Last night I got less than 5 hours sleep so I am going to go take a nap now.


Good for you to be doing all of the cleaning. God knows I need to due the very same thing. But not just now, and tomorrow never comes.



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Kathy, Well spent the better part of the afternoon on the phone with the fitbit help person.

Didn't do any good, he wasn't able to help me get it to sync. Finally told him I would probably just take it back to the store and not use one anymore. So upset that it just won't work!! Maybe I can find someone that has a little more computer experience than I do to help me.


I went to zumba this morning, it didn't start snowing until later this afternoon. By the weather forecast it looks like it might just snow every day this week!


Talked to my nephew, had told him him and his wife could stay with me but they decided it's too far away from the church so they got a hotel room closer. He said he is trying to see the Buick I gave to my sister to help pay for the service and dinner. No way can they bury the urn so he said they will have to come back maybe in June to do that. Will be glad when this weekend is over.


Didn't sleep hardly at all last night, my brain would not shut off, hopefully tonight will be better. Even with melatonin it didn't help.


Bill thinks he might be able to come down on the 17th, so I made dinner reservations at a nice place. Also have an invitation to a birthday party so we could stop in there for a while after dinner, if he actually gets to come down. If not will just cancel the reservation.


Punki you did a lot of work! I keep plugging along trying to do the same thing. I have lots of bottles of shampoo's and conditioners and body lotions from different hotels have stayed all too. Good idea to donate to a womens shelter, but I don't know of any around here.


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Sharon, you can probably ask someone at your church where they send people in need of shelter. We have a

Martha's Workers group at our church that does a great deal to help those in need and they always have great ideas.


I was so proud of myself today for finally giving away the kids encyclopedias. Even knowing that they would never use them again I their lives, it was hard to part with them.


I wasn't quite so proud of my eating. I just didn't feel like eating dinner so I had abagbof popcorn instead. I managed to stay within my 1,200 calories a day, but it certainly wasn't the healthiest choice. Oh well, I enjoyed it and feel like I had a huge indulgence without really doing any damage.


We have a fabulous store in the Northwest called Fred Meyer and they sell just about everything. They have what I call "Old Ladies' Day" on the first Tuesday where all seniors get a 10% discount not on their entire order, so tomorrow I shop. I need to stock up on food and I. mignt buy a couple of little blacks T-shirts if they have them on sale. They have a V-neck and are very light and easy to wear around the house. They also look good enough to wear out and about.


It's funny to hear about snow. It's cold here, but not that cold. My husband mowed the lawn today and I thought about pruning roses but decided to wait for a nicer day. I am such a whimp.

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Sharon, that is nuts that you have to jump through all of those hoops to get you fit-bit working properly. Perhaps you can find some kid at Best Buy to help you out since no one else seems to know what they are doing.


For us around here it started snowing around 3 and ended around 9. We ended up with 6" of snow falling. But with the bright sunshine, once everything was cleared away the sun has taken it down to the bare pavement. You are right, there is snow in the forecast just about everyday this week.


The auto show starts this weekend. We may go this weekend or just might wait until next week. All depends on the weather and how we both will be feeling.


With this cold snap they will certainly have to wait until the spring to bury the urn. But I think they do have the means to dig up graves. If they did not they would have bodies stacked all over the place.


Stay warm,



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Sharon, you can probably ask someone at your church where they send people in need of shelter. We have a

Martha's Workers group at our church that does a great deal to help those in need and they always have great ideas.


I was so proud of myself today for finally giving away the kids encyclopedias. Even knowing that they would never use them again I their lives, it was hard to part with them.


I wasn't quite so proud of my eating. I just didn't feel like eating dinner so I had abagbof popcorn instead. I managed to stay within my 1,200 calories a day, but it certainly wasn't the healthiest choice. Oh well, I enjoyed it and feel like I had a huge indulgence without really doing any damage.


We have a fabulous store in the Northwest called Fred Meyer and they sell just about everything. They have what I call "Old Ladies' Day" on the first Tuesday where all seniors get a 10% discount not on their entire order, so tomorrow I shop. I need to stock up on food and I. mignt buy a couple of little blacks T-shirts if they have them on sale. They have a V-neck and are very light and easy to wear around the house. They also look good enough to wear out and about.


It's funny to hear about snow. It's cold here, but not that cold. My husband mowed the lawn today and I thought about pruning roses but decided to wait for a nicer day. I am such a whimp.


Mowed the lawn. We are removing snow just about everyday. Plus factor in single digit temps. Now that is cold. That store you have sounds like you can just about find anything that you may want of need.



I can remember when we all had to have those encyclopedias. Now as you said no one would ever use those ever again.



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I called Best Buy and made an appmnt for this afternoon, got up there with the "kid" and he pressed filters on the ipad, said Oh, I see what the problem is! The ipad was set for iphone only so there was no way it was going to connect. He changed that, I put in my password and it started to sync right away. It was so easy for him he didn't even charge me for doing it! So now I am wearing it and can see the totals on my ipad. Just had to get to the right person.


I asked my neighbor down the road if she would go with me to my sisters memorial service, supposed to snow and I'm not even sure how to get there. She said both her and her husband would go and they would drive. So how nice is that! Thinking of calling the dr and getting some xanax to help take the edge off. Maybe tomorrow call and see.


Got the driveway plowed again, there was quite a bit, like you say the sun helped melt what was left even though its only 6 degrees.


Was disappointed today, scale said 119, sure didn't want to drop down into the teens.


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Sharon, I figured if you could get to the store and find a kid they would take care of it all. They always find things so easy and we always find things so hard. At least you have taken care of the problem and are good to go now.


Well that is real nice that your neighbors will be driving you and going along so you do not have to be all alone. That will also be good if the Dr can write the RX for you as well.


It seems like we are in a real weather pattern for this week. I heard that snow coming in late tonight and snowing all night right into the morning. We are expected to pick up an additional 4-5". The morning commute will be crazy with many accidents I am sure.


You have an unusual problem with loosing too much weight. Perhaps when you talk to the Dr tomorrow you can ask them if they can give you something that will put weight on you. I am sure they will have something to help you out.



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i was able to get a prescription for some xanax, that should help me get through the service anyway.


Just had the driveway plowed again and now its covered, going to wait until the next snowfall though, getting expensive. As long as I can get through it and go where I want to.


Going to have either tacos or italian beef sandwiches tonight with the girls, it's one of their birthday. Roads are not too bad, probably be worse tomorrow.


Its all the stress, it just takes my appetite away, I know its not good health wise either.


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Sharon, we got an additional 6" of snow around here. Temps today were in the 20's. But once the sun goes down it gets much colder. I guess we could get a lot more snow over the weekend.


Beef sandwiches sounds good for tonight. They always put out good spreads and it should be even greater since a birthday is being celebrated tonight as well.


It is good that you were able to get RX to help you get through the service. Did you ask them about something to help you to put some weight on?


So we have the police academy tonight. A good friend of our's who is the district attorney will be presenting tonight. There will be no classes next week due to Valentine's Day.


The auto show starts on Friday. Bill already has senior discount tickets. We will just have to see how the weather is and how we are feeling to determine when we will be going.


I will continue to say prayers for you and your well being.



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Saw some previews of the auto show, always some interesting cars and features. I would like to go but too far away, lucky for you it's pretty close and easy to get to.


Well trouble with the prescription, Walgreens had not gotten it yet, so called dr office. They said something had happened and it didn't go through but they would try again right then, which was before noon . Stopped at Walgreens about 2:30 nope hadn't received it so asked them to call the drs office. Waited about half an hour and asked what they found out. Druggist said no reply from drs office. So looks like I might not even get it! The incompetence of some people is frustrating.


Nephew got up here and texted me if I wanted to come down there and get a room too so I would be sure and get there on Saturday. I told them no, but I would really try to get there. Guess it depends on the weather, not so sure I want it to clear up, would be a good excuse not to have to go. I know that's not nice but sure would take a lot of stress off me.



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Sharon, with all of the weather alerts it does not look good as far as the snow totals go. Around here the winter warning starts at 6 tonight and runs all the way into tomorrow night at 9. We could get as much as a foot or more depending on if it turns into lake effect snow. They cannot predict that.


Certainly we are much closer than you for the auto show. But when we go we will take the Metra Electric and that drops us off right at the show. We just have to take the elevator up to the concourse from the train platform. There is no way we would be driving.


I do not know if it falls on the side of your Dr or the pharmacy. But whoever it is they really dropped the ball on this. There is no way you should have not been able to get this RX.


It all depends on what time and how much we will be getting is what will determine on how our weekend will play out. Hopefully tonight into tomorrow when I have to leave for work will not be too bad. But into tomorrow may be the heaviest factor in the snow accumulation.


Be safe and stay warm.



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It started snowing here around 6:30pm came down quite heavy. Not sure but must have snowed most of the night. There is probably 8 or 9 inches out there. But by 7 am this morning it was all done. I got the driveway plowed about 9am and shoveled the sidewalk.


The drug store did call about 7 last night. I went up and got it not sure how much snow was going to be last night and today. I took a 1/2 pill which was 10mg and slept most of the night. More than usual so that was good.


Nephew was going to come and visit today but changed their mind and said they would see me tomorrow instead. Probably a good thing since they are not use to driving in snow.


There is supposed to be a birthday party for 3 people at the dance place tonight but not sure if its still on or cancelled. Will have to call someone and find out. Would like to get a ride with friends from town if its still on.



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Sharon, so did you go and get a ride to the birthday party last night?


For us it started snowing around 6 the previous night and it snowed for 12 hours straight. It stopped at 6 last night and we got about 18". Bill went out last night and for an hour and 1/2 he cleared away the snow. But was only able to do 3/4 as he ran out of gas. He will go out this morning to clear away the garage as we are snowed in and the alley as well.


So depending on how Bill does this morning will depend on what I will be doing today. If conditions are better in your area today, perhaps your nephew will come for a visit today. It was good that you were able to get the RX and was able to sleep as well.


Stay warm,



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No they decided not to have the birthday party because the roads were bad and one of them was thinking it was going to snow again.


It did snow again last night,about another 3 inches. My neighbors picked me up in their big truck at 8:30 and it did take us almost 2 hrs to get to Schaumburg where the church was at.

It was a nice service and quite a few did attend. Several really hard parts to get through. One was when all her friends from church kept saying how much I looked like her and the other was the hymns. She had picked out the hymns she wanted played and they were all really hard to listen to. One was Amazing Grace another What a Friend we have in Jesus. The xanax didn't work. Guess I should have taken more. There was a nice luncheon afterwards, really good food. Pizza, Italian Beef and Broasted Chicken for the main entrees.


It is supposed to snow again tonight another 3 or so inches. Have to see in the morning if I will be able to get to church or not. I do not go to any in town, so its about 15 or more miles to get there. Didn't go last week because of the snow so would like to go tomorrow if possible.


Hope you get to the auto show,


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Sharon, we are planning to go to the auto show today if possible. We did get more snow as well, it looks like another 5" on top of what we already have. Bill did get to clearing by our garage and part of the alley yesterday morning so I could get out. So he will be going out shortly to clear this latest snow away once again. We sure do have a lot of snow around here.


That was good that your neighbor came and picked you up and took you there. I am not surprised that it took so long to get there. But at least you did get there and safely. All in all it sounded like a real good service and even with the lunch to follow.


So we shall see once Bill is able to clear all of this away how we will be feeling. We will drive to the next town and then take the electric train down to the show. We will have to view the schedule and arrange what times we will go down and what time we will return.


Keep warm and be safe,



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We got another 5 to 6 inches of snow last night, too much to get out of the driveway to go to church. My guy came about 10, told him not to come till it quit snowing. I again shoveled the sidewalk. This is getting to be an everyday occurance!


Looks like we might get a break from the snow this coming week. That would be a good thing.


I ordered some choc dipped strawberries for my neighbors for Valentines Day, I am going to Rockford on Tuesday to pick them up, the delivery charge is way more than it will cost me in gas to go get them!


Thinking of getting my hair cut shorter, getting tired of looking at it and it doesn't seem to do what I want it to do anymore. If I do get it cut I will also get that purple streak that I have been wanting to get for several years, I mean why not!


Hope you get to the auto show, looks to be a good time


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Sharon, Bill said we got an additional 8" around here. So he went out to clear this bout away, and when he was finished he came back in and laid down for awhile. All this snow removal has taken its toll on him.


So since the trains only run every 2 hours on Sunday. We did not take the 2 pm train and went for the 4 pm train. We would have been back at 7:30, but we missed that train by 30 seconds. So we caught a train 2 hours later and got home at 9:30. We ate down there and had Connie's Pizza. It was not too bad. A lot of very interesting cars and exhibits. I did not think it was as crowded as it has been in the past. Perhaps due to the weather. Bill was surprised on all of the mountains of snow around here, as he was not out of the house since last Thursday.


Wow, I cannot believe that the delivery charge would be that much. So good that you can drive there and pick them up and save as well. I am sure your neighbor will really like that as a token for helping you out by driving you.


I have seen some ladies with the purple streak. Good for you if you do get it. It would not be for me though and I especially think that Bill would not like it at all. I go every 2 weeks to have my hair colored, and mine is white and very curly. It just got that way naturally after menopause.


I totally agree with you on this weather and all of this snow that we have gotten. I did hear also that by Wednesday temps could be in the 40's, and no snow forecast for this week. It will take a very long time to get rid of all of this snow.



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Kathy, my hair is white too but have been thinking about doing the purple for quite a while, not sure if I'll really go through with it but maybe.


Finally a couple of days without snow! Looks like the weekend will be good, Bill is coming in and we are going out to eat on Saturday.


Yesterday I went to the show and saw that Fifty Shades Freed. I saw the other two so thought I might as well see the last one. There were only 4 women in the whole show, went at 2:40 in the afternoon. I call it soft porn, ha ha.


Going to pick up the strawberries and go to the mall this afternoon. Will be something to do to pass the time. Tomorrow I have set up an appmnt for some new mastectomy bras.


The Epilepsy truck did come yesterday, he parked all the way down at the road and walked up with a hand cart. He said they weren't allowed to come up the driveway and that I should have put everything down by the road. I told him to bring the truck up there was too much stuff for him to have to haul that far, so he did. So many rules??



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Sharon, I agree that there are too many rules. You were never told that you had to bring everything to the end of your driveway. Since it is your driveway and you gave him permission, he could make life easier by driving his truck up to your house to make it much easier loading his truck. At least you finally found a good place to take all of your stuff away.


Yes, it is good that there is no snow in the forecast for the rest of this week. We certainly have a lot of it to get rid of. It will take a long time for that to happen. Tomorrow or Thursday, I can't remember, but the temps are supposed to go to the 40's and rain. So that should clear some of this stuff away.


So it was nice that you were able to go for a nice drive to pick up the strawberries versus paying a very high delivery cost. At least it was a nice day to go for a drive.


That will be good that you and Bill can go out for dinner on Saturday. It is also good that you are able to get out to the show as well. Only 4 of you in the theater, that was like having the entire place to yourselves.



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It is a beautiful day, in the 40's and there is some melting going on.


Went and got 3 new bras, SS pays for them so no charge to me. They also gave me a pretty carnation.


Don't know yet if there will be food at tonight yet, haven't heard. Was done to 118 this morning could use a nice big dinner, if I could eat it.


Had a good zumba class this morning, lots of girls there. Pretty soon will be too many to hold it at that place. Don't know where they can find something bigger though.


Happy Valentines day


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