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Sharon, that is good that your stock guy is considerate enough to take you and the other ladies out tomorrow. I agree with you on Bill's son. It just does not make sense to do it any other way. If not for taxes, it should be helpful for your IRA. It is called common sense. You have to take care of yourself, as the government certainly will not. Especially the older we get.


If Bill does do the work in the basement, that will be nice to have an extra bathroom. I would not know what to do with myself, if I had 3 like you do. The bathroom will be the last thing to get updated in our house. It was built in 1956, and the bathroom reflects that era. The basement is unfinished, so if he does that work, then we would be completely finished with any kind of upgrades to the house.


I completely forgot about Fat Tuesday. With all of the crap going on at work. I just haven't had the time to think about anything else. Not that I need any more fat. ha,ha. I do not like lent and fasting on Friday's, or eating fish.


Good point about those walk in tubs. You would get cold waiting for the water to fill and drain. A lot of people do not think of those things. Yes, this new tub has jets in it, like 8.


Finally a nice day today and finally making it into the 40's. Enjoy the rest of the day,




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Sharon, I was surprised to wake up to a dusting of snow this morning. Really not much of anything, but just enough to make everything slick. My friend who I go to yoga with is looking into another place for us to do exercises. This current place is a rented hall in a church annex and it is not run very well. This last class was only 5 weeks and the instructor canceled 1 and we canceled the other due to the weather.


Tomorrow we are going to see Safe Harbor, as that is the book I am currently reading. So that is a good thing for me. They are coming out to our area this time and we are going to a theater in Indiana versus the Orland Park area.


After my hair appointment I went and picked up our usual beef sandwiches. How was you lunch yesterday with your investor and the other ladies?


It is supposed to be bitter cold over this weekend. Stay warm,




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There were only 3 gals that went on Friday for lunch. Then he gave us each a small heart shaped box of Fannie May candy. Guess the other gals had to work.


Today we went on the bus trip with the bank to North Freedom, WI. Its just a small town of around 700 people a little past Baraboo, WI. We rode the Snow Train, only lasted about an hour, then went thru the train barn to see the other restored train cars. It was really cold and windy. We got home around 6 pm.


Tomorrow I am going to a zumbathon in the afternoon should be fun. Hope you find another place to go for some exercise.i

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Sharon, I have never heard of that town in Wisconsin. I have heard of the train museum in Wisconsin. But I never knew that is where it was. Anyway it sounds like you had a nice day touring. Was the bus full and did you have to leave early yesterday?


I know you have been talking about the Zumbathon for a while. So today should be a day with lots of people there and a lot of exercising. How far of a drive will it be for you to get there today, and are you going by yourself or is the other lady going with you? I hope we will be able to find another place that offers more of a selection of different classes for us to chooses from.


Today should be a full day for me. With meeting my friends to go to the show this afternoon and then we will go someplace for something to eat. I suspect I will get home around 6.


Have a good weekend and stay warm.




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Your day sounds fun, you'll have to let me know if you like the show and if it is like the book you are reading.


The zumbathon is only about 20 minutes from here and I am going alone. Might see some of the other gals from the zumba class there, I know our leader is going. Then I found a coupon for buy one get one free buffet up at the Grand Geneva so we will go there for a prime rib dinner tonight.


It is only 17 degrees here now and then when it gets later tonight will be even colder. It has also been flurrying all morning, but no accumulation yet.

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Sharon, I know that there was a real bite in the air yesterday with the temp and the wind. We were getting snow flurries on Friday night, but none on Saturday. That is no a very long ride to go to the class. How was your class yesterday and was it very crowded? I'll bet you got a real workout.


We all had a great time yesterday going to the show and afterwards to have a late lunch, early dinner together. I like reading a book first before I see a movie. That way I can compare from the book to what they have put into the movie. Of course there are two versions as the book is more in depth and the move has many embellishments. I would recommend you pick up the book and reading it and if you do go to movies, after reading the book, go to see the movie. You will not be disappointed.


Have a good Sunday,




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The zumbathon was real crowded and lasted an hour and a half. I only stayed an hour because it was very hot and on carpet. My legs got tired so I left early.

We went to Grand Geneva for the buffet for dinner. We had a 2 for one coupon so the price was right.

didn't go to the resort tonight, with tomorrow being a holiday for school kids we figured it would be too crowded.

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Sharon, I figured the Zumba would be crowded. Are they going to plan another? That is a good deal whenever they have 2 for 1. I agree with today being a holiday there would have been lots of kids around. It is very windy here today and with the wind it feels colder than it really is. I guess we could get rain later on today.


We really did not do anything yesterday. I have been down in the basement cleaning and trying to get rid of things no longer used. Either it is going in the trash or packing it for Goodwill.


Even though today is a Federal Holiday, it is a regular work day for us. As I have said in the past, we are lucky that we any get any holidays off the way this jerk is.


Have a good day,




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Very windy here also, and feels cold, wish it would warm up and not be windy for a change! Now it has gotten very dark, looks like it could either rain or snow. I hope it holds off for a while so I can get to the zumba class and back before it does anything too much.


Thats what I should be doing, getting rid of things, I heard someone say the other day they were also doing that so that their kids wouldn't have such a mess to deal with when something happens to them.

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Really bad day today for driving anywhere. Blinding snow white outs and only tracks to follow on the road. Wind is worse than ever. Surprising though all the ladies seemed to be at water aerobics. On the way home stopped at Kohls to pay my charge bill and saw they were having quite a lot on sale. I bought an orange sweater with some decorations around the neck.


Looks like we have more snow headed this way on Thursday!

Edited by timeormoney
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Sharon, what a change in the temps from where it was just a few days ago. It sounds like in your area you have gotten much more worse conditions than we have. Yes, we have had the wind but no snow. I have bunco with the girls on Friday at someone else house, and that is when we are supposed to get a lot more snow, at least for our area who have had none thus far. On Saturday I am going downtown on the train with my daughter and GD for shopping. I am not looking forward to do that. But the GD is looking forward to taking the train and to go downtown.


I had to leave the house early this morning as I had a dentist appointment to have my teeth cleaned and checked out. How is the Zumba going? It seems like the water aerobics has become very popular.


Stay warm and enjoy the day,



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We have a beautiful sunny day here but still very cold. Our driveway is covered with a couple of inches of snow, guess our plow guy figured it wasn't enough to do. We too are supposed to get more snow on Thursday night, now they are saying around 5". We have had such a nice winter too bad February is spoiling it for us!


Sounds like fun shopping with your family, the train ride is always an adventure for us too so I can relate to your GD.

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Sharon, from what I heard today that our entire area is supposed to get around the same as far as snow fall, around 5" like you said. So starting after midnight tomorrow and then Friday morning could be bad. But like you said we have been spoiled thus far, especially us who have had no snow. It is hard to believe that you have 2 " and we have nothing.


I would rather just drive, and Bill likes taking the train versus driving. The GD wants to take the train. I also will not like being out in the cold and wet conditions like they are saying. Of course I have to drive to bunco on Friday as well.


Yes, even though it is very cold out, it doesn't seem as bad when the sun is shinning bright. The jerk will not be in at all this week. As he will leave on Friday directly from STL to Orlando to be with his Mom. I will not see him until the following Friday. I love all of the sales and deals you can get at Kohl's.


Stay warm and enjoy the rest of the day.




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Sharon, bracing for the snow coming tonight. Do you have to go to Zumba tonight or are you going to the water aerobics this afternoon? Anything today should be OK for driving. Tomorrow is a different story as I am sure the morning will be bad for driving anywhere. I hope by tomorrow evening the roads will be OK for driving as I have a distance to drive and I will be out very late.


I have an appointment after work today and then afterwards I will go out to pick up our beef sandwiches. Monday we will be just across the street from the place we usually eat for 1/2 price night.


What are your plans for this weekend. Bunco for me tomorrow night and downtown on Saturday. Sunday, we will just be getting everything ready in the house for the work in the bathroom next week.


The jerk is supposed to leave from STL tomorrow to Florida. Hopefully with the snow storm he will spend most of the day at the airport. Bad, I know...




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I had zumba this morning, nothing going on tomorrow. We don't have any plans for the weekend either. Bill said he is going to bring home work so if we can't get out of the driveway or its too bad on the roads he will just work here. Hope they are wrong and we don't get as much as they are saying we will get.


Been a gray cloudy day and always feels so damp, the cold seems to go right through you.


Enjoy your sandwiches tonight and have fun tomorrow night if you get to go.

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Sharon, I know what you mean about the cold. Let's only hope they are wrong about the amount of snow that we will get. But tell that to the folks in the plans states who are getting it socked to them today. That is a good idea for Bill to bring things home with him. There is no need to go out if the weather conditions are bad. I hope the plow guy does not forget you this time around.


I would just as soon not go tomorrow. I have to pick up this other lady as well, and take her with. If the driving conditions are not good, it will not be fun driving. With working and just getting home to leave once again, no that is not fun at all. The other's are in a close radius of each other, or are in the general area. Only me and this other lady has to travel the longest distance.


Stay warm and let's pray for a better day for us all tomorrow.




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We didn't get as much snow as they predicted, hope you didn't either. We got about 5 inches and our guy came and plowed us out this morning. Right after he got done it started snowing again, and dropped about another inch.


Bill stayed home and is working on getting the tax information together. I shoveled the deck and the front sidewalk but that is the only shoveling I am doing. It was real heavy snow this time.


It seems like you, I am always the furthest one away from everything too! Hope the roads are good for you tonight.

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Sharon, we got about 3" of snow and that has been it. It has been overcast and cloudy all day. The roads are all clear. The only problem will be the fog as I do not see it lifting. Now there will be 3 of us going from here as one lady is not going tonight so the lady I have gone to yoga with is coming to my house an we will leave form there.


It is good, that Bill stayed home and is working form there. Also good that you were able to get plowed. Yes, even thought there was not as much snow like other areas got, like the other places in the midwest, what we did get was heavy. Good not to do too much.


So are you going anywhere tonight or do you have any plans for the weekend? Whatever you do, stay warm and be safe.




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The roads are all clear so we went out for fish dinner tonight. Got a text message from Bill's daughter saying his son was coming from northern WI, but haven't heard anything from him yet. Maybe tomorrow we will hear from him and go out for dinner at the Mexican restaurant.


No fog here, guess it didn't warm up enough for that.

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Sharon, I am glad that you were able to go out last night and that Bill's son is coming for a visit. I got home around 1 and even though there was some fog, it was not too bad. At least I had 2 other people riding with me to keep me company.


I am leaving around 10:30 to go to catch the train to go downtown today. A day downtown of shopping with my daughter and GD. At least the weather is not too bad today. I hope you have a good day and visit with Bill's son. Enjoy the rest of the weekend,




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We didn't have too much to do today so went to Menards to look around. We found and bought a smoke/carbon monoxide detector that also talked for $28.00. Ours had quite about a week ago and we had bought one at Lowes, but we paid $57 for it. He already put it up or we would return it! This one we bought today he will put in the basement. Then when we got home, I got on the computer and saw today was the day of the open house and free medical tests up at the hospital in town. It was bought by Mercy a few years ago and they have remodeled it and wanted to show it off. We had planned to go but forgot it was today.


Glad you got home without any problems last night, sometimes its good to have someone with you especially that late at night.

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Sharon, I am exhausted form running all day today. I just cannot keep up with the younger folks. I had to find a place to sit down at the Water Tower Place, and wait for them for a bit as they were going to a lot of different stores. The weather was not too bad and after we go off the train we were able to walk underground for some blocks until we got to some of the stores.


Tomorrow there is nothing planned. Except to just see if I can get some more organizing in the basement and to make sure I have everything done so we can just put our luggage in the car and when I get off of work, just go directly to the hotel. They are coming around 8 am on Monday to do the work for the bathroom.


I supposed tomorrow you will be going to the resort. Hopefully there will not be too many kids there so you can enjoy yourselves. Did Bill's son ever make it in for a visit?


Have a good day tomorrow,




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Sharon, we spent our first night in the hotel. We went to the hot tub last night and since the place is just across the street for 1/2 burgers, we did that as well. Just when I was leaving for work it started coming down in the form of freezing rain. The forecast is not good for today as far as weather goes.


The bathroom is completely torn out and they will be working all this week. We are staying at the hotel all this week until Friday as well.


I hope your area does not get as much as they are predicting today. Be safe and stay warm.




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Yes Bills son came down and we went to Hernandez restaurant for dinner on Saturday night. It was good to see him, only one other daughter and her hubby came with.


Sunday we went to the resort earlier than usual and it was great. There was no one else in the pool with me or in the hot tub with Bill. Then we went to a spaghetti dinner at a restaurant on the lake, it was a benefit for the Rotary Club. It was so very good, we were surprised. It was like angle hair pasta and the sauce was very good.


Monday night I went to zumba and had quite a workout, today went to water aerobics and that too was quite a workout. I can't believe I haven't gotten on here for several days, don't know what I was doing that I didn't.


When I was coming home today around 1:45 it was a beautiful day, then all at once it was like running into a brick wall. The snow came down in buckets and the wind was howling like crazy. I called Bill and told him to get home while he still could. The visibility was almost 0, very treacherous driving. Luckily he made it home, now it is still very windy but seems the snow has stopped. I had to shovel the deck, the snow was covering the dogie door and Tinker could not push it open.


I hope this is the end of it but they are saying the warning is until midnight and more snow tomorrow. Gee in a couple of days it will be March, time for some nicer weather.


Did you buy anything on your shopping excursion?

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