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sign and sail accnt CASH ONLY

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There is no reason to use cash instead of CC. If you lack the credit to get a credit card, then rather than cruise, you should focus on shoring up your credit and get your financial house in order.


What the heck kind of BS statement/reply is this? Where did you get off making assumptions about anyones financial status. This thread is discussing options for opening an onboard Sign and Sail account, using cash or credit cards. IF folks like the young folks traveling with us choose to use cash instead of a CC, that's their choice and has no bearing on their credit status or whether they should cruise or not. And not that it's any of your freaken business, but I paid for these folks to cruise and am helping them setup their S&S on board accounts, with cash and looking at options.

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what the heck kind of bs statement/reply is this? Where did you get off making assumptions about anyones financial status. This thread is discussing options for opening an onboard sign and sail account, using cash or credit cards. If folks like the young folks traveling with us choose to use cash instead of a cc, that's their choice and has no bearing on their credit status or whether they should cruise or not. And not that it's any of your freaken business, but i paid for these folks to cruise and am helping them setup their s&s on board accounts, with cash and looking at options.


You go girl...totally agree!

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I totally agree , you could not have said it better. I always use cash on my sail and sign. Has nothing to do with credit, I prefer to use cash , that way I have no statements coming in the mail after my vacation is over. I actually rarely use credit at all .... looking toward retirement and being debt free :)

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There is no reason to use cash instead of CC. If you lack the credit to get a credit card, then rather than cruise, you should focus on shoring up your credit and get your financial house in order.


This post is so ignorant that there is no reason to even respond to it. :rolleyes: I'm embarrassed for you. :o

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I,for one, thank you for asking this question and thanks for all of the replies. My grown son is sailing with us to Alaska with our 5 year old granddaughter and he has asked me if he could give me cash and be on our credit card since he does not use a credit card. Now I can tell him that he can just put his cash on his own account. Perfect! For all the cruises we have done before, this never came up before! My son does not use a credit card because his ex would search the house when he was not home, find the card or card info, and charge until she got caught. The only solution finally became cutting them up and not having one. So don't judge someone else's situation . . . you never know what might happen to you someday and then you will have to eat your words!

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Thanks for posting this girlscruise, we kind of like this option and will be looking into it!!


I love this option. I'm using it and slowly building my OBC up. There are several posters who will tell you this is silly and you should leave the money you were going to put on your account in the bank where it will gain interest. I'm fairly certain that the amounts of money we are talking about here, a few hundred dollars, ain't really gonna gain any significant interests. A buck or two maybe. So yeah, it's a great option. You know the money is there, and it's ready when you get on the ship. I love it.

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There is no reason to use cash instead of CC. If you lack the credit to get a credit card, then rather than cruise, you should focus on shoring up your credit and get your financial house in order.


My wife's credit score of around 800. Mine is right behind. I don't give your "opinion" any credence.


We just like using cash. It's very simple.

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Thankl you all for some great replies!! This forum responds quickly :) cash is so much easier and I don't have to deal with a big cc statement in the mail later. The way I see it, if you haved to charge everything to a credit card and don't have funds readily available via cash or debit, then we shouldn't be cruising we should be working.. although I get paid either way my husband does not. ;) can't wait to cruise and I've worked hard to save the money we will be using!! Here's to hard work and fancy smanshy cruises!

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This post is so ignorant that there is no reason to even respond to it. :rolleyes: I'm embarrassed for you. :o


Ignorant? hardly so, this is wisdom. If you have a credit card, then:

1) You don't have to worry about losing cash. It is never wise to carry large amounts of cash as it can be lost or you can be robbed. It does happen.

2) Credit cards allow the accumulation of points which can be used for different points. The airfare for my family to fly to FLL next week is free, paid with AA points, saving me $1400, money spent better elsewhere. Tell me, what do you get for carry around wads of cash or buying travelors checks?

3) Strange charges? Charges are always contestable and removeable. In fact, CC save $ as they have theft/warranty protection. My daughter has her 3 month old Ipod stolen (value $220), I had a $150 Timex watch fail after warranty and an Iphone 3G that failed just a few months out of warranty. My cc was recredited for the full amount of the items. Cash sure wouldn't do that.


So, there are two types of people who pay cash- those who lack credit or those who are ignorant of the benefits of using cc instead of cash. Saying "I just feel better using cash" is not a logical reason.

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Anyway... When I went on my cruise last month out of Miami I was able to put cash on my sign and sail card during embarkation. There are kiosks where you check in and they ask you what card you want to use. Instead of entering a card, you push the help button and it gives you more options, one of them being cash. Push the cash button and you can enter your bills right then. No trip to Guest Services. Quick and easy.

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Ignorant? hardly so, this is wisdom. If you have a credit card, then:

1) You don't have to worry about losing cash. It is never wise to carry large amounts of cash as it can be lost or you can be robbed. It does happen.

2) Credit cards allow the accumulation of points which can be used for different points. The airfare for my family to fly to FLL next week is free, paid with AA points, saving me $1400, money spent better elsewhere. Tell me, what do you get for carry around wads of cash or buying travelors checks?

3) Strange charges? Charges are always contestable and removeable. In fact, CC save $ as they have theft/warranty protection. My daughter has her 3 month old Ipod stolen (value $220), I had a $150 Timex watch fail after warranty and an Iphone 3G that failed just a few months out of warranty. My cc was recredited for the full amount of the items. Cash sure wouldn't do that.


So, there are two types of people who pay cash- those who lack credit or those who are ignorant of the benefits of using cc instead of cash. Saying "I just feel better using cash" is not a logical reason.


Well goody for you. How is it possible to "lose" money that is on your OBC. How can you get robbed of it? I know this is only a small part of your argument. But please inform me. My wife is a Financial Consultant. knows all about the perks of credit cards. We still use cash. Because, "We just feel better" about it. In no way, shape, or form, does that affect you. I know you're just trying to give advice, but you are coming off as condescending and arrogant, In my very humble opinion of course.


Do you have a stake in people using credit cards? You seem to because you are taking this very personally, it seems.

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Ignorant? hardly so, this is wisdom. If you have a credit card, then:

1) You don't have to worry about losing cash. It is never wise to carry large amounts of cash as it can be lost or you can be robbed. It does happen.

2) Credit cards allow the accumulation of points which can be used for different points. The airfare for my family to fly to FLL next week is free, paid with AA points, saving me $1400, money spent better elsewhere. Tell me, what do you get for carry around wads of cash or buying travelors checks?

3) Strange charges? Charges are always contestable and removeable. In fact, CC save $ as they have theft/warranty protection. My daughter has her 3 month old Ipod stolen (value $220), I had a $150 Timex watch fail after warranty and an Iphone 3G that failed just a few months out of warranty. My cc was recredited for the full amount of the items. Cash sure wouldn't do that.


So, there are two types of people who pay cash- those who lack credit or those who are ignorant of the benefits of using cc instead of cash. Saying "I just feel better using cash" is not a logical reason.


This is still a pretty close minded answer since there could be other reasons why people decide to use cash. I personally have a career in finance and decide to use cash intead of credit in different situations. I'm sorry, but it sounds to me like you only know two types of people in the world...:rolleyes:


To everyone else: Have awesome cruises...:)

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So, there are two types of people who pay cash- those who lack credit or those who are ignorant of the benefits of using cc instead of cash. Saying "I just feel better using cash" is not a logical reason.


While I'm not sure why people choose to use cash for their S&S sign card (unless of course they have no credit) and I seriously can't absorb why they purchase these funship dollars:p I agree with you as it is silly not to take advandage of the benefits of using a credit card especially on large purchases such as vacations if indeed you do have credit. If you have the cash to give Carnival you certainly have the cash to give to your cc company when you receive your bill....

Another $400 obc credit for us on our next cruise just from using one of our cards.....yeah......of course I guess I could have paid cash and did without the obc.....but why? No brainer for me too.

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While I'm not sure why people choose to use cash for their S&S sign card (unless of course they have no credit) and I seriously can't absorb why they purchase these funship dollars:p I agree with you as it is silly not to take advandage of the benefits of using a credit card especially on large purchases such as vacations if indeed you do have credit. If you have the cash to give Carnival you certainly have the cash to give to your cc company when you receive your bill....

Another $400 obc credit for us on our next cruise just from using one of our cards.....yeah......of course I guess I could have paid cash and did without the obc.....but why? No brainer for me too.


Cool, I love it when things work out for people doing things the way they like doing them.. Works our great for me and my wife using cash. So hey, we're all happy here right?.


It's all about personal preference, not credit ratings or lack of credit cards, that keeps popping up. Anything that someone else does that does not affect others, should not be a bother. But we all thank everyone for the very valuable advice on credit cards and their usage. I'll continue to use cash however I see fit. Have a blessed and glorious day ya'll..

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Cool, I love it when things work out for people doing things the way they like doing them.. Works our great for me and my wife using cash. So hey, we're all happy here right?.


Edit: It's all about personal preference, not credit ratings or lack of credit cards that keeps popping up. Anything that someone else does that does not affect them should not be a bother. But we all thank everyone for the very valuable advice on credit cards and their usage.


Actually we have a couple that cruises with us that does not have credit and has to use cash.......so sometimes it is about that. No biggie it is what it is........nothing wrong with that sh@@ happens....

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Actually we have a couple that cruises with us that does not have credit and has to use cash.......so sometimes it is about that. No biggie it is what it is........nothing wrong with that sh@@ happens....


Well, then I would suggest personal financial counseling for them, if they so desire. Their call on that one.


Ain't it wonderful getting along Diva? Makes the sky so much bluer and the birds so much chirpier..

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Well, then I would suggest personal financial counseling for them, if they so desire. Their call on that one.


Ain't it wonderful getting along Diva? Makes the sky so much bluer and the birds so much chirpier..


Actually I benefit from them......I pay for their cruise getting double points on my credit card and they pay me cash.......win win:D

In this economy you would have to be ignorant not to believe the reason alot of people use cash is because they just want to. Reality hurts sometimes........but it is what it is......nothing to get defensive about (note: I am not referring to dwayneb236 it seems he takes everything I say personally)....


Oh and I wouldn't advise them on their finances......they are big people....

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Actually I benefit from them......I pay for their cruise getting double points on my credit card and they pay me cash.......win win:D

In this economy you would have to be ignorant not to believe the reason alot of people use cash is because they just want to. Reality hurts sometimes........but it is what it is......nothing to get defensive about....


Oh and I wouldn't advise them on their finances......they are big people....


There you go again. again saying I get defensive. And I thought we were just having a nice normal conversation here. I'm not "totally" ignorant. I understand a few things about life and it's troubles. Thanks for the heads up. But I like to let people do what they feel they need to do, have to do, want to do. Again, affects me in no way whatsoever.


edit: we don't get along do we? hahaha

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There you go again. again saying I get defensive. And I thought we were just having a nice normal conversation here. I'm not "totally" ignorant. I understand a few things about life and it's troubles. Thanks for the heads up. But I like to let people do what they feel they need to do, have to do, want to do. Again, affects me in no way whatsoever.


edit: we don't get along do we? hahaha


Did I say YOU:confused: There I edited my post above so you will feel better:p

I have no control over what people do nor do I care.......

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Actually I benefit from them......I pay for their cruise getting double points on my credit card and they pay me cash.......win win:D

In this economy you would have to be ignorant not to believe the reason alot of people use cash is because they just want to. Reality hurts sometimes........but it is what it is......nothing to get defensive about (note: I am not referring to dwayneb236 it seems he takes everything I say personally)....


Oh and I wouldn't advise them on their finances......they are big people....


Awesome, it really is very entertaining sparring with you.

And for the record, I didn't mean for you personally to counsel your friends. I just stated if they were having financial issues it might be best for them. I know I had issues in the past and with some counseling, now I don't..

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There are many reasons people use cash instead of credit. Some people use cash because they have no credit or have bad credit. Some people use cash because they don't want to be in debt. Some people use credit because they have no cash. It is a personal decision and really isn't anyone's business. Yes, some people just prefer to use cash. The benefits of using a credit card to one person may not be beneficial to another. It's all a matter of personal opinion.


Some people may have excellent protection using their credit cards. What about the people who have been a victim of identity theft? Getting that mess cleared up on your credit card is only a small precentage of the problem. Have you ever had the pleasant experience of trying to get your credit straightened out with credit bureau's? It is a long, time-consuming pain in the butt!


I really don't think it's right for someone to down another for using cash. Their are advantages and disadvantages to both.

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