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Victory family cruise review June 12, 2011


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Now for the rainforest hike, it is recommended to wear some sort of water shoe. I chose Teva sandals for the hike and I do not feel that was the best choice.



We are hiking with Javin in October!:D What type of water shoes do you think would be better? Ive been kinda looking off and on, but dont know what to choose. Would love your opinion!

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If you look at my husband's shoes in the pictures, These did well. (he shows them in the aquaduct picture a couple posts back) Note: that's the one where I was standing and the rest of my family was sitting) They are the hiking shoes that can get wet. I bought his at Sports Authority. Of course, they have a ton of choices for Men, but not a lot for women. I believe his were Sport's Authority's brand and he said they worked very well. I think his cost approx 40-50 bucks.

I would look for a hiker boot or shoe. If you look at the bottom of a Teva, it is still relatively smooth, which is what probably caused my slip.:rolleyes:

I am so glad you chose Javin. He is an amazing guy! Are you bringing any kids? In hindsight, I am glad we only brought the 4 yr old and not both young kids. It was quite a chore making sure the little guy did not slip. Even my teenager slipped a few times. Of course, he's too cool for hikers, so he wore basketball shoes. NOT A GOOD CHOICE!

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Thanks for the review, Tigger! You're killing me though by not finishing it yet!


I recommend Merrell shoes for this type of hiking. They even make women's hikers! They have water specific shoes that are awesome. They fit and feel like a normal shoe but are made to be in the water, drain well, and have a good sole on them. I used them a couple years ago in the Dominican on a forest/waterfall hike and they were excellent.

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Great review so far! My girlfriend and I were planning on just doing a beach day in St Kitts but your review is making me want to call up Javin. A few questions-


Can you share his contact info or website?

How much is the tour per person?

If you want to be dropped off at a beach (South Friars or Cockleshell) will he do that (for a tip?) instead of the port?



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@ Gerry- sorry I haven't continued sooner! I am home supposed to be resting my butt, but unfortunately I have to try to entertain my little ones. It's been raining a lot in the Tampa area and they are BORED! I wish we were back on the ship. Camp Carnival was AWESOME!

Thanks also for the shoe recommendation!

@nchristo- Javin's web address is myislandstours dot shutterfly dot com

He charges $75 per adult and $55 per child for the full day hike.

He will tell you, this is your day and he will take you wherever you'd like to go. I believe he will take you to whichever beach you would like him to. The full day hike is 9-4pm.

I totally recommend this guy! He is wonderful!

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So we got to the beach to snorkel and as I said, no one was really there. We got our fins on and got right in. The coral literally starts right from the shore. (that's kinda weird) You swim quite a ways out to get to the shipwreck. I am a strong swimmer, but I am not strong going deep (plus I was going very slowly considering how much pain I was in)


After the shipwreck, I just snorkeled a little bit closer to shore. There were a lot of fish and coral formations. After we all had an opportunity to snorkel a bit, we headed to another beach-Cockleshell!

This was a nice beach. We were taken to the Lion's Bar. Javin actually was married here to his wife from NJ (she lives in St Kitts now as a teacher).

From here was a perfect view of Nevis!


The Lion's Bar


Cockleshell beach


Beautiful cloud covered Nevis

Of course, we bought Javin a beer!



My husband being a goofball! (he's 6'2")

We decided we would just relax here, I would say we had about an hour here! They have the bar here that serves food and drink. Everyone seemed to be having a great time here! There were massages on the beach as well.

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My son and I decided to get some food from the Bar. Again, It was awesome! Tip: bring cash as this little bar only takes cash. Our chicken meal was $15 and this was the cheapest meal. It was well worth the $15 bucks. I actually shared my food with my teenager and it was plenty for both of us. (well, me, at least!)


This was a place we we could hang out all day, it was soooo awesome!


My four year old took this place, quite unique!

After Cockleshell beach we were heading on our way back, but not before we made a stop for a KODAK moment. And Boy it was!


This is the one stop where one can see both the Caribbean sea and the Atlantic. The Atlantic is on the left where you can see the waves. Javin advises almost no one swims on the Atlantic side (except college students) as the current and undertow is very strong. This was a gorgeous view.


St Kitts is a gorgeous island, so majestic. This is where we decided we MUST return.

There also was a vendor in this area as well as a man with a monkey. I think many CC'ers warned of a man with a monkey at the port that offers to take a picture and then demands an outrageous amount of money for the picture. We did stay away from any monkeys at the port, but I figured this guy was ok. He let me hold Max and then my son held him. We tipped him a dollar or two and he seemed pleased with that!



Sadly, this was our last stop before heading back to the port. I cannot say enough how wonderful Javin was. He was a genuine guy and very professional. I can't remember if we paid at the end or beginning, but Javin provided a receipt, business card and flyer at the end. What a touch!

So we sadly said good-bye to St Kitts...After dinner, I spent the rest of the evening in my room trying to ice my tailbone. I was really upset this evening as I called room service at approx 11pm asking for a bucket of ice. I groggily tried to stay up for over an hour and a half and it never came. Thank god I had some prescription pain meds to help me tolerate. When I woke up in the morning, I promptly checked my front door to see if maybe I missed the ice and maybe there was a bucket at my door, but no bucket. I called room service and explained that I never got my ice and needed it for an injury...I received it within minutes. I guess I should have mentioned last night it was for an injury, but none the less, I was very upset, the one time I NEEDED room service, it never came!

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So good bye to St Kitts


And hello to St Maarten


This day, we were not sure what we should do. We knew we were going to have a beach day, but weren't sure where to go. We took my teenage son to Orient when he was 10 years old and certain images were seered into his brain forever. I am talking elderly full frontage and it WASN'T pretty! So having an impressionable seven year old and a four year old who has no mute button, I knew Orient would be disastrous. (Plus, the snorkeling wasn't that great when we went in 05)

So we asked the information lady at the port where would be a good beach to go to with kids. She recommended Dawn Beach and said it was the best beach for kids. So we got a cab and headed there. It was cheaper to ride with more people, so this day, we went with our new friends (another family of 5) and it ended up being $6 per person each way. What I didn't like about the cab was that he delivered us again to a particular person and restaurant on the beach. It's almost like we are their prisoners and we are expected to be with them only. So any way, we got an umbrella and two chairs from the "prison guard" and paid $15. We were immediately attacked by two ladies offering hair braids and jewelry. We were meaning to do my daughter's braids on this cruise (as we always do) so we decided to do it. We paid $2 per braid which seems to be the going rate. She did a crown and did 14 braids, I paid her $25, but I will tell you, she did the worst braids...She tried to include my daughter's bangs and then the short bangs ended up sticking up from the braids. No one has ever done that before and I was displeased, but as my daughter sat for over half an hour while everyone else was playing in the water, I didn't press the issue. We even had a lady later offer to fix her hair for free as EVEN she noticed they looked bad, we declined. And I also tried to make friendly conversation, but she wasn't a very pleasant islander. I asked her which side we were on-The Dutch and then I asked if she thinks the Dutch are friendlier than the French and her response? "Not really" OK, that ended my conversation with her...she was right, NOT very friendly!


I do want to say, I did not think this was the BEST beach for kids as the surf was pretty rough the entire time we were there. It may have just been the weather that day, but it did take a lot of coaxing to get my four year old in because of the waves, but eventually everyone got comfortable and enjoyed the beach.



It is a very nice beach, I must say, and it definitely was not crowded. There were also rentals for boogie boards and I am sure, other things. The kids had a blast boogie boarding.


There was only one or two stands there for food, but both required CASH only. My son and I walked to one end of the beach. There was a nice looking restaurant at a hotel that advertised that it was open to the public that took credit cards, but unfortunately it did not open until 3pm.

The reason I had no cash left is because we were of course, approached by people selling jewelry. There was this one guy who actually carried his entire bag of jewelry and beads, etc with him and if you didn't like what you saw, he could custom make jewelry right there for you. We ended up buying a few necklaces from him. He even gave me "free" matching earrings with my necklace! Yeah! (boy, these beach days can get very pricey after $30 each way for taxi, $25 for hair braiding and $40 for three necklaces and two bracelets, and a $7 guavaberry drink)

So, since we were hungry, we left by two to go eat on the ship. We also needed to get back because tonight was Coral's special night...she entered into the Camp Carnival Talent show!

Up next... The talent show

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So good bye to St Kitts




And hello to St Maarten




This day, we were not sure what we should do. We knew we were going to have a beach day, but weren't sure where to go. We took my teenage son to Orient when he was 10 years old and certain images were seered into his brain forever. I am talking elderly full frontage and it WASN'T pretty! So having an impressionable seven year old and a four year old who has no mute button, I knew Orient would be disastrous. (Plus, the snorkeling wasn't that great when we went in 05)


So we asked the information lady at the port where would be a good beach to go to with kids. She recommended Dawn Beach and said it was the best beach for kids. So we got a cab and headed there. It was cheaper to ride with more people, so this day, we went with our new friends (another family of 5) and it ended up being $6 per person each way. What I didn't like about the cab was that he delivered us again to a particular person and restaurant on the beach. It's almost like we are their prisoners and we are expected to be with them only. So any way, we got an umbrella and two chairs from the "prison guard" and paid $15. We were immediately attacked by two ladies offering hair braids and jewelry. We were meaning to do my daughter's braids on this cruise (as we always do) so we decided to do it. We paid $2 per braid which seems to be the going rate. She did a crown and did 14 braids, I paid her $25, but I will tell you, she did the worst braids...She tried to include my daughter's bangs and then the short bangs ended up sticking up from the braids. No one has ever done that before and I was displeased, but as my daughter sat for over half an hour while everyone else was playing in the water, I didn't press the issue. We even had a lady later offer to fix her hair for free as EVEN she noticed they looked bad, we declined. And I also tried to make friendly conversation, but she wasn't a very pleasant islander. I asked her which side we were on-The Dutch and then I asked if she thinks the Dutch are friendlier than the French and her response? "Not really" OK, that ended my conversation with her...she was right, NOT very friendly!




I do want to say, I did not think this was the BEST beach for kids as the surf was pretty rough the entire time we were there. It may have just been the weather that day, but it did take a lot of coaxing to get my four year old in because of the waves, but eventually everyone got comfortable and enjoyed the beach.



I have never been to Dawn Beach in St. Maarten. We always take the water taxi (to Phillipsburg) from the station that is right there where the ship docks. Once you disembark the water taxi in Phillipsburg, there is shopping for blocks and blocks, public beaches for blocks and blocks, with eateries along both the main street where the shops are (this street runs parallel to the beach), and along the wide "broadwalk" that runs the length of the beach. No need to go any further if on a budget--which we are. The water along these beaches is calm (unless there is a storm not too far out in the ocean). There are vendors roving the beaches selling anything from jewelry to straw hats to hairbraiding, etc. We have found the food along this stretch of beach to be relatively inexpensive, but being hypoglycemic, I never venture ashore without my granola bars or protein bars and glucose tablets.


Just an aside: The lady who offered to fix your daughter's braids may not have been inherently unfriendly, though, she may not have been keen on "friendly conversation" either since "braiding" might have been her main source of income. And having been turned down...well, she may have figured there to be no point in conversing. Remember, many in the islands are very poor. And, she may have been from the French side, so maybe that is why she said the Dutch side was less friendly. Whatever the case, I have really enjoyed reading your review. St. Maarten is one of my favorite ports.

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I do appreciate the feedback as I am SURE we will be back one day soon. I did see all the water taxis, but I thought they were mostly to areas to shop. I did not know that there were great beaches as well! Thanks

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I do appreciate the feedback as I am SURE we will be back one day soon. I did see all the water taxis, but I thought they were mostly to areas to shop. I did not know that there were great beaches as well! Thanks





Go to www.googlemaps.com and do a seach for "Philipsburg St Maarten, Sint Maarten, Netherlands Antilles" and then click on "satelite" in the upper right corner once the map comes up. You will be able to see the nice white sand beach in Philispburg that is adjacent to where the ship docks. Zoom in for a closer view, and than pan down, and you may see some cruise ships at dock.

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I usually do not read reviews until they are finished because I can't stand waiting. I started yours from the beginning... I was so excited when I got off work today and there was more posted! I am doing this cruise in October an love reading reviews to help pass the time. Thanks for taking the time!

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Great review!!! Sorry to hear about the coccyx and pelvic injuries, I can't believe you toughed it out on the rest of the St. Kitts hike, WOW. I work on an orthopedic unit and can barely move patients out of bed with these injuries without major painkillers!!

I was wondering in your opinion the degree of difficulty of the hike (again sorry about the injury)? My father in law is in his early 70's and is very active in my view. Not sure if this would be too much for him? How long was the hike in and out? Thanks in advance..

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Thanks to everyone on the positive comments, I've now been on 6 cruises and this is my first review. I wasn't sure I could do it, but now I wish I did reviews on my previous cruises! Oh well, from now on, I will definitely do reviews and just have to go on more cruises....oh bummer!

@IRONGUT99 I broke my pelvis majorly in 02 and I WAS in a nursing home for over 2 weeks until I could walk with a walker. Imagine a 24 year old in home full of elderly people. It was comical. I remember going to physical therapy one day and old people cheering for me because I completed a circle with a walker. AHHHHH, those were the days! I also was almost attacked by a lady with dementia and a slipper.:eek: THAT actually was pretty scary because I could not get out of a bed yet on my own.

This time, it was mostly the tailbone and a small pelvic fracture. BTW, is it possible to re-fracture the same spot you fractured before? I initially fractured the inferior rt ramus and it seems fractured in the same or near to the same spot?

Anyway, I digress...If your 70 yr old father in law is healthy, and fit, it's not that bad of a hike. The only worry, really, is the slipping on the rocks. And again, Javin will give all the proper safety instructions on how to walk the slippery rocks. (I REALLY don't know how I managed to slip):confused: The hiking portion is probably only about an hour and a half total.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is an awesome review. I love Victory reviews.... they bring back lots of memories. We are thinking of doing Victory again next summer like end of may first of June.... what was your weather like? We have only done the southern Caribbean in the winter and the weather is great since it is their dry season but just wanted to know what is was like when you were there. Again thanks for taking the time to do the review. They are fun to to read and write since they let you relive the trip while you tell the story and pick out pictures. Well done.

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