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Janet Foster

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Then we were taken by a bus to Mendenhall Glacier and we were given about an hour to walk around. It was very cool temperature and sight-wise…




There is no way to describe how huge this is. The picture below was taken with a zoom lense.




I bundled up; my husband just had on his windbreaker and said he was fine. If you just dress in layers you will be fine. The Mendenhall Glacier is really interesting and breathtaking. Be sure to go up to the visitors center to listen to the park rangers explain everything. This was so pretty.





After the tour we had to get back to the ship for our cocktail party that night. LOL








Ship arrived to port early, we had room service breakfast (cold and rubbery eggs).. But I didn't starve.


We walked to town (about 10 minutes) http://www.avis.com/car-rental/html/landing/alaska-rental.html and had pre-rented two cars from Avis (GET THERE EARLY by 8am, if you are doing this…) this line wasn’t long when we got there, but it sure was long by the time they finished with us. We drove up to Emerald Lake. It was a nice day. Before we left the ship we stopped by the International Café and grabbed some sandwiches that were premade. Bring zip lock bags to put your sandwiches in. Everyone always says you can’t take food off the ship but we didn’t have a problem with this at all. We also had a portable ice chest that we kept in our cabin and filled it with water bottles and ice and took that off with us as well.

We used the MURRAY’S GUIDE (google this) to help us with the sights along the way. 630.jpg


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Great Pics and Review.....:D


Were going on the Golden in November to Hawaii...Went to Alaska last year and Loved it.....


Cant Wait for more pics and posts....Did you go into the Casino?


Did you watch any movies on MUT?


One last thing, Your Theme Parties Are GREAT....Looks like you guys know how to have a Fun Time For Sure....




Thanks, Rene

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We brought walkie-talkies for each car so we were able to communicate easily. Be sure to bring your passports as you go into CANADA and need to present. It was windy in parts along the way and a good thing because the mosquitos are terrible. But not enough to make me not go! I did not get bitten. We had bug spray but didn’t have to use it.





We saw about three bears on the way there and two on the way back. Had lunch roadside at Emerald Lake.




Always have your camera handy. One bear was just standing out in the middle of the road. We turned the car back in around 3pm. By the time we got back to Skagway, more cruise ships had arrived and the town was PACKED. We wanted to go into the Red Onion Saloon for a cocktail but it was just too crowded inside. So we headed back to the ship. After all, it was cocktail party time… This was a good excursion for us as it gave us the freedom to stop along the way when we wanted. The total cost per person for the rental car with five (5) in a car was $27pp and the tank of gas was $5pp. So all in all this was an inexpensive excursion for us. The town of Skagway did not impress me as much as Juneau did.





They tell you to get up early this day so you don’t miss anything. My husband and I got up at 6am as we didn’t want to miss anything. Here is how I would have done this the next time. I would have slept in. All we really saw at 6am was the ranger boat dropping off the National Park Rangers. It was not anything I really needed to see. We hadn’t arrived at the actual Glacier yet… Now if you do not have a balcony then you might head to SKYWALKERS LOUNGE or reserve a seat in THE SANCTUARY. For us going up on deck would be fine. We had a champagne breakfast delievered to the room that we had pre-ordered the night before. The eggs were rubbery awful. The bacon was so undercooked, it looked like someone waved a BIC lighter under the bacon for about 15 seconds. The pastries were kind of hard. If you are going to get room service and you are as picky, then order the croissants. They were yummy!!! The orange juice was weak and the milk wasn’t as cold as I like.. but other than that it was great. HAAAAA… I ate the fruit, tried the eggs and believe me I didn’t starve to death but I am just telling you how it was.


We got dressed really quick because we didn’t want to miss anything. Our cabin was on the starboard side. Turn on your tv's because the park ranger’s voice also comes over the tv as well as on the decks. The park ranger tells you approx the time you will arrive at Marjorie Glacier. You will want to head up port side. It will be cold. Take your jackets, ear muffs, hats, gloves and bundle up in your layers. If you are warm you will have a great time. Saw lots of people totally unprepared for this. Saw some kids wearing sandals?? REALLY? There are people with hot chocolate carts, Baileys and coffee. etc.




If you are up against a railing as soon as the Marjorie Glacier arrives there will be swarms of people around you so get your spot. The glacier can be seen in the above picture off in the distance.


This was the most amazing thing ever. It is just indescribable. We saw the chunks of ice in the water…




Ship photographers follow you around like the paparazzi..




That will be another $20 thank you!



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When the captain stopped the ship it was just silence (except for some noisy kids that were running around) … the water was so still. Then the glacier would start to crack and it was really loud. Some of it calved.. which is when it breaks off. As it falls into the water it is like a sonic boom. Just amazing.


You only get the idea of how big this is, when you see birds flying nearby. Trying to get pictures of this calving was like trying to get the whale pictures.




We stayed put for about 30 minutes then the ship is turned around for the other side to view for about 30 minutes. Once the ship stopped the bitter cold went away and people started to peel of their layers. After the ship turned around we all went back down to our cabins to view the glacier from our balcony.


My poor husband. Everytime I would ask him to either “turn up the tv”, or he would answer the phone, make a drink, or go to the bathroom he would somehow miss the calving of the glacier. Figures…

We then moved onto another glacier called Lamplugh Glacier but it really wasn’t very active. As we headed out of Glacier Bay we were informed on the loud speaker of families of whales and sea lions. We tried looking for a mountain goat but didn’t see any. Most of the activity on the way back was on the starboard side for us. Again, keep those binoculars and cameras handy. Was a fun day. The sun came out and we actually just sat on the balconies looking at the views having cocktails.





Got a bit sun burnt this day. We had our 50’s party this night! Fun for sure.


One other exciting thing happened this day. We all were invited to participate in the UTLIMATE SHIP TOUR which was going to be on FRIDAY MORNING. We all had personalized letters delivered to our cabins.




We were looking forward to this!


After dinner we called it a night.. I think we all turned in early because we had been up so early. It was a great day!




This is really the best place to buy souveniers, I loved this town. All we did was walk around looking in the shops. The husbands were THRILLED. I saw lots of good deals in the OUTLET store and got all my take home souveniers from this port.





They had about five cruise ships in town. It was really a busy but cute little port. Not much time in it only. You see lots of float planes taking off and landing. If you can afford to do a float plane excursion I would do it here! We ventured over to authentic Creek Street Bordello to get some pictures, lots of history in this little town.




This town is also a favorite of mine so I placed this town as my favorite, Juneau as second and Skagway as third. The OUTLET store is the closest to the port so go see the sights and then stop back on your way as I found their prices to be the same as everyone elses and no need to carry heavy bags.


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Ketchikan is the Salmon Capital of the World.. Lots of people took a fishing excursion and here is someone's catch.




We were pretty tired when we got back to the ship and vegged out for a bit... just relaxing. Really were tired. Then we got our second wind.





Boy they make it too dang easy to get cash. You can use your cash in the slot machines or your can insert your Sail and Sign card and have money placed on your account at no charge. It is just like credit. DANGEROUS CREDIT. I can't tell you how many times I did the credit thing, but my husband sure can. If you win money you have the funds transfered back onto your card like CREDITS... if you want to cash out the credits you take your Sail and Sign card to the CASINO CAGE and they give you the cash for your credits. Real easy to do. The casino closes for good on the cruise at 2pm on Friday due to the ship getting closer to the states. So for this reason they close on Friday and you have to cash out your card if you have casino credits on it. My sister did pretty good playing video poker..She won about $750. I was playing a penny slot machine near the roulette wheel and hit a jackpot for $250. It was a good time for all.




Victoria, BC -


This day is Friday and our last full day of cruising. Our ULTIMATE SHIP TOUR was at 9am. There were 15 people on this tour. We met up outside of the Players Lounge. No cameras were allowed. The ship photographer comes along on the tour with us and takes group pictures at each station. We toured the theater and went on stage and behind the scenes, down in the dressing room, down in the pits. We also visited the laundry services and that was really interesting how they manage to get all that laundry done. We saw the medical facilities and learned about how they are able to take care of situations. We went into the galley and the executive chef Jeremy Snowden came out and talked to us about how they are able to make all the bread and soups, deserts, and how much food they bring on for a cruise. We went in a food locker that was 17 degrees below zero. We got to go to the engine control room, got to go where the anchors and ropes are located. That was something. Went into the print shop and saw how they printed all of the Patters and what they do if there is suddenly a change in events. We all were given a pad of paper with our names on it. Then we went to the photo lab and saw how they print off all those expensive pictures.


The last stop which was the bridge, was great. We were up there for about 30 – 45 minutes and the 2nd officer in command talked to us for a bit then the captain Vincenzo Lubrano came up and took a picture with us.




I thought he looked like Frankie Avalon. We were given champagne and caviar and were allowed to roam around. I would recommend this tour if you are interested in this kind of operation. We each were given plush robes and chef jackets. We also got five pictures of various stations like the picture we have with the captain. I had room for the robe and chef's jacket in a suitcase that previously held our party decorations so I was good to go.

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After the Ultimate Ship Tour we had to face the grim realilty of packing. Oh how I hate the going home packing part. Don't you? We all got our packing done pretty quick and then met up on the balcony for drinks. It got pretty messy out there after awhile.




We got to Victoria, BC as scheduled. Decided to go to town.




Once out to the parking lot we haggled with a guy about a limo for 2 hours. He took us pub hopping and for a quick tour around the city.


It was getting dark by the time we got back to the ship. We did get to ride by the Capital.




The ship was lit up and so were we. Very pretty. We will miss her.




My husband and I tried to stay up for sail away but we just couldn't manage it. So tired. So what happens? We go to bed and the next thing you know we are back in SEATTLE... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


The weather was misty raining. The weather looked as miserable as we felt.




We had pre-ordered breakfast the evening before. Edwin stopped by to tell us that we were smart to do that as the restaurants were PACKED. We ordered crossiants. We really took our time getting ready and had decided that we were going to leave our cabins at 9am instead of 8am as they wanted. We had later flights so there we no need to rush off. I will say this, when we did walk out of our cabins we walked right off the ship.

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Anyone want to buy a picture? If you bought anything on that last morning it had to be a cash transaction as all the Sail and Sign account were closed out.




We walked off kicking, screaming and crying....


Once off the ship we were directed to baggage claim.




The HAL ship had also just arrived so after we got down the escalator there were people directing us trying to keep us apart so we would not be looking for our luggage in the wrong area.


This was the worst baggage claim area I have ever seen. Took us forever to find all of our bags. It really helped that we had ribbon on the luggage handles.




Then the next fun thing we had to do was find a PORTER ... again. There were not many. Once we were able to get a porter he took us outside and again we had to go to the furthest end of the parking lot, but this time it was cold and rainy.



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Then we had to say goodbye to all of our friends.




I almost think this is the same guy that helped us in the prior week! This picture below gives you a good glance of both ships and the way their pick up situation is.




The cab line was terrible, the Shuttle Express bus holds you up until the bus is full. Same with Princess Transfers. So, if you need to get to the airport early then get off the ship early, otherwise you will be in this kind of situation.





Here is our ship... Looks a little sad doesn't it? Oh.. that's just us.




The sign is welcoming the next group.



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Aren't you supposed to look refreshed after a vacation?




When we got to the airport there was a long line to check in and go through security. Allow two hours unless you are first off the ship.


When we got to the airport, Rapper Lil Jon was traveling on the same flight to Vegas as my sister. He was recently seen on the show THE APPRENTICE. I got a glancing picture. Kind of like the whales, the bears and the calving of the glaciers. HAAA




Gosh by the time we got back to Dallas it was late. 10pm our time. We fell into bed. The hardest part was walking out into the 100+ heat with humidity. As my husband went to get our car I took this last picture of our sad little luggage..




We all had a great time on the ship. The service is really top notch. We enjoyed our cruise to Alaska and we are so glad we got this chance to go with these great cabins.


The weather was great, the ride was pretty smooth except coming back on Thursday it was a little rough and the hangers were banging in the closet but other than that it was really smooth.


Princess does a great job and I hope all of you that have kept up with me have enjoyed this review and most of all have a fun time on your cruise wherever it takes you!




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One of, if not the best review I have seen on CC in a long time. We sail next August and you made it a "can't wait to go" situation. We have been to AK twice before and this review and pictures brought back a lot of great memories. THANKS!

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What a wonderful review!!!! We have the same amount of minisuites & inside as you. Hopefully we can get the same upgrade!!! Thank you so much for the information on the Hampton.Sounds like a good one for us.


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This was a great review. I absolutely loved the party idea. What a great way to have fun with friends.

It is a great way to have fun with our friends that we don't get to see often. We spend a whole year paying off the cruise and planning all the events. The year went by so fast...

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I really enjoyed your review. We stayed at the same hotel in Seattle when we cruised HAL to Alaska in 2008. I loved that little supermarket on the next block!


I also loved your ideas of theme nights. What a great idea. You looked like you had so much fun.

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Great Pics and Review.....:D


Were going on the Golden in November to Hawaii...Went to Alaska last year and Loved it.....


Cant Wait for more pics and posts....Did you go into the Casino?


Did you watch any movies on MUT?


One last thing, Your Theme Parties Are GREAT....Looks like you guys know how to have a Fun Time For Sure....




Thanks, Rene

No, we did not visit MUTS. The weather was pretty cool up there in the evening and even though they give you blankets, some nights there was a cool mist in the air. I don't recall seeing a lot of people up on deck in the evening. There were people swimming in the pools during the days (mostly kids) the pools were all heated and I liked how the information channel on the tv would post the temps of each pool. The hot tubs were being used. We didn't put our bathing suits on once. The day that my husband and I had our couples massage we decided to go over and have a look at THE SANCTUARY. It was actually raining this afternoon (Sunday our full sail day). I felt sorry for the two employees who were there in THE SANCTUARY as it was just miserable cold. The chairs were all covered up. I can imagine that they look forward to the day when the ship returns to Hawaii..

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One of, if not the best review I have seen on CC in a long time. We sail next August and you made it a "can't wait to go" situation. We have been to AK twice before and this review and pictures brought back a lot of great memories. THANKS!

Gosh have a great time... I have the CRUISE BLUES so it's time for me to start thinking about our next cruise.

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What a wonderful review!!!! We have the same amount of minisuites & inside as you. Hopefully we can get the same upgrade!!! Thank you so much for the information on the Hampton.Sounds like a good one for us.


Oh that would be great if you can get the same upgrade.. They called us 10 days before sailing. When I went online, I could see that the category AA cabins were waitlisted... so I am sure it was easier for Princess to call one person (me) and move a whole group to free up all those AA cabins that they sold last minute.


The Hampton Inn, I would return because it wasn't a bad hotel it was just unfortunate that they were doing a refurb when we were staying there. It should be great by the time you go! Be sure to make your reservations early to get a good rate. Unfortunately we all qualified for the AARP rate. LOL

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