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A little dissapointed with an incident on our first cruise


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Very well said. Sadly, though, most customer service nowadays is NOT like you describe. CCL has always had good CS for me, though...which is why I love them...try dealing with a CS issue at Disney....uggggg!


I recently (in May) purchased a certificate for a local restaurant...paid @$10 to get $25 off, but had to get 2 entrees or something like that. Went the very night I bought the certificate and saw hand written notes posted on all the doors that said they no longer accepted these certificates. I went inside and showed them the cert and explained that I just bought it...they shrugged and said..."we don't take them anymore". I was SO mad. They should have accepted it and dealt with the company we bought the cert from...instead I had to go home and call the company to get my money back...now I will NEVER go there to eat...EVER...business lost.


I would be mad at who you bought it from. I am guessing a groupon type thing . Who says the company you bought it from had the authority to sell it. Maybe there was supposed to be a cap that the company never did. Also I rem a coupon book scam where someone printed books, sold them and most of the "vendors". Had not even heard of the company. So the resturaunt should have taken it and then tried to figure out who and how to get the money?

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A couple of year ago at a Casino i hit a machine for $850.00. The floor lady came by, chceked the machine for the amount, then asked me how i wanted it, my reply was 5 $100 bill and the rest in small bills. The attendent returned and payed me one bill at a time. After about 20 minutes I was paged to guest services where the floor manager asked me to count my winnings which I did, and I came up short $100. Long story short,the casino security people had watched the payout and observed the attendent short me $100 in the small bills. The floor manager appologised and gave me the $100..Not sure what happened to the attendent, the manager said probabely cost her her job, second time she had made an accident. Now as far as I ever thought thats how money reansaction are handeled. I think Carnival owes you the money, their surveillance camers should have been working and thenno problem who was right or wrong.

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It's easy to see how this can happen, too.

No matter where I am in line at the local convenience mart, the bank, etc, it seems that they are always trying to hurry me along.


I have just signed and taken my money and looked at the receipt later when being pushed from behind, so I can understand how it can happen.


I'm going to try to pay more attention from now on, though.

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So this employee concocted this scam to make a measley forty bucks? If they did this frequently it would be obvious, and they would be terminated. Most carnival employees I've met are foreigners with families to support. I highly doubt anyone would risk their livelihood over such a small amount of cash, especially when they're under video surveillance. All signs point to the op being at fault.


if you think they are only getting 40 bucks, you are sadly mistaken. most embezzlers just attempt to poke holes in systems to look for security breaches. once you find one, the syphoning starts.


look up embezzlement in your free time.

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I'm not accusing the OP of this....


but if every time a customer cries foul, carnival gives out an OBC, then they would go broke quick. The too many deceitful people in this world that would take advantage of others and make things up to get free stuff.


especially if someone posts here that they got money back just by complaining.


there are reasons receipts exist. and the signing of such.


this whole issue would be and should be dismissed in a blink of an eye.

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I'm not accusing the OP of this....


but if every time a customer cries foul, carnival gives out an OBC, then they would go broke quick. The too many deceitful people in this world that would take advantage of others and make things up to get free stuff.


I'm sorry it happened, but ultimately it is a mistake that fault cannot be proven either way.


Life is not fair all the time and some time we just have to learn to live with the outcome.


No company should give any customer the run around....and this has been reported on here several times regarding the guest relations desk......that being said a small gesture when they first reported it will not break any company......making them come back several times then telling them there is nothing they can do........is not a professional thing to do regardless if they are a multi million dollar company or a mom and pop business........

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I dont' blame the OP for not using "credit" persay... If I had my way we would have no credit card debt (but we do :( unfortunately) .

However... we usually hook our sign and sail up to our debit card, knowing whats in our bank account, and just be careful. The OP obviously had a debit card as they took money out of the ATM... so why not just hook that up....


I've been adding $$ to my S&S account via funship dollars. I don't want to use credit at all, and I've heard that a hefty and long hold can be put on debit cards when attached to S&S account, which would really mess with my off board spending.

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Cash is becoming an "albatross" in the world. (Extinct). .


Albatrosses are not extinct. They are alive and well. An old saying equates an albatross to bad luck or penalties paid, based upon "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" where one of the characters killed an albatross and had to wear the dead bird around his neck as a penance.


Perhaps you were looking for the word "anachronism", which means something very much outdated and of limited use in today's world?

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Why can't Carnival just refund the $40 (insignificant to Carnival), let the customer be happy, and let the employee keep his/her job, but give him/her a reminder to be more careful about money?


I have to disagree. If word gets out that you can just tell Carnival that they short-changed you (without any proof) even though you've signed a receipt, and then they give you your $40 back and apologize for your inconvenience (when the odds are very high that either you either miscounted, lost part of the money or even spent part of the money without realizing it or without your spouse's knowledge and then claim you were overcharged to keep from getting in trouble with the spouse ----and if drinking had occurred, the odds go way up that such a situation may have been the case); then, in that type of scenario, you will invariably brag about how you were forceful enough to get Carnival to give you $40 and then others who hear that story will try the same thing and lie about what they received and Carnival will give them whatever amount they claim back, even though the receipt says otherwise. If that happens with a $40 amount 1000 times each week on all the Carnival ships (almost 20 at this point?) combined, Carnival has lost $40,000 a week, which is not inconsequential.


No business can really afford to set that kind of precedence. It's like if I went to the supermarket, bought my groceries and then went back and claimed they overcharged me $50, even though the receipt says otherwise. Should I and everyone else who tries to do that, get our money back just to make us happy?

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I think it's your fault, OP. One of the lessons I learned about money is that you always count the cash and watch it counted by the other party. Whenever I go to the bank I always count and recount my cash before handing it to the teller. Or, if I'm withdrawing from the ATM or from the teller, I stand there, with my cash lowered so no one can see it and I count it. I do the same at the store and every place else. It's always better to be safe than sorry. A few years ago I was asked to deliver some cash to a family friend, I stood there while she counted the money right in front of me, turns out, the cash was actually less than the amount she was supposed to receive. A simple mistake was the cause and everyone understood. It's cases like that and the one you stated above which reminds me of that golden rule of exchanging money.


Just feel better that it's $40 and not $400, as someone else stated.

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I have to disagree. If word gets out that you can just tell Carnival that they short-changed you (without any proof) even though you've signed a receipt' date=' and then they give you your $40 back and apologize for your inconvenience (when the odds are very high that either you either miscounted, lost part of the money or even spent part of the money without realizing it or without your spouse's knowledge and then claim you were overcharged to keep from getting in trouble with the spouse ----and if drinking had occurred, the odds go way up that such a situation may have been the case); then, in that type of scenario, you will invariably brag about how you were forceful enough to get Carnival to give you $40 and then others who hear that story will try the same thing and lie about what they received and Carnival will give them whatever amount they claim back, even though the receipt says otherwise. If that happens with a $40 amount 1000 times each week on all the Carnival ships (almost 20 at this point?) combined, Carnival has lost $40,000 a week, which is not inconsequential.


No business can really afford to set that kind of precedence. It's like if I went to the supermarket, bought my groceries and then went back and claimed they overcharged me $50, even though the receipt says otherwise. Should I and everyone else who tries to do that, get our money back just to make us happy?[/quote']


Oh man... Are you forgetting this is the good 'ol USA where common sense never prevails but the squeeky wheel ALWAYS gets the grease regardless?? What ARE you thinking?? Come on! It's 2011, personal responsibility is OUT!

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Oh man... Are you forgetting this is the good 'ol USA where common sense never prevails but the squeeky wheel ALWAYS gets the grease regardless?? What ARE you thinking?? Come on! It's 2011, personal responsibility is OUT!


Yes only in the U.S.A. NEVER anywhere else:rolleyes:

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I have to disagree. If word gets out that you can just tell Carnival that they short-changed you (without any proof) even though you've signed a receipt' date=' and then they give you your $40 back and apologize for your inconvenience (when the odds are very high that either you either miscounted, lost part of the money or even spent part of the money without realizing it or without your spouse's knowledge and then claim you were overcharged to keep from getting in trouble with the spouse ----and if drinking had occurred, the odds go way up that such a situation may have been the case); then, in that type of scenario, you will invariably brag about how you were forceful enough to get Carnival to give you $40 and then others who hear that story will try the same thing and lie about what they received and Carnival will give them whatever amount they claim back, even though the receipt says otherwise. If that happens with a $40 amount 1000 times each week on all the Carnival ships (almost 20 at this point?) combined, Carnival has lost $40,000 a week, which is not inconsequential.


No business can really afford to set that kind of precedence. It's like if I went to the supermarket, bought my groceries and then went back and claimed they overcharged me $50, even though the receipt says otherwise. Should I and everyone else who tries to do that, get our money back just to make us happy?[/quote']


Just to add in...we don't drink. We don't overspend and we are very careful USUALLY. For some reason we didn't feel the need to be which once again I will admit IS VERY STUPID.


On a seperate note I keep reading over and over how we were at fault. Which I have stated over and over we should have been more careful so yes it is our fault.


Once again..I posted this to vent on this forum and see if there was anything else we should do or just forget about it.


I could see if I posted about how horrible Carnival, how crappy their customer service is blah blah blah, that I would be getting the reactions of how dumb we are, how "amature" we are or how careless we were.


Let me say it one more time. We had a great cruise EXCEPT for one minor thing which was this situation. We did not let it ruin our cruise. Will we cruise again? YES we will. If anything came out of our issue it is to remind people in the future to be more careful and double check your receipts.


Anyways I'm done posting about the issue..I got the info I needed and all points were taken.


Thanks again to everyone for their input and HAPPY CRUISING!

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So sorry that happened to you on your cruise. But thanks for posting and making me aware that I should check my receipts before I throw them in my purse (which I always do:o).


You may have lost $40, but you also may have saved a bunch of us from doing the same. Thanks!


Agreed & thanks to the OP. Normally I do check ALL my receipts no matter how I pay, but this being our first cruise as well the excitment "might" have me not paying attention the way I should, but that definitely won't happen now.


You make a great point about checking receipts. We boarded the Glory on 6/13. While waiting for staterooms to open we headed to the Red Sail. I ordered a Diet Coke from a bar waiter there. He brought me the soda and handed me back my sign and sail with two receipts. The first was a receipt for $225.00! A very expenisve Diet Coke, even by cruise ship standards. The second was the correct receipt. The waiter explained that he had made a mistake and that the $225.00 would be removed from my account by the end of the day. It was.


Here is my point........ I did not notice the error! I was people watching. I was excited to be on the ship. I was engaged in all kinds of other things and not paying attention to the delivery of a Diet Coke.


The truth is......I would have signed what he handed me without even reviewing it. If he had not taken the time to explain his error to me, I would have signed that receipt. Lesson learned.


I have never really looked at reciepts on cruises. DH and I review the sign and sail receipt at the end or check our account on the TV. (Only when we are concerned we are spending too much, truth be told). We go into some kind of "let it be" mode and never really look.


No more.


Question: when you order something from the bar & charge to you S&S account, do they detail whatever you ordered on the receipt?

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Question: when you order something from the bar & charge to you S&S account, do they detail whatever you ordered on the receipt?


Your receipt that you sign will show what your purchased along with the gratuity.

Your sail and sign account will only show which bar your purchased at and the total amount.......

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ok here's a question. as the op states "we told the guest relations person we would like to put $200 on our account". assuming the guest relations person heard this and then proceeds to count only $160 don't ya think he/she should have said wait a minute there's only $160 here and not just write the receipt for $160 knowing that the op thinks he/she is putting down $200?

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My brother once got an extra 20. (no sorry, not your cruise ;))

And guess what... surprise, surprise...


he kept it.:rolleyes:


lol. under normal circumstances, i return it if i notice it.


but i remember one visit to white castle, and the girl behind the counter was more interested in conversing than attending to me. i gave her a 10, and she gave me change for a 20. she needed to learn a lesson. chump change, but i hope she did.

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OP I can relate to your story, only this happened at a bank. Mine however, had a happy ending. I was in the process of transferring monies from one bank to another. I was on a break so I was a bit rushed. I was almost positive the teller gave me the correct amount, so I rushed to my other bank across the street. Teller at the other bank tells me she is not coming up with the same figure that was on my desposit slip. It was a $100 difference. I felt sick to my stomach but the manager said he would have the teller recount her til and give me a call.


Meanwhile I went back to the other bank to make sure, and they recounted the teller's til twice. Both teller's tils where correct, or so I was told . . . until I came in the office on Monday morning and there was message left from the original bank stating . . . they made an error :eek:. I had written off the $100. While I was happy it was the banks error, I have learned a true lesson. No matter how much of a hurry I'm in, I will be counting my monies prior to leaving in front of the teller.

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