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Surprise trip for Daughter - Conquest 6-26 - Lots of fun - Pictures & Review


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Carolyn - I have enjoyed your review so much. I did respond about my mom and have enjoyed your trip with Rae. Just wanted to tell you that this is ironic but my granddaughater just returned from Pine Cove Camp, but the one outside of Columbus. also my cousins Little League team (13-14) yr olds just won the East Texas Championship in Tyler and gues where they will be playing next? the Southwest Regional Tournament in Midlland. If they win this tournament they will go to the World Series in Michigan. I am so proud of them as their coach was our youngest sons coach in HS.

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Where does Ecstasy sail out of right now???



Right now she's in Galveston, she does a stint in New Orleans in September I believe before moving to her new homeport of Port Canaveral.

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Opening night of Hairspray was fabulous..

Rae was awesome.


Thank you guys for all of your support...

Thanks for reading...

Hopefully a post today..



I am glad that they had a great opening night show. I used to do Musicals when I was in High School. And I loved it.

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Key West!!!!

Cruise on down the A1A...


So, I'm packing...


Yes, That's where I am...


I got all the dress bag done, the souvenir bag done, Then I tackled mine... Yes, It's done, well you know except for those necessities... Now time for Rae's bag... It was easier then I thought too... We're done... We're packed enough to enjoy the whole sail day tomorrow in the sun...


Time to get ready for dinner. I had already showered and after packing I sat outside on the balcony and just enjoyed life... I totally forgot about what time it was and about Rae...


As I was sitting outside I forgot that Rae didn't have her Sign and Sail Card... No big deal... Except she couldn't get in...


So I'm out on the balcony enjoying the peace and quite and watching the world go by...


Then bam I hear the glass door to the balcony open...


"I've been knocking and knocking and knocking on the door!!!!"


"Didn't you hear me???" said Rae..


"Well no, if I did I would have opened the door for you, silly!!!" I said...


"I finally found Hari and he let in!!!"


"Oh, I'm so sorry, I was just enjoying the world going by!"


"Well, your here now... Yes!!!!" I said, "time to get ready for dinner..."


So off she went to the shower...


Then she hollers at me, "Mom come here... Look!!!!


Remind you she got her Henna today in Key West and she didn't remember the instructions but did remember, don't get it wet...


So here she is in the shower... With her foot hanging out...




Our nice clean bathroom...




We always had water everywhere.... I mean everywhere...



Time for Dinner...


I will say Dinner was probably one of our favorite things to do...

Our table family was so much fun and our waitstaff was the best... I also think the food was fabulous... Now we are good ole West Texas girls that loves Good ole West Texas food... Steak, fried chicken, chicken, Potatoes, well you get the picture... We're not really fancy eater's - No Lamb - Not alot of Fish and Sushi well NO... Thank you though...

although Rae's had it a few time...:rolleyes: She says it's ok...


So our dinner meals are very simple, we either ate Steak or Chicken nearly... We did try a few thing becuase we knew if we didn't like it we could send it back...


Time for dinner...



So Rae was being really silly with Juan Carlos and told him she just wanted French Fries tonight...


So here they are...




So, I didn't get any more pictures of food... and I didn't get any pictures of our desserts... Rae and I both had the steak... If I was a betting person, I would bet that we had Shrimp cocktail and Chocolate Melting Cake...


More to come...

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Key West!!!


Cruise on down the A1A...


Party time...


I just love when the waitstaff dances... Expecially our waitstaff... They were so much fun...






Mom and Rae getting into it... Rae always does, but not mom..








More to come...

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Opening night of Hairspray was fabulous..

Rae was awesome.


Thank you guys for all of your support...

Thanks for reading...

Hopefully a post today..




That is so great!! She sounds like such a talented young girl! You have done well mom! ;)

Looking forward to the rest of your review!

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Key West!!!


Cruise on down the A1A...


Now I know why we didn't have any dessert pictures...

It was Christy's Birthday and we had Chocolate (YUMMY) Birthday Cake...








The birthday cake was FABULOUS!!!!!!!!

Very YUMMY!!!


After dinner we headed back to our room...

And this is who we found in our room...




He's cute...


So back to a funny....


Remember when we were in the Rozy store in Key West and the young lady asked Rae if she wanted to try on the shirts....


Well this is why...




We didn't notice that it was an open back shirt... You would think that we would look over the shirt completely... Although it turned out really cute on her... But wasn't to ssure about it at first...


More of come..

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It's time for Karaoke!!!!


Rae is so excited... She loves this...


Karaoke is back in Alfred's.... This is the best place for it...


One of the coolest things on this ship was a group of Down Syndrome people... They were having a blast... One of the young men loved to sing, Acky Breaky Heart during Karaoke... Well of course he was so excited to sing it and he wanted Kenny to sing it with him...






He did so goood.... The best thing about it is that he had such a blast doing it. That's what was important... Loved it...


Mom and Rae...




Rae's turn to sing...

She sang "Forget You" the clean version...


Again, pictures are blurry because I'm holding 2 camaras...








More to come...

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Key West!!!


Cruise on down the A1A...


Now I know why we didn't have any dessert pictures...

It was Christy's Birthday and we had Chocolate (YUMMY) Birthday Cake...





yay so glad you posted this pic...I ordered Chelsi a cake her b day to be delivered on Elegant night....and this pic show what it will look like!!!

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I hung out for awhile but decided I'd let her hang by herself... Big step for me... It's really hard to just let her go...


I left the camara with her so she could get really fun pictures of her new friends...


Here's Rae and Forrest...






Trenton didn't show up tonight, Forrest said he was mad at Rae... Not real sure why, but Rae said something to the fact that she didn't want to settle down with just one boy... She just wanted to have fun hanging with everyone and that made Trenton mad....


So... I really don't think she saw him the rest of the cruise... He was such a sweet kid... But... She just likes to have fun with the guys...


Forrest Sings...






Rae hung out until 12:00 with a bunch of people she didn't take any pictures... but had a blast...


When I left her, I went back to our stateroom and watched a little tv, not much on... NO BASEBALL... I'm a huge Texas Rangers fan and was really missing ESPN highlights of my Rangers or just watching them.


I crashed early and she came in and she crashed...

Guess What...

End of Day 6...


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I've been reading your review the whole time but hadn't chimed in yet...Just want to say you're doing a great job with the review and you and your daughter are lovely! Maybe my dd and I will take a mother/daughter trip one day. I know we'd have as much fun as the two of you do! But...I know I'd never hear the end of it from her brothers you know how it goes "Why does SHE get to go", blah, blah blah...Wait, maybe I'll plan a dad/son trip for them and one for me and her! Now there's an idea! Although we do travel alot as a family, so no one can complain about that. Anyway, thanks for sharing your trip with us! I'm sad to see it end.:(

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Key West!!!!

Missed Sail in...

Starboard side... :(

No breakfast.

Down to Deck 1 - Key West here we come.


Ron Jon's


Puppies new collars...

Lunch time...

Cheeseburger in Paradise...

Rum Daiquiri - Yum Yum...

Key Lime Pie

Chocolate Cake

Taxi ride

Fort Zackey Taylor Beach

Disappointed... To rocky...

Taxi Ride


Toe Rings - Successful

Walking around

Back on Ship

Sail Away...

SO SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last Port

Watched the world sail by

Successful packing.


Birthday Cake - So glad we got to join in.

Karaoke - again...

Trenton upset...

Early night for Mom

Late night for Rae...

So Much fun!!!!!!

Key West was the Best....

Want to go back again, find a better beach...

Conclusion of Day 6 - :(

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Sail Day...

Sleep in, YES!!!! We get to sleep in, I know Rae loved that... I got up around 9:00, Wimbledon final for ladies was on tv and I didn't want to miss that and I really didn't want to wake the princess... So I turned it on really quitely to see the score...

I remember growing up and being on vacation with my parents and they would get up early turn the tv on loud blast and just start talking. So as a teenager I didn't think that wasn't very nice of them because I really wanted to sleep plus we didn't have anywhere to be so why did they have to turn the tv on and talk...

So I thought out of respect for Rae and her need for sleep, I gathered my coke, sunglasses, my book and bunjie cord and out on the balcony I went. I hooked the door open but pulled the curtian all the way closed so I could go in and out if I needed to to catch the score of the tennis match... and there I sat... I really don't even think I read... It was just so nice to sit and watch the world go by...

More to come...


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Sail Day...


Sleep in, YES!!!! We get to sleep in, I know Rae loved that... I got up around 9:00, Wimbledon final for ladies was on tv and I didn't want to miss that and I really didn't want to wake the princess... So I turned it on really quitely to see the score...


I remember growing up and being on vacation with my parents and they would get up early turn the tv on loud blast and just start talking. So as a teenager I didn't think that wasn't very nice of them because I really wanted to sleep plus we didn't have anywhere to be so why did they have to turn the tv on and talk...


So I thought out of respect for Rae and her need for sleep, I gathered my coke, sunglasses, my book and bunjie cord and out on the balcony I went. I hooked the door open but pulled the curtian all the way closed so I could go in and out if I needed to to catch the score of the tennis match... and there I sat... I really don't even think I read... It was just so nice to sit and watch the world go by...


More to come...






First of all I think that that is very nice of you. I never had that issue because I was always the one up early. Never been one to sleep in.


Second I love to watch the world go by.

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When I left her, I went back to our stateroom and watched a little tv, not much on... NO BASEBALL... I'm a huge Texas Rangers fan and was really missing ESPN highlights of my Rangers or just watching them.


The Rangers are in Toronto this weekend and I'll be at all 3 games. Can you tell I'm a Jays fan by my SIG? haha:D

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I just wanted to say what a beautiful review you have here. I literally sat here from 11:30pm until now(2:55am) reading this review. :eek: It was great! My mother and I have a very similiar relationship for very similiar reasons. She was adopted by my great-aunt and didn't have the best releationship with her biological mother. So aka I'm spoiled rotten!;) In fact so she is going with my hubby and I on our vacation next year(seperate rooms of course!;))

I was really intrigued about your take on Atlantis. I am sailing the Dream in September 2012 and the primary reason my family chose this itinerary (sp?) was due to the fact of Atlantis. I personally didn't see the hype. I mean I love waterslides and such but the expense of it makes me second guess it. I wouldn't mind going to the Aquarium, but it's soooooooooo expensive!:eek: I'm with you as for the shopping. Give me a straw market anyday. :DIt was nice to see a more in depth review of Atlantis.

I know my mom is excited about Atlantis but she only wants to go to the Aquarium. I wonder if there is a way we can do that without paying $100s?

Key West looks awesome! I wouldn't mind just flying into Key West for a nice 5-7 day vacation.

Looking foward to the conclusion.


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The ecstasy soon over Galveston then 9/22/11 she moved to NOLA not much long until nov 2011 she moved o PC from FLA.


Right now she's in Galveston, she does a stint in New Orleans in September I believe before moving to her new homeport of Port Canaveral.


Thanks for the information...

I didn't think about her being in Galveston, I just thought Conquest was there... Great itinerary... Great Price too...



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Thank You for sharing your wonderful trip with us!!! You and your DD should come on the Jan 1, 2012 on the Magic.....we have a big group going, and I have 2 of my DD's and my Grandbaby. DD's are 27 and 17. I'm so excited!!!


Thank you for reading.... Jan. 1, would be so much fun, but DH and I are looking at sailing the day you come back... Jan. 8th on the Magic... We need a vacation together. He works so hard and doesn't have any vacation til then so we are planning on maybe going then... You DD 17 and Rae are the same age... They would probably have so much fun....

Have you ever sailed in January...

I wonder how the weather will be????

Thanks for reading.




I bought a duffle bag a few years ago that founds up and zips to about 8in x 10in x 2in it goes right into my suitcase so that I have something for my dirty laundry..then my souveniers go into my suitcase.


I don't know that I will be taking it this time since we are flying. I don't want to have an extra bag to come home with because then I have to pay for it..LOL.


Duffle bag is a good idea... Expecially if your driving..

How many more days for you...



I have been following your review from the beginning. Great Job, this is one of the best reviews I have ever read. I have a daughter who is 13 and I really hope when she gets older that we are close and she will want to take trips with me. Thank you so much for allowing us to follow along with you on the journey.



Thank you so much for reading.... It's been so much fun to write... We have so much fun together... You will to... You have to make it happen...


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Thank you for reading.... Jan. 1, would be so much fun, but DH and I are looking at sailing the day you come back... Jan. 8th on the Magic... We need a vacation together. He works so hard and doesn't have any vacation til then so we are planning on maybe going then... You DD 17 and Rae are the same age... They would probably have so much fun....


Have you ever sailed in January...

I wonder how the weather will be????


Thanks for reading.






Duffle bag is a good idea... Expecially if your driving..

How many more days for you...






Thank you so much for reading.... It's been so much fun to write... We have so much fun together... You will to... You have to make it happen...



Carnival website tells me 63..but my calendar says 64. Either way. I use the countdown on Carnival as my wedding countdown. LOL. Which I am very excited..nervous..and stressed about..LOL. Wish I could afford a wedding planner..but I can only afford for me to be the wedding planner..so I have to make sure and check every list daily to see if I am missing anything..LOL.

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Carolyn - I have enjoyed your review so much. I did respond about my mom and have enjoyed your trip with Rae. Just wanted to tell you that this is ironic but my granddaughater just returned from Pine Cove Camp, but the one outside of Columbus. also my cousins Little League team (13-14) yr olds just won the East Texas Championship in Tyler and gues where they will be playing next? the Southwest Regional Tournament in Midlland. If they win this tournament they will go to the World Series in Michigan. I am so proud of them as their coach was our youngest sons coach in HS.


That is so awesome about your cousins little league team... although Midland is so hot and dry... Good Luck to them... Maybe they will make it to the World Series.... Wouldn't that be awesome...


I didn't know that there was another Pine Cove... That's so cool... I'm heading there next weekend. I can't wait to see him...


Thanks again for reading... It's almost over..:(


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