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Do you people not read the newspaper? 29,000 Somali children are believed to have died from starvation in the last 90 days alone, and there are five or six threads on these boards, filled with whining about menu changes? Not to get on a soap box or anything, but I think that's pretty pathetic. Because I'm lucky enough to be able to go on a cruise or two every year, I'm going to go on over to Care or Mercy Corps website and donate $50 or $100 to the cause; I urge you to do the same. Some poor, starving children in Africa thank you.


If you use that kind of logic, you can never complain about anything. If you find a mysterious $500 charge on your credit card, you could say "Oh well, at least I'm not starving. At least I don't have polio. Etc Etc. - Geez, you'd never be able to get through a single review like that. "I ordered the eggs benedict, which was served cold... But that's okay because I still have my family!"


People come to these forums to discuss cruises - not charities. And yes, sometimes they whine and complain. But at least they've come to the right place. I'm glad that you're active in a cause you believe in, but I really think you're going about bringing awareness in the wrong way. Maybe put something in your siggy and try to keep thread comments on topic?

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Hmphhh! I would venture to say that most of the folks who have their shorts in a wad about the new menu have no idea if it is good, bad or indifferent as they have not been on a cruise featuring it.


I could not care less if they never have a shrimp on the ships again. Those sea-going insects are far from my favorite food. They can drop "lobster" too. The lobster's closest relative is the cockroach.


Food means red meat. Give me some bloody meat and I am happy.


I will wait and comment on the menus after our cruise in 72 days.



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BBQ on formal night?!?!!? Very bad idea!



BBQ on formal night is a great idea.."Uh-oh honey, i got some bbq sauce on my shirt....looks like i will have to change right after dinner instead of walking around all night in this oh so comfortable suit and tie..darn honey, I am so bummed out!!"


Genius Carnival....



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I just don't get all the food stuff! I don't cruise for the food. It is good food and the choices are many. For the prices we pay for these cruises I don't expect gourmet food. Are there really people that expect gourmet meals for the prices we pay for Carnival cruises? I enjoyed every meal I had on my recent Carnival cruise. I didn't ever see meatloaf on the menu and if it was on there I guess I didn't even notice because there were so many other choices. They have great fruit soups and I liked that they offered fruit plates every night. I also enjoyed being able to have Caesar salad every night. The lobster was yummy and we ordered two of them. Everyone at our table of 8 did! If you don't like something you can always get something else so what's the beef?:confused:


We paid around $2200 for a 5 day cruise on the Fantasy 10 years ago. That $2200 included air and hotel pre-cruise. So we probably paid around $1200 for 2 of us to cruise. The food was excellent. Was it gourmet? I don't know that I'm qualified to say what is gourmet and what isn't. Lets just say that it was the best food I have ever eaten.


On our last 3 Carnival cruises the food has ranged anywhere from ok to not acceptable. If we were to cruise the Fantasy or a ship like her now in the same season we cruised the first time, the price would probably be about the same. Am I expecting gourmet? No. But I am expecting a fine food experience. One that leaves me wanting to return and I would think Carnival would want that too. When we got off the Liberty in March we said we wouldn't do another Carnival cruise until they improve the food.


Looks like it is continuing to go down hill.

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Do you people not read the newspaper? 29,000 Somali children are believed to have died from starvation in the last 90 days alone, and there are five or six threads on these boards, filled with whining about menu changes? Not to get on a soap box or anything, but I think that's pretty pathetic. Because I'm lucky enough to be able to go on a cruise or two every year, I'm going to go on over to Care or Mercy Corps website and donate $50 or $100 to the cause; I urge you to do the same. Some poor, starving children in Africa thank you.


If you use that kind of logic, you can never complain about anything. If you find a mysterious $500 charge on your credit card, you could say "Oh well, at least I'm not starving. At least I don't have polio. Etc Etc. - Geez, you'd never be able to get through a single review like that. "I ordered the eggs benedict, which was served cold... But that's okay because I still have my family!"


People come to these forums to discuss cruises - not charities. And yes, sometimes they whine and complain. But at least they've come to the right place. I'm glad that you're active in a cause you believe in, but I really think you're going about bringing awareness in the wrong way. Maybe put something in your siggy and try to keep thread comments on topic?

Agree with you slo pokey, great cause jenbo57 but lousey way to go about promoting it.. By trying to give others a faux guilt trip for participating in a cruise conversation?? Odd:confused:

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The way I see it, I don't have to like everything on the menu. I only have to like one appy and one entree a day. Looking over the menus, I see several things a day I think I'd like. I see several things I wouldn't care for. Why should I worry about things on the menu I don't like? Nobody is forcing anyone to eat meatloaf.

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For the most part, thanks for allowing me to share my opinion and letting me vent.


@Jenbo -- really?? It's clearly not about that. I was just stating my opinion. Obviously there are a lot of horrible things going on around the world but this is just a cruising forum where you come to chit chat about cruises.


I don't cruise for the food, but it's nice to have something truly delicious on your plate that you don't get at home every night. Sure shrimp cocktail is easy enough to make, but it's not something I make at home. It's just a part of the cruising experience. When you're used to a certain level of quality and you see that each time you go back it changes more and more it's a bit disappointing. Will that keep me from cruising CCL? No. I like the atmosphere, I like the ships and the service is the ONLY constant.


Just a foodie vent. :)

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Attacking people is not a good way to sway people to your cause. This cause is important to you if you posted it on a cruising discussion forum. Maybe if you gave up cruising, you'd have more money to donate to this cause that's dear to you heart. :rolleyes:


Do you people not read the newspaper? 29,000 Somali children are believed to have died from starvation in the last 90 days alone, and there are five or six threads on these boards, filled with whining about menu changes? Not to get on a soap box or anything, but I think that's pretty pathetic. Because I'm lucky enough to be able to go on a cruise or two every year, I'm going to go on over to Care or Mercy Corps website and donate $50 or $100 to the cause; I urge you to do the same. Some poor, starving children in Africa thank you.
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The way I see it, I don't have to like everything on the menu. I only have to like one appy and one entree a day. Looking over the menus, I see several things a day I think I'd like. I see several things I wouldn't care for. Why should I worry about things on the menu I don't like? Nobody is forcing anyone to eat meatloaf.


Good way of looking at it! I saw several items that sounded mouth-watering. :) I'm not worried.


Just to play devil's advocate - I wonder how many people who complain about the meatloaf/fried chicken/etc will actually order it because they're secretly crying out for some comfort food? lol:p

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Do you people not read the newspaper? 29,000 Somali children are believed to have died from starvation in the last 90 days alone, and there are five or six threads on these boards, filled with whining about menu changes? Not to get on a soap box or anything, but I think that's pretty pathetic. Because I'm lucky enough to be able to go on a cruise or two every year, I'm going to go on over to Care or Mercy Corps website and donate $50 or $100 to the cause; I urge you to do the same. Some poor, starving children in Africa thank you.



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I tried the menu on the Liberty in June. There are plenty of choices for all to enjoy (if you want to enjoy it). I like to try new foods or things I would not normally pay for when we go out. DH does not like to try new foods, he likes what he knows. So he would be brave and try the didja's for an appetizer and go with the flat iron steak or the comfort food. Yes he had the meatloaf. But he enjoyed it and it made my dining experience enjoyable.

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For the most part, thanks for allowing me to share my opinion and letting me vent.


@Jenbo -- really?? It's clearly not about that. I was just stating my opinion. Obviously there are a lot of horrible things going on around the world but this is just a cruising forum where you come to chit chat about cruises.


I don't cruise for the food, but it's nice to have something truly delicious on your plate that you don't get at home every night. Sure shrimp cocktail is easy enough to make, but it's not something I make at home. It's just a part of the cruising experience. When you're used to a certain level of quality and you see that each time you go back it changes more and more it's a bit disappointing. Will that keep me from cruising CCL? No. I like the atmosphere, I like the ships and the service is the ONLY constant.


Just a foodie vent. :)


Hello Monica. I can remember the last time I got the shrimp cocktail on a cruise. I know it's been a long time though. I'm sorry your going to miss it but one consolation is you are in Miami and I have to pay $8.99lb for 26-30 Key West Pinks so they have to be less down there. Right now your Publix has 21-25 whites for $7.99 lb and 21-30 P&D, which I think are the ones Carnival uses for there shrimp cocktail, for $8.99 lb. We took the Behind the Fun tour and I'm pretty sure that's what I saw in the freezer. The atmosphere of sharing a shrimp cocktail with 3000 of your closest friends won't be there but the hell with them...let them get their own. :D

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great post.... shoot, at home I will eat a sandwich and soup and be happy so pretty much anything that taste good and fills me up i'm happy about.


people are having a fit over the meatloaf on the menu... if you don't want it, don't order it... plain and simple, it's not the only thing on the menu but it seems people are griping about the "comfort menu". they still have most of the regular food too. :)


I agree, if they don't want to eat it, they should order something else. I don't know if most folks eat at the Ritz every night, but we eat at our kitchen table and we're not as picky over the choices being offered - which, frankly, seem fine to us. Meatloaf is one of my favorite foods, if I have a choice between alligator fritters and meatloaf...meatloaf will win hands down every time. :D


How silly it would be to let the lack of a shrimp cocktail, or addition of meatloaf and fried chicken "ruin" our cruise. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='nbsjcruiser']We paid around $2200 for a 5 day cruise on the Fantasy 10 years ago. That $2200 included air and hotel pre-cruise. So we probably paid around $1200 for 2 of us to cruise. [/quote]

Cruising today is NOT always cheaper than it was in the past! Eleven years ago, my family of four cruised the 7 day Elation with an OV for $2800 (it was late June).
Last June (late june, same time of year) we all cruised the 8 day Freedom inside room for $3400. Take in account the cost of inflation/longer cruise and inside room (1A) I think the cost was comparable.
Yet, the cruise way back yonder had better food, better service( remember assigned servers?) better entertainment (3 shows, three headlinders vs Freedom's three shows, one headliner).
It has gotten to the point where they shouldn't even be compared. A CCL cruise today is a much different cruise from a CCL cruise ten years ago.
I think some people will vote with their wallets whether to cruise them in the future. I have booked with Princess already, will be doing RCL next year, bye bye CCL!
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[quote name='erinfassett']Can someone please give me the link to an example of the new menus? I tried looking for John's blog on carnival.com but could not find it. I am not sure I like the sound of BBQ ribs??? What version?[/QUOTE]

The link is at the bottom of Carnivals home/main page, can't miss it. Its a square box with a pic of his face & I think it says "John Healds blog":p Click on this & then the link to the menus is on the first page you see.
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[quote name='dclark']Cruising today is NOT always cheaper than it was in the past! Eleven years ago, my family of four cruised the 7 day Elation with an OV for $2800 (it was late June).
Last June (late june, same time of year) we all cruised the 8 day Freedom inside room for $3400. Take in account the cost of inflation/longer cruise and inside room (1A) I think the cost was comparable.
Yet, the cruise way back yonder had better food, better service( remember assigned servers?) better entertainment (3 shows, three headlinders vs Freedom's three shows, one headliner).
It has gotten to the point where they shouldn't even be compared. A CCL cruise today is a much different cruise from a CCL cruise ten years ago.
I think some people will vote with their wallets whether to cruise them in the future. I have booked with Princess already, will be doing RCL next year, bye bye CCL![/quote]

[SIZE=3]I agree with you, We just returned from 15 nt cruise in Eroupe aboard NCL Jade. I have been on 37 cruises 17 on CCL and that was by far the best food and entertainment that we have experienced.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]CCL has lost some of its quality.[/SIZE]
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[quote name='Jenbo57']Uummm, where was the attack? I was just hoping that people would see the ridiculousness of five (at least) threads about food, filled mostly with complaints, when so many others are going hungry. If it gave folks a reason to reflect, all the better.

And no need for me to give up cruising; I can take the trips I want AND contribute to numerous charities. Life is good![/quote]

Some don't understand what you were trying to convey. Not that is ODD.
It is quite pathetic how some are reacting over this menu situation. :confused:
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[quote name='Krisy'][SIZE=3]I agree with you, We just returned from 15 nt cruise in Eroupe aboard NCL Jade. I have been on 37 cruises 17 on CCL and that was by far the best food and entertainment that we have experienced.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]CCL has lost some of its quality.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
I agree. I've been cruising on Carnival since 1985 when the food was mediocre, at best. Over the years it truly improved and I've had some great meals on Carnival (better than RCCL and NCL, in my opinion). However, it's taken a turn for the worse over the past few years (thanks, Mr. Cahill). My last cruise was on the Spirit in May and the dining room food was a huge disappointment to me and my grandsons, which are typically huge eaters. Service, as usual with Carnival, was great. Food not so much. I hope the new menu brings some improvement.
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I just checked out the new menus and think most of my choices would be from the "comfort" section.

I chuckled a bit about the concern over meatloaf being offered.

If done right meatloaf can be very nice.

Last year we did a 14 day float on NCL Epic and I think I ordered meatloaf in O'Sheehans 4 or 5 times.
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Looks like this could be my first, and last, Carnival Cruise. What is cruise if not for the good foods? No shrimp cocktail? Meatloaf? Gee, the ships profits must have dropped to under a million per trip. Just like the government,they must have the passengers sacrifice something to make up for it. Magic, Sept 4
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