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Any "JUICERS" out there? Let's do it!


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Hi, I just started juicing about 10 days ago. Got a wild hair to buy a nice Jack Lalanne juicer that I saw on TV. He's always been an inspiration to me while growing up and I remember my mom exercising with him in the mornings. (they didn't call it "working out" back then!) He's no-nonsence, straight forward and I figured his product would be attractive, sturdy and hold up.


I was right on all counts, it juices like a dream and so quiet! So far I've dropped 9 pounds! This is what I do-I take 3 non-leak tumblers to work each day, red one for coffee, black for fruit juice and green for the veggies. I supplement the juice with a bit of protein and carbs throughout the day and drink lots of water in between. About every other night when I get home I'll have a snack but sometimes I'm not hungry at all.


When we go grocery shopping my husband runs around the store getting everything else and I load up in the Produce section. Fruits are grapes, apples, nectarines, pineapple, cantaloupe, watermelon, etc. The veggies are squash, celery, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, beets etc. I'll throw a few pieces of crystalized Ginger in there to sweeten it up a little.


What do you do, what are your favorite concoctions and receipes? I'm finding out this is really a "kick" and different from anything else I've ever tried. I can still have my little pudding treats or half a bagel and cream cheese but eat much less than before, the juice really does the trick and my skin is just glowing!


Would love to hear from one and all and we can get a real good thread going. I will be sailing in Feb 2012 and know I'll have success with my new juicing plan. cheers!

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Am not a diehard juicer, but returned from 2 week trip to an eco hotel in central america, and the diet was 99% vegetarian with chicken once a wek..the rest of the time all fresh made juices and veggies..I dropped 11lbs without ever being hungry and I have no inflammation.


How do you like the Jack juicer? I am looking for one but want one that isn't going to waste the pulp..I saw a commercial grade one for around 200.00 I was thinking of buying because I don't want to waste the pulp. Is it pretty speedy?


Hi, I just started juicing about 10 days ago. Got a wild hair to buy a nice Jack Lalanne juicer that I saw on TV. He's always been an inspiration to me while growing up and I remember my mom exercising with him in the mornings. (they didn't call it "working out" back then!) He's no-nonsence, straight forward and I figured his product would be attractive, sturdy and hold up.


I was right on all counts, it juices like a dream and so quiet! So far I've dropped 9 pounds! This is what I do-I take 3 non-leak tumblers to work each day, red one for coffee, black for fruit juice and green for the veggies. I supplement the juice with a bit of protein and carbs throughout the day and drink lots of water in between. About every other night when I get home I'll have a snack but sometimes I'm not hungry at all.


When we go grocery shopping my husband runs around the store getting everything else and I load up in the Produce section. Fruits are grapes, apples, nectarines, pineapple, cantaloupe, watermelon, etc. The veggies are squash, celery, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, beets etc. I'll throw a few pieces of crystalized Ginger in there to sweeten it up a little.


What do you do, what are your favorite concoctions and receipes? I'm finding out this is really a "kick" and different from anything else I've ever tried. I can still have my little pudding treats or half a bagel and cream cheese but eat much less than before, the juice really does the trick and my skin is just glowing!


Would love to hear from one and all and we can get a real good thread going. I will be sailing in Feb 2012 and know I'll have success with my new juicing plan. cheers!

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Hi there, thanks for responding! Yes, I do love my Jack Juicer! It's pretty fast and quiet. You get quite a bit of pulp in the container but we put it in our garden as compost, just spread it around and water it in. I purchased mine at Macy's Department store during a really good sale and it was around $100.00. I have heard of juicers where you have the option of having the pulp in with the juice, separating it or you can just stick the pulp back in the juice I guess.


I just did my juicing for the next two days, fruits and veggies. I find it better to do a few days at a time, less clean-up. Today I did an apple, nectarine, peach, frozen berries, and 1/4 cantaloupe, yummy. Veggies were carrots, celery, 1 red potatoe, bell pepper and zucchinni.


Yesterday I was out and about so had to make wise choices with "Whole Foods". we were at a Harvest Festival, an all day shopping spree but found a vendor that had big veggie wraps that were delicious. Just had my juice for dinner and felt pretty good this morning. I too have problems with inflammation and have found some of my "triggers" to be hard cheeses, Barbeque sauce and Red Wine, the last one kills me cause I love to go wine tasting! I have no problems with whites but the reds, something in there. This is a recent problem though so I may try Organic wine and see what happens.


My cruise isn't till February so I bought 2 cute cruise T-shirts in a smaller size to use as an incentive. I'm very optimistic though with the jucing. Cheers.

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Have never had much problems eating whole or natural foods..my problem is I like bread and rice...interesting thing I learned also is that alot of the extra weight I have is due to inflammation...due to stress...I visited a naturopathic doctor while I was away and learned a whole lot of stuff about my body even though I run several times a week, eat well, etc..a lot of my weight gain turns out to be more due to inflammation..a few other tricks he gave me helped me...I think after this trip I am about ready to give up meat and stick to eggs, beans, legumes, etc...cheap and very fillng...he also gave me a prescribed list of foods to eat and not eat..fish was on there but not chicken or beef or pork..which I can be fine without.


I am going to do some research on the juicer...I really want one that keeps the pulp and I dont care how much it costs if it does what I need it to do and is made well to last....I actually got a book at TJ max "500 juices and cocktails" for like 4.99 on clearance. I like green juices with kale, celery, apple and also beet/carrot/ginger juice.


Hi there, thanks for responding! Yes, I do love my Jack Juicer! It's pretty fast and quiet. You get quite a bit of pulp in the container but we put it in our garden as compost, just spread it around and water it in. I purchased mine at Macy's Department store during a really good sale and it was around $100.00. I have heard of juicers where you have the option of having the pulp in with the juice, separating it or you can just stick the pulp back in the juice I guess.


I just did my juicing for the next two days, fruits and veggies. I find it better to do a few days at a time, less clean-up. Today I did an apple, nectarine, peach, frozen berries, and 1/4 cantaloupe, yummy. Veggies were carrots, celery, 1 red potatoe, bell pepper and zucchinni.


Yesterday I was out and about so had to make wise choices with "Whole Foods". we were at a Harvest Festival, an all day shopping spree but found a vendor that had big veggie wraps that were delicious. Just had my juice for dinner and felt pretty good this morning. I too have problems with inflammation and have found some of my "triggers" to be hard cheeses, Barbeque sauce and Red Wine, the last one kills me cause I love to go wine tasting! I have no problems with whites but the reds, something in there. This is a recent problem though so I may try Organic wine and see what happens.


My cruise isn't till February so I bought 2 cute cruise T-shirts in a smaller size to use as an incentive. I'm very optimistic though with the jucing. Cheers.

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Hi, it's late Tuesday afternoon/early evening, getting ready to leave work. Had a really good day, had both my juice "tumblers" full along with a mixed salad with a little bit of chicken and a little bit of pasta. Also 1/2 bagel with a dab of cream cheese. (I let my husband scoop out the cream cheese as I would be too heavy-handed)! I don't plan on having anything else today as I am not hungry.


You hit the nail on the head with "stress". I eat more when stressed and have more pain, seems like everything tightens up and "hurts". I have some Neuropathy in one leg and when that hits me, usually while being stressed by someone or something I can hardly walk for a time till things relax and loosen up again. Biofeedback is wonderful for this as well as just getting away from the stressors for 10 minutes or so. I used to walk, for Charity but the last few years it's harder and harder though I try to do my best.


I just know that now since juicing my head feels clearer, two people have commented on my skin looking better, smother and glowing and I just feel lighter. Friday morning is my weigh-day and I know I'll have some good results this week, talk to you soon, Cheers!

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Well, just finishing lunch on Tuesday and franky can't finish it all. Had the fruit juice "cocktail" and 1/2 bagel for breakfast, really filled me up. Lunch is my "veggie" drink and a yogurt, I have more but can't eat it!


I found a cute turquoise blouse in the closet that I haven't worn in a while this morning, I wear it with a lot of Southwest Turquoise jewelery and it fit! That felt so good. I didn't have as many aches and pains when I got up this morning as usual. Let's face it, the older we get the more that happens, LOL!


I think I'll have a good "reading" on the scale this Friday morning. Cheers!

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Alright, I'm ready to join the juicer group if you'll have me. I bought the Jack Juicer earlier this year. Went all gang busters when I got it,but now haven't used it in months. I'm sailing in 53 days and I NEED to drop some weight.

So any recipes, tips, suggestions you can share will be greatly appreciated.



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Hi Cindy, welcome! Dust off Mr. Jack and get juicing again! As I am just starting out I have no hard and fast rules as to what I throw in there. Right now it's mostly what I like and what's in season. I love Granny Smith apples, peaches and nectarines are great right now and melons give you a good juice yield. Be careful about the price-per-pound of your bags though, I almost fainted when they rang up the grapes. A nice bottle of wine would have been less!


I like to get the large bags of baby carrots as they are a good staple to start your veggies with, celery is another good one. Some things just don't give much back, forget chard! That just gummed up the works. I'm wondering what pumpkin will taste like??? Try canned pinapple, delicious.


I'm going to the 99 cent store this weekend and really stocking up. They have quite a bit of canned items that are perfect and just a fraction of the regular grocery stores. Beets, small white potatoes, pineapple, etc. I'm finding they stock more and more fresh fruits and veggies now than before. I'm going to save a bundle! :)


Keep it up gals, :)

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Hi, I just started juicing about 10 days ago. Got a wild hair to buy a nice Jack Lalanne juicer that I saw on TV. He's always been an inspiration to me while growing up and I remember my mom exercising with him in the mornings. (they didn't call it "working out" back then!) He's no-nonsence, straight forward and I figured his product would be attractive, sturdy and hold up.


I was right on all counts, it juices like a dream and so quiet! So far I've dropped 9 pounds! This is what I do-I take 3 non-leak tumblers to work each day, red one for coffee, black for fruit juice and green for the veggies. I supplement the juice with a bit of protein and carbs throughout the day and drink lots of water in between. About every other night when I get home I'll have a snack but sometimes I'm not hungry at all.


When we go grocery shopping my husband runs around the store getting everything else and I load up in the Produce section. Fruits are grapes, apples, nectarines, pineapple, cantaloupe, watermelon, etc. The veggies are squash, celery, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, beets etc. I'll throw a few pieces of crystalized Ginger in there to sweeten it up a little.


What do you do, what are your favorite concoctions and receipes? I'm finding out this is really a "kick" and different from anything else I've ever tried. I can still have my little pudding treats or half a bagel and cream cheese but eat much less than before, the juice really does the trick and my skin is just glowing!


Would love to hear from one and all and we can get a real good thread going. I will be sailing in Feb 2012 and know I'll have success with my new juicing plan. cheers!



My wife and I got into juicing a while back... It can be a challenge to keep up with doing it daily. (breaking down and cleaning the juicer, etc.) but it is well worth the results you'll see


I am thoroughly convinced after my wife and I doing a juice fast that our bodies are designed to thrive on fruits and vegitables. A whole foods fruit and veggies diet is something that can add years to our lives.


Of course, it's not by any means easy to do this. Our culture is geared to sell us everything that turns a profit, regardless of whether or not it is bad for us. It makes it difficult for those of us that want to live a healthy lifestyle, when junk is constantly thrown in your face and that junk tastes so good!!! haha.


Keep up the juicing, you will do well if you keep focused. My wife and I are trying to get back to juicing every day no matter what, and using it as a meal replacement on the go. Not only does it help with weight loss, but you feel great.

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I forgot one thing. If you happen to have netflix instantly streamed to your tv. There is an excellent documentary on there about Juice fasting. The name of the documentary is: "Fat, Sick and almost dead' About a couple of guys that do a 60 day juice fast to change their lives. It's a pretty awesome motivator.

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Well, end of my workday, just winding down before going home. Wasn't too hungry at lunchtime, well good enough for the Butterscotch pudding cup that is! So just drank my veggies down before hitting the road. I noticed this morning that my pants are feeling looser, yipee! Sometimes the change is small and sometimes more apparent. I like it that stuff like shoe tying and getting in and out of the car is easier. (It's tough enough with Sciatica, ouch). So any little thing is great.


I don't get Netflix but maybe it will pop up on Comcast "On Demand", I'll look for it. And I guess a related subject, they started up "Biggest Loser again as of last Tuesday night. They've grouped them by age this year, the "young ones", "mid-ages" and the "Oldies but Goodies". Well, we'll see how that pans out! Ha! Keep "juicing", (yeah, I wish clean-up was a bit faster. We usually tdo two days worth at a time.)

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OK, I'm back! last week was weird, woke up with so much back pain I had to play "hookey" from work, going to the Ortho tomorrow for some up to date diagnostics.


Have to tell you something so funny my husband did for me. He got everything cut up, separated and ready to go for my fruit juice and veggies. Then he goes, "there's something I have to tell you" Uh Oh I think, what's up??? He said, your juicer broke. WHAT! It's brand new. He says he put it together, all ready to go and nothing, took it apart, back together and it wouldn't go on. Checked cords etc.


So he's thinking, what can I do, what can I do? He gets out the blender and tries to blend it into submission. Well, you know how that works on carrots, hahaha! He ended up cutting it all up really small and adding water, it took forever! The fruit juice tasted just like a smoothie, very good, the veggies......it was undrinkable! Shhhhh, don't tell him though.


I got home and when he was outside put the juicer together and whirrrrrrrr, starts right up! Thank God. Don't know what happened! Cheers!

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Have never had much problems eating whole or natural foods..my problem is I like bread and rice...interesting thing I learned also is that alot of the extra weight I have is due to inflammation...due to stress...I visited a naturopathic doctor while I was away and learned a whole lot of stuff about my body even though I run several times a week, eat well, etc..a lot of my weight gain turns out to be more due to inflammation..a few other tricks he gave me helped me...I think after this trip I am about ready to give up meat and stick to eggs, beans, legumes, etc...cheap and very fillng...he also gave me a prescribed list of foods to eat and not eat..fish was on there but not chicken or beef or pork..which I can be fine without.


I am going to do some research on the juicer...I really want one that keeps the pulp and I dont care how much it costs if it does what I need it to do and is made well to last....I actually got a book at TJ max "500 juices and cocktails" for like 4.99 on clearance. I like green juices with kale, celery, apple and also beet/carrot/ginger juice.


Sorry, I just had to voice my opinon. For what you want the Vita-Mix 5200 is the best. I wanted one for 30+ years & bought one 2 yrs. ago.

Should have bought a Vita-Mix in the first place. I have 7 juicers, 2 blenders etc. The Vita-Mix does it all. I can grind wheat & make bread dough, make ice cream with fruit & all of the juices, soups (hot & cold) nut butters etc. With the Vita-Mix you can make your juice ahead with out loseing the nutrients. When you juice with the ejector type your juice oxidizes in aprox. 15mins. so your not getting all of the nutrition. In a recent Consumer Reports they said that the 5200 was the best. No, I have no stock in the company. I realized it was cheaper to get the 5200. I hate to think how much I spent on all of the others.


I commend all of you for juiceing. Go organic if you can, because of the consentration of chemicals & pestisides.


We are cruising 3/17/12 out of New Orleans on Royal C.


I may join you because I would like to drop a few lbs. also.



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You know, that's the one I was looking at on the web....and I make al ot of soup, ice cream and homemade bread (I eat whole foods and cook from scratch)


Is it made of stainless steel? thats another thing I wanted..if I have to spend $300 for a quality machine to me it's worth it


Sorry, I just had to voice my opinon. For what you want the Vita-Mix 5200 is the best. I wanted one for 30+ years & bought one 2 yrs. ago.

Should have bought a Vita-Mix in the first place. I have 7 juicers, 2 blenders etc. The Vita-Mix does it all. I can grind wheat & make bread dough, make ice cream with fruit & all of the juices, soups (hot & cold) nut butters etc. With the Vita-Mix you can make your juice ahead with out loseing the nutrients. When you juice with the ejector type your juice oxidizes in aprox. 15mins. so your not getting all of the nutrition. In a recent Consumer Reports they said that the 5200 was the best. No, I have no stock in the company. I realized it was cheaper to get the 5200. I hate to think how much I spent on all of the others.


I commend all of you for juiceing. Go organic if you can, because of the consentration of chemicals & pestisides.


We are cruising 3/17/12 out of New Orleans on Royal C.


I may join you because I would like to drop a few lbs. also.



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What an inspirational group you are. Time to get out my juicer and join in!! I have lots of inflamation as well. I have some good recipes...will dig them out and share :)


Here's a start:

Vegetable-based juices:


2 carrots

2 ribs of celery

8 leaves of romaine lettuce


2 carrots

Handful of parsley

6 leaves of romaine lettuce

Squeeze of lemon


2 tomatoes

3 ribs of celery

1 carrot

Squeeze of lemon


6 leaves of romaine lettuce

1 tomato

1 rib of celery

1 carrot


Big bunch of kale

2 carrots

2 ribs of celery


Big bunch of Swiss chard

2 carrots

2 ribs of celery


6 leaves of romaine lettuce

2 cups of green cabbage

2 carrots


6 leaves of romaine lettuce

2 ribs of celery

1 apple, whatever is in season


4 ribs of celery

2 carrots

1 apple


Fruit-based Juices (only for special occasions and if you don’t have high blood glucose levels):


3 ribs of celery

2 apples


Small handful of strawberries

Watermelon (cut into strips, rind included if you wash it well before cutting)


Honeydew (cut into strips)

Squeeze of lemon


1 apple

1 pear

3 ribs of celery


2 apples

8-10 strawberries


1 cup of pineapple

1 cup of grapes

Small handful of strawberries

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I just wanted to share one more good recipe from Dr.Kim today. It's not a juice but a salad




6-8 ripe figs, washed, dried, and quartered

1 large head romaine lettuce, washed and dried and torn into bite-size pieces

Juice of 1/2 lemon

Juice of 1/4 orange

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil




Use a fork to thoroughly whisk lemon and orange juice with extra-virgin olive oil.


Combine citrus-olive oil dressing with lettuce in a large salad bowl and give lettuce a good toss until the dressing is evenly distributed.


Add fig quarters to the top of dressed greens.


The quantities listed in the ingredients section produce approximately 4 regular servings.


Please note: If fresh figs are not readily available, it's fine to use dried figs; simply soak dried figs for at least one hour in water before drying and quartering.


Enjoy this delicious and good-for-your-blood-circulation salad!

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I forgot one thing. If you happen to have netflix instantly streamed to your tv. There is an excellent documentary on there about Juice fasting. The name of the documentary is: "Fat, Sick and almost dead' About a couple of guys that do a 60 day juice fast to change their lives. It's a pretty awesome motivator.


I just saw this a couple days ago! Wonderful documentary and I would recommend everyone to watch this. I'm now in the market for a juicer. :o

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What an inspirational group you are. Time to get out my juicer and join in!! I have lots of inflamation as well. I have some good recipes...will dig them out and share :)


Here's a start:

Vegetable-based juices:


2 carrots

2 ribs of celery

8 leaves of romaine lettuce


2 carrots

Handful of parsley

6 leaves of romaine lettuce

Squeeze of lemon


2 tomatoes

3 ribs of celery

1 carrot

Squeeze of lemon


6 leaves of romaine lettuce

1 tomato

1 rib of celery

1 carrot


Big bunch of kale

2 carrots

2 ribs of celery


Big bunch of Swiss chard

2 carrots

2 ribs of celery


6 leaves of romaine lettuce

2 cups of green cabbage

2 carrots


6 leaves of romaine lettuce

2 ribs of celery

1 apple, whatever is in season


4 ribs of celery

2 carrots

1 apple


Fruit-based Juices (only for special occasions and if you don’t have high blood glucose levels):


3 ribs of celery

2 apples


Small handful of strawberries

Watermelon (cut into strips, rind included if you wash it well before cutting)


Honeydew (cut into strips)

Squeeze of lemon


1 apple

1 pear

3 ribs of celery


2 apples

8-10 strawberries


1 cup of pineapple

1 cup of grapes

Small handful of strawberries


We bought a juicer! :D It will be delivered tomorrow. Thank you so much for these recipes. I'm also getting 2 juicer recipe books, so as I find things I like, I'll post them as other suggestions.

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Sorry I didn't answer sooner. Been getting house repaired after a tornado.

The 5200 is not Stainless Steel. It's a high quality plastic. The blender is 64oz.

You can also get a blade to grind your wheat berries. I wanted the S.S. one also, but

I'm sure they don't make them any more. Not disapointed with the 5200. It will

make your ice cream & hot soup etc. I have made bread dough in it also. If you have your heart set on the S.S. look on ebay. I have found them there. One thing to remember is if it is well used the blade may need to be replaced.

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I had a really bad knee and the doc said I would have to be on ppain killers forever. so I started juicing and no more issues. I am 61 and my skin looks great!I have a Breville juicer.My fav is green juice with whatever I have in the fridge and 1 apple.Energy beyond belief.Thansk for all the recipesI will try them all, grow kale in my backyard. Try kale chip. Strip leaves off kale and toss with 1 tablespoon olive oil and a bit of sea salt. Place on parchment lined sheet and bake at 375 for 20 minutes.Watch they don't burn.Taste terrific

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Having another good week with my "juicer". Went out to dinner last weekend to one of those "Family style" Italian restaurants and who can't help but splurge a little bit, OK, a lot! Their Garlic bread is just to die for. But, you know something, the next day I just felt aweful, bloaty, tired and really, really achy. Whenever I go off my (mainly) juice diet for a day I suffer the next day. Your body knows what's good for it and what's not.


Yesterdays fruitjuice drink had a lot of nectarines and papayas in it with a little pineapple and a Granny Smith apple, it was sooooo good. Today I've upped my protein a bit, I find I feel better if I kind of mix it up a bit, not enough protein and I get kind of shaky and weak. Having something every 3 hours or so does the trick for me, keeps the blood sugars in line.

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Try kale chip. Strip leaves off kale and toss with 1 tablespoon olive oil and a bit of sea salt. Place on parchment lined sheet and bake at 375 for 20 minutes.Watch they don't burn.Taste terrific


Tried it... didn't like it. :p Neither did DH. I understand the idea, but I think I'll just stick to crunchy veggies for my crunch... Just us though.

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Hey.. I would like to join this group. I juice daily, I use the Hurom juicer mostly juice: kale, apples, carrorts, celery, beets, strawberries, etc. in different combinations... i will try some of the base recipes listed here. I mix my veggie juices with my fruit juices, does anyone else do that? i've commited to drink at least 2 veggie juices a day but not as a meal replacement :-). We're cruising 4/29!

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