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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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Welcome Travelrocker, glad you joined us. Thanks for sharing your story. A 62 lb loss is fantastic. Sounds like you are on the right track to succeed again. I so relate to the chronic pain issue, I need a knee replacement. Trying other options first, but the surgery is looming on the horizon for me. So glad your hip replacement went well for you. I'm glad you're here.


I have been away from the group for a couple weeks because I really fell off the wagon. My food has been just awful. I started on WW again on Monday, but by Wednesday I started slipping again. I just don't have the motivation that I had. I was at a 46 lb loss, but have gained 3.5 lbs in the last 2-3 weeks. It's like I know where I want to go, but have lost my way. I'm very discouraged because my cruise is about 17 weeks away. If anyone has any suggestions for finding my motivation again, I'm all ears!

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This Sunday I make lifetime. It's been hard for me these last few weeks. I was so used to seeing the scale go down, and it's been disheartening to see it stay relatively the same. I'm struggling to move out of "diet mode". I think I've found my perfect point place to keep me at an even keel on the scale. It's not nearly as much as I was expecting, but I've been slacking with exercise too. I've got to get back into it though as I have an 8k in a couple of weeks.



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Thanks everyone for the nice welcome. Went to my meeting last night hoping to crash thru 15 lbs and lost .2!!! So now I'm just .2 away, Gads! I kept looking down to see what else I could take off and still be decent. Next week!


Let me ask this question to all of you. I don't starve myself but I stop eating after lunch on weigh-days and weigh in at 7:00 then have a snack. There's this one women who has a full dinner and 2-3 glasses of water, and admits to vodka then comes to weigh in! I absolutely do not mean to be judgemental but when she has a gain it bothers her but when questioned about it she just shrugs and doesn't seem to get the connection. I guess my question is, do you eat before weigh in??? I mix and mingle before the meeting starts with others and most of them have their dinner whan they get home, just curious.


Oh, last night there was a couple that came in, Lifetimers and I knew them from 13 years ago at WW. We went to meetings together when they were on their way down to goal and it was so nice to see that they had been successful, they are great people.


There was a question about losing your motivation and your way and letting the weight creep back up again. I find that I just get burned out on doing the same thing over and over, that goes for anything. When I get bored with food I just go to the supermarket and try totally different things, not the same-old-same-old and that seems to get me reinterested in sticking to it. We have this running joke in our house, I tell my husband, "When you reach out to get the same_________again, move one item over and grab that".


Well, I'm off to my weekend, probably going to have to put some time in cleaning up my garden, we had a massive windstorm last night and today and I just know what it's going to look like when I get home, yikes!

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I guess my question is, do you eat before weigh in???

Congrats for almost goal. I've lost focus and need to regain my mini goal.


I do the online WW and I do panties only :o weigh in around 6:45 am every Monday before breakfast.

I would think that a major weight loss would eventually have to catch up with the scale no matter what you eat/drink before a weigh in. I'd try to keep things consistent though, have a snack at least and maybe not drink all that water before like she does.

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I'm jumping in on this wonderful thread! I have been "attempting" to follow WW for too long. Now I need to actually do it! Last year I was highly motivated by our 25 year anniversary cruise and I lost 20 pounds. Unfortunately I didn't stick to it after the cruise and 10 pounds found its way back. I need to loose 50 pounds to be at a healthy weight. I just have it stuck in my mind that I can't ever loose that much. I'm very bad about exercise and I need to get my butt to the Y. I start my diet every Monday, loose a little and I blow it on the weekend. I gain what I lost eating the wrong things every weekend. I want out of this circle! I'm hypothyroid and in menopause and that's not helping but I am not using that as an excuse. I need to eat less and work out more! I have 6 months until my cruise but I am going to Sarasota in a couple of weeks and I feel so fat and uncomfortable in my clothes:(

Edited by goldgirl2
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Hi everyone. Mind if I join the group? :)

I just started the program this week. Need to loose about 100 lbs. I wont be able to loose that much by my cruise in May but I'm shooting for 60-70 lbs. I've probably lost and gained over 100 lbs in the last 16 years. I start an intense exercise program, do really great then fall off the program and dont adjust my calorie intake and it all comes back and then some. 2 years ago, after working with a personal trainer 9 months, I was in great shape. Still had lbs to loose but I was fit. Then I took a fall, injured my knee and had surgery in June 2012. 6 mons after the surgery, I still had pain and had problems exercising so went back to the ortho. He says its just arthritis. Not saying it isnt, but if it is, the surgery brought it on because I never had arthritis pain before! :mad: Since the surgery, I have gained 60 lbs. Again because I didnt decrease my calories to compensate for the lack of exercise. I have got to get a handle on the eating so decided to do WW. I'm going to a different ortho now. Had the MRI and Xrays last week. So tomorrow I'll find out for sure if its arthritis or something else and what, if anything can be done about it. I may find it is something I have to live with but at least I will know for sure. Then I just have to find cardio exercise that I enjoy and can do with a bum knee. Running was always my favorite and always gave me the best results but I may have to find an alternative. If it is arthritis, then losing weight should help.


So that is my story! I'm looking forward to hearing about everyones success and in finding motivation in common goals.

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Welcome more newcomers! I was up 1.4 pounds at WI this week :eek:. I have fallen off track big-time. But I was also working a conversion this weekend so was up all night Friday and had like 4 cups of coffee before WI. If I can get myself back on track this week I should knock that back off.


Well, still working that conversion, so off for now. Have a great week everybody!



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Welcome to the newcomers! It's good to see some new additions.


Travelrocker, you hit the nail on the head! Duh, I'm so in a food rut, and it's no wonder I am falling apart. Six months of eating basically the same things will make anyone feel unmotivated. So now I know what's wrong, it's a matter of fixing it. Thanks for the great advice!

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Tracey, you are so welcome, food ruts and workout ruts will kill your motivation big time. I went shopping yesterday with my little calculator and ran the numbers on all sorts of different stuff. Some were not worth the Points but others were within range and I'll try them out for something different. Mix it up!


Yvonne, welcome! Arthritis, Oh Dear, so many of us have it and it's a real "pain", no pun intended. I've been told there's nothing you can do for it, ie: surgery, but weight loss, especially on knees will definatly help a lot. Forget running, just walk, ice, stretch, strengthen and take an anti-inflamatory as needed. I've heard that just 15 lbs off your body will relieve the knees! I know my back, yes arthritis, has been feeling better with my 15 lbs off. Good Luck!

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Thanks for the warm welcomes!

I had my ortho appt this morning. Yes, there is the arthritis but there is also a recurrent medial meniscus tear. So there is another surgery looming. One thing I didnt think to ask is whether the doctor can make an educated guess as to how much of the pain is from the meniscus tear and how much from the arthritis. So how much pain can I expect to eliminate from surgery? But I have time to get that answer.


So regardless of what happens with the surgery, I just need to focus on eating right and exercising.


Hope everyone had a great day!

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Good Afternoon, it's Tuesday and I'm starting to feel a little uneasy.......this weekend will be a big one, Class Reunion Saturday and Sunday then my B-Day on Monday. Reunion food is a Mexican Buffet, OMG, it's one of my favorites, then of course at least one Margarita. I am "planning" on being very, very good........somebodies going to get me a cake somewhere along the line and I'll have one scoop of frosting....this is going to be a challenge I can tell you. I don't want to have to be reducing Points the rest of the week to balance things out before another weigh-in, it's too stressful. Please send me your "Good Vibes".....:) Thanks!

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Good Afternoon, it's Tuesday and I'm starting to feel a little uneasy.......this weekend will be a big one, Class Reunion Saturday and Sunday then my B-Day on Monday. Reunion food is a Mexican Buffet, OMG, it's one of my favorites, then of course at least one Margarita. I am "planning" on being very, very good........somebodies going to get me a cake somewhere along the line and I'll have one scoop of frosting....this is going to be a challenge I can tell you. I don't want to have to be reducing Points the rest of the week to balance things out before another weigh-in, it's too stressful. Please send me your "Good Vibes".....:) Thanks!


Lots of good vibes coming your way!! And you said the word that will ensure your success - "planning". I say skip the food and use your points on Margaritas!! :D:rolleyes:

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Yeah, that's what I was thinking too, haha. But just last week our WW leader said that they had to raise the points value on alcohol because the liver thinks it's a toxin and tries to expel it first, (before food), so the food turns into fat faster....they say to count a glass of wine as 5 but all my wine glasses are really fancy water glasses so I'm in big trouble, lol! I think if I have a half way decent loss this Thursday it will motivate me to be good, :)

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Good Afternoon, it's Tuesday and I'm starting to feel a little uneasy.......this weekend will be a big one, Class Reunion Saturday and Sunday then my B-Day on Monday. Reunion food is a Mexican Buffet, OMG, it's one of my favorites, then of course at least one Margarita. I am "planning" on being very, very good........somebodies going to get me a cake somewhere along the line and I'll have one scoop of frosting....this is going to be a challenge I can tell you. I don't want to have to be reducing Points the rest of the week to balance things out before another weigh-in, it's too stressful. Please send me your "Good Vibes".....:) Thanks!

Good luck. It's a hard weekend for me also.

Dinner party on Saturday, DH's family for Canadian Thanksgiving dinner at our house on Sunday and at my Mom and Grandfather's for Thanksgiving dinner on Monday.

I'm hoping to fit in a glass or two of wine as a treat on Sunday since I don't have to drive at all that day.


Don't feel guilty about having a small piece of cake for your birthday. Eat it slow and savor it.

Happy Early Birthday!

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Well I went to the Urologist today and he strongly suggested I lay off the Diet Pepsi. I don't know if I have mentioned it here before, but I drink A LOT of Diet Pepsi. So anyway, I've got some new motivation to lose some weight. Hopefully I can lose some before the next cruise, but I've only got 6 weeks. Thats enough time to do some good if I would just put my mind to it. Hope everyone on this thread is finding some success!

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Well, I didnt do very good this week. Work was an absolute nightmare this week trying to get two shipments out of Asia for the furniture market. Thurs morning up at 3:15am and didnt get to bed until 3:30am Fri morning. I was too tired to even think about planning what to eat. :( So, I am starting over today! I also found out Monday that I need another knee surgery for a recurrent meniscus tear. Although I do have some early arthritis in the knee, my ortho thinks the majority of the pain is coming from the tear. But my hopes are that this surgery will do the trick and I'll be able do more activities on my cruise than I would be able to do with my knee in its current condition. So its all good! :D



Good luck this weekend Travelrocker and KandC. Do your best to make good food choices but dont obsess over it and let it spoil your fun. These type of weekends dont come around that often. Just enjoy the time with family and friends and HAVE FUN! :D;)


Have a healthy weekend everyone

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OK, it's Tuesday lunchtime and I made it thru the weekend. My class reunion was wonderful, we had quite a crowd and it was so good to see everyone again. The Mexican food was delicious, I had one taco, a small enchilada, bit of rice and a Margarita, (of course). Mixed and mingled and took lots of photos and bypassed the dessert altogether.


Sunday we had Chinese food and again I took little spoonfulls of each item and my Birthday cake, (someone was on the ball,) :) was a dish of green tea ice cream and a fortune cookie! I only had a small pudding cup at home afterwards later definately a motivator.


How did everyone get thru Canadian Thanksgiving???

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OK, had my Thursday weigh-in and down another notch, 17.8 total so far! I used my lose last week to motivate me to be good last weekend and was rewarded with another lose this week. It's slow but steady and that's OK with me, :). I purchased a new pedometer at the meeting and it calculates your activity points too! Pretty cool. Gonna be walking more in the weeks leading up to the Holiday Season. Coming on too fast for me, decorations in Walmart already and toy commercials on the tube, it's over 2 months away!

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Guest debbiejohncruise

I always thought weight gain is an automatic assumption on a cruise after doing 13 of them, but the last few cruises have made me realize that it's not necessarily so. I love food! But my hubby and I decided that we really didn't feel that great when we put on so much weight so quickly and we either stayed the same or lost weight by counting points on our last cruises.

I am a lifetime Weight Watcher member but it's a struggle to get the weight off I lost to get there.

My hubby and I decided to get back on track and in 8 weeks I lost 20 lbs and he has lost 9 lbs. When he saw how I was losing more than he was, he realized he had to be more honest with himself and start weighing and measuring his food instead of guessing. He couldn't believe what a difference that made.

Good luck to everyone and know that we are all capable of losing weight and still enjoy our cruises! We went with NCL on the Breakaway in Sept and are now booked with Celebrity for a 21 day (b2b) Caribbean cruise in Feb!

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Hi, Debbie, 21 day cruise, sounds like Heaven, maybe someday.....


Well....last Saturday while out and about with the Hubbie and Mom, we troll Thriftstores for paperbook books, she still likes Danielle Steel, I'm into detective murder investigations and Hub goes for Wild Wild West stuff...he wanted to try El Pollo Loco and it looked good, clean, busy and the meals came out looking more like a good sit down Mexican restaurant than a fast-food spot. Well......I took the best choice that I could see, Mexican Cobb Salad and it was absolutely delicious....I'd work up the Points value later, :) Well.....OMG, googled the 4 basic components of the equation and it was 21 Points, eck! (though somone on the WW Message Boards said it was more like 48!) If, and If is the operative word here, we do it again I'll be satisfied with half of it.


Tomorrow night is weigh-in and I've been good-as-gold since Saturday, so we'll see.....

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Well......I took the best choice that I could see, Mexican Cobb Salad and it was absolutely delicious....I'd work up the Points value later, :) Well.....OMG, googled the 4 basic components of the equation and it was 21 Points, eck! (though somone on the WW Message Boards said it was more like 48!) If, and If is the operative word here, we do it again I'll be satisfied with half of it..

I did the same with what I thought was a new healthy taco choice in a Boston Pizza restaurant. Figured out the points from the restaurant's nutritional list online when I got home and I shouldn't have eaten the third one. At least I played volleyball that night for some activity points.


This week we went to Montana's before volleyball and I had their Fire Grilled Salmon Salad with Peach Poppy Seed Dressing. I just calculated it from their info and it was 20 points! How? I can understand the 12 for the salmon, nuts and goat cheese. but how is that thin, not-creamy dressing 8 points. I think I will send them an email to confirm because the nutritional page has teeny tiny print that does not enlarge for me.


I've been slacking on tracking my points and drinking water and I really need to add more exercise to get things going in the right direction again.

It got cold quick here in Ontario, some places got snow last night. Makes me just want to curl up in a blanket.

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