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To cruise or not to cruise


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I had to put my beloved Persian Nicholas down 6 years ago. I thought my heart would break. After 3 days of crying my DH said "that's it, we are getting another one". I didn't think anyone could take the place of Nicholas but we got "Murphy". He could not have been more different from Nicholas. Different color, different everything. And I fell in love with him! One day I came home and there he was, stretched out, flat on his back, limbs spread out, JUST LIKE NICHOLAS DID! I was able to celebrate then all the Nicholas had brought to me and Murphy is still laying flat on his back in the middle of the floor. By the way, my DH was killed 4 months after getting Murphy and I thought that pain would never cease also. Now, 6 years later I am remarried to a wonderful man - and every once in a while I see something that reminds me! God knows what he is doing! Go on the cruise and celebrate Kaiser's wonderful contribution to your family and look forward to what comes next. It is amazing.

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You have my deepest sympathy for your loss. I have had the great honor of being part of the life of quite a few cats' and dogs' lives. And I too have had to say good-bye more times than I can speak of... each life was special and each loss was difficult. I hold each dear within my heart, therefore in spirit they will live forever. I wish you and your family well. Go on your cruise, enjoy life, and hold your memories close. Be well.

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I know that every one of us that share our lives with a pet, understand your pain. It is unbearable to lose a pet..someone who gives you total, unconditional love. They are with us for such a short time, it's just heartbreaking.

I agree with GC. Make it a point to celebrate his life! It so helps with the grieving process. Talk about him often, and share funny stories while you look through pictures.

By all means, take your cruise. My belief is that the spirits of animals, as well as people, move on to another place, and they can be with us whenever they want. I'd definitely go, and believe with all your heart that for the first time in your dog's life...he will be able to be on that cruise with you. He'll be right beside you, enjoying it right along with you.

My thoughts are with you and your family.

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I never had pets when I was young, because my father and I are allergic to cats and dogs. When I moved out, I discovered birds! My first bird was such a joy. He learned to whistle "We wish you a Merry Christmas", then passed away three days before Christmas. :(


The house was SO quiet without him greeting me when I walked in the door, saying night night, etc. I never thought another pet could take his place, but I couldn't stand the quiet. So I bought another and have been in love with him for the last 11 years. He's completely different from the other. He's my Bird Dog (he chases his tail and plays fetch!), nothing like the first. I know that if anything ever happened to him, I would greive, but I would also immediately find a new one to love. There's no reason for a quiet, empty house when there are so many out there that need loving homes.


Take your cruise and plan for a puppy when you return. It won't take the place of your dog, it will just let you have an outlet for that love. If that makes sense.

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Im Very sorry and you have my deepest sympathy on your loss, Being a fellow pet owner and a father of a beautiful little girl I know your pet would not want you to not enjoy yourself or cancel your cruise. As mans best friend he would want you to have the best time you could have, I know my when I'm sad or feeling down my Boxer always seems to find or try to find a way to cheer me up by either loving on me, wanting to play to get my mind off of it or doing something silly to pep me up. Take the cruise enjoy and celebrate the fact you had such a great friend and partner in life God Bless, enjoy and have fun.:)

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About 15 years ago we had to put our pet of almost 15 years to sleep and I truly thought I would never get over it. My mother swore she would never get another dog. Two years ago someone at my husband's office had a toy poodle that had been in three homes in less than two years that they were trying to get rid of. The owner brought her to our house and I told the owner if my mom didn't want her that we would take her (we already had one). My mom took one look at her and fell in love. No, she cannot replace Muffin in my mom's heart (as in mine), but she can hold a completely separate part of it (as our two dogs do for my husband and I). So, go on your cruise, celebrate the loved ones you have with you, always remember Kaiser in your heart, and open your heart to yet another wonderful best friend in need waiting for you out there.

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Thank you everyone for your posts. It is really good to know that there are caring, kind, and supportive people out there. Your posts give me a lot of comfort and strength. At times, I watch the message board and there are some members that become annoyed with each other or become irascible but I know inside you all mean well. What a difficult week it has been with the passing of Terri Schiavo on Thursday (happened right in my own backyard), my Kaiser on Friday, and then the Pope yesterday. I'll never forget this week and everyone who gave me comfort in your thoughts in my time of sorrow. I was hesistant about going on the cruise before but by golly now I'm going to take it!Kelly

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I had to put my beloved Persian Nicholas down 6 years ago. I thought my heart would break. After 3 days of crying my DH said "that's it, we are getting another one". I didn't think anyone could take the place of Nicholas but we got "Murphy". He could not have been more different from Nicholas. Different color, different everything. And I fell in love with him! One day I came home and there he was, stretched out, flat on his back, limbs spread out, JUST LIKE NICHOLAS DID! I was able to celebrate then all the Nicholas had brought to me and Murphy is still laying flat on his back in the middle of the floor. By the way, my DH was killed 4 months after getting Murphy and I thought that pain would never cease also. Now, 6 years later I am remarried to a wonderful man - and every once in a while I see something that reminds me! God knows what he is doing! Go on the cruise and celebrate Kaiser's wonderful contribution to your family and look forward to what comes next. It is amazing.



Thanks. You were fortunate to have life turn out they way it did for you. God works in mysterious ways. We are considering another puppy or dog and a cat too after the cruise. My family and I have a lot of love to give. It's unfortunate this had to happen right before our cruise but I always believe things happen for a reason. You have brought it to my attention that life can be full of positive suprises too.

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I know what you are going through!

I posted the same quetion about 2 years ag0---we lost our dachshund very suddenly- he was just 5 1/2. OUr cruise was 3 weeks away.

We did go and I was still crying myself to sleep every night---

the worst part was coming home to an empty house!

I still miss our Schotzy, every day- but staying home and not taking the cruise would not have made me feel any less sad.

I have since joined dachshund rescue and we now have 2 adorable doxies that would have otherwise been put to sleep.....are they like Schotzy? No, but at least they have a good, loving home.

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About 15 years ago we had to put our pet of almost 15 years to sleep and I truly thought I would never get over it. My mother swore she would never get another dog. Two years ago someone at my husband's office had a toy poodle that had been in three homes in less than two years that they were trying to get rid of. The owner brought her to our house and I told the owner if my mom didn't want her that we would take her (we already had one). My mom took one look at her and fell in love. No, she cannot replace Muffin in my mom's heart (as in mine), but she can hold a completely separate part of it (as our two dogs do for my husband and I). So, go on your cruise, celebrate the loved ones you have with you, always remember Kaiser in your heart, and open your heart to yet another wonderful best friend in need waiting for you out there.


I too, don't want another dog but after looking at Kaiser's empty bed last night and his toys, I'm thinking about changing my mind. There is an emptiness that overcame me that I couldn't describe. I think when I go on this cruise it will be good for me because it will also give me lots to thinks about. Thanks, Kelly

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Im Very sorry and you have my deepest sympathy on your loss, Being a fellow pet owner and a father of a beautiful little girl I know your pet would not want you to not enjoy yourself or cancel your cruise. As mans best friend he would want you to have the best time you could have, I know my when I'm sad or feeling down my Boxer always seems to find or try to find a way to cheer me up by either loving on me, wanting to play to get my mind off of it or doing something silly to pep me up. Take the cruise enjoy and celebrate the fact you had such a great friend and partner in life God Bless, enjoy and have fun.:)


Thanks WyleECoyote. My shepherd was a peppy and sensitive dog, however the peppiness ran out when he became sick. When my husband and I started to argue, he would go in a corner or under the dining room table. He knew when we were happy or upset. When we were sad, he would come and lay next to us.

You're right he would want us on that cruise.

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I never had pets when I was young, because my father and I are allergic to cats and dogs. When I moved out, I discovered birds! My first bird was such a joy. He learned to whistle "We wish you a Merry Christmas", then passed away three days before Christmas. :(


The house was SO quiet without him greeting me when I walked in the door, saying night night, etc. I never thought another pet could take his place, but I couldn't stand the quiet. So I bought another and have been in love with him for the last 11 years. He's completely different from the other. He's my Bird Dog (he chases his tail and plays fetch!), nothing like the first. I know that if anything ever happened to him, I would greive, but I would also immediately find a new one to love. There's no reason for a quiet, empty house when there are so many out there that need loving homes.


Take your cruise and plan for a puppy when you return. It won't take the place of your dog, it will just let you have an outlet for that love. If that makes sense.


That does make sense. I have so much love to give. My children are grown to the point that I can't baby them anymore. I did baby Kaiser a lot. I think that's what is missing. I think I might get a puppy after the cruise.

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I know that every one of us that share our lives with a pet, understand your pain. It is unbearable to lose a pet..someone who gives you total, unconditional love. They are with us for such a short time, it's just heartbreaking.

I agree with GC. Make it a point to celebrate his life! It so helps with the grieving process. Talk about him often, and share funny stories while you look through pictures.

By all means, take your cruise. My belief is that the spirits of animals, as well as people, move on to another place, and they can be with us whenever they want. I'd definitely go, and believe with all your heart that for the first time in your dog's life...he will be able to be on that cruise with you. He'll be right beside you, enjoying it right along with you.

My thoughts are with you and your family.


Thanks Halos. When I'm bold enough to get the pictures out and have stopped sobbing, I'll do that. Just like humans, I do believe there is life after death.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks, this will be our first cruise. This was my first loss of a pet and the first time I ever had to put a pet down. Hug and kiss your boxers every day. Spending every minute and day is precious with them. This day came too quickly for us.


Kelly - I just checked in on this thread to see how you are holding up as I know how difficult this is. Your cruise is getting very close and I hope you have not changed your mind. I just want you to know that I have been thinking of you and rereading this thread again this morning has tore me up AGAIN! Both of my "girls" are again lying on the couch next to me...and believe me, they get more than enough hugs and kisses...they are spoiled brats!!! (but they deserve it);) . Take care, stay strong and have a great time on your cruise.

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You will always remember you pet-he was part of the family. Going or not going will not bring him back. I lost a pet last Feb. -he was 22 years old. His last week was a slow death and I will never forgive myself for that. He died on the way to the vet to put him out of his suffering. I will never allow that to happen with any I still have. You go on the cruise. Remember all the love your pet gave and you returned. God bless!

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Kelly - I just checked in on this thread to see how you are holding up as I know how difficult this is. Your cruise is getting very close and I hope you have not changed your mind. I just want you to know that I have been thinking of you and rereading this thread again this morning has tore me up AGAIN! Both of my "girls" are again lying on the couch next to me...and believe me, they get more than enough hugs and kisses...they are spoiled brats!!! (but they deserve it);) . Take care, stay strong and have a great time on your cruise.


:) I was surprised to see this thread pop-up again. Yes, thanks for asking about me and yes we're still going on the cruise. The first week was really rough and now and then I get teary-eyed. It gets better as the days go by. Really bad last night when I had to go grocery shopping and had to hurry up and walk by the dog food section. I thought I was going to burst into tears. It will do me good to get away on this cruise. I think it will take me a long time to get over Kaiser.:(

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:) I was surprised to see this thread pop-up again. Yes, thanks for asking about me and yes we're still going on the cruise. The first week was really rough and now and then I get teary-eyed. It gets better as the days go by. Really bad last night when I had to go grocery shopping and had to hurry up and walk by the dog food section. I thought I was going to burst into tears. It will do me good to get away on this cruise. I think it will take me a long time to get over Kaiser.:(

I know the feelingand it will take a good amount of time..that is for sure..I will be thinking of you

..when do you leave for your cruise? Have a great time and let us all know how it was...you will have a BLAST!!!!;)

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You will always remember you pet-he was part of the family. Going or not going will not bring him back. I lost a pet last Feb. -he was 22 years old. His last week was a slow death and I will never forgive myself for that. He died on the way to the vet to put him out of his suffering. I will never allow that to happen with any I still have. You go on the cruise. Remember all the love your pet gave and you returned. God bless!


:) Thanks aloha16. For your pet to have lived for 22 years that is incredible. I think at times we take for granted that our pets are always here with us and then one day they are gone forever. When we had made our cruise reservations in November, Kaiser was in perfect health. Then in January he was diagnosed with lymphoma and the cancer was aggressive and made him very sick. :( He was on all sorts of medication and we tried. We decided to take him to the vet April 1st and have him put down because he was suffering. He was such a beautiful dog and the lymphoma disfigured his face. His playful spirit died with him when he got sick. He wasn't the same Kaiser I once knew. It was horrible. Too bad this had to happen right before the cruise but I know I'll be okay on the cruise. God bless you too.



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