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A poll on smoking


Does smoking on one side the lido deck bother you  

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  1. 1. Does smoking on one side the lido deck bother you

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I just got off the Miracle Nov 10th and took these photos that show the use of some of the smoking and non-smoking areas.


The casino bar at 6:19PM, guess which side is non-smoking.



Sports bar at 6:36PM. This is a non-smoking bar that only had people in it on the weekend and Monday night during the football games, the rest of the time it was empty.



Frankenstein's lounge at 2:51PM. This is a smoking bar with no ashtrays until it opens at night.



Carnival (IMO) is losing alot of revenue in these non-smoking areas. Also the aft, adult only pool area was mostly empty on the non-smoking side. Just my observations.


I was on the Legend in June before ANY smoking changes took place. The sports bar (smoking was allowed) NEVER had anybody in it except when the NBA finals were playing, even at night there was nobody. Piano bar was the same way. We always went in there after dinner before the comedy shows and there were maybe 5 or 6 people in there. The casino, very rarely did I see anybody at the bar in there. And the times that you took these pictures, 6:56...many people are eating or getting ready to eat so I wouldnt expect a bar to be busy and then at 2:51, unless it was a sea day and the weather was horrible, once again, I would be surprised if it was busy regardless if it allowed smoking or not.

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I like how the DOES NOT BOTHER ME AT ALL is the only one in all caps. Plus there are two options if you want to vote no. Hint hint?? I'm just glad the board is back on smoking and away from the tipping scandel.:)



Good catch. ;) :rolleyes:

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I was on the Legend in June before ANY smoking changes took place. The sports bar (smoking was allowed) NEVER had anybody in it except when the NBA finals were playing, even at night there was nobody. Piano bar was the same way. We always went in there after dinner before the comedy shows and there were maybe 5 or 6 people in there. The casino, very rarely did I see anybody at the bar in there. And the times that you took these pictures, 6:56...many people are eating or getting ready to eat so I wouldnt expect a bar to be busy and then at 2:51, unless it was a sea day and the weather was horrible, once again, I would be surprised if it was busy regardless if it allowed smoking or not.


I understand what your saying about the time, but these photos are representative of the way it was the entire cruise at any given time.


We used to go to the sports bar or cigar bar before diner to have a drink and a smoke, but know more.

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I just got off the Miracle Nov 10th and took these photos that show the use of some of the smoking and non-smoking areas.


Carnival (IMO) is losing alot of revenue in these non-smoking areas. Also the aft, adult only pool area was mostly empty on the non-smoking side. Just my observations.



What they lose in those venues they make up in others......

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I understand what your saying about the time, but these photos are representative of the way it was the entire cruise at any given time.


We used to go to the sports bar or cigar bar before diner to have a drink and a smoke, but know more.


I understand your frustration with this and I dont blame you, even though I dont smoke. I think to be fair, the pictures should be of a time when the bars would be/should be packed. On my cruise on the Legend the indoor bars were NEVER packed. This is one thing that was somewhat dissappointing me and my family. We would look for where the "action" was in the evening and none of the bars, which were all smoking, had any kind of crowd or activity. Only the outdoor bars during the day had any consistent crowds thru the whole cruise.

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Frankenstien's bar (smoking bar) was always packed at night when Music Unlimited was playing in there.


I wish I had taken the photos at 10 or 11 PM but I kept forgetting my camera at night.


We did have a blast on this cruise and had no problems finding a place to have a smoke, but I sure did like the cigar bar.

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Remember when you could go into a restaurant & the hostess would ask -Smoking ? Non-smoking ? or the classic 1st available ? Never seemed to be a problem til a non smoker would take 1st available then complain that the smoke bothers them.....Cruise lines seemed to change a few years ago when they allowed cabin stewards to make up their own rules about no smoking in the cabins & tried to force you out on the balconies..Now the complaints are starting about the smoke outside...Funny how this was never a real issue before we were forced outside!! Last cruise I was on we were out on the lido deck by the pool (smoking side, of course) a female security officer came out the 3rd day of the cruise & insisted all the smokers had to move back under the deck in the seating area - all the other security officers never said a word at any other time - but when she appeared she made a bee line to the smokers......It's a shame it coming to this but it may be time to find a new way to spend my hard earned dollars....After all I cruise to relax, unwind, and enjoy myself...put too many restrictions on anything & people will start to look elsewhere...

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Just realized in this poll that there are 3 choices - no - yes & doesnt bother me at all ??? If it doesnt bother you isnt that a no ??? Or is another way of saying only 1/3 of the survey said "no".....Yet in reality only 1/3 said "yes" .... Just goes to show you - You can make numbers looks any way you want them to....

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And where mite that be?


The food and beverage department has a bottom line figure that they must make on each and every cruise and there goal is to make a profit.


It's really not tough to get a drink on a ship regardless of where you are standing......

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The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of non smoking ships. Not all of them, but one at each of the large ports. Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Galveston, San Diego and New York. All of these ports are big enough to support two or more ships, and large enough to support clentele from either smoking or non smoking.

Those of you who bring up the Paradise, remember that it was a trial over 10(?) years ago. Times are a'changing. Carnival might not be able to make everyone happy, but even though I'm a smoker I agree that non-smokers shouldn't have to put up with our horrible forsaken we are all gonna die or go to hell or both habits. They should have ships of their very own.

This way there will be ships for those that absolutely can not stand the smell of smoke, ships for those that don't care one way or the other or sail with some one else who does smoke AND ships for those of us who do smoke and aren't ready to quit.


Solves all our problems! :D

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The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of non smoking ships. Not all of them, but one at each of the large ports. Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Galveston, San Diego and New York. All of these ports are big enough to support two or more ships, and large enough to support clentele from either smoking or non smoking.

Those of you who bring up the Paradise, remember that it was a trial over 10(?) years ago. Times are a'changing. Carnival might not be able to make everyone happy, but even though I'm a smoker I agree that non-smokers shouldn't have to put up with our horrible forsaken we are all gonna die or go to hell or both habits. They should have ships of their very own.

This way there will be ships for those that absolutely can not stand the smell of smoke, ships for those that don't care one way or the other or sail with some one else who does smoke AND ships for those of us who do smoke and aren't ready to quit.


Solves all our problems! :D


I always say why fix something that ain't broken......if it is working for Carnival with the new smoking areas outside then that is all that matters.......

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The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of non smoking ships. Not all of them, but one at each of the large ports. Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Galveston, San Diego and New York. All of these ports are big enough to support two or more ships, and large enough to support clentele from either smoking or non smoking.

Those of you who bring up the Paradise, remember that it was a trial over 10(?) years ago. Times are a'changing. Carnival might not be able to make everyone happy, but even though I'm a smoker I agree that non-smokers shouldn't have to put up with our horrible forsaken we are all gonna die or go to hell or both habits. They should have ships of their very own.

This way there will be ships for those that absolutely can not stand the smell of smoke, ships for those that don't care one way or the other or sail with some one else who does smoke AND ships for those of us who do smoke and aren't ready to quit.


Solves all our problems! :D


Your part about "going to hell" made me laugh. Once heard motivational and devout Christian Zig Zigler speak and he said somebody once asked him if he thought they would go to hell for smoking. He said "no...you will only smell like it." Thought it was funny and accurate.


I dont smoke and feel CCL is going about all this all wrong. They need to grow a pair, set the rules and leave them alone long enough to see how the clients/revenue reacts. That will tell them all they need to know.


And to RLAPA, I remember those days and believe me, the non smoking side still stunk.

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Your part about "going to hell" made me laugh. Once heard motivational and devout Christian Zig Zigler speak and he said somebody once asked him if he thought they would go to hell for smoking. He said "no...you will only smell like it." Thought it was funny and accurate.


I dont smoke and feel CCL is going about all this all wrong. They need to grow a pair, set the rules and leave them alone long enough to see how the clients/revenue reacts. That will tell them all they need to know.


And to RLAPA, I remember those days and believe me, the non smoking side still stunk.





Can I get an AMEN, Brother? :D

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No, smoking in the smoking section doesn't bother me because I avoid it, but the smokers who smoke in the non-smoking section on the Lido or casino bothers me and I will say something to them (saw several of those last month on the Spirit).

On Nov 12, day 1 of my cruise, I was reminded how my smoke was bothering her on Lido. Of course I had to remind her to go to the non smoking side!

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I used to smoke for about 20 years. In fact I just quit after we took our last cruise - it was just the right time for me.


Now that I'm a non-smoker, I can definitely see both sides.


I can tell you, as a smoker, I never NEVER realized how bothersome smoke is to non-smokers. I always thought they were being overly dramatic - waiving their hands around, the overly loud cough, etc. When I first quit, I enjoyed being around it. The smell, the habit of stepping outside to visit, etc. Now, it's a different story.


When you're used to being around smoke:

The smell doesn't bother you

You're used to having it in your eyes

You're used to inhaling it

The taste in your mouth doesn't make you sick (in fact - you love it)


Now, (for me at least) its very irritating. I can tell you non-smokers that most smokers are very considerate, or at least they try to be. I can promise you that if they really knew how bothersome it was, they would try harder to keep it away from you.


One final thing - Smokers have the right to smoke! Cigarettes, pipes, cigars are legal, but people that smoke are treated like second class citizens. Pushing them out into the rain, cold, extreme heat, etc, will not make them quit. Neither will constant nagging, threatening, etc. For me, it was just time.


I bought my last carton of cigarettes on the Conquest in August of 2010. Once I was done, I had made the decision that I was going to do it for me - not for my husband, son, parents, - but for me. I've tried quitting in the past for others, but I always caved. I realized that if I wasn't doing it for myself, I'd fail. Today, I can finally say that I will never smoke again (and that's something I thought I'd never be able to say).


Basically, the way I feel is if you want to smoke, smoke! If you don't, don't! Either way, try to respect the person next to you - no matter which side of the line you fall on.



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I used to smoke for about 20 years. In fact I just quit after we took our last cruise - it was just the right time for me.


Now that I'm a non-smoker, I can definitely see both sides.


I can tell you, as a smoker, I never NEVER realized how bothersome smoke is to non-smokers. I always thought they were being overly dramatic - waiving their hands around, the overly loud cough, etc. When I first quit, I enjoyed being around it. The smell, the habit of stepping outside to visit, etc. Now, it's a different story.


When you're used to being around smoke:

The smell doesn't bother you

You're used to having it in your eyes

You're used to inhaling it

The taste in your mouth doesn't make you sick (in fact - you love it)


Now, (for me at least) its very irritating. I can tell you non-smokers that most smokers are very considerate, or at least they try to be. I can promise you that if they really knew how bothersome it was, they would try harder to keep it away from you.


One final thing - Smokers have the right to smoke! Cigarettes, pipes, cigars are legal, but people that smoke are treated like second class citizens. Pushing them out into the rain, cold, extreme heat, etc, will not make them quit. Neither will constant nagging, threatening, etc. For me, it was just time.


I bought my last carton of cigarettes on the Conquest in August of 2010. Once I was done, I had made the decision that I was going to do it for me - not for my husband, son, parents, - but for me. I've tried quitting in the past for others, but I always caved. I realized that if I wasn't doing it for myself, I'd fail. Today, I can finally say that I will never smoke again (and that's something I thought I'd never be able to say).


Basically, the way I feel is if you want to smoke, smoke! If you don't, don't! Either way, try to respect the person next to you - no matter which side of the line you fall on.




Very well said. Thank you :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

First they came for the

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.










Has anyone ever thought of what they themselves might be willing to lose? Just a cigarette. Just a salt shaker.. . .



Has anyone thought of how much smokers REALLY pay?

Have you looked at your perspective states' sin taxes? where the money from said taxes go?




Here in NV they banned smoking in bars. Not the strip casinos, just the neighborhood bar and grills. We are a little different here. Everyone has gambling in the local bars here. NO ONE allowed under 21 yrs of age. But nevertheless, a law passed "for the children" 3,000 people lost their jobs. Casinos were immune. While the law has not entirely been reversed. It is being ignored. Why?




How much tax money per pack, per carton goes to each perspective state for child health and development? Check with your state. You will be surprised.



It's a legal substance, people pay dearly monetarily and healthwise for it. Yet, these same people are treated, by some as second class citizens. Hmmmmm.




Where would the perspective states go for the extra money should that well dry up? Who will they come for next? what perceived sin?


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First they came for the

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.










Has anyone ever thought of what they themselves might be willing to lose? Just a cigarette. Just a salt shaker.. . .



Has anyone thought of how much smokers REALLY pay?

Have you looked at your perspective states' sin taxes? where the money from said taxes go?




Here in NV they banned smoking in bars. Not the strip casinos, just the neighborhood bar and grills. We are a little different here. Everyone has gambling in the local bars here. NO ONE allowed under 21 yrs of age. But nevertheless, a law passed "for the children" 3,000 people lost their jobs. Casinos were immune. While the law has not entirely been reversed. It is being ignored. Why?




How much tax money per pack, per carton goes to each perspective state for child health and development? Check with your state. You will be surprised.



It's a legal substance, people pay dearly monetarily and healthwise for it. Yet, these same people are treated, by some as second class citizens. Hmmmmm.




Where would the perspective states go for the extra money should that well dry up? Who will they come for next? what perceived sin?





How right you are - I just googled and the price of a package of cigarettes (in Canada) is 63-79% tax. I'm sure it's similar in the USA but couldn't find exact numbers. Most people (nonsmokers in particular) just don't realize that their taxes are going to rise somewhere as less cigarettes are sold.

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YES or NO would have been the appropriate choices for this poll to be unbiased



I don't know why??? Then both the "no" answer results would've been combined - same number in the end. I don't think having two "no" answers sways someone from say choosing "yes" :confused: I chose "not at all" but if that choice wasn't available and it was just "yes" or "no", I would have obviously choosen "no". If smoke bothered me I wouldn't have chosen "yes" not "not at all" or "no".


I don't smoke, but it doesn't bother me because I don't stand beside someone who is smoking. I do have to venture into the smoking area sometimes because DH smokes but I just move away from the smoke since in the outdoors the ratio of fresh air to smoke is extremely high.

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I used to smoke for about 20 years. In fact I just quit after we took our last cruise - it was just the right time for me.


Now that I'm a non-smoker, I can definitely see both sides.


I can tell you, as a smoker, I never NEVER realized how bothersome smoke is to non-smokers. I always thought they were being overly dramatic - waiving their hands around, the overly loud cough, etc. When I first quit, I enjoyed being around it. The smell, the habit of stepping outside to visit, etc. Now, it's a different story.


When you're used to being around smoke:

The smell doesn't bother you

You're used to having it in your eyes

You're used to inhaling it

The taste in your mouth doesn't make you sick (in fact - you love it)


Now, (for me at least) its very irritating. I can tell you non-smokers that most smokers are very considerate, or at least they try to be. I can promise you that if they really knew how bothersome it was, they would try harder to keep it away from you.


One final thing - Smokers have the right to smoke! Cigarettes, pipes, cigars are legal, but people that smoke are treated like second class citizens. Pushing them out into the rain, cold, extreme heat, etc, will not make them quit. Neither will constant nagging, threatening, etc. For me, it was just time.


I bought my last carton of cigarettes on the Conquest in August of 2010. Once I was done, I had made the decision that I was going to do it for me - not for my husband, son, parents, - but for me. I've tried quitting in the past for others, but I always caved. I realized that if I wasn't doing it for myself, I'd fail. Today, I can finally say that I will never smoke again (and that's something I thought I'd never be able to say).


Basically, the way I feel is if you want to smoke, smoke! If you don't, don't! Either way, try to respect the person next to you - no matter which side of the line you fall on.



Bravo, so very well put..and I have only had a Balcony, a mini-suite one at that.. on a three night Fam cruise with a TA friend on Star Princess when new which had no issues...my concern is how to make it fair to enjoy fresh air on balcony or smoke on balcony for all, because I choose to not get ot in my throat or eyes if possible and never completely possible in travel...just remember many a time by the pool in Hawaii or luck of the draw on your much larger condo Lanai...I still want to do a lot of ships and lines with smoking allowed on balcony and take the balconies when I can..but do not want it to be an all the time bad thing..I guess and hope with most it is not...maybe better not to be next to the big balcony situations for lots of parties/gatherings with smoke...tough call...Sarah

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I used to smoke for about 20 years. In fact I just quit after we took our last cruise - it was just the right time for me.


Now that I'm a non-smoker, I can definitely see both sides.


I can tell you, as a smoker, I never NEVER realized how bothersome smoke is to non-smokers. I always thought they were being overly dramatic - waiving their hands around, the overly loud cough, etc. When I first quit, I enjoyed being around it. The smell, the habit of stepping outside to visit, etc. Now, it's a different story.


When you're used to being around smoke:

The smell doesn't bother you

You're used to having it in your eyes

You're used to inhaling it

The taste in your mouth doesn't make you sick (in fact - you love it)


Now, (for me at least) its very irritating. I can tell you non-smokers that most smokers are very considerate, or at least they try to be. I can promise you that if they really knew how bothersome it was, they would try harder to keep it away from you.


One final thing - Smokers have the right to smoke! Cigarettes, pipes, cigars are legal, but people that smoke are treated like second class citizens. Pushing them out into the rain, cold, extreme heat, etc, will not make them quit. Neither will constant nagging, threatening, etc. For me, it was just time.


I bought my last carton of cigarettes on the Conquest in August of 2010. Once I was done, I had made the decision that I was going to do it for me - not for my husband, son, parents, - but for me. I've tried quitting in the past for others, but I always caved. I realized that if I wasn't doing it for myself, I'd fail. Today, I can finally say that I will never smoke again (and that's something I thought I'd never be able to say).


Basically, the way I feel is if you want to smoke, smoke! If you don't, don't! Either way, try to respect the person next to you - no matter which side of the line you fall on.



Well said! Thank you! And congrats on quitting!:) I am trying to quit, but no success yet. However, I am a considerate smoker...I only smoke where I am allowed and even if I am just walking around outside, I try not to smoke right next to people. I think that's what annoys the smokers so much...if we are in our own section, away from the non-smoking section (especially when outside), why is it a problem???? I just don't get it:rolleyes:

YES or NO would have been the appropriate choices for this poll to be unbiased

Doesn't matter...you can only vote once, regardless. So over 500 people have voted it doesn't bother them and much less have voted that it does. Easy.

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