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Need ideas for a celebration onboard!


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I've just booked my family on the Carnival Dream for mid-February. We haven't been on a real vacation in a few years, due to my health issues... I had a genetic condition that has led to two -- yes TWO :) -- Organ transplants within the last year.


So, long story short, I am now feeling GREAT and want to make up for lost time with my wonderful wife and fantastic boys (9 and 13). I know that the cruise itself will be great, but am looking for something special to really say thank you to them for standing behind me these last 5 years. Haven't any clue what it might be -- I'm not the most creative individual in the world -- but I'd like to do something!


Any thoughts from anyone who may be more creative than I?

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First Congrats on the medical issues!


I see it is your second post so can you help us out a little?


We know your ship is the Dream.


What Date are you sailing? So we can determine where you will be going to stop.


What does the family like to do and are you going to be limited in any participation?


When was your last vacation? And what did you and the kids do?


Have you been on a cruise before?



Generic Ideas...

Flowers delivered to the room for the wife. Or a spa package.


Bon voyage gifts http://www.carnival.com/BonVoyage/Default.aspx


Pack a nerf football for a beach day.


Don't forget Camp Carnival for the boys. (They may forget you are on the ship and you will have some quiet time with the wife.)


As we get more information we will be able to help you out more.


Also Check on the ships roll call for your sailing date. It will be a great way to have some contact with fellow cruisers before you go and they may be able to help you plan something while on the ship.


Keep us informed.




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We did a family vacation in July 2010 on the Dream. The most memorable and talked about event between our kids (19,18,17,16 & 5) was dinner together each night. We NEVER rushed, shared food, tried everything new. Lots and lots of laughter. We did anytime dining so we didn't have a schedule to follow. The Dream has sook much to offer but dinner was the BEST. I know you meant something beyond the normal but sometime the great gifts come from the normal. To be savored and appreciated.


Hope you have continued good health and happiness.

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Thank you so much for your kind thoughts -- And for your responses!


We will be on the Dream 2/18/2012. Balcony cabin. As of now, I have us sharing one cabin, but am considering (if the cost isn't too much more) getting an interior across the hall for the boys.


Stops will be Cozumel, Belize, Mahogany Bay (Isla Roatan), and Costa Maya (Mexico).


I'm still not fully up to any real strenuous activity, but I can hold my own for most things. I've done parasailing in the past, but would pass on it this time :) Hopefully I can talk my wife (and maybe the boys) into trying it this time! My wife really isn't into the whole spa thing, so it kind of rules that out. They boys are excited about checking out the Mayan ruins, participating in all of the water activities that they can do, and (perhaps) doing a dolphin excursion. May also try snorkeling with them!


Last vacation was before my first transplant about a year and a half ago. We went to create some memories "just in case", but because of my health at the time, I don't remember much of it! We went to an all-inclusive resort in Mexico. I pretty much collapsed all day in the sun with my wife, my older son spent most of his time checking out the 12 year old ladies in the hot tub :) and my younger son bounced between the pool with us, and the children's activities.


Been on 3 cruises, but not in a long time. Went on NCL on our honeymoon (17 years ago -- seems like a lifetime!), went on the Disney Magic just before my younger son was born, and went on a short cruise with my wife on RCL about 6 years ago. Haven't been able to do it since...


I saw the bon voyage gifts... Thinking about having the room decorated, as I can't drink, so wine would probably go to waste... The spa wouldn't work for my wife... She just doesn't enjoy it, even though I've tried!


Nerf football is a GREAT idea. They'll love that! Thank you!


Been looking into Camp Carnival. Sounds great for the boys. Only problem is the 9 year old (going on 30) thinks his group will be too young for him, so he wants to go to his brother's "cool" group. Uggghhh...! On the other hand, we want to get some "alone" time, but not too much. The boys have been through a lot too, and I want to spend as much time together as possible!


Thanks again... and keep the ideas coming if you can!

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The dolphin swim in Cozumel is awesome. They also have a sea lion show. The state park is called Chukkanaub, or something like that. It gets some of the best reviews for dolphin encounters. Have a great cruise and congrats on your health issues. I would definitely have the room decorated and try and get another room for the kids, as they were pretty small. If you look thru the Bon Voyage dept there are some t shirts and back packs the kids might enjoy. It is fun coming into your room with presents waiting! Enjoy! We just got back from the Dream over Thanksgiving and you will love it.

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My boys are the exact same age as yours, well our oldest just turned 10, so our cruise next week is kinda a 1/2 vacation, 1/2 we don't have any more "baby's OMG!" cruise!


I don't know about your boys, though mine might fall on the strange side with their likes and dislikes.


If your boys like the water and such, I would suggest looking into maybe a waterproof camera or 2 for them if they don't have them. Both my kids are shutterbugs, thought my youngest is still working on it. My oldest is hoping to get some good enough pictures to send off and get published somewhere this trip. You can get the low end ones (Fuji Film, but I would go with the 1st or 2nd version NOT the newest one I have heard of a lot more problems with them!) for a pretty reasonable price. My oldest bought his own for this trip for less than $150 with a ton of accessories including a memory card on eBay. I can't say if your boys would like the idea, but I know mine do!


I understand how your wife is, I haven't gotten my nails done or even thought about something like that since I was the age of our older boys! For her specifically (if your boys don't mind) I would say maybe a nice quiet dinner at the Steakhouse. What I personally would have thought was the best Thank You from my husband for anything travel related would be NOT having to do much to get ready for it. If she is the type who does all the packing before the trip, gets the boys ready for dinner or to go on excursions, or does all the laundry afterwards (That piles up A LOT after 7+ days!) do those things for her.


I am glad to hear you are doing better with your health issues! I know how scary it can be to have kids that young and be worrying about how many memories you will have with them! I will be on my 3rd surgery in 3 years after we come back (2 brain, upcoming back) and I know how it feels to be in your position with your kids!


I wish you the best of luck in everything and what you decide to do!

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Thanks, NeuroQueen -- I was eyeing that excursion in Cozumel. Appreciate the insight, and really glad to hear that you enjoyed the Dream!


Jasalth -- Glad to hear that your 2 surgeries went well, and wish you continued good health on your upcoming one. Love the idea of the waterproof camera, and handling all of the "miscellaneous" stuff during and after the cruise for her!


Please keep 'em coming... I owe them all so much and really want to thank them right!

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Congrats on your health! I'm guessing a healthy dad/DH is all your family needs to celebrate. ;) But, since you want to do more, I give gift bags before & the day of travel. November 2010, we took my DD & her BFF on a cruise to celebrate their 16th birthdays. The night before we left to drive to Galveston I gave them each a bag filled with things like lip balm, travel sized toiletries & air freshner from Bath & Body, an itunes gift card, etc. The morning we left I gave them 1 big bag with magazines & car-travel stuff. They loved it! This year we're going for spring break & taking the BFF who came with us last time as well as their other BFF (the girls' parents are paying for them). I'm going to do the same thing but this time add gift certificates for pedicures, spray tan & suntan lotion & give it to them a month before we leave. I'm going to add snacks for the ride to Galveston in with the magazines .

I don't have boys so not sure what they like but I'm betting you do. My girls loved the bags!

Again, & most important, congrats on your improved health!

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First of all- like others have said- Congrats on your health! That is first and foremost and I bet the best gift you could give to your wife and sons!


I love the idea of a nice romantic dinner for just you and your DW at the steakhouse. I also like the idea of the waterproof camera for your boys- maybe they can each get one (I know my kids would fight over it if there was just one...LOL!). They are pretty reasonable in price now a days-



Or maybe get them some new snorkeling gear and then plan a nice snorkel excursion for one of your port days...


I truly think the best gift that you can give to them would be to spend some one on one time with each son...having your undivided, unrushed attention with no worries- now that is a wonderful memory to take with them.:)


Best of luck to you and your family- and many wishes for continued good health!:D

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Nana -- I saw the tubing excursion... Don't know if I'm really up for it. The last thing I need is to have an injury or problem in a foreign country! I may try to talk the family into doing it, though -- Looks like fun!


dfmeeks -- Great ideas! With the boys, it's ALL about video games and music. Perhaps an Itunes card, as you suggested. Rather not give them any more video games or anything that will keep us apart during the cruise (They are going to bring their 3DS's and it's going to be hard enough to garner some time with them between the video games, computers in the kid's program, the pools, and in the case of my older son, the young ladies! I'll keep the throught in mind though... perhaps I can come up with something else for them. Hmmmmm.....


Smithkids -- like the steakhouse, and LOVE the waterproof camera idea. That really isn't that expensive -- I thought that they would be much more. Perhaps my Amazon account will get some use today! And the one-on-one time is fantastic. I'll have to plan that into our time!


Again, thanks so much to everyone for everything. You guys are awesome!

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For sure book a excursion with Victor Bodden. Read all about him on the Roatan port board. They can mix and match anything, but for sure go see his monkeys at his house. He has a small zoo where you can hold the monkeys. He also has zip lines that are amazing. Your boys will love this.

We booked a island tour with him as we had been there once before on the island and wanted to see the difference since the cruise ships were going here now.

toured the island and stopped wherever we wanted and had a couple beach hours.



Your cruise is very port intensive, be sure and pencil in lots of time to relax.

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You should check out Nachi Cocum in Cozumel. It's more of a private beach since they only allow 100 people per day but very beautiful and still has some activities for the kids. My family loved it there! Is this the same Mike that works for T.A.?


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The boys and I went through the excursions last night, and they INSISTED on doing the Amazing Cozumel Race, so looks ike Nachi Cocum won't be an option. We certainly won't win the race, as I can't move very fast, but we'll have a lot of fun being together, seeing the sights, and trying dp decipher the clues. And thanks for the advice... Next time through, we try the beach!


I think my "secret identity" has been revealed :) Do I get a hint as to who blew my cover? LOL

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SOS -- Thanks for the heads up on the spa cost. My wife has started to waver on the idea -- JUST SLIGHTLY -- So I may be able to convince her by February!


Pambud -- WOW! That is PERFECT! My older son has been dying to go on a zip line, and my younger son would probably join him. Looks like they have a tour where the boys can go on the line, and we can spend more time with the monkeys :) and then all go to the beach together, which I know will always be a winning idea for them. All at what seems like a very reasonable price, and great reviews. Sounds like that idea may be a keeper. Thank you!!!!!

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This is Lauren from First Preferred...well that used to work there. Lol. I'm glad your doing well and getting to take a well deserved vacation!


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Hey! Long time no see. Thanks for the advice -- Hope all is well with you... Where are you now?

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I wanted to say congrats on feeling better. Your positive attitude is inspiring. I hope you have a great trip. I do not have a lot of ideas for excursions, because of those ports, Cozumel is the only one I have been too and you have the excursion picked there. Definitely enjoy yourselves as a family and make the most of your vacation. Having experience from having been a kid at one time (and now not), I can say that the experiences and fun spent together as a family are something that your kids will remember and appreciate later in life, more so than material things. Have a great trip.

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Michelle -- What a creative idea! I took the advice of Smithkids above and bought a waterproof camera. It was delivered today, so we will have more than one camera with us. The cameras themselves and the memory cards are cheap, so even if they go running around with them and

something happens, no big deal. Think we might try that. Thank you!


Cruzinlisa -- Thanks for the kind words... Don't want to sound "all shucks, ma'am", but my attitude is NOTHING compared to that of my boys, wife, family, friends, medical team, and my donors. Without any of them, I would absolutely not be here. And you couldn't be more right about the memories... I just know my boys, and the times we live in. Everything aimed towards them is bigger, brighter, flashier, etc... And so in order to really catch their attention, I need to find something HUGE. And, as you say, not necessarily in material worth, but simply something that they will never forget. With all of the wonderful suggestions I'm getting, I just may be able to accomplish it!

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All the ideas everyone has shared sound like so much fun!

If you are looking for something more symbolic, you could renew your wedding vows on board or in one of the ports. And include your Children in the ceremony. Carnival offers packages, or you could just do this by yourselves -- find a pretty spot on the beach, gather the kids, hand your wife a flower, and tell her and the kids how you feel about your family, what you've all been through together, etc. it could be a little sappy, but very meaningful. Maybe even make a family vow all together to find a way every day to share your love for each other, and to make the time to be together and share fun times. :)

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All the ideas everyone has shared sound like so much fun!

If you are looking for something more symbolic, you could renew your wedding vows on board or in one of the ports. And include your Children in the ceremony. Carnival offers packages, or you could just do this by yourselves -- find a pretty spot on the beach, gather the kids, hand your wife a flower, and tell her and the kids how you feel about your family, what you've all been through together, etc. it could be a little sappy, but very meaningful. Maybe even make a family vow all together to find a way every day to share your love for each other, and to make the time to be together and share fun times. :)


Spiralshell -- Someone in our Roll Call post suggested this also. What a wonderful idea! I'm almost certain that I'm going to do this. I've let my older son know about it, as I will probably need his help arranging it on the ship. I'm going to keep it secret from my younger boy and wife, though.



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Hi neighbour... :p (we are across the river from you )


I agree with everyone Congrats on the health issues!!!

Definitely get the cabin decorated and get the boys a surprise from the bon voyage dept!! It is so awesome to walk in and see your room all decorated ( my kids had ours done last cruise for my birthday... and they didnt even come but I had to take pictures. )


Speaking of pictures get some professional ones done, but not just the formal pics. I love looking back at the fun ones we had taken, they are also the ones displayed around the house.


The cave tubing would be way to much exertion for you, but your wife and older son might love it and this would be a good time to do something special with your younger son. From what my oldest and dh have told me it is tons of fun, my youngest wanted nothing to do with it so we spent the day wandering the shops and a tour together.

Congrats and continued good health!!

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Hi neighbour... :p (we are across the river from you )


I agree with everyone Congrats on the health issues!!!

Definitely get the cabin decorated and get the boys a surprise from the bon voyage dept!! It is so awesome to walk in and see your room all decorated ( my kids had ours done last cruise for my birthday... and they didnt even come but I had to take pictures. )


Speaking of pictures get some professional ones done, but not just the formal pics. I love looking back at the fun ones we had taken, they are also the ones displayed around the house.


The cave tubing would be way to much exertion for you, but your wife and older son might love it and this would be a good time to do something special with your younger son. From what my oldest and dh have told me it is tons of fun, my youngest wanted nothing to do with it so we spent the day wandering the shops and a tour together.

Congrats and continued good health!!


Thanks, neighbor! (and please note that we spell that word right on our side of the river :D )


Great idea about letting the two of them do that, so I can spend time with the younger one. I'll check into it. Thank you!

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