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Carnival Dream Picture Review, December 10th-17th, 2011


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Our dessert was the WCMC with a sorbet and some other thing that I have no idea what it was!




Chef's Table meal was completed and I must say the following:


- Every single person that we came in contact with in the galley that was not part of serving us for Chef's table smiled and waved at us as if they were so happy to see us in the kitchen. They were carrying tons of plates and still smiling.


- Chef Trevor is an incredible Chef with great vision. Many Chef's I've met throughout the years are pretentious. He was anything but. Chef Trevor Fernades is polite, kind, has a gentle and warming smile and loves what he is doing with his life. His passion is fused in the flavors of his dishes.


- All of our crew from the pastry chef's to the assitant waiters and waiters and assistant cooks were amazing. We never felt rushed. We felt pampered and catered to every single moment of the THREE HOUR... yes THREE HOUR meal.


- $150 for two people when you get not just amazing food but an INCREDIBLE experience built around it was worth every single penny. If you want to book Chef's Table for your cruise, visit John Heald's blog and send him a request. You can also email the Steakhouse for reservations. If you can afford to do it and you love food and upscale experiences, you will not regret the decision to do this!


- We tipped an additional sum of money because we felt blessed to be able to take so many wonderful photos that he didn't have to let us take. We also felt the crew deserved the additional tip because they were amazing people who understood high end customer service.


- The only dishes I didn't care for were the first Tuna Tartar dish and the Rock Shrimp dish. Neither of them were bad though, just not my thing. Latanya loved every single dish she ate. We were so stuffed but were still eating because it was so delicious.


And finally, at the end of the night, Chef and a couple of the Assitant Food and Beverage managers posed for me for a photo:




And to end things off, I asked Chef if he'd get the entire crew together that had worked on our table during the three hours of this evening. With a smile on his face, he said sure and went and rounded them all up for me.




From left to right (and I don't know all of them).


1.) Assistant Waiter, Balazs from Hungary

2.) Uncertain

3.) Emiliano, Assitant Cook from Philippines

4.) Uncertain

5.) Chef Trevor Fernandes

6.) Pastry Chef, Mario D'Silva, India

7.) Uncertain

8.) Vaibhav, Pattisier (Pastry Chef, India)

9.) Uncertain


The people I am uncertain of were catering to the other end of our table. Perhaps some of those folks would know their names if they see this thread.


I hope you all enjoyed our Chef's Table experience!

The following is the photo taken by the ship folks which is horribly scanned by me as well as Chef Trevor's signature and a scanned copy of our Chef's Table Menu!







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If you happen to find my website on your own and want to gush about the photos on it, please just email me through there from now on as I really love this community and do not wish to risk being banned from it. I sincerely appreciate all of the kind words from everyone though!

I guess I was very fortunate, then, because I viewed your website from your link yesterday, and I thought it was just GREAT!! Amazingly beautiful pictures with a totally different perspective!! WONDERFUL!! And such terrific music! I had planned to respond yesterday, but ran out of time, because I got so involved with your site. Thank you sooo much for this review! Silver

P. S. I am so sorry for the loss of your mother....but I know she's VERY proud of you!

Edited by silverfoxcruiser
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Up next: Filet of Chilean Sea Bass with Wine Stewed Challots and Chives Vinaigrette, Leaks Emulsian and a Pea Risotto.


The Sea Bass dish was so FILLING! And so delicious! I hate almost my entire plate of food even though I was bursting at the seams. I am being redundant but flavors! flavors! flavors! Impeccable!





Quoting myself since I cannot edit my post. I meant "ate" not "hate" in regards to the Sea Bass. :-)

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hmm Alicia...you are definitely making me rethink the Chef's Table. My husband and I are foodies ie. WE LOVE TO EAT!! I was thinking the $75pp may not be worth it but I'm definitely rethinking it. So far in the back of my mind i'm planning on 1 day for the steakhouse possibly 2 then the Chef's Table. My question is this do you know ahead of time the day for the Chef's Table so i can make reservations for the Steakhouse?




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hmm Alicia...you are definitely making me rethink the Chef's Table. My husband and I are foodies ie. WE LOVE TO EAT!! I was thinking the $75pp may not be worth it but I'm definitely rethinking it. So far in the back of my mind i'm planning on 1 day for the steakhouse possibly 2 then the Chef's Table. My question is this do you know ahead of time the day for the Chef's Table so i can make reservations for the Steakhouse?





If you can only afford 1, book Chef's Table! It's not just food.. it's an experience!


I didn't find out what time and date Chef's table was for until I got into my room. They had a letter waiting for us when we arrived.


If you email the Steakhouse and tell them you want to book both, I am sure they'll accomodate you just fine.


Don't overthink it. They're two completely different worlds. Chef's table takes you behind the scenes, makes you grateful for the food you get in the MDR and the time it takes to get that food and really gives you personal access to get to know these people over a longer period of time. I really don't think the food can be beaten either!

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I agree the Chefs Table is awesome. I had a different chef but he was just as wonderful :-) we recieved a signed cook book as well as the picture. I like you am not a foodie but heard so many people rave about it that I booked it for myself and I don't regret it at all. I was also allowed to take pictures of my food but they didn't turn out anything like yours..LoL Again a wonderful review and I can't wait to read the rest. FYI I will also be finding your site and looking at your wedding pictures I live near Kissimmee and have friends and family and hopefully myself 1 day that may need your services. You most definately take beautiful pictures.

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Prior to getting on the ship, Steve and Kim had sold me on the idea of Chef's Table


I have told anyone that is willing to listen that our Chef's Table on the Pride with Chef Trevor was THE highlight of our first cruise and can not recommend it highly enough. It is, as Alicia mentioned, an "experience" that is a much better value for the money than the Steakhouse.


I also want to mention that this Chef's Table menu is the one that has been served on The Dream since she launched two years ago and is also the same menu that has been served throughout the entire Carnival Fleet. A new menu is in the process of rolling out (I posted links in a different thread that I can see if I can dig up if anyone is interested). Even though this menu was developed by Carnival's main Executive Chef, each ship's Executive Chef has the liberty to interpret and execute their take on it. Like Latanya, Kim and I enjoyed every course, but I will say that some courses were not executed exactly the same as our previous cruise (so if you've done Chef's Table before, it is worth doing again).


I must also say, as I told Alicia before we sailed, I STRONGLY encourage anyone that does the Chef's table to TRY each and everything you are served, you may be pleasantly surprised. I do not like duck or salmon yet both times I have found them to be delicious during Chef's Table. Back on the Pride, Kim and I sat next to a couple and there were some dishes that the woman would not even taste for whatever reason. Chef Trevor was more than willing to make up alternative courses that suited her taste (pretty sure she was refusing to eat any of the fish dishes) so if there is something that you are absolutely sure you will not be able to handle, let the Chef know and I'm confident he (or she) will come up with something for you. She would not even let Chef Trevor an alternative and I'm not totally certain, but I think he felt that he was not doing his job to give everyone the best experience they could get.



I didn't tell Latanya about Chef's Table because it was a surprise gift for her. Unfortunately, they put a letter in our room about it on Day 1 and when we walked into the room, she got to it before I did.


Anyone wishing to surprise their cabin mate with this experience, be first in the cabin to grab the confirmation letter. Also, you will need to call the steak house once you are on board to confirm your reservation. They need a minimum number of confirmations to host a Chef's Table and will add more if necessary. There were seatings on the third and fourth evenings of our cruise and we had I think fourteen people from our Roll Call alone that reserved seats prior to departure.

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I agree the Chefs Table is awesome. I had a different chef but he was just as wonderful :-) we recieved a signed cook book as well as the picture. I like you am not a foodie but heard so many people rave about it that I booked it for myself and I don't regret it at all. I was also allowed to take pictures of my food but they didn't turn out anything like yours..LoL Again a wonderful review and I can't wait to read the rest. FYI I will also be finding your site and looking at your wedding pictures I live near Kissimmee and have friends and family and hopefully myself 1 day that may need your services. You most definately take beautiful pictures.


Unfortunately, they no longer give out cookbooks. We received one on the Pride but did not receive one on the Dream.

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I am also enjoying your review, Alicia...thanks


We will be on the Dream one week from today :) we've got an active roll call, too...and, like you, I am looking forward to meeting my fellow cruisers from roll call


one more thing...I agree with you and Steven that the Chef's Table is well worth the cost...it truly is an experience and not just a meal...we did it last year on the Triumph, and it was one of the best experiences of our cruise

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Alicia, your review of the Chefs Table is spot on. We went to the Chefs Table on the Dream in June 2010 while it was still experimental and was only available on the Dream. I do work in some of the finest kitchens in the Washington Metropolitan area and have NEVER seen so much spotless stainless steel in a kitchen. The staff has to work very hard to keep it that way.

The personal service at the Chefs Table was incredible. Each person had their own waiter/waitress and I was afraid to set down any silverware because as soon as I did it was replaced.

There was a chef that was (as I found out later in the cruise) fairly high up in the food chain. He was responsible for placing the garnish's on the dishes and was using tweezers. If it wasn't perfect, to his standards, off it came and was replaced with a fresh garnish that was to his liking. An absolute perfectionist.

For anyone trying to make up their mind about the Chefs Table just do it. As Alicia said its an experience not to be missed.



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Awesome job on the review and Chef's Table information. I loved your pics. As you are aware, we had the same experience on the chefs table and found the service and food to be great. I would highly recommend that anyone considering the chefs table to book it regardless of cost. It is well worth the money.


Keep up the great review. hanging on every post and picture.

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I am loving this review and the amazing visuals!

I also wanted to chime in on the Chef's Table...we did it on the Ecstasy and LOVED it, however it's not for everybody. We had several people at our table that quite obviously didn't want to be there, and their grumpiness/lack of conversation really put a damper on the experience for everybody else.

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WOW!!!! You brought the Chef's Table experience alive for us! FANTASTIC! :D


We had a brief encounter with Chef Trevor on the Behind the Fun tour. He was a very friendly and approachable guy.


We thought about doing the Chef's Table and looks like we missed a great event. :(


DW and I will definitely do that on the Breeze! :)

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After the amazing experience we had with Chef's Table, we were so full but also in such a great mood. Tonight was the night I had been most looking forward to in terms of the main shows.


Tonights show: Dancin' in the Streets featuring Fun Force Dancers and acrobatics.


I have NEVER seen a show this different from all the rest of the shows AT SEA! This show had me on the edge of my seat, filled with amazement at how they were able to do the things they did in the small space they had to work with on a moving ship!. Again, I have been on 14 or 15 cruises total and this show left me feeling like I should have paid extra money to be there! Everyone around us was roaring with excitement. I have NEVER seen that kind of energy put into a show or displayed by the recieving audience at sea. The show is mostly stunt based but it's incredible! Having Fun Force as an addition to the Dream REALLY made this night spectacular for us.


On the flip side, it also really set a high bar that I believe will be really hard to meet or exceed. I am PRAYING that Fun Force will be added on the Breeze and that there will be an amazing show (even if it's a repeated show for the interim.)


I won't go into show details because I feel that ruins the surprise element but these guys did things during this show that seemed physically impossible. (Did I mention that I don't get impressed very easily?) Well, I don't. When Team iLuminate was on America's Got Talent this year and everyone screamed about how amazing and original they were... I was like "seriously, have you guys already forgotten about Fighting Gravity who brought this idea of turning the lights off and using glowing costumes to life?" Critical, you could call me. :_) I'll own it.


Even though I was tired, I was still amped up on energy. So, we went to the start of the Mardis Gras Party for the bead throwing part. It was neat as I'd never seen this either.


They then did a huge line that followed up the stairs and I decided to opt out of this part so Latanya and I called it a night.


For some reason, the last few times I've gone on a vacation (Las Vegas, New York and now this cruise), my feet and ankles have swollen so badly that you can't tell where one ends and the other begins. This time, my right knee also swelled really bad. When I went to Vegas, I thought it was the climate or the flight that did it to me. But the climate in NY is totally different. Only common denominator was a flight so I thought that was it. But then for this cruise, I drove and the climate again, totally different. So, we've decided it must have something to do with the increase in salt intake in the foods I eat while on vacation. I really haven't found another option yet.


My knee, ankles and feet were swollen so badly by this point in the cruise that I could barely walk. I was hobbling around, gritting my teeth in pain and agony. I tried to put my leg up and elevate it every chance I got (when there was a little table in front of us in the Encore, etc.) And when I was back in the room to sleep, I'd elevate it on another comforter all folded up. The swelling would get a little better overnight and within 10 minutes of being up on my feet would get extremely bad again.


I don't tell you this to complain or for anyone to feel sorry for me. On the contrary, I tell you this because I started having these problems on day 2 and you can tell from the photos on Day 3 and Day 4 that I didn't let this put a damper on my vacation. Some people say their whole trip is ruined because of chair hogs or because they had to wait in lines that were longer than they wanted to wait in. I waited in lines on a leg I could barely stand on and still was having the time of my life. Again, and perhaps this is because I am getting a little older (just turned 30 in October), but I found that perspective was key on this trip. Once you let something get in your head, it will follow you like your shadow and will haunt your thoughts and feelings. This has a crippling effect on the psyche and takes over. I say this from experience.


Day 4 over. Ahhhhh the comfort of the Carnival Duvets (I have one at home too because over the years, being on the ship made me want to have one. Then hotels like Hampton Inn started following suit.)


Sweet dreams until tomorrow!

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Alicia, your photos are incredibly beautiful and your review is so interesting. I will be going on the Dream in Feb. Eastern cruise with my niece and we have a spa room, so I was glad to hear you enjoyed the spa so much. This is our second cruise together and my 10th. Can't wait to see more of your review. Sharon

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Yesterday I stumbled over your review and I love it! Your pictures are adorable and your comments make me feel like I was on the same cruise. Thank you for this great review!

With your review of the chefs table you got me hooked! Next year on the breeze I must do this (and for sure visit the spa...) is it too early to book the chefs table for June now or already too late?

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Yesterday I stumbled over your review and I love it! Your pictures are adorable and your comments make me feel like I was on the same cruise. Thank you for this great review!

With your review of the chefs table you got me hooked! Next year on the breeze I must do this (and for sure visit the spa...) is it too early to book the chefs table for June now or already too late?


I'd say that you should go ahead and check to see if you can book it. I booked mine rather last minute but know other people in our roll call booked way in advance. June is the official Inaugural month for the Breeze so I'd guess that a lot of people might want to books CT for it and if it were me, I'd inquire with John Heald about it now.

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I am very happy that you left the EXIF intact on your photos.


It has help me better understand each pic. The Canon 50mm 1.4 lens is incredible. I have the 1.8, may have to look at the 1.4.


Thanks again. You are a very talented photographer and a true professional.


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For some reason, the last few times I've gone on a vacation (Las Vegas, New York and now this cruise), my feet and ankles have swollen so badly that you can't tell where one ends and the other begins. This time, my right knee also swelled really bad. When I went to Vegas, I thought it was the climate or the flight that did it to me. But the climate in NY is totally different. Only common denominator was a flight so I thought that was it. But then for this cruise, I drove and the climate again, totally different. So, we've decided it must have something to do with the increase in salt intake in the foods I eat while on vacation. I really haven't found another option yet.


My knee, ankles and feet were swollen so badly by this point in the cruise that I could barely walk. I was hobbling around, gritting my teeth in pain and agony. I tried to put my leg up and elevate it every chance I got (when there was a little table in front of us in the Encore, etc.) And when I was back in the room to sleep, I'd elevate it on another comforter all folded up. The swelling would get a little better overnight and within 10 minutes of being up on my feet would get extremely bad again.


I don't tell you this to complain or for anyone to feel sorry for me. On the contrary, I tell you this because I started having these problems on day 2 and you can tell from the photos on Day 3 and Day 4


Sweet dreams until tomorrow!

http://www.fodors.com/community/europe/how-to-prevent-swollen-legs-from-water-retention.cfm First let me tell you that you rate right up there with Sailor Jack in reviews and that is one huge compliment! I've pasted a link to Fodors on travel, swollen ankles and water retention. Several years ago, there was quite a discussion about this. People were surprised that this, unfortunately, is a fairly common problem esp. when traveling. I've had in once many, many years ago. I started drinking water like crazy and even went so far as to buy salt-free bread, butter, etc. I carried Mrs. Dash's seasoning everywhere I went. Since I avoid all processed foods and drink lots of water, I've never again had the problem. If you google the subject, you'll find lots of tips. It's so uncomfortable - no fun! Happy New Year. Hopefully one of these days our paths will cross. (I gather you also sail RCI?)
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http://www.fodors.com/community/europe/how-to-prevent-swollen-legs-from-water-retention.cfm First let me tell you that you rate right up there with Sailor Jack in reviews and that is one huge compliment! I've pasted a link to Fodors on travel, swollen ankles and water retention. Several years ago, there was quite a discussion about this. People were surprised that this, unfortunately, is a fairly common problem esp. when traveling. I've had in once many, many years ago. I started drinking water like crazy and even went so far as to buy salt-free bread, butter, etc. I carried Mrs. Dash's seasoning everywhere I went. Since I avoid all processed foods and drink lots of water, I've never again had the problem. If you google the subject, you'll find lots of tips. It's so uncomfortable - no fun! Happy New Year. Hopefully one of these days our paths will cross. (I gather you also sail RCI?)



I do cruise CCL and RCCL but I don't cruise RCCL as much as I do Carnival. I don't know who Sailor Jack is but this is the first review I've ever written about anything in my entire life. I am amazed that people are loving it and want to cruise with me! I think of myself as a rather boring person! lol.


Thanks for the tips! I have been googling this issue and definitely have lots of ideas to try out in the hopes that it'll be better next time I take a trip!


Edited to add: Nevermind.. just googled SailorJack. He beats the heck out of me and leaves me in the dust with the way he writes his reviews! So entertaining! Granted, he seems to be trying and I wasn't really trying. Perhaps, on my next one, I'll spruce it up with some fancier words :-P

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