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40 pounds in 4 months

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We are cruising May 13, and my goal is to lose 40 pounds. I would rather lose more like 50, but not sure if it is possible. I am just counting calories and working out. My first weigh in is tomorrow (end of my first week). I have to weigh in on a Friday because I struggle on the weekends. I think that if I didn't have a weekend (or a husband and kids :eek:) I wouldn't be fat. I thought that if I post it here more people are going to know if I fail miserably on my diet this time. I have a desk job, so I don't get much exercise during the day, so I try to go to the gym on my lunch break (since the gym is in my same building!) But still its hard to go. I also go to my personal trainer twice a week. But I like to drink on the weekends, and that in turn, makes me eat awesome tasty food that attaches itself to my body parts!


Really, I want to look hot when I go on my cruise and I want to buy some awesome new clothes. I like to shop, just not right at this exact moment! I feel if I write it all down, I will somehow motivate myself to stick with it. Well that's it for now, I shall keep anyone who cares posted!



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Congratulations on your resolve to lose weight. For me forty pounds seems like a lot, but two pounds a week doesn't seem like a lot. You have about eighteen weeks, so two pounds a week will get you close to your goal.


So by breaking that big goal into manageable smaller goals, one week at a time, it won't seem so daunting. Also, if you miss your mark due to splurging on a weekend, you can get back on your program and get back on course right away.


Another thing, it is easy to lose weight early in a diet, but often the body begins to rebel after a few weeks and just seems to hang on harder to the weight. If you are breaking your weight loss into small increments, you will notice when that point of resistance arrives. The best way to beat it, is eat a little less or work out longer (or both) until you again are losing weight at the rate you desire.


Once you lose your desired weight, you may have to keep on your new regime in order to keep the weight off. Backsliding into former habits can result in rapid regain which would be such a pity after you worked so hard.


I wish you all the best of luck.

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Do you keep a food diary? If you dont then do, write everything EVERYTHING down before you eat it, no cheating, you will be amazed at the end of the day all those food items do add up. If you have a good week its great to go back over your diary and repeat that weeks food. If you have a bad week then at least you can check and see where you went wrong, or get a friend to have a look and see what they think. Good luck, even if you get to lose 20 lbs before you go you will still feel a lot better than you do today.


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I too am trying to lose for our Alaskan cruisetour starting starting May 17th! I re-joined WW back in Sept. and really got going in October. I have 40 lbs also that I want to get off before May 1st...so I have time to replace the old clothes that won't fit with new ones that do. I am exercising and I chose this time to not weigh in on Friday's but chose Monday's. My thought behind this for me was that I would be more successful if I couldn't give into Fri. Sat. and Sunday eating. ;) But in the past Friday's worked great for me I just thought I would switch it up a bit this time around. My new saying “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”

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Yes, my goal is to lose 2 pounds a week. I have 36 more to go as of today and 18 weeks left. So I am going to try and be strong. I keep a food journal and keep track of calories burned. I have this awesome app on my phone that keeps track of everything for me and I can just scan in my food. It tells me how much I "should" lose by what I am eating and how much I work out. Its motivating to see how much more I will lose by working out.


Sixgrlsrenuf- We have similar goals, and are cruising around the same time. Are you leaving from Seattle? I too, am excited to replace my current "fat clothes" However, I don't think I will have to buy too many since my "old" wardrobe is about 4 sizes smaller than my current wardrobe. But of course, I will buy some new clothes.


Thank you everyone for your advice and encouragement!

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Yes, my goal is to lose 2 pounds a week. I have 36 more to go as of today and 18 weeks left. So I am going to try and be strong. I keep a food journal and keep track of calories burned. I have this awesome app on my phone that keeps track of everything for me and I can just scan in my food. It tells me how much I "should" lose by what I am eating and how much I work out. Its motivating to see how much more I will lose by working out.


Sixgrlsrenuf- We have similar goals, and are cruising around the same time. Are you leaving from Seattle? I too, am excited to replace my current "fat clothes" However, I don't think I will have to buy too many since my "old" wardrobe is about 4 sizes smaller than my current wardrobe. But of course, I will buy some new clothes.


Thank you everyone for your advice and encouragement!


We are leaving flying into Fairbanks for 4 nights of land touring and then board our ship on May 21st. I too probably have clothes that will fit and be just like new. LOL

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We are cruising May 13, and my goal is to lose 40 pounds. I would rather lose more like 50, but not sure if it is possible. I am just counting calories and working out. My first weigh in is tomorrow (end of my first week). I have to weigh in on a Friday because I struggle on the weekends. I think that if I didn't have a weekend (or a husband and kids :eek:) I wouldn't be fat. I thought that if I post it here more people are going to know if I fail miserably on my diet this time. I have a desk job, so I don't get much exercise during the day, so I try to go to the gym on my lunch break (since the gym is in my same building!) But still its hard to go. I also go to my personal trainer twice a week. But I like to drink on the weekends, and that in turn, makes me eat awesome tasty food that attaches itself to my body parts!


Really, I want to look hot when I go on my cruise and I want to buy some awesome new clothes. I like to shop, just not right at this exact moment! I feel if I write it all down, I will somehow motivate myself to stick with it. Well that's it for now, I shall keep anyone who cares posted!




I did South Beach Diet and lost 30 lbs in 3 months. But I followed it to a tee. The first couple of weeks are the worst but that's when you get rid of your cravings and hunger pains. I was also just turned on to loseit.com which is more of calorie counting. Good luck, you CAN do it!

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Yes, you can do it. Do whatever you have to do: put up pics of people you want to look like, or what you don't want to look like - whichever motivates you more.


Do the food diary. Try my fitness pal dot com, easy to keep track of things and you'll be amazed how little things add up to kill your goal. Even if you walk before, during, or after work you will be doing better.


One soda per day MAX! Lots of lean protein, watch your total salt and fat intake. 8 glasses of water minimum. It's all been said before but if you are serious with your goal, it will work.


Try a big jug of V8 juice every day (low sodium, spicy if you like) and take a swig every time you get a hunger pang. Only 400 good calories/day and it will help reduce snacking on crap.


29 pounds in 11 weeks is where I'm at right now, 11 to go by end of february. See you at the finish line!

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Yes, you can do it. Do whatever you have to do: put up pics of people you want to look like, or what you don't want to look like - whichever motivates you more.


Do the food diary. Try my fitness pal dot com, easy to keep track of things and you'll be amazed how little things add up to kill your goal. Even if you walk before, during, or after work you will be doing better.


One soda per day MAX! Lots of lean protein, watch your total salt and fat intake. 8 glasses of water minimum. It's all been said before but if you are serious with your goal, it will work.


Try a big jug of V8 juice every day (low sodium, spicy if you like) and take a swig every time you get a hunger pang. Only 400 good calories/day and it will help reduce snacking on crap.


29 pounds in 11 weeks is where I'm at right now, 11 to go by end of february. See you at the finish line!


Way to go!! Keep up the good work! It wasn't until after I posted that I realized I put hunger pain instead of pang...... DUH

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Well, I am struggling this week. I weighed myself (I can't help it, but I try to wait till Friday's) and I am up 3.5 pounds and I am not sure why. I did have 1 cheat meal on Sunday, but I don't think that I could gain 3 pounds from 1 meal! I have also worked out the last 6 of 8 days. So, I am not sure what my issue is, but it's a bit discouraging!

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Well, I am struggling this week. I weighed myself (I can't help it, but I try to wait till Friday's) and I am up 3.5 pounds and I am not sure why. I did have 1 cheat meal on Sunday, but I don't think that I could gain 3 pounds from 1 meal! I have also worked out the last 6 of 8 days. So, I am not sure what my issue is, but it's a bit discouraging!


I would be discouraged too but don't give up. It could be the work out as muscle mass weighs more than fat and also burns more calories. It's the fit of your clothes where you will see it more than the scale. Keep on truckin' :D

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It's probably water, you would have had to go nuts with food for a couple days to pack that on any other way. Don't be too discouraged by the mid-week weigh in, I don't know how 7 days became the magic number to accurately track weight - but it really is. It's like it gives the body just enough time to shake out all the changes of the week and settle down until the next week starts the process again.


I know nothing of female physiology, but I got to believe monthly periods play heck with the system that men simply don't have to consider.


How's your food diary going? Be super diligent - write EVERYTHING down. Salt and sodas are a killer - a lean chicken breast is good, until you season it too much. Use that app, I would be lost without mine.


When you say you exercise, what, how, duration? My goals have required me to do a solid hour of cardio (135-160bpm) 5 times/wk. Use an elliptical for a week, then a treadmill for a week, then back. One day go low (135bpm), then the next stomp the crap out of it like a crazy person. Watch a fitness show or tape, see how they do the yoga and stretching exercises. I do weights at the gym, but I'll try to do a tape next to my wife at home and it kicks by a$$ the same as the weights do - and "Friday13th" is right again - muscle will burn fat, even at rest - so while everybody is watching TV, stand off to the side and do something - ANYTHING! That's where the TV can be handy making time go by.


Can you exercise in the AM? It will jump start your system for the whole day if you can. The lunchtime workout is good too, and doing something in the evening is also good.


Try the 6 small meals during the day if you can. Give your stomach a week or two to shrink (the sucky part of starting a diet), and it won't take as much to feel satisfied eventually (That's where the V8 helped me). I don't know what your likes/dislikes for food are, but here's some ideas to try:


Mexican Shrimp Cocktail - http://lomexicano.com/recipe/Mexican-Shrimp-Cocktail This whole recipe is like 800 calories max. That's a POUND of shrimp plus spicy sauce and veggies. I make a batch every week and enjoy a bowl whenever I want.


Hebrew National low fat hotdogs. Sounds crazy, but they are 40 calories each; wapped in a slice of wheat bread instead of a bun and you're at a whopping 90 calories total. A little mustard and you can have two for lunch or three for dinner and feel like your eating normally (because you ARE!!!)


Chicken, chicken, chicken - It's easy to get bored with this, but it's a lot of bang for the buck - 35 calories/oz plain. Try Red Hot sauce or the no-salt seasonings. Hot sauce is good for the metabolism too, I'm not tolerant of too much heat, but I like the temporary burn.


Keep the celery, carrots, cucumbers - something handy to snack.


Focus when you eat - don't watch TV, read a book, or surf the web. You can still eat with the family and converse, but take the time to see, taste, and feel yourself eating the food. Pick up the fork, take a bite, put down the fork, chew and taste the food, swallow, take a drink of water. take a breath and do it again. It gives your stomach time to send the brain a signal that you are satisfied - that signal is slow and when you are distracted you won't recognize the signal until it's too late - you overate and can't remember or appreciate what you just ate.


If the pictures don't do it for you (what you want to look like/don't want to look like) then print out the ads for the clothes you want. Hang your favorite outfit up somewhere prominent, one that doesn't fit now and look at it, see yourself in it. Know that this is going to take time. It took YEARS to add it, but luckily you can only take a few MONTHS to lose it.


Don't think your world has to change. If the family wants to go out to eat, go. But have something good. Heck, we went to Chili's last night, I watched DW eat an avocado cheeseburger with fries. Didn't bother me a bit as I ate my chicken caesar salad with dressing on the side. Made a game out of pushing croutons aside and dodging the parmesan cheese shreds. It's about you and nobody - NOBODY has to derail your goal, whether they do it consciously or unconsciously.


Pep talk over - now git er done!

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Thanks for all of your advice, I really appreciate it! So here is a typical day for me, and yes I eat almost the same things everyday. I get up at 4:30 I eat breakfast before I leave (oatmeal and yogurt). Get to work by 6, which is a desk job. Then I work out for an hour at 10, I either do elliptical or treadmill for 45-60min or split it up. Then I eat lunch which is a salad I make with red, orange, and yellow peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, and cilantro (no dressing). I get off work about 3 and have dinner around 5, which honestly is usually a frozen "smart ones" meal, around 400 calories-ish. Then, I am not very active, I spend time with my kids and go to bed at 8. On Monday and Tuesday's, I also go to a personal trainer. On Friday nights, I am in a bowling league (I know, I am a dork) so I drink beer (light) and for dinner I have a baked potato instead with Salsa. I do eat the national hebrew hotdogs, I like them, if I do cook meat its always chicken or extra lean ground Turkey. So, I am just not sure what else I can do!

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Well, you're nailing it so I'm not sure what else you can do different. I'm counting 700-900 calories/day from what you wrote. Does that jive with your log? Just hang tough through the little bumps because even with no exercise your calorie deficit should account for at least 1 lb each week in loss. Figure 400 calories/workout and that would account for another 1/2 lb minimum.


Make sure the trainer is earning their money - ask a lot of questions, review your logs, etc. Keep it to a couple beers (not a couple PITCHERS!!!:D) and no crappy snacks. Water is critical, you need something to carry the burned fat byproduct out of your system. Sodas:mad:? And your taking vitamins too, right?


You'll be fine, head up and full speed ahead.

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Thanks for all of your advice, I really appreciate it! So here is a typical day for me, and yes I eat almost the same things everyday. I get up at 4:30 I eat breakfast before I leave (oatmeal and yogurt). Get to work by 6, which is a desk job. Then I work out for an hour at 10, I either do elliptical or treadmill for 45-60min or split it up. Then I eat lunch which is a salad I make with red, orange, and yellow peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, and cilantro (no dressing). I get off work about 3 and have dinner around 5, which honestly is usually a frozen "smart ones" meal, around 400 calories-ish. Then, I am not very active, I spend time with my kids and go to bed at 8. On Monday and Tuesday's, I also go to a personal trainer. On Friday nights, I am in a bowling league (I know, I am a dork) so I drink beer (light) and for dinner I have a baked potato instead with Salsa. I do eat the national hebrew hotdogs, I like them, if I do cook meat its always chicken or extra lean ground Turkey. So, I am just not sure what else I can do!


I think you are lacking protein and fat. You NEED fat (2 Tbs daily) to lose weight and you need protein to keep your blood sugar level (decreasing the cravings). You may not be eating enough calories and your metabolism has slowed right down because of that. I just started http://www.loseit.com (free) and lost 3 lbs in the first week. Pretty easy to follow. Sign up and check it out.

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Well, you're nailing it so I'm not sure what else you can do different. I'm counting 700-900 calories/day from what you wrote. Does that jive with your log? Just hang tough through the little bumps because even with no exercise your calorie deficit should account for at least 1 lb each week in loss. Figure 400 calories/workout and that would account for another 1/2 lb minimum.


Make sure the trainer is earning their money - ask a lot of questions, review your logs, etc. Keep it to a couple beers (not a couple PITCHERS!!!:D) and no crappy snacks. Water is critical, you need something to carry the burned fat byproduct out of your system. Sodas:mad:? And your taking vitamins too, right?


You'll be fine, head up and full speed ahead.



Yes, I will have 818 calories today. Soda, maybe 12oz per week, but I try not too. As for the pitchers, I am going to admit, it probably is closer to 2 pitchers :D. BUT I add the calories into my journal! I am just going to keep going and hopefully it pays off!

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I think you are lacking protein and fat. You NEED fat (2 Tbs daily) to lose weight and you need protein to keep your blood sugar level (decreasing the cravings). You may not be eating enough calories and your metabolism has slowed right down because of that. I just started www.loseit.com (free) and lost 3 lbs in the first week. Pretty easy to follow. Sign up and check it out.



I will check out loseit.com... I will have had 14 grams of fat today (not sure how that compares to 2Tbs. I do struggle with protein, mostly because I am not a big meat eater, so not really sure how to fix that.

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I will check out loseit.com... I will have had 14 grams of fat today (not sure how that compares to 2Tbs. I do struggle with protein, mostly because I am not a big meat eater, so not really sure how to fix that.


Protein includes: cheese, chicken, eggs, seafood, pork. Google it to find more choices.

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Thow in some fruit...that is what I snack on in front of the tv...cherries, grapes, those lil cutie oranges... Hot green tea (they come in flavors) is also great to sip on when you think you really wanna eat something.


I also keep those smart ones or lean cuisine things in the office freezer, but try not to only eat those...they have alot of sodium that will make you hold your water and fat.


Try squeezing fresh lemon or lime juice on your salad...the juice is good for weight loss and it it good on the veggies!!


Keep up the great work...I cruise in 28 days...6 more pounds to go for me...and they are tough ones!! I lose 2 pounds, gain 1...but I am keeping it up!!

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I will check out loseit.com... I will have had 14 grams of fat today (not sure how that compares to 2Tbs. I do struggle with protein, mostly because I am not a big meat eater, so not really sure how to fix that.


Sorry, that was my personal calculation.... They say to avoid saturated fat and if you are trying to lose weight you should not have more than 60 grams a day. Read the packages and the serving sizes. It really does open your eyes. :eek:

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I might try that V8 as well...I don't even know if I like it or not...


My vice is cocktails...I am a foo foo drinking...and those juices really add up the calories. This week I had a diet sprite with lime and vodka instead...surely that is better! :confused:

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I might try that V8 as well...I don't even know if I like it or not...


My vice is cocktails...I am a foo foo drinking...and those juices really add up the calories. This week I had a diet sprite with lime and vodka instead...surely that is better! :confused:


Most people seem to hate it, I don't know - it has a savory component that I like. Never know til you try.


Diet soda is better than regular - 100 or so calories difference, that cuts the total drink down to about 100 (vs. 200 with reg soda) per drink so it is making headway. And after a couple I probably wouldn't care if it were diet or regular...:p

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So I am happy to report that I lost the weight I gained last weekend. However, that means I only lost .6 this week. Total weight loss in two weeks is 4.6. Technically, it's 6.6 BUT I am not counting 2 pounds because I gained those pounds after I decided my goals, and didn't realize I had already gained 2. So for the purposes of my 40 in 4, I am down 4.6.

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So I am happy to report that I lost the weight I gained last weekend. However, that means I only lost .6 this week. Total weight loss in two weeks is 4.6. Technically, it's 6.6 BUT I am not counting 2 pounds because I gained those pounds after I decided my goals, and didn't realize I had already gained 2. So for the purposes of my 40 in 4, I am down 4.6.


Yay.... that's terrific!! Keep up the good work! :D

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