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Costa Concordia Feb 6, 2012 anyone?


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I dont know why people think of us that are missing our events as selfish, yes it is horrible that people have died and some are missing. I pray for them. This accident is leaning toward captain error. I made a good faith investment with Costa cruises and had to pay them in advance. To be able to make their cruise I had to make airfare arrangements. now I have to change my airfare due to an accident that occured due to one of their captains. so yes I do think that costa should refund our money as well as take care of rearranging airfare for me. If something happened to me, do you think they would still not want my money, no they are already saying that if I cancel now I would get hit with a cancellations fee.


So yes it is sad that people are lost, but I have paid a good amount of money for a once in a lifetime trip. If costa is not going to move another boat in, I need to make other plans while I still can. There is a time for mourning, but this is a business. And a business should make good to its customers if they wish to remain in business

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So yes it is sad that people are lost, but I have paid a good amount of money for a once in a lifetime trip. If costa is not going to move another boat in, I need to make other plans while I still can. There is a time for mourning, but this is a business. And a business should make good to its customers if they wish to remain in business


It seems to me a full refund is making good to its customers. The 30% off is fair. As far as issues with air fare and having to make alternative plans, that happens to all of us with travel at some point. It has happened to me anyway. That's the way it goes. There are no guarantees.

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I dont know why people think of us that are missing our events as selfish, yes it is horrible that people have died and some are missing. I pray for them. This accident is leaning toward captain error. I made a good faith investment with Costa cruises and had to pay them in advance. To be able to make their cruise I had to make airfare arrangements. now I have to change my airfare due to an accident that occured due to one of their captains. so yes I do think that costa should refund our money as well as take care of rearranging airfare for me. If something happened to me, do you think they would still not want my money, no they are already saying that if I cancel now I would get hit with a cancellations fee.


So yes it is sad that people are lost, but I have paid a good amount of money for a once in a lifetime trip. If costa is not going to move another boat in, I need to make other plans while I still can. There is a time for mourning, but this is a business. And a business should make good to its customers if they wish to remain in business

These are the reasons why you purchase travel insurance. Yes it is a business and right now Costa's most pressing business is to deal with the disaster and those passengers and families that have lost or are missing loved ones.

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ALL OF YOU THAT ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR NEAR OR FUTURE CRUISE WITH COSTA AND THIS SHIP ARE TOTALLY UNBELIEVABLE!!! I am ashamed to be a part of a board with such selfish people that are "upset" that because of NOT getting full refund or flight arrangements etc.......


PEOPLE DIED...PEOPLE ARE MISSING.......and the ones that made it are scarred......

I am in tears reading this tread, I am just thankful that I will not be cruising with some people. Oh dear,

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I think some of you are being very very nasty to someone that has questions about an upcoming Costa cruise on this ship. It seems Costa should have delegated department heads to handle future Concordia cruises and another to handle the accident victims. We have had situations where our future cruise was cancelled due to ship issues, and the cruise line dealt with our agent to switch us to another ship on another line. After all, Costa is owned by Carnival which also has Holland America and Princess. I feel sorry for everyone involved, victims both from this accident, but victims also of a vacation messed up. Many of you are right, a good travel agent and good trip insurance help, but dissappointment is also stressful. Many costs are incurred in addition to the cruise cost, could be tours paid for pre or post trip, insurance, airlines, rental cars...so lets all take a deep breath and hope everyone gets things worked out....Good luck to you all.:)

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I agree Mes531 - I don't usually say my opinion here due to so many people are quick to make nasty remarks - but people ask for help here and are hoping that other people's experiences might help them. Yes this is tragic in all ways - and it affects alot more people than the ones that were in the first incident.

People need to get off their soap box and stop telling posters - "that's why you buy travel insurance" - or "how selfish - people died"

You don't know - someone may have scrimped and saved for a long time to take a trip of a lifetime and the last thing they need is a lecture from someone they don't know.

Show some empathy here people!

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This morning I had a show on the TV called 'Kelly,Live' (ABC, I think the old Regis Philbin sidekick)

Anyway, she started telling jokes about the cruiseship wanting to wave to people on the island & the people waving back, etc. She became animated about it she was enjoying herself so much.She went on and on.

I could not believe it. I have never emailed a show before but did this time. I suggested she wait for the dead to be properly buried before she continued with her jokes.

(sarcastic of course) I also said she must be really hard up for a laugh but was surprised ABC was apparently not screening what she said.

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I think some of you are being very very nasty to someone that has questions about an upcoming Costa cruise on this ship. It seems Costa should have delegated department heads to handle future Concordia cruises and another to handle the accident victims. We have had situations where our future cruise was cancelled due to ship issues, and the cruise line dealt with our agent to switch us to another ship on another line. After all, Costa is owned by Carnival which also has Holland America and Princess. I feel sorry for everyone involved, victims both from this accident, but victims also of a vacation messed up. Many of you are right, a good travel agent and good trip insurance help, but dissappointment is also stressful. Many costs are incurred in addition to the cruise cost, could be tours paid for pre or post trip, insurance, airlines, rental cars...so lets all take a deep breath and hope everyone gets things worked out....Good luck to you all.:)


You may have read my post earlier. I suggested that a full refund and an offer of 30% off a future cruise was fair. I have been on the disappointing end of a canceled cruise and other vacation plans that were changed at the last minute. You are right, disappointment is stressful. However, I don't know how Costa can fix that for future cruisers. Very little is certain, as adults we have to fix things for ourselves and live with disappointment. As other posters have suggested, having some perspective about this tragedy might help with some of that stress and disappointment.

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This morning I had a show on the TV called 'Kelly,Live' (ABC, I think the old Regis Philbin sidekick)

Anyway, she started telling jokes about the cruiseship wanting to wave to people on the island & the people waving back, etc. She became animated about it she was enjoying herself so much.She went on and on.

I could not believe it. I have never emailed a show before but did this time. I suggested she wait for the dead to be properly buried before she continued with her jokes.

(sarcastic of course) I also said she must be really hard up for a laugh but was surprised ABC was apparently not screening what she said.


To be fair to ABC, "Live! with Kelly" is a syndicated program, it just apparently happens to be aired on an ABC affiliate in your area. I do believe they market it to ABC stations, but I worked for a CBS affiliate and we carried "Live!" (well, back when it was with Regis and Kathie Lee). Just please don't be blaming ABC for the poor taste apparently exhibited by Ms. Ripa (I didn't see it, but I'll take your word for it). By emailing the show, you took the right step. You could also contact the local affiliate and voice your displeasure since they're the ones who contracted to air it, but please don't blame them, either. It's a live feed, and they have no idea what's going to air until it airs. It used to be my job to deal with issues like this for my old station.


A side note-- "Live!" is syndicated by Buena Vista, which is owned by Disney, which also owns ABC. Someone prone to conspiracy theories might say they were trying to make DCL look better in comparison.

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steve, it is good to see you are as diplomatic as ever. btw, i sent you an email...



sorry folks, my opinion, freely offered, and you get what you pay for:


i have to say that costa's treatment of future cruisers (especially those within just a couple weeks to a month) is simply disgraceful. i can't even begin to say what i feel of the treatment of the poor people that were on this cruise.


seriously??? keep your future cruise cash!!! i would not be very likely to choose to cruise with them EVER in the future. instead, give the poor people something that covers their losses because of the line's negligence (as it seems to be). how about reimbursements for airline change fees (including the extra cost for changing so close to flight) and other demonstrable non-refundable loses? i feel you shouldn't loose money on a vacation you didn't get to take through no fault of your own.


i have lost money having to re-plan a vacation when my mom died. but, that was on me. my insurance paid for what i had out of pocket for the original itinerary, but by having to rebook, the flights and the cruise were both much more. these people shouldn't have to bare that burden, and neither should their insurance company.


i'd be quite stressed out if i had to change all my flights and find a new cruise or plan a land vacation in just 1.5 weeks - especially something as special as a this itinerary. most people can't simply say, "hey boss...i want to change my vacation dates."


so, give these people a break. should they be glad they weren't on the ship? of course - as should we all. but, they have legitimate reasons to speak to the the customer service that they paid for. if only to find out what options are open to them. how are you supposed to know what you can do if you don't speak to someone?


the smack-down these future cruisers have gotten it totally outrageous. they are looking at real losses and a huge inconvenience. they may or may not ever be able to use that future cruise credit, and, who knows, it may only be good for 6 months or a year. those often have expy dates - it may not, but then again, it may.


purely a guess here, but i doubt that the original poster to this flame war was SPEAKING to a rep for that whole 4 hours. my guess is she spent somewhere around 3.75 hours of it on hold.

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5 years ago I was in Rome with a group of EF Tour kids. We were scheduled to board the Sea Diamond on April 13th. It sank off the coast of Santorini on April 6th. Amazingly enough, another cruise line, Thomson Cruises brought in a ship out of dry dock to pick up our cruise. A small insignificant company like Louis Hellenic took care of their future cruises within a week. It will be interesting to see what Costa and Carnival Corp. comes up with. Hopefully those sailing in a month will have a ship to cruise on.

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To be fair to ABC, "Live! with Kelly" is a syndicated program, it just apparently happens to be aired on an ABC affiliate in your area. I do believe they market it to ABC stations, but I worked for a CBS affiliate and we carried "Live!" (well, back when it was with Regis and Kathie Lee). Just please don't be blaming ABC for the poor taste apparently exhibited by Ms. Ripa (I didn't see it, but I'll take your word for it). By emailing the show, you took the right step. You could also contact the local affiliate and voice your displeasure since they're the ones who contracted to air it, but please don't blame them, either. It's a live feed, and they have no idea what's going to air until it airs. It used to be my job to deal with issues like this for my old station.


A side note-- "Live!" is syndicated by Buena Vista, which is owned by Disney, which also owns ABC. Someone prone to conspiracy theories might say they were trying to make DCL look better in comparison.


It just caught me so off guard & I was so mad when I heard it that I wanted to complain to someone. I used the link on the 'Live with Kellie' site for the email.

I first went to the ABC site & that show was not on their dropdown list. Now I know why.

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It seems to me a full refund is making good to its customers. The 30% off is fair. As far as issues with air fare and having to make alternative plans, that happens to all of us with travel at some point. It has happened to me anyway. That's the way it goes. There are no guarantees.


Totally agree w/you.

I've been booked on Celebrity----wish they'd offer an incentive so I won't cancel! Stop complaining and be grateful. Costa is going to be ULTRA careful !

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We just received an e-mail from Costa, saying that agencies with people booked on future cruises will be contacted as soon as possible to relay rebooking or cancellation options that are available their priority right now is with the guests who were on this cruise.


While I like to think this might be the case the press reports seem pretty clear that Costa is only concerned with CYA and hanging its staff out to dry to avoid liability.


Carnival [holding company] is providing all sorts of statements of sympathy but have done absolutely ZERO to help the passengers as well.


I think that Costa is determining right now if it can afford to refund everyone's deposits since its pretty clear that no one in the travel industry actually puts them in a escrow account - they go to current operations and are accounted for as travel liaiblity for the future - so I doubt if Costa has the cash to refund Concordia future cruises and is scrambling to figure out what level of 'compensation' will be enough to convince people switch to other ships given the associated travel costs with airline rebookings and other expenses.


This industry is only out for itself and I think that Costa will provide the bare minimum of accommodation assistance . . . and literally try to strong arm people into staying with the company by NOT offering refunds but trying to 'reaccomodate' people on other and cite its contract terms to try to force people on to other ships by threatening to no allow refunds if they can accommodate . . .


I hope I'm wrong but thats how I see it going down - I'd like to hear from T/A's if thats what going to happen when they find out -

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I dont know why people think of us that are missing our events as selfish, yes it is horrible that people have died and some are missing. I pray for them. This accident is leaning toward captain error. I made a good faith investment with Costa cruises and had to pay them in advance. To be able to make their cruise I had to make airfare arrangements. now I have to change my airfare due to an accident that occured due to one of their captains. so yes I do think that costa should refund our money as well as take care of rearranging airfare for me. If something happened to me, do you think they would still not want my money, no they are already saying that if I cancel now I would get hit with a cancellations fee.


So yes it is sad that people are lost, but I have paid a good amount of money for a once in a lifetime trip. If costa is not going to move another boat in, I need to make other plans while I still can. There is a time for mourning, but this is a business. And a business should make good to its customers if they wish to remain in business


An excellent post .

Respect for the points .


I used to create a topic at another part of the forum,because I am with the failed cruise.

I was in phone contact with them . After dialing 00390104206099 I hear ,, ...welcome on board....",so ........dont think i dial the rescue center


Some of the messages I found as a pathetic. I understood the point of the

authors,but I think they are wrong. Nothing more.

If We share an opinions and if WE respect each other never mind how the things looks at first ,,view" We can get a better solutions.

With risk some of the board members to find me as a ,,selfish",naive ,crazy or whatever, I know what I have to do in the hours left.


I choiced again Costa in order a 1k+ Euro to be available for them. Must probably they need a money now and hope the money will be split well ....

and fingers crossed the Comand of the next vessel is more adequate than the ,, Concordia" .....

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The tragedy just happened and I think Costa/Carnival is concentrating on the present situation. I am sure that people who have to rebook future cruises will be properly compensated when they have time to evaluate the situation of the future cruisers. I think we have to wait a week or two and see.


From what I remember when the Carnival ship had it's fire, future passengers were taken care of. Give them time.

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It's not too much to expect that Carnival Corp could and should have different groups working on different aspects of this situation including handling future passenger situations. Are they top priority? No. Should they be a big priority for a company that is on the brink? Yes.

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To be fair to ABC, "Live! with Kelly" is a syndicated program, it just apparently happens to be aired on an ABC affiliate in your area. I do believe they market it to ABC stations, but I worked for a CBS affiliate and we carried "Live!" (well, back when it was with Regis and Kathie Lee). Just please don't be blaming ABC for the poor taste apparently exhibited by Ms. Ripa (I didn't see it, but I'll take your word for it). By emailing the show, you took the right step. You could also contact the local affiliate and voice your displeasure since they're the ones who contracted to air it, but please don't blame them, either. It's a live feed, and they have no idea what's going to air until it airs. It used to be my job to deal with issues like this for my old station.


A side note-- "Live!" is syndicated by Buena Vista, which is owned by Disney, which also owns ABC. Someone prone to conspiracy theories might say they were trying to make DCL look better in comparison.


"Live" is also done at WABC-TV in NYC. The show started as a local show on ABC 7 in NYC, it is then syndicated to any station in the country. So ABC/Disnesy is indeed very much a part of this show.


Remember, on ABC News on Monday Night, Diane Sawyer kept refering to the ship as the Carnival Concordia. Hum?

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At the risk of repeating myself, if you cruise (or take any expensive holiday, particularly one that takes you abroad), take out third party (not cruise line) travel insurance. I would no sooner NOT do this than drive without insurance.


Second, ALWAYS pay with a credit card (not charge card, check or cash). You deposit or fare refund will be covered by the card if your holiday is cancelled by the travel provider through a situation such as this (and the cruise line won't do it). Let VISA wrangle with Costa while you get your money back for 'failure to provide goods or services as promised'.

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I dont know why people think of us that are missing our events as selfish, yes it is horrible that people have died and some are missing. I pray for them. This accident is leaning toward captain error. I made a good faith investment with Costa cruises and had to pay them in advance. To be able to make their cruise I had to make airfare arrangements. now I have to change my airfare due to an accident that occured due to one of their captains. so yes I do think that costa should refund our money as well as take care of rearranging airfare for me. If something happened to me, do you think they would still not want my money, no they are already saying that if I cancel now I would get hit with a cancellations fee.


So yes it is sad that people are lost, but I have paid a good amount of money for a once in a lifetime trip. If costa is not going to move another boat in, I need to make other plans while I still can. There is a time for mourning, but this is a business. And a business should make good to its customers if they wish to remain in business


I agree with you. There are a lot of aspects to this tragedy CAUSED BY A COSTA EMPLOYEE that need to be addressed.


The rescue teams are still doing all they can, this is not your responsibility, but theirs.


You have a legitimate and legal right to what to know what you should do about the contract between you and Costa, once again this is their responsibility, not yours.


Personally, I'd tell them to keep their 30% off a future cruise, but reimburse you your losses from unrefundable airfare, hotel, etc. because this is as a result of the negligence of THEIR CAPTAIN, not you. They need to step up and make this right for those who were on the ship, as well as those who were scheduled to sail. Money should not be taken out of your pocket becaue of the stupidity of their Captain.


The captain and his first officers, the cowardly makers of this whole mess, should be the ones subject to all of this anger, not you.


I hope you are reimbursed for every single dime you lost because of these idiots.

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