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Documenting the dream western caribbean 01/21-28/2012; the money monkey goes cruising


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The narration of the tour was spot on. Don't think DH and I would do the BTST, bad knees etc, so your detailed info was like being there. DH worked for the govt. at a Naval Shipyard on ships and subs and would love to see the Dream engine room. On our first cruise in 1978 DH suck into the engine room for a peek, but was quickly run off. I was the look out. We took a kitchen tour on the Crown Princess, it was free. But there were so many people we could not hear what the guide said. I feel a little sad that this "cruise" is coming to an end. Thanks again.
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[quote name='Pennyscandy']The narration of the tour was spot on. Don't think DH and I would do the BTST, bad knees etc, so your detailed info was like being there. DH worked for the govt. at a Naval Shipyard on ships and subs and would love to see the Dream engine room. On our first cruise in 1978 DH suck into the engine room for a peek, but was quickly run off. I was the look out. We took a kitchen tour on the Crown Princess, it was free. But there were so many people we could not hear what the guide said. I feel a little sad that this "cruise" is coming to an end. Thanks again.[/quote]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][COLOR=blue][B]Penny,[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][COLOR=blue][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][COLOR=blue][B]Thanks again. We only saw the engine control room, not the actual engine room. I never really heard the engines so I don't know if we were really close to the engine room. Deck B, 2 decks below Deck 0, was not particularly noisier than the other decks. [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][COLOR=blue][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][COLOR=blue][B]I did a lot of sneaking during this voyage...[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=5][COLOR=darkorchid][B]This is Fran,[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=5][COLOR=darkorchid][B]Greetings to all who entered and abandoned all hope of escaping the power of Ray's blog![/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=5][COLOR=magenta][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=darkorchid]Thank you for all the compliments, and now give me my husband back![/COLOR][/FONT] [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[quote name='radrayjax'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=5][COLOR=darkorchid][B]This is Fran,[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=5][COLOR=darkorchid][B]Greetings to all who entered and abandoned all hope of escaping the power of Ray's blog![/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=5][COLOR=magenta][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=darkorchid]Thank you for all the compliments, and now give me my husband back![/COLOR][/FONT] [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/quote]

:D Best post to date......I am rolling on the floor!!!!
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[quote name='radrayjax'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=5][COLOR=darkorchid][B]This is Fran,[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=5][COLOR=darkorchid][B]Greetings to all who entered and abandoned all hope of escaping the power of Ray's blog![/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=5][COLOR=magenta][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=darkorchid]Thank you for all the compliments, and now give me my husband back![/COLOR][/FONT] [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE]

Hi Fran,

I heard you were on the Dream in January...why don't you tell us about your cruise.
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Lunch after the Behind the Fun Tour



Including the Chocolate Buffet



The Behind the Fun hat became my “official” hat for the rest of the cruise and I’ve worn it quite a few times since.


One of the other tour gifts awaiting us upon our return to our room just after 12:30PM was a plate of goodies that included four chocolate covered strawberries, some cookies, and some round peanut brittle wafers.


Plate of goodies from Behind the Fun tour. 12:38PM:



Close-up of a peanut brittle wafer. 12:39PM:



Close-up of a chocolate strawberry. 12:40PM:



We saved these goodies for later because we wanted to eat lunch and knew that the chocolate buffet was a part of lunch.


I got an updated position fix from channel 3. Speed was over 23 knots, just about the top speed. We were really booking along.


Updated position now about mid way between Cuba and Key West. 12:40PM:



We arrived in the Gathering at 1:10. The Chocolate Extravaganza was going strong. It was not overly crowded, but was buzy.


Menu for the Chocolate Extravaganza buffet. 1:10PM:




I took some pictures of the goodies prior to putting together my lunch plate.


The chocolate fountain, heart of the buffet. 1:13PM:


Hard as it may be for some to believe, I was a little disappointed in the size of the chocolate fountain. I’ve actually been spoiled by the Chocolate Wonderful (a play on the word “waterfall”) at Golden Corral. That machine is at least 50% bigger than the fountain on the Dream. Of course, the “Wonderful” is a semi-permanent device in GC and the fountain on the Dream buffet, needs to be more portable since it is in use only once a week.

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The Chocolate Extravaganza....


Carved melon on the buffet; fruit on skewers in the background. 1:13PM:



Various flavored sauces and crispy items. 1:13PM:



Close-up of fruit on skewers. 1:13PM:



THIS is more like it. 1:13PM:



This reminds me of a chocolate-covered Claxtons’ Fruit Cake. I passed on this. 1:13PM:




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Italian Lunch:


Italian Lunch Menu. 1:15PM:



I chose the braised beef along with my usual salad/slaw combination.


Salad side of the platter. 1:23PM:




Beef side of the platter. 1:23PM:



Same nice bread I had days ago in the pasta bar. 1:23PM:



The buffet line. 1:40PM:



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Time for dessert and I walk through the Chocolate Buffet line again.


Another look at the Chocolate Extravaganza buffet line. 1:52PM:



My choices part 1: I forget what the item on the left is. The item on the right is a chocolate almond cake. 1:57PM:



Close-up of the other side of the goodies. 1:57PM:



This “swan cream puff sundae” was not on the menu. One of the staff behind the counter was holding this up and I was a taker! It was great, even if a little melty.


“Swan cream puff sundae.” 1:57PM:



Another view of the “Swan cream puff sundae.” 1:58PM:



While we were on our way forward to exit the Gathering we ran across Wanpen, doing double duty in this venue. We got to talk to her for a few minutes and I said my goodbyes and hugged her. She was very sweet. Fran would be eating in the Crimson that evening but I wouldn’t.


After lunch I went down to the Promenade Deck. I wanted to capture a few last “clean-up” photos of public places we traversed during the Behind the Fun Tour. I had been over most of these places multiple times during the week, but I wanted to be sure that nothing was missed for the post-cruise blog. Most of the photos I have used of the Song Lounge were these last-day photos, taken later in the afternoon.


I checked the large ship’s monitor for our position; we were now about 1/3 closer to Key west.



Ship’s position on the large monitor. 2:13PM:



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Final Art Auction...


The Wasabi Sushi Bar was again set up for salads/turkey wraps.


Wasabi Sushi Bar wrap and salad set up. 2:14PM:



The final art auction of the voyage was scheduled for 2:30 and I went into The Collection and the Caliente for the pre-show. Lead singer Janae Longo, was at the front desk of the Collection, doing her second job of assistant auctioneer. I paid her a compliment on her singing.


Janae Longo, at The Collection front desk. 2:15PM:


The next few shots were taken in the Caliente Dance club of artwork.


Another sculpture by Nano Lopez. 2:25PM:






Some Thomas Kinkade works in the foreground, right. 2:37PM:



Auction audience. 2:37PM:



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Auction and Free Prints...


More works, view to port. 2:37PM:





I was enjoying the auction and I got a free print for showing up. During the course of the week I had gotten two free prints. They were on heavy paper and measured about 9” X 12”.


I had to leave the auction before too long because I wanted to attend the past guest party with Fran, which had been scheduled for the Encore Lounge.


Print, still life by Scott Jacobs:


Print by Marko:



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Looking for the Past Guest Party and Tea Time!


Past Guest Party Invitations (from Wednesday):


I went up to the room to fetch Fran at about 3:15 and we went down to the Encore only to find there was no party. It looked like a game of Bingo was about to commence.


Forward view, the Encore Lounge. Where’s the party, man? 3:38PM:



A quick trip to Guest Services and they rightly pointed out the party had been scheduled for THURSDAY at 3:30PM! Mea culpa! Oh, well, we were otherwise engaged on Thursday.


So, at the last minute we decided to quickly head to the Crimson Restaurant for the last few minutes of Tea Time. In three cruises I had never made a tea time, and we had only about 15 minutes until the last tea time of THIS voyage was history!


By coincidence the cart was very near our normal table on the starboard side. The place was near deserted and, by the looks of it, there was still plenty to go around on the cart. This, apparently, was another one of the under-utilized offerings on the ship. OR, everybody who wanted in had long ago come and gone.


Cart for Tea Time in the Crimson Restaurant, starboard side. 3:43PM:


I choose something that was a complete surprise and VERY good: Mocha cake! This is a yellow cake with mocha icing. My mother makes this every year for my sister for her birthday. I’m more of a German Chocolate fan myself, but this was excellent!


A puffy chocolate confection; I preferred the mocha cake. 3:57PM:


Close-up the mocha cake and a couple of cookies. 3:57PM:



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Sushi Time...


It was after this that we split and I did more exploring. This was sort a relaxed phase; I was not rushing anywhere. I was on the Promenade Deck again and got a nice “sea shot” in the late afternoon sun.


Fair sailing ahead on a glassy sea... 4:07PM:


An hour later I was by the usually-crowded central Waves Pool area on the Lido deck, was not very crowded at this time.


Aft view from the Promenade Deck of the Waves Pool area. 5:19 PM:


Another position fix on the large ship’s monitor on the Promenade Deck a few minutes later showed us more than half way up the Florida Keys. Speed was still over 22-23 knots.


Position on the medium-scale map on the ship’s monitor. 5:22 PM:



The Wasabi Sushi Bar was set up for sushi for the last time. They were serving spicy tuna among other things. The other things didn’t interest me so I asked for three pieces of the spicy tuna.


Wasabi Sushi Bar – final set-up. 5:24 PM:


Another look at Wasabi Sushi Bar. 5:24 PM:



Sushi Menu at the Sushi Bar. 5:24 PM:







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Sun Down on the Last Day…


We were back on Eastern Time of course and sunset was a relatively early 6:08 PM. I went topside and aft (the west was behind us and to port). The west was also very cloudy, so there would be no distinct sun down from our vantage point. But I would make a valiant try.


The Dream’s wake on the final setting day... 5:49 PM:



The hazy western sky. 5:49 PM:



Colors are darkening, just a few minutes before sundown. 6:02 PM:



Nothing is distinct in the growing haze. 6:05 PM:



Official sundown time. 6:08 PM:



A few minutes later. 6:11 PM:



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Sunset...Kiosk...And Monika's Surprise...



Final Shot: Telephoto shot of some of the remaining reds in the sky. 6:13 PM:



A short time later I was on one of the lower decks by one of the public sail-and-sign kiosk and decided to play with it for a few minutes. It worked just like the info channel on the cabin television, where you could enter your number and get your balance. Since I had already been doing this all week, I didn’t go far with the public kiosk.


Public Sail-and-Sign kiosk. Located in the lobby. 6:23 PM:



Another screen shot from the Sail-and-Sign kiosk. 6:23 PM:



Close to 7:00PM I was back in the room and Fran was there. Apparently dinner had gone fast this evening. There was a knock on the door. WHO? It was Monika, here to hand-deliver the unique “money” bridge shot! We were very grateful (and relieved!).


I’m not good with telling ages. I thought she was in her early ‘30’s and I comment that she must have been too young to remember the “Romanian Spring” of the early 1990’s. She said she remembered it very well. She was 15 at the time and wanted to take up a gun and join the resistance but her mother wouldn’t let her. We took a couple of photos with her and again thanked her.


We were going to use assisted baggage handling, which would give us more time on the ship in the morning and did some packing. Actually we had done some packing on and off throughout the day as we had time.



Monika and Fran, outside our cabin. 7:02 PM:



Monika and Ray. 7:03 PM:



A short time later I got a position fix and we were now at the top of the Keys, just south of Miami. Speed was about the same as all day, over 22 knots.


Our position in the early evening. 7:27 PM:




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The Last Supper…


About 7:30 I headed aft and down to the Gathering for The Last Supper. Tonight’s menu was “Alternative Dining.” I had fettuccini in mushroom cream sauce, blackened chicken breast (tender again!) and sautéed green beans.


P1050952 Alternative Dining menu for The Last Supper:



P1050948 Dessert line-up on the buffet. Look at the important stuff first! 7:31PM:



P1050949 The Last Supper. 7:36PM:



P1050950 Dessert #1 was a brownie and a chocolate cream puff thingy, both great. 7:36PM:



P1050951 The side was slaw and some sushi rolls. 7:36PM:




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It was time to wish a fond farewell to the 24/7 soft serve machines; long may they serve…


Soft serve #1: Frozen Yogurt. 7:58PM:




Soft serve #2: Ice Cream. 7:58PM:



I had a little soft serve as dessert #2.


Dessert #2: Soft serve. Doesn’t it look a little sad and droopy? 7:58PM:




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To the Spa…


Tonight’s main entertainment in the Encore Lounge was the Carnival Legends, which consisted of passenger talent. Since we had seen the last of the big shows last night and I had seen both comics, just wanted to spend the last night relaxing in the spa.


I knew Fran was there ahead of me. So, shortly after 8:00 PM I went up to the room to change, then up to the spa to trade in my sail-and-sign card for the white Spa VIP card one last time.


I went into the Thalasso Pool room and Fran was already there.


Fran in the Thalasso Pool for the last time. 8:23PM:



Hello! 8:23PM:



I spent a blissful half hour in the Thalasso Pool, floating with the ship. We then went to the Aroma Steam Bath. This is the one, you’ll remember, that challenges me to no end. I was able to spend maybe ten minutes here. This was the one time I was able to get the inside photos of this room, which I posted much earlier.


Aroma Steam Bath exterior 8:56PM:



Fran as a sacrifice in the Aroma Steam room. 9:06PM:



After the sweat-letting, we went into my other blissful favorite, the Tepidarium.


Fran in the Tepidarium. 9:23PM:




We then showered in the respective locker rooms and went upstairs for the last time to the Sky Deck to clam up.


Clamshell couch on the Sky Deck. 10:01PM:



We relaxed a few more minutes and discussed the cruise. We both enjoyed it. Fran felt that the Spa made the cruise for her and she used it every day. She didn’t feel that she HAD to take part in many ship’s activities and could set her own pace. I felt likewise.

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Final bit of Exploring; Return to Room...


Before going down to the cabin I went to the aft section of the Sky Deck one last time to finally photograph the ship’s coin.


Close-up of the ship’s coin on the aft wall of the Sky Deck. 10:11PM:



Final shot down the Dream’s atrium canopy from the Sky Deck. 10:13PM:



At about a quarter after 10 we head downstairs.



Top of the “private” stairs and glass elevator on the Sky Deck. 10:15PM:



Panorama Deck Portside hallway with luggage ready to go. 10:16PM:




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End of Day...


Somewhere during our final spa outing the stewards had snuck in the final towel animal, a rabbit. One last chance for the Money Monkey to hop to it before returning to a life of celibacy!


The Rabbit towel animal with the nightly chocolates. No Fun Times of course. 10:16PM:



The Money Monkey with the ‘Wabbit”. 10:17PM:



We finished packing and put out the luggage. Fran turned in. I uploaded and reviewed the final pictures. I took 524 today. If I had had a camera on the Behind the Fun tour it would have been 1524. Just as well. If I had another 1000 pictures to sort, process and post I would still be doing this next week.


Our position shortly before turning in. We were about parallel to Boca Raton, perhaps 100 miles to go 10:43PM:



We had a 6:00 AM arrival time and I had every intention of getting up early and capturing the arrival and docking, even in total darkness.


I woke up in the middle of the night and got another position fix. It looked like we were at Vero Beach or thereabout, maybe 50 miles out.


Late night/early early morning position. 2:32 AM:



Before finishing up this chapter I want to just summarize our feelings on this last day. Neither of us was feeling down or melancholy. I know I’ve been saying “last” this or “final” that, but those were just the facts, ma’am. We were ready to move on. We’d done about as much as we could do this cruise and felt relaxed.


No regrets.

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There must be an accounting:


We received the final Sail-and-Sign statement early in the evening and of course there were no surprises. I’d been looking at the statement all week on the info channel. Here it is:







Because of the missed port our net price for the Behind the Fun Tour was $170.00. That works. Also for the final tally here is what we spent off the ship:




Five Dresses @ $15.00 = $75.00

Two Towels @ $10.00 = $20.00

Three Frames @$8.00 = $24.00

Five Pins @$4.00 = $20.00

Aztec T-Shirt = $14.00

Two Magnets $2.00 = $4.00

Extra Tip for Room Stewards $5.00

Subtotal $162.00




Two Bottles of Kahlua @$9.50 $19.00

Taxis in Cozumel $18.00

Tips for mannequins $1.50

Two Change Purses @$5.00 = $10.00

Two Pins @$2.50 = $5.00

Subtotal $53.50


TOTAL $215.50


Belizean Currency (net) $110.00 [This is merchandise]


Not too bad…


The day is done. Tomorrow is the final chapter.








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This is Fran,


Greetings to all who entered and abandoned all hope of escaping the power of Ray's blog!


Thank you for all the compliments, and now give me my husband back!


I have thought about you often while enjoying your husbands Dream Odyssey! You two seem so well suited to each other, his thoroughness and your patience are a match made in heaven. Thank you, Fran, for sharing your cruise and husband with us!

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