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What Can An 18 Year Old Do On A Cruise?


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I never thought I would hear my daughter (who will be 18 years 1 month old at time of cruising) tell me she doesn't want to go on the cruise with her (her 17th!!).. It's not because she doesn't like cruising..she loves cruising. The problem is that we have in the past always cruised with her cousins or friends and this time its not to be :(


I don't want her gambling all the time (because that would be my money she'd be using!!) and she thinks that after a certain hour, she isn't even allowed in the disco. According to John Heald, even through she is a HS Senior, because she will already be 18 she can't even join in the Circle C group....(or whatever the 15-17 age group is called)


So, what can/does an 18 year old do on a cruise? I can leave her home but we paid ES and I know I would lose money (don't know how much but would still lose something, cruise is Carnival Glory 03/18)


Thanks for your replies...


at 18, all i ever wanted to do was get away from my parents.


they never could understand why i would stay home while they went to hawaii.



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This was the only thing that helped my son when he was 18 on our last cruise is that he met friends though his 16 year old sister. Otherwise I think he would have been very bored.


I will have this issue in March when my daughters and I cruise. One is 16, the other is 19. I really think the cruiselines should have some form of gathering/activities for the 18-20 yr olds.


And I think 18 year olds who are seniors in high school, should still be able to participate with the teens. They really should lighten up on that. I turned 18 as a senior and would have been sad to be turned away from teen activities. :( ;)

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The teen years are always kind of awkward years. You're trying to figure out "who you are".


I doubt she'll have a hard time making friends with someone. Won't she be of age to enjoy the spa amenities as well? She'll be able to do everything except consume alcohol.


I would try to make it a "relaxation" cruise and maybe do some mother-daughter things together. Maybe get spa treatments together.


We enjoy the comedy shows, the theater shows, the spa and some of the bars.


As far as drinking goes, someone said the legal age on ships should be 18. I disagree. As a teen you're typically more likely to try to impress people so that you fit in. When I was a teen I thought I was mature but come to find out... I wasn't. I had a lot to learn. I can't imagine mixing alcohol with some of the bad decisions I made with a "sober" mind. I still to this day am not a "drinker". Neither is my husband. Not all teens are interested in "partying" and neither are all adults.

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my son was 18 last cruise [2010] and i was worried but he found a girlfriend the first day and hung out the whole trip. They posed for all the pictures, and even bought one. Went to all the shows. Did a scavenger hunt. One dinner we let him skip with us and they went to the buffet together. They talked for awhile after the cruise. Not to say this will happen our next cruise but if not he will be fine.but 2 carnival cruises 2 VGF's vacation girl friends.

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My son is 18 as well and still in HS. I contacted Carnival about him attending Club 02 but they said absolutely not. There is a video arcade on our Ship (Pride) so he will enjoy that and the slot machines. He likes to hang out with his parents, and loves the pool / hot tub so we are fortunate. I think he will have a great time...and this will be his first cruise.

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When one son was 17 and the other was 18 (he had just graduated) the 18 year old asked the club 02 if he could come in with his younger brother and they let him. They also met a couple of girls who were 16 and 18 and they also let the 18 year old in with her sister so it doesn't hurt to ask if they are siblings.

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My son is 18 as well and still in HS. I contacted Carnival about him attending Club 02 but they said absolutely not. There is a video arcade on our Ship (Pride) so he will enjoy that and the slot machines. He likes to hang out with his parents, and loves the pool / hot tub so we are fortunate. I think he will have a great time...and this will be his first cruise.


If it were me...I'd still bring DS's high school identification. Half the time when you call and ask CCL a question you get one answer, then you call back and talk to someone else, and get a different answer. The same happened to us with our son.


I would definitely ask when I was actually on the ship at Club 02 about him attending. Most of those counselors understand that today, many seniors in HS are 18. When we actually talked to the peple at club 02, they laughed and said that of course he can attend!!

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It's spring break and there will be lots of kids her age on-board. My DD is 18 and 4 months. She is bringing her HS ID in March and will hope to be allowed in Club 02. She has no interest in going to the adult lounges/discos and being 'hit on' by 'drunk old dudes' :eek: (her words!!). She may look 21 but is a kid at heart!


I am active in our roll-call and there are a few other families with 18 & 19 year olds. We are having a meet and greet on boarding day and are all bringing our teens with us so they have a chance to meet. Join your roll-call and see who else has an 18 year old.


In the past it seems like right outside Club 02 is the gathering spot for kids in the 15-18 age range regardless of whether they participate in Club 02 or not.


My DD who is in the same boat (pun intended... :D) is greatly looking forward to our cruise and intends to have a blast.

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I'm lost here. She was on 17 cruises???? My guess is that she should already know how to mingle, and find other cruiesers here age without an issue.





I think she went with cousins before and that makes it so much easier to meet other people.





Exactly correct Cruzface... And unfortunately, it was the cousins that always "found" their new friends... Especially my nephew... he's the version of a female yenta!!!

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Have her bring her school ID. Most counselors will let 18yo HS students in to Club 02.


If it were me...I'd still bring DS's high school identification. Half the time when you call and ask CCL a question you get one answer, then you call back and talk to someone else, and get a different answer. The same happened to us with our son.


I would definitely ask when I was actually on the ship at Club 02 about him attending. Most of those counselors understand that today, many seniors in HS are 18. When we actually talked to the peple at club 02, they laughed and said that of course he can attend!!


It's spring break and there will be lots of kids her age on-board. My DD is 18 and 4 months. She is bringing her HS ID in March and will hope to be allowed in Club 02. She has no interest in going to the adult lounges/discos and being 'hit on' by 'drunk old dudes' :eek: (her words!!). She may look 21 but is a kid at heart!


I am active in our roll-call and there are a few other families with 18 & 19 year olds. We are having a meet and greet on boarding day and are all bringing our teens with us so they have a chance to meet. Join your roll-call and see who else has an 18 year old.


In the past it seems like right outside Club 02 is the gathering spot for kids in the 15-18 age range regardless of whether they participate in Club 02 or not.


My DD who is in the same boat (pun intended... :D) is greatly looking forward to our cruise and intends to have a blast.





Thanks all above... Yes, we are definitely bringing her high school id and even her report card to prove that she is still in high school... I'm hoping that what John Heald said is either incorrect, or they make an exception and allow her to participate.. Being that it is Spring Break week, if there are too many kids, they might not let her join :(


Normal1... I actually did post this on our Roll Call but right now there are only younger kids with their parents on it...

Edited by Elaine515
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Well I didn't drink until I was 21....didn't have the opportunity plus my mom would have smelled it a mile away....and it didn't make me go wild once I was 21 like everyone says happens....in fact I still don't like the taste of it.


Same here as far as not having a drink until after age 18 and not liking the taste. As for my mom catching me, we were allowed to have a drink at family gatherings. I didn't want one.


Furthermore, I beg to differ with the person who implied that every parent who thinks his (or her) 18 year old doesn't drink has his head in the sand. That's saying ALL 18 years old drink whether I, as a parent, want to face it or not. I didn't and neither did Name of the Game. I know for a fact that we weren't the only two to abstain. That's just an impossibility since I, for one, had a lot of friends in high school and a bunch in college who didn't drink. On a greater scale, over 3 million kids in the US graduated from high school last year. Nearly all of them were 18 years old at some time during the school year. If even 25% of every graduating class in the US did not drink, you're still looking at about 750,000 18-year olds teetotalers. If you throw in the admittedly rare college freshman who is also 18 years old and doesn't drink, you have about a million 18-year olds whose parents are not deceiving themselves when they assert that their kids haven't had a drink.

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Being that it is Spring Break week, if there are too many kids, they might not let her join :(



BUT.... if she can't join the club because there are too many teens to be lax with with age limit policy, she's probably not going to be the only 18 year old denied access to the club. So, there's a chance she's going to be in good company. I'm wondering if it is possible that without her more assertive cousins along she may be a different person when it comes to making new friends. I know it's a trite expression but neccessity is the mother of invention. If she doesn't want to be alone or "stuck" hanging with her parents, she may just have to reinvent herself. As her mother, what do you think? Will she strike out on her own?

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I was 18 and on a cruise before and had the time of my life.


She won't want to be with the teens and if she did its not like they check ids in the kiddie lounge.


She will undoubtedly find a group of people to hang out with. Don't let her back out, she'll appreciate it later.


Have fun!

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i think alot of it depends on your individual child. sure, if your child is outgoing and an extravert, there will be no problem finding friends.


but if your child is a tad shy, that's where the club 02 (or whatever it's called) comes in to play...it helps bring them out of their shell. it breaks the ice for them.


I too have this same thing to deal with on our cruise next year as ds will 18 but still in high school.


but if he decides to gamble, well, i look at it like this. if he's old enough to play an adult game, he's old enough to foot his own bill. I'll not be paying for him to gamble.


while in ports where it is legal, if he wants a cocktail/beer i'm okay with that. it's legal there. on the ship or at home it's not. it's a great way to teach my kids lessons. why can't i drink here? because it's illegal. in mexico, you can, drink up. just be safe.

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I never thought I would hear my daughter (who will be 18 years 1 month old at time of cruising) tell me she doesn't want to go on the cruise with her (her 17th!!).. It's not because she doesn't like cruising..she loves cruising. The problem is that we have in the past always cruised with her cousins or friends and this time its not to be :(


I don't want her gambling all the time (because that would be my money she'd be using!!) and she thinks that after a certain hour, she isn't even allowed in the disco. According to John Heald, even through she is a HS Senior, because she will already be 18 she can't even join in the Circle C group....(or whatever the 15-17 age group is called)


So, what can/does an 18 year old do on a cruise? I can leave her home but we paid ES and I know I would lose money (don't know how much but would still lose something, cruise is Carnival Glory 03/18)


Thanks for your replies...


Its quite sad for that age group in USA,come down under to Australia or Europe for a cruise where the legal drinking age is 18.


18 year olds should not be treated like children in my opinion but that is only because i was allowed to nightclub and drink when i was 18:)


Not sure why the legal age in US is so much higher than elsewhere?


I do know that the US Navy under 21,s used to have a ball when visiting Australia and they never caused a problem by being allowed to drink and go clubbing in Adult venues.



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I think kids are too entitled. What happened to enjoying a cruise for the cruise. The food, the ship, the shows and at the same time visiting tropical ports of call. That isn't enough?


Kids are too entitled? Probably, but don't you think that kids who grow up taking cruises are entitled to feel that way.

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I think kids are too entitled. What happened to enjoying a cruise for the cruise. The food, the ship, the shows and at the same time visiting tropical ports of call. That isn't enough?


:rolleyes: That's all.

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I think kids are too entitled. What happened to enjoying a cruise for the cruise. The food, the ship, the shows and at the same time visiting tropical ports of call. That isn't enough?


Do you really think a young Adult of 18 is a child?


We all believe people younger than us are immature but at 18 years old a person is an Adult in their own right.


I am 51 years old and if would have had the opportunity to cruise at 18 without friends of the same age and be treated as a child I would rather have stayed home too.


Den (Australia)

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Do you really think a young Adult of 18 is a child?


We all believe people younger than us are immature but at 18 years old a person is an Adult in their own right.


I am 51 years old and if would have had the opportunity to cruise at 18 without friends of the same age and be treated as a child I would rather have stayed home too.


Den (Australia)


Forgot to say: I would have preferred to fly to Austin Texas and and had fun legally with my own age group.



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I am sailing on the Liberty in November and my kids are turning 18 during the cruise so luckily I can register them for Club02 when we get on and it wont be an issue. Plus, with triplets, they always have someone with them :)


I agree with some of the other posters. Bring their HS ID and talk to the counselors. It may be Carnival policy but its really up to the counselors if they are allowed in. I would hope under the circumstances there wouldn't be a problem. Kids that age don't really stay in the room anyway. My kids were always hanging by the Pizza and Ice Cream.


Bringing along a cousin or friend would definately be another option.


Good luck. Hopefully your daughter will have a great time either way.

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I think kids are too entitled. What happened to enjoying a cruise for the cruise. The food, the ship, the shows and at the same time visiting tropical ports of call. That isn't enough?


So true!! I guess I don't understand because I never felt that way as a teenager. If my parents had suggested taking me on a cruise at age 18, I would've jumped at the chance! But then, we always enjoyed each other's company. I even took a trip to Bermuda with my parents (I paid my own way) when I was 21! No other people my age! It was wonderful, relaxing, and such great memories, especially now that they're both gone.

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