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Home Lines employees/memories?

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You ladies are the best:D my first marriage was not a good one, my friend introduced me to my second and present to date husband. I tell people I went from satan to an angel, it's the best way to describe the difference. Believe me, we are not the kissy, huggy, sweet talking types, not at all like Mr.&Mrs. Brady,:eek: it's just that we are there for eachother, and he's not the type to stick around and listen to girl-talk. SueseaQ. no apology needed, but, it was a nice gesture, I probably would have thought the same thing;) I always tell the young, single girls who have boyfriends, when they tell me they are taking a cruise, to leave their boyfriends at home!!:rolleyes:they get a kick out of it:D again, i'm being truthful!! I hope all us home lines girls really do get together, that would be such an exciting cruise and adventure. Who knows maybe we would have a best seller, and be in the Oprah book club!:D






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To both Nonnie58 and SueseaQ, its so cool to have some of the girls from the pier actually being friendly and looking forward to talking on this site and getting together to have a book published! Who ever guessed we'd get to this point? Certainly not me! I used to spend all my time waiting for my crew member-of-the-day dodging the "other" girls just because I didn't want to have to talk to or get to know any of them! I'd be "fake-nice", but nobody really knew my business, or so I thought. HaHa, ya all probably knew what was going on w/me and I was such a jerk thinking differently.


Hey SueSeaQ, congrats on that new job! I hope its exactly what you were hoping for and that you are well-rewaraded in all areas. I was out of work about 3-1/2 years ago for 6 months and it was the hardest I EVER worked finding a job. I'm sure I don't have to tell you, and it wasn't nearly as bad out there then as it is now trying to find something decent! Really best of luck.


And Nonnie58, don't apologize for being happy in your marriage. I'm pleased for you, and your man, and that you and he have found your way in this quagmire called real life. Good for you both and I look forward to all of us getting together on whatever ship we decide to sail.


I'm thinking sailing out of New York, for this group, would be best, don't ya think? I've never had a bad time on Carnival, but I have had a less than stellar experience on NCL. I was on a cruise, yes, and so it was wonderful, but there's something about NCL that doesn't quite feel good to me. Hard to pinpoint, but something I'm not comfortable with. More on that in person when we have the chance.


Let's be the "core group" in this planning phase and make it happen. Whadyathink, wanna give it a try?



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hello ladies, by the way sueseaQ congratulations on your new job, best of luck!:) I hope this cruise/book deal really comes true for all of us:DI hope more home lines girls join us! I wonder if there is any cruise line today that comes close to home lines cruises:confused: any suggestions?? although, just to have this cruise happen, i will go along with the crowd.

I knew back then when I was cruising the home lines ships, this was something special, what a feeling of elation!!! I don't think in my minds eye I could have ever dreamed up anything so wonderful as the real life experiences of those cruises:) I'm not ashamed to admit that since my last cruise "as a single gal" in July of 1980, there's not a day that goes by that i don't think about those cruises:D those cruises for me, as I have said many times before, LASTED A LIFETIME:) only another home lines girl would know that feeling.


Take care ladies


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Well hello Ladies...hope all is well with all of you. Sueseaq congrats on the new job. Nonnie, I understand what you mean about your husband, my 1st tried to murder me, seriously, held a loaded gun to my head. I met my present & 4 ever husband 6 months to the date my mom passed away and I believe with all my heart & soul that he is who my mom sent to take care of me. And my dear friend Cruizin, how I looked forward to those Saturdays...often just to sit and chat with the other girls after my man had to go to work. By the way ladies, cruizin has some of the best stories, my favorite and often repeated one is the shower curtain episode. Long story, it will wait until we all get together. I agree with what Cruizin said about NCL, had to my the 1st time I ever looked forward to leaving a ship. I love Princess, glad to see your trying it Jan, you will truly love it.

Catch y'all soon (I'm practicing my southern for when I move down south !!! )

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Catch y'all soon (I'm practicing my southern for when I move down south !!! )


Movin', my dear friend? Where to? When? My plan, as its always been, is to retire in 5 years, move down to FLL, somewhere near Ms. Judy and since she's on the intercoastal, I plan to be pretty close to the water myself. Will we be neighbors?


I knew you'd show up here soon, and here you are...coming along, it appears, on this "Home Lines Girl Cruise". I'm thinking a simple, wonderful, beautiful cruise to BDA might be the perfect destination to begin the book planning and to conjure up some wonderful memories for the stories in this prize-winning novel! Mid-to late October, 2010, sail out of NYC on Celebrity? I hear they're sailing back to Hamilton, or at least Bermuda, but I haven't even started researching any of this yet. What's the consensus, Nonnie58 and SueseaQ? So far so good, or did y'all (consession to Marge106's move south!) have something else in mind?


And really Ms. Marge, the shower story? With all the stories available between that group of us, you pick the shower story? Yea, well, ya know, it IS a funny one, to say the least, but it in fact is a Janet/Debbie story, and works best when told in tandem.


I have several favorite Marge and Marge & Michael tales, but the one that keeps popping into my head at this moment has to do with a motorbike, a pier, and thankfully no one getting hurt! As you said, in person is better, and YOU tell that one like no one has ever told a story before, no matter how many times you recite the scenario.


Marge, I didn't know that little story about the date you met Husband #2. Your mother is a powerful force, as we discussed during the time your nephew kept running into her all the time, well after she had passed on. Oh yea, definitely sent by your Momma.


Okay then, Ciao, amico mio. A dopo... J ;)

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Hello ladies

marge106 you gave me the chills, literally, when you said you met your forever hubby six months to the day your'e mom died. My mother died in early march of 1999, i had my first date with my hubby on mothers day of may 1999!! A friend of mine had been wanting to introduce him to me, but, i was so shaken after my mother's death i couldn't even consider it. My friend, said let's go to the movies she went with my hubby's cousin and of course my hubby came along, the rest is history!! It was mother's day:) my family and close friends said my mom was praying for me to meet him, because he was heaven sent!! I believe it also!! A woman had come to my mom's wake, and until this day, i can't remember who she was? But, she said to me "your mom is going to take care of you, she had said after her mom passed away everything in her life fell into place, she said this will happen for you too, you watch and see" god bless this woman, she was so right, and i thank god every day for that:)i believe i was meant to get that e-mail from you! God puts people in our lives for a reason. I'm so sorry for all the physical abuse you went through!! Mine wasn't physical, it was emotional, which leaves forever scars on your heart! But, i would never minimize physical abuse, or any abuse at all!! God bless you, i wish you the best:) thank god we survived!!! On a lighter note, cruisin since75, october of 2010 sounds great:dgod willing, you lead i'll follow!! We have to make this happen ladies;) hey, sueseaq how's you new job?:d


take care ladies


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Nonnie58 and Marge106 you have much in common, it seems. We'll have to talk when we're together about what its like to spend 16 years in a relationship with an alcoholic who had the entire world fooled that he was just fine---except for me, that is. How did we find ourselves with these men after having had the experiences most women couldn't even dream about? I've always wondered about that, and maybe we can come up with a few thoughts when our powers are combined on this 2010 Fall cruise.


Glad to hear you think the date is a good pick, Nonnie58, any thoughts SueseaQ or Marge? I'll spend some time this weekend doing research and have all kinds of info available for a Sunday evening post!


Yes, Ms. SueseaQ, how have you been faring at the new job? It's good?


Ciao for now,


Janet D.

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Hi Girls, I have been away from the ole computer for a couple of days as since going back to work, my time has become VERY limited. Don't get me wrong, I love the new job, but I also care for my Dad who has several health problems and even though we live in the same house, believe me, my time is not my own these days.

Oh the stories about ex-husbands!!! Mine, also, was abusive, in many ways. I've been single since I left him in 1990. At the time my daughter was an infant and for all the trouble he continued to give us, I figured it was better to stay alone and raise my little girl. Well as you know, time flies, she grew, then my dear Mom became ill with kidney disease, was on dialysis for 2 years and we lost her 3yrs ago this month, something I don't think I'll ever get over completely. Now, it's Dad who needs my help. I keep thinking that one day, when the time is right, my Mom will send that special guy my way too. God Bless all our Moms up there. I'm thinking they must be starting their own club...The Mom's of the Home Lines Girls Club...LOL!

Now, I see we girls really do think alike......NCL...YUK!!!!! Cruised them once and NEVER again....As you can see from my ticker, I'm booked on the Caribbean Princess for next summer already. Although it only stops for a few hours in Bermuda (such a tease :() I wish everyone could join me on that sailing....I don't think I can financially swing 2 cruises in 1 year, though that would really be a dream come true. But you never know.....

HAL is returning to Bermuda next year Hamilton and St. Georges...Have any of you ever sailed with them?

Marge106, welcome back, girlfriend, haven't heard from you'all in a while....Movin South???? When??, Where???

Ciao Bella chichinas!

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Back in 1987, I was six months pregnant and was convinced we'd never have another nice vacation once our baby was born, so we took a cruise. I love looking at those photos of me big as a whale and my husband dressed up for Italian night wearing the clothes the ship loaned us. He looked just like a waiter. (Of course, when he wore a tux onboard more recent cruises, it had the same effect!)


The most embarrassing memory I have, and hopefully funny to you folks, is that I thought we were supposed to order from each section of the menu, which meant an appetizzer, a soup, a fish course, a meat course, a pasta course, etc. Our tablemates must have been groaning as the meal probably stretched on forever! They were very polite, however, and probably attributed my immense "hunger" to the pregnancy! I still remember the baked Alaska procession (I think it was that cruise!).

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Back in 1987, I was six months pregnant and was convinced we'd never have another nice vacation once our baby was born, so we took a cruise. I love looking at those photos of me big as a whale and my husband dressed up for Italian night wearing the clothes the ship loaned us. He looked just like a waiter. (Of course, when he wore a tux onboard more recent cruises, it had the same effect!)


The most embarrassing memory I have, and hopefully funny to you folks, is that I thought we were supposed to order from each section of the menu, which meant an appetizzer, a soup, a fish course, a meat course, a pasta course, etc. Our tablemates must have been groaning as the meal probably stretched on forever! They were very polite, however, and probably attributed my immense "hunger" to the pregnancy! I still remember the baked Alaska procession (I think it was that cruise!).



Welcome aboard Mary_228, You need not be embarrased! We always ordered like that, and I wasn't pregnant...LOL. Anyway, the waiters on that ship just loved to feed you! I'm sure the fact that you were pregnant would have given them all the more reason to make sure you ate enough for two (or maybe even three or four)!!! Many times on a Home Lines cruise the waiters would tell you not to order anything and they would proceed to bring out every thing on the menu. So, you see what you did was nothing out of the ordinary for them....and watching the Baked Alaska processsion always was fun, especially if you knew the waiters and they would make some funny remark as they came by the table!!

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Welcome aboard Mary_228, You need not be embarrased! We always ordered like that, and I wasn't pregnant...LOL. Anyway, the waiters on that ship just loved to feed you! I'm sure the fact that you were pregnant would have given them all the more reason to make sure you ate enough for two (or maybe even three or four)!!! Many times on a Home Lines cruise the waiters would tell you not to order anything and they would proceed to bring out every thing on the menu. So, you see what you did was nothing out of the ordinary for them....and watching the Baked Alaska processsion always was fun, especially if you knew the waiters and they would make some funny remark as they came by the table!!

Thanks for the comment. I feel better now, although I did gain 40 pounds on that pregnancy!


We had an inside cabin with beds at right angles to each other. On one night, the sea was rough and I felt like I was going to roll right out of the bed (being so big and round). Fortunately, I could switch beds with DH and just roll head to toe!

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Yes, I sailied on the Atlantic in Feb of 1987. This info is listed in my signature information, so I didn't mention it in the body of my post. I guess you have opted not to have that stuff show when you are perusing the site. It got us hooked on cruising, even if I have to lose ten pounds before every sailing ;) !

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Hi Nonnie, you are right we SURVIVED just like the song. Little wonder it was such a hit.

I wish I could go on the Oct cruise :(. To tell you the truth if I hadn't made plans for my July cruise with my neighbor, I would cancel it and go on the Oct. cruise in a heart beat, but my neighbor is a teacher and she really wouldn't be able to take vacation in Oct. The other problem might be getting another week off from a job that I'm still pretty new at. Well IF I ever win the lotto, I"ll be there......:rolleyes:.

If you get a good turn out, maybe you'll have a get together after the cruise, and hopefully I'll be able to make that :)!

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Hi to all of my Home Line Sisters Havent chated with you girls in a while really busy at work and still trying to recoup from my Princess cruise. Nonnies 58 I know what that feeling is I get even when I get on line and chat with all of you Sue congrats and best wishes on your new job. I know you will have the best time ever on your upcoming Princess cruise I will be coming on board the day you disembark so we will have a lot to talk about when I get back Im divorced and still single no children and I still have to remind myself that Im more older and mature now Im not back in time on an Home Lines cruise but it is still so much fun the boys are still all the same. Im told I dont look my age that the oldest 36 so I do have alot of the younger boys hanging around. I will be posting some of my cruise pictures hopefully this wk end will let you all know when. Take care and always keep all those crazy funfilled memories in your heart. Sue:p

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone just want to share this with all of my home line sisters it might be a little lengthly but just read on a friend of mines at work find this book call 'bon voyage' at a church bazzar and bought it for me,of course its all abt crusing there is a chapter in the book sex: The crew and passengers im not going to go word for word but you will all be amazed it starts out by strict rules govern relations between crew and passengers except in cases where they are not caught the tough rules mean a little more than asking acolleauge to stand watach as his friend sneaks down a passengers corridor in the dead of the night those who are successful(italian in particular are masters of the sport)use the most direct approaches.dining room steward cas the room on the first evening of the cruise for an eye out for attractive unattached women spotting a target he will get a close look by taking roundabout routes between his tables and the galley satisified seating charts are checked for names and room numbers after dinner he will phone the woman's cabin to suggest i have a lovely bottle of cold champagne that i dont want to talk alone may i come to your cabin and share it with you? If he is rejected he simply moves on to the next name on the list. I really love this part passenger corridors can be quite amusing in the early hours of the morning especially if there is a large contingent of italians on staff. The question most often asked by a woman after a sexual encounter with a crew member is "do you do this all of the time?" the predictable reply "only when im in love my dear" this made me feel like i was there on home lines all over again it was so so real and truthful so my dear friends i hope you all enjoy this. Take care have a great wk end hope you are all doing well sue;)

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hello ladies

i wish i could get my hands on that book:D is it possible to buy or oder it somewhere? hope you girls are all doing well:)anymore ideas about what cruise line or what ship will be chosen for the upcoming oct. 2010 cruise? i hope it really does take place:rolleyes:is there any cruise line or ship that comes close to home lines?? notice, i said come's close, because, i doubt there will ever be another cruise line like that again, we were sooo lucky to be a part of that era!!!!!! these new mega liners, and there style of cruising could never compare.


take care ladies


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Hi home line girls the name of the book is'bon voyage' the cruise travelers handbook by gary bannerman can you imagine a guy writing this book must have worked on a cruise ship at some time in his life i dont know how old this book is like i said it was given to me by a friend ps girls im sure our book will be more interesting. Take care be well congratulations on your new jobe sueseaq i will have to give you a list of names besfore you go on your princess cruise next year so you can let me know who to expect to be there when i get on board. Enjoy the rest of the wk end sue;)

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Hi everyone, hope all is well with all of you. I was on the West side of Manhattan today and there were 3 ships in port. One was HAL and I had to chuckle to myself as I saw a young lady and a Filipino crew member walking across the street. What memories, how many time did each of us cross that street, arm in arm with our "special someone".

Where has everyone been...this thread has been really quiet. Crusin, where have you been, are you away with Chis??? BTW your going to love Princess, its our favorite line. Wish I could join you, but I'm looking to do a double knee replacement in January. I know you'll have a fabulous time...

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A few weeks ago I found pictures from some of my Home Lines cruises. Then, my friend was moving and found our original invoice and also all the menus from our very first cruise, as well as the passenger list. She was going to throw it all away.......I convinced her to give it to me! Weird how I came across the photos and she came across her stuff all within a few weeks of each other. Was fun reminiscing.


My hubby's taking me on a surprise birthday trip in a month. I'm so hoping it's a CRUISE!!!!!! Those early days sure were fun, but it's much more fun now....going with my hubby and not "sneaking around"....or wondering who he'll be with next week. Everything has its time.

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We had a wedding this weekend here in New Haven - my Goddaughter! All good, took her on her first cruise for her 16th BD...I'll be back in touch once I get the computer @home fixed, find a moment of free time, and I WISH I'd gotten to go on this cruise w/Chris and Keith!

They are in Bermuda right this minute and I'm sure they are most certainly ensconced at 9 Beaches as I'm writing this; beach chair, little cup holder with tropical, frothy, icey beverage, sound of the waves lapping up against the sand, a steel drum beat in the distance, plane in the sky dipping in over the beach, the sound of a ship's whitle signaling its journey home.

Okay then, back to the task at hand, no ships in sight, no forthy drink, just the good ol' VA Hospital reality of it all.

Ciao, bella. Knees? No? I'm sorry. You'll feel better, ultimately, but a tough rough ahead, my friend. Maybe me and Chris and Tatooskullhead (Keith) will make a "sick friend visit"? Again, we'll talk.

JD :cool:

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Ah my good friend...I could go for a little dancing in 40 Thieves right about now...my knees are probably shot from abusing them for so long, running up & down gangways and chasing scooters into the water in Bermuda....Ah what a great memory

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Ah my good friend...I could go for a little dancing in 40 Thieves right about now...my knees are probably shot from abusing them for so long, running up & down gangways and chasing scooters into the water in Bermuda....Ah what a great memory



LOL, LOL, LOL, I can't stop!! So that's how our knees ended up in the shape they're in! And I thought it was from... well, I can't really write I what I thought it was from! I'm pretty straight forward and honest, but some things I just can't say on a public forum, kiddo, and this is one of them. But you so know, don't you girl? and ya know, I was wondering if you'd picked up on that reference to the scooter at the pier awhile ago? Of COURSE you did. You've never let me down, not once.

We GOTTA go on this little working/writing/memory cruise next fall, Marge. I'll pull it all together. I'll get the limo to come from CT, pick you up in LI, and anyone else along the way, my Home Lines Sisters (I love it!) and we've GOT to do this. I have a feeling it will be one of our best cruises ever, for any and all of us, and that will have to go some to compete with all the past sailings!

Maybe we'll settle for it being our best cruise ever as grown women? Oh no, that sounds way too tame for my liking, girls. Lets shoot for the BEST EVER!

Ciao for now, girlies. Janet D.

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HI "sisters" I so wish I could go on this cruise next fall, but if it wasn't enough stating a new job, having a cruise booked for next summer, I recently found out I'll have to have some surgery in December :mad:!

Talking about knees.....hmmmmmm....just thought of a new reason as to why I had to have that hip replaced 11 yrs ago.....:eek::cool::p:D:o!!!!!!

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