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Home Lines employees/memories?

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Talking about knees.....hmmmmmm....just thought of a new reason as to why I had to have that hip replaced 11 yrs ago.....:eek::cool::p:D:o!!!!!!


OH MY! You have got to find a way to do this cruise, Ms. SueseaQ! You don't let a thing get past you, kiddo, and that's just what we'll need when we're all brainstorming at sea! Quick! Bright! Witty! Sarcasm! We've got you AND Marge106, as well as all the other "sisters". We've already got the makings of a great read.

If we don't follow thru on this, we're damned fools! And our mama's didn't raise no fools, that's for sure. You've all waited this long to get replacement parts - me too - double knee replacement down the road, but not until we get this book written, ladies. We can sit around and edit the damned thing while we all recuperate, but what a great way to recover.

I've got some serious research to do regarding this adventure. Now is as good a time as any! ;)


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Hello all..did anyone know that the Costa Atlantica was in port this past week, I think Tuesday and Wednesday for an overnight. I did receive a surprise phone call, not from Michael, but a good friend from my Costa days. Cruizin, remember Vito, from the Carla, what a hoot n holler that was. Can't believe he kept my number all these years. Something else for our book...I think the crew men must have a box that they move from ship to ship with all of their "private" stash that they can't take home LOL. Vito, Michael and I had a little confrontation on one of my Costa cruises, OMG another story for a very funny memory.....

Hope everyone is enjoying this lovely rainy weather


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Cruizin, remember Vito, from the Carla, what a hoot n holler that was. Can't believe he kept my number all these years. Something else for our book...I think the crew men must have a box that they move from ship to ship with all of their "private" stash that they can't take home LOL. Vito, Michael and I had a little confrontation on one of my Costa cruises, OMG another story for a very funny memory.....

Hope everyone is enjoying this lovely rainy weather



First things first, can't stand the rain, the cold, the wind. I feel like I'm living "upstate" w/my little brother in Syracuse - a fate worse than hell itself. Always dreary, ugly, damp, gross. I need the sun, the sea and the boys of Italy. One of those very funny stories about those cruisin' days would do me a world of good right about now, kiddo.

I'm always just checking the site right around the time you decide to post. Don't tell me we arn't still "connected" in this freaky way, Ms. Marge. We know better than that, don't we?

I wonder if Vito got any taller? Or maybe w/age he got even shorter! That would make him about the size of a one of those race horses's on the ships, wouldn't it? Cute as a button, however, with a great sense of fun and humor. Talk about a hoot!

Ya know, I'm thinking I was actually on that Costa ship when you had your "threesome" confrontational! Who knows? So many cruises, so many moments, so many confrontations!! And frankly, Ms. Margie, I'm remembering pretty clearly how you were the instigator of most of those situations, and they were always so worth it, my dear friend. You helped to provide more precious moments -of all kinds- than I imagine anyone could ever hope to experience in one lifetime.

Yea, we gotta get this book written, right, Home Lines Sisters? Ya know, my travelling buddy, the broad wthe shortest legs in the world and the bluest eyes, she & I were out at the diner the other evening which I felt was a good time to reveal the plans for our "Sister's @ Sea" adventure next fall.

Ms. Blue Eyes looked at me incredulously and said "You so know you've gotten old when you find yourself planning a cruise w/your former Home Lines "enemies" you used to purposely not tell things to, plan little nasty tricks on, outright lie to and now you're planning on cruising together to share that very same information. You must all be nuts".

I responded that "Oh hell! We probably pretty much all shared the same guys and so it was time for us to share the stories, as well. We're all practically related"! We're finally calling ourselves what we truly are, Home Lines Sisters.

Please come on this cruise, Marge106. You must be there. Get those knees fixed, get up and running (well, neither of us ever ran much anyway!), and get on board the Sister's @ Sea cruise, please?

Ciao for now bella friends! :p


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Cruizin....you always make me smile...been a while since you've posted on this. Your old cruizin friend would that be Miss Debbie and if so how the heck is she. I tried to connect with her on facebook but she probably rarely goes on. Is Deb going with you on the cruise in January. You know how jealous I am, especially since I so love Princess. I think one of the maitre d's might be from Home Lines, not sure though. As far as Vito, what can I say...do you really think he got much shorter, do you remember San Juan with the bird poop. Oh my God...how funny, oh JD I so miss those times. Guess this shows how old we really are getting. And me .... instigate ....lol

PS....it took me a while but I think I figured out your statement of sharing the same guys...not a problem lol

Catch everyone later :)

Edited by Marge106
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I'm finally back after having my Dad in the hospital and computer troubles fixed ... I' m back!

Thank God Dad is doing better.

The computer problems, very frustrating. I could read, but everytime I tried to post my computer would disconnect.

Marge, the hip actually was damaged from being on prednisone as a teen - long story. I'm sure all the dancing at Disco 40 and running up and down the ships stair cases certainly didn't help. We never took the elevators, because we felt we had to do everything we could to burn up all those calories we enjoyed, so we took the stairs...

Miss JD, what can I say.... I'm very upset that I can't go next fall, unless I win Lotto or something.....ohhhhh......I really wish you all could come on Caribbean Princess with me in July.....I just have to get to meet you all!!!! If worse comes to worse, I'll just have to meet you all at the peir the day you leave......hmmmmm...kind of deja vu-ish don't ya think??

Another idea came to my mind. Maybe we could meet in Atlantic City or something like that, some weekend......maybe as a pre or post cruise get together, so those of us who can't make the cruise could still meet and spend some time with you all....just a thought.

I'm very happy to be able to "talk" to you all again :):)

Buona Sera, Sorelle di Home Lines!!!!

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Oh Geeze, I just got the feeling that we are gonna hafta meet way before fall 2010! And yes Marge, it is Debbie. She's okay. And I do't think she' ever been on Facebook.


Ms. SueseaQ, you are delightful to want to go away so desperately with your Home Lines "Sorelle" you gave me the chills when you signed off. How MUCH our lives have all changed.


Glad to hear your Dad is doing better AND also that your computer seems to be working again, for now.


Very little time at the moment, I'm off and running, but I'll be in touch over the weekend. Ciao for now!


Janet D.

Edited by cruisin'since'75
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Suseaq glad to hear your Dad is doing better, unfortunately I think most of us understand what its like to have a sick parent. I'll keep him im my prayers.

Hi Cruizin, an overnight in Atlantic City sounds like a wonderful way to start this cruise. We'll have to check more extensively. Hopefully by then I'll have 2 new knees and be able to walk all over the place.

Glad to hear Deb is well, please send her my love. Is Deb still cruising, probably not as much as you LOL. Afraid to ask, how about Aunt Rosie, wow I can still see her face when I close my eyes.

BTW did you get your computer up and running....

Catch you all soon....

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Hi Girls,

Thanks for the good wishes for Dad, he needs a lot of help now especially during the night. I'm exhausted, having to get up early to go to work, so on Monday we have a live in home health aid starting. Hopefully it will work out and I'll get a little bit of a break during the night, we'll see. I'm just not too thrilled about having a stranger come to live in the house, but we have to try.

By the way, Marge, do you have a doctor lined up for your knee replacements. I had my hip done at the Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC, and it was very successful. It's a great place for that stuff. I think the doctor that did my hip does knees also if you want his name, let me know and I'll give you my e-mail address so I can e-mail you the info.

Not for anything, but I just had to laugh.....all this talk about hip and knee replacements, caring for aging parents....things that would not have even entered our minds way back then......time really does march on. That's why it's so much fun to re-live those carefree, wonderful days here with you all!

Ciao for now.

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I was engaged when we went on Doric in 1978 to Bermuda and I didn't know about picking up a waiter as a husband! I should have flirted with that cute little sailor in the striped shirt. He was always around close to me---but the boyfriend was , too! My man noticed the sailor and thought it was funny----well, if I had known how we were to turn out----I'd have ditched him for the sailor big time. LOL We had a fabulous time and loved the flat pizza every night. We were from Ohio at that time and I think the rest of the ship was from NY or NJ. And everybody seemed to be Italian except us!!!!

I'm hoping to go back to Bermuda in 2010--but I must stay down town in Hamilton like we did back then. HAL is the only cruise line that seems to be able to dock there now. Oh,,,,,those were the days, my friends.:)

And my husband (of 22 years) and I cruise about twice a year-or more. He has never been there.---as you can tell, he's not the one from 1978-thank gosh.:rolleyes:

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thank gosh.:rolleyes:


Oh my you are from Woodlands, Texas, arn't you honey?! Welcome aboard the best cruise line in the world, ever, or at least the best website in the world that deals with the best cruise line - Home Lines! How did you ever find a Home Lines Cruise in NYC when you were out there in Iowa? And how did you find this site. You had to really be looking for this kind of thing, I'm sure. Well, you found some of the nices, funniest, most sincere, sophisticated and well-traveled folks you'll hope to meet. The Home Lines Sisters.


So really, welcome, we love having you with us, take some time and read some old postings and get to know the crowd. Post to the site frequently, share your good and not so good stories, and just plain enjoy yourself.



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Ciao sisters! It's been over 2 1/2 months since I've posted, but I have had a few sneak peeks recently to see how everyone has been doing.


Sounds like so many of us are going through similar scenarios.


Well, since mid-August, my mother in law went back home, and ended up critically ill. Heart attack, UTI, C-Diff, and numerous horrible side effects. We have been travelling back and forth to Cape Cod almost every weekend (sometimes for as long as 4 days). She's been in and out of CCU, rehab/conv home and hospital, to hell and back several times. She is finally home, but still in need of her catherization for heart blockage, and still battling c-diff. Poor woman does not deserve this...thankfully she has no recollection of most of her 8 wks of hospitalization. My husband came down with a staph infection(oozing/weeping sores from neck to chest) after staying by her bedside for 20 hrs during one of her toughtimes. Highly contagious.

Then, in Sept, on the way to visit Mom, I was rear-ended while stopped at a red light by speeding vehicle who never stopped. My SUV was totalled with 5 days left til my last car payment. Ended up in ER with neck and back injuries.

Things are starting to look up somewhat. I finally found new vehicle with another new loan :( . My 2 step children are engaged and getting married next year, Mom is home, My physical therapy is progressing, and I have recaptured my Saturdays off with a new job bid. No start date yet, and I'm not thrilled, but it is weekends off again.


I had to laugh about our injuries....I still blame disco dancing in stiletto heels for my 2 knee surgeries!! LOL The therapy excerises have been killing my legs and knees...feel like a cripple....those wonderful days seem like ions ago!. Seems like all the PT's are young, blond and lithe. Biotches!!! :) They'll never ever have our life experiences!!


Glad that everyone is doing reasonably well. Miss our story times!

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Welcome LoverBubbles, it is a rarity that a Home Lines lover isn't a gal from somewhere in the North East, but, deary, you obviously speak the same language as the rest of this sister-hood when it comes to cute Italian crew members ;). Welcome Aboard! You'll have to let us know how your cruise on the Veendam goes. I had considered that cruise at one point, but then opted for the Caribbean Princess because it's a 9 day cruise and I am sorely in need of a vacation, it's been years since my last.

ArubaGal,We've mised you! My goodness, sounds like you've been through the ringer. And I thought I was having troubles :eek:! I surely hope everything is starting to settle down for you and everyone is on the mend. I definitely will keep you in my prayers :).

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Sue, thanks for the prayers, and I will keep you and your Dad in mine as well.


Looks like you leave on your cruise on my birthday...enjoy for me!! I've always wanted to be on a cruise for my Bday, but can never get time in July off from work. Perhaps one day. Sounds like your is way overdue.


Ringer is an understatement, but we all have our good times and bad times. Seems like the bad periods tend to go on for awhile. Or is it that the good ones go by too fast in our minds??

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I am confused with the posting on this boad and have to ask this question...I hope I don't get "yelled at" for asking this...but here goes...why would American women (citizens) want to look for a husband who is an Italian citizen working on a cruise ship as a waiter, cabin steward or bus boy? What am I missing here? These guys were proabably all looking for a marriage certificate to become a US citizen and lets face it...they were not the doctors, lawyer, professors and financiers of Italian society. From what I recall in talking to some of the guys who worked on Homeric, they went to hotel school in Italy and planned on spending their working life at sea on Home Lines ships. :confused:

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I am confused with the posting on this boad and have to ask this question...I hope I don't get "yelled at" for asking this...but here goes...why would American women (citizens) want to look for a husband who is an Italian citizen working on a cruise ship as a waiter, cabin steward or bus boy? What am I missing here?


Okay Mark, I'll take this on. And why should any of us "yell". You don't even know the first thing about any of us American women (citizens). I answered the same or similar question for years and years. But please understand, this is sort of MY frame of reference, no one elses. So others of you with opinions to share, please do so, as well. Please.

I'm not sure I said I was EVER looking for a husband. It was my intention, when I was in my early 20s to have as many experiences as I could, with as many people as I was able to meet, in as many exotic places as possible, and learn as much as I could about the world while having myself a grand old time. And I did. I don't regret one single moment of any of my adventures, experiences or memories. I'm often called upon to "tell the story about that time on the ship when you went out on that yacht", and so on!

I didn't EVER set out to meet someone who could be my potential husband. I believed that if I got out in the world, gathered up as many people as I could and chalked up as many experiences as possible, and learned even just one little thing from every moment, I'd be a very happy and content person. It worked for me, and still does. I knew early on I had to depend on ME, and only Me, to support Me, not some weirdo attorney or doc!

The sun, the sea, and the boys of Italy all fit so nicely into my plan. An accent is always charming (which most American men don't quite understand how a woman can "fall" for a guy with an accent), most European men really know how to treat a woman in a special and adoring way, saying all the "right" words and phrases, demonstrating their affection, unlike most American born and bred guys who'd toss a lovely woman to the side if a sport's star or can of beer crosses their path!

And it isn't just the Italian boys! French, Spanish, English (oh those English men!) Dutch, you name it, lovely. And who cared then, or now, for that matter, if they are grooming themselves to be lawyers, doctors, accountants? Its for fun and so many of us broads arn't as materialistic as you thinK, Mr. Mark.

Life is too short, we grow too old too quick, and time has a way of chipping at your opportunities. So, enjoyed it while I could, still do what I can when I am able, and a bunch of us broads, "The Home Lines Sisters" are getting together within the next few months to write all the fun, life, love, into a bestseller. We'll send you a signed copy! :D

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Ms JD, you go girl!!!!!! I could not have said it better myself!!!!!:D:D:D

Mr. Mark, none of us here would ever "YELL" at you for your question, however this little sister-hood of ours is really a "girl-thing", sort of like a "chick - Flick", if you will. Only, we and our adorable Home Lines Boys were the stars of this real - life drama. ;)

I can understand your inquisitiveness about this, I dare say, most women who have never sailed on a Home Lines ship can understand it. We have, many times stated that as a woman, you have to have sailed Home Lines to truly understand why we feel the way we do. All I can say is I echo everything my "sister" elaborated on in her very eloquent response to your query. I'm sure I speak for many of us here in saying that we all feel the same way. :)

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To confirm what Cruizin said.. I don't remember anyone stating they were looking for a husband. These relationships were different from relationships we had at home. As far as them looking for a green card, maybe some were, but for the most part most of them

were hardwoking individuals often supporting families and extended families at home. It was not all a party for them. What I personally took from my relationship is a very good friend who I still communicate with even though both of us are married to others. I also learned to speak Italian fluently. I've traveled extensively to Europe, Egypt etc all aboard ships because to me there is no other way to go. I have friends in Europe, friends in South America, and friends that I know that I can count on no matter how far away they are (thanks Cruizin). So as far as looking for a husband, I'm thinking you just are not getting it, there is just so much more than you could possibly understand.

And Mark as far as your comment " they were not the doctors, lawyer, professors and financiers of Italian society" ... I see from your profile that you are single. I hope that you never meet someone who is interested in you simply because of letters (MD, PHD, esq) that you put after your name. Some of us actually have some letters after our own names :). There is nothing wrong with being blue collar and that comment of yours sort of shows exactly how shallow you are

Ta ta for now all of my wonderful, bright, exciting Home Lines girlies :)

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And Mark as far as your comment " they were not the doctors, lawyer, professors and financiers of Italian society" ... I see from your profile that you are single. I hope that you never meet someone who is interested in you simply because of letters (MD, PHD, esq) that you put after your name. Some of us actually have some letters after our own names :). There is nothing wrong with being blue collar and that comment of yours sort of shows exactly how shallow you are

Ta ta for now all of my wonderful, bright, exciting Home Lines girlies :)


Thanks, "girlies", for your support and for adding more info to clarify for Mr. Mark. Imagine, thinking that any of us would yell at him for asking a perfectly legit question about us and how our minds worked and work! He has much to learn, I would say. We'll share our knowledge and experiences with him on this site and he'll be amazed (and well-taught!) when we've accomplished this task.

More than anything I get such a kick out of the reactions received when one of us tells a story at this site, or at home, either one of our own or someone elses's (those are some of the best, heh Marge?), and Mark can participate whenever he chooses. I'd love to hear from him again real soon. I signed on just now to find a response from him...I was hoping.

Instead I heard from two of the girlies and I couldn't be more pleased, truly. Certainly made my rather tedious, hectic, Friday afternoon at the VA much brighter and so much more fun.

I'm looking forward to visiting with the tricker-treaters tomorrow evening so much more now, and maybe I'll even get dressed as a "Home Lines Sister". Hmmm, wadyathink?

Out in front of the ghostly & ghoulish decorated house with the firepit roaring, as much as a firepit can roar, I suppose, walks the much anticipated "Home Lines Sister", arms full of chocolate Kisses and Bliss Meltaway bite-size treats. Trolling, up and down the busy thoroughfare, she spots nothing out of the ordinary, nothing unique or foreign, nothing that looks charming or promising enough to be memorable. But maybe, over there at the Supermercato, there's that group out front, smoking like crazy, blazing even more than that ridiculous firepit... I wonder if they'd be interested in a treat or two?

You gals can take it from there, or give it a shot, Mark. We've got faith.

Ciao for now, enjoy the weekend. Love to all.

Janet D. ;)

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Janet I understand...now...that it is a "woman thing" and therefore really cannot add anything since I cannot relate to it being a guy.


But from a guy's perspective, I personally have never had any interest or desire to become involved with any females working on the ships I have sailed on...sorry...


Also from what I understand, current cruise line regulations forbid all members of the crew except for officers and dance company members from fraternizing with the paying guests...has something to do with liability such as in cases when women passengers have reported being raped onboard by crew members. I guess times have changed from when Home Lines ships sailed the oceans...

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I have to add something to what you ladies have stated to Mark! when I was on those home lines cruises, I didn't want to be "attached" to anyone, it was too much fun being a single female on those cruises:D It was all part of the fantasy, it was surreal, in a good way;) as they say, "you had to be there", I do believe, and I say this with a little experience, European men are much more sexier than American men!! when it comes to the rommance department, it seems to be "instinct" with them";) my husband is american born, I love him, he's a great guy, wouldn't trade him for the world:) but, when it comes to rommancing women, European men deserve the ACADEMY AWARD!! To any young, single, (and sometimes not so young woman, that I observed while on those cruises) it was a girls best dream to experience a home lines cruise.


hope all is well ladies


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First, I fell madly in love with the entire Italian crew!!! One guy would make me feel like I was the best thing since sliced bread and the next one made me feel like the best thing since pockets on shirts. They had a way of making you feel as if the only reason the ship was sailing and everyone was working was just for YOU! YOU were the most important passenger on the ship! While, I have sailed numerous other lines and have been treated very well, I have never felt like every single crewmember felt I was the most important passenger.


And then of course, if you became involved with one of them, they looked into your eyes and straight into your soul. Listened to every word you said. These Italians LOVED women (maybe too many of them. LOL!). They had a gift of making you feel beautiful inside and out. Ahhh.....some of us were young and foolish to believe it all. But, it was fun and exciting. I was never looking for a husband and never believed it would ever be long term. It was different. It was romantic. It was fun. Who could resist those accents!!!! You just had to experience it!

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Croozin Family...how true your words are. Every single one of us felt beautiful and like we were the most important person in the world when we were with our crews men. Even those of us who have since learned that our specal crew man was shared amony many :). I don't think there is a single one of us who regret the time spent or the lessons learned.

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Hello Ladies (& Mark)...This is not good or happy news. I'm dropping in to ask everyone to say prayers for Cruizin. Cruizin was taken seriously ill and is currently in ICU..please keep her in your prayers and pray that she has a full, quick and speedy recovery.


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