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Explorer Review 1/28 kids and pics!

sara mom

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To start off…we were a group of 5…my DF, DH, DD (5), DS (7), and me.

Day 1

Our scheduled 10 night cruise to leave on Friday January 27th was adjusted to 9 nights, as the cruise prior to ours had some medical problems that made it turn around on its trip back north and return to the San Juan area so a Coast Guard helicopter could remove an ill passenger. While this led to some frustration on our part, I am glad that Royal Caribbean made the cruiser’s illness a priority. So we made some adjustments to our original plans and we were on our way. The phone calls (there were at least 4) and emails that I received about the 1 day delay told us to arrive at the port on Saturday between 2 and 6. A bit later than normal boarding times. I knew I did not want to be in the mad rush to be one of the first ones on (especially with many possibly cranky passengers about the delay), so we arrived around 3. To my surprise, there were hardly any lines! Wow, did this ever surprise me. When we were checking in, I asked about it. Apparently, they started to let passengers check in at 10:30…the normal time. OH well, at least I missed all the long lines! The check in agent also mentioned that about 30 people had shown up on Friday (our original departure day). Apparently RCCL put them up for a night at a nearby hotel, but did not provide meal vouchers. [so happy we buy trip insurance, as all of our extra expenses are covered…lodging and food..and misc]. We got onboard pretty quickly and started to give DF, DD, and DS a tour, as we had been on the ship the previous May. Our rooms were on deck 6…2 interior connecting rooms 6337 and 6339. We found our room steward quickly and asked her to unlock the connecting door to the cabins and she told us her supervisor would have to do that. The rooms were in a great location- not far from the stairs/elevators in the aft section…down 2 flights to dinner, and right up to the WJ and pool! One interesting note about the rooms…..1 had a flat screened TV that was ‘snowy’ all week, while the other was the older style that worked just fine. Then we heard the announcements for the muster drill that was to begin at 4:15. Hmmmm…but what about those passengers who thought they had more time to get on board (till 6pm) according to our phone calls. Not sure how they could do that without everyone on board, but that wasn’t my problem. We lucked out and had our station in the 4th floor dining room. First time ever being in an inside muster station!





On our tour of the ship, we checked out of dinner table in the MDR. It was a 10 top. I was a bit worried as we were a group with 2 kids and hopefully the others would not have a problem with the kids. We would learn at dinner that my worries were for nothing…we were seated with another 3 generation family with 2 kids. Yeah! This was one of the best dinner seating pairings for us yet!



We had early seating and we left port during dinner…so we went under the Verrazano Bridge in the dark during our meal.


various 1st day pics




Nope, no winter coat for me!





Very rarely could you not see many people on deck 5.


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Day 2

The kids were up bright and early (before 7am) so off to the WJ for breakfast. On our Disney cruise 2 months before, they got used to having donuts and bacon for breakfast (They NEVER get that at home), so they kept up the morning breakfast tradition. Luckily, DD would grow tired of this (the donuts were a bit tasteless) and switched to omelets or Rice Krispies for breakfast. We dropped the kids off at Adventure Ocean. I am NOT a fan of how you must go through the arcade to get into AO. The noise coming from all those arcade games is very loud and DD has some sensory issues with noise, which led her to not want to go to AO often because of the noise level. Once inside AO, you can’t hear the noise any longer. After we got them settled in, we headed off to exercise. Well at 10am, every single piece of cardio equipment was being used. Many other people had the exact same idea. So, out we went, picked up the kids and walked around the ship more.


We ate lunch in the MDR and enjoyed the tutti salad (including the kiddos). The kiddos also got cheeseburgers and they were the best we had all trip! We ended up sitting with a couple from 1 town away from us. Small world!


After lunch, we let the kids go swimming and hang out in the hot tubs. It was mainly kids and some adults hanging out on deck 11. I headed down to the art auction that was to begin at 2. There were 2 pieces I might have been interested in, but after sitting there till 2:25 and no auction starting, I just left. Over 30 minutes and I scored 1 glass of champagne.


They were showing ‘African Cats’ as the movie that day…it’s a Disney movie I had wanted to see but never got around to it when it was in theaters. I guess I should also mention that when I watch nature shows at home and I know that someone/something is going to get eaten, I change the channel for a little bit. Well, I could not do that on the ship. So after 2 ‘kill’ scenes, I told the kids we were leaving. They were less than happy with that idea. Oh well. Apparently they love the ‘kill’ scenes.


This night was dress up night. I love to see the kiddos in their ‘itchy’ clothes as DS calls them. We did get some nice formal pics of the 5 of us. Both kids could have had their entire dinner on shrimp cocktails, but mean mom made them eat some veggies too.



DD watching the fish in aquarium





One of the aquariums sprung a leak





Everyone dressed up. Somewhere down there is Captain Henrick having his pic taken with guests.






















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Day 3



First off, taking this pic every morning helps to figure out what day we did things. (they change everyday in the elevators)


Up early again for breakfast of bacon, donuts, and sausage. We did put the kids in AO so we could get some quiet sun time by ourselves. What a relaxing time of 2 hours all by ourselves in the sun! Next to us were another couple that lived about 10 minutes away. I wonder how many other people were on the ship from the Rochester area? We sat on the riser area leading from deck 11 to 12, opposite of the suite passenger side. I loved listening to people walking up the stairs and complaining that at 11:30 there were no chairs available down near the pool for their group of 10. Really, there was not a problem of finding loungers in groups of 2 or 3 on either deck.


We got the kids out of AO and did the whole waterslide thing with them. Note- the kids waterslide in the back in mostly is the shade and the water is chilly! We did not spend a lot of time there, so back we went to the main pools. Later that afternoon, we would spend time of the sports deck- mini golf, ping pong, and DH and DS did the rock wall.










The past guest party was held in the Palace Theatre. I heard that some sailings they do it all at once in the theatre and on some sailings they split up the parties to different night and have it in the Mahajares Lounge. There was one Pinnacle member on our sailing who was introduced on stage. It was a nice event…they had some of the performers singing on stage. The waiters were wonderful with the kids, always coming over and checking with them if they wanted anything else to drink. They had lots of fruit punch during the event!







As for food, I usually try and eat healthy at meals, normally the fish dish. But this night I ordered the Steak Oscar. YUMMY! Steak and crab, how can you go wrong?

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Up early….ugh dear children! Some time up on the pool deck this morning.





But the big thrill came from ice skating. We have taken the kids ice skating one time before, so they were so excited. We did have an enjoyable time, even with the cuts and scrapes.

















No pics of the falls.....and there were a few.




You do have to wear helmets…and I am ok with that for the amount of falls that happen, it seems necessary and Royal does not want people blaming them for their falls. Both kids got scrapes of their hands from falls and this became a bit problematic at meal times. It was on this day we noticed the ‘greeters’ at WJ or other dining rooms were becoming as bit pushy when folks would walk in about using the hand sanitizer. Have you ever put alcohol based hand sanitizer on an open wound? ….so not good for kids. The morning show also was stressing the need to wash hands…something about singing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song 3 times. Little did we know about the norovirus outbreak on other ships.



Coming up...San Juan. We will be going here!






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Back to the actual trip. San Juan day and the temperature was only 84 degrees! It seems that most of the times we are in San Juan, it is at least 90 with 80% humidity. We get off the boat and I head to Don Q for a free sample of pina colada. (yummy) It was here at Don Q that I tried my first pina colada ever...oh what great memories. Then we start our trek to El Morro…yes we walked. It took the kiddos about 15 minutes to start in with the “It’s hot”, “My legs hurt”, etc. Too bad for them, I had plans! (No really, we stopped for rest a few times and had water with us) I have done San Cristobel 2 times in 6 months and was looking forward to El Morro. Now having done both, I prefer San Cristobel. I was able to get more of a 'feel' of what it was like to be living at San Cristobel in the 1700's and I can tell you that there is a lot more stairs at El Morro, especially if you go down to beach level. There was a quick shower while we were exploring which was a nice refreshing break. We took tons of pictures here.


On our walk










Love this pic...seems like they are right on the edge.




Afterwards we took the free trolley to head back to the ship. We got off instead at the San Cristobel stop thinking we might try and do 2 forts in the same day, but then came to our senses. Duh...our kids are 7 and 5. Maybe in 5 years, but not now. DD loves the cobblestone and blue streets, the DS could of cared less. So we ended taking a leisurely stroll back to Don Q (got our rum this time) and CVS. It just isn't a trip to San Juan without a stop at CVS for us. There is always something we forgot to pack. And by the looks of it, many other cruisers put this on their 'To do' list.


Back to the boat for swimming and dinner at the WJ. Taco night....kids were in heaven.

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Saint Marteen Day


My family of 4 split up this day. DH did a ship sponsored dive and had a great time. DF. kiddos, and I did a private tour with Bernard's Tour. We also had a great time. There were quite a few boats in port this day (I think 7 including the Oasis). One ship had to tender in because there was no more room on the docks. Bernard's was busy, so I can't imagine how busy the ship tours might of been. Once we were on board our 15 passenger van (there were 11 of us so it was comfortable), we were off. We stopped at a beach where someone was pulling sea urchins and sand dollars out of the water so we could feel.






Then we were off to Orient Beach. When I made the reservation, I had requested Le Galion instead of Orient, but I did not make a big deal of it. MY DS is 7 and is beginning to be fond of women's bodies, so I did alot of talking with him about the beach and what we might see. Manners, manners, manners. In all, he noticed 1 bare breasted woman. My DF was spent his time on the lounge chairs noticed over 10. The beach is split up into clothing optional and clothing required. We stayed on the clothing required side, but beach goers would just walk the beach. We rented 2 lounger chairs and an umbrella from Pedro's (right where the driver dropped us off) for $15. We also got coupons for 2 free rum punch (more punch than rum) and 2 bathroom coupons. There is a public restroom that you had to pay for unless you had the coupons from the bar you rented loungers from. Restrooms were clean!



view from Pedro's bar looking down at beach


looking to the left from Pedro's



looking to the right.....this would be the clothing optional area




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6 pic maximum......urghhhhhh



ummmm....not so much



Then we were off to Marigot. Note...be sure to use restrooms prior to going to Marigot if you can......restrooms there are not as well kept and are BUSY. We tried public restrooms and the one at Serafina's. This was lunch at Serafina's



Note...my DD has this affinity with bathrooms. We jokingly call our vacations 'bathroom tours'. She loves to check out restrooms everywhere we go. I'm pretty sure we did all the ones on the ship. She loved the one near Portofino's on deck 11 and even asked me to take a picture of it. While it was a beautiful bathroom.... ummmm... no pictures)




After our bathroom/lunch stop, we did some shopping in the little tents set up near the wharf. DD and I got jewelery. Just after I took the pic of the kiddos, my DD saw some pigeons. At home we call them rats with wings and she chases them away. She tried to chase them here, but was told not to by one of the island residents. Maybe they have nicer pigeons there.


Next stop....Maho Beach

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Ok...this was my first trip to Maho Beach and it was defietly fun. The landing for an airport is right across teh street from the beach...so it seems as though the planes are going to land right on you. For departing planes, they start their big engines(not sure of teh exact wording there) towards the beach and take off toawrd the mountains. The extreme winds caused by the engines is something else. We watched about 10 planed land/take off. When they take off, the people directly behind the planes have their stuff kind of blown into the ocean. Lots of towels and hats are relocated due to the high winds.


list of flights









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I am loving your review & pics, keep them coming! My family leaves on 2/17 (this coming Friday!) on the Explorer with the same itinerary and we also have a private tour with Bernard's booked. I plan to ask our guide to take us to Le Gallion instead of Orient too. You're review hits the spot!!!


Glad to hear you didn't notice "the smell". The thread going about "the smell" really has me concerned.


May I ask why you didn't take the free trolley to El Morro but walked instead? Was it too busy? Or just preference? Once we get off the ship, where do we go to catch the free trolley? Where can I find Don Q?


Can't wait to read more!

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We will be on the Expl. next month. I think we are taking the same tour in St. Maartin as you. Did you enjoy it?


Love the pics and such cute kids.


Thanks for taking us along!




Thanks! Yes, we really enjoyed the tour! We have done a similar tour through the ship, but this was much better and more personal. I would definitely recommend them.


I am loving your review & pics, keep them coming! My family leaves on 2/17 (this coming Friday!) on the Explorer with the same itinerary and we also have a private tour with Bernard's booked. I plan to ask our guide to take us to Le Gallion instead of Orient too. You're review hits the spot!!!


Glad to hear you didn't notice "the smell". The thread going about "the smell" really has me concerned.


May I ask why you didn't take the free trolley to El Morro but walked instead? Was it too busy? Or just preference? Once we get off the ship, where do we go to catch the free trolley? Where can I find Don Q?


Can't wait to read more!

We walked because the wait is usually long for the trolley and I enjoy the walk. I think the trolleys run every 45 minutes or so. I don't know where exactly to catch the trolley near the ship, but you can do a goggle search and look for their map of stops.


As for Don Q- it's next door to CVS. They offer free samples! You can't miss it on the main street across from the ships. They are to the left of Senor Frogs.

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Wow! Thanks for the review and photos. We are leaving Friday (I am so excited!) and I was wondering how warm it was your first full day sailing? You mentioned the kids went swimming - was it really warm enough to use the outdoor pools? That would be great. We are looking forward to ice skating as well. We are 2 families with 4 kids - 2 DD 13, 1 DD 15 and 1 DD 7.

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Wow! Thanks for the review and photos. We are leaving Friday (I am so excited!) and I was wondering how warm it was your first full day sailing? You mentioned the kids went swimming - was it really warm enough to use the outdoor pools? That would be great. We are looking forward to ice skating as well. We are 2 families with 4 kids - 2 DD 13, 1 DD 15 and 1 DD 7.


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So far, the weather forecast in NJ for Friday is ~50 degrees. Now that's my kind of February!!!

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