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MDR Dress... Your Thoughts


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WOW! Six cruises, never saw this...


Let me clarify, my punctuation was lacking and clearly caused confusion- the Captain is in a uniform, greeting people who are wearing flip flops and shorts.


I just don't think anything about "you get to shake hands with the Captain!" implies you need to be formally dressed.




I don't want to see hairy pits or legs when eating.

Women get to wear short dresses and short sleeves, and they aren't required to shave (and many don't). Do you think that needs to change too? Or is women's underarm hair less offensive then men's?

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I'm going to bite, I agree that we follow the dress code of the ship for dining, however you are talking fair and not fair.

Life is rarely fair, why does one person get away with drunk driving and only get suspended sentences, while another goes to jail after the 2nd offense (just using DUIs as an example) ?

Because all judges are not created equally, just as all dining staff are not.

I think the fairness thing left me a long time ago because there is much injustice in this world and if we dwell on the subject it can get to you.

I once said, I work in Mental Health and so I don't let this bug me, someone said they didn't know what working in MH had to do with it, so I'll explain.

If you allow others to make or break your mood or feelings then it's stressful which is mentally unhealthy. I take care of my own actions and do what I know is right, if someone else doesn't it's on them.

I don't truthfully care what others wear because:

A. I'm not allowing others to influence how I feel about anything.

B. I'm not a control freak, I take care of my own backyard, if others what to fling feces about their back yard it's not my problem, I'm not walking there.:D

I will say those that get so excited about dress codes would love Celebrity, even people dressing up early afternoon for tea there.

Cheers and be happy, Carole


OMG Carole....that was very heavy

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I dress appropriately but my husband not so much.... so when I see someone dressing "worse than us" I actually find it comforting, honestly, that eyes are more on them then on us. I really don't care how other people dress so long as they wash their clothes regularly and aren't smelly lol.

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It was a holiday....yup next thread will be on smoking chairhogs with kids in the hot tub.eating meatloaf.....:eek:

Don't forget to add the shrimp cocktail in there!:p

I'm going to bite, I agree that we follow the dress code of the ship for dining, however you are talking fair and not fair.

Life is rarely fair, why does one person get away with drunk driving and only get suspended sentences, while another goes to jail after the 2nd offense (just using DUIs as an example) ?

Because all judges are not created equally, just as all dining staff are not.

I think the fairness thing left me a long time ago because there is much injustice in this world and if we dwell on the subject it can get to you.

I once said, I work in Mental Health and so I don't let this bug me, someone said they didn't know what working in MH had to do with it, so I'll explain.

If you allow others to make or break your mood or feelings then it's stressful which is mentally unhealthy. I take care of my own actions and do what I know is right, if someone else doesn't it's on them.

I don't truthfully care what others wear because:

A. I'm not allowing others to influence how I feel about anything.

B. I'm not a control freak, I take care of my own backyard, if others what to fling feces about their back yard it's not my problem, I'm not walking there.:D

I will say those that get so excited about dress codes would love Celebrity, even people dressing up early afternoon for tea there.

Cheers and be happy, Carole

Carole, you are always the voice of calm and reason...when are we going to sail together???:)

OMG Carole....that was very heavy

Leave her alone, you!:p LOL!

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On one cruise, Sasquatch was seated in the MDR close to our table. I never would have noticed except an announcement was made during dinnner to remember..."no sleeveless shirts, no caps...." and he was describing how this man was dressed. You could see him and his wife kinda look down after this announcement was made. They never came back for the rest of the week. You could see everyone looking at them and I felt sorry for them.....had they stopped him at the door and told him that, he may have dressed a little more appropriately and not been so embarrassed. I never care how anyone is dressed but when it is announced, you kinda start looking around to see who they are talking to. When people go too far one way or the other, it is not good. Don't go so crazy you look like you are about to walk out on the beach but at the same time, those that want everyone in a tux and evening gown, you need to lighten up.....just sayin.

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LOL Linny, how bout the Conquest out of NOLA Sept 9th??? :D

Would love to, but we have a date with the Breeze in Nov;) One of these days our paths will cross!

LOL you think???? Too many Dress code threads I fear, besides I've been reading a pickle :p

I have to go read a pickle as well...haven't seen it since last nite;)

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Ahhhhhhhhh darn Linny, but oh the date with Breeze sounds lovely, we are going out of NOLA because some of our friends want to go, so we jumped on board so to speak.

I think the pickle is just going as per normal, dropping one or two tidbits and coming back and making everyone look dumb for assuming <rolls eyes> but it's entertainment, I don't watch soaps and am off for a few days. :D

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Ahhhhhhhhh darn Linny, but oh the date with Breeze sounds lovely, we are going out of NOLA because some of our friends want to go, so we jumped on board so to speak.

I think the pickle is just going as per normal, dropping one or two tidbits and coming back and making everyone look dumb for assuming <rolls eyes> but it's entertainment, I don't watch soaps and am off for a few days. :D

Definitely a different style there, for sure! But the comments are great as well. Love an entertaining thread:D


Darren, my apologies for hijacking this thread:p

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Definitely a different style there, for sure! But the comments are great as well. Love an entertaining thread:D


Darren, my apologies for hijacking this thread:p


NP Linny...I am sure you can make it up to me in May on the Miracle...Miami Vice...Bucket...Hurricane...any of those would work...you know me...I am easy


Funny thing about this thread...it seems that most folks are like me...I really could care less what people wear...it will not "spoil" my meal..."ruin" my cruise

I guess I am a little old fashioned that you take off your hat when you eat...you come to the table presentable....not too much to ask.

Have to start to accept that people are too LAZY to teach their children manners....hold the door for people...treat people as you wish to be treated....have respect for others.


I need a DOD....:cool:

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I am for one following the MDR dress code as outlined CCL guidelines.

However I have seen a lot of cruisers state "they don`t care to dress properly for "elegant night" as it is their vacation and don`t feel like dressing up".


Am I the only one that has an issue with this?


IS it fair to say that ALL policies don`t have to be followed if they do not enforce them all?


Sorry but if I don`t want to "dress" for dinner I have the respect for other cruisers not to go to the MDR that night....:cool:


It's safe to say that once Carnival has your money, all bets are off.


Greyhound doesn't have a dresscode either...



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Does what someone else is wearing, provided it covers them and is not obscene, affect how my food tastes? No. Does it affect how much I enjoy my dinner? No.


While some may disagree with me, I'm sure there are those who agree. To each his own. People are on vacation and don't want to be told what to do.


I agree with you. I have heard stories about people dressed very inappropriately, but I have never seen them. Until I see them myself or see pictures, I think its just an urban legend.


Junior high and high school was all about what everyone was wearing. I am over it now.

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Funny thing about this thread...it seems that most folks are like me...I really could care less what people wear...it will not "spoil" my meal..."ruin" my cruise


I guess I am a little old fashioned that you take off your hat when you eat...you come to the table presentable....not too much to ask.

Have to start to accept that people are too LAZY to teach their children manners....hold the door for people...treat people as you wish to be treated....have respect for others.




I think you hit the nail on the head ... sort of. You chose as an example of "manners" "taking off your hat when you eat". Please explain (in a way that will make sense to my children) the functional reason why removing my hat when I eat my meal is good manners. Please do not compare it to saying "please" and "thank you" because I can provide you with the specific functional rationale for those actions being considered "good manners". I'm certain that the best you'll be able to come up with is something that boils down to "because it is".


So this gets me to one of your subsequent examples, which is "treat people as you wish to be treated". I'm certain that if I asked my son what he thinks about a woman at another table wearing a hat, he would shrug. That is because he wouldn't consider the fact that she is wearing a hat to be "treating" him at all. If he happens to be wearing a hat, he is doing absolutely exactly what you would expect, which is "treating others as you wish to be treated."

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NP Linny...I am sure you can make it up to me in May on the Miracle...Miami Vice...Bucket...Hurricane...any of those would work...you know me...I am easy


Funny thing about this thread...it seems that most folks are like me...I really could care less what people wear...it will not "spoil" my meal..."ruin" my cruise

I guess I am a little old fashioned that you take off your hat when you eat...you come to the table presentable....not too much to ask.

Have to start to accept that people are too LAZY to teach their children manners....hold the door for people...treat people as you wish to be treated....have respect for others.


I need a DOD....:cool:

Yeah, when we go to Jack's Shack I'll buy you a Sandy.....nevermind:p

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I think you hit the nail on the head ... sort of. You chose as an example of "manners" "taking off your hat when you eat". Please explain (in a way that will make sense to my children) the functional reason why removing my hat when I eat my meal is good manners. Please do not compare it to saying "please" and "thank you" because I can provide you with the specific functional rationale for those actions being considered "good manners". I'm certain that the best you'll be able to come up with is something that boils down to "because it is".


So this gets me to one of your subsequent examples, which is "treat people as you wish to be treated". I'm certain that if I asked my son what he thinks about a woman at another table wearing a hat, he would shrug. That is because he wouldn't consider the fact that she is wearing a hat to be "treating" him at all. If he happens to be wearing a hat, he is doing absolutely exactly what you would expect, which is "treating others as you wish to be treated."

Thank you for your input

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i think you hit the nail on the head ... Sort of. You chose as an example of "manners" "taking off your hat when you eat". Please explain (in a way that will make sense to my children) the functional reason why removing my hat when i eat my meal is good manners. Please do not compare it to saying "please" and "thank you" because i can provide you with the specific functional rationale for those actions being considered "good manners". I'm certain that the best you'll be able to come up with is something that boils down to "because it is".


So this gets me to one of your subsequent examples, which is "treat people as you wish to be treated". I'm certain that if i asked my son what he thinks about a woman at another table wearing a hat, he would shrug. That is because he wouldn't consider the fact that she is wearing a hat to be "treating" him at all. If he happens to be wearing a hat, he is doing absolutely exactly what you would expect, which is "treating others as you wish to be treated."


i thank you for your input

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I'm from Nebraska, where there are lots of midwest values in the farming/ranching communities.

I think that here the taking off of the hat was a sign of respect , you can say it doesn't affect anything and your child is not aware of it being "anything" but in manners I stand with the "must have" crowd.

My son was not allowed to wear a hat during a meal, he never went without a please or thank you. It's a matter of respect for other humans, be polite.

It doesn't take money or education to be polite, it simply takes a good parent to teach you.

The other people do as they wish, but for me and my family we show respect and we dress appropriately.

We can only answer for ourselves and can only teach our children by doing IMO.


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I'm from Nebraska, where there are lots of midwest values in the farming/ranching communities.

I think that here the taking off of the hat was a sign of respect , you can say it doesn't affect anything and your child is not aware of it being "anything" but in manners I stand with the "must have" crowd.

My son was not allowed to wear a hat during a meal, he never went without a please or thank you. It's a matter of respect for other humans, be polite.

It doesn't take money or education to be polite, it simply takes a good parent to teach you.

The other people do as they wish, but for me and my family we show respect and we dress appropriately.

We can only answer for ourselves and can only teach our children by doing IMO.




Well said

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Does anyone find it interesting that every time a dress code thread comes up, someone has been seated with 'SASQUATCH'. The description is usually body hair, odor, tank top, backward baseball cap, or a facsimile of those items.


I have never seen SASQUATCH on a cruise, but maybe someday !!!!!


19 Cruises since 2005 including 14 on Carnival, never seen anything close to this in the MDR.


Sounds like another made up Cruise Critic "problem" to me.:D

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Thank you Carol.

I was brought up the same way here in Connecticut. It was called manners. Manners are something that's not taught today.


We have a gang of 30 going on a crusie at the end of September. It's a continuation of my daughter's wedding. All those in the wedding party are wearing their dresses and the men their tux's. And those not in the wedding party are dressing up, cocktail dress and tux's.


My husband has taken a tux on almost every cruise we have been on and I love it. He is so handsome in one! It's just another thing to look forward to!:)

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I am for one following the MDR dress code as outlined CCL guidelines.

However I have seen a lot of cruisers state "they don`t care to dress properly for "elegant night" as it is their vacation and don`t feel like dressing up".


Am I the only one that has an issue with this?


IS it fair to say that ALL policies don`t have to be followed if they do not enforce them all?


Sorry but if I don`t want to "dress" for dinner I have the respect for other cruisers not to go to the MDR that night....:cool:


Your right it is my vacation.


And I don't care one bit what you think about how I am dressed.


As a matter of fact if I knew I would see some of you in the MDR I would make it a point to dress down to the level you like to complain about.


Give you something to talk about the rest of the cruise.:D:


BTW I was in the Navy for over 20 years and have been on about 20 cruises across 3 cruise lines.


So I sure don't need a few chronic complainers out here to tell me how to dress.


Remember as you said It's MY vacation and I'll thank you to keep your nose out of it.:)

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