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Parents, Please control your kids!!!!!

cruisin again

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Hello all,

It's amazing how something like that can ruin your day. I get all upset when I see kids "out of control", but it is a whole new ballgame when the parents don't even try. Don't get me started...my blood pressure is already going up. I have a 1 and 3 year old, and I care very much how they act in public or anywhere. If they start to make a scene, we leave. They get in trouble, and we go on with our day. We have been on 3 cruises with kids and they have never set foot in the dining room. That is because I didn't think they could handle it. I wasn't about to ruin someones dinner. Room service is a wonderful thing. So is the buffet.

It kills me when parents don't care how their children effect other people. Here I try as hard as I can not to bother people, because I know what it's like to go to a place and have some child screaming at the table next to me about not getting the pizza he wanted. Take the child and leave. I bet if that happened a few times he/she wouldn't do it anymore. OK...I'm done now. Take Care all!!


You sound like a wonderful mother. My daughter too(Now 20) was not the perfect child. Many a time in a restuarnat I would take her out to the car whicle hubby waited for the dggy bags of our food and to pay. We had to leave movies a few times too.


We did punish her but were not willing to spank her in public as so many accuse you of child abuse nowadays- spanking later did not seem to work with her, what we learned was the best punishment for her was to take away a favorite TV show- by the time she was 3 or 4 all I had to say was "no ninja turtles today" and she would straighten up real fast.

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I know some of you have seen the show Nanny 911 or Supernanny. I have watched it 3 times and I was amazed not only at the behavior of the children but the parents behavior was even worse. Although the kids were absolute brats-you could tell why-the parents were constantly threatening punishment but hardly ever followed through with the threatened punishment.


OMG..when my husband and I catch this show we can't stop gasping in shock at some of these kids!!!! WOW!!! And the way they "talk back" to their parents...unreal! And these aren't your typical "dysfunctional families"...these are normal two parent middle class households! Yikes. My kids aren't perfect (whose are?) but they look like total angels compared to some of those monsters!!! :eek:

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I just ended a two year relationship with a man that has 3 kids, 22, 17, 14.


One of the biggest issues we faced was how children should be discplined. I am not a parent but I do not think it takes a brain surgeon to know what is right and wrong. I was raised to be a productive, responsible adult and I helped raise my much younger brother. Plus, we had the assistance of a family counselor to help us work through this, who advice he just chose to ignore.


The 17YO and the 14YO lived with us for a year and a half, as they did not want to live with their mother. We lived in my home. Before they met me, they were never aware that kids were supposed to have chores or any responsibility at all. They kept their rooms filthy, and I do not mean sloppy but horribly dirty. Their father's take was that "kids need to be kids and have fun, they do not need responsibilities now". All they needed to do was bring home good grades. They had no accountability for anything. His 14 YO wore what she pleased, which was often inappropriately revealing and way too old for her. Her behavior was provocative and I cannot imagine what kind of a woman she will grow into. Both kids left their stuff laying everywhere and would not pick up themselves no matter what. There would be twice the mess when their friends came to visit.


Were they polite children? Yes. But they were bing raised to have no respect for their own space or the space of others. Right before I ended this relationship, me and the former SO had taken a cruise. I have a 4BR 3BA house so the kids all had their own space and then some. But, when we returned, my bathroom and bedroom were trashed even thought they were clearly told that this was my personal space and I expected privacy and respect of my things and my space. I cleaned and changed the sheets the day we left because I enjoy coming home to a clean house. The main part of the house was also neat and clean. Anyway, I came home to my last mess and that was it.


These children are being raised by a parent who, IMHO, is doing them a great disservice by allowing them to live like pigs and to disrepect other peoples things and space. This will certainly hurt them in the long run.


They spend hours a night with friends and with the TV, and no accountability was ever in place to make sure they cleaned their rooms or jsut picked up after themselves. They were allowed to do anything they wanted to.


It is a sorry state of affairs and I am certain they are not the only kids being raised like this. Some parents have no business being parents. Permissiveness is the lazy way out IMHO.


sounds to me this man had a lot of guilt over the fact that he was no longer with these kid's mother and they worked it to their advantage (short term) or disadavantage (long term) I can't help but wonder if this is the problem with alot of kids-when parents are divoiced they always want to be "the good guy" to the kids.

caviargal,by the way why are you over here on this board? You have stated several times how much you despise Carnival. Don't mean anything -just curious.

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I think everyone has forgotten that even the best well behaved children can act unruly when theit schedule is disrupted. A kid that is normally perfectly well behaved in restaurants can turn into a whirlwind just because they were allowed extra ice cream that day. I've never taken my children on a cruise but I have to admit that at times I have been shocked at my own children's behavior in public and like most parents have had to discipline them in front of people. But if you think the stares you get when your children misbehave is bad - try to see the looks you get when you spank a child.:eek:

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sounds to me this man had a lot of guilt over the fact that he was no longer with these kid's mother and they worked it to their advantage (short term) or disadavantage (long term) I can't help but wonder if this is the problem with alot of kids-when parents are divoiced they always want to be "the good guy" to the kids.

caviargal,by the way why are you over here on this board? You have stated several times how much you despise Carnival. Don't mean anything -just curious.


Re the comments on the kids, I think you are right on the money. Their mom is totally uninvolved in their lives so this makes the guilt worse. But his daughter especially is very manipulative of daddy ans the way she is growing up, I am very glad she is not mine to worry about. I will be very surprised if she is not pregnant by the time she is 16.


I do not believe I ever used the word "despise" in reference to CCL, I really just have not enjoyed my cruises on the line. Both were very disappointing. Their ships do not, so far at least, provide an experience that I enjoy.


I am a TA so I read and post on all boards if there is a subject I have an opinion on. I also sell cruises on CCL when I think it is the best fit for my clients. It is just not the right fit for me.


Also, I am on the Glory in 5 weeks escorting a group of 193 so I am more active on this board lately, reading what I can about the ship. The reviews are all over the board - no pun intended - so it will be interesting to see what the ship is actually like. I will have the feedback of 193 very vocal passengers to listen to and compare as well as my own experiences.


I will post a review upon my return.



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Hello all,

If you think I enjoy the time and patience that it takes to have a child with manners...you are crazy. I do it because it is my job. It is my job to raise a child that acts properly in certain situations. If they can't ...then don't take them. As a parent it is your job to reinforce morals, manners, and to educate your child. I believe as a parent you are getting your child ready to become a productive part of society. I have a Master's degree and I am a stay-at-home Mom. This was my choice, because I grew up in daycare, and didn't like it at all. I work very hard at teaching my kids how they should treat people..including the people in the booth next to us at dinner. They should be mindful of others around them and show them the respect they deserve. That's all. My kids are the best and we have a great time. On our last cruise everybody knew my daughter's name, not because I was screaming it all the time, but because she would introduce herself. We will be on the Dec. 4 Miracle cruise..I am sure Gracie would love to meet you all. Take Care!!


From what I have just written I kinda sound like a real hard a**.:D Really I am not. I think kids should have a good time, but it is up to parents to decide which settings are to structured for kids. Often times parents think of their own wants and don't take the kids into consideration.



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I am a parent myself and I find this incredibly funny...what would you do if this child mentioned before was YOURS...if you don't have children, it isn't your place to ask them another child what to do...Some parents think it is cute...listen...they had children for a reason, to enjoy them and like to be with them. .. .i know some parents enjoy making their child be well behaved, but some enjoy the fact that the child has a mind of its own:p


I'm of parent of 3 teens. I always enjoyed the fact that my kids where their own person however I taught them to behave while in public. I enjoy my kids and like to be with them because they are polite and well behaved. It's takes work to raise kids and a lot of parents don't have the time and energy.

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"Bottom line - If there is bratty, obnoxious & disrespectful kids on board, I can almost guarantee you the parents don't give a rat's tail about them & probably in the casino smoking, drinking & gambling ALL day!... (Now there's nothing wrong with a drink from time to time and an hour or two in the casino but not all day!!!)"


So true. On our first cruise my husband and I were on the elevator with a little girl about 6 years old. It was after midnight and she was in her nightgown just roaming the ship. We asked her where her mom was and she said "in the casino" Could not believe any parent would let a small child be on her own while they are in a casino. The parent should be horse whipped!!!

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Re the comments on the kids, I think you are right on the money. Their mom is totally uninvolved in their lives so this makes the guilt worse. But his daughter especially is very manipulative of daddy ans the way she is growing up, I am very glad she is not mine to worry about. I will be very surprised if she is not pregnant by the time she is 16.


I do not believe I ever used the word "despise" in reference to CCL, I really just have not enjoyed my cruises on the line. Both were very disappointing. Their ships do not, so far at least, provide an experience that I enjoy.


I am a TA so I read and post on all boards if there is a subject I have an opinion on. I also sell cruises on CCL when I think it is the best fit for my clients. It is just not the right fit for me.


Also, I am on the Glory in 5 weeks escorting a group of 193 so I am more active on this board lately, reading what I can about the ship. The reviews are all over the board - no pun intended - so it will be interesting to see what the ship is actually like. I will have the feedback of 193 very vocal passengers to listen to and compare as well as my own experiences.


I will post a review upon my return.




I have not been on a conquest class ship yet-so many post that there are conjestion problems. I don't need that on vacation I live in a suburb of Atlanta , Ga that had 22,000 people move into last year. Traffic is horrible-I have no desire to be on a crowded prrorly designed cruisehsip.


I did like the Miracle though and felt though she wasn't much bigger, she was tons nicer then the Fascination and Inspiration and had lots of nicer choices in the Lido-plus the dessert and coffee bars. I would gladly cruise her again.


Carnival as I told you before is not my favoirite line but I do feel Carnival is a good value.

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Dear Friends: Bottom line is - YOU are responsible for YOUR children - and their actions. . . unfortunately - we are in a "blame everyone else but me" society. I have watched that show super nanny, and am mortified by the adults not knowing what to do about their out of control kids. . . . We can't be friends with our kids, we have to be role models and set good examples for them. My kids at age 8 and 11 are going on their first cruise this summer - I see no reason why they cannot behave themselves in the dining roooms. I have waited this long to take the kids on cruises, because at earlier ages, Our way of dealing with tantrums and such was to remove the child from the situation - - - that's awfully hard to do at sea - lol


Looking forward to the Conquest in August.

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I think everyone has forgotten that even the best well behaved children can act unruly when theit schedule is disrupted. A kid that is normally perfectly well behaved in restaurants can turn into a whirlwind just because they were allowed extra ice cream that day. I've never taken my children on a cruise but I have to admit that at times I have been shocked at my own children's behavior in public and like most parents have had to discipline them in front of people. But if you think the stares you get when your children misbehave is bad - try to see the looks you get when you spank a child.:eek:


We have all experienced that but it is like the young mother with the 1 and 3 yr. old said-she just does the lido and room service because she KNOWS her kids.


The same with us and our now 20 yr. old daughter. we never ate anywhere besides Mac Donalds and occasionially Folks until she got around 4 (too many times we had had to walk out of a restaurant or the movies) and had learned to behave. By then she did too as she knew she would have a privilege taken away and I picked her favorite privilege watching TV. That was not mean of me either-she could still color pictures or play with her dolls etc. just no TV. Sometimes if the offence was minor I would let her watch some TV but not her favorite shows. That worked the best for her.


The problem is not only are these kids obnoxious and no one wants to be around them but how in the world are they going to get through life? How will they ever keep a job when they are so undisciplined? No employer wants an employee like that. Parents are really doing them a diservice.


Oh yes, I NEVER spanked my daughter in public-as there are always nuts around to say you were "abusing" that child. I know there is real child abuse but I believe a spank (a spank not a beating) never hurt anyone. I would threaten to spank my daughter and did when we got home but that just did not work too well-when a child is little-time seems long so getting a spanking "when we get home" was no real threat to her. But boy did she hate to miss her TV shows.

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that would really clear things up when your kids starting dating, too


ROFLMAO....That is too funny....I've never thought of that one but have written it down :D

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I am a parent myself and I find this incredibly funny...what would you do if this child mentioned before was YOURS...if you don't have children, it isn't your place to ask them another child what to do...Some parents think it is cute...listen...they had children for a reason, to enjoy them and like to be with them. .. .i know some parents enjoy making their child be well behaved, but some enjoy the fact that the child has a mind of its own:p



Are you KIDDING me???? Crazidude, you are a reckless and dispicable parent! Kids do NOT have a right to a "mind of their own" if they are screwing up MY hard earned vacation/dinner/movie, etc. with their "minds" that have decided to run amok and disturb everyone in sight.


Further, you ARE crazy if you think it is security's job to police your children. That is YOUR job, vacation or not, until they are of age.


Am I supposed to sit around being disturbed by your brats because your "vision" is that of irresponsibility and "taking some time off" from parenting? Think again, my friend!


I absolutely will NOT allow someone else's kid to ruin what I have worked hard for. First mention to the kid will be firm, but friendly. If there is a second reason to talk to the kid, the parents and any authority figure necessary will be spoken to without the patience you think is deserved. It is NOT deserved if you are ruining my good time. I don't HAVE to be nice if you are infringing on my good time, and I don't HAVE to be nice to precious Johnny/Janie. THEY have to be nice to ME because I am the ADULT and they are the CHILDREN. ADULTS trump brats every single time.


I don't buy into the "kids will be kids" nonsense, either. There are parents out there afraid to parent and they need to grow up themselves and take responsibility for every single thing that kid does... on vacation, at dinner, at the mall, whereever. No one knows a kid better than their parents. Parents need to discern whether or not their precious child is well-suited to the environment they place them in. If the kid is a mess at home, he/she will be on a ship as well. The only difference is that the parents are "on vacation" and give even LESS of a crap on the ship.


To those who actually parent and have empathy for the folks who aren't crazy about screaming kids, THANK YOU for parenting responsibly.


To those who actually think parenting deserves a vacation, is too "difficult" or that they "can't control" their kids, think again. YOU are what is raising tomorrow's felons. It is your JOB to raise respectable people... from DAY ONE.


Geeze... to think people actually think their kids have "rights" to be disruptive boggles the mind, even though I see it every day. And to extend their bad behavior without repurcution on vacation is even worse! THEY didn't work their asses off 50 hours a week, but I sure did. I won't allow the reward to be ruined by a CHILD.

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IHHK - I agree. I go absolutely nuts watching kids on cruise ships, grocery stores, wherever, who are acting like fools and being disrespectful, and the parents are the new age kind that just keep telling them in their sing-song voices "that's not acceptable", etc. I almost want to laugh, except for the fact that I know those kids will be the ones ruining society in a few years. I am a single Mom to 3 boys - my youngest, 10 year old twins, have ADHD, but I'll tell you what - they KNOW how to behave in public. I personally, believe in a smack on the behind, when needed. I'm not saying I think everyone should do this, but there has to be some form of discipline. Our parents did it to us, and I'll tell you what, I never would've even considered the behavior I see kids getting away with everyday. I would still be prying myself out of the wall my parents would've knocked me clean into. And I grew up to be a responsible adult. And those kids behaving this way on vacation on the cruise ships ruining other people's hard earned vacations, odds are they are not just letting them getting away with more because they are on vacation...they probably behave the same way at home. If your child can't behave, it is your responsibility to make sure they are removed from where they are disruptive to others - period.

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Taking this back to Carnival cruise ships. This is a vacation, everything is very loud and big. You will not notice most "unruly kids". I was panicked before my first cruise on the Carnival last year. I worked with my two boys on manners and probably ruined their anticipation of the trip with all my stern warnings. But once on board, I realized they could act like kids and no one would notice. The dining room is so loud and big. So many people are walking back and forth that no one notices when kids whine, goof off too loudly or got up to pick up their fallen napkin once too often. This isn't fine dining, its banquet dining. If they wanted to race down the hall when we were walking to the elevator I let them. Nobody hears it at 3:00p in the afternoon. Kids are splashing in the pool and running and on Carnival you just don't notice it. Now, we recently were on Holland America Zuiderdam ship. There a raised voice would have been noticed so we fed them in the buffet, put them in the kid's club and ate by ourselves.


We loved both trips

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IHHK - I agree. I go absolutely nuts watching kids on cruise ships, grocery stores, wherever, who are acting like fools and being disrespectful, and the parents are the new age kind that just keep telling them in their sing-song voices "that's not acceptable", etc. I almost want to laugh, except for the fact that I know those kids will be the ones ruining society in a few years. I am a single Mom to 3 boys - my youngest, 10 year old twins, have ADHD, but I'll tell you what - they KNOW how to behave in public. I personally, believe in a smack on the behind, when needed. I'm not saying I think everyone should do this, but there has to be some form of discipline. Our parents did it to us, and I'll tell you what, I never would've even considered the behavior I see kids getting away with everyday. I would still be prying myself out of the wall my parents would've knocked me clean into. And I grew up to be a responsible adult. And those kids behaving this way on vacation on the cruise ships ruining other people's hard earned vacations, odds are they are not just letting them getting away with more because they are on vacation...they probably behave the same way at home. If your child can't behave, it is your responsibility to make sure they are removed from where they are disruptive to others - period.




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Speaking of controlling your kids... would the parent of the lunatic poster please stand up? I think there are many ready to whoop the pants off that kid! LOL!!!!!


heheh,lol im almost afraid to say something,for fear that he will return.:eek:

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Taking this back to Carnival cruise ships. This is a vacation, everything is very loud and big. You will not notice most "unruly kids". I was panicked before my first cruise on the Carnival last year. I worked with my two boys on manners and probably ruined their anticipation of the trip with all my stern warnings. But once on board, I realized they could act like kids and no one would notice. The dining room is so loud and big. So many people are walking back and forth that no one notices when kids whine, goof off too loudly or got up to pick up their fallen napkin once too often. This isn't fine dining, its banquet dining. If they wanted to race down the hall when we were walking to the elevator I let them. Nobody hears it at 3:00p in the afternoon. Kids are splashing in the pool and running and on Carnival you just don't notice it. Now, we recently were on Holland America Zuiderdam ship. There a raised voice would have been noticed so we fed them in the buffet, put them in the kid's club and ate by ourselves.


We loved both trips



Whoa...I have a very difficult time with this logic.

So..it's OK for your kids to run down the halls on a Carnival ship, but you wouldn't allow that on a HAL ship??

I look at it this way. My kids behavior had to be consistant. They had friends when they were small; some friends were what I would call 'good' and some were 'wild'. If my children went to the home of one of the 'good' or calm children, they were expected to behave and not act like crazy sugar/hyper rug rats. If they went to the home of a child that was 'bad' and fit the above hyper description, they were NOT allowed to follow suit just because those kids were wild. They still were expected to behave. I expect the same behavior from my kids at all times in all circumstances, and one of the behaviors they were taught as kids was not to run indoors ANYWHERE....and on a cruise ship, there would have been running at any time while on board. :rolleyes:

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IHHK - I personally, believe in a smack on the behind, when needed. I'm not saying I think everyone should do this, but there has to be some form of discipline. Our parents did it to us, and I'll tell you what, I never would've even considered the behavior I see kids getting away with everyday. I would still be prying myself out of the wall my parents would've knocked me clean into.



Yeah, nothing says "I love you" quite like physically abusing your child.


In my opinion the only reason a parent would strike their child is because they lack the patience, verbal skills or mental acumen to deal with the child in a mature, loving and supportive manner.


I couldn't imagine raising my hand and striking my child.




Running Dad

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Yeah, nothing says "I love you" quite like physically abusing your child.


In my opinion the only reason a parent would strike their child is because they lack the patience, verbal skills or mental acumen to deal with the child in a mature, loving and supportive manner.


I couldn't imagine raising my hand and striking my child.




Running Dad


Pat, I'll accept your right to discipline your kids anyway you like (as long as you DO it), but please don't equate physical discipline by a loving, in control parent to physical abuse. Like many parents, I use the entire gambit of discipline, from time outs to privilege withdrawal and yes, the occasional spanking. I do not lack patience or verbal skills, nor am I an idiot who lacks "mental acumen" to deal with my child. The kids I see on cruise ships MOST out of control are the ones with the touchy feeley, new age parents dead set against disciplining their children in any real or meaningful way. These parents have NO control over their children and are a blight on vacationers and a disgrace to us hard working parents in general. Jusy MHO of course

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