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Can I Bring sanitizing Wipes on Board


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I wasn't being rude, I'm just sick of seeing so much wrong information being stated as fact. I suppose I could have taken your joke wrong, but with the eyeroll, etc it came off as rude and condenscending. I told YOU to find it yourself because at the time I thought you were being rude and wasn't going to take the time.


The newest study available online is from 2011. The newest study, done after this recent outbreak, in regards to new strains, is unfortunately not available just yet.


You do have to follow the directions but my issue was the blank statement that none of the products could kill it in less than 10 'minutes because the concentrations were too low when in fact, in some cases they are 1000% higher.


I can post a link later to the 2011 study because at the moment I am parked on my butt at the Fox Theater waiting for the box office to open.


Sent from my SGH-T589 using Tapatalk


My apologies for the eye roll. I'm gonna blame that on my 13 year old daughter - she's rubbing off on me :rolleyes:. Honestly, I wasnt trying to be condescending.


We're actually on the same wavelength about stuff being stated as fact with no supporting info or studies. I actually really did look into this since we cruise next week, trying to decide if we bring purell or clorox - do any of these actually work ? The info I found was what I posted above and none seemed to have the results I was hoping for... well except for bleach and I'm not lugging that on vacation !:p


I did find the info on benzalkonium chloride - I even picked up some Wet Ones Wipes !! The info was from the sites selling the product so you have to take with a grain of salt - like I said earlier, I truly hope this becomes the "magic pill" so to speak (safe, cheap, effective) and newer info will be released to confirm it. Never mind CCL stock, I'll be buying Wet Ones stock !!


If you have a link for the more recent study, I really would be interested in reading it when you have time.

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She is going to rely on Airborne? She does understand that there is no scientific evidence that it is effective in any way- and the the high levels of Vit C in it can be harmful? Does her doctor know about the Airborne?


She's not going to "rely" on it, but it doesn't hurt to have a little extra help. I never said or thought that airborne was a cure-all or would protect from every airborne illness you come in contact with. She doesn't have to take it and she knows it, but it's there as a just in case.

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why oh why can't we just get along- the flaming by some members to others is becoming more than I can bear :(. So sad really, I have learned so much from the members on this forum and hope new members understand that not everyone is rude, condescending or judgemental.


Just my two cents, Happy Sailing :)



I agree!!!! It's so much easier to be rude when you are "typing" to an "invisible" person. Why be rude? This is such an awesome site and I have learned volumes of amazing information!!! :)

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She is going to rely on Airborne? She does understand that there is no scientific evidence that it is effective in any way- and the the high levels of Vit C in it can be harmful? Does her doctor know about the Airborne?


I am the said friend. And no I am not relying on Airbone. I have a "drug cocktail" (I like to call it that) that I have been taking everyday for quite while now and that I am relying on. My doctor is aware I will be taking Airbone and didn't express any concern regarding it.


I appreciate everyone concerns but I know this cruise is safe for me. I take public transportation everyday, I eat out quite often, I have been to place known for high concentration of population (ie sports arena, theme parks...) several times over the last year and everything is fine because I am taking all the precaution needed which would also be the case on this cruise.

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why oh why can't we just get along- the flaming by some members to others is becoming more than I can bear :(. So sad really, I have learned so much from the members on this forum and hope new members understand that not everyone is rude, condescending or judgemental.


Just my two cents, Happy Sailing :)


You're absolutely right ! My apologies for my part, even though no harm was meant. In retrospect, I did sound snarky. Blame it on being about 3am when I posted and the fact that I have a mountain of stuff to do before this weekend's cruise !! (all while working a stupid week of night shift - ugh!!)... I'm gonna need a vacation after this vacation !! :p

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why oh why can't we just get along- the flaming by some members to others is becoming more than I can bear :(. So sad really, I have learned so much from the members on this forum and hope new members understand that not everyone is rude, condescending or judgemental.


Just my two cents, Happy Sailing :)


I agree.


You know, who woulda thought this topic woulda got so......passionate. I mean, smoking and chair hogs are one thing. OK, actually two. But......sanitizing wipes??



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What I don't understand is that so...you clean every surface in your room (not my idea of how to start a cruise but never mind). Do you clean everything you touch? Menus? Chairs you pull out? Do you ever put your hands on the sofas? Hand railings? Do you shake hands? Yes, there are a subset of people for whom the world of germs are a real concern- they have been mentioned. But for the rest of us, wash your hands well and be done with it. I personally refuse to view the world as a terrifying place that I cannot interact with freely.


For me personally, I just like the thought of my cabin being clean. On my last cruise the phone was so dusty I don't think it had been touched with a cleaning cloth in quite some time. I do not shy away from touching surfaces out in public, but I will make an effort to not touch my face until I wash my hands while out in public.

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I am the said friend. And no I am not relying on Airbone. I have a "drug cocktail" (I like to call it that) that I have been taking everyday for quite while now and that I am relying on. My doctor is aware I will be taking Airbone and didn't express any concern regarding it.


I appreciate everyone concerns but I know this cruise is safe for me. I take public transportation everyday, I eat out quite often, I have been to place known for high concentration of population (ie sports arena, theme parks...) several times over the last year and everything is fine because I am taking all the precaution needed which would also be the case on this cruise.


I am sure that the cruise will be safe for you- if you have been dealing with these issues for this long, I'm sure you wouldn't risk your health in unnecessary ways. I was responding as a former researcher and someone who spent years reviewing medical protocols. I never did understand why being invented by a 2nd grade teacher was supposed to be a good thing- I mean, 2nd grade teachers are very nice but what do they know about immune systems and supplementing them? Have a wonderful time!

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I agree.


You know, who woulda thought this topic woulda got so......passionate. I mean, smoking and chair hogs are one thing. OK, actually two. But......sanitizing wipes??




But issues of health are rather important and there is a lot of misinformation out there. Chair hogs can be a pain. Thinking you are keeping yourself safe from an illness when you are not can, in an extreme case, kill you.

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But issues of health are rather important and there is a lot of misinformation out there. Chair hogs can be a pain. Thinking you are keeping yourself safe from an illness when you are not can, in an extreme case, kill you.


I agree. However, to keep things in perspective, of the 20 million or so cases of noro reported each year, only about 3500 occur on cruiseships which is less than 1% of the 8.5 million cruise passengers - data from the CDC.


That means the remaining 99 plus percent of reported cases comes from airplanes, schools, restaurants, etc where the vast majority of people are not quite so diligent in their healthcare and does not seem to be such a huge issue in the "real world"


Like I said - just trying to keep things in perspective.

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This, and especially the TV remote!! :eek: People have been known to scratch themselves with those things!


I have been bringing wipes for years on all my vacations, whether cruise or land based. I don't do it for fear of norovirus, but for any fecal matter or bodily fluids (think kids with fingers up noses) that may be residing on the items. So many times I have gone into a cabin or hotel room and there is a coating of dust on the phone and in corners of surfaces. I have also watched one to many tv programs where they have tested what's on a remote and other items. Ick. For me, it provides a piece of mind that when I touch the remote I am not touching someone else's poop or snot.


Kind of makes me wonder if the guests that were in theses cabins before you were humans or chimpanzees!? :eek: Or maybe three singing chipmunks?:rolleyes: In any case, I'd like to think that the rooms are relatively clean. I wouldn't waste one minute of my vacation time doing what the housekeeping staff are supposed to do. I wouldn't go to the galley and cook my own meals, and I certainly wouldn't start cleaning my room the minute I step into it. But then, I'm not a germaphobe. At the risk of sounding naive, when we walk into our cabin, we do so with the expectation that the cabin has been cleaned and is ready for occupancy. If we feel that something requires attention, we get in touch with the cabin steward. I say let the stewards do the job they were hired to do. Not me. I'm on vacation.

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I took a packet of Clorox wipes on our cruise a few weeks ago fully intending to wipe down the bathroom, etc., however, once I got a few DODs in my, I totally forgot and the wipes never left my bag. We survived. :D Maybe all the alchohol from our drinks did the trick!

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I took a packet of Clorox wipes on our cruise a few weeks ago fully intending to wipe down the bathroom, etc., however, once I got a few DODs in my, I totally forgot and the wipes never left my bag. We survived. :D Maybe all the alchohol from our drinks did the trick!


Now treating from inside is an approach that I fully support!:D

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Even if the wipes only make me feel a little better it is worth it to me.


I think that's a good part of it. If you feel you are doing something helpfull, then that's reason enough to do it. Is it helpfull ? who knows... but it certainly won't hurt.


At work, we are on shift and have 5 people using the same computer, phone, mouse pad, pens, etc... One girl sanitizes everything with wipes when she comes in for her shift. By pure coincidence, she came down with gastro, having caught it from her son who got it in kindergarten. It was kinda ironic that the only one of us to get sick was her... Even ther person using the work station after her didn't get it.


And 5Waldos is right, I am "passionate" about it because it may affect my health and ruin a family vacation that took a while to save up for. JH posted a story about being in the men's room with a coworker. They both finished, JH washed his hands and the other guy did not. The other guy then proceeded to scrub his hands with hand sanitizer outside the men's room - after having potentially spread germs on the door handle or anything else he touched. JH, with freshly washed hands, now has to open that door using the handle... The coworker didn't seem to understand the problem...


It is a fact that some antibacterial products do not kill norovirus if used as directed. If people don't know this, they assume all is good. "Kills 99.9% of germs" is kinda misleading - sure it does, eventually ! You just have to leave your hands in it for an hour (example)

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Can you say OCD? ADD?

I knew that you could! ;)


I can say immune suppressed, and just had a PICC line removed because I needed IV antibiotics every 4 hours for 4 weeks.

You can think I'm OCD all you want, I don't care.

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DH has MS (an autoimmune disease), so we've attended a lot of lectures and seminars. Whenever a doctor is asked if he recommends/allows complimentary medicine (vitamins, herbs, acupuncture, etc.) they always say that there isn't much, if any, scientific proof on those topics. They then go on to say that your state of mind greatly affects your immune system (and there IS research to prove that), so if doing any of those things makes you feel better mentally ,then it can actually improve your immune system.


So I digress, if cleaning my room with Clorox wipes makes me feel better, I will probably have a "boost" in my immune system, even if the actual reduction of germs/viruses is negligible. :D

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Kind of makes me wonder if the guests that were in theses cabins before you were humans or chimpanzees!? :eek: Or maybe three singing chipmunks?:rolleyes: In any case, I'd like to think that the rooms are relatively clean. I wouldn't waste one minute of my vacation time doing what the housekeeping staff are supposed to do. I wouldn't go to the galley and cook my own meals, and I certainly wouldn't start cleaning my room the minute I step into it. But then, I'm not a germaphobe. At the risk of sounding naive, when we walk into our cabin, we do so with the expectation that the cabin has been cleaned and is ready for occupancy. If we feel that something requires attention, we get in touch with the cabin steward. I say let the stewards do the job they were hired to do. Not me. I'm on vacation.


You obviously haven't seen an episode of Dr. Oz, have you? I had to stop watching after he did the "let's check the cleanliness of 5 star hotel rooms" episode. :eek::eek:

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Can you say OCD? ADD?

I knew that you could! ;)


Why, yes, I have OCD and ADD. :D I also have a bum immune system and it is almost nearly impossible at this age to replenish my gut bacteria, but I am working on it!


Plus, when going in common areas of the ship, I don't touch railings, buttons, etc with my fingers. The cabin is the one place I want to relax without worrying... so I sanitize it and can relax after that.

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So I digress, if cleaning my room with Clorox wipes makes me feel better, I will probably have a "boost" in my immune system, even if the actual reduction of germs/viruses is negligible. :D


I 100% agree with this ! The mind is a powerfull thing.

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You obviously haven't seen an episode of Dr. Oz, have you? I had to stop watching after he did the "let's check the cleanliness of 5 star hotel rooms" episode. :eek::eek:


I don't typically watch Dr. Oz. Question: What do most all anti-bacteria wipes have in them? Answer: Alcohol! What do D.O.D's have in them? Alcohol! I think I'd rather spend my vacation near the bar killing bacteria than in my room. :D But, to each his own.:cool:

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I wasn't going to chime in, but decided what the heck.


When I was a kid, I played in the dirt, lived by the '5 second rule', etc. I rarely ever get sick, and if I do, it's very mild, and my immune system fights it off quickly. Several people have mentioned that over sanitizing and de-germing (I know, not a word) can actually decrease one's immune system to fight off germs. I think we have an epidemic of fear of getting sick. I think the anti-bacterial product companies are going to kill us all by making people believe they are the cure all for these diseases. Some on this board have said, what does it hurt if it makes you feel better? Well, it does hurt because you are not exposing yourself to those germs, and your immune system doesn't have to work, so when you do get exposed, it can't fight it off and you get sick. Also, over prescribing antibiotics is doing the same thing. I also don't agree with getting the flu shot, have never had one, and I have never gotten the flu. I have many friends that get the flu several times a year, and they get the flu shot. (but that's nother can of worms)


This being said, I am not talking about those with immune deficiencies due to cancer and the such. I understand about immune deficiencies, and those people need to take all the precautions necessary. But normal, healthy adults do not need to make themselves immune deficient by killing their own immune system by not exposing themselves to germs.

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