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Surprising my wife with the cruise of her dreams


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Can't wait for the rest of the story!!! :cool:


I'm glad to know you're interested msboo, john160 & others. I must confess that I approach the second half of this surprise process with some apprehension, as I'm not so sure I can make the rest of it quite so interesting for DW (not to mention CC readers). But I do enjoy a challenge! :D


After our wonderful time last week at Morro Bay and Avila Beach, we have had a few days of getting back to our normal activities. Even though I am a bit ahead of schedule with the golden envelopes, I thought I should give DW another envelope yesterday. It wasn't easy to figure out what to give her though.


When we were at Avila Beach last Friday, there was some kind of street fair going on with various vendors selling products. One of them sold various products made from goat milk. Having read glowing reports here on CC about the goat cheese souffle on Princess, I kiddingly asked the goat milk vendor if they sold goat cheese souffle. I wondered if DW would ask me about this (because we have never had goat cheese souffle before) but she didn't.


So yesterday I found this photo:



Rather than trying to figure out a clever clue, I decided to keep it simple and just wrote this on the back: "Mmmmm! Goat cheese souffle!"


I sealed the envelope just as we were heading home from a long day of ministry, but I couldn't think of what to write on the front of the envelope. Finally I decided to just put the envelope in my pocket and figure out later what to put on the front.


As DW drove us home, several other drivers were "flipping her off." She's a good driver, and I don't think she deserved their rage. (For example, one slow trucker going up a hill tried to force himself into our lane as he tried to pass another slow trucker, but DW didn't let him push her back.) She had already been "flipped off" several times earlier (in non-driving related situations) so for some reason DW seemed to be attracting negative attention throughout the day (even though she was not in a negative mood herself).


So I found an opportunity to discretely take the envelope and write on the front "To the one who makes me FLIP!" (writing it upside-down).


When we got home, our 9 year old DD (#10) greeted me. I asked her to take the envelope and put it into a story book, and then for her to ask DW to read her the story. (I knew that DW would be too tired to read it to her, but I told #10 to say "couldn't you at least read the first page?")


DD #10 gladly followed my directions. I was busy in the kitchen when DW found the envelope, but she later asked me what I meant about "flipping." I thought it was obvious, but I guess she hadn't let all the "flipping off" get to her. :confused:


I realized the other day that the messages I put on the front of the envelopes are significant to DW. Originally, I hadn't planned to put anything on the front of the envelopes, so the front of several of my first few envelopes was left blank. When looking back through the envelopes, DW asked me why those envelopes were blank (seeming disappointed), so I had to explain to her that I hadn't originally planned to put anything on the front of them.


DW didn't make any comment about the goat cheese souffle after seeing the photo, but she was tired. Maybe she will say something about it today.


Just to recap our time last week at the coast, there were several aspects of it which I'm sure DW related to the cruise (which in most cases, I didn't plan). Saying to each other "it's a clue" about various things that happen has become an everyday occurrence now. For example, the other day for some reason I told DW to "hang loose," and she responded "it's a clue" (as she relates that phrase to Hawaii).


At Morro Bay we bought salt water taffy to bring home to the kids (and to our friend who watched the kids and our other friend who gave us the certificate for the Morro Bay hotel). But I told DW that this taffy does not fulfill my previous clue.


We also happened along a thrift store called Castaways, which was near the Aloha Shirt Shop in Morro Bay. We didn't buy any shirts (way too expensive!) but it was still a "clue." Then there was the little hula girl doll DW pointed out to me at the Kayak shop,


And as we checked out of the hotel, DW noticed free "California-Nevada-Hawaii" maps in the lobby, telling me that those maps must correspond to my plan! :)


Later at Avila Beach, we went to Del Sol and picked up some color changing nail polish (which #10 has enjoyed painting DW's toenails with). The only time we had seen Del Sol before was on our Mexican Riviera cruise, so it was an obvious reminder of the cruise for us.


And then of course there were the dolphins at Avila Beach. I wish I had picked out a dolphin photo yesterday (to relate to "Flipper") but you can't have everything. :rolleyes:


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Of all of our children, our DD #10 (9 years old) has undoubtedly been the most involved in the cruise surprise process. The other night she was working on something on the computer, and she called over to me saying "Daddy, look what I made for Mama!"


(Thankfully I was paying attention and wasn't in the parental haze I sometimes find myself in, where I reply "in a minute" but then forget about it!)


DD #10 had made a photo collage, including various places we have been, and also including Hawaii (where of course we have never been)! In addition, she had found the photo which the puzzle is based upon, making it the most prominent part of the collage! :eek:


(In case you missed it in the posts above, every time I give DW a golden envelope, it includes a puzzle piece. Although the surprise process has grown far beyond the puzzle, it was the 118 pieces of the puzzle which served as one of the primary inspirations for the surprise.)


With the prospects for the next six months of the surprise process already becoming so anti-climactic, I didn't want to risk giving away the puzzle too. So I whispered to #10 "I need to tell you a secret. That picture is what I made the puzzle out of, so I don't want Mama to see it right now."


DD #10 responded quickly and cheerfully, replacing it with another photo (from our last cruise).


Even if #10 can keep the secret, and even if DW doesn't figure it out on her own first, I'm afraid that in the end the puzzle itself will be somewhat anti-climactic. It is based upon a photo that DW will no doubt recognize, which to me symbolizes our love for each other and the joy we experienced on the first day of our previous cruise.


DW has asked me a few times if she should try to start putting the puzzle together. I have told her that it is up to her, but that most of the pieces are still missing, so she might find it to be frustrating. So far she hasn't tried to put it together (which is fine with me).


In a related note, DW has told me that she can't find the photos I had posted on Facebook after our previous cruise. I'm not sure why she can't find them (although Facebook glitches are quite common in our experience) but it serves my purposes right now if she can't find them. (Obviously they are out there somewhere, because that is apparently where #10 found them.)


From the very beginning of this surprise process I have found that some parts of the surprise seem to lack the excitement I had hoped that they would generate. But while some of the fireworks seem to be duds, at least a few of them have been spectacular. In the end, I do hope that the whole is more than the sum of the parts, and that when all of the pieces are put together, DW will look fondly even upon the duds.

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Attached is a photo of our #8 (with #9 in the background). The two of them have a little web show together where they demonstrate their wackiness, and this is a promo shot from their page.




It's a nice surprise to be able to connect with others from large families here. (I am used to shocking people with our "11" so the :eek: reactions were no surprise.)


what an awesome pic of your # 8 and # 9 boys! :D

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Well, I was trying to stay anonymous, but I guess pics without names hopefully will be safe (if anybody who knows us has read this far, they will already know who we are anyway).


So here is our Christmas 2010 family photo (the most recent one we have). My wife and I are on the far right. Our oldest with his wife and our grandson are at the upper left.




It's a bit of an offbeat photo (it's hard to get so many people to smile at the same time), but in many ways it does show some character traits of family members (and yes, we are in some ways a bit of an offbeat family).


I love your family pic! :D

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Was away from cc for awhile, too many life events with my kids this summer. Sat down tonight and read all your posts to my husband. He says you are doing a great job. Then he tells me he could never pull the same thing with me. I qoute: "I could give you a picture of a pitch fork and you would guess right away I was taking you to see the penguins in Antartica." LOL He's right, in all the years we have been together, he has surprised me exactly 2 times, our engagement and a birthday dinner, nothing on this scale. We both had to laugh at the bantering between you and the wife, we do that too and could relate. Hope this trip is everything you want it to be. Even if the surprise gets blown, she will know the amount of effort you put into it and will make it that much more special.

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Was away from cc for awhile, too many life events with my kids this summer. Sat down tonight and read all your posts to my husband. He says you are doing a great job. Then he tells me he could never pull the same thing with me. I qoute: "I could give you a picture of a pitch fork and you would guess right away I was taking you to see the penguins in Antartica." LOL He's right, in all the years we have been together, he has surprised me exactly 2 times, our engagement and a birthday dinner, nothing on this scale. We both had to laugh at the bantering between you and the wife, we do that too and could relate. Hope this trip is everything you want it to be. Even if the surprise gets blown, she will know the amount of effort you put into it and will make it that much more special.


I'm glad that he succeeded at least in surprising you on your engagement, Blueboss! I'm also glad that you enjoy our bantering. I try to jot down what I remember about those little conversations whenever possible because I think that when this is all over I will enjoy most recalling those moments. Plus someday I assume that my wife will read all of this and that will help her remember it more fully.


Of course it's quite possible that my wife is just playing along with much of this, and perhaps there have been less surprises than I think. It's a bit of a "game" on both sides. Time will tell....


Interestingly, I had actually recently added Antarctica as a possible clue -- but no pitchfork (at least not yet, although there is a little pitchfork connection to our story).


I just came across a funny engagement story from the Diamond Princess. While I could relate to much of what the husband went through, I also found some humor in these comments at the end of the story:


"Holy Christmas, could you have dragged that story out a little more!"




"After reading this long drawn out story I started feeling sorry for his bride!"


(I'm glad that those commenters aren't reading my story!) :rolleyes:

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Our life (even without the cruise surprise) tends to be kind of like a rollercoaster. With our recent time at Morro Bay and Avila Beach being such a high, I guess I should not be surprised that it was followed by a low time.


Our DS#9 became sick last week, and DW focused on caring for him. Meanwhile, I focused on my own concerns (that's a dose of reality for any of you who still consider me to be a "prince"). I guess it was kind of poetic justice that a few days later, even though I had not been exposed to his germs much, I too became sick (while DW has so far remained healthy).


I knew of course before I started this process that a year would be filled with many low times, and part of my hope was that the surprise process would help carry DW through the low times. Unfortunately it hasn't seemed to work that way.


I'm on the tail end of this illness, but yesterday (a week since my last clue) I thought it was high time to give DW another clue. Over the past week or so I had spent (too much) time going over my list of possible future clues, trying to figure out some things to make the last half of this process less predictable. I did come up with probably a couple dozen new possible clues.


Even with a list of possible clues to give her, it took me a while to pick one. Maybe it's my state of mind. Anyway I finally chose this picture:


and wrote on the back "Maybe we'll get something to eat at Bernini- or find a bargain there to take home."


It was a long, hot, difficult day for DW yesterday. In the afternoon, our DS#4 brought her a cold drink. I had been looking for an opportunity to give DW the envelope (and still hadn't decided what to write on the front). Finally I decided to write something like "To someone who is 'cool.'" (Pretty lame I know.) I slipped it on to the top of her drink when she was distracted for a few minutes.


Hopefully the next one will be a little more interesting.


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Glad to see you back. Sorry you and your son have been sick. As for the high and lows and life being like a rollar coaster........you have 11 kids! :eek: My mom just had 5 and there were times we had her speaking in Yiddish and we aren't even Jewish! Even with the 2 kids I have, there have been times when they needed me and I told my husband to take a number. Sometimes we just have to roll with the punches life throws at us. In the end, it is all so worth it. This summer my daughter got married and my son started his Army career, all in the same week. Lot of joy, sadness, tears and prayers, but DH and I are able to sit back now and feel blessed that we raised two fine young people. The good and the bad times are what shape and make families stronger. Keep your chin up, pray for strength and thank God for your blessings.

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One of our clients, who has been living in Long Beach, had requested for DW to help her during her labor and delivery, because she didn't have anyone else to turn to (her family lives in Africa). DW loves any opportunity to help at a birth, so we were ready this week to head to Long Beach whenever we got the word that our client was in labor.


Things got confusing on Thursday morning, because our client never showed up for her appointment at the hospital where she was supposed to give birth. To make matters worse, she wasn't answering her phone (we later learned that the battery had died). Somehow DW finally figured out that she had been taken to another hospital by ambulance (I don't know how she did that, because privacy laws usually prevent disclosure of such information). I found the hospital's location -- on Imperial Highway -- and we got on the freeway, driving over two hours to get there. We were so rushed we hadn't even taken the time to eat.


DW stayed up all night, helping our client through the difficult delivery. At one point DW sent a message saying "I am pushing with her and getting worn out!" It is hard to even estimate the number of hours DW has personally been in labor in her lifetime, with her labors typically including five hours of intense pushing, so she definitely knows what she is dealing with when it comes to pushing.


Thankfully, everything eventually turned out ok for both the mom and baby in this case. After being up all night, DW was hungry, so Friday morning I went to get her a breakfast burrito. When she opened up the burrito wrapper, she saw a golden envelope. On the front I had written "To my BABY BABY!"


She found this photo inside:


and turned the photo over to read "When I was just a baby, and you had not been seen, he had a fair idea which now inspires our dreams."


After thinking about it for just a few seconds, she shrugged and put it away. I don't blame her for not wanting to exert any extra mental energy on trying to understand the clue after all she had been through that night and morning.


Soon DW needed to go back to check on mom and baby. Hopefully she would also have the opportunity to rest in the hospital room, since the nurses had brought her a cot.


This seemed to me to be my opportunity to do something I had been hoping for -- to go to the area around the San Pedro cruise port and investigate some things I had hoped to do relating to the surprise.


As I left the hospital, suddenly it hit me. I was on Imperial Highway! I had to laugh out loud!


Ok, I guess maybe that doesn't seem significant. Let me explain.


Randy Newman's song "I Love LA" was one of the first musical clues I gave DW for the cruise, and it is featured on the CD I gave her. (You probably recognize Randy Newman if you have heard the Toy Story soundtracks.) The main part of the song begins with "Rollin' down Imperial Highway...."


I took a little longer than I should have to check things out around the cruise port. When DW eventually found out that I was gone, she sent me the message "Where and why?"


I responded "Not far. Just curious."


I quickly made my way back to the hosptial, and somehow avoided needing to disclose to DW exactly where I had been.


Before we left the hospital, I took this shot of DW and the precious newborn baby boy.



The hospital's lobby happened to be displaying a banner which proclaimed "Your baby's first hour is Golden!" I couldn't resist snapping a photo of DW by this banner (telling her of course that I had them put it there as a clue):



Getting into our van, DW asked me to drive. I knew that meant that she must really be exhausted, because she always wants to drive (she has even driven when she has been in labor)!


With DW laying down in the back seat, I left the hospital parking lot, turning on to Imperial Highway. Then I put in the CD I had given DW, and Randy Newman's "I Love LA" began to play. When the song got to the part about Imperial Highway, I made it rewind so that the Imperial Highway part was repeated. Then I did it again. I kind of hated to do this, knowing how tired DW was, but I didn't want her to miss the connection. After about three or four times, she wearily said "are you repeating that because we are on Imperial Highway?"


"Yes," I confessed, "I just wanted you to realize that what happened today was all a part of my plan."


DW didn't buy it (of course I didn't expect her to -- it was just a joke). "So even though she was scheduled to give birth at the other hospital, you planned for the ambulance to take her to this one?"


"Seriously," she continued, "is Imperial Highway supposed to take me to where the surprise happens?"


"No," I answered, not wanting to muddy the waters too much more. (I had actually thought about taking her down Imperial Highway before the cruise, but now it is no longer necessary.)


Incidentally, for those of you who are not familiar with LA, there is nothing special about Imperial Highway (at least not the part we were on). I'm not really sure what Randy Newman was driving at there.




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A few weeks ago when it seemed like every clue I gave was pointing DW toward a cruise to Hawaii, I came across a somewhat ridiculous thread here on CC that gave me the idea of giving DW a clue (seemingly) related to McDonald's. I knew that the clue would be obscure, but as far as I was concerned, the more obscure the better.


I don't care much for the food at McDonald's, but last night we decided to go to one that had a Play Place we thought the younger kids would enjoy. When I saw that the Play Place included a couple of cones connected by a pipe for kids to speak through, I decided to put a golden envelope in one of the cones. Then I asked our DD #10 to ask DW to talk to her through the cone.


On the front of the envelope I drew golden arches (well, they are "golden" after all). Inside was this photo:


On the back I had written "Our compliments to Mr. McDonald! – Fast or slow, dining with you is a pleasure!"


DW's response was a typical silent, puzzled reaction. But at least that's better for now than her figuring everything out. Maybe the "McDonald" connection to the cruise will be one small mystery I can keep from her until the cruise. (No, I don't intend for us to visit any McDonald's restaurants in Hawaii.)


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It has been a hot, difficult week for us, as we have faced serious ministry and family problems, so I thought that it was time to give DW a refreshing clue that (I hope) may eventually prove to be one of the highlights of the cruise. The setting for the clue was appropriately uncomfortable: our church picnic this afternoon, under the blazing sun.


We did finally find some relief in the shade, and toward the end of the picnic, free snow cones were being distributed. Our DD #11 (6 years old) asked me to go with her to get a snow cone. While we waited in line, I slipped a little golden envelope into the back pocket of her jeans, while I told her "tell Mama that you have a treat for her in your pocket." The pocket was not quite big enough to hold the envelope, so the top of the envelope could be seen above the top of the pocket. Noticing that #11 was checking to see what was in her front pockets, I told her, "don't worry, Mama will be able to find it."


After receiving her snow cone, #11 and I walked to where DW stood waiting for us, as I reminded #11 "tell Mama that you have a refreshing treat for her."


I offered DW a snow cone, but she said "I don't really care for snow cones." Meanwhile, #11 stood nearby enjoying her snow cone. I tried to discretely give #11 some hand motions to get her to say something about what was in her pocket, but she just ignored me. She is not nearly as talkative as our DD #10, but I thought that she would at least follow my basic instructions. :confused: Finally, I stood behind DW, waving my arms trying to get #11 to speak. When DW was distracted for a moment, I again whispered to #11, "tell Mama you have something for her in your pocket," and #11 again began checking her front pockets. (I guess she probably wanted to verify the presence of the "treat" before saying anything to DW about it.)


Eventually I gave up on getting #11 to speak, as we got loaded in our van to head for home.


On the way home, frustrated that my plans weren't working, I contemplated the possibility of switching to another clue. Maybe I could throw together a clue related to snow cones, because hopefully DW will have the opportunity to enjoy a "Hawaiian Shave Ice" at some point on the cruise. But I decided that the timeframe for putting together another clue was unrealistic, so I decided to just give DW a verbal clue, saying "sometime I'll get you a snow cone you will really enjoy." (The snow cones from church today were the crunchy, icy kind, which I assume are nothing like what we will hopefully get in Hawaii.)


As we arrived at our home, the kids began piling out of the van. I caught #11 on her way out, whispering to her again to give the message to DW. When it seemed that she wouldn't do anything of her own initiative, I finally lifted her up next to the front seat where DW was still sitting -- but #11 seemed to just become more frustrated. (Sometimes she gets in these moods where she doesn't want to say anything at all.)


"Why are you up here?" DW asked #11.


When #11 didn't respond, I said "I've been trying to get her to give you a little treat."


DW caught on pretty quickly, checking #11's pockets and pulling out the golden envelope within just a few seconds.


On the front of the envelope I had written "To the Queen of my Dreams!" Speaking to #11, DW said, "aww, you gave me this clue because you're the queen!" (Her name refers to a famous queen.) I actually hadn't intended this "queen" connection between the clue and #11, however, but it is actually a quote from a song I wrote to DW several years ago.


Opening up the envelope, DW found this picture


exclaiming in response "ooh, pretty!"


On the back I had written "Are you ready for a refreshing bath, Your Highness?"


Our DS #6, who was watching DW open the envelope, inquired "is that in Yosemite?"


"Can we go there right now?" DW pleaded.


"Not quite yet."


Just then DS #9 walked up and looked at the picture, saying "that looks like it would be at Yosemite."


"Well, I think that's the ocean," DW replied, pointing to the top of the picture, "so I don't think it's Yosemite. It looks to me like Hawaii, but maybe that's wishful thinking." (Good! Maybe I have gained a little ambiguity to help make the next few months more interesting.)


"It's not like any part of Hawaii that I have ever seen," DW concluded.

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One thing I forgot to mention in the previous post is that when DS #9 saw the puzzle piece, he said "Mama, I have seen the whole puzzle put together!" :eek:


I tried to hush him, but DW said she didn't want to hear any more from #9, telling him "there are some things you shouldn't tell me about!"


Although I wish #9 had kept his mouth shut, I'm glad at least that DW's reaction shows that she isn't trying to spoil the surprise.


(I had taken some photos of the puzzle to help keep track of which pieces have been given, and then later let #9 use the same memory card in the Wii, so I think that's where he saw it.)

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:) Awesome!


Here;s MY husbands contact info...please lead him into temptation on my behalf :D


"1-800-Travelphobe who wont take wife on cruise unless he has to and she throws a fit first which apparently doesnt work even though she tried..."




I'm counting on you!



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:) Awesome!


Here;s MY husbands contact info...please lead him into temptation on my behalf :D


"1-800-Travelphobe who wont take wife on cruise unless he has to and she throws a fit first which apparently doesnt work even though she tried..."




I'm counting on you!




LOL! ;)


I wish I knew how to "lead him into temptation" for you! Unfortunately we husbands can be tough nuts to crack. :( In my own case it took me witnessing my wife's disappointment when she tried to surprise me for my 50th. That's what made me realize how important this would be to her.


Nevertheless I'm sure that I'm still clueless in many ways when it comes to how to please my wife. I'll probably never totally figure her out in this lifetime -- but life would probably be much less interesting if we had everything figured out at the beginning. So I guess I'll just relax and "enjoy the journey," and hope that she continues to forgive my cluelessness.

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Most of this past week was difficult and stressful for us, and part of the stress was that DW needed to be away from home.


A few days ago I had found an interesting thread here on CC, "A Little Golden Princess Hawai'i News" (written by Dave from Elua), which led me to Elua's new blog, where Dave mentioned this thought-provoking Twilight Zone episode featuring Burgess Meredith, which was first broadcast about a month before I was born.


At the end of a busy day (when DW finally had a chance to rest), I sent her this text message: "I sent you an interesting video I found in an interesting place. It's a Twilight Zone. If you have 25 minutes to spare you should try to watch it." Then I also sent her a link to the video in an email entitled "Video from the land of your dreams." (I don't think you'll find any connection to Hawaii in this Twilight Zone episode, but perhaps sometime on the cruise we'll talk to Dave from Elua about it.)


After watching the Twilight Zone, DW replied "that was ... good? I think."


Looking forward to DW's return, I had prepared a golden envelope to give her, but I had left the front of the envelope blank, thinking that I would write something on it at the last minute when I decided how to give it to her.


Inside the envelope was this photo:


On the back I had written "We will probably go The Iowa way (but I don't think we will stop to visit)." (My parents both grew up in Iowa, so we have visited there various times over the years. But the clue, of course, doesn't actually refer to the state, but to something new I discovered on my visit to the Port of Los Angeles earlier this month while DW was with one of our clients who had just given birth.)


Unfortunately, not long after DW returned home, before I had a chance to give her the golden envelope, we got in an argument. :mad: I ended the argument by grabbing my computer and heading downstairs in frustration.


I didn't think about the envelope again until the morning, when I began frantically looking around trying to see if it might have fallen somewhere. One of the last things I had done the night before was to take the trash out, so I worried for a while that I might have thrown the envelope away!


Finally I got up the nerve to ask DW "you didn't happen to find a golden envelope last night, did you?"


"I wondered if you had wanted me to see that," she replied.


Relieved that the envelope wasn't lost, I inquired "did you look at it?"


"Just a little bit. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to. Did you want me to give it back to you so that you can give it to me again?"


"No, you have seen it, so you should keep it," I replied (although I was a little frustrated that I had left the front of the envelope blank). Then I changed the subject, asking DW "would you be like to go somewhere today?"




"The Space Shuttle Endeavor is doing a flyover today on its way to LA, and the Queen Mary is letting people in for free to see it. But if we want to get there in time, we really need to hurry!" I had been thinking for a few weeks about the possibility of trying to visit the Queen Mary some time this year to help build anticipation for the cruise, so I thought this would be a great (and affordable) opportunity. But I had just learned of it moments earlier, and there was no time to waste. Needless to say, DW wanted to go.


We decided to make it an educational field trip for our kids, loading them all in our van and heading toward LA. Although we actually were able to see Endeavor fly over a couple of times before we got to LA, we continued down the road, hoping to make it to the Queen Mary in time to get in free.


We were still in traffic as the free admission deadline approached, so we called the Queen Mary to see if they would consider letting us sneak in free after the deadline. No such luck! :(


So we changed our course, heading toward Santa Monica, which we had learned would be another prime viewing location. We got to Santa Monica just in time for an incredible view of Endeavor flying low over the Santa Monica pier (under the piggyback power of a NASA 747). :D Then for a bonus, Endeavor circled back around again!


Everybody got back in our van, and we headed down toward LAX, where Endeavor was to make its final landing. But we were just about five minutes too late for a good view -- I caught a distant view of the landing while we were still approaching the airport. But we did catch a good view of the escort jets waving goodbye.


We continued down to Imperial Highway, which was supposed to have been the best place to view the landing. When we finally found a place to park, we were able to get a great view of Endeavor near the crane which would lift it from the back of the 747.



As we got back in our van, the kids were all reminding us how hungry they were.


Waiting for the traffic to clear so that we could get back on Imperial Highway, DW pointed out L & L Hawaiian Barbecue.


"Wanna go there?" I asked with a smile. (I think DW understood that wasn't necessarily referring to the restaurant.)


Realizing that the freeways were packed like parking lots, we decided to take the surface streets and use the traffic time to let the kids see some sights they might recognize from movies. Along the way we found ourselves on various streets which happen to be mentioned in Randy Newman's song "I Love LA," such as Santa Monica Boulevard, Victory Boulevard, and of course Imperial Highway. (This experience will, I hope, pay off later.)


We found our way through the traffic to the Souplantation restaurant in Santa Clarita, where we finally let the kids satisfy their hungry stomachs. On our way into the restaurant (where we had already eaten a couple of times recently), I noticed for the first time that the restaurant is actually inside a Princess Cruises building (there are several large Princess Cruises buildings in the area)!


After loading our plates, DW and I tried to have a little bit of "couple" time, sitting by ourselves at one table while the kids sat at another table (they were all gladly serving themselves just fine without our help).


Toward the end of the meal, I decided to bring up the subject of the latest golden envelope again, asking "so did you look at the picture in the envelope?"


"It looked Chinese," she responded, seeming to be just a bit disturbed by any possible thought of visiting China.


"What about what I wrote on the back?"


"Iowa is a long way from the ocean," she responded glumly.


"Yes," I agreed, "probably about as far as you can get. But I didn't say that we were going to Iowa, just that we may take The Iowa way."


"Are you going to take me on a cruise on the Mississippi River?" she inquired, her voice lacking the excitement which is usually present in any conversation relating to a cruise. (We had been on one or two brief Mississippi "cruises" in the past, back in the days when the casino boats had to leave the docks.)


As we left Souplantation, we walked by another Princess/Cunard building, where we looked through the glass doors at a model of the Queen Mary 2. Then we headed to the huge mall nearby, where DW finally decided to go to a department store to use a gift card she had been given at her surprise 49th birthday party, picking up some nice outfits that should be great for the cruise (and spending just $2.23 more than what was on her gift card, thanks to her careful shopping and clearance prices).


After we arrived back home, I secretly took back the golden envelope with the "Iowa" clue, and wrote on the front "To the one who makes my spirit soar, and keeps my feet on the ground!" (I'm not sure when she will notice what I wrote on the front, but I have learned that she doesn't like it when I leave the front blank.)



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Last night DW brought me her tablet computer, saying "I thought you might need to see this." She was on Facebook, looking at a post from Princess Cruises which advertised "Up to 50% off Caribbean, Hawaii, Panama Canal and more!"


Trying to be sly, I said "if we wanted to cruise to the Caribbean, we would have to travel across country to get to the ship. But then maybe we could go the Iowa way."


As DW glared at me, I continued, "I guess there are some Panama Canal cruises that leave from California, but then we would have to find our way back from Florida. Maybe we could go the Iowa way."


"It also says Hawaii!" DW exclaimed, losing her patience. Touching her finger to the screen, she declared defiantly "I'm clicking 'like'!"


"Hmm, let's see how much it costs," I responded, deciding to go ahead and click on the link (to see if these sale prices are lower than our current deal). Soon I noticed "Golden Princess" and "March 27" as options, and decided I need to move on before she said something about it. So I touched the screen and said "oops, I got out of it by accident!"


I hadn't realized that DW was following Princess Cruises on Facebook (I'm not sure if that is a new development or not), but as I looked at their Facebook page and saw photos of the Golden Princess along with some places relating to planned clues, I guess I need to just accept the fact that it is only a matter of time before she knows for sure that we are going on the Golden Princess to Hawaii on March 27. (She actually hasn't said anything more about the "Golden Princess" since that day we were looking at the model of the Diamond Princess in the lobby of the Princess Cruises building last month.)

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It has been an incredibly difficult week, as we faced a family crisis so serious that we were prepared to set the ministry aside (at the start of one of the most important ministry events of the year). With our children's safety at risk, nothing else seemed to matter, and I'm not sure that either of us thought much about the upcoming cruise. :(


When the crisis was resolved and we finally made it back home last night, DW laid down on the bed to finally try to relax, taking her shoes off and laying them nearby. I talked to her for a while, but then I needed to go pick up a couple of our boys from church. Before I left, I slipped a golden envelope into one of her shoes, (knowing that she wouldn't see it yet because it was dark).


On the front of the envelope I wrote "To the one who makes the tough times tender." Inside was this picture:


On the back I wrote "She's done sharing your father's dreams for now. But she is on her way (again) to sharing yours!" Then I added "You make my dreams worth dreaming!"


With the Golden Princess now headed once again to Hawaii after her summer in Alaska, I decided to have the clue make reference to the adventure DW's father embarked on many years ago, buying a camper van and embarking on a journey along the Alaska Highway. No doubt the scenery along the Alaskan Highway is quite different from what can be seen from the Golden Princess, but it seemed close enough to me.


As I headed out the door, I sent DW this message "I know you're too tired to put your shoes back on, but you should check anyway."


DW was busy with other matters so it took her a while to see the message, but eventually she responded "okay????amy grant is performing on the cruise to hawaii?:) anywhere with you will be fine with me! love you:)"


I'm guessing that the Amy Grant reference relates to the song Father's Eyes she sang over 30 years ago (and "anywhere with you will be fine with me" is also a quote from an Amy Grant song, though I'm not sure that DW realizes that). So it looks like DW didn't get the connection to her own father (either that or she's just kidding, which is always a possibility with her).


In any case, I am excited to know that the Golden Princess Hawaii season -- the one we will experience personally -- has finally begun! I'm so excited that I check the webcam from time to time, even if it is just to see the glowing MUTS screen. :rolleyes:


Unfortunately this week's crisis made my plans more difficult relating to having the children cared for during the cruise. But there is plenty of time to deal with those issues.


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We haven't had much romance lately, but I had hoped that might have changed last night. But DW had a rough night instead, because a couple of the boys are sick. :( As the light began to dawn, she turned on a Sunday morning news show. (She enjoys watching the morning news, though she rarely gets the chance.)


After a while she reached for my hand, only to discover that I was holding a golden envelope I had previously prepared. It wasn't quite the presentation I had hoped for this envelope, but it still turned out to be kind of a nice surprise, with DW exclaiming "how did this get here?"


Looking at the front of the envelope, where I had written "Good morning beautiful!" DW grimaced, giving me that look that said "I'm not beautiful."


Opening up the envelope, she found this photo:


This is the only clue photo I have actually doctored up a bit: I removed the Princess logo which appears at the bottom of the pool, not wanting to give DW absolute proof of what she already suspects (a Princess cruise).


On the back I had written: "Our days will begin with the Wake - and near it! – How I love waking up in the morning next to you!" (The last sentence is a quote from a song I wrote for DW decades ago.)


As implied by the clue, our cabin assignment is currently near the aft area. But the clue also refers to the Wake Show, Princess' morning show which DW always enjoyed watching on our last cruise. Here's a shot of the Wake Show when Assistant CD Dave announced our 25th anniversary and CD Sam Hawker-Thomas pointed as she exclaimed "I met them!"



I'm not sure if DW caught the clue's Wake Show connection yet though. Weary from the night, DW's response was just to flash me a smile as she put the photo back in the envelope.


Coincidentally, the morning TV show then featured a panel of women discussing true beauty. The essence of what they said was "a happy woman is a beautiful woman." I hope I can help DW feel more beautiful during this experience.



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A few days back I added more "Love Mix" to the jar I had given DW. Before I closed the lid, I added a golden envelope at the top. On the front of the envelope I wrote "ONO!" Inside was this photo:


On the back I had written "When you first taste gianduja pudding you may think you're in paradise (and you may be right)!"


Apparently DW hadn't opened the Love Mix jar for a few days, but she finally found it a couple of days ago (not long after she found the "Wake" clue). She hasn't really commented on it yet. As far as I know, she doesn't realize that "ono" is Hawaiian for "delicious."


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We attended a banquet last night, and DW had worn golden shoes with her outfit. This morning I slipped a golden envelope into one of the golden shoes. Then I said "I forgot to comment on your golden shoes last night."


"They're really uncomfortable," DW complained. "My feet hurt!" (She played right into my hands with that comment.)


I responded "Why? Is there something in them?"


She immediately looked in the shoes and found the envelope. On the front I had written "Good morning!"


Inside was this photo:


On the back I had written "Begin with our 26, take away 14, add 1... then put together something that sounds beautiful! – YOU add so much beauty to my life!"


After reading the clue a couple of times (and giving me some strange looks in between) DW shrugged and put it back in the envelope, explaining "It's too early in the morning for me to think about that one."


"It seems like there have been several clues lately that you have had to give some thought to," I laughed (because she hasn't had much to say after receiving several of the most recent clues), "either that, or you just didn't care." (But I'm sure she knew I was kidding about that.)


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