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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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I emailed Erin and the funny thing was we were emailing each other at exactly the same time because immediately after I hit "send" an email from her showed up in my in box. It wasn't there when I started typing the email. She has asked me to call her but I had to leave a voice mail when I called and I'm now waiting to hear from her. I think she wants to clarify everything with me so I can relay the correct information to everyone. I think she's a little overwhelmed with all the phone calls regarding the changes.

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Thank you everyone for the condolences.. He had been ill for quite sometime so it is a blessing he is no longer lost and confused..


I too am very happy we are grandfathered in as we may have had to cancel too.. So much going on this summer.. So happy we are safe....


Heidi saying a quick prayer for Eric, that he heals quickly and builds up his immune system, as well as piece of mind for you..


Sue- sorry about the cost of parts - What a great story about the cow and calf - I loved it!!!

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It stinks that the $25.00 deposit ended July 5th. If we could still get that then those of you you are still on the fence about this cruise could go ahead and book before the end of July without spending much and then you'd be assured of getting the OBC. Erin hasn't called me yet. I want to ask her if there is any way we can extend the $25.00 deposit to the end of the month.

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Howdy guys,

I'm flying out tomorrow morning to Richmond, VA. My mom has been taken off all life support and is receiving no food or water. I hope I get there before I can say my goodbyes. This was all of a sudden. I talked with her last week and she said she was doing "about the same". That has been her normal statement for the past 10 years. I'll try to post tomorrow from the airport. Not going to work tonight. Getting ready for the trip.

Mark, I've been through your area before. Went to a couple years of college in Bluefield, VA. Been down to Abbington several times to the Barter Theater. So sad to learn about Ernest Borgnine passing since he was an allumn of the Barter.

Hope all have a good week.


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Dave - I was sadden to read about your mom - safe journies my new friend. Prayers go out to you and your family...


Ditto from Paradise. She said it first but it was exactly what I was going to say.

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It stinks that the $25.00 deposit ended July 5th. If we could still get that then those of you you are still on the fence about this cruise could go ahead and book before the end of July without spending much and then you'd be assured of getting the OBC. Erin hasn't called me yet. I want to ask her if there is any way we can extend the $25.00 deposit to the end of the month.

I spoke with Erin and I will be able to put a 25.00 deposit by 7/31/12. After that I will not be able to.

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I got a call from Erin just before I left for work tonight. She confirmed that yes, those of us who have made deposits, regardless of whether they are full deposit's or reduced deposits, will receive the $100.00 cabin credit. Also, the reduced deposit of $25.00 pp has been reinstated through July 31st. Lastly, she said that people who book into our group AFTER July 31st will still get the $100.00 cabin credit as long as she has inventory left. My advice to those of you who have not booked and are still on the fence, book the reduced deposit before Aug. 1st. If you don't there's no guarantee that there will be inventory left in the category you want and you would lose out on the cabin credit. Last I heard the 8C's were already gone (not gone on the whole ship, just the ones in our group inventory).

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Isn't being group leader fun? I won't be contacting Erin again to reduce the confusion.


Besides I have more than enough confusion to deal with right now. Our Lodge Exalted Ruler pulled our participation with a larger backpack group out and Kay and I get to re-establish our own backpack group for the coming school year. This is a lot more complicated than you think....we're talking IRS, 501 (3) c status, new debit card, new bank accounts, etc. Fortunately we have almost all of our financing in place and we have lots of food and a distribution location in place but it is still hectic at the moment and this all started last Friday when Kay and I resigned from the administration of the parent program.

We never thought we would end up with the whole shebang!!!! If this confuses you think what it has done to us......

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Dave ~ I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Prayers and thoughts going to you and to her today. Hang in there, friend.


Heidi ~ I'm sorry to hear Eric is sick. It must be extra worrisome since you can't be there with him! I know he'll be ok, but I also know how moms feel about being with their kiddos when they are having difficulties. Hope he feels better real soon!


Well, cow & calf are still in the hayfield, in fact Dave shut the gates to make her stay in there for a few days until Little Guy is able to travel better. She did move him out of the hay windrow, so that's good. Now they are up in the part of the field we already finished, no hay to bale or haul there. We may just leave them in there until we finish up with the haying (only a few days) because then we open the field and let cows in to graze.


Baler parts got here yesterday.....mechanic comes this morning to help Dave get it put back together. He can do a lot of it himself, but it's a major breakdown and he needs help with it. I just see dollar signs floating by....unfortunately they are going OUT, not IN. sigh. This will be the 3rd time we've had a field mechanic here working on it..... $$$$$$$$$ :(


There are a lot of fires burning in Oregon and Idaho now, and this morning it is pretty smoky outside. It's still early here, but I'm afraid it will get worse as the day goes along. I am so sensitive to smoke, it makes me kind of sick, like I have a very bad cold. Fingers crossed that it won't be too bad.

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Sue, it's not bad enough you are having all those issues with the baler and now smoke. I have asthma and COPD so smoke really bothers me.

Rick, I think that is wonderful what you are doing for those children.


Glad to see more people can take advantage of the $25 rate. I hope we get alot more. I still have room on my list to put people down with their screen names.lol


Time to lurk a bit and then off to get my nails done. Chat late. Oh by the way GOOD MORNING!

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Praying for you and your family, and for a safe trip to VA.




Howdy guys,


I'm flying out tomorrow morning to Richmond, VA. My mom has been taken off all life support and is receiving no food or water. I hope I get there before I can say my goodbyes. This was all of a sudden. I talked with her last week and she said she was doing "about the same". That has been her normal statement for the past 10 years. I'll try to post tomorrow from the airport. Not going to work tonight. Getting ready for the trip.


Mark, I've been through your area before. Went to a couple years of college in Bluefield, VA. Been down to Abbington several times to the Barter Theater. So sad to learn about Ernest Borgnine passing since he was an allumn of the Barter.


Hope all have a good week.



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Good Morning Cupids...


Dave...thinking about you today...God be with you and your mom.


Sue...smart cow having her baby where the food is...sorry about the $$$$ for your balor.


Heidi...I remember Eric getting sick after he got to Argentina (I think that is the country)...so hopefully he will get past this soon...hard being a mom when the kid is so far away.


Rick...how did you have time to work before you retired? What you are doing is really nice and I am sure the kids appreciate it.


Cat...I am so glad that you don't have to cancel the cruise...looking forward to meeting you. Take care of that COPD...my mother had that and it is no fun.


David-dsp...happy that you will be going on this cruise...will finally get to meet. :)


We will be out most of today...hair appointment for me this morning...then lunch at Mimi's (got a coupon...love those coupons)...then a little shopping and off to see the college kids.


It is supposed to be 109 today...:eek: :eek: :eek:


Stay cool everyone.

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Dave, so sorry to hear about your mom, prayers go out to you and your family.


Heidi, no matter how old our children get, they are still our babies. Hope Eric has a speedy recovery.


Haven't been around too much. I'm a little behind in reading what has been going on here. Welcome to all of you who have joined the group.


We purchased a motorhome about a month ago and for the past several weekends we have been enjoying it. This year we are only able to take a few short trips, so we have it parked at a campgrounds. The first of Aug. we are planning on going to Frankenmuth, MI. We haven't been there in a couple of years, so looking forward to that. Husband wants to retire in about 5 yrs., so then we will be able to do some travelling.


We live so close to Cedar Point and our campground is less than 5 mins. from there, that I've been wanting to go. It has been about 10 yrs. since we were there. My husband only rides the roller coasters, so an after 5 pass would be ideal for us, since it is about half the price. When we had a boat, I loved docking at their marina and we would come and go as we pleased.


To my Hells Kitchen buddies - how do like out things are shaping up this season? Not sure who I'm liking this time around. Usually, someone sticks out, but this season, I really don't care for any of them. Still enjoy watching it thought. Actually, I'm enjoying Masterchef a little better.


Wishing everyone a wonderful, Donna

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Good Morning!



Eric said he is feeling better and he never had any kind of reaction from taking the amoxacillin. We've never been 100% sure that he's allergic to it but don't want to find out the hard way. I just know that he broke out in hives when he took it as a baby. The doctor said then that there's know way to know if the hives were caused by the illness or the meds. Same thing happened to Staci but she's but she also has a problem with sulfa drugs. Now if Eric could just get the water situation taken care of. they were without water again for at least 15 hours and that was while he was sick. thankfully he didn't have...well...you know what. LOL.


I forgot to mention last night that I didn't even have to ask Erin to extend the $25.00 deposit. She had already done that so kudos to Erin. I could see them not reinstating it if it had ended months ago but since it just ended on July 5th it's great that they extended it.


I work lunch today. I hope it's a short shift. It's supposed to be. last night wasn't that long though, not like Sunday and Monday. We've been pretty busy though.


Dave - Thinking about you today. I know how difficult it is. Take care.

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Good afternoon, Breeze buddies!

We just had a few storms roll thru and since this is July nothing unusual for Central Florida.

We are going out to eat with the people across the street. Since we are driving it was their turn to pick the place. Fried seafood left and right.:eek: They do cook their fries in peanut oil so that is better.


I sent an email to my DS in hopes that they are going to join us. We shall see. I told them they had plenty of time to pay for it.


Char, I am looking forward to meeting you as well.


Donna, glad to see you have returned. I hope you are enjoying your camping. My hubby use to have a camper thing bob in Carolina and I just could not get into that. Marriott or above for me.lol


We time to go to lunch. Chat later.

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Another thing has occured to me regarding Carnival's new policy. Back when we were 1st booking this cruise many of us joined Crucon's loyalty program and received $25.00 gift cards to be applied to the cabin as credit. I still have the card had not asked Erin to apply it yet and I assume that she won't be able to after July 31st. I sent her an email this morning asking her to apply the gift card. So if any of you have those gift cards be sure and let Erin know so she can apply it to you cabin. If any of the rest of you want to get these gift cards you have to go to the Crucon website and join their loyalty club. They will send you a packet in the mail in 2-3 weeks. The gift card will be in it. Then you just have to let Erin know to apply by calling her or emailing her with the ID number on the card. It's possible that they won't arrive in time though. If that happens then I guess you'd just have to save the gift card and if you sail on another cruise line you could use it then. It's worth a shot anyway. it doesn't cost anything to join the loyalty club.

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Dave, T & P's with you today.

An 8-5 day today and tomorrow getting me ready for the 37 hr work week in a couple of weeks.


Heidi, your poor soon is really learning the hard knocks of life over there. I hope he gets water soon.

Edited by Cathy p
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Dave ~ so sorry for your loss. I hope you are doing ok, I know it's a difficult time.


Heidi ~ really glad to hear Eric is feeling better!


Donna ~ I feel the same way about Hell's Kitchen...I have no idea who is going to win! None of them really seem to stand out like in past seasons. I am also enjoying Master Chef a lot.


Char ~ 109! We have cooled down slightly here. Still hot, but it doesn't seem like we are going to break 100 this year.


Cat ~ hope you enjoyed your fried seafood! I am not a seafood fan, fried or otherwise. :p


Well, we just can't catch a break here. When Dave started pulling out the broken arms from the baler, he found another major part was bent. The part is ordered, but has to come by truck (because it's too heavy for UPS or FedEx) and won't be here until next Tues. or Wed. :(


Still smoky, there is one fire here in Oregon that was at 300,000 acres yesterday. I stayed inside with the air conditioning on all day. Then, the power went out and I wasn't too happy....but they came out right away and got it back on. Thank goodness! I didn't want to have to open windows and let the smoke in!


The grout on my kitchen floor has been in need of some repair, so I tackled that job yesterday since I was stuck inside. There were places that the grout was crumbling and cracking and it was driving me nuts. I got the job done and it looks much better. Reminded me how much I do NOT like grouting! :eek: But I'm sure glad to have it done.

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