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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Sue, gosh not only do you have great ranch stories now you have wonderful wedding ones. That sounded wonderful. I am so glad you got to see everyone.

Donna, I am so sorry to hear what your poor mother has been thru. I know what you are going thru as my mother was sick for a long time before we found out she had TB. My prayers are with you and your family.


Nothing to do the rest of the day but play on the computer and lurk a bit on the ole CC. Chat later.

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Asking for prayers from everyone. My 17 year old godson was in an accident Sunday and is in icu. He has severed his spinal cord at c9 in his neck and has no feeling or movement from the chest down. It doesn't sound like he will regain anything. Devastating news for him and his family. I feel so helpless right now.




Prayers have been said for him, you and family and friends.. What a difficult time for you all..

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Donna - Itis never easy when someones life comes to an end. Prayers go out for you and your family in this most difficut time..


We had gone over to Eugene for the weekend as my mom was having a garage sale and needed some help. Boy was it HOT there. We had a great time - sold lots of stuff an what was left we just put at the curb with a free sign and by the time I left town yesturday afternoon it was almost all gone.


Happy Monday to all.. I hope you all have a great week.

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Afternoon Cupids...


Donna...so very sorry to hear about your mother...prayers for you and your family.


Cat...I am going to be looking for butterfish now when I go out to eat...but bet I can't find it here in Fresno...exactlly central CA...LOL But we do go to Morro Bay sometiems which is on the coast might find it there so will look.


A Wonderful App for iPhone...Ship Mate $1.99 per cruise line...it is a lot of fun and you can load all of your cruise information in...also has a count down clock, can track your ship, can plan what you want to do in port, etc, etc.


It is cooler here today and will be even cooler tomorrow...:D however, it will warm up again by the week-end.


We will be going to Placerville on Saturday returning on Sunday...one of Jim's cousins has an annual BBQ on his BD and we always try to go...it is a lot of fun...and I grew up with all of them so they feel like my brothers and sisters...just love it.

Hope you are all having a good Monday...will be back later.

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Afternoon Cupids...


A Wonderful App for iPhone...Ship Mate $1.99 per cruise line...it is a lot of fun and you can load all of your cruise information in...also has a count down clock, can track your ship, can plan what you want to do in port, etc, etc.



Hope you are all having a good Monday...will be back later.




Thanks for the iPhone app suggestion, I am going to check it out right now.

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Good Morning Breeze Buddies -- Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Mom is still with us, but the signs Hospice looks for are declining and she is still comfortable.


It is going to be a very hot one here. Showing 77 now with the high being 98 and our air conditioner stopped working last evening. Ed called a friend of his who does heating and air and as of last night, I don't think he had heard back. Oh well, like they say, if it's not one thing it's another.


Off to get ready for work.


Have a good day all, Donna

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Donna, prayers are being lifted for your Mom. It is 10 degrees hotter in Chicago than it is here in Paradise....nah,nah,nah! Not only that we also have gotten sooooo much rain that we are starting to get concerned 'bout root rot. Course this is our "rainy season" so we're kind of used to it. In fact, since the rain usually comes later in the afternoon it actually signals the start of Happy Hour (or two for that matter!)

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Good mornin'! In the past year Kay and I have travelled to 15 different battlefields and other historical sites about the Civil War. In fact it has become a hobby of mine to study as many books etc. as I can consume about the period. I even went to a book signing by a famous Civil War author recently at USF. We have literally been from Ft. Sumter to Appatomox Court House (the beginning and "close to the end" of the " recent unpleasantness" as it was called by our tour guide in Charleston. All of this is leading up to the fact that Kay and I went on a date to see Gone With The Wind back in the early 60s and at the end she blubbered. This past Sunday we got the DVD from the library and watched it again. What a difference! We "saw" so much more because of where we had been and what we had studied.I got started on this "quest" because we live only 3 miles from a Plantation where the Vice President of the Confederacy had stayed during his escape to England (where he became a highly respected Jurist and later Judge.) We go to trivia every Monday and whenever they ask a question about the Civil War everyone else groans and complains that I am the only one who would know the answer.

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Happy Tuesday to all and my only day off this week. Kenny is making corn beef hash and eggs for breakfast. We are then going to the pool so I can walk off the fat and carbs.lol


Robin, I use to love garage sale. When we lived in Virginia I use to go and have them all the time. You would be surprised what you can find. Congrats on the making of lots of money. I see more spending on the ole cruise.lol

Donna, if it is not one thing it is another. Sorry for the air. I remember those days in the middle of the summer with a Tropical Storm or Hurricane and no air.:eek:

Rick, I took Kenny to Gettysburg, Pa. as a surprise weekend several years ago. We stayed at a beautiful Bed and Breakfast and he had a ball going from one place to another. I never walked so much in my lfe and it was Feb so it was cold. Then the Sat we were hitting all the places it started to snow and we got like 9 inches. I had a ball just watching him so excited but I could not wait to get back to the hot tub.lol

Well time for breakfast so will chat later.

Have a super day!!!

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Good Morning Everyone!


Donna - Hang in there. I know it's tough. Glad you mom is comfortable. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope your air conditioner gets fixed soon. I keep waiting for ours to die. It's 23 years old. We were told a couple of years ago that we should replace our furnace (it's 23 also) and we plan to do both at the same time but Dave keeps putting it off. He keeps saying he's going to get his buddies brother who's in the business to come out and give us an estimate but he hasn't gotten around to it. I'm not going to be a happy camper if the A/C goes out when it's hot or the furnace goes out when it's cold. We should do it in September when we probably won't need A/C or heat. That way we'll be comfortable while the work is being done.


I think the daughter of a couple that we know has maybe lost her boyfriend. I'm not really sure because I'm not close to the family but I have both parents on FB and I am seeing posts that indicate their daughter has lost someone very close to her. I know the family because their kids are close in age to mine and went to school with them from grade school through high school. Their daughter is in in Philadelphia studying to be a Rabbi. Yesterday I saw a post on FB by her mom that said something like how horrible she feels not being able to be with her daughter during her time of need and then many posts followed after from people saying how sorry they were for her daughter's loss, etc. Today the mom's post was that she would be going to be with her daughter. No one has specifically said what happened though and I'm not close enough to the family to ask. The daughter is Eric's age so probably only about 24.


Sue - it only cost us $60.00 to have Snickers spayed. Apparently February is spay and neuter your pet month so our vet suggested we take her to a local no kill animal shelter because they do it in February for the much lower cost. I don't know if the cost is different for neutering.


Dave - Are you home yet? I saw yesterday on FB that you had some flight problems.


I'm working tonight and it's supposed to be 100 degrees today. We don't have the patio open at the OG when it's this hot because 1st of all, the servers assigned out there don't make any money because no one wants to sit out there and 2nd because it's just too hot to be working out there. It would be dangerous for the server. Anyway, we always get that one person who wants to sit outside and can't understand why it's closed. :rolleyes: That happens once we go on a wait and they figure if they sit on the patio they won't have to wait.


Have a good day.

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Robin ~ we love Eugene! Our boys both graduated from U of O and we are huge Duck football fans, we have season tickets for Duck football (and our kids too). We spend a LOT of time in Eugene in the Fall. GO DUCKS! :D Glad to hear your mom's yard sale was a success.


Char ~ that app sounds cool, but I don't have an iphone. Wonder if there is one for Android...I will have to search and see if I can find one. Enjoy the BBQ! Sounds like fun...always love to see family whenever we can.





We are also huge DUCK Fans... I do not have season passes but several of the family members do have.


As for the Ship mate android app I have one that I believe was free just search shipmate in the app store. It is a fun app found it before our last cruise and I love it..

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Happy Tuesday Breeze Buds!!!


I have gotten so I can't wait to read our thread and see what everyone is up too. Today is a work day for me. I am tired, we have been out of town the past 3 weekends and am looking at 3 more ahead of me till I get a weekend at home. My house is a mess.. ugg. I think to night when I get home is time to get a deep clean done, but then I have home work too so we will see which one wins out.


I hope you all have a great Tuesday!!!

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Howdy from the great State of Texas,


Yep, finally home. Started yesterday at the airport in Richmond. My first flight was cancelled, then they schedule a flight to Phily. We left Richmond at 1:30 and arrived in Phily at 2:30. My next flight was at 6:30. While I waited I did have a pretty good Phily steak and cheese sandwich. We left on time,thank goodness. Got home about 10:30. Still worn out. I'm ready for a vacation.


Will have to make a trip back in a few weeks. Then I have a reunion in October.


Hope everyone has a great evening.




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I mentioned the Civil War a couple of days ago also referred to as "the recent unpleasantness" in Charleston. Dave, being from Virginia, probably heard it called "the War of Northern Aggression". Although I spent most of my life in the North I did attend elementary school in Memphis. True story...the last 15 minutes of every school day we pledged allegiance to the Confederate flag and had readings either by or about Robert E Lee or Jefferson Davis. This, dear friends, was in the 50s. We do have a different view on the civil war but it has always been true....the victors get to write the history! Do you know that more people were killed in the Civil War than all the other wars we have been involved in including the two World Wars combined........

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Good Morning!


Dave - glad you made it home.


People are so stupid. Here we are in the middle of a terrible drought and they are still tossing cigarette butts without putting them out. We almost had a fire outside the OG last night. Actually, we DID have a fire but it was tiny (about 5" inches in diameter). Thanks to a guest who noticed it starting it was put out right away. It was in front of the building in a small area where there are grasses and decorative plants. I was standing in the front when a guest came in and pointed out the little fire. It was really just smoking then but he said when he first saw it there were flames and he tried to stamp it out with his foot but it continued to smoke. I called the manager over and he put it out with a bucket of water. It was no big deal but it could have turned into a big deal. We used to have a sand filled urn out there for cigarette butts but that is gone now. I think maybe they need to get something to replace it.


It has cooled down some here. Officially it was 99 degrees yesterday but some communities broke 100 again. Today should be in the high 80's. I have to work lunch and then I am off until Friday night, yay!


Have a great day.

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Hi all,

Sorry it's been awhile. No excuses, I'm just a slacker.

Dave, glad to hear you made it home safely.

Heidi, I owe my friend lunch, and asked her to choose of course... she chose, and by coincidence, she chose the OG. So I'll be seeing you today at 11:30!

I promise not to start a fire... :eek:

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Good Afternoon!



Hi all,

Sorry it's been awhile. No excuses, I'm just a slacker.

Dave, glad to hear you made it home safely.

Heidi, I owe my friend lunch, and asked her to choose of course... she chose, and by coincidence, she chose the OG. So I'll be seeing you today at 11:30!

I promise not to start a fire... :eek:


I didn't see Mimi's post before I left for work so it was a nice surprise when she showed up. Too bad we didn't get to talk much. We are supposed to get together Saturday night though. Dave and Alise are coming through Chicago sow we are getting together with them, Mimi and Andy and also Sue and Rich Chee. I think we're going to Bahama Breeze. If there's anyone else from the Chicago area you are welcome to join us.

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Hello everyone. Just thought i would drop by and say hello. We have been doing well, just spent a great weekend at Lake Cumberland in Kentucky. It had rained a lot but we had the best time. We took our boat and explored the lake, tried fishing but it is too hot and the fish aren't biting, we swam off the back of the boat and i went tubing for the first time. I made my husband go slow so i wouldn't get dumped in the middle of the lake. We liked it so much we are planning a weekend in October when the lake cools off and fishing will be better.


I probably haven't really introduced myself properly. My name is Jenny, i'm 40 and live near Columbus Ohio. My husband is John and we have been married 22 years and have 3 kids (22,18,15) the oldest 2 are girls. We are small business owners and we work hard to try to grow our business everyday. Other than that not much to tell, just your average American family. Now that my kids are getting older I am trying to incorporate some travel plans in my life with my hubby.

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Sorry I missed you all yesterday but before work Kenny and I went thru a bunch of pictures as my DGS' sweetie is trying to get a bunch together for him. So I looked at pictures and cried and cried and cried. It was really hard looking at my sweet Tina and remembering all we use to do. I went to work and my coworkers wanted to know why my eyes were swollen.:eek:

I was telling my DS about that and he says I don't even have 1 picture of my sister so here I go again today.lol I am getting pictures made of my great grandma on down so they can have a bit of a tree.

Heidi, sorry for your heat and the stupid peeps that throw those butts.

Dave, glad you are home safe and sound.


Rick, glad they did not do that pledge in Virginia or my parents would have moved back up to Connecticut.lol


Mimi, hey you slacker, you STILL owe me an email.


Sue, I am so sorry about your baler issues and that you might not make the BBQ.


Nice to hear that you have only had 1 murder in 5 years. We seem to get the high profile ones here like Casy Anthony and now George Zimmerman killing Travon Martin. Such a shame.


Happy to hear that Staci and Brian will be moving into their brand new home.


Char, have fun at the BBQ. I also want to see Batman.


Jenny, don't be a stranger, keep us informed on all your happenings. It is going to be so much fun to meet everyone.


Well picture time and then I work 12-5 so will chat later.

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Dave had to go get them yesterday, in Klamath Falls, but at least we finally HAVE them! Plus, he brought home dinner from KFC!


The field mechanic will be here this morning to help Dave get the baler all put back together. HOPEFULLY we should be able to bale tonight. Of course, NOW there are clouds rolling in.....rain would stop us again. Please don't rain! Please don't rain! Please don't rain!


Brian & Staci are home owners! They are so excited. Got the papers signed and paid the closing costs yesterday. I can't wait to see their new home. If we go this weekend, we will be able to at least drive by and see the outside, and where it's located.


My sister-in-law knew the woman who was murdered, because she had her children in class when she was teaching. The sheriff of our town said in the newspaper that this is only the 5th murder here since he got the job in 1989.


Jenny ~ hello! Will your kids be joining you & hubby on the cruise, or is it "mommy & daddy time"? Glad to see you posting here!


Heidi ~ I'm so dang jealous of your get-together this weekend!! Have fun and think of Dave and I stuck in the hayfield. :(


Cat ~ oh, man, pictures can bring up such nice memories and I know it must be hard for you to look back and remember times with your daughter. My heart goes out to you. But thank goodness you have the nice memories, and the pics to go along with those.


Char ~ I know Cat's experience must bring up a lot of feelings for you about Robin, too, and my heart goes out to you also. I hope you and Jim have a wonderful time with family this weekend!


Mimi ~ all right, you slacker!! Get on here more and post, dang it! ;) :p Enjoy the weekend get-together...once again, I am very envious! Maybe Andy could do a comedy routine? LOL!

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Just got an email from Carnival welcoming me to their VIFP Club complete with my past cruiser number. Now here is the catch....I went to the site and they have NO cruises listed for me! And you know, of course, that I have saved all my sign and sail cards plus all the Fun Times papers from all those cruises listed below my signature......NOT!!!!

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Just got an email from Carnival welcoming me to their VIFP Club complete with my past cruiser number. Now here is the catch....I went to the site and they have NO cruises listed for me! And you know, of course, that I have saved all my sign and sail cards plus all the Fun Times papers from all those cruises listed below my signature......NOT!!!!


Got any old credit card bills? Photographs? How about your travel companions? Hope you get this straightened out.

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HappyThursday everyone - missed out yesturday was just to busy at work after a long night of little sleep...


Sue - Yeah for the Baler parts finally getting here - hopefully the reassembly goes smooth and the rain stays away. I am taking a Native American Law class at KCC I really enjoy it.


Dave - Welcome home flying can be so tiresome these days - glad you are home safe.


Char - I currenlty live in Oregon but am from Carmichael - hubby and I still have our house there and are just renting it for the time being. Enjoy your BBQ, family time is the best.


jreichow1972 - welcome nice to meet you. I have family in the Ohio area - Columbus, Toledo, Berky. As a matter of fact my Aunt Pam flew in last night froom Columbus.


Char - They do have the shipmate app for android as this is what I have. I found it before out last cruise on the Facination last November and always go to it when I am dreaming of a cruise.


feeling much better today - left work early yesturday and went home and slept.. Gotta get through today and school tomorrow morning then I am off to Bend for my nephews wedding this weekend then off to Anacortes, Wa for training next week. I may not be around much so everyone have a great weekend and a great week. Just think when I return we will be 1 week closer to our Breeze Cruise..

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Good Morning!


You know the old saying, "When it rains it pours," well, that's what happened here, literally. A big storm rolled through here last night and dumped almost 2" of rain on us. Too bad it's too late for the corn crops and some other vegetation. A lot of young trees have already died. It certainly will be good for grass though and at least for a while the fire danger will be low again. Just last night on the news they were talking about imposing super high fines on people who carelessly dispose of their cigarette butts. I was hinting yesterday to our GM at the OG that maybe we ought to replace the sand filled urn that used to sit out in front the OG for people to put their butts in. I asked what happened to it and she just said she didn't know and that maybe someone stole it because they wanted it for their yard. It may have disappeared before she came to our restaurant though. She's only been there a year.


Sue - I know that coming from a small town murders are a big deal. Of course it's a big deal here too but unfortunately they happen all too often when you live in a highly populated area like we do. I have personally known several people who have been murdered. It's kind of scary. Most were some sort of domestic dispute but not all.


Day off today, Yay! Have a good one.

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Just got an email from Carnival welcoming me to their VIFP Club complete with my past cruiser number. Now here is the catch....I went to the site and they have NO cruises listed for me! And you know, of course, that I have saved all my sign and sail cards plus all the Fun Times papers from all those cruises listed below my signature......NOT!!!!


I sent in embarkation photos from my 1st 2 cruises in the 80's to get credit for them.

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