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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Goodness I am gone for a day and everybody is typing away. Whew my eyes are pooped.lol I came home from work yesterday and was just dragging. I laid on the couch all afternoon and night trying to take a nap as I did not sleep at all the night before with cramps in my feet. Well no nap only watched the Food Network and QVC. Went to bed at 10 and got up at 10 this morning. I feel so rested.

It is a bit hot here with the humidity and last night we had a beautiful heat lightning show. I have seen alot of those in my years but that was amazing. Not a rumble of thunder to be had.

We are going to do the chill and veg kind of day today and then tomorrow will hit the pool. I start my 37 hour work week Tuesday and will be by myself doing the girl next to me's job as well. Her last day was Sat and she will be back in 6 weeks after surgery. I think I have it down to a science but I am still nervous.:eek:

Donna, I love Rod Stewart and when I lived in Georgia we use to go to a bar named Rudy's Bar. One of my drinking buddies use to look just like him. It was so funny to watch new people walk in and just look at him.

Rick, I think it is just wonderful what you do for people. We do the Toy's for Tots drive and I do the supplies for school children.

Kathi, put that $25 down on the deposit and then you have until Aug of 2013 to pay the balance of that part. Lots of time to save. We want the Kathi's, Kathy's Cathy's and Cat's to rule the cruise.lol

Sue, YEA!!!!!! You are finished haying. I am so excited for you that I feel tired just thinking about all you have done. My heart sank when I was reading you were thinking of selling again and then no not now. Whew! I thought I lost all my wonderful ranch stories.

Renee, how wonderful for that young man and we will keep praying for sure. Yea, another newpid will be joining our group. I am so happy to hear that.

Heidi, thanks for updating the list. It is nice to know that I am up to date on names.

Well time to turn on the air, I am beginning to sweat.:eek: Will chat later.

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Cathy, I'm a little surprised you turn the air conditioning off and on during the summer. We turn ours on in April sometime but have done so as early as March and turn it off (hopefully) in October. Otherwise we not only would melt but the humidity would get to us very quickly. There have been times when the sea breeze kicks up that I have been tempted to open the front windows but then I look at the thermometer and keep them shut.

Thank you, incidentally, for your kind words about our efforts to help others. As for as we are concerned that's our retirement "job".

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I officially have a roommate.... my friend Lisa is going with me and will be a Newpid and virgin cruiser....lol.... we are depositing either friday or monday:D

Renee, it will be great cruising with you again. Missed you in February.

Hope everyone is staying cool. It reached 108m here yesterday and on it's way to 100 today.

Glad to hear that the Chicago team had a great time last night. Wish I could have been there. Just too much happening. I need to plan another trip to Virginia to start cleaning out the house. My Sister has been removing some of the clothing and stuff but the basement is a mess and has not been touched in years.

We now have a trip planned to WDW next year. Betties scrapbooking company has it's convention there next June and we will make it a vacation, too. I've mentioned it to the daughter but she was not enthusiastic. I don't think I can handle both Grandkids and taking only one will cause problems. Guess I'll be on my own for a few days.

Hope everyone has a great day.



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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Started feeling really chitty yesterday afternoon with a headache and sinuses so I knew I was in for the quarterly sinus infection. Got up early this morning to call and make sure I could see the doctor since i have the 37 hour shift coming up. Thank God I can get in at 10:20. I love my doctor as she has in my record if I call because I am sick they are to make room for me. I have so many issues they don't want to take any chances. So the pool is out today.:(

Rick, I don't really like air conditioning. I would much rather have fresh air and if I can get several hours worth it is fine by me. We are having a cold snap today only 88 for a high. Of course the humidity will probably feel like 100 but it sounds good anyway.

Dave, I have thought and thought but I can't seem to come up with what is WDW? How old are your grandkids?

Well shall lurk for a bit and chat later.

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Cat ~ I think Dave's WDW means Walt Disney World. So sorry to hear about your sinus infection..those are NO FUN! Glad you were able to get in to the doc quickly. Hey, no worries, my ranching stories will continue for a few more years, at least! ;)


Really hard to think about leaving this place that's been in my hubby's family for 102 years...but since our kids are in other careers, we can't hang onto it forever. We are fine with our kids not coming back to ranch, and in fact didn't really encourage it...agriculture is a wonderful way of life, but can be difficult with drought, low prices (right now we are enjoying great cattle prices though, for the last few years...first time EVER), environmental difficulties (I won't go into that...just say that there are groups out there that would love to get rid of all cattle and ranchers). The weird thing is that even though cattle prices are higher than ever...if they had kept up with the rising cost of everything we buy, like fuel, food, vehicles, etc.....calves would be bringing at least $3 to $5 per pound....right now we are getting $1.30 to $1.60 per pound.


Dave ~ if your dgk's or your daughter don't want to go see Mickey, Dave and I will go with you! I love Disney! Haven't ever been to WDW, but have been to Disneyland several times. Happiest Place on Earth!


Heidi ~ I use Firefox all the time, haven't ever tried Google Chrome. What does it do that Firefox won't? Dave is still using Internet Explorer...that's what he's used to and he likes it.


Where is July going???? Can't believe there's only a little over a week of July left! Summer is leaving us FAST.

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Good morning Cupids,


Sue, you are 100% correct. Walt Disney World.


Cathy, I've been surfing another board, Disney, and they use allot of acronyms. Almost reminds me of work.


Another hot day here. Only should reach 98. Hope everyone stays cool.



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OH WDW I was thinking in airport terms. Like MCO for Orlando, etc. I forgot about poor ole Mickey that I love dearly. Wow my grandkids have always jumped at the WDW suggestion from when they were little to now at teen years and up. The price has gone up for sure.

Sue, I love my beef and would never want to see it go away.

Just got back from the doctor and pharmacy. Along with my antibiotics she put me on Metformin for my diabetes.:(

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Good Afternoon.


I had to drive Staci part way back to school today. She had a ride the rest of the way.


Sue - I don't know that Google Chrome does anything special or that it's better than Firefox. Just for some reason there are certain things i can only do in one or the other browser. I can't get into the OG employee website on Google Chrome but I can get into it on Firefox but it's the opposite for another website I use often. I have to be in Google Chrome to access it. I also have internet explorer on my computer but rarely use it. I only try it if for some reason I'm having trouble with a particular website on both Google Chrome and Firefox.


Cat - my husband just got taken off Metforman. It's not working well for him anymore. I don't know what the doctor prescribed for him though.


Dave - you never out grow Disney. We had a great time there last year.


Have a good day.

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Howdy from the King of the Lurkers,

We missed the Chicago Cupid's M&G by a week. We were up there visiting my mother and family the week before. We drove up this time to bring some furniture to my DD in Champaign and we brought back some things from my mother's place to Texas. Mom has had some health issues this year and had to move into a more assisted living arrangement. She's doing better and came with us when we drove up to Wisconsin for the weekend.

Had to come back to Texas to cool off. Wish we could send some of the rain we've been getting up there.


OK, time to slink back into my den and lurk.;)

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Heidi interesting comment about medformin. I've been dealing with low blood sugar every morning when I get up and keep lowering the amount of insulin I take the night before in the hopes of correcting it. I have taken 80 units at bedtime for about four years but I never thought about medforim stopping to work. Medforim is the drug that opens the cells so they are better receptors of the insulin whether it is your own or by injection. Had a blood test last week and am waiting to hear what my A1C is.

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My Diabetes class and my blip sheet I got with the Metformin says it should only be used for type 2 Diabetes and those not taking Insulin. Mine is an extended release tablet and I have to take one with breakfast and 1 with dinner. We shall see how it works. I already take a zillion other drugs for various things and my doctor said I should have no reaction with the exception of a little loose number 2's. lol:eek: Ok that was probably more than anyone needed to hear.

Ed, I don't blame you for lurking after what I just said.:D

Edited by Cathy p
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Heidi interesting comment about medformin. I've been dealing with low blood sugar every morning when I get up and keep lowering the amount of insulin I take the night before in the hopes of correcting it. I have taken 80 units at bedtime for about four years but I never thought about medforim stopping to work. Medforim is the drug that opens the cells so they are better receptors of the insulin whether it is your own or by injection. Had a blood test last week and am waiting to hear what my A1C is.


My Diabetes class and my blip sheet I got with the Metformin says it should only be used for type 2 Diabetes and those not taking Insulin. Mine is an extended release tablet and I have to take one with breakfast and 1 with dinner. We shall see how it works. I already take a zillion other drugs for various things and my doctor said I should have no reaction with the exception of a little loose number 2's. lol:eek: Ok that was probably more than anyone needed to hear.


Ed, I don't blame you for lurking after what I just said.:D




Dave is type II and does not take insulin. I have no idea why the Metformin stopped working but it could be because Dave is not very good about following a healthy diet so that could have something to do with it.


Ed - too bad you weren't in the area this past weekend.

Edited by HeidiHo
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Morning, Breeze buddies!

I will be glad when the antibiotics start working my head is pounding. Great just in time to do new stuff at work.:eek:

Heidi, that may be the reason. I try and be good to watch my sugar and carb intake. Also those pesky trans fats.lol

Start of my long day so off I go. Chat later.

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Hey gang!


Ed ~ good to see you pop in once in a while!


Nothing much going on here. Dave spent the day in town yesterday, talking to the water master and some other errands. So I had a day all to myself, which I love. Didn't do a thing. It was nice.


A cow hopped in with the bulls and Dave zipped down on his motorcycle to get her out. He does a lot of moving the cows on the motorcycle, cause it's so much quicker than getting the horses in, catching a horse, saddling him, trotting out there to the cows, doing the job and then trotting back home. By the time he gets the horse caught, he would already be done with the job on the motorcycle.


Anyhoo....he went to get this cow out and she did NOT like him! Sometimes they will run at you a little, but they really aren't that serious and stop after a few steps. He said she chased him and was dang bent on smashing him...he said it's a good thing the motorcycle is fast. So he left her and figured he'd have to get a horse later and do it. Next morning, she had hopped into the field she was supposed to be in....the group of cull cows that is going "to town" as we say....to the auction.


Guess she had enough of being the only girl in a group of 15 bulls that hadn't seen a lady in 9 months! :p Dumb cow. She doesn't get a second chance...down the road she goes. She lost her calf so she doesn't even have the redeeming quality of being a mom. We don't put up with the mean ones around here anymore. They go bye-bye.

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Sue thanx for the stopry about the motorcycle...makes sense but never thought of something like that......


I have type II diabetes since 1991 and "graduated" to taking insulin 4 years ago but I still only have type II diabetes. I watch my diet and of course with the exception of wine I do not drink alcohol. The doctor recommended a glass of red wine everyday.....fortunately for me, he didn't say anything about how many times I can refill it. :)

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Hang on to your seats....I got the results of my blood test back today and my A1C is 5.6!!!!

I think possibly the lab made a mistake as I am almost always between 6.3 and 6.9 which isn't all that bad but 5.6 is phenominal!! For those who don't know what A1C is it is a measure of how well your blood sugar is being controlled over a period of time. (My in surance company only requests 1 A1C per year if you are under 9.0 which I consider too high.)

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Good morning Cupids,


Hot and dry here. No rain and we are stuck in the upper 90s to low 100s.


Sue, love your cow stories. You need to write a book about your adventures.


Heidi, enjoy your day off.


Rick and Cathy, hang in there.


Ed, sorry you missed the party.




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Off between jobs.... summer is always so crazy for me work wise.... I need a breather.... I think a weekend away in August is in order!!!


I need to get with my friend Lisa this weekend and discuss the cruise and get it booked.... she is super excited it will be her first cruise.... I told her ziplining in Dominican was on the schedule .... she told me she's afraid of heights and all I said was "tough face your fears" lol... and she called me a naughty name lol.....

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Hello Cupids...


We had a really nice week-end in Placerville (east of Sacramento toward Lake Tahoe)...there were about 70 people there and it was good visiting with family and friends...the best was sitting outside under the huge trees they have in the yard...didn't want to come home. LOL


We went to see The Dark Knight Rises yesterday morning...the movie is almost three hours long...but didn't seem like it. It is also VERY loud in parts so I can understand how people were confused in the shooting in CO...so sad. Almost didn't want to go see the movie yet but we already had our tickets. We went to the IMAX to see The Dark Knight and it was fabulous in that theater...but The Dark Knight Rises didn't have as many scenes for IMAX so wasn't quite as good that way...but we still enjoyed ourselves.


After the movie we went shopping and I made out like a bandit...love it when that happens. Then off to an early dinner and home. Cat...I had a shrimp dish that was really good. :)


Well guys and gals...I am off to put the ice pack on my back...seems I got up Monday and could hardly walk and really thought we might not make it to the movie...but I bit the bullet and went. My back is still bothering me some today...so need to take care of it.


Hope you all have a really good week...

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Good morning Cupids,


Hot and dry here. No rain and we are stuck in the upper 90s to low 100s.


Sue, love your cow stories. You need to write a book about your adventures.


Heidi, enjoy your day off.


Rick and Cathy, hang in there.


Ed, sorry you missed the party.





Dave...how exciting going to WDW...Bettie's conventions are sure held in great places...have fun.

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!


Well here it is hump day and I still feel like chit. I am now into the Immodium and my head is still clogged. Oh well at least working takes my mind off it unless I have to leave my desk all the time.:eek:


Heidi, I have a griend that has Type 2 and is also on insulin. However, he does not take care of himself and eats all kinds of mess.


I use to go to the Garden Ridge in Virginia. They do have all kinds of stuff in there. I went to their grand opening and I still have the big umbrella they gave me that says GR.


I really try and be good with the foods I eat. I can have like 45 carbs a meal and 30 for snacks.


Sue, I love the cow and motorcycle story. I can just imagine the modern day cowbow riding the motorcycle.lol


Rick, I drink 2 beers on Saturday and that is it for me. However, on a cruise I like different stuff so my doctor told me to eat alot while drinking and then do lot's of walking. This should be interesting.lol

Wow 5.6 how wonderful is that!!!!!

Dave, I have to admit the Immodium finally worked last night by 8 so I did get a good nights sleep.


Renee, get that cruise booked for sure and it is always fun looking at excursions.


Char, so glad that you had a good time. I also want to see that movie sooner or later. Hope you are feeling better.


OK time to motivate, chat later.

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Good Morning.


It's going to be hot here today too. They are saying upper 90's or it could possibly hit 100 but then tomorrow a cool front moves through and it should be in the 80's for the next several days. I like the sound of that. We could also get some rain tomorrow so that's good. The bad thing about the rain we have gotten is it came in the form of severe thunderstorms with very high winds. Lots of trees are down and a lot of people had no power yesterday. I saw posts on FB from people who live in our subdivison and they said they had no power for 6 hours. Ours never went out though. In fact, I slept through the storm. I vaguely remember hearing some thunder but I went right back to sleep. It's probably because I wear earplugs to sleep.


I have a busy day planned today. I work at the OG for lunch and have a meeting at 3:30 then at 5:00 I am going shopping with my sister in law and my 18 year old nephew. He is leaving for his freshman year of college this Fall and My SIL wants me to go shopping with them because she figures that I will know what to buy since I have done that for my 2 kids recently.


Have a great day. :)

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