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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Hello Cupid's!


Donna, sorry about your Mother. I know it is hard even if it is expected. I still have my Mother, but my Dad died 23 years ago after heart surgery. We were told he wouldn't live, but it was still hard a week or so later when he died.


Rene, good luck on the job. Glad you got booked. If you want, hopefully you can upgrade with the full deposit without losing the group benefits.


Robin, looks like your group also got in under the wire.


I bet Erin has been busy the last few days getting bookings for the last minute group cruises before the July 31 deadline.



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Oh my god!!! Got to sleep till 7:30 this morning..... soooo needed.... I feel like a new person....


They over scheduled in the cash office for the early shift this morning and wanted me just to come in anyhow and stock shelves for 4 hours instead of accounting..... ummmm no!!! I wanted sleep bad.....

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Good morning Cupids,


Sue, great photo. Hope the fires stay far away. Very familiar with brush fires. We had plenty of them last year and they are starting again. No rain + good growth in spring = lots of fuel.


Renee, glad you got to sleep in. Congrats the booking and hope you get the job.


Cathy, don't work too hard.



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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Sue, my prayers are with you that the fire gets put out. We are in Lake County also, of course at the other end of the world. We have something like 52 lakes in our County. When the breeze is right we can smell smoke coming from Georgia or the coast of Florida.

Renee, I don't blame you I would want to sleep in myself. At least I got the extra hour this morning and only work 8 of them today instead of 9. Yea!

Dave, thanks for the not working so hard. Yesterday everything I touch seemed to turn to chit.lol

Chat later.

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Cat ~ how funny that we are both Lake County. I think I've seen Mimi post about Lake County also....maybe we will have a Lake County subgroup! :D


Renee ~ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ;) Glad you got to sleep in!


Dave ~ I remember all the fires you had last year, hope it doesn't happen again.


Our Lava Fire is 25% contained. They said to expect smoke for several weeks.....arrrrrgggghhhh! It hasn't been too bad, but I can smell it when I first go outside in the morning. And I'm all stuffed up and a bit headachy...I know that's from the smoke.


A young man that my kids went to high school with committed suicide last weekend. He was a couple years older than Greg, so about 31 or so, had a wife and 2 kids. Since our high school is so tiny, everyone knows everyone. Greg wasn't a close friend and hadn't been in contact with him in years, but knew him well in high school. I just feel so bad for his family and close friends.


Dave is still on his weed spraying mission. He's been spraying weeds for about a week. He does this every year, and has reduced our noxious weeds by a lot, but has to stay on top of it each year or we will have 5,600 acres of weeds and no grass! :p

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Good Morning1


I had a VERY busy, long day yesterday but today I'm off with no particular plans. Yay!





Cat ~ how funny that we are both Lake County. I think I've seen Mimi post about Lake County also....maybe we will have a Lake County subgroup! :D



A young man that my kids went to high school with committed suicide last weekend. He was a couple years older than Greg, so about 31 or so, had a wife and 2 kids. Since our high school is so tiny, everyone knows everyone. Greg wasn't a close friend and hadn't been in contact with him in years, but knew him well in high school. I just feel so bad for his family and close friends.



Sue - Lake county is just to the north of us. Mimi & Andy and the Chee's live up that way. They are probably still in Cook county like us but are pretty close to the county line. They might be in Lake county though. That is so sad about the young man who committed suicide. Staci has a friend who's father recently committed suicide. The poor girls mother is not in the picture either (I don't know what the deal is there) so now she has no parents. I don't know if she even has siblings.




Another hot day in the 90's today. Staci has taken off for Wisconsin to spend a couple of days at the lake house that her friend's parents rented for the week. I'm so jealous of her. She spent a few days at her friend's parents lake house at Lake of the Ozarks and now another lake house. We could always go to my sister's house though. They live on a lake just an hour north of us in Wisconsin. We've just been so busy this summer we haven't been able to get up there.


Illinois State University normally has family weekend in November but this Fall they are going to begin construction on a new football stadium so they have moved family weekend and Homecoming to September so that they can get those big events out of the way before construction begins. I was checking the dates the other day so that I could put in my time off request for Family weekend and realized that Dave will be gone that weekend. :( He's going fishing in Canada with my dad. I will still go to Family weekend but I will probably cancel the hotel reservation and just stay in Staci's apartment instead. It's always a fun weekend. Our dog loves it. She absolutely loves girls and she gets sooooo much attention from all of Staci's sorority sisters. We just go to the tail gate party but don't bother with the football game. The tail gate party is more fun. LOL


Hope everyone is having a great day. :)

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Yes we did on one of the rooms the other decided to wait. Please add Jan Ray and Tracy Bachmeier to the list.



Hello Cupid's!


Donna, sorry about your Mother. I know it is hard even if it is expected. I still have my Mother, but my Dad died 23 years ago after heart surgery. We were told he wouldn't live, but it was still hard a week or so later when he died.


Rene, good luck on the job. Glad you got booked. If you want, hopefully you can upgrade with the full deposit without losing the group benefits.


Robin, looks like your group also got in under the wire.


I bet Erin has been busy the last few days getting bookings for the last minute group cruises before the July 31 deadline.



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Heidi it seems sooooo otherworldly to read about Illinois State. We graduated from there in 1964 when you didn't bother going to see the Redbirds play football. Those Central Illinois kids didn't know anything 'bout football because that occurred during harvest season. On the other hand, when it came time for basketball....watch out! The same sort of thing happened to us when we attended the University of Hawaii...they didn't know a thing 'bout football and now they even have the Pro Bowl there. Times do change!!

(When we were at Illinois State it was still called ISNU...Illinois State Normal University.)

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Heidi it seems sooooo otherworldly to read about Illinois State. We graduated from there in 1964 when you didn't bother going to see the Redbirds play football. Those Central Illinois kids didn't know anything 'bout football because that occurred during harvest season. On the other hand, when it came time for basketball....watch out! The same sort of thing happened to us when we attended the University of Hawaii...they didn't know a thing 'bout football and now they even have the Pro Bowl there. Times do change!!

(When we were at Illinois State it was still called ISNU...Illinois State Normal University.)


Rick - You probably wouldn't recognize the place anymore. Although, probably some of the buildings around the quad were probably there when you were there. I love the quad, it's very pretty.

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Rick - You probably wouldn't recognize the place anymore. Although, probably some of the buildings around the quad were probably there when you were there. I love the quad, it's very pretty.


Kay was in the first group of Freshmen to enter Hamilton Hall. We have been back several times, the most recently last year. She was shocked to see a Subway in the lobby of the residence hall. Of course, keep in mind, there were only 7500 students there at that time.

She was very sad to see how Hamilton has disintegrated but then that was 50 years ago when it was brand new.....

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My last 8 hour 5am shift at Walmart is done .... I officially start my new job at 8am today... even though I have been there a few short shifts for training over the last few weeks.... I am doing 4 4 hour shifts at 5am over the next two weeks at Walmart to finish training but YIPPEEE I will feel alive again actually getting sleep!!!!

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My last 8 hour 5am shift at Walmart is done .... I officially start my new job at 8am today... even though I have been there a few short shifts for training over the last few weeks.... I am doing 4 4 hour shifts at 5am over the next two weeks at Walmart to finish training but YIPPEEE I will feel alive again actually getting sleep!!!!


SO GLAD!! Congratulations!


Cat ~ hope your energy improves. Nothing worse than being tired all the time and not feeling well.


Heidi ~ we are missing out on a lake trip this weekend. My brother & his fam are taking their boat and Greg will take his boat and they are camping at Lake Billy Chinook which is about an hour north of Bend. We have a wedding this weekend, very close family friend out here in Valley Falls so we can't miss that. Brian won't be able to go camping either because he will have to drive back up to Seattle for another week of job training, and Mallory probably won't camp because she can't miss work....they are camping Sunday night since my brother's fam is going to a wedding in Bend Saturday.


Brian & Staci move in to their house tomorrow...he will have to drive home this evening after he gets done with training in Seattle. It's about a 5-6 hour drive. Then he has another week up there, so he'll have to drive back up. He flies home when he's all done, but the company isn't going to pay for a flight to come home and move so he has to drive that. He already has a rental car so won't have to rent one just for this.


It got very smoky yesterday. We went to town and it was much better in there. By the time we got home, it was not so smoky here. I still have a headache this morning and my sinuses are all stuffed up. It seems like I have the symptoms the NEXT day after being in the smoke. So far today, it's not too bad. But yesterday the smoke didn't start getting thick until about 8 or 9.


Robin ~ glad your friends got booked! Tell them to come on here and say hello.


Have a great weekend, everyone!

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Good morning Cupids,


Cathy, a broken record here, too. But it's the weather. Hot n dry here.


Bettie is heading to Lubbock today to isit her dad. She is taking the grandson. This weekend would have been her moms birthday so she is going to be with him this weekend.





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Good morning!


Kay was in the first group of Freshmen to enter Hamilton Hall. We have been back several times, the most recently last year. She was shocked to see a Subway in the lobby of the residence hall. Of course, keep in mind, there were only 7500 students there at that time.

She was very sad to see how Hamilton has disintegrated but then that was 50 years ago when it was brand new.....


Rick -There was a Subway in Staci's dorm but she didn't live in Hamilton. Since that was the only food available in her dorm she ate Subway A LOT and was sick of it by the end of the year. The closest cafeteria was a block away so sometimes she didn't want to walk there just to eat, especially when the weather was bad. Is Hamilton one of the ones on the south side of campus? I believe they are going to be torn down and they are building campus apartments. Staci is working for the University now. She calls parents of students and alumni for donations so if you ever get a call from ISU and she says her name is Staci, ask her if she's my daughter. I know she called another alumnus who knew me.


My last 8 hour 5am shift at Walmart is done .... I officially start my new job at 8am today... even though I have been there a few short shifts for training over the last few weeks.... I am doing 4 4 hour shifts at 5am over the next two weeks at Walmart to finish training but YIPPEEE I will feel alive again actually getting sleep!!!!


Congrats on the new job!


We have a busy day tomorrow. First we are going to a picnic for Dave's work but that will be over around 2:00 and then my dad is coming over so we will BBQ for dinner.


Have a great day. :)

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Saturday it is finally here. Yea!!! 4 hours and then the American Legion for my couple of beers. At least this weekend I am feeling great. My new meds for my Diabetes is Januvia and knock on wood I have taken it for 6 days and so far no side effects and it seems to be working. Fingers crossed it stays that way.

Dave, sorry your weather is so hot. We have been lucky and seem to get an afternoon shower so it is keeping the ole ponds full.

Have a super weekend.

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We have a wedding this evening, here in Valley Falls at our friend's ranch...it's their daughter getting married. Will be lots of fun, with all our neighbors and other friends too.


I'm disappointed though, because we had plans for a couple that we've been friends with forever to come early for drinks and then go to the wedding together, and they were going to spend the night with us so they didn't have to drive back to town. I spent yesterday cleaning house like a madwoman! Also bought food to make appetizers to go with our cocktails, and breakfast food for tomorrow. They called last night to say they can't come to the wedding at all because their hired irrigator is gone for a family emergency and won't be around to move their wheel lines (giant sprinklers for the hay crop).


Talked to Brian as he was driving home last night and he's very excited to move in to their home today. Greg is going to help them. I feel bad that we can't be there to help...but not bad enough to skip our friends' wedding! :p


Have a great day, all!

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Today 2 of my best friends get married.... I'm so excited.... I introduced them back in April 2010..... the only bummer is her daughter is in the airforce and can't be here..... but it will be a great day.... they are amazing together and I am so happy for them:D

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HOme from the AL and had my 2 beers. Feeling so very tired but I can't take a nap as Kenny is making hot wings so I have to be up for that.

Sue and Renee, wow weddings in July. How about that. Sorry, Sue, your friends could not make it. I read in the paper that some part of Montana was offering free hay to people and they had to sign something saying it was for their animals and not being sold.

Where are Char and Mimi? I miss both of them.

Well time to lurk a bit, chat later.

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Good Evening!


We went to Dave's work picnic today and then we came home and my dad came over and we did steaks on the grill for dinner. I'm tired now but I have to stay up and wait for my dad to call when he gets home. He lives an hour from us. Now that he lives alone he usually talks to my sister every night just to let her know he's OK (he's 84) but they are camping so he's calling me instead.


We Skyped with Eric today too. I think he's kind of lonely. There are very few Americans or English speaking people for him to hang out with. He also made the comment that it's all work and no play. Dave and I just laughed and said, "Welcome to the REAL world."


We finally got a little more rain today. Storms moved through here in the late afternoon. We still need a lot more but at least we got some.


Enjoy the rest of your weekend. :)

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