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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Good Evening!


Welcome Lisa! Don't be shy. I hope you'll post here often.


Our A/C is fixed. It cost somewhere between $300 & $ 400. I don't remember how much Dave said. Before the guy left though Dave made an appointment for him to come out and give us an estimate on a new furnace and A/C. it just sucks that we didn't do it before we had the problem with the A/C. We probably could have done without the A/C for the rest of the summer but we didn't really want to.


Staci and I had a good day shopping. We both came home with new clothes and pretty toes (we got pedicures). :D We also had a nice lunch at Ruby Tuesday.


Have a good night. :)

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Good morning, Breeze Buddies!

Happy Monday to all! Oops it is Tuesday, I forgot.lol

Mark, I am so sorry to hear about those floods. Did anyone get hurt?

Back home we use to grow tomatoes, jalapenos, habanaros for my son, beans,squash and a bunch of other stuff in my mother in laws back yard. Kenny looked like Pa Kettle when he was digging up the yard with one of those old, old tillers. My mother in law use to can sweet pickles and she canned a bunch of other stuff. I don't have the patience to do that now.

Kathy, I am so sorry to hear about those fires. I hope they are under control now.

Well time for work, chat later.

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If you are as fun as our girl Renee, we will all have a great time! Hope to see you posting here a lot.


Renee ~ well, glad to hear you are getting in practice for the cruise! I take it this will be Lisa's first?


Mark ~ so sorry to hear about the floods, hope no one got hurt. Would be so devastating to lose your home.


Cat ~ a scooter! Well, you'll be flying around the ship, won't you? ;) Those daily kid phone calls are the best! It always brightens my day just to hear the boys' voices. No grandkids in our picture yet, so it will be a while before we have to worry about phone calls from them. :p


Heidi ~ I think I've probably told you, I've NEVER gotten a pedicure OR a massage. I did find the coolest fake toenails though...you just glue them on and they look like a french pedicure. They look so REAL! I've worn them to 2 weddings and I always get a ton of compliments on my toes...people can't believe they're fake glue-ons. They only cost $6-$8 and you can get them at WalMart or any drugstore. Our tiny local drugstore even has them.


The creek that our cows drink out of, that runs through our ranch, has dried up. There are still ponds of water, so they'll be fine for a few days, but Dave went searching last night to see if he could find what was going on. He found several beaver dams and will take the backhoe today and tear them out so the water can flow through to us. This is always a worry at this time of year on these dry years. We have a couple of wells we can pump water out of, but it's a real pain because you have to go down there and sit and watch the tanks fill every day in case there's a problem. Hope it won't come to that. It's been many years since we've had to pump water like that.


More smoke now! The one fire is almost out, but we had a lot of lightning a couple nights ago and I think there are more fires from that storm. Ugh.

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Beaver's dams cutting off your water supply? Bitches in the backyard? Watching pumps...pump? You could write a book and I, for one, would want the Kindle version so I could read about it all the time..... anywhere! Seriously, like others here I am really enjoying your stories of ranch life, keep 'em coming.

Welcome Lisa to our growing group of cruisers..the pictures of the Breeze are beautiful.

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Good morning Cupids,

Heidi, glad to hear that your AC is fixed.

Rick, we've been enjoying Sue's stories for years. Still thinks she should write a book. I think I'll pass along her name at the Cowgirls Hall of Fame and Museum the next time I'm there.:D

Cathy, growing up we always had freah grown veggies wither from uncles, grandparents or the road side markets.

Mark, glad to hear you survived the floods.

Renee, enjoy you practice sessions. Esp the cocktails and sun bathing.;)


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Sue, Yes for sure wright a book in the 30 spare minutes you have a day to potty.:D At least the beavers have some work, that is more than alot of Americans do. Sooooo knock them down and let them build them up and so forth.lol


I could bring my scooter this time in Sept. but my punie porthole cabin does not have a door big enough for it to go thru so I will leave it home this time. We could take it apart and bring thru the door and then put it together when we go out but that is a pain in the azz. When I pay for my Breeze one I shall get the one that is larger on the balcony. Hopefull they will have one avail in March when I pay for my deposit.


Dave, I love fresh veggies and we have a farmer market about 10 miles away. They have awesome prices and great stuff. I love their oranges when the Navels come out in Oct or Nov. They make wonderful juice and my vodka to go with it. YUMMY

Just came back from getting my nails done so that is good for another 2 weeks. Sue I laughed when you talked about your fake toe nails. Are your feet tickalish is that why you don't have a pedicure?

Oven fried chicken, mac salad and fresh corn, that is what Kenny is making for dinner. Smells great.

Well time to read a bit of the boards and then have dinner. Chat lATER!!!

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Good morning, Breeze Buddies!

Happy Monday to all! Oops it is Tuesday, I forgot.lol

Mark, I am so sorry to hear about those floods. Did anyone get hurt?

Back home we use to grow tomatoes, jalapenos, habanaros for my son, beans,squash and a bunch of other stuff in my mother in laws back yard. Kenny looked like Pa Kettle when he was digging up the yard with one of those old, old tillers. My mother in law use to can sweet pickles and she canned a bunch of other stuff. I don't have the patience to do that now.

Kathy, I am so sorry to hear about those fires. I hope they are under control now.

Well time for work, chat later.




No one was killed in the floods, just some injuries and some dramatic rescues from homes by boat.

On a sad note there is a man living on the mountain that raised mini horses for years and he did have 12 of those to die, still looking for 6 more.


going to be back to humid and 90's for tomorrow.


hope everyone has a great night!

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Morning! Wow, I slept in until almost 7:30 this morning! Stayed up late watching Olympics, and I felt like poo all day yesterday cause of the smoke.


The smoke was just awful yesterday. I was trapped in the house all day. Thank goodness for air conditioning!! I made the mistake of opening the windows in the living room like I do every morning...it is very cool in the mornings and no need for air conditioning. Well, when I came back out from my office it smelled like a bonfire in there....smoke was SO thick! There is a fire just west of Lakeview that is causing it. Seems a little better so far today.


Well, I'm so glad you guys are enjoying the stories of ranch life. :p I have some doozies from the past. Like the time I branded my own arm somehow while branding calves (still have a slight scar from that one). Or the time I roped a cow we were trying to doctor, and she pulled my saddle right off the horse...it slid off and I slid off onto the ground...the cow charged me but luckily Dave was able to get a rope on her and save me. Or the time we were ripping out an old fence line to rebuild it and I found 6 rattle snakes that day. Or the time a steer crashed into the gate I was holding while sorting calves (a 600 pound steer, I might add) and the gate smashed me in the head and gave me a black eye. Or the time 30 heifers busted another gate open and I was behind it and they knocked me to the ground...luckily they didn't stomp over the top of me but boy did that one hurt, and I limped for days after. Or the time I accidentally lit a cow on fire ~ the Cupids know about that one ~ we were putting worming medicine on them and I zapped her with my hotshot and she burst into flames on her back. Dave scooped up snow and stamped it out but it was very traumatic for me...much more so than for the cow...I don't think she even realized it had happened.


Yes, I guess you guys are right...I should probably write a book! LOL!


Dave did get 5 beaver dams out of the creek yesterday, and it brought the creek up a lot. He put the irrigation boards back in a couple places so the water can pond up behind them in case the water level drops again, at least there will be some ponds for the cows to drink out of.


Mark ~ that's sad about the guy that lost his horses. Mother Nature can sure be tough on people and animals!


Cat ~ your dinner last night sounds delish!

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Momofzeke - I am getting hooked on your stories. I haven't been able to read all of them since i joined this roll call but what i do read i enjoy. It takes me away to another life I could see myself living that i could only dream of cause hubby likely isn't going to let me have that life. So i dreams.


My dream (well i have 3, one is a back up incase the first don't pan out and so on) is to someday 1)have a mini farm, cows, chickens, horses, goats and a big garden. I see myself collecting eggs with my future grandkids and picking fresh veggies from the garden. And to make it more appealing to my husband there is a motocross track for him to ride and a music studio in the house. 2) A lake house where we can boat, fish and swim and a studio of course but no motocross track. 3) A florida home close to cruise ports and a big boat to go fishing on the gulf and a studio and again no motocross track. Any of these would make me happy. I am going to get one of these, I just need to win the lottery first, haha :D

Edited by jreichow1972
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Good morning Cupids,

Sue, beavers are cute to watch and the damns are amazing. That said, they are a nuisance to most people. My aunt and uncle had them and had to have them trapped and moved many times. Unfortunately, they came back.

Cat, dinner sounds great.

Mark, I have a friend that raises miniature horses. They have 40 of them. She retired recently to take more time with them. They show them allot and I've seen them at the Fort Worth Stock Show several times.

Bettie got home last night and had a good time with dad and the kid. She was tired and sore from the drive.



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So far, this has been a very interesting day. I got up at 5:30 this morning (I'm retired, I no longer knew there was a 5:30am) so that Kay and I could attend an award breakfast sponsored by the Manatee Chamber of Commerce and the School District. Unbeknowst to us we were nominated for three awards, none of which we received. Instead we were awarded the TOP award "Partner in Excellence" for our backpack program for homeless/food deprived children during the school year. Talk about surprise....we were floored!!

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so far, this has been a very interesting day. I got up at 5:30 this morning (i'm retired, i no longer knew there was a 5:30am) so that kay and i could attend an award breakfast sponsored by the manatee chamber of commerce and the school district. Unbeknowst to us we were nominated for three awards, none of which we received. Instead we were awarded the top award "partner in excellence" for our backpack program for homeless/food deprived children during the school year. Talk about surprise....we were floored!!




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So far, this has been a very interesting day. I got up at 5:30 this morning (I'm retired, I no longer knew there was a 5:30am) so that Kay and I could attend an award breakfast sponsored by the Manatee Chamber of Commerce and the School District. Unbeknowst to us we were nominated for three awards, none of which we received. Instead we were awarded the TOP award "Partner in Excellence" for our backpack program for homeless/food deprived children during the school year. Talk about surprise....we were floored!!


Congrats Rick and Kay! :D


Keep your fingers crossed. We MIGHT actually get some rain in the next couple of days. It's bad enough that the crops are dying around here but I'm shocked at how many trees have died. We have had a few drops this afternoon but that was about it. It was enough to make the dog come inside though. She hates rain and will come to the door to be let in at the 1st drop. LOL.


Staci left to go back to Normal today. I'll miss her but I won't miss having to go pick her up in the middle of the night. Last night I picked her and a couple of her friends up at a bar at 1:30 in the morning. This really is a good thing because none of the kids want to drink and drive so Dave and I and other parents will do it just to keep them from doing something stupid but we don't have to like it. I don't complain to her though. I usually stay up pretty late anyway so last night I just stayed up till I had to pick them up. It does seem kind of weird though, picking my adult child up at a bar. :rolleyes: I kind of felt like I was picking her up after a school dance in junior high. LOL. I'll keep doing though, as long as it keeps them from drinking and driving. We really only had to do it a few times all summer anyway. She wasn't even here that much.


I thought the A/C might have gone out on us again today but it didn't. I came home from work and it felt kind of warm and stuffy in the house so I got worried. Then I checked the thermostat and it was at 78 degrees, just where it's supposed to be. I realized then that it felt warm because for once, the outside temperature and the inside temperature was just about equal. I didn't feel the temperature difference the minute I walked into the house. I've just gotten so used to it being so much hotter outside that when I didn't feel a rush of cold air when I walked in the house I thought something was wrong. It's only supposed to be in the mid 70's for the next few days so maybe we can even turn the air off.


Have a good night. :)

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Hi I'm Lisa and will be traveling with Renee aka walkswife. I am new to this so please bear with me. Very excited to be going in 2014 but it seems sooooo far away.


Welcome aboard Lisa!!!


Our A/C is fixed. It cost somewhere between $300 & $ 400. I don't remember how much Dave said. Before the guy left though Dave made an appointment for him to come out and give us an estimate on a new furnace and A/C. it just sucks that we didn't do it before we had the problem with the A/C. We probably could have done without the A/C for the rest of the summer but we didn't really want to.


Heidi, I am glad you got your A/C fixed. A/C is something we take for granted, but when it doesn't work - ugh.


A little storm blew in yesterday evening and we got some much needed rain. However, we had a lightening strike and briefly lost power. OH NO! The A/C did not come back on. We thought the unit was struck by lightening and was fried after only having it replaced 4 days ago. Frank called the A/C guy and within 5 min frank had it working again. the A/C guy came out any way to check it out and said we may need to update our thermostat.

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Well, it's a GRAND day at the Elder house today!!! Son Brian got pulled aside at his training yesterday and told that State Farm has an opening for an agency in Redmond, which is only 15 miles from Bend where he lives. He is being offered that agency, which of course he will happily accept!! :D He'll have to find a space for his office, set up his corporation, hire a couple of people, etc., etc. Sometime in January, he should be a business owner, at the ripe old age of 27. :D We are all so pleased! This also means that he will NOT be leaving Bend....ever. BAM! Makes me a happy mommy!


Meanwhile, other son Greg is being told by his boss that he wants to move Greg to a management position, either Local Sales Manager or possibly Director of Sales. He is working out the details and it may be a little time before it happens, but in the meantime he has given Greg some very big accounts so he's a very happy camper. He has brought a lot of new accounts to the radio group since he started there 8 months ago, and the owner is pretty impressed.


We are just SO PROUD of our boys!! YAY! :D


Rick & Kay ~ CONGRATULATIONS on that great award!! :D


Heidi ~ you're a good mom for being a driver for Staci. As you said, better than for her to drink and drive.


Jennifer ~ aw, thanks, I'm so happy my goofy stories are entertaining you! Isn't it funny how a lifestyle that I've lived my whole life (grew up on a ranch also) and seems just like ho-hum to me....is interesting to other people. I am 4th generation rancher and Dave is 3rd generation rancher, so we both have it in our blood, big-time.


The fire that is causing all the smoke is only about 30 miles west of Lakeview; maybe 50 miles southwest of us. It has grown to around 2,000 acres and there were local ranchers we know that were having to move their cows out of the way of the fire. So scary!! I sure hope they all got them out of there ok...haven't heard.


We went to town yesterday to buy food and vaccine for branding this weekend, and we saw lots of fire crews coming from outside the area. They have a tent city starting out at the fairgrounds, so hopefully they can get a handle on the fire and get it out soon.


So far today, the smoke isn't bad, but it usually gets worse as the day goes on.


Is anyone watching the Olympics? I have enjoyed the women's gymnastics, and the women's beach volleyball...especially Misti May and Kerry Walsh...and I watch the track and field. Our "home town boy", Ashton Eaton, is leading in the Decathlon as of last night. He is from Bend, where my kids live. We are all cheering very hard for Ashton!

Edited by momofzeke
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Good Afternoon!


Sue - greats news about the boys. hope those fires stay away from your ranch. I know a young man who was planning on fighting fires in Oregon this summer. He recently graduated from college as a paramedic or EMT and is working towards joining the ski patrol at a resort in Utah (he is a snow boarder so he had to spend last winter learning to ski and working the lifts). In the mean time he needed summer work so was going to go to Oregon to fight wildfires.


I had a good chat on FB with Eric this morning. he finally opened up about the girlfriend. I didn't ask, I was waiting for him to bring it up and he did. He confirmed my suspicions that he would be coming home sooner rather than later. he said he probably wouldn't stay longer than the 6 month minimum he committed to. he also said that Cheslynn is hoping to visit him for about 3 weeks in November. I was considering November to visit but probably won't now. I don't want to horn in on "their " time together. Especially since we really don't know her. It might be different if they'd been together a long time. We were also thinking about going right after Christmas during Staci's winter break but I don't know now if we'd want to spend the money if he'd be coming home shortly after that. Staci could still go if she wanted to. She was thinking that it would be a nice early graduation present. Then again, it would be really cool to go there even if he does come home right after. when my niece was studying in Spain for a semester my sister went out there to visit right at the end so they could travel together.


I have been watching the Olympics when I can. I miss the good stuff because I'm usually working at night. I was off last night though and watched the beach volleyball. I didn't really know who to root for since both teams were from the USA but in the end I was rooting for Misty May and Kerry. The other 2 from USA will probably get their chance at gold in 4 years since one of the other 2 (can't remember which one) is retiring. We had a local boy in track and field too. He ran the steeplechase and got 6th. He didn't go to the same high school that my kids went to but Eric remembers him because he was in track. There are a few other locals in soccer, water polo, wrestling and a few others sports. None went to our high school though. I think the girl on the water polo team went to Hoffman Estates high school which is very close to us since we live in Hoffman Estates.


Have a great day. :)

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Hey everyone!!!


Welcome Lisa.. If you are like me you will be hooked after your first cruise..


Sounds like everyone is doing well for the most part - sorry about the A/C Heidi...


Made it home safe and sound and am missing the family already. We had a great time even if it went by to fast. I will get to see them again in a month after baby Lily is born, I am so looking forward to this.


Congrats on the award Rick and Kay - sounds like a great program..

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Woo Hoo! Our Bend, Oregon native...Ashton Eaton...won the gold in decathlon yesterday! Silver went to another USA guy, Trey Hardee. Since Bend is such a small city (80,000), it's a pretty big deal here in Oregon.


The fire outside of Lakeview really blew up again yesterday afternoon. The smoke was coming straight at us. Trapped in the house again! We have ash from the fire on the porch and sidewalks and in our garage. It's 7,500 acres and has burned up a fire lookout station. They evacuated 25 lake homes around a popular local reservoir yesterday. There are several families who live there year round and others who have homes they use seasonally. Since we are such a small community, we know most of the people with homes out there.


Branding this weekend, so we'll be busy today and tomorrow gathering the cattle, and I'll be preparing food. So far we have a crew of about 15 coming, I think. The kids will be arriving late Saturday night (brand on Sunday). I'll be making my branding beans today, then potato salad and cake tomorrow. I'm always really relieved when branding is over. We do half the herd this weekend and the other half next weekend. It's too hot and too tiring to try and do all 400 in one day! :eek:


Heidi ~ that's great that Eric won't be in Vietnam too long. I agree, it would be a bit awkward to visit while his girlfriend is there visiting since you really don't know her very well.


I was rooting for Misty May and Kerry Walsh, even though the other team was also USA. I've been watching them play beach volleyball for years, mostly during the Olympics. Misty is the one retiring, she's the dark haired one. Kerry wants to keep playing with another partner. I was so glad they won the gold.


Renee ~ glad things are settling down for you, work-wise. It must be fantastic to be on a more normal schedule!

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Conga Rats to Ashton on his Gold!! Seems to me all you ranchers do is work, work, work.....

especially on the weekend. But if you are fourth and Dave is third generation surely you both knew what you were getting into. You did, didn't you???? Going to be a very busy weekend for us too. This Sunday we have our annual fundraiser for companion dogs for returning vets with invisible disorders such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart desease, and of course, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Kay is cooking lasagne for 100 people and I'm just "trying" to stay out of the way!!! Later today we have to pick up a 6' sub for happy hour at the Lodge then tomorrow Kay and I host an appreciation luncheon for our wonderful volunteers for our backpack program. It just never stops when you are retired!! (Cruisin' Dave take note, are you really prepared?)

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Howdy Cupids,

I'm missing allot of the O games. NBC saves all the best replays for night viewing. Glad to hear that Ashton won the gold.

Sue, hope the smoke and ash blows in a different direction tomorrow. I would be horrible for those helping with the branding.

Renee, will everyone else be ready for your good ole spunky self.:eek:

Another warm day here. Should be close to 100.


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Good evening, Breeze buddies!

I have been rushing and so tired to even get on the computer. One more 4 hour day and then off until Tuesday. YEA!!!!


Rick and Kay, congrats on the award. I don't remember if I said that or not. CRS you know.


Heidi, hope you get some rain. We had a 30 minute storm that came down in wheelbarrels, lots more than buckets. Whew!!!


You are a great mom for picking up the girls. I would have done the same thing.


Kathy, Wow you have AC problems also. I hope this is not a sign or curse for the Cupids.


Sue, congrats on all wonderful news for your boys. I know you are so very proud. I bet you cried when they told you. I know I would. Fantastic news!!!!


I love the Olympics and try to watch a little each night. I have been very excited on how well the USA done. I especially loved Gabby winning as she is from Virginia Beach. We also had a couple of them from Florida. Somehow I have this line and I don't know what I did. Hum!!

Robin, glad you are starting to calm down.


Renee, how exciting for you with that new grandbaby coming soon. My Laila Marie will be here the end of Dec. My first great grandbaby. I am as proud as a peacock.


Well time to relax before dinner.


Have a great weekend anyone and hope to chat later.

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! Seems to me all you ranchers do is work, work, work.....

especially on the weekend. But if you are fourth and Dave is third generation surely you both knew what you were getting into. You did, didn't you???? Going to be a very busy weekend for us too. This Sunday we have our annual fundraiser for companion dogs for returning vets with invisible disorders such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart desease, and of course, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Kay is cooking lasagne for 100 people and I'm just "trying" to stay out of the way!!! Later today we have to pick up a 6' sub for happy hour at the Lodge then tomorrow Kay and I host an appreciation luncheon for our wonderful volunteers for our backpack program. It just never stops when you are retired!! (Cruisin' Dave take note, are you really prepared?)


Rick, seems to me that you and Kay are just as busy as Sue and Dave, just different activities. Retirement is several years away for me, but I thought it would be more restful. :D

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