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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Good evening Breeze Buddies,


Sue, those branding beans and potato salad sound great!


We have a full day tomorrow, first thing in the morning at daylight I need to pick beans for canning.


Then tomorrow afternoon DW is having a wedding shower for our son and his future bride. They will be married on Sept. 15.


Also have to continue packing for our cruise on the Legend coming up on the 19th................watching tropical depression 7 closely as we are going to the western caribean, same place that depression 7 looks like it is going :eek:

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Happy weekend to all!!! Yea I thought it would never get here.

Mark, yep for sure watching those tropics. Personally I have never taken a cruise in September. Mine have normally been in October and we have been really lucky. I am hoping it stays away from anywhere the Imagination goes and also for you on the 19th.

Congrats on your son's upcoming wedding. I hope they get lots of great stuff. That will mean 1 less thing you all have to buy.lol When my son got married 17 years ago he was in the Air Force and so was his bride. They were on a training thingey in Las Vegas and took time to get married there. I took a 3 layer wedding cake on a plane to Vegas. There was an empty seat and the flight attendants put it there surrounded by all kinds of stuff to make sure nothing happened to it. We got there and it was in perfect condition.lol


My little 4 hour shift is today and also my Starbucks Breakfast Wrap, egg white, veggies and spinach. YUMMMY

Well time to motivate. Chat later.


I hope everyone has a super day.

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Good morning!


Not much going on here but I'm off today and the weather is BEAUTIFUL. It will be in the mid 70's. The A/C is off (of course, now that we spent over $300.00 to get it fixed :rolleyes:). I'm sure we'll still need it again before the summers over though.


Have a good day. :)

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Good morning Cupids,


Sue, hope the fires are out soon. I understand all about the fires. We had some come very close to the neighborhood several years ago. The beans and potatoe salad sounds good. Hope the cakes turns out excellent.


Heidi, enjoy the cool weather. Send some this way.


Cat, don't work to hard today.


Wishing everyone's great Saturday.



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Sue I have a really simple cake recipe:


in a cake pan pour a can of crushed pineapple juice and all..... a can of cherry pie filling..... then take dry white cake mix and pour it over the top..... slice a stick of butter on top of that..... bake for one hour at 375..... serve with whip cream....


we call it dump cake.... takes 5 min to put together.... if I can make it anyone can ......:eek:

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Lisa and I will be practicing our cocktail and dancing skills apparently this evening..... sun is always a possibility tomorrow.... I may need it.... haven't really done to much of the cocktailing thing since I started at walmart 6 months ago:eek:

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Sue I have a really simple cake recipe:


in a cake pan pour a can of crushed pineapple juice and all..... a can of cherry pie filling..... then take dry white cake mix and pour it over the top..... slice a stick of butter on top of that..... bake for one hour at 375..... serve with whip cream....


we call it dump cake.... takes 5 min to put together.... if I can make it anyone can ......:eek:

Renee, this is one of Frank's favorite cakes. We used to make it on campouts with the boy scouts and called it cobbler. :D

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Sue I have a really simple cake recipe:


in a cake pan pour a can of crushed pineapple juice and all..... a can of cherry pie filling..... then take dry white cake mix and pour it over the top..... slice a stick of butter on top of that..... bake for one hour at 375..... serve with whip cream....


we call it dump cake.... takes 5 min to put together.... if I can make it anyone can ......:eek:




That sounds easy and good, I think we will try it tomorrow.





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Eric has rented a scooter for the rest of his time in Vietnam. Now I have one MORE thing to worry about while he's there. :rolleyes:


No matter how old your children get to be, you will always worry about them. Here is hoping that he wears a helmet while riding.

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Finally got ahold of our friends that are in the way of the big fire yesterday. They are fine, but have had a lot of ash and chunks of bark and embers (cold) falling at their house. They were on a Level 1 evacuation notice. The fire was up to 25,000 acres last night but no homes were lost.


Renee ~ I saw a cake similar to that on pinterest, but it was any flavor of cake mix with any flavor of pie filling. I bought a yellow cake mix and raspberry pie filling to try next weekend. Yours sounds really yummy though, may have to try it too. Do you mix it all up or just layer it with the dry cake mix on top and then the butter?


The kids got in shortly before midnight...we hadn't been in bed that long cause we stayed up watching the Olympic track & field.

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Sue I have a really simple cake recipe:


in a cake pan pour a can of crushed pineapple juice and all..... a can of cherry pie filling..... then take dry white cake mix and pour it over the top..... slice a stick of butter on top of that..... bake for one hour at 375..... serve with whip cream....


we call it dump cake.... takes 5 min to put together.... if I can make it anyone can ......:eek:


I've made that cake except I think we used yellow cake. I've made it at home and we made it once camping with the Girl Scouts.


No matter how old your children get to be, you will always worry about them. Here is hoping that he wears a helmet while riding.


He says he has a helmet (unless he just said that to make me feel better. How would I know. :rolleyes:) He said helmets are the law but it's not enforced very well.


Still cool today. We haven't had much rain from this though. I know Staci had rain down in Normal a couple of days ago because on the news they showed a picture of torrential rains coming down. We have only had a light rain that didn't last long. Dave is watering our grass as I type this.


Today is my long work day. At least I will now get a break. I didn't used to but it's finally mandatory. We still don't get breaks like other businesses but corporate finally said that if we are going to be working longer than 7 1/2 hours we must take a break before our 5th hour. Normally my Sunday shift is between 7 - 7 1/2 hours. The mandatory break thing just started a couple of weeks ago so last Sunday I didn't even think about it and when I clocked out I got this big message on the computer screen that I was in violation for not taking a break. Oops! :eek: I had gone over by 10 minutes. I never even thought about taking a break because we never took them before. I just forgot and usually I don't go over 7 1/2 hours anyway. From now on I'll make sure I take a break just in case.


Have a good day. :)

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Happy Sunday everyone,


Renee - that cake sounds amazing - going to have to try it..


Sue - good luck with the branding today, definately sounds like a busy day at the ranch today. The cake sounds very yummy as well. We have had the smoke here from fire the past two days, my eyes burn when I go out. I can't imagine how bad it is there. Good luck on the branding today..


We have been having a quiet weekend. I have been working on my paper for my Native Americans in the Law class I have taken this summer it is the only paper this course and is 50% or our grade, not to mention it is only anything we want to write on so it make it a bit more difficult. If all goes well I will be finished today.

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Renee ~ I saw a cake similar to that on pinterest, but it was any flavor of cake mix with any flavor of pie filling. I bought a yellow cake mix and raspberry pie filling to try next weekend. Yours sounds really yummy though, may have to try it too. Do you mix it all up or just layer it with the dry cake mix on top and then the butter?




Just layer it Sue..... and bake about an hour so the top is golden brown....

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Good afternoon, Breeze Buddies!!

Well day started out nice and sunny. We had plans to hit the flea market and try out my scooter. It is now pouring out, so that is the end of that. CHIT!!!!


That cake sounds so very yummy, I wish I could find a no sugar type receipe.:( I cheat every now and then with a tiny piece of cake at work for someone's birthday but that is about it. I am really doing good.


Sue, I pray every night that those fires are out and you or your friends no longer have to worry.


Well I guess I will just lurk a bit and chat later.

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Howdy Breeze Buddies!


Sorry I have not been posting much lately. School starts tomorrow for some of the districts around here, so my summer is officially over. :( Although last week I worked a lot anyway, so I'm pretty much in full swing already.


No exciting news from here other than I bought a new desk, lamp, and chair so I officially have a home office now.


Have a great week everyone!





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Good evening Cupids,


Lots of thunder and lightning today but just a little rain. The lightning sparked several fires wet of us.


Cat, sorry to hear your day was interrupted.


Sue, I'm sure you are tired tonight. Get some rest and give us a brabding report soon.


Heidi, glad to hear you finally get breaks. Hope you didn't work too hard.


Bettie and I went it Red Loster today. We don't have many places to get seafood around here. We had a Crab Shack but it had to close because of structural problems to the building.



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Welll our weekend is FINALLY over!! Just before our luncheon on Saturday the skies opened up big time so attendance was lower than we had anticipated but everyone had a good time and certianly did the food table proud.....

Our Sunday fundraiser for companion dogs was more successful than we had hoped for (although you always hope for the best). At any rate we were able, with a relatively small crowd, to raise thousands for the organization, K9s For Veterans.Org. It was the largest amount any organization has raised for their benefit.

Today...I have to do laundry and then tonight it's trivia at the Lodge. We just looked at our calendar and realized that other then Bingo on Wednesday night we will actually not go to the Lodge this week.....AMAZING!!!

Cathy, Kay just cuts waaaay back on the sugar when she is baking.......It helps that I am not a sugar freak anyway having lost my sweet tooth from too much smoking in my early years.

Edited by Flick
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Good morning Cupids,

Rick, I thought you were retired but you are busier than I am. Whew! you need a vacation.

Sue, I was hoping that the fire was out by now. We have several fires in the area but there is no smoke in the air here. The storm that blew through here last night knocked out power to several thousand homes. We had winds over 70 mph. The Municpal airport in Fort Worth lost several airplanes and a hanger was blown apart. No damage in our neighborhood.

Work today.:( Rick, wish I was joining you. Will be in a couple more years,


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Good evening Cupids,


Lots of thunder and lightning today but just a little rain. The lightning sparked several fires wet of us.


Dave, heard about your fires on the news last night and thought about you and Bettie. I hope things are under control now. We have a "cool" front coming in later in the week with temps in the 80's and chance of rain. Hopefully it will make it further south towards you all.


Sue, I hope your big fire gets under control soon. Too bad about the calf, it was probably very unexpected. Hope next weeks branding goes good.


Rick, that is great raising all of that $ for a good cause. Maybe this week won't be as busy and you will actually feel retired. :D


Everyone have a great week and don't work to hard.

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Good morning, Breeze buddies and happy Tuesday to all. The long treck of waiting until Sat afternoon starts again.


Mimi, I am happy to see that you are doing so great with your school work. Make that money and remember you owe me an email so I can hear about everything that is going on.


Dave, I love Red Lobster and just maybe we will be able to test out my scooter. I think we will try and leave early in the morning. A better chance of no rain. Plus not so hot and humid.


Rick, I had stuffed chicken last night with mashed potatoes. He forgot the veggies but it was still great and my sugar didn't care for the startch as it spiked to 215.:eek: Speaking of sugar, yep I love that also but have given it up and use Splenda which is really good. No after taste for sure.

Sue, I am so very sorry to to read those fires are not getting under control. That smoke is really not good for your lungs even with an inhaler. When the smoke shows up here I can't even go outside or I would just choke.

I cried when I heard about one of your calfs. That must be so very hard.The kids had a ginnea pig named brownie when they were little and it lived for years. The Vet only charged 50 cents to see it once when he was sick. I remember my ex holding him before he died and both of us sitting on the bed crying. Luckily it was at night and the kids were sleeping. When he took his last breath you would have thought we lost a child. My went out to the shed and made him a little coffin and in the morning when the kids got up we had a funeral. Neighter one of us had any sleep and we stayed home from work.:( That little guy would run into the kitchen and stand by the fridge, I would open it and put a little carrot on the edge. He would grab it and run in between the kids in the den and eat it like he was watching TV with them. Amazing little guy. Not to mention the several dogs we have lost that to this day I still can't talk about or the baby hampster that got in the oven and I cooked him. OK enough of memory lane.


Dave, did you get any rain or was it just thunder and lightning?


I signed up for the $49.95 priority boarding and other goodies that is new for the Imagination and can't wait to just get on the ship and have my cabin ready at 10:30. I will have a drink in my hand before most of the people get on.lol


Off to work, chat later.

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Cathy, I like Splenda too but Kay has a "thing" about artificial sweetners. Claims SHE can taste them!!!

Dave, by the time you retire I'll probably just need walking shoes myself.

I see Chicago's high temperature is running around our low at night......must be nice. Oh well, gotta go and write some grants for our backpack program. "Talk" on ya later.

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