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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Good morning, Peeps!

I finished my 8 hour shift yesterday and was pooped. Today on to 9 hours. The girl next to me is suppose to be back next Tuesday, However, I talked with her this weekend and she is still in pain so I don't know.

Poor NO they are getting pounded this mornlng. The water sent over one of the levies and now they have 12 feet of water in some homes. Stupid people it may have held but they did not build it high enough and this is only a cat 1 hurricane.


Sue, hang in there with those mean cows. I agree totally. Give me the cows over a hurricane even though I know nothing about them.

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Haven't seen the news this morning, but I know Isaac made landfall last night in N.O. The mayor was pleading with people to evacuate...sounded like some were resisting.


I am trying to order a copy of my mom's birth certificate because she needs a new I.D. card and can't find her B.C. Spent 35 minutes on hold yesterday with our state vital records office....only to then get a recording that they were closed!! :mad: It wasn't even 5 pm for goodness sakes! It was 4:45 when that recording came on. I'll try again today. :mad

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Good morning!


Today we are getting our new furnace and A/C. It's going to be kind of warm today but we can go a day without A/C. If Eric can live without A/C in Vietnam where it's 90 - 100 every day, we can manage for a day. LOL.


I'm off today so tonight we will go out to dinner for my birthday. I worked on my actual birthday. Not sure where we'll go. Dave suggested Maggiano's but I think I'm more in the mood for steak so maybe Coopers Hawk or Weber Grill.


Dave leaving on Friday to go fishing in Canada for a week. I was looking forward to having some time to myself but just found out that I'm going to have to watch my 17 y/o niece for for 4 of those days. My BIL and SIL will be driving our nephew out east for college and my niece can't miss school so she's staying home. She's a real good kid and I don't expect any problems from her but I really just wanted some time to myself for the week. I'm pretty sure they aren't allowing her to have a car while they are gone either which means I also might be driving her around.


I better go take my shower now. I was just informed that the hot water has been shut off too. It was just turned off a few minutes ago so as long as I take my shower soon I'll have plenty of hot water for a shower but the water in the tank is going to start cooling down soon.


Have a great day.

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Good mornin'! Trying to convince Kay to go shopping today...I want out of the house!! I see Carnival is experimenting with an "all-inclusive drink policy" that would allow unlimited bar drinks and wine for $43.00 a day per person. This could be a real win-win for us since we usually buy a case of wine from the Bon Voyage site before we board. When I first heard about it I thought it was too expensive but when I started figuring how much wine we drink it became much more reasonable. Hope the experiment is successful.

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Good mornin'! Trying to convince Kay to go shopping today...I want out of the house!! I see Carnival is experimenting with an "all-inclusive drink policy" that would allow unlimited bar drinks and wine for $43.00 a day per person. This could be a real win-win for us since we usually buy a case of wine from the Bon Voyage site before we board. When I first heard about it I thought it was too expensive but when I started figuring how much wine we drink it became much more reasonable. Hope the experiment is successful.



This really could cause me many more DOD's and kiss on the lips and wine with dinner......lol.....:eek:

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Good morning!


I see Carnival is experimenting with an "all-inclusive drink policy" that would allow unlimited bar drinks and wine for $43.00 a day per person. This could be a real win-win for us since we usually buy a case of wine from the Bon Voyage site before we board. When I first heard about it I thought it was too expensive but when I started figuring how much wine we drink it became much more reasonable. Hope the experiment is successful.


I thought I read somewhere that it's not actually unlimited. You can only purchase up to a certain number of drinks per day but that's it's still a good deal if you will drink that much. I could be wrong though so don't quote me.


I tried sleeping in a bit today but a dang fly was in the house and kept landing on my face. :mad: The first couple of times I didn't know what it was, I just felt something crawling on my face so I freaked out thinking it might be a spider or centipede. After about the 3rd time I actually saw it so I relaxed a bit and tried to go back to sleep but by this time it was no good. I was wide awake. It landed on me a couple more times so I gave up and got up. :rolleyes:


I have an appointment for my mammogram this morning. I'm a couple of years overdue and I really should go every year because my mom had breast cancer twice.


Our new furnace and A/C is done and working well. I will sleep better this winter knowing we have a furnace that is safe. We were told about 3 years ago that our furnace had cracks in it and it should be replaced but Dave kept procrastinating getting it replaced. I understand because no one wants to have to spend that kind of money but it had to be done.


This weekend will be our local Septemberfest. My good friend Lori is coming over on Saturday morning so that we can go to the craft fair there. It's billed as one of the largest craft fairs in the Midwest. It might rain though. I think maybe we're supposed to get remnants of Isaac. I hope it holds off but if it doesn't I can still go on Sunday or Monday. I'll probably have to go by myself though if that's the case since Dave will be in Canada.


Have a great day. :)

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Heidi ~ glad you got your furnace and A/C! Now you're all set for either hot or cold weather...bring it on! Hope you enjoyed your late birthday dinner.


Rick ~ I have seen that all inclusive drink experiment too. I don't know if we would get our money's worth out of that or not. The way it works is that if one person in a cabin purchases it, the other has to also. I just don't know if we would both drink at least 5 drinks every day, especially on port days. I'm glad they are trying it out though....it will probably be a popular thing.


Chilly here this morning! 37 degrees when I got up 1/2 hour ago. There is definitely a feeling of "Fall" in the air.


I made the most delicious scones yesterday! Of course they are delicious...they are FRIED! :eek: I saw the recipe on Pinterest (or The Devil, as I call it....very addictive and too many yummy recipes)....they are called Mom's Scones, and they sounded a lot like the scones we get at one of our favorite restaurants in Bend, The Pine Tavern. I made them, and they taste JUST LIKE Pine Tavern scones! I also made honey butter, which wasn't in the recipe but P.T. serves it with theirs....SO DELICIOUS! Dave is like a kid in a candy store....he loves those scones at Pine Tavern, and now I can make them here. Not often though!! TOO yummy. :p


Have a great day, everyone!

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Carnival Cruise Lines began testing a new all-inclusive beverage program aboard the Carnival Victory starting with the ship’s Aug. 5 departure.

Under the “My Awesome Bar Program,” guests can enjoy a wide variety of wine, beer, and spirits, along with sodas and non-alcoholic frozen cocktails, throughout the voyage at one convenient, flat rate. All wines by the glass, beer and individual cocktails priced $10 and lower are available within the program. Full bottles of wine and champagne, as well as wines by the glass, beers and individual cocktails priced above $10, are available at a 25 percent discount. Guests can sign up for the “My Awesome Bar Program” at Carnival Victory’s atrium and casino bars, as well as a bar within the main pool area. Each guest aged 21 years and over in the same stateroom must purchase the beverage package. Guests must be 21 years or older to consume alcohol on Carnival ships. The cost for program is $42.95 per person per day, plus a 15 percent gratuity.


I pulled the above from another post. So I see it's not a per day limit, it's limit of cocktails under $10.00. I knew there was some kind of limit. It probably wouldn't be worth it on a port intensive cruise and I would like to know if it would cover non alcoholic drinks. When I am drinking over a long period of time I will switch to some thing non alcoholic in between alcoholic drinks so that I stay sober. If I had purchased the drink package I would want my non alcoholic drinks to be included too. You would think that it would cover them though.

Edited by HeidiHo
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Ok, so I just read through the entire thread about the all inclusive alcoholic drink package. "Supposedly" there is a 15 drink limit per day but I have yet to see that in writing. Also, virgin drinks and sodas are supposedly included but it's unclear if soda's will count towards your 15 drink per day limit. In my opinion they shouldn't be because there's no limit if you just buy a soda card. Too bad you can't pick the days you want to use it. I could see where I could get my money's worth on a sea day but not on a port day. I would love to be able to purchase one at the per day price that would only be good on sea days.

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That stupid fly that woke me up this morning is driving me crazy. it's still flying around and keeps landing on me. A few years ago my cats would have taken care of the problem but now they are too old to chase and catch flies.


Had my mammo this morning and that went fine. it's not fun but at least it's over. I stopped at my BIL's house on my way home to talk with them about me keeping my niece here this weekend while they take my nephew out east for school. They changed their mind about not letting Jennie have a car so now she will be able to drive just between their house and ours and to school. Otherwise she's not allowed to drive. I feel much better about the arrangement now. I was just concerned about how she was going to get around when I'm at work. Now it looks like she will basically just sleep here. She's allowed to be at their house or go out with her friends as long as she comes here to sleep and she is to keep me informed of her whereabouts at all times. If she goes out with her friends she can't drive. She's a really goo dkid and I'm sure she won't give me any trouble She'll probably behave better for me than her own parents.

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Hey Breeze buddies!

I am flying high tonight as I have just gotten ahold of my 17 year old grandson that I have not seen nor talked to in 16 years. I took the chance and wrote him a message on FB and he wrote back. I am so excited. I have sent him numerous message telling him about his brother and how the first year he took care of him before my daughter and his mom died.


I was just on FB and he came on wanting to know if I would be on FB tonight. I asked him what time and he said ab0ut 8:45ish. I said ok and he said alright!! Gosh I am just so lucky and when I am typing I cry. I told him not a day went by when I did not think of him and his dad and I didn't get along. When he took him to Alabama I had no idea until a few years ago when my other grandson found him on My Space.

Oh sorry, I am just going on and on but I am so excited. I read when every one wrote and now I can't remember other than we use to have $1000 bar bills on our 7 day cruises but now we hardly ever drink so I don't think it would be worth it for us.

I have to go my heart is racing.

Chat tomorrow!!

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

I guess I shall chat with myself this morning as I seem to have been the only one I here.lol

Well have to say at quick Hi to my Imaginary friends on the Imagination I am going on 9/24. Chat later.

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My bar bill is usually more than the $350 that all inclusive would cost and I watch how much I order because of it... now I would never drink 15 a day but I could do six.... my bucket of beer in the afternoon costs me more than $20 so it could be a good deal.....:D

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Morning! Morning!


Cat ~ when you posted that you were alone, it was 4 AM here!! Sorry, girl, not gonna get up at 4 AM to chat with you. ;)


Heidi ~ that sounds like a better arrangement for both you and your niece, now you won't have to worry about her transportation. Hope you can get that mean old fly! LOL! Reminds me of a book my kids had when they were little...part of it goes "there was an old lady who swallowed a fly, I don't know why she swallowed a fly, I think she'll die"...now, mind you, I am NOT calling you an "old lady"!!!!!!! But your fly made me think of that. The story goes on with the old lady swallowing a spider to get the fly, a bird to get the spider, a cat to get the spider....and on like that until finally she swallowed a horse. Don't swallow a horse, Heidi!! :p


Cat ~ what wonderful news about your grandson!!!! You must be on cloud 9! Enjoy catching up with him, and hopefully you can visit in person soon.


It will be interesting to learn more about the drink policy. I agree with Heidi, I would be interested if you could choose which days you purchased it for. Sea days, yes. Port days, no way. And, good point about the soda being included, Heidi. Hadn't thought of that, but that would make it even more of a value. I would be willing to bet that they won't let us choose the days, though. Bet we have to buy it for all 8 days of the cruise or not at all. But, I hope I'm wrong!


Our big County Fair and Roundup is this weekend. We'll go in later and eat fattening Fair Food and probably go to the "Re-Ride Room", which is a big tent set up outside the rodeo arena where they have a bar and a live band. It's "THE" place to meet and greet over the weekend. We'll be gone for most of the weekend, but we don't get too excited over the Fair & Roundup these days...kinda "been there, done that". But we do enjoy visiting with lots of peeps that come from out of town and locals too.


Tomorrow, we leave for Eugene for our first Duck game of the season!! WOOP! WOOP! Very excited to see my Ducks AND my kiddos! :D


Have a great weekend, everyone!

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Cathy, Kay didn't know she had two sisters until 18 years ago. On our 50th. anniversary we went on the cruise with one sister and her husband. The sister was celebrating her 50th. birthday. They are going to be part of our group on this cruise...Jann and Ken! They are young enough to be our children! In other words Kay was 52 when we found out these sisters existed.

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Good morning Cupids,

We are receiving a few clouds for the remains of Isaac bu no rain. East Texas is getting some showers but not much else. I looks like Isaac likes it in Louisiana. He doesn't seem to be moving very fast.

Heidi, hope Dave has a great weekend. He friended me on FB this week. Bettie's dad isn't into FB but he does text and has a computer. He will be 88 this year.

Cat, I wasn't up when you were online this morning. I don't get home from work until 1am and not to bed until about 2. I have been up since 9 and went in for lab work. Two doctors appointments next week.

It's going to be hot this weekend, in the upper 90s.:(

Hope everyone has a great weekend.


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Sue, I haven't been to a county fair in years. Fort Worth is in Tarrant county and we have the Stock show and rodeo in Jan/Feb every year. Also, starting next month is the biggest State fair in the nation. The Texas State fair starts the end of September and last 2 to 3 weeks. It's now the fried food capital. Anyone for Fried Beer.


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Hi, Breeze buddies, I forgot most of you are in a different time zone. OK well I can chat with myself no problem I do it quite well.lol

I love state fairs. We will have the chili cookoff soon followed by the BBQ cook off. $5 bracelet gets you as much tasting as you want from bunches of different cooks. YUM No dinner needed after all that.


Yes, I still am in seventh heaven with my grandson. I can't wait to see him and give him a big hug!!!


We went at 5 to the square and listened to music with 2 beers. Almost time for hot wings, will chat later.

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Good morning, all my sleeping Breeze buddies!

Getting ready for work and I would be excited as normally this would be my last day until Tuesday, however, I have to work tomorrow.:( Then I am off Monday and Tuesday so I guess I got an extra 4 hours off due to the holiday. If I worked on Tuesday it would have put me overtime and they would have not been happy.:eek:

Any special plans this weekend? I have to get my nails done after work and then it is grocery shopping for the month. Thank God we already got the menu done and we have 10 days we will be gone for the cruise and just playing around. Yea!!!!

Have a super day!

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Well it's my icky weekend..... doubles yesterday and today and work tomorrow during the day.... then off till Tuesday..... next weekend i get Saturday Sunday and Monday off :D..... It's what keeps me going:p


I'm in the office more and more during the week but weekends are still in the store.... I'm ok with that... it's a change of pace ..... keeps my ADD in check:eek:

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Well, I have to say, our trip to the fair was slightly disappointing. Our fair seems to be getting smaller and smaller. Dave always likes to get a hand-dipped corn dog at the carnival...well, this year for the first time ever, the carny didn't have ANY food booth at all! The food trucks at the fair were just ok...nothing special. Oh, well, we saw some people we don't see very often and that was fun.


Maybe if they would have had the fried beer! That one has me stumped, Dave! I don't like beer that much anyway, but if it was fried, who knows? ;) Greg & Mal are going to our Oregon State Fair tomorrow to meet her parents there. It's in Salem, which is not far from Eugene.


We head to Eugene later this morning. Our game is 7:30 tonight (our time). Weather should be great! Can't wait to see the kiddos.


Rick ~ wow, I'm 52 right now, so it would be like I found out about a sister I never knew right now. That must have been weird!


Dave ~ Isaac caused our enemies up the road, the Oregon State Beavers, to miss their first game scheduled for today. They were to play Nicholls State, which is in Louisiana ~ they couldn't get out of Louisiana so had to cancel. I feel bad for the team and fans that were looking forward to a game...I know how disappointed I would be if our first game got cancelled!


Renee ~ variety is the spice of life, as the old saying goes! Glad you are enjoying the change of pace, and better schedule.


Cat ~ sorry about work tomorrow, but enjoy the Monday & Tuesday off!


Have a great weekend, everyone!

Edited by momofzeke
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Good morning Cupids,

Sue, here is the list of Big Tex Food Choise Awards for the last few years:


2005 Most Creative Viva Las Vegas Fried Ice Cream

2005 Best Taste Fried PB, Jelly and Banana Sandwich

2006 Most Creative Fried Coke

2006 Best Taste Fried Praline Perfection

2007 Most Creative Deep Fried Latte

2007 Best Taste Texas Fried Cookie Dough

2008 Most Creative Fried Banana Split

2008 Best Taste Chicken Fried Bacon

2009 Most Creative Deep Fried Butter

2009 Best Taste Fernie's Deep Fried Peaches & Cream

2010 Most Creative Fried Beer™

2010 Best Taste Texas Fried FRITOS® Pie

2011 Most Creative Fried Bubblegum

2011 Best Taste Buffalo Chicken in a Flapjack


Looks like they will fry just about anything.:confused:

Renee, don't work too hard. Hope you can enjoy some of the weekend.

Cat, you to. Have a great weekend.

We don't have any plans. Just chillin since it will be near or at 100 all weekend.



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Good morning! :)


I am just waiting for my friend Lori to come over so that we can go to Septemberfest. I'm really hoping the rain stays away. We are expecting the remnants of Isaac but so far it is still south of us. We will do the craft fair, which is huge and then go eat in the food tent, which is also huge. The food is awesome because there are tons of food booths with food from local restaurants. The fest also has carnival rides and free entertainment. At night sometimes the entertainment is pretty good. I've seen Rick Springfield, Davy Jones (he was boring) and America and a few others but I can't remember who right now. I don't usually go to the concerts though because they get soooo crowded and I hate crowds like that. I don't even know who is performing this year but since I'm watching my niece this weekend I'll probably just stay home tonight. She will probably be out with her friends (she's 17) but I want to be available for her just in case she needs a ride or something.


Have a great weekend. :D

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