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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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I do not think this is the place to voice political opinions but I do want to mention the "Good" and the "Ugly" of last week's Republican Convention that probably won't appear in the media. The "Good" was only two protestors were arrested the entire week vs. over 800 at the last convention in Minneapolis. Demonstrates very good and lengthy planning by those in charge. The "Ugly" was our own Manatee delegation was "punished" by being assigned a hotel 32 miles away from the conventiion. They could have stayed home and been closer! Why the "punishment"? Florida dared to have an early primary last January! Ok, now back to our regularly scheduled programming. Have a Great holiday weekend!!!

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Good Afternoon! the remnants of Isaac are here but Lori and I managed to get through the craft fair without getting wet. We had a couple of brief showers so we just ducked into a craft booth to stay dry and then went on our when when it stopped. it didn't rain very hard or for very long. i bought a really cute butterfly lawn ornament, a pair of earrings and I ordered a personalized picture frame for my niece's little girl. They had a lot of names but my niece's daughter's name is Arabella and that's not so common. after shopping we went to the food tent and ate. We had a good time.

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Good morning, Breeze buddies! I can now saw 4 more hours and then off for 2 and 1/2 days, YEA!!!! Let the weekend begin.


After all our rain we are now in for a beautiful weekend. It is about time. We no longer have water restrictions.


Rick, I am sorry you were so far away from the convention. Did you go or were you protesting something about the Manatees that I don't know about or have a clue. You can talk Politics anytime, I watch all the stuff or tape it and then watch it.


All you fine folks going to your fairs, I can't wait for ours to start. I am ready for all that food. Speaking of food I was very bad yesterday. I took my Diabetic meds and then went to Steak and Shake. I had a Jalepeno Crunch Burger and a Vanilla Shake. OMG it was so good. Then I walked around the grocery stores trying to get rid of it. When I got home I took my sugar and it was 169. Not bad for that fast food and sugary shake. YUMMMMY!!!!

Time for work and I hope everyone has a super day!!!!

Edited by Cathy p
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Beautiful day in eugene! Was SOOOOOOO glad to get out of v. falls yesterday...it was super, horribly smoky.


Ducks won, & it was a gorgeous night....so FUN!


Dave, lots of those fried foods sound yummy, but i think i'll pass on the fried beer, butter & bubble gum! Paula deen did fried butter on her show once....


Heidi, glad you had fun at the fair & stayed dry.


Forgot to tell u guys....at the photography exhibit at our fair on friday, we saw a cool photo of some cows in a field....wait, those look familiar! Sure enough, it was OUR COWS IN OUR FIELD! A friend of daves brother had been out taking photos a couple months ago. pretty funny.

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Cathy, no I did not go to the convention. The number of arrests were in our local paper and the "punishment story" came from my neighbor who was there. Another tidbit, their hotel was at the end of the charter bus line so it took an hour and a half to go 32 miles after stopping at other hotels on the way. Many of the delegates gave up on the shuttle bus and drove their own cars into town. The RNC made no apologies for what it did to the Florida delegation even though there were hotels in St. Petersburg that weren't full! Children, try to play nice!!!

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I had a funny cruise dream last night. I dreamed that that all the ports were tender ports but that if you wanted to go ashore you had to rent a boat for a couple hundred bucks and the boats were nothing more than tiny rowboats. :eek:


Sue -That's funny about the picture of your cows. That reminds of a coincidence that happened to me once. I was reading a non fiction book about the murder of a very wealthy man in Coconut Grove, Florida. He was killed by his wife. In part of the book the author had written about the wife's childhood. They named a woman that had been her foster mom when she was about 16 and it turned out to be my ex-husbands aunt. I had no idea until I was reading the book.


Speaking of strange fried foods, they had fired Oreo's at the fest yesterday. I didn't try them but some people that were sitting next to us when we ate had them and said they were really good.


Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Mine is over. I work the rest of it.

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Hello Cupid's!!!

We are having a quiet and relaxing Labor Day weekend. Just what we needed.


Glad Hurricane Issac missed our Florida cruisers.


Sue, the Ducks are off to a good year. My OU Sooners won, but wasn't as pretty as your win. The OSU Cowboys also had a good win.


Cat, enjoy your days off. Glad you enjoyed your splurge at Steak and Shake. Our Steak and Shake closed down last month. No reason was given. One day they were open and the next they were closed. The employees were told the day before that they would no longer be needed.


Heidi, Don't work to hard this week. Here's to hoping all goes good with your niece this week.


Char, I am envious about your Alaska cruise. What a fun get away.


Dave, did the heat come back to you all? We have been above 100 the last few days again. We sure got spoiled being in the 80's and 90's lately. Are you working this weekend? Our State Fair will be here in 2 weeks. Looking forward to it. We did not go last year.


Everyone be safe.

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Happy Labor Day to all and I am so glad that I am not part of the labor group today. The most I have done is take a box of macaroni out of the cabinet to cook for mac salad.lol

Sue, I love the cow story. My ex boss use to have everything cows so when I went on a cruise and hit a port I always looked for something I thought she did not have and most of the time I found something. She use to get so excited.

Rick, I did not hear that story about the Delegates from Florida. I have to go and chew out our report that was there and did not write about it.lol

Kathy, I don't think our will close down. The old people love it especially with all the coupons that they send out.

Heidi, that was a funny story about the little boat. I am affraid that Kenny would not get it in as he swims like a rock. In other words can't swim.lol

Dave, we totally enjoyed looking at all the festivals you all have. We had a great laugh on some of them.

Renee, are you enjoying your day off? I hope so you so deserve it.

Well off to the Bass and Van Heusen store at Lake Sumpter. They are having their Labor Day sale 70% off, plus 30% and a coupon for an extra 20%. Will chat later.

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Got home yesterday evening, and the smoke was mostly gone, thank goodness. Had a great time in Eugene, although it was a quick trip this time. We normally stay 2 nights, but since our game was so late this time, we only stayed 1. We have 4 home games in a row...next weekend we will be staying our usual 2 nights.


Kathy ~ since we were traveling to Eugene Saturday, we didn't get to watch much football. Our game got over so late...we got back to the motel at almost midnight...didn't get to see College Football Final. I knew the Sooners won, but didn't get to see highlights or anything. I'm so happy to be back in the swing of college football!! :D


Heidi ~ um, no thanks, don't think I'll be in a row boat on the ocean. :p I know how choppy even the big boats they use to tender in are....can you imagine being in a little tiny boat??


Speaking of tendering....does anyone know if any of our ports for the Breeze are tender ports? Sure hope not! I hate to have to tender.


I've seen fried oreos in Vegas, but never tried one. One of the casinos in the old part of the strip (Fremont Street) offers fried twinkies and oreos. Never had the nerve to try one!


Heidi, that's really interesting about the book you were reading having the name of your ex-hubs aunt. That would catch your attention, for sure!


Cat ~ enjoy the sales today!

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We watched football all day yesterday! First, there was Our Lady's favorite team playing in Ireland (Notre Dame) that started at 9:00 am. then we watched Penn State go down in flames (sigh) and then Northern Illinois play a real heartbreaker. In fact, it wasn't over till after we got to the Lodge so we watched the end on the Big Screen tv. Still can't believe they were ahead for the entire game and lost it at the end!

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Rick, I watched Michigan my favorite team go down to Alabama. I asked DH who is that quarterback and he said the same one as last year. I said WHAT, OMG HE BEST GET HIS CHIT TOGETHER. I fell asleep before it was over and then did not sleep. ND I love as well. The next favorite is Ga Tech. I can't stand any of the Florida teams.lol

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Today is Kay's birthday! I am too much of a gentleman to reveal her age. Oh, ok, she is 70 today. (I never was THAT much of a gentleman!) Tonight there will be an intimate dinner of Lobster and steak and probably some wine.....Not sure about the lobster and steak but absolutlely positive about the red wine!

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Today is Kay's birthday! I am too much of a gentleman to reveal her age. Oh, ok, she is 70 today. (I never was THAT much of a gentleman!) Tonight there will be an intimate dinner of Lobster and steak and probably some wine.....Not sure about the lobster and steak but absolutlely positive about the red wine!



Tell Kay I Said




hope she has a great one and you all have a wonderful night.

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Today is Kay's birthday! I am too much of a gentleman to reveal her age. Oh, ok, she is 70 today. (I never was THAT much of a gentleman!) Tonight there will be an intimate dinner of Lobster and steak and probably some wine.....Not sure about the lobster and steak but absolutlely positive about the red wine!


Happy birthday Kay. Hope you enjoy the wine.

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Sounds like a wonderful birthday you have planned for her, Rick. Although I am the weirdo that does not like lobster. :p But, enjoy!


Cat ~ didn't get to watch that game, cause our Ducks game was going at the same time, but I saw highlights later...Denard Robinson sure did not have a good night. But, after all, Alabama IS the reigning National Champion and is still very, very good.


Renee ~ glad you had a good time with Katie last night. One on one time is always a special treat.


Heidi ~ how did things go with your niece? Is Dave home yet?


Dave went to town yesterday for one last blast of Fair food and seeing people. My allergies were bugging me, so I stayed home. I was tired from traveling anyway and didn't feel like going. I'm always tired after Eugene game weekends.

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Happy Birthday, Kay!!! I hope you had a super one. I am not sure if that was yesterday or today. I just read that and now I can't remember what day. Gosh I am only 61 not a good sign.lol

I just read that my poor Michigan lost their cornerback for the rest of the season. OK now they are history. I guess I will have to go over to Michigan State. They won their first. Yes I am fickle!!

Been shopping online all morning. Kenny said he guesses I have my shopping gene in.:D

We are going to get the all inclusive drinks for our Imagination cruise on 9/24. I just called and we have to do that at guest services once we get on. We also have the Fast to Fun deal so we have a special line for that. Yea!!!!

Not doing much today, just still in my jammies. We are having burgers and mac salad for dinner and maybe a pizza for lunch. Go Diabetes!!:eek:

Will chat later.

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Good morning!




Heidi ~ how did things go with your niece? Is Dave home yet?



Sue - Everything was fine with my niece. She's real good kid. I barely saw here because she was either out with her friends till she came home at 11:30 or else I was at work. He parents will be home later today so when she left for school this morning she left for good. Dave will not be home until Friday night.


I haven't heard from him but they usually don't have cell phone service where they are. It's really out in the middle of nowhere. They can get service when they go to town however. It's a little town in Ontario called Sioux Lookout. He's with my dad, 2 of my uncles (my dad's brothers) and the guy who lives across the street from us. My dad has been going to this same place for probably 50 years. I remember taking a family vacation there when I was 10 (44 years ago) and he'd been going us there for several years already then.


Today is Kay's birthday!


Rick -Say Happy birthday to Kay for me. We won't tell her you blabed about her age. LOL.


It is terribly humid today. I went out to get my paper (which wasn't there :mad:) and even though it's only in the upper 70's it was very uncomfortable out there. We're supposed to have a front move through here tomorrow or so and that will bring cooler temps. It's supposed to be really nice later this week. We did get some much needed rain during the night last night.


Tonight I train on of the new hosts on how to close. Yay! There is a light at the end of the tunnel. :D Another one of the hosts that was hired was a former host at our restaurant. She was fired by our old general manager but our current management must have felt that she was unjustly fired so they hired her back. She's been gone 3 years but still remembers most of job so even though she had to go through training again she was easy to train. The only thing that is different from when she worked here before is the computer. We now have a computer with a seating chart and to take names and and do paging etc. We did everything manually with a pen and paper before. She will have to learn that. This is a funny story. At one time, Ana (the girl who got fired and rehired), her dad, brother and another sister all worked at our OG. Dad is a busser and the 3 siblings (Ana, Yesenia and Sergio) were hosts. Ana got fired and Yesenia and Sergio quit because they got fed up with the old general manger. The dad stayed on. After the old GM got fired, first Sergio came back (as a busser now), then Yesenia came back and now Ana is back. We actually have a couple of different "family" groups working there.


Have a great day! :)

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Heidi I certainly hope your computer doesn't work like Ruby Tuesday's. (I know they are a competitor of sorts.) We went there for Sunday brunch a few weeks ago and they couldn't seat us because their computer "was down". Loads and loads of empty tables but everyone had to wait. We could go into the bar and get served drinks (natch!) but no food could be served because the computer "was down" and no one knew how to fix it. (Nor did anyone have the good sense to grab a pad of paper and a pencil apparently.) Instead they just let people leave and go elsewhere because the &%@ computer "was down"......

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Heidi I certainly hope your computer doesn't work like Ruby Tuesday's. (I know they are a competitor of sorts.) We went there for Sunday brunch a few weeks ago and they couldn't seat us because their computer "was down". Loads and loads of empty tables but everyone had to wait. We could go into the bar and get served drinks (natch!) but no food could be served because the computer "was down" and no one knew how to fix it. (Nor did anyone have the good sense to grab a pad of paper and a pencil apparently.) Instead they just let people leave and go elsewhere because the &%@ computer "was down"......


Well, those of us who have worked there more than 2 years would know what to do if the computers went down but as time goes on and we get new hosts who never did it the old way, they would be clueless. Even if the computers went down we have the ability to write down the names and page manually just like we did before. We would be screwed though if the computer went down during the MIDDLE of a busy time because we would have no way of knowing the order of all the people that had ALREADY put their names on the wait list. I can just see it now, people who had only checked in a short time before would be claiming that they came in and put their name on the list long before they actually did. The way some people act I could see some fights breaking out. :eek: I don't see how we could seat people in the order they put their names in. There would be no way of knowing. It would be a nightmare.

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Hello Cupids...


Sorry for being MIA...but been really busy with those frisky college kids and they are keeping us on our toes. :rolleyes:


Kathy...we did have fun on the quick get-a-way it came at exactly the right time for both our schedule and budget. :) The weather wasn't real good but we still had a good time.


Hope you all had a nice three day week-end. We went to Lisa and Phil's house for BBQ and had a great time...stayed rather late...Phil's mother was there and we had a nice visit with her as well.


Gotta go...dinner is ready to come out of the oven. And looks like I have a lot of reading to catch up on here. :eek:


Have a great evening.

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Today is Kay's birthday! I am too much of a gentleman to reveal her age. Oh, ok, she is 70 today. (I never was THAT much of a gentleman!) Tonight there will be an intimate dinner of Lobster and steak and probably some wine.....Not sure about the lobster and steak but absolutlely positive about the red wine!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAY. Hope you had a great one.


Today was my annual physical. Other than the usual admonition from the Doc to lose some weight I think it turned out fine. Still have to wait for the results of the blood tests.


Hope everyone had a nice Labor Day.


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Heidi I certainly hope your computer doesn't work like Ruby Tuesday's. (I know they are a competitor of sorts.) We went there for Sunday brunch a few weeks ago and they couldn't seat us because their computer "was down". Loads and loads of empty tables but everyone had to wait. We could go into the bar and get served drinks (natch!) but no food could be served because the computer "was down" and no one knew how to fix it. (Nor did anyone have the good sense to grab a pad of paper and a pencil apparently.) Instead they just let people leave and go elsewhere because the &%@ computer "was down"......


Would you believe I walked into work tonight and THE COMPUTER WAS DOWN!!!!! :eek: Actually, only one of the computers was down (We have 2) and it was resetting when I got there so it was back on line a few minutes later. I just thought it was funny because we had just been talking about it. In the 2 years we have had the computers I have only seen them go down once.

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