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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Good Afternoon!


We just got back from Normal. We had a great time but I'm tired. We were supposed to go to a bar last night with her friends and their parents but we were too pooped out. Even Staci was too tired so we didn't go. The dog had a great time. She loves all the attention she gets. One of Staci's room mates threatened to keep her. LOL. The weather was great. I can't believe how lucky we have been. Four years of Family Weekend and all of them we had good weather. The past 2 were a little cold in the morning because they were in November but it was sunny and by afternoon it warmed up enough to be comfortable. The first Family weekend we ever went to was also in November but we had unusually warm temps that weekend and it was in the mid 70's, just like this weekend.


I told you about that big, disgusting cyst on our cat's cheek. Well, I walked into the kitchen when we got home this afternoon and found it (the cyst, not the cat) on the kitchen floor. Like I said before, it was more than an inch long and as big around as my little finger. It was just a hard, crusty thing, kind of like a scab caked with cat hair. It was really disgusting. I guess it just fell off but I was concerned because she had another one on her neck a couple of years ago that we had surgically removed because she kept scratching at it and it would come off and bleed. We don't want to put her through surgery for this one because she's older now and it never seemed to bother her as long as we didn't touch it. She didn't scratch at it or anything. So I saw thing thing of the floor and knew what it was right away but I didn't see any blood so that was good. I couldn't find the cat at first though. Eventually I found her in Eric's closet. There was no blood or anything on her cheek so I guess it didn't bleed. It will grow back though. It has fallen off before and always grows back but at least it's gone for now. She was really weird looking with that thing sticking out of her cheek. She actually has a bunch of small ones on other parts of her body but they don't seem to be growing much except the one that just fell off and one above her eye. That one looks a little different too so I don't know for sure if it's the same thing. It's funny, we also have her 16 year old sister and she doesn't have any of the problems that the other one has. She has a few tiny lumps but they don't seem to grow and she doesn't have arthritis like the other one either. You would never guess she's 16 years old. she will probably be around a few years longer than her sister.


Sue - how is Zeke?


I hope everyone had a good weekend. :)

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Read. Too bad I still stink at typing from my phone :(


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Mimi, I agree with you 100%. It is very easy to fat finger type on the iPhone plus I hate the spell check. I do have Tapatalk on both my phone and pad but only use it to read while at work. We can't check out CC on the computers at work but they can't monitor our phones, not yet anyway.

Heidi, glad you had a good weekend in Normal. Also, glad the cat is okay. Our cat had a cyst on her leg when we adopted her from our DD. We had it removed and it never grew back. She passed last year but was about 19 or 20.

We never got out of the 70s today. Love this weather. e had rain last night ans showers during the day today. We expect fog in the morning. Should be gone by the time I get going.

Hope everyone has a great week.



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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Spent yesterday getting the rest of our stuff that we needed together and making sure I had everything on my list. Saturday is the day we leave. YEA!!!!!

Heidi, glad family weekend went great. I hope your kitty is ok. My Yorkie had to have bladder surgery and knee surgery each to the tune of $1500 and $1100. The next animal I have will have insurance for sure. :eek:

Dave, we get rain every other day I think and right now still in the 80's.

Kathy, enjoy your week off. I work 1/2 day today, Thursday,all day on Friday, 1/2 day on Saturday an that it is until we get back. YEA!!!


Rick, nice job you have, I could do that for sure.


Mimi, I am still the check out the books at the library that is about 5 block behind me and they are very short blocks. I still have my old and I mean old Razor phone.

Have a super day!

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Hi gang,


I am so happy to report that Zeke is doing great! The lump on his neck is much smaller and his nose seems to be dry...no bloody mucus coming out. I think he's going to be just fine, thank goodness! I was worried about him while we were gone, so we came home early yesterday, right after breakfast. He greeted us running in circles like he always does. I'm cautiously optimistic that he's just fine with no tumor.


The game was great. Ducks won. It was HOT...my arm got sunburned cause I forgot sunscreen. The game was at noon, and our other games have been in the evening, so I guess I just didn't think about sunscreen.


Friday late morning I got a text from my brother that said "see you tomorrow", so I knew that meant they would be at the game. They usually make it to at least one game a year. It was nice to see them, my bro, sis-in-law and nephew that just graduated high school. They stayed at a hotel just down the street from ours.


I'm always tired after these game weekends, and I slept this morning until 8 am! Felt good, though.

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Good afternoon Cupids,

Sue, glad to hear that Zeke is doing better and that the drip has subsided. Ducks and Frogs win. Yeah

Cat, as you probably know, we don't get allot of rain in this part of Texas. And when we do it is appreciated. Also, Bettie still has her Razor. She keeps saying she wants an upgrade. Maybe soon.

Hope everyone has a great week.


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Sue, so happy to read that Zeke is on the mend. Also congrats to the Ducks.

Rick, glad to see that Bettie has good taste in phones and yep I know you don't get much. Glad you are getting some at least.

Haircut today, Nails tomorrow, justing moving on to get ready.lol

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Heidi, I believe the ship was the Allure, at least that is what they are reporting down here. Went to bed last night with what I thought was a tootache (I dread dentists!!!) and woke up this morning with a full fledged and painful sinus infection complete with a swollen face!

The last time I went to dentist was in Mexico. There is a small village 12 miles outside Yuma,AZ with a total population of 300 dentists, 4 doctors and three pharmacies. You literally walk across the border to get there. I had been quoted $13,000.00 for work here in Sarasota and there the same work was done for $2,000.00 including an anesthesiolgist becuase they had to put me under! That was 5 years ago and not a single problem!!!!

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Yes, Rick, I misspoke when I said it was the same RC ship we were docked next to on the Freedom. That was the Oasis. The ship the young woman went overboard from was the Allure. The coast guard gave up the search last night.


Heidi ~ a cruise with Staci sounds fun! We did a cruise for each of our boys' college graduations. The Miracle cruise where we met was the one for Greg's graduation.

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Good Morning!


Yes, it was the Allure that the 21 year old girl went off off but the Allure is a sister ship to the Oasis. Those ships are HUGE! Apparently the search for her has been called off. :(


It's hard to type right now, I have a cat sitting on my lap. LOL. She was never a lap cat until about a year ago. Now she loves to sit in my lap but she won't lay down. She just sits there for awhile and then gets down.


Have a good day. :)

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Boy, it's been hot here again! Yesterday it was almost 90. I oiled our saddles in the afternoon. I bring them out of the barn into the sun so they can be warm when I oil them. It was warm, all right! It was downright HOT! By the time I finished, I had sweat rolling down my face.


Putting neatsfoot oil on the saddles is good for the leather. I haven't done it in a long time, so I will probably put a second coat on today. I really should do it once a year, probably, but it's one of those jobs I just never seem to remember to do!


Have a great day, all!

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Good Morning!


It was a weird night at the OG last night. When I first arrived at 5:00 the general manager informed me that our old GM (the one that got fired last year) had passed away. He had a heart attack and was only 59. I was never real crazy about the man (he lacked people skills)but he was always pretty good to me. The current GM is asking for help from other OG's to come and work at our restaurant on Friday and Saturday so that those of us who want to attend the wake or funeral can go. I am off on Saturday so I will probably go to the funeral.


Then about an hour into my shift I heard someone say over our radios that I had a phone call. Well, I NEVER get calls at work so I got worried. I couldn't get to the phone right away because someone had to relieve me up front and by the time I got to the phone the person had hung up. The girl who answered the phone said it was my husband so I went into the kitchen to call him back. Thankfully it was nothing. Dave just wanted to know if I had given the dog her meds in the morning.


While I was calling Dave I smelled something funny in the kitchen, like something burning but I didn't give it a 2nd thought. After calling Dave I decided to go to the bathroom before going back out front. When I came out of the bathroom I saw that there was a fire truck in front of the building. That funny smell had been a minor electrical fire in the kitchen. We never had to evacuate but the fire department wouldn't let us let anyone else in until they checked things out. That was only for about 10 minutes. After that things went on as normal but the GM said they were waiting for Com Ed to come out and check things out and that we might have to close early if they said we had to close. Everything checked out OK though.


I am off to the dermatologist this morning. A few weeks ago I noticed a mole that had taken on a life of it's own. It had grown suddenly and changed color. Well, by the time I could get in to see my regular doctor and get a referral and then by the time I could get into the dermatologist, the dang thing practically disappeared. It's real tiny now. I still want it looked at though.


Have a good day.

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Good morning Cupids,


Sue, enjoy the warm weather while you have it. There will be snow on the hills soon. Hope Zeke helped with the saddle.


Heidi, there is always something happening at the OG. Hope the dermatologist gives you a clean bill of health.


I read about the passenger jumping from the Allure. I thought I also heard of someone jumping/falling from an NCL ship recently.


Hope everyone has a great day.



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Good news from the dermatologist. The type of mole that I had was nothing to be concerned about. She said she could remove it by freezing it if it was bothering me but it's not bothering me at all so I said no. It may disappear all on it's own anyway. I also had the full body scan that I was a couple of years over due for (that was fun) :rolleyes: and she didn't see anything to be concerned about. The last time I was there she cut about 4 moles off me and said 2 of them were a-typical (the type that can turn into cancer). Nothing like that this time though. I can breathe a sigh of relief now.

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Good news from the dermatologist. The type of mole that I had was nothing to be concerned about. I can breathe a sigh of relief now.

Yeah, any good news is great news. I go to the dermatologist every 3 months for a check up and a shot. I have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. One causes the other and they don't know why. Glad to hear you are okay.


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Good morning, Breeze buddies!!

Today is the last full day of work and then vacation. I only have 4 hours tomorrow.

Sue, I am beside myself and so very excited. Yes it has been a busy week for sure. Did they get that fire put out?


Heidi, glad the mole was ok. I have had all kinds of things frozen off. Kenny had a Stage 2 Melanoma and he was a mess. They did surgery and it got infected.:eek: We both go every 6 months. So glad to hear the fire turned out to be not much. Scarey for sure.


That was so sad about the young girl that jumped off the ship.


Have a super weekend everyone!

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Well here I sit looking like have the mump. One side of my face is so swollen that I can actually see the raised skin starting to cover one eye. It supposedly is a sinus infection and I'm on two different antibiotics. Saw the doctor yesterday afternoon and will see her again this afternoon (she is very concerned...I'm just uncomfortable to say nothing of the fact I haven't had much sleep the last three nights!)

Heidi glad to hear your mole is no big deal. Sue let's get those saddles neatsfooted. Cathy..I am NOT happy you are going on a cruise now!!!

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We leave later for our 4th weekend in a row in Eugene for a Duck game. I love the games, so I don't mind the travel. The good thing about having 4 home games so early is that the weather has been gorgeous, and sounds like it will be nice again tomorrow night. Game time is 7:30 and it's supposed to be mid-50's and dry.


Got the saddles oiled a second coat and it was even HOTTER than the day before! :eek: It was 93 degrees! I had to take several "sun breaks" and go into the barn to get out of the sun for a few minutes.


Dave ~ oh, you bet Zeke "helped"! He goes with me wherever I go, so he was there. After he ran around and sniffed every bush and cow pie available, I made him stay in the barn in the shade because it was so hot. He could still see me, so then he's fine. He gets very anxious if he's not with me.


Heidi ~ you forgot to mention the TP job in the O.G. bathroom, but I guess that was the night before. That's sad about your former manager passing at such a young age. Glad the mole turned out to be nothing. Brian had an a-typical mole on his arm while he was in college and had it surgically removed because the a-typical cells went kind of deep. That was so scary!


Rick ~ hope you feel better real soon!! That does not sound like any fun at all. Maybe you need to go see a doctor?


Cat ~ since I probably won't be on here tomorrow, have a GREAT cruise! We can't wait to hear all about it when you get home. ENJOY!! :D


The fire near Bend is getting contained, but we haven't had any more smoke from it, thank goodness! We had MORE than our share of smoke this year....the WHOLE month of August!


Zeke only has tonight and tomorrow morning left for his antibiotic medicine. Dave's sis will give it to him and take him for a walk tomorrow and Sunday while we're gone. Zeke feels so good, he has tons of energy. I just can't imagine there is a tumor in his nose as good as he feels. The lump is way down and I haven't noticed anything coming out his nose in several days. I think he's ok! :)


Have a great weekend, everyone!

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Countdown has begun....Starbucks for breakfast for the girls....4 hours of work and then Let the Vacation begin.

Rick, feel better soon. I just finished my antibiotics with the sinus infection. It took me 2 times the normal. Be happy I will be home before you know.

Thanks everyone for the great wishes. Will try and chat a bit from the hotels.

Bon Vi O Geeeee!!!

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Good morning!


We'll be going to that funeral this morning. then my dad is coming over this afternoon. He usually spends quite a bit of time with my sister since he lives just a few minutes from her and I'm an hour from him but since she is in Europe right now I invited my dad to come down here today. We're not sure if we'll go out to dinner or stay in. it will depend on if he brings my sister's dog with him. He's dog sitting. The dog gets along just fine with our dog but in the last couple of years (he's pretty old) he has become untrustworthy in the house. He'll pee all over the place if given the chance so we won't want to leave him alone in the house. My dad might put him in the kennel though. He said that he would kennel him if he started peeing in his house and I guess he did just that yesterday immediately after being outside. My sister has another dog that is already in the kennel because she's a digger and my dad doesn't want her digging in his yard. Plus, she'll run if given the chance and he doesn't have a fence.


Cathy - Have a great cruise.

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Good afternoon Cupids,

Got up this morning and headed ou to do some yardwork. Hedges trimed and the yard mowed and edged. Now relaxing a little.

Cat, have a great trip. Wish I was going, too.

Sue, hope your Ducks do as well as our Frogs.

Heidi, enjoy your time with your Dad..



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Hello Cupids!!!


Cat - have a great cruise. Can't wait to hear all about it.


Dave - hasn't the weather been much nicer the last week. We are at 90 right now, but should only be in the mid 80's next week.


Heidi, Hope your visit with your dad is good.


Sue, have fun at the game tonight.


Rick, I hope your sinus infection is better. That sounds like one wicked infection.

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Good morning!


We got up this morning and realized that our brand new furnace that we had installed 3 weeks ago wan't working. ::mad: It was only in the 40's outside. At first it wouldn't come on at all and then Dave went to the furnace itself and turned it on and off at the main switch. Then it came on so Dave said he'd call tomorrow just in case there is a problem but then the furnace only ran for a couple of minutes and then shut down. He got it to turn on again but the same thing happened again. It only ran for about a minute and then shut down. So, since we just had it installed, Dave didn't mess with it and we knew we wouldn't have to pay for a service call so he called and they sent a someone out within the hour. Apparently it was a grounding wire and seems to be fine now.


We had a nice dinner with my dad last night. We went to a place called Lincoln Whiskey Kitchen. We were really happy with the service because our food was REALLY slow coming out but before we could even complain a manager came to our table and apologized and said that the kitchen was backed up but our food would be out soon. Then when we got the bill we were told that they had taken the appetizer off the bill because of the delay in our food. It was really good to so it was worth waiting for. I was just really impressed with how they took care of us even before we had a chance to complain.


For a change I am working lunch today instead of dinner. I switched shifts with another host because last night was her homecoming and she knew she'd be out late and didn't want to have to be at work at 11:00 this morning.


Have a good day. :)

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Great win by our ducks last night! On our way out of the stadium, we walked right by legendary nfl coach tony dungee...his son is a player. It was close to 11:30 by the time we got back to our hotel, then hung out with the kids til midnight.


At 1 am, the room phone woke us up & it was some jerk pretending to be hotel manager. Trying to get me to give him personal info, saying they had lost the info & needed us to re-register. I knew better cause we have stayed here for 10 years of football seasons & they know us very well. I hung up & called the front desk to tell them about it, & just as i knew....it was not them who had called. Took me a long time to get back to sleep. dave went right back to sleep, & is still snoozing away this morning!


Ive been up for over an hour, & its almost 9:30 for gods sake. Im sitting here in the dark so i dont wake him up, but im about done...he can get the heck up. I sat in the bathroom & read the newspaper so i wouldnt disturb him. But i am losing my patience! LOL.

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Boy, this server CC uses gets crazier all the time. I tried to log in 4 times and finally went up to the upper right corner and logged in immediately. Every time I tried to log in it thanked me for logging in then kicked me out before getting to the thread.

I am feeling much better and the swelling is almost gone so the two antibiotics have done their job. Nice quiet day today then out to dinner tonight. It is our favorite Chinese/Thai place and last summer we solicted a gift certificate from them for our fundraiser for the dogs for veterans. Guess who won the certificate? Yep, Us'n!!! We also won 2 other certificates that we had begged, borrowed, and stealed for but gave one of them to the couple raising the dogs. The other one we got was from Sonny's Bar B Que which we love and use for catering at the Lodge as well as going there ourselves for dinner so the next time dinner is on them.........

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