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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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We sailed on a Carnival cruise in 2011 with a couple who said they were part of a "Cupid" group on a previous cruise. He was a really nice guy who was a retired firefighter from Nebraska, Dave, I think was his name. He said there were a whole bunch of Daves in the Cupid group, but he said he was by far the best looking one of the bunch. :) Wife was Alise or maybe Alice or Alex(?). Is this the same Cupid group? Is Dave booked on this cruise? They were a lot of fun and we had a gay old time last time we cruised with them.


We're thinking of booking, but want to be sure "fun Dave" is going to be sailing on this cruise. Anybody know? Dave, are you out there lurking?

Inquiring minds want to know.......we're itching to book!

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We sailed on a Carnival cruise in 2011 with a couple who said they were part of a "Cupid" group on a previous cruise. He was a really nice guy who was a retired firefighter from Nebraska, Dave, I think was his name. He said there were a whole bunch of Daves in the Cupid group, but he said he was by far the best looking one of the bunch. :) Wife was Alise or maybe Alice or Alex(?). Is this the same Cupid group? Is Dave booked on this cruise? They were a lot of fun and we had a gay old time last time we cruised with them.


We're thinking of booking, but want to be sure "fun Dave" is going to be sailing on this cruise. Anybody know? Dave, are you out there lurking?

Inquiring minds want to know.......we're itching to book!


Welcome GoBearsGo. By any chance are you from the Chicago area?


You've got the right group and you have it right, it's Dave and Alise. Last I heard they are sailing with us. They aren't booked in the "official" group but I don't think they normally do. They just stalk us. ;) I'll try to find out of they are still going. Last summer they passed though the Chicago area and we spent some time with them. They are a lot of fun.


I am having computer problems so I am using my daughters Mac. I have never used a Mac before. It's been a challenge because it's different but I think I could be convinced to switch if my computer needs to be put out of it's misery. Dave is working on it but at one point he said we should just throw it away. :eek:

Edited by HeidiHo
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We cruised with Dave and Alise last year on the the Splendor to the Big Island. They booked the Breeze on that sailing. Yes they should be on this sailing. They gave me their contacts but I lost them. I would love to hear from them

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Good Morning!


Vic thank you, I did receive your email.


Fritz and Susie - I messaged Alise and she messaged me back and yes, they are joining us on the Breeze.


I am still using Staci's computer. Dave was working on mine last night but now it's just hung up or something. He starting running a diagnostics and repair thing on it last night and the message said it might take over an hour. Well it's been running like 10 hours now.:eek: Dave has tried to close it or cancel and it won't allow him to. I know nothing about fixing computers so I can't help. Dave is no expert either but he can usually figure things out. So far he is stumped though. I really don't want to spend the money on a new computer right now but I'll have to if mine can't be fixed. I need it for work since I work from home a lot. I could use Dave's computer but I refuse to for two reasons. One, it's a desk top and it's on his desk which is so cluttered that it's hard to even get to the key board. Also it's really old and extremely slow. He should have gotten a new one himself a long time ago. It's been slow like that for a few years already. It's almost like having dial up. For now I can just use Staci's though. She has an iPad for work and doesn't even use her computer as much as she used to.


Have a great weekend.

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We sailed on a Carnival cruise in 2011 with a couple who said they were part of a "Cupid" group on a previous cruise. He was a really nice guy who was a retired firefighter from Nebraska, Dave, I think was his name. He said there were a whole bunch of Daves in the Cupid group, but he said he was by far the best looking one of the bunch. :) Wife was Alise or maybe Alice or Alex(?). Is this the same Cupid group? Is Dave booked on this cruise? They were a lot of fun and we had a gay old time last time we cruised with them.


We're thinking of booking, but want to be sure "fun Dave" is going to be sailing on this cruise. Anybody know? Dave, are you out there lurking?

Inquiring minds want to know.......we're itching to book!


Well hello Fritz & Susie this is Dave (the good looking one) glad to hear you are thinking of cruising with us again. Alise or Al as some call her is hoping you will join us and the rest of the Cupids gang. We remember how funny it was when Fritz was detained by Carnival security because they thought he was a celebrity and they wanted his autograph.

I guess we are all bound to have that happen once in a while.


If you are planning on coming let us know and maybe we could do some excursions together.

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We cruised with Dave and Alise last year on the the Splendor to the Big Island. They booked the Breeze on that sailing. Yes they should be on this sailing. They gave me their contacts but I lost them. I would love to hear from them


Hi joymaker, We are cruising with you on the Breeze and are looking forward to meeting up with you. We had such a great time cruising to Hawaii and hope to do it again sometime.

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We are gearing up for a double whammy here. First we are supposed to get several more inches of snow and then the temps are going to drop and for a couple of days it's not supposed to get above zero. There's a lot of talk that the schools will not re open in Monday. This cruise can't come soon enough.

Edited by HeidiHo
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Good evening Cupids,


Heidi, stay safe and warm. Hope you have lots of cocoa mix and marshmallows. We are going to get cold but not that cold. Monday and Tuesday will stay in the 30s.


Alise, great to hear that you and Dave are sailing with us. Can't wait to see y'all again.



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Heidi ... We're right there with you ... we have the fireplace going and Greg is out in the 30 degree temp grilling burgers. We figure that even it's cold it's going to stop us from having Summer food! :D

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Good Morning!


It has been snowing since last night. We have about 4 more inches so far. It wasn't snowing much when I got up but it has picked up again. The winds have picked up too so it's blowing pretty bad. The high temperature for tomorrow is supposed to be -8. :eek: I was supposed to work tonight but I just got a call and was told not to come. That's the 2nd time this week so I will have a REALLY skimpy paycheck on Friday. :( I am scheduled for 5 shifts this coming week though and I usually only work 4 so that will be good.



Heidi ... We're right there with you ... we have the fireplace going and Greg is out in the 30 degree temp grilling burgers. We figure that even it's cold it's going to stop us from having Summer food! :D


We grill all year around but right now DAve would have to work pretty hard just to get to he grill since it's buried. LOL


I heard back from Bounty Adventures. The ARE taking booking for the Sunset Sail on the day we will be there. They said they have about 40 spots open. We have not decided yet if we are going to do it though. Sue said that in some of the reviews she read that it's a long drive there. She has emailed another company that also has a sunset Sail to see if maybe there's less driving time with them.


Have a great day and those of you experiencing the bitter cold or heavy snow, stay safe.

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Hi Everybody!

We woke up to minus 30 this morning...at least it stopped snowing...for now ;)


Heidi - thanks for the info on the catamaran, but we will have to pass. We are on a shore tour and won't be back in time. I forgot that we don't get in until 2 PM and the sunset is around 5.


As others have said...stay safe and warm!!

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Good morning Cruisers,


Hope everyone is staying warm this morning. It's in the 30s here and will drop into the teens tonight. I know that's a far cry from what some are dealing with but it is cold for Texas.


Heidi, sorry you can't work today. Be safe.


It will not be long before we are sailing to warmer climes.





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We are also headed into the deep freeze! :eek: Low tonight of -18 (-47 wind chill), high tomorrow of -12 (-38 wind chill) with an overnight low of -19 (-44 wind chill). But a real heat wave for Tuesday! high of only -1 (-14 wind chill and overnight low of only -7 (-17 wind chill). And, about that theory of it not snowing when it gets too cold outside? Thank goodness we contract out to have pour hilly driveway plowed! We also have wonderful neighbors who sneak over and shovel the smaller amounts in-between. Sorry for the extended weather report. On the bright side, we're REALLY looking forward to spending some time in the warm Southern Caribbean! Less than 6 weeks - Woo-Hoo!!!!


We haven't done any confirmed shore excursions yet. I was really hoping to do some whale watching in Grand Turk. We visited there on an Easter cruise a couple of years ago (retired teachers, we could only cruise on school holidays) and the locals told us that February is supposed to be the best month to see the humpbacks passing through. Alas, Carnival doesn't offer anything and the local excursions are upwards of $150 per person. I have looked at a couple of Carnival excursion possibilities at the other ports, but haven't bought anything yet.


Our cabin is also an interior on Deck 7 midship. Does anyone know if the exterior of the cabin doors will hold magnets? The photos appear to have some kind of horizontal slats across them. I was thinking of making some "Cupid" (even though we are technically "newpids") group magnets we could put on our outside doors - if anyone thinks that might be a good idea. It would also be a nice memento of the cruise. Let me know what you think and about how many you think I'd need to make.


I hope that all of you stay safe, warm and comfortable and I look forward to meeting everyone soon!



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New menu ... I don't know ... but it would be nice to go on a cruise with something different from the past five cruises.


I think the new menus are being phased in gradually. They may be on our cruise but will only know when we get there.

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We are also headed into the deep freeze! :eek: Low tonight of -18 (-47 wind chill), high tomorrow of -12 (-38 wind chill) with an overnight low of -19 (-44 wind chill). But a real heat wave for Tuesday! high of only -1 (-14 wind chill and overnight low of only -7 (-17 wind chill). And, about that theory of it not snowing when it gets too cold outside? Thank goodness we contract out to have pour hilly driveway plowed! We also have wonderful neighbors who sneak over and shovel the smaller amounts in-between. Sorry for the extended weather report. On the bright side, we're REALLY looking forward to spending some time in the warm Southern Caribbean! Less than 6 weeks - Woo-Hoo!!!!


We haven't done any confirmed shore excursions yet. I was really hoping to do some whale watching in Grand Turk. We visited there on an Easter cruise a couple of years ago (retired teachers, we could only cruise on school holidays) and the locals told us that February is supposed to be the best month to see the humpbacks passing through. Alas, Carnival doesn't offer anything and the local excursions are upwards of $150 per person. I have looked at a couple of Carnival excursion possibilities at the other ports, but haven't bought anything yet.


Our cabin is also an interior on Deck 7 midship. Does anyone know if the exterior of the cabin doors will hold magnets? The photos appear to have some kind of horizontal slats across them. I was thinking of making some "Cupid" (even though we are technically "newpids") group magnets we could put on our outside doors - if anyone thinks that might be a good idea. It would also be a nice memento of the cruise. Let me know what you think and about how many you think I'd need to make.


I hope that all of you stay safe, warm and comfortable and I look forward to meeting everyone soon!



. We are "newpids" also cabin 7398 are we neighbors ? Someone made magnets on a family cruise a couple of years ago. They were helpful and festive. We still have our magnet. Grand Turk we are relaxing at Jacks Shack. I did not know we could possibly see whales. We were fortunate to see several on our Alaskan cruise a couple of years ago. This is my 1st cruise in Feb. Just retired at Christmas from the classroom. Everyone stay warm and safe.
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. We are "newpids" also cabin 7398 are we neighbors ? Someone made magnets on a family cruise a couple of years ago. They were helpful and festive. We still have our magnet. Grand Turk we are relaxing at Jacks Shack. I did not know we could possibly see whales. We were fortunate to see several on our Alaskan cruise a couple of years ago. This is my 1st cruise in Feb. Just retired at Christmas from the classroom. Everyone stay warm and safe.


Looks like you are on the port side just like Bettie and I and Sue and Heidi. I think the doors are metal and the walls should be also. I've covered our door in Cruise Critic magnets before. Great way to find your room plus I don't mind missing a few.



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We are in 7289. It looks like we are on the other side of the ship (starboard), but well within hailing distance!


We booked all of our excursions through Carnival today. One less thing to have to think about before the cruise. We'll do the "Reef and Rays" excursion in Grand Turk. Maybe we'll get lucky and see some whales while we're out in the boat. We also saw a few on a cruise in Alaska a couple of years ago, but the best experience was on a whale watching tour in Dominica (another Easter cruise). We saw sperm whales, dolphins and a couple of late staying humpbacks that hung around and played next to the catamaran for a couple of hours! The guys working on the boat were even taking pictures because the whales were so close to the boat. Best. Excursion. Ever! When we had to leave to get back to the ship, one of the whales just floated with her head out of the water, staring at us as if to say "Hey, where are you guys going! We want to show off some more!"


Maybe someone can give me an estimated number of magnets to print out?


Any confirmation of doing a white elephant or small gift exchange?

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