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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Good morning, Breeze buddies and happy Friday to all!!

I looked and looked and finally found us on page 6.:eek: Ok any of you lurkers out there that have signed up for this cruise let's hear from you......Plus don't forget if you have not signed up, you need to motivate on that one. How's that, Heidi, did I do good?

Busy day yesterday at work and I think I now have the other job I am going to be doing down to a science. Today will be trying to answer the phone and do her job.:eek:

Sue, yea, the baler is fixed. I hope it did not rain so you could get it done.

Yes, I have some wonderful memories of my little girl and then I have those teen years...:eek: which I would gladly do over again.

Char, I hope I did not upset you with talking about my pictures. That is the last thing I would ever want to do.

Heidi, speaking of corn, we have alot of stores both in the paper and on TV talking about how many different items have corn in them. There goes the prices again. Oh and the good ole oil went up over $2 yesterday so here goes the prices on that one.

Rick, I am sure they will get you cruises fixed for you. Give them a jingle.

Well not much to do this morning before work so I will just lurk a bit. You'll have a great weekend.

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Just back from the library where I picked up the DVD Gettysburg based on Michael Sharra's book The Killer Angels. I had just finished the book a couple of days before we went to Gettysburg last summer and was absolutely flabbergasted that Lee would ever have embarked on the strategy he had. He ran the Confederate troops straight up a hill strewn with large boulders that hid sharpshooters who just picked off the Southern Forces like so many mosquitos. At any rate we will watch the film on Sunday. It is another epic like Gone with The Wind (over 4 hours) so we watch half, then stop for wine and cheeze and dinner then back to the second half.

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Hello there Breeze Buddies!

Sorry I've been "slacking".

As Heidi mentioned, I saw Heidi at the OG on Wednesday. My friend that I was dining with was very intrigued hearing about cruises and how some of us are meeting up this Saturday and that we are from all over the country. She hinted that this was similar to a cult (but didn't use that word, I think she used the word tribe)... it didn't help that when we arrived to the Olive Garden, Heidi immediately handed us some cruise propaganda! :eek: ;)

But that is a conversation for another day...

I'm looking forward to Bahama Breeze on Saturday! Sue, I'm sorry you're not able to join us.

Yesterday was the last day of summer school for me, so I may now have a few weeks off... probably not. Something always comes up, which is fine.

Sue, Andy said he's going to liquor up before going to Bahama Breeze, so I am SURE there will be a comedy routine coming from him! He was on fire last Friday night at Happy Hour (with the same friend I went to the Olive Garden with) describing what cruising was like... including the Italian Captain, compete with accent.

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Morning Cupids...


It rained here yesterday. :eek: :eek: I was shocked we NEVER get rain in July...so I expected thunder storms as well because summer is when we get those but usually in August...it was muggy too. :(


Well I apologize I was a lurker last night and did find us on page 4 so I should have fixed that...but I was so dang tired. We worked in the church office ALL day instead of half day and it was crazy busy...not use to doing that stuff any more. LOL Then we were starved so decided to try out a new restaurant in town and ran into some friends...actually our neighbors across the street...and joined them had a great time.


Cat...don't you worry about upsetting me when you talk about your sweet girl all kinds of weird things make me sad sometimes and other times doesn't bother me much...actually I am making a photo book about Robin myself because I want her future grandchildren who won't meet her to know her...and yes I do some crying too when going through the photos...but sometimes I laugh when I remember some of the funny things she did as a kid...kind of a catch-22.


Sue...thanks for your kind words I do appreciate your thinking about me.


Robin...we lived in the Sacramento area for 15 years...Jim's job took us there and we loved the area...I know Carmichael and it is a nice place to live...we lived mostly in Elk Grove...but later after we retired we moved to Lincoln then back to Fresno to be near family. We are going to Placerville tomorrow and I am really excited about being there...I like Placerville and Jim's cousins live in horse country there with about 10 acres so will be fun.


Rick...have you read the book "Killing Lincoln"? I started it but have been so busy that I haven't had time to finish it...but it is written in an unusual way and kind of brought the civil war to life for me. I am not a civil war buff tho' but it is an important part of our history and would love to travel some of the country where it took place.


Jenny...welcome and happy that you are posting...we have friends in Defiance Ohio...never been there but love the name of the town...I even have a sweatshirt that says Defiance...fits me exactly. LOL


Well I gotta run...shopping and lunch with Lisa...we both have been so busy that all we have done is talk on the phone for the last two weeks. :eek: So I am excited about today.


Will try and get back on tonight...but we are leaving early on Saturday morning. So have a great week-end everyone.

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Char, I had forgotten about the book Killing Lincoln. Thanx, for reminding me..I just ordered it for my Kindle. The first week in June when we were on our way back from Rockford,Ill we stopped in Springfield at the new Lincoln Presidential Museum and Library. It was our second time there and it is truly amazing. They go thru his entire life in a circular building ending with a complete reconstruction of the Capitol Dome where his body lay including the casket, the towering canopy over it and all the flowers around it. Along the top of the room is the etching: Washington, Father of Our Country...Lincoln,Savior of Our Country. Having lived in Illinois it is pretty much impossible to avoid Lincoln!!!

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Good Afternoon!


Staci is home and she wanted to go see Batman Rises so we went this morning. Of course I couldn't help thinking about the terrible tragedy in Colorado last night. What an awful thing. The movie was pretty good but I haven't seen the previous 2 so there were things I probably didn't understand. These aren't really my type of movies but Staci loves them and she wanted me to go with her so of course I said yes. I love spending time with her. She'll be going back to Normal the end of this weekend but then will come home again the end of next week and this time she will stay until mid August. The department at the university that she works in closes down for August. She will have to be back about a week before school starts to get ready for sorority recruitment. I can't believe she's a senior already. The time goes by so fast.


I do get to chat with Eric fairly often, usually just FB instant messages. I thought that with the drastic time difference (Vietnam is exactly 12 hours ahead of us) we wouldn't get to talk much but actually we are both of FB at the same times very often because we both tend to be on 1st thing in the morning and then again before going to bed.


Cat - thanks for putting in a plug for the cruise. I do want to remind people again that the $25.00 deposit has been extended through the end of July and that if you don't book before then there's no guarantee that you will get the $100.00 per cabin credit due to Carnival changing the rules on that.


Gotta work tonight. Have a good one.

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Thanks for the kind responses. This thread is very active, i hope i can keep up. It will just be my husband and i on this cruise but the one i am taking in November the 15 & 18 y/o are coming. I bounce back and forth about taking them but I think i just want to keep it mostly as something my husband and i do alone together and if there is an itinary that i think they would love and i have got to take them then i will take them. First i will see how they like this November cruise. They might not like it and they may turn into cruise addicts.


For the Ohio questions/comments: We have lived in Perrysburg, OH by Toledo for a year. I think i drove through Defiance a few times on our way back to Wisconsin but that is it. We are not originally from Ohio but from Mukwonago WI. My husbands company transferred us out of WI to Tennessee and then to Ohio where they downsized and left us out here. We are happy with that and have made a life here. Although i dream of moving to Florida or somewhere with warm winters I think i am not going anywhere for a while.


Hope everyone is having a great week :)

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I looked and looked and finally found us on page 6.:eek: Ok any of you lurkers out there that have signed up for this cruise let's hear from you......Plus don't forget if you have not signed up, you need to motivate on that one. How's that, Heidi, did I do good?


I am one of those Lurkers - sorry. :o I read the posts every morning on my Blackberry, but have trouble finding computer time at home. We have 3 computers, but between my DH and 2 DS they are usually occupied. I got off work early today and beat everyone home, so here I am.


The last 2 weeks at work have been very busy. Next week though we slow down. 5 of our Dr's are gone next week. 2 of them are going to the Olympics in London, they are team Dr's - one for wrestling and one for cycling. They will be gone for 3 weeks. Sounds like fun, but it is a lot of work too.


It is 106 right now and we sure need some rain. They instituted a burn ban for our county last night due to the drought. So far we are not as bad as last year, but we are getting there.


Frank's brother is visiting us this weekend, so that will be fun.


Everyone have a good weekend!!!

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Good Morning Breeze Buddies and it is looking like it will be a nice day. Yesterday our high was 72. Hard to believe when the day before it was in the 90s.


Rick - I love Gettysburg. I can't tell you how many times we have been there. It is one of my favorite places to visit. Enjoy your movie.


Sue - I hope your baler stops giving you problems and you can finish and maybe relax for a bit.


At times, I'm a semi-lurker sometimes it is hard to just take a couple minutes and write something. I love that more people are now popping in, it is nice to read all about everyone's day. I need to make a list of names and screen names since I'm having difficulty keeping track of this.


Have fun you guys at Bahama Breeze. We only have one here and it is about 30 miles away from our home so we don't get there very often.


Jen - glad to hear from you. We have friends in Delaware. We live about 30 miles southwest of Cleveland.


Yesterday afternoon got a call from my DD who asked if I had plans for that evening. Someone at work had tickets for Rod Stewart/Stevie Nicks and couldn't use them. She gave them to me and my sister and I went. I have never seen him in concert before but heard he is very good. I had talked about going, but I have a difficult time paying the price of a ticket these days. These were going for around $100, a little out of my budget, so free sounded really good. Stevie Nicks did mostly Fleetwood Mac songs and was very good. Rod can still move around the stage but you an tell he is slowing down, he tries but it just isn't the same. He call still kick a soccer ball though. We really enjoyed it.


Well, off to get my hair done this morning.


Have a great day everyone, Donna

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A quick hello this morning. We are off to get 6 rotisserie chickens to prepare dinner at the Lodge tonight for 24 people. Also we get to pick up a surprise bithday cake for a member tonight who is celebrating his 88th. BD.

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Kathi ~ YAY, another possible Kathi (Kathy, Cathy, Cat)!! You would be Kathi #4 on this cruise. WELCOME, and hope you do book this cruise. Please do chat with us, even if you don't end up booking (but hope you DO). So nice to have another with Oregon roots! Sisters is gorgeous. We spend a lot of time in Bend, because that's where our kids live. GO DUCKS! :D


Dave took a drive line off our brush beater and put it on the baler so they could keep baling. He got a lot done, and Dave and I got every bale hauled. He even pulled the one out of the baler to even out the load. :p


If he had a good night, there shouldn't be much left to bale this morning. Our baler guy is sleeping in Greg's room right now. Didn't hear him come in, so I don't know how long he stayed out there last night/this morning.


I am so sorry I can't be with you guys at Bahama Breeze tonight (how fitting...since we will be on the BREEZE). Have fun!

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Good Morning!


I'm afraid that lately we've had a couple of new people book or indicate that they are interested. but I didn't immediately go and update our lists. I figured I'd go back and do it soon but of course, time got away from me and I forgot for a few days. I spent quite a bit of time updating this morning and below is the list as I believe it stands right now but I may have missed someone so please look for you names and let me know if I made any mistakes or left anyone off. I apologize if I did. Thanks.





HeidiHo (Heidi and Dave) Booked

Cruisin Dave (Dave and Bettie) Booked

RICKAR (Rick and Karen)

Walkswife (Renee)

AKB10 (Frank and Kathy) Booked

roudy1 (Char and Jim) Booked



ed_k_tx (Ed and Dale) Booked

nolababe504 (Brian and Rachel)

Mimiof2 (Lisa and Kevin) Booked

Jimmylisa (Lisa and James)

momofzeke (Sue and Dave) Booked

Ducman & Nazaruska (Chris and Michelle) Booked

Ltvscout (Scott and Tami)


dadof2boys (Joe and Alisha + 2 kids)

quietman12 (Bob and Lisa)


cruiselover999 (Kelly and Eric)

Cruisin' Jeanie (Jean and Ben, Jeremy and Chelsea)

Cruisin2Sun (Gail)

PoofyTheCat (Mimi and Andy) Booked

Dspcentury (David and Adrianne)

Psych NP (Heidi and Missy)

jreichow (John and Jenny) Booked

stepha06 (Stephanie, Justin, Matthew and Dylan) Booked

lala363 (Leslie, Aaron and Steve)

Valor2005 (Ray and Kim)

De-Luxe08 (Donna and Ed) Booked

ShrtSwtDeb (Deb and Mike)

lls9097 (Dick and Linda)

jmwg49 (Jill, Jonathan, Jocelyn and Joel)

Das Boat (David and Alise)

chinathepug (Aric and Debbie)

kornkitten (Noelle and JB)

ltcal94 (Almarosa and Leo)

Flick (Rick & Kay and Jann & Ken) Booked

CruisefromNY (Anna and Jeff) Booked


NiceAFT (Dennis and Darcie)

corkyanige (Angie and Corky)

dizkid (Paul and Brigitte

texascyn (Larry and Cyndy)

kjc2011 (Kimberly, Jose, Logan and Keegan)



Kik35 (Claudia and Joe)

Marcel.from.NL (Petra and Marcel)

dremn2004 (Penny and Shane)


Scorpguy (Clint)

MarkASparks (Mark and Lorie) Booked

ktravel (Kathy and Joe) Booked



pechez (Mary)

jcblack77 Booked (2 cabins)

Cathy p (Cathy and Kenny) Booked

Rhys616 Booked


Roe95695 (Robin and Jim) Booked

Ilaga (Barbara and Jerry) Booked

Sheila and husband Booked

Jann and Ken Booked

jreichow (Jenny and John) Booked

Edited by HeidiHo
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Ok hoping third times the charm here.... won't let me post!!!


Well now that i'm on laptop instead of phone hopefully I can post more often...


My godson is doing well .... he is getting feeling back in his legs which they didn't expect;) They really won't know what he will get back for weeks when all the swelling goes down.....

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My godson is doing well .... he is getting feeling back in his legs which they didn't expect;) They really won't know what he will get back for weeks when all the swelling goes down.....


Renee - that IS good news. I hope he continues to improve.


Renee maybe all the praying for your godson is beginning to work...won't stop now..too close to Victory!!!


I count 23 cabins booked or 46 people going so far.


It's actually 25 cabins. jcblack77 has 2 cabins booked. I have them marked as booked but forgot to highlight it in red.

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HeidiHo (Heidi and Dave) Booked

Cruisin Dave (Dave and Bettie) Booked

RICKAR (Rick and Karen)

Walkswife (Renee)

AKB10 (Frank and Kathy) Booked

roudy1 (Char and Jim) Booked



ed_k_tx (Ed and Dale) Booked

nolababe504 (Brian and Rachel)

Mimiof2 (Lisa and Kevin) Booked

Jimmylisa (Lisa and James)

momofzeke (Sue and Dave) Booked

Ducman & Nazaruska (Chris and Michelle) Booked

Ltvscout (Scott and Tami)


dadof2boys (Joe and Alisha + 2 kids)

quietman12 (Bob and Lisa)


cruiselover999 (Kelly and Eric)

Cruisin' Jeanie (Jean and Ben, Jeremy and Chelsea)

Cruisin2Sun (Gail)

PoofyTheCat (Mimi and Andy) Booked

Dspcentury (David and Adrianne)

Psych NP (Heidi and Missy)

jreichow (John and Jenny) Booked

stepha06 (Stephanie, Justin, Matthew and Dylan) Booked

lala363 (Leslie, Aaron and Steve)

Valor2005 (Ray and Kim)

De-Luxe08 (Donna and Ed) Booked

ShrtSwtDeb (Deb and Mike)

lls9097 (Dick and Linda)

jmwg49 (Jill, Jonathan, Jocelyn and Joel)

Das Boat (David and Alise)

chinathepug (Aric and Debbie)

kornkitten (Noelle and JB)

ltcal94 (Almarosa and Leo)

Flick (Rick & Kay and Jann & Ken) Booked

CruisefromNY (Anna and Jeff) Booked


NiceAFT (Dennis and Darcie)

corkyanige (Angie and Corky)

dizkid (Paul and Brigitte

texascyn (Larry and Cyndy)

kjc2011 (Kimberly, Jose, Logan and Keegan)



Kik35 (Claudia and Joe)

Marcel.from.NL (Petra and Marcel)

dremn2004 (Penny and Shane)


Scorpguy (Clint)

MarkASparks (Mark and Lorie) Booked

ktravel (Kathy and Joe) Booked



pechez (Mary)

jcblack77 Booked (2 cabins)

Cathy p (Cathy and Kenny) Booked

Rhys616 Booked


Roe95695 (Robin and Jim) Booked

Ilaga (Barbara and Jerry) Booked

Sheila and husband Booked

Jann and Ken Booked

jreichow (Jenny and John) Booked

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Renee maybe all the praying for your godson is beginning to work...won't stop now..too close to Victory!!!


I count 23 cabins booked or 46 people going so far.



Well if that's whats working everyone keep praying!!!! :)

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I am booking by the end of the month.... I figure if I do have to cancel its $50 versus losing out on $100 if I can find a roommate...


Cool, and if you actually get it booked it'll make it more real and will give you more incentive to save up for it.

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I officially have a roommate.... my friend Lisa is going with me and will be a Newpid and virgin cruiser....lol.... we are depositing either friday or monday:D


WOO HOO!!!! So glad, girlie. Will be fun to have you with us again! :D I'm glad to hear the news that your godson is improving.


Heidi ~ you have Jenny & John (jreichow1972) listed twice. I'm so glad you guys had a good time last night! Wish we could have been there.




Finished yesterday afternoon. We didn't get to go to Bend for my friend's party, but I'm so happy to be done it didn't even bother me that much. Dave and I did go out to dinner last night to celebrate.


We have been on a roller coaster of emotions for the last month. We've had our ranch listed for sale a couple of times, but pulled it off the market 2 years ago. Well, Dave has been thinking of selling again, and in fact we had made the decision to sell, after lots and lots of tears and anguish (on my part) because we really do love this place so much and we just remodeled the house and I LOVE it so much! Anyway, long story short...I could see that Dave was having second thoughts and finally yesterday he admitted it. He thinks the stress of haying just got to him, but he realizes that he isn't ready to leave here. I feel so relieved! We want to move to Central Oregon, close to the kids, one day....but I'm happy to wait a while to do that. Maybe in about 5 years or so.

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Good Morning!


I don't like Sunday's. Sunday's are my Monday's because they are the beginning of my work week and also Sunday night is usually my longest shift of the week. It's normally about 7 hours long.



I officially have a roommate.... my friend Lisa is going with me and will be a Newpid and virgin cruiser....lol.... we are depositing either friday or monday:D





Heidi ~ you have Jenny & John (jreichow1972) listed twice.


Sue - thanks for pointing that out. It's hard not to make mistakes in the list. It's also hard because when I copy and paste it it doesn't pick up the fonts and colors, it just copies it all with the same small font and blue color so I have to go through and change everything every time I copy and paste.


Have a good day. :)

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Here's the corrected list. Actually, I just discovered that if I use switch to Firefox (I normally use Google Chrome as my browser) I can copy and paste and all my fonts and colors will remain the way I want them so I don't have to go through and change them. It's kind of strange that there are certain things that I can only do using Google Chrome and certain things I can only do using Firefox so I have to switch back and forth occasionally.






HeidiHo (Heidi and Dave) Booked

Cruisin Dave (Dave and Bettie) Booked

RICKAR (Rick and Karen)

Walkswife (Renee)

AKB10 (Frank and Kathy) Booked

roudy1 (Char and Jim) Booked



ed_k_tx (Ed and Dale) Booked

nolababe504 (Brian and Rachel)

Mimiof2 (Lisa and Kevin) Booked

Jimmylisa (Lisa and James)

momofzeke (Sue and Dave) Booked

Ducman & Nazaruska (Chris and Michelle) Booked

Ltvscout (Scott and Tami)


dadof2boys (Joe and Alisha + 2 kids)

quietman12 (Bob and Lisa)


cruiselover999 (Kelly and Eric)

Cruisin' Jeanie (Jean and Ben, Jeremy and Chelsea)

Cruisin2Sun (Gail)

PoofyTheCat (Mimi and Andy) Booked

Dspcentury (David and Adrianne)

Psych NP (Heidi and Missy)

jreichow (John and Jenny) Booked

stepha06 (Stephanie, Justin, Matthew and Dylan) Booked

lala363 (Leslie, Aaron and Steve)

Valor2005 (Ray and Kim)

De-Luxe08 (Donna and Ed) Booked

ShrtSwtDeb (Deb and Mike)

lls9097 (Dick and Linda)

jmwg49 (Jill, Jonathan, Jocelyn and Joel)

Das Boat (David and Alise)

chinathepug (Aric and Debbie)

kornkitten (Noelle and JB)

ltcal94 (Almarosa and Leo)

Flick (Rick & Kay and Jann & Ken) Booked

CruisefromNY (Anna and Jeff) Booked


NiceAFT (Dennis and Darcie)

corkyanige (Angie and Corky)

dizkid (Paul and Brigitte

texascyn (Larry and Cyndy)

kjc2011 (Kimberly, Jose, Logan and Keegan)



Kik35 (Claudia and Joe)

Marcel.from.NL (Petra and Marcel)

dremn2004 (Penny and Shane)


Scorpguy (Clint)

MarkASparks (Mark and Lorie) Booked

ktravel (Kathy and Joe) Booked



pechez (Mary)

jcblack77 Booked (2 cabins)

Cathy p (Cathy and Kenny) Booked

Rhys616 Booked


Roe95695 (Robin and Jim) Booked

Ilaga (Barbara and Jerry) Booked

Sheila and husband Booked

Jann and Ken Booked

Edited by HeidiHo
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